Category: Replica (Page 1 of 5)


Chapter 46 – Replica

Chapter 46: Fairy Tale Town (End)


When Xu Huaiming had just returned, he put up blinds on the bedroom window. When the sun rose, its rays filtered through the gaps, casting dappled shadows. The bedroom was sunny, and the soft light lazily kissed their faces.


Tan Xilu had been ill for three to five days, confined to his bed. His fever persisted, and he struggled to keep down the soup his mother prepared. On the morning of the seventh day of the new year, Tan Xilu finally had a brief moment of clarity.


The sunlight was blinding. Tan Xilu blinked his eyes and took a while to turn his gaze towards his mother, who was stirring the millet soup by the bedside.


He cleared his throat and called out, “Mom.”


Hearing Tan Xilu’s voice, his mother’s hand holding the ladle trembled, causing hot soup to splash on her hand, stinging, but she endured the pain and didn’t say a word. She placed the bowl on the bedside table and used her other hand to gently rub the burnt area while looking at Tan Xilu, asking, “You, my child, have finally awakened.”


Tan Xilu’s eyelids still felt heavy, and he blinked, asking, “How many days have I been sleeping?”


“Today is already the seventh day,” Tan’s mother replied. “If your fever had continued, you might have ended up in heaven when you woke up.”


“It’s not that dramatic,” Tan Xilu said, raising the corner of his mouth and smiling. After a moment, he added, “Mom, I’m a bit hungry.”


“The doctor said to eat something light, so I made you rice soup. I was afraid rice porridge would be too thick for your digestion. Come on, sit up, and I’ll bring it to you,” Tan’s mother replied.


“Okay.” Tan Xilu had been lying in bed for nearly a week, and he felt like his muscles were withering away. He made a considerable effort to prop himself up against the headboard.


The rice soup was lukewarm and just right. Tan Xilu took small sips, but after several days with nothing in his stomach, his body had an involuntary rejection response. Tan’s mother placed a trash bin by the bed, and he ended up vomiting half of the bowl of rice soup.


Seeing Tan Xilu like this, his mother also felt distressed. She sighed and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, asking, “Xiaolu, it’s been so many days, hasn’t your boyfriend come to see you?”


Upon hearing this, Tan Xilu’s hand hesitated for a moment. He then said, “Maybe he’s busy?”


In reality, they had already broken up, and he was sure that he wouldn’t be visited, especially since he hadn’t even received a New Year’s greeting from him. He also had no idea how things were going for Xu Huaiming at the research institute.


“Is that so?” Tan’s mother seemed somewhat hesitant. “It’s the big New Year holiday, how busy could he be at home? Didn’t you say he opened a dessert shop? Which one is it?”


“It’s the one next to the snack street near the Normal University gate. I used to eat there a lot,” Tan Xilu said, his gaze lowered. He wasn’t sure if Xu Huaiming’s dessert shop was still open.


Tan’s mother was taken aback and looked at Tan Xilu with a puzzled expression. She then opened her mouth after a moment of silence. “That shop, huh?”


Tan Xilu felt that his mother’s expression was a bit strange, but he couldn’t figure out what was going on, so he asked, “What’s wrong with that shop? Is there a problem?”


“No,” Tan’s mother shook her head and forced a smile. “Nothing.”


Tan Xilu said, “Oh,” and finished the rest of the rice soup before handing the bowl to his mother.


His mother took it and said, “When you had a fever, and you refused to go to the hospital, your father hired a private doctor. She comes every day to administer your IV drip, and she’s coming to give you today’s drip in a while. For now, watch some TV and don’t go back to sleep.”


“Okay,” Tan Xilu felt a bit puzzled. Would they administer an IV while he was awake? However, he didn’t dwell on it and said, “I understand.”


His mother nodded and took the bowl to the kitchen.


Standing by the kitchen sink, Tan’s mother suddenly felt her ankle being tugged from behind. She looked down and saw that it was the cat, Beibei. Beibei had been sunbathing on the balcony but came in when she saw Tan’s mother’s distress. Wagging her tail, Beibei entered the kitchen.


Tan’s mother felt something pulling at her pants leg and, upon closer inspection, found that Beibei was biting her. She squatted down, tears rolling down her face, and petted the cat, saying, “Little one, Auntie is a bit scared.”


Tan Xilu had told her that Xu Huaiming’s dessert shop was located next to the university’s food street. However, Tan’s mother had just bought ingredients from that area a few days ago, and that dessert shop had closed down many years ago, with no one taking it over. How could Tan Xilu have been eating desserts there?


Tan’s mother’s heart raced.


Beibei licked Tan’s mother’s palm and meowed, as if trying to comfort her.


Tan’s mother picked up the cat and cried for a while with her head down.


About ten minutes later, Tan’s father returned, accompanied by a woman who appeared to be in her thirties. She was a psychologist whom Tan’s father had invited through a colleague. She was known to be authoritative in the field, and they had brought her in to confirm whether Tan Xilu had indeed fabricated the existence of someone who didn’t exist.


From the moment the woman sat down diagonally across from him, Tan Xilu felt that something was amiss. Wasn’t she here to administer an IV? Why didn’t she have an IV with her? Instead, she looked at him as if scrutinizing him, which made Tan Xilu uncomfortable. He looked at his mother with a puzzled expression, and she explained, “Xiaolu, the doctor is just conducting an initial patient history survey for the new year. Answer her questions honestly, and don’t feel burdened.”


Frowning, Tan Xilu didn’t really want to participate in this survey, but he couldn’t refuse. He could only nod.


The woman looked at Tan Xilu and asked, “Can you tell me the story of you and your lover? Even just a little.”


Tan Xilu was puzzled. “Do we need to discuss this?”


The woman smirked, her lips curling up. “I’m curious.”


Tan Xilu looked at her for a moment before reluctantly starting, “We’ve already broken up.”


“What happened after the breakup? Did he look for you?” the woman asked. “Why did you two separate?”


“He looked for me,” Tan Xilu answered one question at a time. “It was… his issue.”


“What issue?”


 The woman’s tone grew more pressing.


Tan Xilu looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and then said, “I don’t want to answer that.”


“Alright,” the woman spread her hands and said, “You don’t have to answer. Can I ask, after the breakup, did he contact you on your phone?”


Tan Xilu nodded and said, “Yes, he did. He sent me a Happy New Year message on New Year’s Eve.”


“Is it because of the breakup that you didn’t reply?” the woman inquired.


“Not really. That day, one of my students had a car accident, and I was too occupied to respond. I forgot about it later.”


“If the school hadn’t had an incident, would you have replied?”




“Why not?”


“We’ve already broken up, so there’s no need to stay in touch.”


The woman nodded and continued, “Can I use your phone for a moment? I won’t touch anything else.”


Tan Xilu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and took his phone from the bedside table. He unlocked it and opened the WeChat chat with Xu Huaiming. Indeed, there was a New Year’s greeting from Xu Huaiming around midnight on New Year’s Eve.


“Is it because of the breakup that you didn’t reply to him?” the woman asked again.


“Not really. I was busy that day because of the car accident. Besides, I forgot about it later.”


“Alright,” the woman said, “You don’t have to answer that. May I use your phone for a moment? I won’t touch anything else.”


Tan Xilu replied, “Sure.”


The woman smiled, and despite her exquisite makeup and fiery red lips, she didn’t make him feel distant. She looked down at Tan Xilu’s phone, and her elegant fingers gently swiped across the screen.


For a moment, Tan Xilu felt that the woman’s eyes resembled Xu Huaiming’s, but Xu Huaiming had a much gentler look, lacking this sharpness.


After a while, the woman returned the phone to him. Her expression was no longer lazy but rather serious. She then asked, “Do you have two phones?”


Tan Xilu questioned, “Why do you ask that?”

Upon hearing the woman’s question about having two phones, Tan Xilu’s face visibly changed, then he averted his gaze and said, “I don’t have two phones.”


“Is that so?” The woman pressed a button on the phone and then stood up. She glanced at Tan Xilu’s bedside table, then turned to open and close the wardrobe. Finally, she crouched down and found a small box in the corner of the wardrobe.


She took the box out, and there was a vibrating sound coming from it.


The woman placed the box on the bedside table, opened it, and took out another phone. She said to Tan Xilu, “Everyone has their own texting habits when they communicate with others. For example, some people add an emoji after every sentence, while others like to use punctuation marks. Based on your messaging habits with your lover, it appears that it was the same person sending the messages.”


“What do you mean by this?” Tan Xilu looked at her in bewilderment. “Are you suggesting that I’m ill?”


At this point, he should have realized that this woman was not a doctor coming to administer an IV, and he understood the implication behind her words. He looked at his parents with a resentful expression and said, “So, you think I’m sick, and that’s why you brought in this doctor?”


Tan’s mother looked at Tan Xilu with worry and said, “No, Mom just cares about you.”


Tan Xilu bit his lip, turned his head toward the window, and after about a minute, he picked up his own phone and called Li Zhao. Only Li Zhao could confirm the existence of Xu Huaiming.


Li Zhao answered almost immediately, “Tan Xilu? Why are you suddenly calling me? Missed me?”


“Li Zhao, please quickly tell my parents who Xu Huaiming is, okay? They don’t believe me,” Tan Xilu’s tone was anxious, as if he was on the verge of tears.


“Xu Huaiming?” Li Zhao sounded like he didn’t remember this person. “Who is that? I don’t know him.”


“How is that possible? It’s the AI you introduced me to at the research institute! You told me he was an AI! And there was Professor Bowen…”


T/N: And that’s the end of it! Poor Tan Xilu… was his lover ever real or was it all a figment of his imagination, we’ll never know…

Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 45 – Replica

Chapter 45: Peach Blossom Promise


It seemed that going through such a life-and-death experience had made Tan Xilu rethink everything. In the past, his eyes were filled with wild pursuits, but now, lying in the hospital bed, his gaze towards Xu Huaiming had become strangely unfamiliar.


Xu Huaiming, feeling a bit frustrated after a disagreement with Lin Changyu, had gone to the hospital rooftop to smoke two cigarettes. He had a faint tobacco smell on him, not too overpowering but not pleasant either. He sat on the companion chair, peeling a banana for Tan Xilu with his head down.


Tan Xilu knew that Xu Huaiming was a smoker. Standing in a high position, there were certain pressures that forced him to do so. In the past, when Tan Xilu watered the flowers and plants Xu Huaiming kept on the balcony of their apartment, he often found many cigarette butts on the ground. At that time, Tan Xilu would clean up while joking with Xu Huaiming, “Smoking is bad for your health; your lungs must be turning black.”


It seemed that, due to the life-and-death experience, Tan Xilu had a change of heart. In the past, his mind was filled with wild pursuits, but now, lying in the hospital bed, his gaze towards Xu Huaiming appeared strangely unfamiliar.


Xu Huaiming, feeling somewhat frustrated after a disagreement with Lin Changyu, went to the hospital rooftop for a smoke. He had a slight tobacco odor on him, not too overpowering but not pleasant either. He sat on a companion chair, peeling a banana for Tan Xilu with his head lowered.


Tan Xilu knew that Xu Huaiming was a smoker. He stood in a high position, facing certain pressures that led to this habit. In the past, when Tan Xilu watered the flowers and plants Xu Huaiming kept on their apartment balcony, he often found many cigarette butts on the ground. At that time, Tan Xilu would clean up while joking with Xu Huaiming, “Smoking is bad for your health; your lungs must be turning black.”


Xu Huaiming didn’t seem to pay much attention, saying he understood, but Tan Xilu would find another pile of cigarette butts the next time he went to the balcony.


Tan Xilu always reminded Xu Huaiming of his various bad habits, even on the day before Xu Huaiming planned to move out of the apartment after getting married. But now, Tan Xilu didn’t bother anymore.


Xu Huaiming was going to be a father; he had his own family now, and Tan Xilu shouldn’t hope for anything more.


Anyway, Tan Xilu was still young. When he met someone new, he would forget about Xu Huaiming.


With this in mind, Tan Xilu said to Xu Huaiming, “I’ve told you so many times not to smoke, but you don’t listen. The smell is really strong.”


“Is it?” Xu Huaiming furrowed his brow, lifted his hand to sniff himself, and admitted, “It does seem like there’s a bit. I’ll go change my clothes when I go back.” With that, he handed the peeled banana to Tan Xilu.


“It’s not that serious,” Tan Xilu took the banana, sighed, and suddenly asked, “Have you and Shanshan sister decided on a wedding date?”


Apparently caught off guard by Tan Xilu’s question, Xu Huaiming paused for a moment and then replied, “We haven’t discussed it yet.”


“Well, you should put it on the agenda,” Tan Xilu raised his eyebrows and looked at him. “Girls like to wear beautiful wedding dresses, and it won’t look good when she starts to show.”


Xu Huaiming mumbled a dry “Hmm” and cleared his throat, “I’ll discuss it with her in the next few days.”


Tan Xilu nodded and added, “Also, I used to nag you about quitting smoking, but since you have a baby now, you must quit, even if it’s just smoking less. You need to control your temper a bit too and be more patient with the child. I listen to you because I like you, but kids don’t work that way; they can be quite naughty.”


Xu Huaiming felt that Tan Xilu was being a bit verbose. He was puzzled as to why Tan Xilu suddenly said all this. He was about to ask when Tan Xilu quickly provided the reason.


Tan Xilu said to him, “Xu Huaiming, I’ve wasted too much time and energy on you. When I was in surgery, I was actually somewhat conscious. I could feel the instruments moving inside my body. At that moment, I suddenly thought that I might have wasted too much of my life chasing after you. I should have had many other things to do. I shouldn’t have given up my own life for you.”


“So, Xu Huaiming, this time, I will truly forget you. I won’t selfishly disrupt your life anymore.”


After a pause, he added, “I wish you a happy wedding.”


Tan Xilu unilaterally declared to Xu Huaiming: he was going to start anew.


For a brief moment, Xu Huaiming’s face became very unsightly. He had never harbored feelings for Tan Xilu, but at this moment, he felt like something very important had been forcibly taken from him by Tan Xilu.


[I LOVE TXL] – was engraved inside.


I love Tan Xilu.


This was the declaration that was written inside for Tan Xilu.


It was found in Li Zhao’s coat. Tan Xilu suddenly wondered, could this be a ring that Li Zhao gave him? But upon second thought, it seemed unlikely. Given Li Zhao’s taste, he would have bought a big diamond ring, and they weren’t even in a romantic relationship. Why would Li Zhao give him a ring?


The only person left who would buy him a ring to make him happy was…


Tan Xilu took a deep breath and slid the ring onto his middle finger, fitting just right.


“Son, this is…” Tan’s mother was still puzzled, and when she saw Tan Xilu putting on the ring, she was a bit confused.


Tan Xilu didn’t say anything, but his eyes became slightly teary. He cleared his throat, suddenly hugged his mother, and began to cry quietly.


It was the evening of New Year’s Day. Outside, houses were lit up with lights, and fireworks occasionally streaked across the sky, illuminating it briefly before disappearing into the dark night.


Inside the room, Tan Xilu felt like a lost child, crying on his mother’s shoulder.


He felt heavy and unresponsive, as if in a still pond without ripples, suffocating in his chest.


It made him struggle to breathe, and amid the dim and dark surroundings, tears consumed his heart, screaming one phrase in his ears.


Tan Xilu moved his lips slightly and said to his mother, “Mom, I think I’ve lost someone who loved me very much.”


Tan Xilu fell ill again.


On the second day of the new year, Tan’s mother woke him up and found that his forehead was covered in cold sweat, his cheeks were abnormally red, and the pillow was already half wet.


This time, Tan Xilu adamantly refused to go to the hospital and insisted on going to his apartment, saying that Xu Huaiming was waiting for him there.


Helpless, Tan’s mother and father had no choice but to take him there.


The apartment was eerily quiet, and there was no sign of Xu Huaiming. After turning on the heating and helping Tan Xilu lie down, Tan’s mother called a private doctor she knew to give Tan Xilu an IV.


Perhaps in a familiar environment, Tan Xilu fell asleep peacefully after receiving the IV.


After Tan Xilu fell asleep, Tan’s mother finally breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up and started to tidy up Tan Xilu’s apartment. According to Tan Xilu, he had been living with Xu Huaiming here before. However, the apartment didn’t look like it had been shared with another person.


There was a pile of cat food scattered next to the TV cabinet. Tan’s mother squatted down to pick up the cat food. She hadn’t known that Tan Xilu had a cat.


As she thought about it, a cat’s meow came from the balcony. Tan’s mother turned her head and saw a cat jumping down from the balcony and approaching her to eat the cat food.


Tan’s mother subconsciously felt that this cat looked somewhat familiar, like she had seen it somewhere before, but she couldn’t recall where. It wasn’t until Tan’s father reminded her, “Doesn’t this cat look a bit like the one Little Lu used to have?”


“Now that you mention it, it does,” Tan’s mother said as she petted the cat. Unlike before when it would hiss at strangers, it behaved calmly, letting Tan’s mother pet it while eating the cat food, its little mouth moving up and down.


“I thought Little Lu wouldn’t dare to keep a cat after what happened back then,” Tan’s mother said.


“That’s true, but he also didn’t tell us about it these past few days. He just left the cat here without worrying that it might run out of food,” Tan’s father frowned.


“But he has that child now, right?” Tan’s mother said. “He must be coming back from time to time.”


“That’s true, but haven’t you noticed that this place looks like it hasn’t been lived in for a long time?” Tan’s father thought for a moment and said to Tan’s mother, “Actually, when Little Lu came home that day, he told me that he had a fight with that child. Think about it, even if they had a fight, he wouldn’t not come home, right? And look at this cat food on the floor, it looks like it’s been here for many days.”


Tan’s mother began to feel that something was wrong. She got up and checked all the rooms, but didn’t find anything unusual.


In the bathroom, there were indeed two sets of toiletries, and in Tan Xilu’s bedroom closet, there were several coats that didn’t look like Tan Xilu’s style. The kitchen had couple-style tableware.


But after circling around, Tan’s mother realized what was wrong. There wasn’t a single photo of Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming in this apartment. Given how long they had been together, how could there be no photos? Tan’s mother hadn’t paid much attention to this when she visited before, but now that she thought about it, it felt strange, and a bizarre guess started to form in her mind.


Tan’s mother left the apartment and knocked on the door next door, but no one answered, so she went up another floor.


Coincidentally, she met a neighbor coming down from upstairs.


Slowly, he realized that his and Tan Xilu’s story had finally come to an end in this chapter.


When Tan Xilu got out of the taxi and returned home, it was already in the afternoon. The snow from last night had mostly melted, making the paths in the neighborhood wet. As he walked back home, the snow on the tree branches fell down conveniently, landing on the coat that Li Zhao was holding in his hand. After returning home, Tan Xilu first took the coat to the bathroom, intending to dry clean it before returning it to Li Zhao.


He changed into his home clothes in the bedroom. After spending a night at the hospital, he had a lingering scent of disinfectant on him, which wasn’t very pleasant.


Unexpectedly, when Tan Xilu came out of the bedroom after changing, his mother had already hung up the coat.


“Mom, this coat needs dry cleaning,” Tan Xilu walked over and said to his mother.


“I know, it’s Li Xiao’s coat,” Tan’s mother fluttered the coat and reached into the pocket. Before washing clothes, she would habitually check the pockets, and suddenly, she felt a ring-shaped object. She took it out and saw it was a ring. She was stunned for a moment and showed it to Tan Xilu, “Why is there a ring in here?”


“A ring?” Tan Xilu was taken aback and went to examine the ring.


The ring was a simple band with several small diamonds on the edge, shimmering faintly under the dim bathroom light. Tan Xilu took the ring, turned it around, and noticed some engraved letters inside.

T/N: Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 44 – Replica

Chapter 44: The Wind Moves


When Tan Xilu woke up, it was already noon. He shifted his body, and the coat covering him slid off onto the floor. He looked down and realized it was Li Zhao’s coat. He figured Li Zhao must have covered him when he fell asleep, fearing he might get cold.


He bent down to pick up the coat and brushed off the dust. This coat was quite warm; he hadn’t felt cold even sleeping in the corridor.


At this hour, the hospital was getting busier. On the first day of the year, a child had eaten something wrong and ended up in the hospital, crying and reluctant to get a shot. Even from a distance, Tan Xilu could hear the child’s miserable scream after the ruthless injection.


Suddenly, Tan Xilu remembered when he was a child, and his mother said he was afraid of shots. There was one time he had a cold, and his mother took him to get a shot. He had kicked the dentist so hard that the dentist lost a front tooth. Thinking about it, Tan Xilu couldn’t help but chuckle. Then he realized he was being a bit silly, checked his surroundings to make sure no one had seen his expression, and then stretched lazily before standing up.


Tan Qin’s ward was at the end of the corridor. Tan Xilu walked toward it, not knowing whether Tan Qin had awakened.


Next to Tan Qin’s ward was a water room. As Tan Xilu passed by, he saw a figure inside. He glanced inside casually and was surprised to see someone unexpected. He paused and softly exclaimed, “Lin Changyu?”


Lin Changyu was getting hot water, and when he heard someone calling him, he looked up. “Mr. Tan…”


“Why are you here?” Tan Xilu asked, somewhat astonished.


Lin Changyu and his stepfather had caused a commotion at the hospital before, and someone had taken pictures and posted them online. Later, it even made the news. He had heard that his stepfather’s company was investigated for tax evasion, and his stepfather was sent to jail. Now, only his two brothers were left.


Tan Xilu had been sick these days and had been staying at his parents’ house, so he hadn’t had the chance to confirm the situation.


“I saw the news,” Lin Changyu replied. “I came to see Tan Qin.”


“I see,” Tan Xilu said. “He’s already past the critical stage. You don’t need to worry.”


Lin Changyu nodded and said, “I know. He woke up a while ago and said he was a little thirsty, so I came to get him some water.”


He pursed his lips, paused for a moment, and then said to Tan Xilu, “Mr. Tan, Xiao Zhi and I are leaving.”


“Leaving?” Tan Xilu was taken aback. “Where are you going?”


“Have you seen the news? That man went to jail,” Lin Changyu said, hesitating for a moment, then continued, “Lin Manling… She bought two houses for Xiao Zhi and me in her hometown. Grandfather said we should go back to our hometown first, let Xiao Zhi continue his education, and I’ll find a job there. We’ll make plans for the future when Xiao Zhi grows up a bit more.”


“I see,” Tan Xilu thought for a moment and nodded. “That sounds like a good plan.”


“But what about you and Tan Qin…”


Tan Xilu knew that Lin Changyu liked Tan Qin, and comparatively, he liked the idea of Lin Changyu and Tan Qin together. After all, they were around the same age, both seemed like wounded puppies who could comfort each other, unlike Chi Yexing, who only seemed to cause more scars.


But love was a complicated thing, and Tan Qin liked Chi Yexing, so there was nothing that could be done about it.


Just like he couldn’t go looking for Li Zhao even though he and Xu Huaiming had separated.


The hot water was already filled, but Lin Changyu’s burn seemed to be bothering him again. Tan Xilu couldn’t bear to see it and said, “I’ll go to the pharmacy and buy some burn ointment for you.”


“No need,” Lin Changyu declined. “Rinsing it with cold water will do.”


Well, that’s how he had always done it before.


“But it’s better to use the ointment,” Tan Xilu said. “It helps with faster healing. What if it gets infected?”


Without waiting for Lin Changyu’s reply, Tan Xilu left to buy the medicine, leaving Lin Changyu standing there. He looked at Tan Xilu’s disappearing figure at the door and sighed helplessly.


A couple of minutes after Tan Xilu left, Lin Changyu heard the sound of footsteps in leather shoes. His hand no longer hurt much, so he turned off the water and placed the cup down. He walked out of the water room.


Chi Yexing came out of Tan Qin’s ward, looking a bit impatient. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, seemingly forgot that smoking wasn’t allowed in the hospital, and then put the cigarettes back with a frustrated expression. Finally, he opened the nearby window to get some fresh air.


Lin Changyu didn’t like Chi Yexing at all. He didn’t like him from head to toe. He wore a formal suit and acted respectfully to everyone on the surface, but behind their backs, he was a ruthless demon who devoured people without leaving any bones. In their eyes, money and interests always came first.


Lin Changyu approached with a cup of hot water, walking past Chi Yexing. Chi Yexing noticed him and put on a friendly smile, “You’ve been working hard. Tan Qin is inside; you can go in.”


Lin Changyu walked to the door of the ward but didn’t go inside. Instead, he looked at Chi Yexing and asked, “Do you regret it?”


Chi Yexing was briefly stunned, then realized what Lin Changyu meant. He looked at Lin Changyu with a complex expression and said, “You…”


Lin Changyu stared directly at him with an icy tone, “Chi Yexing, do you also play with him? Because his mother asked you to help him. Tan Qin is a mischievous kid, and you find it challenging to deal with such a child, but you can’t refuse because he’s your teacher’s child. Then you unintentionally discover that Tan Qin likes you, and you think you can use that to your advantage. You make him believe he has a chance while cruelly telling him that you’re straight and don’t like men.”


“Chi Yexing, you should stop tormenting him if you really have no interest in him.”


The surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if they were in a vast, nauseating black hole, and a small child heartlessly exposed Chi Yexing’s true thoughts. This made Chi Yexing feel like something inside him had been punctured, making him briefly disgusted with himself.


In reality, he was just a rotten person. Who would like him?


He saw Lin Changyu’s clear eyes, like a clean mirror reflecting his face. Inside those eyes lived something dirty, the same face but a body filled with desire.


He was just a small moth


, climbing the pyramid using any means possible, stepping on the shoulders stained with the blood of many. Layer by layer, he reached the top of the pyramid and became the envied butterfly.


But he had come this far, and there was no turning back now.


He squinted at Lin Changyu and said, “So what? He still likes me, doesn’t he?”


The hatred in the young man’s eyes was not concealed at all. His eyes turned into those of a poisonous snake, glaring at the arrogant and conceited Chi Yexing. He sought an opportunity to bite him at his weak point, to inject venom, making him suffer to the point of no return.


Unfortunately, Chi Yexing was too powerful, and he was just a little snake. He couldn’t threaten Chi Yexing.


He sighed and said, “I’ll go to the pharmacy and buy some burn ointment for you.”


“No need,” Lin Changyu declined. “Rinsing it with cold water is enough.”


He had done it this way before.


“But where will you go?” Tan Xilu said. “I’ll buy the medicine for you. It heals faster with the ointment. What if it gets infected?”


Without waiting for Lin Changyu’s answer, Tan Xilu left, leaving Lin Changyu standing there, sighing helplessly.


Tan Xilu didn’t see Lin Changyu in the water room, so he guessed he had returned to the ward. With the ointment in hand, he went to the ward. At the entrance, he saw Chi Yexing.


Chi Yexing’s expression looked terrible, like he was angry, but when he saw Tan Xilu, he quickly composed himself and said, “You’re awake?”


Tan Xilu nodded and said, “I’ve been awake for a while. I just went downstairs to buy some medicine.”


Chi Yexing nodded and added, “There’s something going on at Li Zhao’s house, so I’m heading back. He told me in advance. I’ll have the driver take you when you’re ready to leave.”


“No need to trouble yourself. It’s easy to get a taxi here. I can go back on my own,” Tan Xilu declined.


“No trouble at all. Besides, you’re Tan Qin’s teacher. If you hadn’t informed us last night, we wouldn’t have known anything,” Chi Yexing insisted.


“That’s true,” Tan Xilu said. “I heard that Tan Qin woke up. I haven’t seen him yet.”


“Yes, he woke up and is inside, along with his friend. Just go in directly,” Chi Yexing said.


“Alright,” Tan Xilu replied. “Thank you.”


Tan Qin was wrapped up like a mummy, with only his face visible. Lin Changyu was carefully moistening his lips with a cotton swab. Tan Xilu noticed that Lin Changyu was using his sleeve to cover the injured hand, probably not wanting Tan Qin to see it.


The doctor had advised against drinking water after surgery, but Tan Qin was a bit thirsty, so this was the only method available.


Seeing Tan Xilu arrive, Tan Qin managed to force a smile and said, “Mr. Tan is here.”


“How are you feeling?” Tan Xilu sat on the adjacent hospital bed and joked, “You just arrived at the hospital last night. According to Li Xuandie’s description at the time, we almost thought you were done for.”


“She tends to exaggerate,” Tan Qin replied. “I’m feeling better now, but my chest still hurts a bit. I need some time to recover.”


“That’s good,” Tan Xilu said. “After surgery, you need to focus on recovery, listen to the doctors, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Don’t be stubborn. Professor Tan will handle things with the school later, so you can rest assured and concentrate on healing.”

T/N: Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 43 – Replica

Chapter 43: The Jade Case


The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a faint glow after a night of winter snowfall that blanketed the entire city in silver-white. The orange-red rays of morning sunlight kissed the snow, filling the hearts of children on this first day of the lunar new year with excitement. They formed snowballs and engaged in playful snowball fights.


One snowball landed with a “plop” on the back of a wooden chair, startling Xu Huaiming from his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes, realizing that the day had already begun.


Since the separation from Tan Xilu after the negotiations in West Lyu, Xu Huaiming’s physical functions had gradually deteriorated. Despite two maintenance checks, there had been no improvement.


After the last maintenance check, Professor Bowen furrowed his brows, unable to pinpoint the issue plaguing Xu Huaiming. When Xu Huaiming was originally developed, it was Code no.7 who handled the development entirely, and Professor Bowen only met him after Xu Huaiming rolled off the production line.


It had to be said that AI was indeed more powerful than humans. Xu Huaiming was flawlessly crafted, identical to Code no.7, and even more perfect.


Because Xu Huaiming was more intelligent, the maintenance procedures were somewhat more complex than those for other robot models, but the likelihood of program damage was relatively lower.


However, Professor Bowen couldn’t fathom what was happening to Xu Huaiming. He would shut down automatically from time to time, his senses weren’t as sharp as before, and he seemed deeply discouraged. Several times, he had stood right in front of Xu Huaiming, who hadn’t even noticed him.


Professor Bowen had a vague suspicion, but he found it unlikely and couldn’t bring himself to believe it. He hadn’t shared this suspicion with Xu Huaiming, so when Xu Huaiming woke up on the wooden chair, he assumed that his body had malfunctioned and shut down again.


Staying outside in such low temperatures all night, even for an AI, was a challenge. Xu Huaiming’s hands were slightly tinged with blue, and he worked to restore his body temperature to normal, but the process was slow. It took nearly ten minutes before he felt warm again.


By the time he fully recovered, twenty minutes had passed.


Xu Huaiming wiped his face, stood up from the wooden chair, and walked onto the cobblestone path, avoiding the children engaged in their snowball fights.


Standing in front of the building in the residential complex, Xu Huaiming looked up at the floors. He still didn’t know which building Tan Xilu lived in, and he didn’t dare to disturb him.


After leaving the hospital yesterday, Xu Huaiming had a moment of confusion. The cold winter winds of the twelfth lunar month stung his face, but the pain was nothing compared to the heartache he felt from Tan Xilu’s repeated rejections.


Professor Bowen had warned him early on not to develop feelings for humans, but he had jumped headfirst into that pit. Look at how miserably he had fallen.


Taking a deep breath, Xu Huaiming slowly walked towards the nearest dessert shop to the hospital. When he entered the shop, Arlene, who was in charge now that Tan Xilu wasn’t around, looked at him in slight surprise.


“It’s been a while since you came here alone, Xu Ge. Is Teacher Tan not with you today?” Arlene asked.


Xu Huaiming, slow to react, said, “Ah,” and lowered his head. He replied, “We’ve separated.”


Arlene’s mouth fell open, and she said in astonishment, “Separated? How did that happen?”


“It’s my fault,” Xu Huaiming said, lips pursed, his expression filled with sadness. “I made him angry.”


Arlene had never seen him like this before and didn’t know how to comfort him. She sighed and said, “Xu Ge, don’t be too sad. Teacher Tan has a good temper. Just apologize and make amends. Wish him a happy new year at midnight—out with the old, in with the new. Teacher Tan will surely be willing to reconcile with you.”


Arlene gestured, unsure if it would work, but they had to try.


“Today is… New Year’s Eve?” Xu Huaiming asked.


“Yes, Xu Ge, you didn’t forget that, did you?” Arlene said.


“Oh, no, I didn’t,” Xu Huaiming shook his head and forced a smile. “I just didn’t realize it a moment ago.”


During this time, due to the slow system, he hadn’t received the usual seasonal reminders. He naturally didn’t know that today was New Year’s Eve.


“All right then,” Arlene smiled, “New year, new beginnings. I hope you two can reconcile.”


However, the outcome was clear. Xu Huaiming’s messages went unanswered, and he didn’t even catch a glimpse of Tan Xilu.


After standing in the same spot for two minutes, Xu Huaiming decided to leave.


The child who had taught him how to play with the fairy wand last night had come downstairs to join the snowball fight. He saw Xu Huaiming and greeted him with a smile, saying, “Big brother, are you still here? Do you want to play with the fairy wand again?”


Hearing someone call him, Xu Huaiming turned around and saw the child. He patted the child’s head and said, “No, little brother, I’m waiting for someone.”


The child scratched his head and asked, “Who are you waiting for?”


Xu Huaiming hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should tell the child. But then he thought that the child lived in the same complex, and he might know Tan Xilu. So he replied, “I’m waiting for someone named Tan Xilu. Do you know him?”


“You’re looking for Brother Tan?” the child said. “Brother Tan isn’t at home today. When I went to his place to play this morning, Aunt Tan said he went to the hospital.”


“The hospital?” Xu Huaiming grabbed the child’s hand, his voice tense. “Is he sick again?”


“No, no,” Xu Huaiming’s grip was a bit strong, and the child tried to free himself, shaking his head. “It seems that one of Brother Tan’s students had an accident, and he rushed to the hospital last night.”


Last night…


Suddenly, Xu Huaiming remembered hearing faint footsteps before his automatic shutdown. It had been so close; he could have wished him a happy new year in person.


“Do you know which hospital he went to?” Xu Huaiming asked.


“I don’t know that,” the child said. “But, Brother, you can check the local news. My mom said that Brother Tan’s student was in a car accident, and it made the news.”


“Okay, thank you,” Xu Huaiming took out a piece of candy from his pocket and gave it to the child.


The child happily accepted the candy and said, “Brother, did you make Brother Tan angry?”


Xu Huaiming looked at the child and nodded.


“Then you should try to make amends,” the child said. “Brother Tan wasn’t alone when he went to the hospital last night.”




 Huaiming was taken aback and thought of Li Zhao. His heart ached slightly, and he said, “I understand.”


Xu Huaiming searched the internet for local news and unexpectedly found that Qin Sizhe had been in a car accident. He located the hospital where the news mentioned he was admitted, and then hailed a taxi that happened to pass by.


Ten minutes later, Xu Huaiming arrived at the hospital’s entrance.


On the first day of the lunar new year, the hospital wasn’t as crowded as usual. Xu Huaiming didn’t know which ward Qin Sizhe was in, so he asked the nurse on duty when he passed by the nursing station. He finally found out that Qin Sizhe was on the third floor.


Qin Sizhe had been in surgery for four hours. He was fortunate to have survived, and at four in the morning, the doctor emerged from the operating room and announced to the waiting family members that the surgery had been successful. However, Qin Sizhe had yet to wake up. His injuries weren’t too severe; although he had sustained several injuries, they cleverly avoided vital areas. Post-surgery recovery wouldn’t be too difficult. The only issue was that his leg, which hadn’t healed properly to begin with, had been injured again, and it might take some time to heal.


“As long as he’s okay,” Qin’s mother sighed in relief. She continuously smoothed her chest; if something had happened to Qin Sizhe, she wouldn’t have known how to explain it to the Qin family.


Li Xuandie couldn’t stop crying. Girls were prone to tears, and hearing that the surgery had gone well only made her cry even more.


“Now that everything’s fine, Teacher, you should go back and rest. I’ll stay here,” Qin’s mother said. She had narrowly escaped a catastrophe as well. She shouldn’t have been in such a hurry to avoid Qin Sizhe last night; she didn’t expect Qin Sizhe to be so impulsive.


Qin’s mother shook her head and said, “No, I have to wait for him to wake up. Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep.”


She turned to Li Xuandie and said, “Xiao Die, why don’t you go back first? Take a shower and get a good night’s sleep. You’re a young girl; you must be scared. Get a good night’s sleep.”


Li Xuandie wiped her tears and said, “I have to wait for Tan Sizhe to wake up.”


Mrs. Tan said, “Then you have to wait cleanly. Look at all the blood on you. What if it scares Tan Sizhe when he wakes up?”


Upon hearing this, Li Xuandie lowered her head and looked at herself. She also realized that being covered in blood didn’t look good. In the end, she nodded.


Tan Xilu had initially been persuaded to leave, but during the day, his fever had just subsided, and now in the evening, he gave his jacket to Li Xuandie. He started coughing again, and his complexion looked somewhat pale.

T/N: Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 42 – Replica

Chapter 42: A Little Love Song


Tan Xilu typed “Happy New Year” in the chat box but hesitated to send it to Xu Huaiming.


He felt sorry for Xu Huaiming, but his feelings could only be sympathy. He couldn’t fully open his heart to love Xu Huaiming because there were too many barriers between them, not just because of Xu Huaiming’s AI identity.


Just as Professor Bowen had said, whether it was the past Xu Huaiming or the present one, they both treated him as an experimental target for emotions. So Tan Xilu couldn’t distinguish whether Xu Huaiming’s “I love you” was part of his programming or genuine feelings from the heart.


He was indeed conflicted. The current Xu Huaiming was obviously wiser and more mature, more understanding of his own softness, and more in tune with him. He couldn’t be sure if one day he would truly fall for Xu Huaiming, but if that happened, he would feel guilty towards the past Xu Huaiming, so he hesitated.


Tan Xilu sighed, not knowing what to do.


As he contemplated, his phone vibrated again.


The caller ID showed Li Xuandie. Tan Xilu had saved her number since the last time she had asked him about the person in the office with Qin Sizhe. However, this was the first time she had called him proactively, and Tan Xilu had a feeling that this call might not be a typical New Year’s greeting.


After answering the call, he heard a girl crying on the other end. Li Xuandie choked back tears and said, “Teacher Tan, can you come to the hospital? I’m so scared.”


It seemed like this New Year’s Eve was destined to be far from peaceful. The sky outside was gloomy, the fireworks seemed endless, and snowflakes fell, covering everything in a hazy veil.


At 12:15 AM, news reported an accident on a certain road, resulting in one person being critically injured. At 12:20 AM, Li Xuandie, in a state of panic, called Tan Xilu. Qin Sizhe was in the intensive care unit, fighting for his life, and his condition had worsened twice. At 12:23 AM, Tan Xilu, in a hurry, changed his shoes and rushed to the hospital.


“Tan Xilu, where are you going?” Just as Tan Xilu reached the ground floor, Li Zhaode caught up with him and grabbed his arm.


“My student had an accident, I need to check on him,” Tan Xilu replied, panting. The situation had unfolded so suddenly, and it was unexpected.


“I’ll drive you there; it’s not safe to take a taxi in this snow,” Li Zhaode suggested.


Tan Xilu looked at the heavy snowfall and the scarcity of taxis on New Year’s Eve, so he nodded in agreement.


Li Zhaode went to the parking lot to get the car, and Tan Xilu waited at the entrance of the residential complex. As he passed by a wooden bench, he noticed that the streetlamp above it was out. However, streetlamp malfunctions were not uncommon, so he didn’t pay much attention to it. Moreover, it was quite late, and he assumed that Xu Huaiming had already left, so he headed straight for the entrance.


Just as he reached the entrance, Xu Huaiming’s car was also coming out. Tan Xilu opened the door, got in, and informed Li Zhaode of the hospital’s address.


Li Xuandie explained that the accident involving Qin Sizhe had occurred while street racing.


Every New Year’s Eve, the Qin family would invite relatives and friends to their home for dinner. Chi Yehang was Qin’s mother’s student and had been invited this year, along with his fiancée.


They had gotten engaged the previous month, and during the dinner, Chi Yehang had shared some happy news: he was going to be a father, and they planned to have a formal wedding after the New Year.


That announcement had hit Qin Sizhe like a thunderbolt. He stood up immediately, his eyes filled with intense emotion. He asked, “Chi Yehang, are you really… going to be a father?”


“Qin Sizhe, please sit down.” Beside him, Qin’s mother grabbed his arm, afraid that he would make a scene. “Be more sensible.”


But Qin Sizhe shook off his mother’s hand, paying no attention to his pride. He asked again, “Are you really going to be a father?”


Chi Yehang looked at him, his brows furrowing, his gaze icy. “Yes, I’m going to be a father.”


In that moment, Qin Sizhe felt the last line of defense in his heart crumble. Despite the warm indoor temperature from the air conditioning, he shivered uncontrollably.


Qin Sizhe dropped his chopsticks and said, “I’ve lost my appetite.”


The people at the table were puzzled, not understanding what had just happened, but they were used to Qin Sizhe’s capricious behavior, so few paid it much attention, except for Li Xuandie.


Only she followed Qin Sizhe when he left the table.


“Qin Sizhe, where are you going? Your leg isn’t fully healed yet.” Seeing Qin Sizhe changing his shoes at the door, Li Xuandie furrowed her brow and asked.


“I need some fresh air,” Qin Sizhe crouched down to tie his shoelaces and said, not looking up. “I know the condition of my leg better than anyone.”


“Then I’ll go with you.” Li Xuandie found her boots and put them on.


“No need,” Qin Sizhe replied.


“Why?” Li Xuandie grabbed Qin Sizhe’s arm.


“I’m going to street race. Are you not afraid of death?” Qin Sizhe raised an eyebrow.


Li Xuandie, despite being a young lady from a well-educated family, had only learned traditional skills like music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. She hadn’t learned to drive, and there was no need for her to do so since her family had a chauffeur. She had seen street racing occasionally on social media but had never tried it herself.


At this moment, a faint excitement welled up inside her. She nodded firmly and said, “I’m not afraid.”


Qin Sizhe glanced at her, seemingly surprised, but ultimately, he took her along.


Qin Sizhe was born with a wild nature, unwilling to be confined by rules and norms. When he drove, he became a lone eagle soaring freely in the sky, casting aside his past rotten and decaying infatuations. He embraced the thrill of the moment, feeling alive as he pushed the boundaries of danger.


The speed of the car kept increasing, and the terrified screams of the young girl echoed in his ears. At that moment, Qin Sizhe transformed into a beast, seeking liberation.


What happened next was unexpected. Just as they approached a turn, a blinding turn signal from an oncoming car momentarily blinded Qin Sizhe for a full minute.


“Qin Sizhe, move to the side!” Li Xuandie reached for the steering wheel but didn’t quite make it before the car from the opposite direction collided with them.


Qin Sizhe used his remaining consciousness to shield the girl.


“Screech…” There was a loud noise and his entire brain went numb. He felt liquid flowing down from the top of his head, and his legs throbbed in pain. He thought that his previously injured leg had suffered a second blow. Then, amid the girl’s screams, he lost consciousness completely.


After leaving the hospital during the day, they hadn’t expected to return at night. Li Zhaode had just parked the car when Tan Xilu opened the door and got out. He had heard the panic in Li Xuandie’s voice on the phone and didn’t want to overwhelm her with too many people. He walked a few steps away from the car and then turned back to Li Zhaode. “You don’t need to come up; it’s so late. You can go back.”


Li Zhaode looked at him and said, “I’ll wait for you in the car. It’s hard to find a taxi at this hour.”


Tan Xilu agreed, and so he nodded.


The intensive care unit was on the third floor. Many people were waiting for the elevator, but Tan Xilu chose to take the stairs. He reached the door of the intensive care unit, where Li Xuandie was crying with bloodstains all over her.


“Li Xuandie,” Tan Xilu called her name.


“Teacher Tan,” Li Xuandie turned around, her pretty face already stained with tears.

Tan Xilu walked over and asked, “How is it inside?”


Li Xuandie shook her head, “I don’t know, I’m so scared. Qin Sizhe lost a lot of blood. Teacher Tan, will he die?”


“It’ll be fine,” Tan Xilu took off his own coat and wrapped it around Li Xuandie. He patted her shoulder and reassured her, “It’ll be fine. Qin Sizhe will be okay.”


“Oh, by the way, did you notify his parents?” Tan Xilu asked.


“I didn’t dare,” Li Xuandie continued to cry, “I didn’t dare… The police took the drunk driver away and asked me to call Qin’s aunt. I didn’t dare to call.”


The girl, like a fragile butterfly, had chased after excitement when flying high, but she had finally had her wings broken. Now, she sensed the impending danger and was terrified.


“Okay, it’s alright. I’ll make the notification,” Tan Xilu comforted Li Xuandie. “You sit here for now. Teacher is here, so don’t be afraid.”


Li Xuandie nodded shakily.


About twenty minutes later, a group of people entered the hospital.


Qin’s mother, the head of the group, held Li Xuandie’s hand and asked, “Xiaodie, what’s going on? How did the accident happen? How is Qin Sizhe? Is he seriously injured?”


“Aunt…” Li Xuandie lowered her head and couldn’t bear to look at Qin’s mother’s face. “I don’t know… He protected me with his life. Otherwise, I would be the one lying there. There was so much blood. Aunt, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”


As she spoke, she suddenly saw Chi Yehang standing among the crowd. She immediately stood up, pointed at him angrily, and said, “It’s you! Qin Sizhe went street racing because of you. Why did you provoke him? Why did you tell him that he was going to be a father? Now, Qin Sizhe won’t bother you anymore. Are you happy?”


This statement not only left Chi Yehang stunned but also Qin’s mother, who looked at Chi Yehang with a delayed reaction. She pulled Li Xuandie’s clothes and asked, “Xiaodie, what do you mean by this?”


Li Xuandie cried and said, “Aunt, I saw…”

T/N: Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 41 – Replica

Chapter 41: Kepler


The doctor said that Xilu’s repeated fever episodes were due to psychological issues, and that was indeed correct. Xilu had visibly improved after Xu Huaiming’s visit, and by New Year’s morning, his fever had completely subsided. The doctor approved his discharge from the hospital.


Xilu’s parents were surprised at how his illness had suddenly improved. To this, Xilu came up with a fabricated story, saying, “It’s because I saw how hard it was for you both, and my body couldn’t bear to see it.”


Tan’s mother, while folding the hospital bed’s sheets, turned to him and gave him a piercing look. She punctured his story without mercy, saying, “You can really come up with anything, can’t you? Do you think I have Alzheimer’s disease?”


“I don’t,” Xilu muttered, peeling an orange and popping a segment into his mouth. The orange was icy and made his throat feel cold.


“Stop eating too many oranges; they’re heating. Your fever has just gone down; don’t inflame your throat again,” Tan’s father took the orange from him and started eating it himself. “I’m anxious for my son, so let me bear this pain for you.”


Tan Xilu: “…”


You’re making excuses to indulge your gluttony?


“Mom, look at my dad…” Tan Xilu was not happy. “He’s bullying me just because I’ve recovered from my illness.”


“Alright, your dad has a point. I’ll go and make some delicious food for you. Don’t keep drooling over those oranges,” Tan’s mother said. “Both of you, stop fooling around. Pack your things quickly. Xiao Li will come to pick us up later, and everyone else has already arrived. We can’t keep them waiting.”


“Li Zhao is coming too?” Tan Xilu was taken aback. He asked, “Didn’t we already book a car?”


“We did, but Xiao Li told me earlier that his family went abroad for the New Year a couple of days ago, and he didn’t want to go alone. He didn’t want to spend New Year’s Eve alone, so I thought it would be more lively with an extra guest. You’ve been sick, and he’s been so busy taking care of you. That night when you had a fever, the hospital was overcrowded, and there were no available beds. If it weren’t for his help, you would have had to wait in the lobby,” Tan’s mother said. “I know you don’t have any romantic interest in him, but at least invite him for a meal as a basic courtesy, okay?”


“I understand,” Tan Xilu replied. “I get it.”


Tan’s mother nodded and then suddenly remembered something. She said, “What about your significant other? I’ve been wanting to ask. You’ve been sick for so many days, and he hasn’t even come to see you once. Is he really your boyfriend? Everything seems to revolve around Xiao Li. The other day, a nurse even asked me how long you and Xiao Li have been together. I didn’t even know how to answer. I had mentioned inviting your significant other for the New Year, but I guess we don’t need to do that now. It’s getting on my nerves.”


“Mom…” Tan Xilu tugged at his mother’s clothes and defended Xu Huaiming, “There’s no need to exaggerate things. Xu Huaiming did visit me. He’s not good with words, and he came quietly, so you wouldn’t have seen him.”


Tan Xilu pointed to the dessert box on the bedside table that hadn’t been put away yet and continued, “He brought me this dessert yesterday.”


Tan’s mother’s movements paused as she turned to look at the dessert box on the bedside table. She hesitated for a moment and then asked, “Is that true?”


“Of course it’s true,” Tan Xilu smiled. “Why would I lie to you?”


In fact, it wasn’t just desserts. After Xu Huaiming had asked for a chance to pursue Tan Xilu, he had been bringing various snacks every day. Tan Xilu always felt like Xu Huaiming had cast a spell on him because he couldn’t eat alone anymore. But he didn’t dare to tell his mother because he had eaten a lot of things he shouldn’t have while he was sick.


Tan’s mother looked at him and said, “Since that’s the case, why don’t you invite him over? I’d like to see what kind of person has captivated you for ten years.”


Tan Xilu instinctively wanted to agree, but then he realized that he and Xu Huaiming were still broken up. Just two days ago, he had jokingly told Xu Huaiming that he was going to date Li Zhao. He had no intention of getting back together with Xu Huaiming. Bringing him home and having him meet Li Zhao would be a disaster.


Tan Xilu shook his head and said, “No, since Li Zhao is coming, Xu Huaiming probably won’t want to come. He knows Li Zhao, and he knows we went on a blind date. I’m afraid he won’t be happy.”


Tan’s father clicked his tongue and said, “You’re really protective of him. Who knows…”


Tan Xilu quickly covered his father’s mouth and glared at him. “Don’t spread rumors.”


Tan’s father made a few more “hum” sounds before finally quieting down after Tan Xilu promised to buy him cigarettes.


“What are you two hiding from me?” Tan’s mother squinted her eyes.


“Nothing,” Tan’s father was uncomfortable with his mouth covered, and Tan Xilu let go after a while. He coughed a few times and said, “A few days ago, Little Lu told me that Xiao Li is so considerate to him. He even joked about breaking up with his boyfriend and dating Xiao Li. But look at him now? Hmph…”


“Dad…” Tan Xilu grabbed his father’s arm and was about to scold him, but then he saw someone standing at the door of the ward.


He turned to look, and it was Xu Huaiming standing there, looking rather unhappy.


It suddenly occurred to Tan Xilu that Xu Huaiming had sent him a message this morning saying he would come today.


Tan Xilu didn’t know how much Xu Huaiming had heard or whether he believed his father’s words. He wanted to explain, but then he remembered that he hadn’t actually planned to get back together with Xu Huaiming. Instead of wasting his time pursuing someone who was impossible to win back, he decided to let the misunderstanding stand, letting Xu Huaiming give up on him and return to his lab. So, he just glanced at Xu Huaiming lightly, then tightly sealed his lips and made no effort to defend his father’s words.


After a moment, Tan Xilu heard footsteps leaving, and he turned his head to see that Xu Huaiming had already left.


Ten minutes later, Li Zhao arrived at the ward. It was clear that he had dressed up for the occasion, wearing a formal suit that made him look more energetic than usual. It was hard to imagine that this was a pastry chef.


Li Zhao picked up the things that Tan’s mother had packed and said to Tan’s father and mother, “The car is parked at the hospital entrance. You two can go down first. The stuff isn’t heavy; I can carry it myself.”


“Oh, that won’t do. You’re being too polite,” Tan’s mother said with a smile, genuinely fond of Li Zhao. “The stuff isn’t too much. Let Little Lu carry it. He’s been lying in bed for so long; he could use some exercise.”

“It’s okay, Xilu just recovered from his illness, so he shouldn’t strain himself,” Li Zhao said. “Let’s go quickly; I’m afraid we might encounter traffic.”


“I can carry it; I’m not a delicate girl,” Tan Xilu took two batches of things from Li Zhao and walked ahead.


“This child is so stubborn; he hates it when others say he can’t do something,” Tan’s mother chuckled and watched Tan Xilu’s retreating figure. She said, “Alright, let’s go quickly. We still need to prepare the New Year’s Eve dinner. I’ll let you taste Auntie’s cooking later.”


“Thank you, Auntie,” Li Zhao said.


Tan Xilu entered the elevator first, and since he walked fast, he managed to catch this ride. After the last person entered the elevator, the others inside pressed the buttons for their respective floors. Tan Xilu felt someone tugging at the things he was carrying from behind. He turned around cautiously and realized that Xu Huaiming had somehow entered the elevator as well.


He hadn’t left.


Tan Xilu approached him and said, “It’s heavy; let me help you carry it.”


“No need, I can handle it,” Tan Xilu glanced at him.


“Alu, Li Zhao can help you carry your things, why can’t I?” Xu Huaiming’s tone sounded somewhat aggrieved. “You have to give me a chance.”


“It’s not a matter of giving a chance or not,” Tan Xilu took a deep breath and looked at him, carefully considering his words. “It’s your identity. I can’t give you a chance.”


“Why?” Xu Huaiming grabbed Tan Xilu’s arm. “Except for being an AI, where am I inferior to Li Zhao?”


Tan Xilu didn’t reply. He felt that something was off about Xu Huaiming’s attitude. Normally, he was very obedient, but today, he seemed a bit unreasonable.


The elevator stopped, and everyone exited, paying no attention to the two people who were at odds in the corner of the elevator.


Seeing that the elevator doors were about to close again, Tan Xilu shook off Xu Huaiming’s hand and walked forward. He said, “Just because you’re an AI, it’s impossible for me to be with you. Are you dreaming? Do you really expect me to be with an AI?”


“Is it just because I’m an AI?” Xu Huaiming suddenly laughed, his voice turning cold. “Then, if it were the previous Xu Huaiming, who was an AI, would you still be with him?”


Tan Xilu’s footsteps paused for a moment, and he suddenly felt that Xu Huaiming was becoming annoying. Why was he asking such questions? He was really annoyed.


He turned around and looked at Xu Huaiming, delivering one final blow. He said, “Maybe I would, after all, I don’t think I could fall in love with a replica.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator doors closed completely.



During the New Year, Tan’s mother loved to buy all sorts of small snacks and treats. The fruit tray was filled with peanuts, melon seeds, candies, chocolates, and various nuts and oranges. In previous years, Tan Xilu would join in the pre-New Year cleaning, leaving him with sore muscles for days. However, this year, he had been spared the chore due to his illness. After returning home, he simply lounged on the couch, feeling quite comfortable.


Li Zhao sat next to him and suddenly slipped something behind him. Tan Xilu felt something poking him and asked in confusion, “What’s this?” He sat up and pulled out a thick red envelope.


Tan Xilu found it a bit amusing. He was already an adult; why was he receiving red envelopes?


“I don’t want it,” he returned it to Li Zhao without even opening it. “Do you think I’m a child?”


“Why don’t you open it? What if it’s something you like?” Li Zhao said with a smile. “You’re acting like a kid.”


T/N: Wishing you all a good October! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 40 – Replica

Chapter 40: After I Leave


Li Zhao placed the bought lunch on the bedside table and turned to Tan’s mother, saying, “Auntie, you and Uncle can go home and rest. I’ll take care of Xilu.”


Tan’s mother felt a bit embarrassed and politely replied, “Li, isn’t this too much trouble for you?”


“It’s no trouble. Besides, the store is closed for the New Year, so I have nothing else to do,” Li Zhao said with a smile.


“Well, thank you then,” Tan’s mother said. “Don’t leave later. I’ll come in the afternoon with some stew for you to eat.”


“I’ll be looking forward to Auntie’s cooking,” Li Zhao rubbed his hands together and said.


“You’re such a sweet talker,” Tan’s mother said with a smile. She patted Tan’s father on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go.”


“Okay, okay,” Tan’s father mumbled. “What’s the rush?”


Tan’s mother gave him a playful look and said, “No foresight at all.”


After leaving the ward, Tan’s mother sighed and said to Tan’s father, “I can see that Li Zhao really cares about Xilu. I’d be happy if these two could be together. But Xilu’s condition is worrying, and there’s also that child…”


Tan’s father looked back at the still pale Xilu in the ward. “Xilu has really suffered.”


Tan’s mother shook her head helplessly, patted her husband’s shoulder, and was about to enter the elevator. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a figure not far away. She hesitated and looked in that direction, but there was nothing there. She thought she might have been mistaken and then entered the elevator with her husband.


In the hospital room, Li Zhao helped Xilu set up the table on the bed and placed the bought lunch on it one by one.


He had put thought into it, asking Tan’s mother in advance about Xilu’s preferences, and he chose things Xilu liked to ensure that he would eat. However, it could also be because Xilu had no appetite due to being ill; he showed no reaction when he saw the food.


Li Zhao lifted the lid of the millet porridge, and the food container had good heat preservation; it was still steaming. He placed a spoon inside and said, “Try to eat a bit more.”


Xilu moved slightly, his eyes somewhat vacant. He stared at the lunch for a moment before finally looking up at Li Zhao. “I’m not hungry.”


“You should eat even if you’re not hungry,” Li Zhao said. “You haven’t had a proper meal in a long time.”


Li Zhao spoke somewhat bluntly and harshly, “Look at yourself. Have you even looked in the mirror? You’ve become so thin and ugly.”


Upon hearing this, Xilu’s eyes showed a momentary confusion. Then, he sat up straight, took the disposable chopsticks, and started eating.


The doctor said there were psychological factors at play, which was why Xilu kept getting feverish for no apparent reason. With the New Year approaching, Xilu had been in the hospital for a week, and a minor fever just wouldn’t go away. He couldn’t even be left alone at night.


“Take your time,” Li Zhao said. “No one’s going to take it from you.”


As if he remembered something, Li Zhao sat on Xilu’s bedside and smiled. “You’re not afraid that Xu Huaiming will come and see you looking ugly, are you?”


Xilu paused for a moment, didn’t look at Li Zhao, and took another bite of shredded potatoes. He said with his head down, “No.”


Xilu seemed to say those two words in a calm tone, as if he genuinely didn’t care anymore. But from the slight trembling in his hand as he picked up the food, it was evident that he wasn’t as strong as he had imagined. It made Li Zhao feel a pang of sympathy.


Over the past few days, as he watched Xilu suffer, Li Zhao couldn’t help but wonder if he had made a mistake by calling Xilu and telling him about Xu Huaiming. He admitted he was a selfish person. Perhaps it was for the sake of his damned competitive spirit, or maybe he really had some interest in Xilu. When he found out that Xu Huaiming was an AI, he was mostly relieved, thinking that at least Xu Huaiming was an AI and he still had a chance to compete. But now, he realized that as long as Xilu didn’t love him, he could never catch Xilu’s eye.


He had underestimated Xilu’s feelings for Xu Huaiming. 


“Never mind then,” Li Zhao moved the bowl of corn soup towards Xilu. “Auntie said you really like this soup. Taste it and see how it is.”


Xilu looked at the bowl of soup and suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Then, he felt nauseous and realized something was wrong. He quickly covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom, opening the toilet and vomiting.


Xilu had a stress reaction. Before Xu Huaiming came back, he couldn’t stand to see corn soup. At the beginning, when it was at its worst, he would feel nauseous at the sight of corn in the kitchen. Later, after Xu Huaiming came back, for some inexplicable reason, he got better. But now, it was happening again.


Xilu had barely eaten anything, and now he had vomited it all out. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he took a while to recover before slowly standing up and flushing the toilet.


“You…” Li Zhao’s face looked a bit unpleasant. “I didn’t know you couldn’t have that soup. I’m sorry.”


Xilu shook his head. His throat felt uncomfortable from vomiting. “It’s okay. I didn’t know I would react like this.”


“I’ll go find a nurse to get you some medication,” Li Zhao said.


“No need. I’m not that delicate,” Xilu shook his head and said. “It was just a little bit of vomiting.”

Li Zhao looked at him with some concern.


After vomiting, Xilu didn’t have the appetite to continue eating. He said he was feeling a bit tired and wanted to take a nap, so Li Zhao cleared away the food. After Xilu lay down, Li Zhao sat by his side and watched him fall asleep.


Xilu felt a bit embarrassed being watched as he slept. Finally, he said, “Can you go buy the cake we had together last time?”


Li Zhao knew he was referring to the restaurant they had been to before. However, the restaurant had been closed for renovation these past few days. Li Zhao thought for a moment and said, “I can, but it might take a while.”


“That’s okay,” Xilu said.


Li Zhao replied, “Then you rest. Maybe I’ll bring it back by the time you wake up.”


Xilu rarely smiled after falling ill, but this time, he smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”


Perhaps Xilu had never genuinely smiled at Li Zhao all this time, so Li Zhao didn’t realize that Xilu was trying to get him to leave. He tucked in the blanket for Xilu, watched him close his eyes, and then left the room, closing the door behind him.


After a while, the door to the ward opened again, and the person who entered walked softly, as if afraid of being noticed. Upon seeing that Xilu was asleep, he sat down on the chair next to the bed and reached out to touch Xilu’s hand, which was outside the blanket.


The room was a bit cold, and the person went to close the window. Just as he was about to close it, he heard Xilu’s voice from behind, “You’ve been coming to the hospital every day, and you’re afraid to see me directly. Aren’t you tired, Xu Huaiming?”


Xu Huaiming’s hand paused, and he turned around.


Xilu was already sitting up, wearing a patient’s gown, looking pale and much thinner.


Xu Huaiming felt a pang of sadness. He had finally managed to put some weight on Xilu, and now he had lost it again. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me.”


“Then why sneak in? Aren’t you afraid I’ll find you disgusting?” Xilu looked at him.


“I am,” Xu Huaiming admitted. He walked over but didn’t dare to touch Xilu’s hand like before. His voice was very soft. “But I’m more worried about you.”


“When I had a fever that night, did you come?” Xilu suddenly asked. “There was no record of your call. Was it my imagination?”


“I did go, but maybe my phone malfunctioned,” Xu Huaiming explained. “When I got there, I saw your parents had already taken you out.”


At that time, it was late at night, and Xu Huaiming had wasted a lot of time rushing over from the research institute. When he arrived at the entrance of the residential area, he saw Xilu’s parents taking him out. Xu Huaiming couldn’t hail a taxi on his phone, so he had to search for the nearest hospital and run there. When he got to the hospital, he also saw Li Zhao, who seemed to be very familiar with Xilu’s parents. Later, he saw them all enter the hospital together.


After Xu Huaiming finished speaking, he saw that Xilu’s complexion had improved, indicating that he wasn’t as angry anymore. Xu Huaiming breathed a sigh of relief but then heard Xilu say, “I know you care about me because of your program settings. It’s really not interesting. These few days lying in the hospital bed, I’ve thought a lot. It’s been almost ten years. Maybe I loved Xu Huaiming so much because I got used to it, but it’s not like I can’t live without him. Look, I lived just fine during those seven years without him. As for you, tell that professor to help you change your program. You don’t really love me. You keep coming to see me, and it’s annoying.”


“I’m also trying to move on. After all, you and Xu Huaiming have taken up too much of my time. I need to find someone who can truly be with me. You’ve seen it too. Li Zhao has been with me all this time, and he’s been good to me. Maybe his personality is a bit mixed, but he’s human, not like you robots who are so rigid in your actions. He can change, and besides, his desserts are delicious. I just sent him away to make a cake for me.”


“I don’t have to eat only the cakes you make.”


After Xilu finished speaking, there was a few seconds of silence in the air. Xilu looked at Xu Huaiming, whose face had clearly changed color, waiting for his response.


Perhaps Xilu’s gaze was too intense, forcing Xu Huaiming not to evade and to answer. Xu Huaiming looked hurt and said, “Alu, please don’t do this.”


“I’ve thought it over. This is the best way,” Xilu smiled. He curled his lips, but his eyes were filled with endless sadness. “I will slowly forget you and him. You need to forget me too.”


What was sad was that in this relationship, Xilu needed to forget two people at the same time. What had started as pure love had become a web of lies, like a farce that had shattered Xilu’s heart.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 39 – Replica

Chapter 39: Missing You


“Xiao Lu, are you awake? Your mom has made chicken soup. Come out and have some,” Tan’s father knocked on Tan Xilu’s door.


“Okay, I’m coming.” Tan Xilu opened his heavy eyelids, pushed aside the blanket, got out of bed, and walked to the door.


The air was filled with the rich aroma of chicken soup, enticing and appetizing. Tan’s mother had always been a great cook, and the chicken was stewed to perfection, with a flavorful broth.


Tan’s father had already prepared a bowl and placed it in front of Tan Xilu.


Tan Xilu politely thanked his dad and then sat down to take a sip.


The taste was just right, very savory. He praised Tan’s mother in the kitchen, “Mom, the chicken soup is so delicious.”


Tan’s mother chuckled from the kitchen and said, “If you like it, have more. I’ve prepared several dishes, and they’ll be ready soon.”


“How’s your headache now?” Tan’s father ladled a bowl of hot porridge for Tan Xilu. “If it’s still bothering you, avoid the greasy food and stick to the porridge.”


“It’s much better.” Tan Xilu rubbed his temples. “Not as severe as before.”


Last night, the heating suddenly went out in his apartment, and Tan Xilu was awakened by the cold in the middle of the night. He had hoped to find a source of warmth next to him as he used to, where Xu Huaiming’s embrace was always warm and comforting. But after groping for a while, he realized that Xu Huaiming was gone. Only then did he remember that Xu Huaiming had already left, and he instinctively called for Beibei, only to remember that Beibei had been taken away as well.


Tan Xilu remained stunned for a while before closing his eyes again. However, the latter half of the night was extremely cold, and his health was not great to begin with. He was prone to catching colds, and the next day, he woke up with a cough and a runny nose.


When he inquired about the heating issue with the property management, they said there had been a malfunction last night and a repairman was working on it.


The apartment was too cold to stay in, so Tan Xilu had already planned to return to his parents’ place today. He packed his things early and came back.


Today happened to be the eve of the Lunar New Year, and the neighborhood was lively. In previous years, Tan Xilu would have been dragged by the children from the neighboring house to join in the festivities. But today, he was genuinely feeling unwell, so when a child called out to him, “Big Brother Tan, let’s play together,” he patted the child’s head and said, “Big Brother isn’t feeling well today. How about we play together tomorrow?”


The child looked a bit disappointed. “Okay.”


Blushing, Tan Xilu returned to his parents’ home. Initially, Tan’s mother had welcomed him with joy, but when she saw his sickly appearance, her expression changed immediately. “You, child, why didn’t you wear more clothes?”


She reached out and touched Tan Xilu’s forehead, then touched her own. “Looks like you have a bit of a fever.”


“I did wear warm clothes. I caught a chill because the heating was off last night,” Tan Xilu defended himself. He took off his coat and said to Tan’s mother, “It’s okay, the fever isn’t too bad. I’ll feel better after a nap.”


Tan Xilu had been sleeping poorly lately, and his eyes were dark and swollen. His mother felt sorry for him and said, “Alright, I’ll put my hot water bottle in your bed.”


“I have some fever-reducing medicine here. I’ll get you a cup of hot water. Xilu, take the medicine and then go to sleep,” Tan’s father said as he took out a few tablets of fever-reducing medicine from the medicine cabinet at home.


“Okay.” Tan Xilu sneezed and then walked over to Tan’s father, swallowing the pills.


The medicine made him drowsy, or perhaps it was the warmth from the air conditioning in the room, but as soon as he regained consciousness, Tan Xilu heard Tan’s father calling him to drink chicken soup.


Tan Xilu picked up some vegetables with his chopsticks. Since Xu Huaiming left, he had hardly eaten anything decent. Even this night’s sleep was stolen by the cold, allowing him to rest well.


During the Lunar New Year, Tan’s mother usually prepared a sumptuous feast with seven or eight dishes on the table. Lately, she had been emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet, and the dishes were well-prepared. It was a relief for Tan Xilu, as he couldn’t stand the taste of his own cooking.


Tan’s mother scooped a piece of boiled pork slices into his bowl and asked, “Why didn’t you invite that someone over?”


That someone referred to Xu Huaiming.


Tan Xilu’s hand hesitated as he reached for more vegetables. He couldn’t bear to think about Xu Huaiming anymore. Just the thought that Xu Huaiming was not even human made it impossible for him to accept.


How could he have a romantic relationship with an AI? Normal people didn’t date AIs.


Moreover, he had loved the Xu Huaiming from before.


“No matter what decision you make, your mother and I will support you,” Tan’s father said, patting Tan Xilu’s head. “If this doesn’t work out, then find someone else. Your mother knows many good young men.”


“Forget it.” Tan Xilu waved his hand. “Don’t tell my mom yet. She’s the type who will insist on setting me up with that Li Zhao. I really don’t have any feelings for him, and I don’t have the energy to find someone else right now.”


He just wanted to take a break and step away from this absurd relationship.


“Alright, Dad will do as you say.” Tan’s father smiled and said, “I won’t tell your mom.”


During the day, everything seemed fine. But in the middle of the night, Tan Xilu felt the fever returning. He felt hot all over, and the burning sensation in his stomach was unbearable. His pillow was damp with cold sweat, and he was getting weaker. When he was no longer fully conscious, he would start mumbling incoherently. Fortunately, at this moment, he was still lucid enough to call for his parents.


However, either they were sleeping too soundly or Tan Xilu’s voice was too weak, as he called out several times without anyone responding. In frustration, he decided to try calling on the phone.


Tan Xilu had a habit of adding an ‘A’ before the phone numbers of important people, making it easier to find their numbers quickly. However, he was feeling so disoriented that he couldn’t remember which number he had dialed. When the call connected, he weakly said, “I have a fever again, and I feel terrible, there is so much pain.”


The voice on the other end of the phone spoke up, and Xu Huaiming’s voice sounded hoarse. There was concern in his tone. “Ah Lu, where are you?”


Tan Xilu was already too feverish to think clearly. He was aware that he had called Xu Huaiming, but he couldn’t remember that they had broken up. He felt his eyelids getting heavier, and he couldn’t muster any strength. He told Xu Huaiming that he was at his parents’ place, that he had a fever, and that he felt awful.


Xu Huaiming asked for the address.


In his confused state, Tan Xilu rambled on with some nonsensical words, and he couldn’t even recall whether he had given the address or not. Just before closing his eyes, his last memory was saying something about a replica.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 38 – Replica

Chapter 38: The Palm of Your Hand


Tan Xilu couldn’t sleep again. He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling all night, and finally sat up before the sunrise. He reached for the bottle of vitamins that had worked well for him before on the bedside table and swallowed several pills.


His stomach burned, as if there was a fire raging inside. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep again, but undoubtedly, he still couldn’t fall asleep.


He was tired, but sleep eluded him. Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could think of was Xu Huaiming.


It had been two weeks since he and Xu Huaiming separated, but thinking about Xu Huaiming still made Tan Xilu’s heart ache in waves.


What terrified Tan Xilu was that he didn’t know if the Xu Huaiming he couldn’t stop thinking about was the one from the past or the one in the present.


After lying in bed for ten minutes, Tan Xilu finally gave up on sleep, got up from the bed, and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up. He tried to make himself look normal, the way he used to smile, but the dark circles under his eyes were too heavy, his complexion too pale, and his lips too dry. He just couldn’t resemble his former self.


Tan Xilu splashed his face with water, then walked out of the bathroom. In the past, after he woke up, breakfast would have already been set on the dining table. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he would hear Xu Huaiming’s voice coming from the kitchen, “Are you up? Have you finished getting ready? Have a seat; breakfast will be ready soon.”


But now, the table was empty, devoid of anything.


The day they separated, when Tan Xilu returned home, there was still the hotpot meatballs they had bought the day before in the kitchen. They had planned to eat them together with Lin Changyu and the others. However, little did they know that their last meal together before parting ways would be a simple breakfast.


He ended up eating the hotpot meatballs alone for several days, but eventually, he had to visit the hospital, and since then, he couldn’t eat anything or sleep well.


The doctor advised him to eat something light, so Tan Xilu had been drinking congee lately.


For someone with no talent for cooking, even making the simplest congee was a challenge. Staring at the pot filled with blackened and unidentifiable substance, Tan Xilu stood there in a daze for a moment, then covered the pot.


Returning to the living room, he sat on the couch and ordered some rice porridge from a food delivery app.


“Meow…” Beibei knocked over her food bowl again, scattering cat food all over the floor. Tan Xilu sighed and went over to clean it up.


During this time, Beibei had been acting up. When she first came to his home, she used to squeeze herself between Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming to sleep, but now that Xu Huaiming was gone, she no longer wanted to do that. She would pester Tan Xilu at night, as if she had realized that there was one less person in the house. Sometimes she would even sneak into each room to see if Xu Huaiming was there.


Tan Xilu petted Beibei and his eyes suddenly welled up with tears. He said, “Don’t look for him anymore; he won’t come back.”


It all felt like a dream. He had met Xu Huaiming, they had fallen in love, and then they had been together. After Xu Huaiming disappeared, he spent seven years reminiscing about him. They had started their relationship again when Xu Huaiming returned, but he never expected it to end like this.


It was all a lie; Xu Huaiming was a lie, and so was their love.


Nearly a decade of his life had been nothing but deception.


Beibei nibbled on his pants, then rolled over on the floor. Tan Xilu touched her and said, “Beibei, I’m so sad.”


Beibei didn’t understand human words, but she seemed to sense that her owner was very sad, and it made her a little melancholic too. She lay down on the floor.


The ringing of Tan Xilu’s phone on the coffee table interrupted the moment. He got up to check his phone; it was his food delivery.


Three minutes later, he went downstairs to pick up the food.


The delivery guy handed him the food and looked around cautiously before saying, “Sir, just a heads up, when I came in, I saw someone acting suspiciously near the entrance of your building. I’m not sure what they’re up to, but you should be careful and maybe consider informing the property management.”


“Someone?” Tan Xilu was surprised and instinctively looked around, but he didn’t see anyone. He asked, “Did you get a good look at what they looked like?”


“No,” the delivery guy shook his head, “but sir, please be cautious. It’s better to be safe; I’m worried they might be up to no good.”


“Oh, alright, thank you,” Tan Xilu smiled at him and said, “I’ll give you a good rating.”


Back in his home, Tan Xilu placed the food on the table. Then he remembered something and walked to the entrance. He opened the door quietly and stepped outside, making sure not to startle the person he had been warned about. He walked to the entrance of the building, and indeed, he saw someone sitting on the wooden bench near the flowerbed.


It seemed like the person hadn’t expected Tan Xilu to come down. They had probably intended to hide somewhere but realized that Tan Xilu had already spotted them. In the end, they just stood there, head down, motionless, and silent.


Today was an uncommonly good day considering it was mid-winter, and there were many evergreen trees in the neighborhood. Despite the cold season, there was still lush greenery. Xu Huaiming was still wearing that same down jacket, and the fragmented sunlight filtered through, making him seem bright in the light, yet inexplicably lonely to Tan Xilu.


Taking a deep breath, Tan Xilu walked over and asked, “What are you doing here?”


Xu Huaiming moved, lifting his head to look at Tan Xilu. He wanted to reach out and touch Tan Xilu’s face, but Tan Xilu quickly evaded, showing a guarded expression.


Xu Huaiming had no choice but to lower his hand. He said, “Alu, you’ve lost weight.”


Without looking at Xu Huaiming, Tan Xilu said, “You shouldn’t come here anymore. We’ve already parted ways.”


Pausing for a moment, he added, “Your things at home, you should pack them up and take them with you.”




“Just for today, and then I’m going to my parents’ for the New Year tomorrow,” Tan Xilu turned and headed inside.


“Okay,” Xu Huaiming didn’t resist any further, obediently following him.


Once inside, Tan Xilu, who was always cold in the winter, had the heating turned up high in his home. As he entered, he felt the warmth enveloping him. Tan Xilu leaned against the door, saying, “Hurry up and pack. There are cardboard boxes behind the bedroom.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming replied softly and began packing his belongings diligently. He even tidied up the mess in the room that Tan Xilu had made earlier. Tan Xilu put Beibei down on the floor, and she wagged her tail before heading towards Xu Huaiming.


“Take Beibei with you,” Tan Xilu suddenly said, “Originally, she was a gift from a guest, and I shouldn’t keep her all to myself.”


“Alu…” Xu Huaiming looked up at Tan Xilu, his eyes filled with confusion. He felt like he was slowly losing something.


Tan Xilu leaned against the door and said with a faint smile, “Xu Huaiming, I’m really tired, very tired. It’s been ten years… Do you know how many decades that is in a lifetime? I can’t waste it on you guys anymore. Besides, you’re just an AI. Should I spend my whole life with an AI?”


He paused and added, “You should also understand that the Xu Huaiming I love isn’t you.”


Of course, Xu Huaiming understood. He was a replica of Code no.7, created to fulfill Code no.7’s wishes. But in a way, he was also designed to make Tan Xilu gradually grow tired of him, so that Tan Xilu could seek a new life, or cruelly, to let Tan Xilu forget him while slowly falling in love with him.


He understood the rationale, but he didn’t want it now. He wanted a life that belonged only to him. He wanted to be with Tan Xilu, and he wanted Tan Xilu to love him in return.


However, he was burdened with the face of Code no.7, and Tan Xilu had loved only Code no.7 from the beginning to the end.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 37 – Replica

Chapter 37: Sighing Clouds


Xu Huaiming woke up from the sofa on the second day. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. The hands pointed at exactly nine o’clock. He had slept in a bit today.


After being injured yesterday, the emergency healing function of the system automatically activated. However, because he hadn’t gone to Professor Bowen for maintenance in a while, all his functions were a bit sluggish. When he got home, the system suggested that healing would be faster if he shut down, so he prepared dinner early to avoid Tan Xilu going hungry and sent him a message before turning off the machine.


He originally thought he could turn it back on before Tan Xilu returned, but unexpectedly, it was already the second day.


He was about to get up to wash and make breakfast when he saw Tan Xilu coming out of the kitchen. He was surprised that Tan Xilu had woken up so early today; usually, he didn’t get out of bed before eleven.


“You’re up so early today?” he asked.


Tan Xilu nodded, and when he saw Beibei coming out of the bedroom, he said with a slightly awkward tone, “Awake?”


Xu Huaiming replied with an “Ah” and was quite surprised that Tan Xilu had woken up so early today. Normally, he didn’t get out of bed before eleven.


“You woke up early today?” he asked.


Tan Xilu nodded, glanced at Beibei, who had just come out of the bedroom, and lied, “Beibei woke me up this morning.”


“Really?” Xu Huaiming didn’t doubt him and crouched down, beckoning Beibei to come over. “Then I should teach her a lesson.”


Tan Xilu pursed his lips, mumbled a response, and in reality, he hadn’t slept all night. He sat on the floor, staring at Xu Huaiming’s injured hand. He knew that technology was very advanced nowadays, but he watched in astonishment as the wound slowly healed and there was no sign of a scar when he had seen it with an open wound. Surprised and afraid, he realized he had been living with a robot all these days. They ate together, lived together, even slept together and kissed. The thought sent shivers down Tan Xilu’s spine and made his stomach churn.


He hadn’t noticed that Xu Huaiming was no longer the same.


He was still enjoying the love from the other as if it was compensation for seven years. But in reality? It was all a facade.


He took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to vomit, and said to Xu Huaiming, “I was too tired last night when I got back, didn’t have dinner. I just reheated the dinner you made yesterday and had it for breakfast.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming released Beibei and stood up, heading towards the bathroom. “I’ll freshen up first.”


Tan Xilu nodded and turned to get the reheated food.


While washing up, Xu Huaiming looked at the bandaged hand and was momentarily surprised. Then, to avoid suspicion, he carefully rewrapped it. After washing his face, he left the bathroom.


Tan Xilu had already prepared congee. When he saw Xu Huaiming approaching, he said, “There’s pickled radish in the fridge. Can you get it?”


Xu Huaiming went to fetch it, poured some onto a plate, and brought it to the table. He didn’t eat such things much, to be precise, anything hard to digest, and sometimes Tan Xilu had peculiar tastes that he couldn’t understand.


Xu Huaiming placed the plate on the table, helped Tan Xilu move his chair closer, and, after Tan Xilu sat down, shifted all the dishes a little closer to his side. These seemingly normal actions were now different since Tan Xilu knew Xu Huaiming was an AI.


Tan Xilu thought, why was this AI so good to him? Why did he impersonate Xu Huaiming? Was his love all fake? Just part of a programmed design?


Tan Xilu was frightened and couldn’t believe it. He had been living with a machine all these days, eating together, living together, even going to bed and kissing. The thought sent shivers down his spine and made his stomach churn, threatening to make him nauseous.


He had never realized that Xu Huaiming was no longer Xu Huaiming.


Despite his shock, he managed to control his nausea and said to Xu Huaiming, “I was so tired when I got back last night that I didn’t have dinner. I just reheated the dinner you made yesterday and had it for breakfast.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming replied and went to clean up and wash the dishes. Meanwhile, Tan Xilu continued to sit at the dining table. It seemed like he was in a bad mood, and Beibei, sensing this, approached him, jumped onto his lap, and started licking his palm.


Tan Xilu petted the cat, feeling a sense of sadness welling up. He didn’t know what to do.


He had never imagined such a bizarre situation would happen to him. He couldn’t help but wonder, what was the truth about the old Xu Huaiming? Was he even a human? Or was he also an AI? Were they two different people or the same?


Tan Xilu sighed and tried to suppress the feeling of nausea. He had to find out the truth. Was Xu Huaiming really who he seemed to be, or was there something more to this story?


After finishing the meal, Xu Huaiming tidied up and washed the dishes. Tan Xilu still sat at the table, lost in thought. Xu Huaiming called his name several times, asking about the taste of the food and whether the congee was soft enough, but Tan Xilu was absent-minded and didn’t respond promptly. Eventually, Xu Huaiming stopped asking.


After washing the dishes, Xu Huaiming put everything away and washed up. Tan Xilu was still sitting at the table, and Beibei seemed to sense that he was upset. The cat walked over, jumped onto his lap, and started meowing.


Tan Xilu petted Beibei and suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. He had never imagined such a bizarre situation. He had been living with Xu Huaiming, thinking it was a loving relationship, but now everything seemed uncertain.


Tan Xilu took a deep breath and stood up from the table. He went to the bedroom and retrieved his phone from the bedside table. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed Li Zhao’s number, then waited for the call to connect.


Ten minutes later, Tan Xilu changed into different clothes and came out of the bedroom. Xu Huaiming had just finished washing the dishes. When he saw Tan Xilu dressed neatly, he asked, “Are you going out?”


Tan Xilu nodded.


“Where are you going? Can I drive you there?” Xu Huaiming asked.


“No need,” Tan Xilu shook his head lightly. “I’m going to meet a friend.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming didn’t ask further. He took a scarf from the coat rack in the


 entrance, helped Tan Xilu put it on, and said, “Be careful.”


“Okay,” Tan Xilu replied and headed towards the door.


“Wait a moment,” Xu Huaiming suddenly called out.


Tan Xilu, accustomed to responding, turned back.


Xu Huaiming walked over, embraced Tan Xilu, and then kissed him on the lips.


Instinctive reactions are the most genuine. The previous Tan Xilu would have willingly embraced Xu Huaiming and responded to his kiss without hesitation. But now, his body stiffened for a moment, even though he was still kissing the same person. Xu Huaiming could see from Tan Xilu’s response that something had changed.


He let go of Tan Xilu and called his name, “Alu.”


Tan Xilu opened his eyes but didn’t respond to the name.


The door opened, and then closed with a loud “bang.”


Xu Huaiming stood still for about ten minutes until Beibei knocked over her food bowl and started meowing, which brought him back to reality.


He walked over and arranged the cat’s food bowl, then petted Beibei, saying, “What do you think, Beibei? What should I do if Alu doesn’t want me anymore?”


Beibei’s only response was a series of “meow.”



“This is…” Tan Xilu stood in front of the research institute and turned to look at Li Zhao, asking.


“This is where Xu Huaiming was created,” Li Zhao replied, looking at him.


Tan Xilu moved his lips but didn’t utter a word.


Li Zhao tugged at his arm and said, “I’ll take you inside to meet someone. He’ll explain everything.”


Li Zhao took a few steps forward, but there were no footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw that Tan Xilu hadn’t moved. He asked, “What’s wrong? Are you scared?”


Tan Xilu was lost in thought, feeling torn between the desire to open the door and find out the truth and the fear of losing the current Xu Huaiming. After all, he could still be with him if he pretended not to know the truth, right? He could turn a blind eye to it. He could still enjoy Xu Huaiming’s love, even if it was fake.


As this thought crossed his mind, Tan Xilu mentally chastised himself. What about the old Xu Huaiming? How could he be so selfish?


With a determined expression, he pushed open the door.


Upon seeing Tan Xilu, Professor Bowen immediately understood why both Code no. 7 and Xu Huaiming had fallen for this person.


Tan Xilu’s eyes were captivating, unbelievably beautiful, and when he looked at someone, it was with utmost sincerity. When he listened, he did so with complete focus, and if he didn’t understand, he would timidly ask for clarification.


He was incredibly obedient and wouldn’t refuse anyone. Who could resist such qualities?


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

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