Day: November 26, 2023

Chapter 9 – Partner (3)

       Skarter looked at the two people ignoring each other with a playful expression. Qin Yun’s face had words such as ‘Embarrassed to death’, ‘I want to die’, ‘Please ignore me’, and others written all over his face. In comparison, Moschery’s expression was much more ordinary.

       His Majesty the Emperor showed no expression throughout the entire process. He glanced at Skarter, “What else do you want?”

       Of course Skarter knew that the other party was ordering him to leave, but being thick-skinned enough had always been his strength.

       “I just want to confirm the ‘Eta Star Project’.” He glanced at Qin Yun, “If Your Majesty decides to go there in person, how many guards will you need to send?”

       Qin Yun suddenly reacted when he heard the words ‘Eta Star Project’, and he stared at Skarter nervously.

       Moschery still wore a mask on half of his face and said in a calm tone, “I will make arrangements myself, you don’t have to worry about it.”

       Skarter pursed his lips with an expression of ‘Okay, you are the boss’. He said meaningfully to Qin Yun, “Then, His Majesty will have to trouble you more in the future.”

       Qin Yun: “…” Damn it, who wants to take care of him?! Isn’t one time suffering enough?!!


       For a long time after Skarter left, the study room was filled with a strange and peaceful atmosphere. Qin Yun was digging hard at the corners of the Emperor’s desk while Moschery continued to study the ‘Bonding Heat Do’s and Don’ts Guide’…….

       After an unknown amount of time, Moschery was the first to break the silence, “Actually, I didn’t see anything when you accompanied Zhongyan…just now.”

       In Qin Yun’s gaze, there was a dazzling sparkle that seemed to say, ‘Who are you trying to fool?’

       Moschery thought for a while and said in a serious tone, “I am very busy. You have also seen how many documents I have to read. I have no time to pay attention to you and Zhongyan.”

       “…” Qin Yun was a little shaken.

       Moschery: “And I am the Emperor, so there is no need to lie to you for such a trivial matter.”

       Qin Yun: “…You even hid the fact that you are the Emperor from me… Who knows if you’ll blab about me dancing on a horse…”

       Moschery was stunned and said subconsciously, “Aren’t you singing Little Apple?”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       Moschery: “…”

       Qin Yun roared with grief and anger, “You liar! You clearly said you didn’t see anything!!!”


       Because he had successfully attached a super gorgeous and luxurious Supreme Maiden version of Zhongyan’s ‘Toothless’, the giant dragon wanted to hug Qin Yun’s thigh when sleeping.

       In the end, Moschery had no choice but to contribute half of his bedroom.

       The Emperor was still very busy when it was time to go to sleep. Moschery looked at the remaining documents and endured all kinds of slander against him by the person and dragon in the corner.

       “Did Xi Zhao put these on for you?” Qin Yun frowned and looked at the pile of crooked rhinestone jewellery.

       Zhongyan stretched out his dragon claw and fiddled with it with a look of disgust on his face.

       Moschery said with a dark face, “…Who was moved to tears when I made it before?!”

       Qin Yun: “Are you sure he was moved? Not ugly crying?”

       A vein popped up on Moschery’s forehead, “Are you feeling bold, huh? Feeling like crying and calling for your daddy?!”

       Qin Yun: “…” Daddy? What the heck?! Where did you learn that, Your Majesty?!


       Ever since he found out that Xi Zhao was Moschery, Qin Yun had become accustomed to his various face-grabbing behaviours. When he was pulled out of bed by His Majesty the Emperor, who was still in high spirits after not sleeping all night, he did not dare to complain and accompanied him diligently to the training room.

       “The avian people not only has its primary form but also possesses a secondary form.” Moschery released Zhongyan for the first time in the training room, “The secondary form can only be attacked through the sentinel’s spiritual link.”

       Qin Yun was really tempted to ask if the sissy dragon could really fight…

       Moschery: “You mainly control Zhongyan’s emotions, and don’t let him get excited and bite those beasts with his mouth… Are you listening?”

       Qin Yun: “…If it doesn’t use its mouth to bite, what does it use… punches?”

       Moschery looked like he wanted to get angry again. He took a deep breath and said patiently, “It is not hygienic to use the mouth. A slap will kill it, and a few more times will kill a bunch.”

       Qin Yun inexplicably said, “What kind of hygiene should we pay attention to in a war… I went to the front line without taking a shower for a month, okay?”

       “…” Moschery moved half a meter away from him with a look of disgust.

       Qin Yun: “…I took a shower yesterday.”

       Since the Emperor told him to follow the spiritual link, Qin Yun naturally obeyed and went wherever Zhongyan went. Moschery was not far away anyway and could help him in times of danger, but he obviously underestimated the power of the god-level spiritual link.

       Moschery’s angry roar could be heard throughout the training ground, “Control, control! Do you want it to destroy this place?!”

       Qin Yun screamed, “I can’t keep up with its speed at all! Damn it, isn’t it a sissy?! Where is its girlish heart?!”

       Moschery: “What do you think it is?! It’s still a dragon!”


       Qin Yun ran up and down, but the soothing area of ​​guiding tendrils was, after all, limited. For Zhongyan, it was like being scratched with a mini comb, which had no effect at all.

       Moschery clicked his tongue and jumped onto the rock, trying to force Zhongyan back into the realm of consciousness.

       “Wait a minute!” Qin Yun stopped him, “Let me try again!”

       Moschery’s expression showed distrust, but he still made way and stepped aside.

       The guiding tendrils attached to Zhongyan’s back were slowly divided into two, then three, four, five… and finally gradually intertwined to form a huge ‘net’, and Zhongyan’s entire back and chest were covered. Covered in mesh, it’s like wearing a dragon-shaped ‘war robe’.

       Moschery opened his mouth, “How did you do it?”

       Qin Yun couldn’t answer him because it was the first time that his guiding tendrils had been forcibly split, and the drain on his mental energy was almost too much for him to handle.

       Zhongyan was finally calmed down and obediently waved its claws to defeat the enemies. Moschery dared not leave Qin Yun’s side; as a guide in such situations, he was essentially a living target with no ability to protect himself.

       “How many secondary forms are there…” Qin Yun finally paid some attention. The field uniform on his body was completely soaked.

       Moschery glanced at them, “There are four more.” He said a little anxiously, “Can you handle it? Don’t lose the ability to coordinate with me for a moment.”

       “…” Qin Yun stuttered in anger, “…You, you are exploiting… Don’t, don’t think that you are the Emperor, I, I won’t dare to sue you!”


       Skarter gave the confirmed list to Lin Dongliang. His expression was very relaxed, “When Your Majesty goes to Eta, we can have a complete vacation. Where do you want to go?”

       Lin Dongliang said helplessly, “You are really not worried at all… Who is that guide? Is there really no problem?”

       “Even if there’s an issue, it’s something His Majesty has acknowledged.” Skarter smiled. “Why? Are you worried?”

       “You think everyone is like you?” Lin Dongliang asked angrily. He and Skarter grew up together. Although this childhood sweetheart appeared to be approachable and gentle on the surface, in fact, he was cold-blooded than anyone else. Truly, his spiritual link reflected the nature of its owner perfectly.

       “What I’m worried about is not His Majesty but the guide.” Lin Dongliang’s eyes were filled with deep worry, “The number of sentinels and guides stationed by Olympus on Eta is no less than that of the Avian People, not to mention that His Majesty is a god-level… It’s too dangerous; he will die.”

       Skarter said indifferently, “Fortunately, His Majesty hadn’t completed the final mark with him yet.”

       Lin Dongliang looked at him disapprovingly.

       “Take it easy, darling.” Skarter stretched out his hand and gently caressed the other person’s face, “The regime is achieved on the sacrifices of countless individuals. We all know that. Have you forgotten about Shen? If we hadn’t pretended like we didn’t know that the cabinet removed him, deliberately leaked information, and made Berlin completely offended Duke Garcia, would that madman still be neutral now?”

       Lin Dongliang’s face turned extremely unpleasant. He had drawn up that plan himself, and the consequence of it was sacrificing his most outstanding junior in the guide academy.

       “You are so cruel, Skarter.” Lin Dongliang smiled bitterly, “Do you have to make me remember all this? Are you trying to make me understand that I’m also a sinner?”

       “We all are.” Skarter kissed his lips and smiled, “Maybe I’ll have to be sacrificed one day too, but you’ll survive.”


       Survive and then forget about me.


       “Consciousness hypnosis?” Qin Yun repeated doubtfully, and he asked Shen Zhuofan, “Where did you hear this?”

       “Don’t worry about that; as long as you understand the principles, it’s enough.” Shen Zhuofan continued to explain impatiently, “A sentinel or guide above S level can do this, hypnotizing one’s partner and creating the false impression that they have never been marked. In this way, when one party is considered dead, the other party won’t have a mental breakdown, as for how long it can last depends on the strength of the other party.”

       Qin Yun: “…What does this have to do with me? You said you have to be S-level or above to do it.”

       Shen Zhuofan simply hated the fact he couldn’t be more ambitious, “Can’t you have a little more ambition? You’re the guide of a divine-level sentinel now; S-levels aren’t all scumbags!”

       Qin Yun: “If I encounter scumbags on the battlefield, I will still escape…”

       Shen Zhuofan: “…”

       Qin Yun: “Seriously, can you teach me something useful? For example, how to deal with two psychopaths at the same time.”

       Shen Zhuofan: “…”

       Qin Yun: “Or you can help me paste the rhinestones together? Do you know that now I train during the day and have to do the hard work of pasting rhinestones at night?”

       Shen Zhuofan: “…………”

       Qin Yun: “It’s true. My lower back is now protruding because I need to keep pasting the rhinestones in the past few days.”

Changing Scott to Skarter, Skater is actually much closer to the hanzi, but I stubbornly pick Scott coz it sounds better, but then the names… of people here… is well… interesting, so I think Skarter will be better.
Also, the little apple Qin Yun sang seems to be a song called You are My Little Apple ~

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Chapter 132 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 132: Extra Story Three


Before, Lu Jingning didn’t feel anything was amiss, but after Lu Kongbin’s push for marriage, he indeed felt that something was missing in this home.


He mentioned this inexplicable feeling to Wen Xingchen. After a moment of contemplation, Wen Xingchen asked, “How about getting a pet?”


Lu Jingning was momentarily taken aback by the suggestion, but upon second thought, he smiled brightly, “I think that’s a great idea!”


According to Lu Kongbin, it was about making the home livelier. Besides, they were both ‘little brats,’ so having a pet wouldn’t hurt.


With this thought in mind, Lu Jingning immediately took out his terminal, reclined on the sofa, logged into the Star Network, and started browsing through nearby planets’ pet stores.


Watching Lu Jingning’s swift and resolute actions, Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but smile. Naturally, he leaned in closer and, looking at the myriad of photos on the screen, asked, “So, what kind of pet do you want?”


Without hesitation, an idea flashed through Lu Jingning’s mind, and he replied, “A cat!”


Wen Xingchen didn’t have strong opinions on the specifics. Upon hearing Lu Jingning’s choice, he glanced at him instinctively, a faint curve appearing on his lips.


Lu Jingning, resembling a mischievous cat himself, piqued curiosity. What would it be like for him to have a cat?


At this moment, completely immersed in the passion to add vitality to their home, Lu Jingning failed to notice Wen Xingchen’s smile. As his gaze fell on one of the photos, his eyes lit up. He raised the terminal slightly and asked, “How about this one?”


“You decide.”


Wen Xingchen always indulged Lu Jingning unconditionally, especially in such trivial matters.


However, as Lu Jingning looked up, their eyes met. He raised an eyebrow, casually responded, and then leaned in, lightly pecking the lips that were offered.


Lu Jingning didn’t expect him to take advantage of the situation like this. Annoyed yet amused, he glanced at Wen Xingchen. “So, should I place the order?”


“Go ahead.”



Interstellar logistics nowadays were very efficient. The next morning, the new member of the household arrived.


Lu Jingning had chosen a pure black Persian cat. A small tuft of white fur on its neck resembled a tidy little bowtie. Its two eyes—one blue and one yellow—observed the unfamiliar surroundings with a vigilant glint.


As Wen Xingchen was out, Lu Jingning took responsibility for receiving the delivery. He carried the cage inside and placed it on the living room table after opening it.


He intended to release the kitten, but his movement made the cat retreat further, curling into a dark ball, intensely vigilant.


Thus, man and cat stood frozen, staring at each other in complete silence, the surroundings eerily quiet.


Lu Jingning: “…”


He had never raised a pet before and was genuinely inexperienced. After a long silence, he patted his knees and stood up, “Whenever you want to come out, just come out. I’ll go see where to settle you for now.”


Due to continuous battles in recent years, the pet industry market was exceptionally low. So encountering a customer, the pet store was particularly polite. Along with the Persian cat, a large box of pet supplies arrived, filled to the brim.


Cat climbing frames, slides, food bowls, water bowls, snacks… and more.


Lu Jingning looked at them and felt a headache coming on.


Damn, why did it feel like taking care of a cat was more complicated than raising a child? Did they really need so much equipment?!


His gaze wandered around the room and eventually settled on the relatively spacious balcony. Thus, he moved everything on the ground there in one go.


Lu Jingning couldn’t remember the last time he did such tedious chores.


Back home, they had Lulu, the all-purpose domestic robot. After marriage, due to frequent missions, they rarely stayed at home, usually cleaning once a week. Now, organizing these pet supplies made him more tired than going into battle.


However, encountering these pet items for the first time, Lu Jingning still found them somewhat fascinating. He played around while tidying up, and time slipped away unnoticed.


After fiddling with a pet nail clipper for a while, he picked up a small flashlight-like object, pressing it out of curiosity. A red dot projected onto the floor ahead.


A laser pointer? What’s this for?


He blinked curiously, pondering the purpose of the device, when suddenly, a black shadow whizzed past him. Immediately, a childish meow rang out, “Meow~!”


The little kitten, finally daring to leave the cage, swung its black paws and leaped directly onto the red dot.


With cautious paws covering the spot where the red dot had landed, it took quite a while before the kitten gingerly moved its paws away.


Expecting to find its ‘prey,’ the kitten was bewildered upon releasing its claws, only to find emptiness before it, leaving it staring with puzzled eyes.


Lu Jingning, lost in thought and unknowingly releasing the button, suddenly realized the situation and couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the little black cat’s bewildered expression.


Somewhat aware of the tool’s purpose, Lu Jingning’s playful side got the better of him.


As the red dot moved around the house, the kitten’s agile figure darted around like the wind.


Unfortunately, catching such a red laser light was impossible.


Lu Jingning, amused, couldn’t help but laugh, “Oh, you silly thing!”


Whether or not the cat actually understood, it momentarily bared its teeth in response.


This only made Lu Jingning laugh even harder. He flicked the light to a high shelf, where the water pot was placed.


The playful kitten, enticed by the light, eyed the target, narrowing its eyes slightly. With its two differently colored eyes—one blue and one yellow—a sharp glint flickered, and it pounced.


“Boom!” A loud crash echoed.


Startled, Lu Jingning rushed over to find the shattered pot and a mess around it. And there sat the initiator, the black shadow, now damp and sitting in the middle, its fluffy fur completely drooping, making it appear much smaller. Its two watery eyes now held a look of innocence.




Lu Jingning sighed heavily and gestured towards it, trying to remain as calm as possible, “Let’s go, I think we should probably take a bath first.”


Unwilling to comply, the kitten didn’t intend to accept his kind call, promptly turning and running away.


Gritting his teeth, Lu Jingning called out, “Stop right there!”


The kitten: “Meow~!”


Thus, man and cat engaged in an intense battle at home. What started as a small spillage of water soon spread across every corner.


Finally, teeth clenched, Lu Jingning stood up from behind the sofa, looking at the cat in his hands and sneered, “Run? Have the guts to keep running!”


In response, the little creature let out a fierce meow.


Then, it wildly struggled, but its short limbs proved futile in Lu Jingning’s grip.


Lu Jingning carried it and marched into the bathroom, shutting the glass door behind.


As the sound of water started, there was a ruckus inside.


“Bathing, be quiet!”


“Keep this up, and I’ll send you back!”


“Damn, do you know how much I spent to get you?!”


“Wow, you smelly cat, you dare scratch me?!”



When Wen Xingchen returned, he didn’t find Lu Jingning in the living room. Instead, what he saw resembled a war zone aftermath.


He blinked, hearing commotion coming from the bathroom direction. Without even taking off his coat, he hurried over, “Aning?”


With the sound of the door opening, both the big and small combatants inside the bathroom turned to look.


In that scene, Wen Xingchen froze in his tracks.


He suddenly seemed to experience what one might call a double critical hit.


Lu Jingning was completely covered in soap bubbles, even pink foam clinging to his hair ends, and the struggling kitten in his arms wasn’t any better.


Though almost entirely covered in bubbles, the kitten remained fiercely defiant, emitting a determined meow.


Wen Xingchen cleared his throat, coughed, and managed not to burst into laughter.


Lu Jingning saw Wen Xingchen and almost instinctively activated the SOS mode, “Wen Ge, come help, this little rascal is really hard to handle!”




Wen Xingchen responded and casually hung his coat on the handle before joining the bath-time battle.


However, a faint smile lingered around his lips, barely concealed.


He could almost anticipate what it would be like if Lu Jingning had to take care of a child. One rascal was already a handful, let alone two. That would probably lead to chaos sooner or later.


Helping out, he casually asked, “Have you thought of a name for it? What are you planning to call this troublemaker?”


While dealing with the squirming little creature, Lu Jingning didn’t dare exert too much force. Feeling a bit powerless at the moment, he blurted out in response, “Call it Charcoal, or Charcoal.”


“Charcoal?” Wen Xingchen raised an eyebrow.


Lu Jingning gritted his teeth, “It’s black, small, and has an explosive temper, isn’t that like Charcoal?”


The kitten, initially resigned to being handled by the duo, suddenly seemed to understand something. It raised its head and let out a fierce “Meow!” towards Lu Jingning.


Unfortunately, the overly cute and childish tone of its voice made it sound more like it was trying to be adorable.


Wen Xingchen gently rubbed its head, “Welcome to our family, Charcoal.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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