Chapter 133 – Dragon Scales

Chapter 133 – Dragon Scales


Jian Luo’s expression immediately became guarded, his muscles tensing defensively as he feared the man might force his way in.


But the Military Leader remained calm. “I need a dragon scale to save my son’s life.”


Jian Luo’s hand clenched so tightly it turned white. He didn’t want to listen or talk anymore. The world’s sufferings were numerous, but he couldn’t save everyone. He didn’t have the power to be a savior. All he wanted was to protect his children.


Jian Luo steadied his thoughts and said to the man outside, “I refuse.”


Long Aotian tried to poke his head out, but Jian Luo pushed him back. “I might have had some interest in your stones, but that was it. My interest ends there. You must understand how vital dragon scales are to a dragon, especially since my children are young. They can’t endure this.”


He paused, then looked at the door with a lowered voice. “If you want to negotiate, talk to the Dragon Clan.”


The term “Dragon Clan” was not just a term; it was a powerful deterrent.


One of the most formidable races in the universe, it was said that a regular elite team from the Dragon Clan could match an army of a million. This was no exaggeration.


As expected, the Military Leader fell silent.


Jian Luo continued, “My brother will be back soon. Leave now, and I will pretend this never happened. If you insist, I promise you that if you harm my children, your child won’t survive either.”


His voice was as cold as frost. It was not a threat but a final ultimatum. Although he was a fragile human, no one doubted he was serious.


Finally, the Military Leader’s voice came through, “Is there no room for negotiation?”


Jian Luo remained vigilant. “None.”


Outside, the Military Leader straightened up and said, “Very well, sorry to have disturbed you.”


With that, silence returned. Jian Luo, though still tense, began to relax. Even so, he did not dare to check the door.


After about ten minutes, the voice of a neighboring woman came from the yard, “Luo Luo, are you okay?”


Jian Luo came to his senses and moved his stiff body to the window, where he saw the woman standing there. “Are you alright?”


Jian Luo, through the glass, asked, “Did he leave?”


The woman nodded, “Yes, just a moment ago. We were all worried. The Military Leader is unpredictable and protected by the beast god; usually, no one dares to provoke him.”


Jian Luo finally let out a sigh of relief.


He didn’t want to worry about the Military Leader’s whereabouts; he just wanted to safely endure his last few days on this planet and return home with his cubs.


The woman assured, “It’s okay now. Don’t worry. If the Military Leader tries anything, we’ll protect you. You’re our tribe’s benefactor. If something happens to you, we won’t stand by and do nothing.”


Jian Luo smiled. “Thank you.”


After chatting for a while, Jian Luo relaxed more. It was almost noon, and Lu Shifeng was due back soon. The thought of this reassured him.




The ground seemed to shake.


Jian Luo felt the house tremble, and he instinctively looked around, even sensing dust falling.




The dragon cubs sensed his unease and cried out.


The woman’s voice came from outside, “Luo Luo?”


Jian Luo refocused and asked, “What’s happening? An earthquake?”


“It seems like large beasts are attacking the village.” The woman was also flustered. “It shouldn’t be. We just spread mystical stone powder a few days ago…”


Jian Luo frowned deeply at this.


The woman continued, “Stay inside. We’ll check the perimeter. Most of the men are out hunting, so it might be dangerous outside.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Alright…”


Before he could finish, the woman had already run off. From the window, he saw chaos outside, even some houses on fire. Without the protective barrier of mystical stone powder, the village was vulnerable, becoming a feast for large beasts.



Meanwhile, deep in the mountains, the hunting party was too far away to notice the commotion.


Lu Shifeng suddenly stopped, looking back towards the distant village, his heightened senses picking up the faintest trace of blood.


Someone asked, “Brother Lu, what’s wrong?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t hesitate to head back. “We need to return.”


The others were puzzled. “Why? It’s not time yet.”


Lu Shifeng glanced back, his lips moving slightly. “Something’s happened.”



Back at the village, flames and destruction reigned. When the hunting party returned, they were shocked by the devastation.


Large beasts were still rampaging, destroying houses and fields. Normally, these beasts required many hunters to take down.


But then, a black dragon swooped through the burning village, creating a whirlwind wherever it passed. The beasts were tossed aside, and the dragon’s claws could tear through the strongest shields and lasers in the universe.


While these beasts were formidable to the villagers, they were laughable in front of the dragon. The black dragon’s red eyes reflected the burning village, but its focus was on a single house.




The door burst open.


The house, where Jian Luo and the cubs were supposed to be, was empty.


Lu Shifeng reverted to his human form, taller and more imposing than before. His presence filled the room, and seeing it empty only heightened his rage.


The sounds of beasts and their defiance outside continued.


This seemed to push Lu Shifeng to the edge. His aura was terrifying, making all life forms stay away.


Even beasts far from the village sensed this, their survival instincts telling them to flee.




Just as Lu Shifeng was on the verge of losing his temper, the hatch to the cellar opened, and a little dragon’s head popped out. Long Aotian screeched loudly.


Lu Shifeng glanced over.


Long Aotian was dumbfounded, and so was Marshal Lu. The little dragon was confused because his father suddenly looked different—taller and more muscular, which meant it would hurt more when he got hit.


Long Aotian asked, “Cheep?”


Lu Shifeng walked over and lifted the little dragon with a cold voice, “Why are you screeching?”


Treating the little dragon harshly, he then looked down into the cellar and spoke with a barely noticeable gentleness, “Jian Luo.”


Sure enough, there was some movement below. Jian Luo’s embarrassed voice came up, “Can you help me pull the lid a bit? I think I’m stuck.”


The situation was somewhat comical, but Lu Shifeng’s eyes didn’t show a hint of amusement. He effortlessly opened the lid and pulled Jian Luo and the other two out of the cellar.


Jian Luo was a bit dirty, “I dug this cellar myself when you weren’t around. It was just for fun, and to give them some exercise. Who knew it would actually come in handy? I didn’t dare go out and was afraid something might come in, so I hid quickly…”


As he spoke, he noticed Lu Shifeng had returned to his normal form.


If it were the teenage Lu Shifeng, it wouldn’t be a big deal, but facing the adult Lu Shifeng, with his handsome and mature face and familiar, gentle red eyes, Jian Luo suddenly felt embarrassed and blushed, “So, I must be really dirty now. Don’t look. How are things outside? Is it still dangerous? Are the villagers safe?”


Lu Shifeng said, “Jian Luo.”


Jian Luo paused, “What?”


“You’re shaking.”


Lu Shifeng quietly observed him. Although Jian Luo was talking incessantly and seemed calm and composed, it was clear he was trembling uncontrollably, even his hands were shaking.


“If you’re scared,” Lu Shifeng said, staring at him, “you don’t have to force yourself.”


Jian Luo froze. The room fell silent for a moment. Then, his smile gradually faded, and his mouth formed a straight line.


Just as Lu Shifeng thought he might get angry, Jian Luo suddenly burst into uncontrollable sobs, throwing himself into Lu Shifeng’s arms, “Of course I’m scared! Who wouldn’t be? Those beasts are terrifying, even more than the Military Leader! Why did it take you so long to come back? I was so scared! Who can endure this? Giving birth to a child for you is too much! I had to outwit and outfight that scoundrel Silver Gray before giving birth. I had no experience! You don’t know how scared I was. You got healed and forgot, but I suffered…”


The three little ones watched in stunned silence as their father cried, sitting in a row without daring to make a sound.


Lu Shifeng quietly waited for Jian Luo to finish crying before saying, “It won’t happen again.”


Jian Luo wiped his tears, feeling much better after venting. He nodded, but before he could relax, Lu Shifeng said, “There’s something I need to explain to you.”


Jian Luo asked, “What is it?”


“My memories from my teenage years, I have them,” Lu Shifeng told him. “I haven’t forgotten.”



The room fell silent again.


Jian Luo wiped his tears and looked at Lu Shifeng in a daze, recalling everything they had done recently:


#Lu Shifeng doesn’t recognize the child#


#He put a green hat on himself#


#He lied to Lu Shifeng that the child belonged to Silver Gray#


#He fabricated that Lu Shifeng was his brother#


And so on…


Words couldn’t describe the shame he felt at that moment.


Jian Luo mustered his courage and asked, “So, what’s your evaluation of that time?”


The author has something to say: Lu Shifeng: “Don’t ask, ask again later.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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1 Comment

  1. Blood

    Fortunately everything went well, now I can laugh at Luo Luo 😂

    Thanks for the update!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

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