Chapter 124 – Filial Piety

Chapter 124 – Filial Piety


He never expected Wenya to think like this, and there was also a question that aroused his curiosity, forcing him to ask, “Um, why didn’t you consider the possibility that the child might be his?”


Under Jian Luo’s perplexity, Wenya looked at him and slowly said, “You didn’t live together.”

It makes sense.


Since they arrived, he and Lu Shifeng hadn’t slept together again. The dog man lost his memory and actually unilaterally demanded to live separately.


At first, he was slightly uncomfortable, but because there were cubs around, he felt more fulfilled sleeping alone, so he didn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore.


But sometimes, like when he wanted to drink water at night, or when his leg was pressed while sleeping, he would think of Lu Shifeng at inappropriate times.


Sometimes he would laugh at himself while looking at the empty bed, not becoming a princess but still developing princess syndrome. Actually, this wasn’t a bad thing. It gave him a chance to see himself clearly and also helped him wean off Lu Shifeng. It’s quite good.


Wenya said, “But you don’t have to be too restrained. The customs of our tribe are very open. If you want to be together, just be together. Haha, after all, being pregnant for so long, you guys must have been holding it in for a long time, right?”




No, not really.


Jian Luo cooked the meal, and Wenya always brought some ingredients with her. This time she brought the edible lingzhi from their mountain. Jian Luo’s method of handling it was to cook it in a pot to ensure balanced nutrition. Fortunately, he controlled the heat well, turning off the fire at the right time so it wouldn’t be overcooked but still ensured the penetration of nutrients.


Jian Luo served a bowl of soup for Wenya. “Be careful, it’s hot.”


Wenya said to him, “You should drink too. This is nourishing for your qi and blood. Just gave birth, your body is the weakest now.”


Jian Luo didn’t drink much himself; he mainly wanted to save some for the cubs. He felt fine himself, mainly because the cubs were relatively weak, so he wanted them to eat more supplements. As for himself, he felt okay.


After finishing the meal, Wenya left since there were still children at home.


Jian Luo began to feed the three little cubs. The eldest, Hei Zai, was originally feverish, but now the fever had mostly subsided, and he had regained his original vitality, especially curious about the arrival of two more siblings.


Just as Jian Luo finished serving the meal, he turned around to see Hei Zai and his brother fighting again. Jian Luo’s hand holding the soup trembled slightly, and he shouted, “Long Aotian!”


Hei Zai paused for a moment, then continued to use his small teeth to bite his brother’s horn.


The second eldest was also a black cub, but his color was slightly lighter than the eldest, and his eyes were a platinum color, exactly the same as Jian Luo’s eyes. The personality of the second eldest was different from the eldest. He was naturally smarter, often learning things after just doing them once, and he had a calm and quiet disposition.


The reasons they often fought were quite simple: Hei Zai went to play with his brother, but his brother ruthlessly rejected him, which made Hei Zai angry and caused a quarrel.


But one good thing was that the fighting never involved their sister. Little Silver dragon preferred to sleep. Most of the time since hatching, she had been sleeping. Although she wasn’t boring, her favorite thing to do was to wake up and act spoiled to Jian Luo.




Hei Zai was picked up by someone. Lu Shifeng looked down at him, and the two stared at each other. Lu Shifeng said to him, “If you keep causing trouble, you’ll be grounded.”




Although Hei Zai didn’t understand, it didn’t stop him from feeling intimidated.


If there was one person these little cubs were most afraid of, it was undoubtedly Lu Shifeng. No matter how fierce the fight was or how mischievous they were, Lu Shifeng, was always able to discipline them.


Jian Luo relaxed when he saw that the fight had stopped and asked Lu Shifeng, “Back?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Starting from two days ago, because universal currency couldn’t be used, the adolescent Lu Shifeng resorted to the most traditional and primitive way of making money—hunting.


Although he was injured, he still had his skills. He often brought back some lingzhi and other herbs from the mountain, as well as some nutritious game. Generally, Jian Luo would keep the ones suitable for eating, and the excess would be exchanged for things with people from the tribe.


Lu Shifeng handed the processed meat to Jian Luo. “Today’s catch.”


Jian Luo took it naturally. “You go take a bath first. I’ll steam the rice. Take the eldest and the second to bathe. The sister is still sleeping; I’ll bathe her at night.”


Lu Shifeng bent down and picked up the two black cubs that were about to fight. Holding them by the scruff of their necks, they obediently followed, like two little chicks being carried away. At first, Jian Luo would worry and ask Lu Shifeng to be gentler, but later he found out that the dragon cubs weren’t so fragile; they had thick skin and were durable. So he just went along with it.


Jian Luo put the meat on the cutting board and started thinking, “What to eat?” 


Because Lu Shifeng hated eating grilled meat, Jian Luo generally didn’t simply grill it. Instead, he would stir-fry it, make meatballs, meat paste, or something else. Now he had used up most of his stored seasonings, so he needed to be a bit frugal.


Jian Luo noticed from the corner of his eye that Lu Shifeng had also picked some other plants. Among them were some large leaves that looked similar to lotus leaves. Since today’s meat included chicken, why not make lotus leaf chicken? It didn’t need many seasonings, just a simple preparation.


“That’s it.”


Jian Luo squatted down to handle the ingredients. He found that this man Lu Shifeng was really considerate sometimes. Because he couldn’t touch cold water after giving birth, Lu Shifeng would always prepare the meat for him before handing it over. If there was a need for cold water at home, Lu Shifeng would first fill the basin with water and then leave after putting the scoop in.




Reasonable and justified.


Speaking of which, since he came over, he and Lu Shifeng haven’t slept together anymore. The dog of a man lost his memory and unilaterally demanded separation.


At the beginning, he was slightly uncomfortable, but because Jian Luo was still there, he felt more fulfilled sleeping alone, and he gradually adapted.


But sometimes, like when he wants to drink water at night, or when his leg is pressed while sleeping, he would inappropriately think of Lu Shifeng.


Sometimes he would look at the empty bed and laugh at himself. Not becoming a princess but still developing princess syndrome. Actually, it’s not a bad thing, it allows him to see himself clearly and also to quit Lu Shifeng. Quite good.


Wen Ya said, “But you don’t have to be too restrained. Our tribe is very open-minded. If you want to be together, just be together. Haha, after all, you’ve been pregnant for so long, you must have endured a lot, right?”




No, it’s fine.


Jian Luo cooked the meal, Wen Ya always brings some ingredients over. This time, she brought edible lingzhi from their mountain. Jian Luo’s way of dealing with it was to cook it all in a pot to ensure balanced nutrition. Luckily, he managed the heat well, turning it off at the right time to avoid overcooking and ensure nutrient penetration.


Jian Luo scooped a bowl of soup for Wen Ya. “Be careful, it’s hot.”


Wen Ya said to him, “You should drink too. This is good for replenishing qi and blood. Just gave birth, your body needs it the most.”


Jian Luo didn’t drink much himself; he mainly wanted to save it for the kids. He felt fine, but the children were weaker. He wanted them to have more supplements. As for himself, he felt okay.


After finishing the meal, Wen Ya left since there were children at home. Jian Luo started feeding the three little ones. The eldest, Hei Zai, was originally feverish but now he was much better. He was especially curious about his two new siblings.


Just as Jian Luo finished serving the meal, he turned around to see Hei Zai and his brother fighting again. Jian Luo’s hand trembled slightly as he held the soup and called out, “Long Aotian!”


Hei Zai paused for a moment, then continued to nibble on his brother’s horn.


The second one was also a Hei Zai, but his color was lighter than the eldest. His eyes were the same color as Jian Luo’s, platinum, identical to Jian Luo’s eyes. Unlike his brother, he was naturally smarter, learning things quickly, and had a calm and steady temperament.


Their fights usually stemmed from simple reasons, like when Hei Zai wanted to play with his brother but got coldly rejected, leading to a quarrel.


However, the good thing was that their fights never involved their sister. Little Silver Dragon preferred sleeping. Most of the time since hatching, she spent sleeping. Though not boring, her favorite thing was to wake up and act cute to Jian Luo.




Hei Zai was picked up by someone. Lu Shifeng looked down at him, the big and the small facing each other. Lu Shifeng said to him, “Another tantrum and it’s timeout.”




Although Hei Zai didn’t understand, it didn’t stop him from feeling intimidated.


If there’s anyone these little ones fear the most, it’s undoubtedly Lu Shifeng. No matter how fierce the fight is or how mischievous they are, Lu Shifeng handles all sorts of disobedience.


Seeing that the fight had stopped, Jian Luo finally relaxed and asked Lu Shifeng, “Back?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Starting two days ago, because universal currency couldn’t be used, the young version of Lu Shifeng resorted to the most traditional and primitive way of making money—hunting.


Though he got injured, his skills were still intact. He often brought back lingzhi, spiritual herbs from the mountains, and some nutritious game. Jian Luo would keep what was suitable for eating and exchange the rest with the tribe for other things.


Lu Shifeng handed the processed meat to Jian Luo. “Today’s catch.”


Jian Luo took it and said naturally, “You go take a bath first, I’ll steam the rice. Take the eldest and the second with you to bathe. The sister is still sleeping, I’ll bathe her tonight.”


Lu Shifeng bent down and lifted the two Hei Zais still preparing to fight from the ground. Holding them by the nape, both little ones obediently followed like chicks being carried away. Initially, Jian Luo would worry about them being handled too roughly, but he later found that dragon hatchlings were not that fragile. They were tough and durable, so he let it go.


Jian Luo placed the meat on the cutting board and began to think. What to cook? Lu Shifeng hated grilled meat, so he usually didn’t simply grill it. He’d stir-fry, make meatballs, or something else. Now, his stock of condiments was running low, so he needed to be frugal.


Jian Luo noticed Lu Shifeng had also picked some other plants while out. Among them were some large leaves, similar to lotus leaves. Since there was chicken in today’s catch, why not make lotus leaf chicken? It didn’t require many condiments, just simple preparation.


“This will do.”


Jian Luo squatted down to prepare the ingredients. He found that Lu Shifeng could be very considerate at times. Because Jian Luo couldn’t touch cold water after giving birth, Lu Shifeng always prepared the meat before handing it to him. If there was a need for cold water, Lu Shifeng would first fill a basin and then use a ladle to scoop it out before leaving.

Every little detail, damn it.




From the bathroom, a Hei Zai crawled out from Lu Shifeng’s shoulder. The little dragons had all taken a bath, smelling fresh. They were ecstatic at the scent of meat, especially Long Aotian, who, as the eldest, was even more unrestrained, impatiently whining.


Jian Luo served the rice. He noticed that apparently only Dark Star had rice to eat. Due to the presence of a human cultivation base, they had special rice, while the staple food here was a kind of sticky glutinous rice that felt unpleasant in the throat. However, in these special times, there was no room for pickiness.


Lu Shifeng threw the two little ones aside and came to help Jian Luo with the bowls and chopsticks. He said, “You go ahead, I’ll get them.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Okay.”


The dishes on the table were simple today. There was a pot of well-stewed lingzhi soup, with some meatballs added by Jian Luo. The meat was delicious, and the lingzhi effectively removed any fishy smell, making the soup less greasy.


In the middle of the table were two lotus leaf chickens.


The rest was just two ordinary home-cooked vegetables. Although not as sumptuous as those on Dark Star or during their travels, the dishes on the table were steaming and full of earthly flavors, without anyone feeling dissatisfied.


Jian Luo pointed to one of the chickens in the middle and said, “You have this one.”


Then he cut the other chicken into equal pieces and distributed them to the three eagerly awaiting hatchlings. The little dragons loved meat, and now was the time for them to grow. Jian Luo put a lot of effort into their diet, trying his best to give them the best. There were only two chickens, and he distributed them fairly.


Jian Luo ate while holding his bowl. During his pregnancy, he had gained a lot of weight and loved to eat. Now that the children were born, he didn’t have much of an appetite. Usually, he would eat nutritious vegetarian dishes to lose weight. As he was eating, a chicken leg fell from above.


Jian Luo looked up unexpectedly and met Lu Shifeng’s gaze.


Lu Shifeng said, “Eat.”


Jian Luo wanted to say he had eaten a lot of meat with Wen Ya during the day, so he shouldn’t eat too much at night. He still needed to lose weight. “No need, you eat.”


Lu Shifeng’s gaze had a hint of complexity, his tone firm. “No need to save. I’ll take care of other things. Eat.”




Did you misunderstand something?


Jian Luo was puzzled by his gaze. To avoid hurting his feelings, he could only eat the chicken leg quietly, while also thinking about exercising outdoors tomorrow. It wouldn’t do to keep gaining weight like this every day.




The coquettish cry of the dragon resounded in his ears, bringing Jian Luo back to reality.


Looking at the plate in front of him, Jian Luo suddenly found an extra piece of meat. Upon closer inspection, it was Long Aotian, who had climbed onto the table and was squatting obediently in front of him. The little dragon had grown bigger, about the size of a bowl. Seeing Jian Luo not moving, he nudged the plate with his head, whining.


Jian Luo was speechless. “Is this for me?”


The ruby-like eyes of the Hei Zai looked at him, clear and pristine, as if everything was written inside them.


Jian Luo’s heart melted instantly. He patted the little dragon’s head. “Thank you.”


He thought it would end there, but then, just as he finished eating the chicken leg, the second one struggled to push his plate over. He was still too small, so the weight of the plate was a bit much for him. Smartly, he called his sister for help. From Jian Luo’s perspective, there was a plate with a large piece of chicken on top, and behind it were two dragons, one black and one white, huffing and puffing as they pushed the plate.


Finally, the plate reached Jian Luo.


The two little dragons were out of breath, squatting next to the plate. Seeing Jian Luo still not moving, the second one urged him with a cry. The little one’s voice was always tender, sounding like a kitten scratching.


Jian Luo tentatively asked, “Do you want to eat together?”


Hei Zai hummed twice, looking serious.


The youngest sister came over and hugged Jian Luo’s hand. She was very clingy, unlike her two brothers. She always liked to hold something, especially her father.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but smile as he patted the heads of the three little dragons. The meal was lively, and now it was time for the three children to sleep. To make them speak early, Jian Luo told them a bedtime story every night.


Tonight, Jian Luo suddenly had an idea and pulled Lu Shifeng over. “You tell a story tonight.”


Before, Lu Shifeng’s prenatal education stories were always about naval battles, but now that they were in their teens, he would tell stories about dragons!


Lu Shifeng and the three little ones on the bed stared at each other silently for a while. Then Lu Shifeng asked, “What story?”


“Just an interesting story!” Jian Luo gave him a hint. “Folk tales, anything will do! Can you do it?”


Lu Shifeng seized the point. “Folk tales?”


You can teach a young man, indeed. Jian Luo smiled and sat cross-legged, waiting eagerly for the story. 


Lu Shifeng seemed to have made up his mind. Sitting by the bed, he pondered for a moment before beginning, “A long, long time ago…”


Here it comes, that familiar taste!


Jian Luo listened attentively, eager for the story.


“The dragon clan is weak, but their scales have healing effects. Normally, if there are some dragons who are not ambitious and disobedient at this time, their scales will be removed…”


Author’s Note: The little dragons were deeply moved and cried out loud after hearing this.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


1 Comment

  1. Blood

    That story will only bring nightmares to the poor puppies 🫣

    Thanks for the update

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