Category: Whose child am I carrying? (Transmigration) (Page 1 of 2)

Whose child am I carrying?

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister...well, half of it.

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister…well, half of it.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened as he said with a half-smile, “What General He said doesn’t count. Whether or not he comes to my side depends on what the Emperor decides.”


He Changzhou held Zhao Qi’s arm and asked, “So what does the Emperor say? Does he want to stay with me or go with the Prime Minister?”


At this moment, Zhao Qi could only sing a song for himself: Little Emperor, do you have many question marks? Why is it that others are happily living their lives while you are constantly forced to make meaningless, inexplicable choices? Last time it was between Xiao Shiqing and Rong Tang, and this time it’s Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou. Will the next time be between He Changzhou and Rong Tang?


Both of these men are important officials of the court, and Zhao Qi will need to rely on them in the future. He can’t afford to offend either. After much hesitation, Zhao Qi weakly said, “I choose neither.”


“Not acceptable,” Xiao Shiqing said. “You must choose.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Prime Minister, you’re pressuring the Emperor again.”


Xiao Shiqing’s dark eyes glinted, “General He, is the military camp so idle that you keep coming to the palace every few days? If you have nothing to do, I can give you an assignment to travel to Western Xia.”


Western Xia is a small vassal state of Da Jing, located far to the west. A round trip would take at least half a year.


He Changzhou’s face darkened, and his tone turned colder, “As the Prime Minister and head of the Cabinet, you can assign me tasks, and I have no reason to refuse. But even if I were to go to Western Xia, I would not let the Prime Minister bully the Emperor today.”


Xiao Shiqing laughed, “Bullying the Emperor?” He looked at Zhao Qi. “Have I bullied you?”


The two men were at odds, and the others dared not make a sound. Zhao Qiao looked at Prime Minister Xiao, then at General He, and then at the Emperor caught in the middle, suddenly feeling like he was watching a harem drama.


Zhao Qi looked mournful, “Alright, stop arguing. I admit my mistake—Changzhou, please let go of me.”


He Changzhou hesitated for a moment before releasing his grip. Zhao Qi approached Xiao Shiqing, lowered his head, and said softly, “Prime Minister, I was wrong.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression softened slightly, “Where did the Emperor go wrong?”


Zhao Qi took a deep breath, “I shouldn’t have let the beauties help me with copying characters.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “It’s good that the Emperor sincerely regrets it. However, there must still be a punishment.”


He Changzhou said, “How the Emperor should be punished is not for the Prime Minister to decide. The only person who can punish the Emperor is the Empress Dowager.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Fine, then the Emperor can accompany me to see the Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi knew that even if it came to the Empress Dowager, she would likely side with Xiao Shiqing. “Let’s not bother her.”


He Changzhou looked resigned, “Emperor, you needn’t be afraid. We are on the same boat now. I will help you.”


Zhao Qi turned to him, “Forget it. One should bear the consequences of their own actions. Let’s not add to the trouble.”


He Changzhou: “…”


“So, Prime Minister, how do you plan to punish me?” Zhao Qi asked. “Continue copying characters?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “You need to practice writing. Just complete the characters that others had copied for you before.”


Zhao Qi asked doubtfully, “Is that all?”


“Not quite,” Xiao Shiqing said. “The Emperor’s harem is filled with many low-born beauties who do not understand right from wrong and might have a tendency to mislead the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up, “Does the Prime Minister intend to expel them from the palace?”


He Changzhou: “Hmm?”


Zhao Qiao gasped, unable to help but say, “That’s too harsh!”


Xiao Shiqing looked at Zhao Qi’s eyes, which were bright and clear, as if expecting something. Before the words left his mouth, Xiao Shiqing changed his mind. “Expel half of them.”


…Just half?


Xiao Shiqing noticed the disappointment in Zhao Qi’s eyes and sneered, “If there’s another time, you won’t be able to keep the other half either.”


Zhao Qiao thought Xiao Shiqing’s punishment was extremely severe and couldn’t help but speak up for Zhao Qi, “Prime Minister, as the ruler of the country, the Emperor only has a little over twenty beauties in his harem. That’s too few. Even a local official’s family has more consorts!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Brother, do you have a misunderstanding about what ‘few’ means?


“The Emperor is now at a prime age, and if the Prime Minister expels half of them, who will be responsible for the Emperor’s bedchamber pleasures in the future? Prime Minister, will you take responsibility?”


You’re the one at a prime age, and your whole family is at a prime age! Zhao Qi wanted to cover Zhao Qiao’s mouth, “Please just go back to your fief, really.”


Zhao Qiao indignantly said, “Emperor, don’t be afraid. My brother and General He will definitely help you seek justice.”


Xiao Shiqing didn’t even bother to look at him, “Overestimating oneself.”


He Changzhou said slowly, “Actually, the Emperor is indeed at fault in this matter. It’s only reasonable for the Prime Minister to impose a punishment, and I have no objections.”


Zhao Qiao: “???”


Zhao Qi: “…” So much for being on the same boat. This boat is sinking too fast!


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “As expected of General He—Does the Emperor have anything else to say?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi said. “Since we’re expelling the beauties, let’s start with those who still have relatives and are financially well-off. Their lives won’t be too difficult after leaving the palace. It would be best to give each of them some silver as a token of appreciation for their company.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “Alright. However, Rong Tang is also one of them. Does the Emperor want to let him go?”


Zhao Qi hadn’t considered this and was momentarily stunned, “This…”


Xiao Shiqing smiled faintly, “The Emperor should consider it carefully.”


Zhao Qi hesitated to release Rong Tang from the palace mainly because, in the original story, the dog emperor ultimately fell into Rong Tang’s hands and was tortured beyond recognition after being corrupted. Zhao Qi was unsure of Rong Tang’s current feelings towards him. Although Rong Tang seemed less cold towards him on the surface, he couldn’t be sure of Rong Tang’s true intentions—he might already have a thousand ways to torment him planned out.


After much thought, Zhao Qi decided to wait and observe. Just in time, the Prince of Huai was about to arrive in the capital. According to the original plot, the Prince of Huai would go to great lengths to meet Rong Tang in the palace and inform him of his plans to raise an army. Zhao Qi could use the Prince of Huai to test Rong Tang. If Rong Tang opposed the Prince’s plans, Zhao Qi would release him. If Rong Tang still wanted his life regardless of everything, then he would deal with that when the time came.


Half of the beauties in the harem had left, and the remaining ones were orphans with no relatives, like Jiang Bao’er. Besides her good looks and a bit of talent, she had nothing else and would be left to drift into the world of pleasure.


Some of the beauties allowed to leave the palace were those who had been forcibly brought in by the dog emperor, so naturally, they were overjoyed to return to their families. Others, who had entered the palace with the hope of rising to prominence, were now unwilling and discontent to be expelled. Among them was Miss Shangguan, who was closest to Jiang Bao’er.


On the day of departure, Jiang Bao’er saw Miss Shangguan off. Miss Shangguan, while wiping her tears, said, “When I first entered the palace, I thought I would bear the emperor’s child and become a concubine or something. But now, two years in, the emperor hasn’t even touched me, and now I’m being expelled from the palace. What kind of fate is this!”


Jiang Bao’er, with red-rimmed eyes, said, “Sister, stop saying that. The emperor is no longer the same as before. Not only you and I, but even now he doesn’t visit the harem for ten days or half a month. Even when he does, it’s just to go to the Drunken Book Study. Today it’s you being expelled, and tomorrow it might be me.”


“Sister, you have no parents. How will you make a living after leaving the palace?” Miss Shangguan said, “You must not sit idly by and wait for the emperor to expel you!”


Jiang Bao’er, with tears in her eyes, replied, “I’m just a small male pet, and a rough one at that. Besides waiting to die, what else can I do?”


Miss Shangguan thought for a moment and said, “If you could bear a child for the emperor, wouldn’t you be able to stay in the palace for a long time?”


“Sister, what nonsense are you talking? I’m a boy!”


Miss Shangguan said, “Listen to me. There’s a eunuch by the name of Xiao Xiazi beside the emperor, who is from my hometown and with whom I have a good relationship. Last time, he told me an interesting thing—he said the Fourth Young Master from the Ninth Prince’s family gave the emperor two special birthday gifts…”


Upon hearing this, Jiang Bao’er’s expression became serious. “Sister, say that again. What is the name of the medicine that makes men pregnant?”


Miss Shangguan confirmed, “It’s called Chang Xiangsi.”


After the beauties had left the palace, Zhao Qi walked around the harem and found it much quieter. Unconsciously, he ended up at the Drunken Book Study, where he smelled a strong medicinal aroma and saw Jin Ning boiling medicine in the courtyard.


Zhao Qi approached her and asked, “Is this medicine for Rong Tang?”


Jin Ning, focused on boiling the medicine, did not notice Zhao Qi’s arrival. She was startled by his sudden question and let out a scream. “Your Majesty?” She quickly knelt and saluted, “This servant pays her respects to Your Majesty.”


“Get up, get up,” Zhao Qi said. “Is Rong Tang’s health not improving again?”


Jin Ning shook her head. “Replying to Your Majesty, the young master’s condition has improved recently, but the imperial physician said the medicine cannot stop. It must be taken three times a day.”


“…This isn’t a medicine pot; it’s a medicine barrel, isn’t it?” Zhao Qi looked at the black, murky concoction in the pot and asked, “Is the medicine ready?”


“Replying to Your Majesty, it’s almost done.”


“Then take it to him.”


Rong Tang was in the study organizing ancient books. Hearing someone knock, he said, “Just leave the medicine there.”


Jin Ning said, “Young master, the emperor is also here.”


Rong Tang turned around and met Zhao Qi’s gaze, giving a slight nod. “Your Majesty—cough.”


“Didn’t you say it was getting better? Why are you coughing again?” Zhao Qi said. “Hurry and drink the medicine first.”


Rong Tang took the bowl and drank a sip, slightly frowning. Seeing this, Zhao Qi asked, “Is it very bitter?”


Rong Tang looked up at him. “Why don’t you try it, Your Majesty?” He then handed the bowl to Zhao Qi.


He intended to show Zhao Qi that the question was meaningless. However, Zhao Qi hesitated for a moment and really took the bowl. “Alright, I’ll try a sip.”


Rong Tang: “…”


Jiang Dehai, upon hearing this, quickly said, “Your Majesty, you shouldn’t drink the medicine casually!”


Rong Tang said, “It’s just some tonic medicine; drinking a sip or two won’t hurt.”


“Then I’ll give it a try.” Zhao Qi was curious about the taste of the medicine. He took a small sip, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth, causing his facial features to contort. “Sugar— I need sugar!”


Jiang Dehai: “Quick, get some candied fruit!”


Zhao Qi loved snacks, and wherever he went, eunuchs carried small treats behind him. Zhao Qi quickly grabbed a piece of candied fruit and put it in his mouth, finally alleviating the unbearable bitterness. He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Rong Tang, you drink such bitter medicine every day. It’s really not easy.”


Rong Tang said, “You get used to it.”


“This one is very sweet. Do you want to try it?”


Rong Tang hesitated for a moment before accepting the candied fruit and tasting it.


“How is it? Sweet?”


Rong Tang nodded. “Sweet.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “If you like it, I’ll have someone send some to the Drunken Book Study later.”


Rong Tang, unusually, did not refuse. “Hmm.”


“You can eat it, right?” Zhao Qi asked. “Don’t throw it away like the peach blossoms I sent you before.”


Rong Tang lightly coughed. “I won’t.”


Zhao Qi’s smile became even brighter. Perhaps he was being overly sentimental, but he really felt that Rong Tang’s attitude towards him had changed significantly compared to before.


Rong Tang, keep it up. If your aversion to me decreases a little more, I’ll be able to release you from the palace!


Thinking about leaving the palace, Zhao Qi said, “Have you noticed that there are fewer people in the harem?”


Rong Tang replied, “Hmm.” He didn’t care much about others; it was Jin Ning who told him.


Zhao Qi popped another piece of candied fruit into his mouth and said slowly, “Regarding your departure, I’ve thought about it for a long time. I know you don’t want to stay in the palace any longer, but I have my concerns.” Zhao Qi continued, “I’m reluctant to part with you for now, so please stay with me a little longer. After the Longevity Festival…” Zhao Qi paused, thinking it was better not to say uncertain things just yet.


Rong Tang looked at him quietly for a long time before saying, “Alright.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 19 – I don't believe men can have children.

Chapter 19 – I don’t believe men can have children.


Zhao Qi became nervous. Was he finally going to meet Zhao Tong, who was said to have a protagonist’s halo?!


Unexpectedly, Jiang Dehai was taken aback. “The emperor wants to see the Prince of Huai?”


Zhao Qi was confused. “Who exactly are you talking about?”


“The Fourth Young Master of the Ninth Prince’s family. The emperor used to enjoy his company the most. Every year during the Longevity Festival, the emperor eagerly awaited the unique and bizarre items he would bring from the east.”


Rong Tang’s shoulders relaxed. Zhao Qi remained indifferent. “Oh, him.”


The Fourth Young Master of the Ninth Prince’s family, named Zhao Qiao, was Zhao Qi’s cousin and also a buddy of the despised emperor. The Ninth Prince’s fief was in the east, near the Eastern Sea, and Zhao Qiao was very knowledgeable about various illusions and secret medicines from the east. Most of the emperor’s collection came from him, including things like “I Love a Dog,” “Strange/Obscene Joyful Powder,” “Fiery Passion”—besides sending medicines, Zhao Qiao also sent many beauties, one of whom, a curly-haired blue-eyed girl, unfortunately died from acclimatization issues after just six months in the palace.


Seeing Zhao Qi’s expression, Jiang Dehai was even more puzzled. “Doesn’t the emperor want to meet the Fourth Young Master?”


Before Zhao Qi could answer, a palace eunuch came in to report, “Your Majesty, the Fourth Young Master has arrived and is waiting outside the hall.”


“Already? Can he fly or something?”


Rong Tang said, “In that case, I’ll take my leave first.”


Zhao Qi extended his hand, “Wait—”


Rong Tang stopped in his tracks. “Also, I won’t be copying the characters for you. For long-term success, the emperor should practice more.”


“……” What is this nonsense? First, Xiao Shiqing, and now Rong Tang is also meddling?!


The eunuch asked, “Your Majesty, will you see the Fourth Young Master or not?”


Since he was already here, it would be unreasonable to chase him away. After all, he was Zhao Qi’s cousin. “Let him in,” Zhao Qi said.


As Zhao Qiao entered the hall, he happened to brush past Rong Tang. Rong Tang kept his gaze straight ahead, but Zhao Qiao glanced back at him a few times. Zhao Qi cleared his throat intentionally, and Zhao Qiao withdrew his gaze, smiling broadly as he greeted Zhao Qi, “Your humble servant greets the emperor.”


Zhao Qi responded coldly, “Hmm, you’re back. That was quick.”


“Of course, I rushed back from the Wang Residence, hurrying to the palace just to see you. Your Majesty, after a year apart, you’ve become even more robust! Just look at your complexion and your figure; you’re like a celestial being descending to earth! Ah—” Zhao Qiao raised his hand to shield his eyes from the supposed brilliance. “This dazzling light, I can no longer gaze directly upon the emperor’s holy visage!”


Zhao Qiao looked fairly decent, slightly chubby. His sincere expressions while flattering were enough to leave Zhao Qi somewhat dazed. He was quite a character.


“You’re so good at flattery, why don’t you go tell stories at an inn?”


Zhao Qiao smiled obsequiously, “What I’ve said is all the truth. In my eyes, the emperor truly shines.”


“I think you shine too, in a green light,” Zhao Qi said with a straight face. “Enough with the nonsense. Why are you in such a hurry to enter the palace? What’s the matter?”


Zhao Qiao stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Your Majesty, it seems that Young Master Rong has already bowed to your dragon robe?”


Zhao Qi picked up his tea cup and said irritably, “What does that have to do with you?”


“Your Majesty, if matters of romance are not my concern, then nothing in the world is,” Zhao Qiao looked at Zhao Qi’s expression. “I dare to guess the emperor’s intentions. Young Master Rong probably hasn’t yet received the emperor’s favor, has he?”


“Pfft—” Zhao Qi spat tea on Zhao Qiao’s face. “What kind of wolfish talk is this! How dare you discuss my offspring? Withdraw what you just said!”


“Yes, yes, yes. I spoke out of turn. Your Majesty, please don’t be angry. Be careful not to damage your health.” Zhao Qiao wiped his face with his sleeve. “I know the emperor genuinely likes Young Master Rong, so you don’t want to force him.”


Zhao Qi glared at him. “Are you still talking?”


Zhao Qiao slapped himself hard. “I won’t talk anymore. I’ll just do it directly.”


Zhao Qi asked warily, “What are you planning to do?”


Zhao Qiao winked and said, “I’m here to present a longevity gift to the emperor.”


“Aren’t longevity gifts usually given during the Longevity Festival?”


Zhao Qiao smiled. “Your Majesty, don’t you know me? I can’t give such gifts in front of others.”


Zhao Qi understood. “……So, what exactly is this gift of yours?”


Zhao Qiao took out two porcelain bottles, one red and one green. “Your Majesty, please take a look!”


Zhao Qi’s inner emotions were flat. “More aphrodisiacs? Can’t you bring something new?”


“Not at all, not at all,” Zhao Qiao shook his head, “Ordinary aphrodisiacs is not something that would be offered to the Emperor. These two types of medicine are secret formulas from the Eastern Realm, meant only for the Eastern Royal Family.”


“Then how did you get them?” Zhao Qi teased. “Have you become part of the Eastern Royal Family too?”


“I’m ashamed to say that to obtain these two medicines, I had to become a servant to the Eastern Empress Dowager…”


Zhao Qi thought he had misheard. “What Dowager?”


“Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi covered his eyes with his hand. “Just tell me what these medicines do.”


Zhao Qiao picked up the red porcelain bottle. “Your Majesty, this medicine is called Longing for You. It is specially for men. No matter how virtuous and self-restraining a gentleman is, after taking this medicine, he will feel an intense heat and desire, burning with passion—more so than even the most lecherous of men…”


Zhao Qi interrupted him. “That doesn’t seem particularly special.”


“Please let me finish, Your Majesty. Besides that, the user will also experience hallucinations, mistaking those around him for his—” Zhao Qiao paused deliberately to create an atmosphere, “beloved.”


Zhao Qi said, “Oh.”


“This medicine, compared to ordinary aphrodisiacs, has the greatest advantage of making the other person completely willing. You see, a man’s reaction differs greatly when faced with an ordinary person versus someone he truly likes.”


Zhao Qi yawned. “So if he calls someone else’s name in bed, you wouldn’t mind?”


“Well…” Zhao Qiao seemed to have not considered that, “How about you block Young Master Rong’s mouth, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched. “When did I say I would use this medicine on Rong Tang? Stop throwing mud at me! Next!”


“Oh, oh,” Zhao Qiao  picked up another green bottle. “Your Majesty, this medicine is called Longing for You No. 2.”


Zhao Qi was speechless. “Who came up with these names? They’re so lazy!”


“Though the name is careless, its effects are unparalleled,” Zhao Qiao said with an air of mystery. “It can make a man become pregnant and give birth.”


Zhao Qi looked at Zhao Qiao with sympathy. “Qiao, you’ve been tricked by that Empress Dowager.”


“I didn’t believe it at first either, but when I saw a man with a big belly in the Eastern Palace, I had to believe it!”


“Are you sure he didn’t stuff a pillow under his clothes?”


Zhao Qiao swore earnestly, “I’m sure. I even touched his belly; it was moving!”


Zhao Qi remained firm. “I still don’t believe it.”


Zhao Qiao grinned. “Well, Your Majesty can find someone to try it out. But I worked three days and nights to get a bottle, and it’s only enough for one person. Once used, it’s gone. Who do you want to use it on?”


Zhao Qi didn’t believe that men could get pregnant and casually said, “We’ll talk about it later.”


After returning to the capital, Zhao Qiao ran to the palace frequently. Zhao Qi’s feelings about him were quite complicated. There was no doubt that Zhao Qiao was a lecherous and obsequious little man, but at the same time, he had a great talent for humor, and even Zhao Qi, no matter how unwilling, would end up laughing at his antics.


One sunny day, with the spring breeze just right, Zhao Qiao brought a kite into the palace and asked the Emperor to fly it.


Zhao Qi was disdainful. “I’m almost nineteen years old. What do I need to fly kites for?”


Later Zhao Qi thought: Flying kites is actually quite fun.


The kite Zhao Qiao brought was “Chang’e 1Mooncake/Mid-autumn festival mythology in chinese traditionFlying to the Moon,” and it was quite realistic. From a distance, it really did look like a fairy flying in the sky.


At first, Zhao Qiao was the one flying the kite, while Zhao Qi gave him pointers. Later, Zhao Qi found Zhao Qiao’s skills lacking and decided to give it a try himself. “Let me show you what Chang’e Flying to the Moon really looks like.”


In no time, not only did Miss Chang’e fail to reach the moon, but she ended up hanging from a tree.


Zhao Qi: “……”


Zhao Qiao didn’t miss the chance to flatter, “Your Majesty, the fairy must be reluctant to leave, she doesn’t want to go.”


Zhao Qi said, “I think she’s seen you and become so distraught that she’d rather hang herself—Old Jiang, get someone who can climb trees to retrieve the kite.”


“Your Majesty.”


A few people turned to see He Changzhou walking towards them with a smile. This was Zhao Qiao’s first time meeting He Changzhou, and he couldn’t help but comment, “This person looks quite impressive. Is he also one of the beauties in the Emperor’s harem?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Shut up. Just because someone is eye-catching doesn’t mean they’re one of mine. He’s the son of General Fu Yuan, He Changzhou.”


Zhao Qiao understood, “So it’s Young General He. Seeing him in person is indeed better than hearing about him a hundred times.”


As they spoke, He Changzhou had already reached them. “I was wondering who was flying a kite, turns out it’s the Emperor,” he said, glancing up at the kite in the tree. “Should I carry the Emperor up to get it?”


Zhao Qi recalled how He Changzhou had once carried him to pick peaches at Muyang Temple and frowned, “Do you take me for a fool? I won’t be tricked by you again.”


He Changzhou laughed, “This time I won’t let go of the Emperor. Please give me another chance, alright?”


“No,” Zhao Qi refused firmly, “You should carry Zhao Qiao.”


He Changzhou glanced at Zhao Qiao, “Can’t carry.”


Zhao Qiao: “……” Felt somewhat offended.


Zhao Qi added, “Since there are so many people here, pick someone. That little eunuch looks quite thin; you can carry him.”


“Still can’t carry,” He Changzhou insisted, “I can only carry the Emperor.”


“Anyway, I’m not letting you carry me.”


He Changzhou looked at him for a moment, sighed, “Then there’s nothing I can do.” With that, he lightly jumped and easily reached the kite. He handed it to Zhao Qi, “Here.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “At least you have a conscience.”


“Your Majesty, something terrible has happened!” A eunuch rushed over anxiously, “The Prime Minister has found out about the beauties in the harem copying characters for the Emperor. He went to Yonghua Palace just now but couldn’t find you, and he’s heading towards the Imperial Garden!”


Zhao Qi was stunned, as if someone had hit him on the head, and then cried out, “It’s over, it’s over—I’m doomed!”


He Changzhou comforted him, “Don’t be afraid, Your Majesty, I’ll protect you.”


“How will you protect me? Will you drive the Prime Minister away?”




Xiao Shiqing arrived quickly. His gaze swept over everyone present before finally landing on Zhao Qi, who was hiding behind He Changzhou. Anger ignited in his heart, but his tone remained neutral: “Why is the Emperor hiding behind Young General He—come out.”


Zhao Qi looked to He Changzhou for help. Xiao Shiqing’s voice turned cold, repeating, “Please come to me, Your Majesty.”


Knowing Xiao Shiqing was in a rage and not wanting to add fuel to the fire, Zhao Qi lowered his head and stepped out from behind He Changzhou.


Just as he took a step, his arm was pulled by someone behind him. “It seems like the Emperor is unwilling to go to the Prime Minister,” He Changzhou said, “Why make things difficult for him?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 18 – Let me introduce you to His Majesty, Zhaonan.

Chapter 18 – Let me introduce you to His Majesty, Zhaonan.


An elderly official stepped forward and clasped his hands, saying, “Your Majesty, Prime. Lord Hong has served as an official for thirty years, diligently and with integrity, maintaining a simple and frugal lifestyle. Last year, when Lord Hong’s mother celebrated her eightieth birthday, I was invited to the Hong residence for the banquet. Despite being a dignified third-rank official, his home was even simpler and more modest than that of a sixth-rank official from the localities, with only a few dozen tables set for the feast. When Lord Hong learned that his only son had leaked an examination question, he did not hesitate for a moment and took the initiative to have his son imprisoned in the Supreme Court. However, the Hong family has been passing down the line for three generations, and Hong Bin is Lord Hong’s only child, born late in his life. The pain of burying his own child is unbearable for anyone. Now that Lord Hong is advanced in age and ill, if he were to witness his only son being executed and displayed to the public, it might cause him excessive grief and worsen his condition. I beg Your Majesty and the Prime to consider Lord Hong’s feelings and make a fair decision.”


Zhao Qi also felt a bit sorry for Lord Hong. “Prime, could you reconsider?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “Since Lord Wu and Lord Hong have such a close relationship, how about having Lord Wu accompany Lord Hong to witness the execution of Hong Bin as a form of consolation?”


Lord Wu’s face turned pale.


“If Lord Wu’s presence is still not enough, then let all officials of fifth rank and above, who have established families, in the capital accompany him,” Xiao Shiqing said coldly. “This will let them see the consequences of failing to properly educate their children.”


For a moment, the Hall of Taohua was deathly silent, with all the officials afraid to make a sound. Zhao Qi, sitting uncomfortably on the dragon throne, caught sight of He Changzhou’s gaze. He Changzhou subtly shook his head, signaling him not to speak further.


After a long silence, Xiao Shiqing said, “Are there any other matters that the ministers wish to bring up?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was back in class, primarily listening and learning, with little to say. After one morning court session, he witnessed Xiao Shiqing’s decisiveness and ruthless efficiency firsthand. To put it bluntly, it was almost like dictatorship; once Xiao Shiqing made a decision, no matter how many people opposed, he would not change his mind.


Zhao Qi silently rolled his eyes. If that’s the case, why hold morning courts or discuss state affairs? Xiao Shiqing could just issue orders directly.


After the court session, Empress Dowager Wen sent someone to invite Zhao Qi and Xiao Shiqing to have a meal in Ci’an Palace. On the way there, Xiao Shiqing said, “If Your Majesty has anything to say, please feel free.”


Zhao Qi hesitated and then gently said, “Have you ever considered that sometimes you might not be right?”


Seeing Xiao Shiqing raise an eyebrow, Zhao Qi quickly added, “Brother Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing smiled. “Does Your Majesty think that I am too autocratic?”


Zhao Qi held up his hand to show a small gap between his index finger and thumb. “Just a little bit.”


“Whether right or wrong, what does it matter?” Xiao Shiqing said. “The authority of those in power is far more important than being right or wrong. The court officials can engage in verbal sparring, but the person in power must be resolute.”


Zhao Qi was unconvinced. “But shouldn’t those in power be receptive to good advice?”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him. “Who says that?”


“History books say so.”


“So, does Your Majesty trust history books more than you trust me?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


Zhao Qi: ??? 


Isn’t this obvious? You are the scheming and ruthless minister in the original story—do you want me to learn from you? How arrogant!


Zhao Qi forced a smile. “Of course, I trust Prime Brother more!”


When they arrived at Ci’an Palace, Empress Dowager Wen asked about the morning court session. Zhao Qi said, “I learned a lot from Prime Brother.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled. “That’s good. Your Majesty, take your time and don’t rush. Shiqing, Your Majesty is still unfamiliar with court matters, so please take more care.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded. “It is my duty.”


“I heard that King Zhaonan has submitted another request for additional military funds, still for three hundred thousand taels?” Empress Dowager Wen said. “As the only non-imperial prince of Dajing, Li Chisu is indeed asking for a lot.”


Xiao Shiqing remained noncommittal.


Empress Dowager Wen spoke in a lively tone. “Li Chisu is quite a flamboyant character. Even before the mourning period for the old King Zhaonan had ended, he had already brought in seven or eight beautiful concubines into the palace. The censors have already reported this to me. It is said that after he ascended to the throne, he neglected official duties and spent all his time indulging in pleasure. Is he asking for thirty thousand taels to fund the military, or is it to support the numerous courtesans inside and outside the palace?”


Before Xiao Shiqing could speak, Zhao Qi, who had been focused on eating, said, “He’s just putting on a show, making sure the court trusts him and deterring any thoughts of reducing his fief.”


Li Chisu appeared a few times in the original work, and Zhao Qi knew him fairly well. The old King of Zhaonan and Emperor Jing Gaozu were sworn brothers, fighting together to conquer the world. After their success, Emperor Jing Gaozu even declared, “The world belongs to me, and I share it with my brother.” The old King of Zhaonan, overwhelmed, requested to retire and leave the capital that very night. Despite Emperor Jing Gaozu’s numerous attempts to persuade him to stay, he was ultimately made the King of Zhaonan and granted the three southwestern provinces as his fief, inheritable and unchangeable.


Decades later, the Zhao family had long forgotten the war and strife of those years. The Li clan, as the only non-imperial clan in Great Jing, had become a thorn in the side of the late Emperor and Empress Dowager Wen. Fortunately, the old King of Zhaonan remained loyal and dutiful, never mentioning the reduction of his fief during his lifetime. After his death, Li Chisu inherited the throne and, following his father’s wishes, kept a low profile, hiding his talents and pretending to be a man of little ambition. This led the court to believe he was engrossed in pleasures and unfit for great responsibilities, thus relaxing their vigilance over the southwestern provinces.


When Zhao Tong rebelled, the court ordered Li Chisu to suppress the insurgents, but Li Chisu refused to comply. Zhao Tong sent strategists to persuade him, but he remained unmoved. Zhao Tong and the dog emperor fought a fierce battle, and the southwestern provinces remained the only area untouched by war, with its economy and military strength developing far beyond that of other provinces. By the time peace was restored, Zhao Tong no longer had the energy to deal with a passive and profit-seeking King of Zhaonan. Only then did Li Chisu leisurely accept the olive branch offered by the new emperor, continuing his role as the ruler of the southwest.


Empress Dowager Wen was so shocked that she nearly dropped her chopsticks. “What did His Majesty say?”


Zhao Qi, who no longer cared about maintaining his image—having already lost it—noticed that Empress Dowager Wen and others seemed to be gradually accepting his changes. He felt it was necessary to warn them to be cautious of Li Chisu. “What I mean is, a tiger’s son is not a dog. I find it hard to believe that the old King of Zhaonan would have a son as worthless as Hong Ziming. The old King of Zhaonan had quite a few sons; Li Chisu is the youngest. If he were truly as incompetent as rumored, why would the old King have passed the throne to him?”


Empress Dowager Wen looked at Xiao Shiqing, who appeared much more composed than she was. “What His Majesty said is not without reason. It is too early to judge Li Chisu’s character.”


After regaining her composure, Empress Dowager Wen said, “When he arrives in the capital, I will find a way to test him. Also, since Hong Ziming has been dismissed, what do you plan to do about the vacancy for the Deputy Minister of Rites?” She adjusted her hair, “Next month is the Wan Shou Festival, which is the busiest time for the Ministry of Rites.”


Xiao Shiqing understood Empress Dowager Wen’s intention and asked, “Does the Empress Dowager have a suitable candidate to recommend?”


Empress Dowager Wen sipped her tea and replied, “The eldest son of the Duke of Wen, Wen Xiaoyuan, passed the imperial examinations three years ago and has since been working in the Hanlin Academy as an editor. I have watched him grow up. He has good character and is talented. I am thinking of giving him a substantive position. What do you think, Shiqing?”


The Duke of Wen’s residence was Empress Dowager Wen’s family home and one of the few influential families in the capital not beholden to the Xiao family. Empress Dowager Wen’s intention to promote her own people was something Xiao Shiqing had always been aware of. He glanced at the young emperor, who was engrossed in his soup, and said, “If the Empress Dowager says so, then it is fine with me. I have no objections.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled with satisfaction. “Shiqing, I heard that your mother has been unwell recently. I happen to have a snow lotus tribute from Bei Liang. Take it back to your home and give it to your mother as a supplement.”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “I will thank the Empress Dowager on behalf of my mother.”


The undercurrents between Empress Dowager Wen and Xiao Shiqing were noticeable even to Zhao Qi. In such high-stakes political maneuvering, he thought it best to stay out of the fray.


With the Wan Shou Festival approaching, according to Great Jing’s customs, the vassal kings and princesses who had been living in their fiefs or married far away were gradually returning to the capital. Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen were busy meeting the returning nobles, and the palace grew increasingly lively. Yet, with only half a month left until the festival, Zhao Qi had still not seen the person he was hoping to meet.


One day, Zhao Qi was in the Zhengzheng Hall, learning statecraft from Xiao Shiqing (or more accurately, Xiao Shiqing was reviewing memorials while Zhao Qi was daydreaming). He asked, “Prime Minister, do you think the Prince of Huai will come to the capital when ordered?”


Xiao Shiqing looked up at him and asked, “Why do you ask?”


Zhao Qi rested his chin on the table and yawned. “I think he probably doesn’t want to come back. He was so harshly humiliated before he left the capital, he might still have lingering trauma.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly. “I didn’t expect you to remember that. However, he will definitely come back. Firstly, not returning would be defying the imperial edict; secondly, there are people he wants to see in the capital.”


Zhao Qi turned his head with difficulty. “Who?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “Who did he kneel for outside Yonghua Palace and receive thirty lashes for?”


“I can answer that,” Zhao Qi said, “It was for Rong Tang. So, does the Prime Minister mean he will return because of Rong Tang?”


“The Prince of Huai and Rong Tang have an extraordinary bond,” Xiao Shiqing said with a smile. “Doesn’t Your Majesty know?”


Zhao Qi noticed a hint of Schadenfreude in Xiao Shiqing’s smile and asked, “What about you, Prime Minister? Are you and the Prince of Huai completely innocent?”


Xiao Shiqing continued to smile. “Hmm? Please, go on.”


Zhao Qi did not back down. With his eyes lowered, he said, “A few years ago, when Prime Minister brother and the Prince of Huai were accidentally trapped in the palace overnight, didn’t they have a great time chatting? They talked about everything from poetry to life philosophy while watching the snow, stars, and moon. Can you honestly say you don’t admire him even a little?”


Xiao Shiqing fell silent. Zhao Qi thought his words had angered him and peeked up to check, “Prime Minister brother?”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was hard to read, “How do you know about this?”


“I… I saw it with my own eyes,” Zhao Qi said. “Just tell me, did it happen or not?”


Xiao Shiqing nodded slightly, “It did happen.”


Zhao Qi remarked, “Ah, some people really have the nerve to criticize others. It’s laughable to mock others for their shortcomings when they themselves are no better.”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “It seems you don’t like me getting too close to the Prince of Huai?”


Without any hesitation, Zhao Qi replied, “Yes.” He did not want Xiao Shiqing to repeat the plot of the original story, abandoning him at a critical moment to join the Prince of Huai’s side.


Xiao Shiqing curled the corners of his lips, “Then stay the night in the Palace of Governance.”


Zhao Qi: “??? ”


“I’ll keep you company and we can discuss the moon and stars together—are you satisfied?”


“…” I don’t need that, thanks!


Zhao Qi thought Xiao Shiqing was just saying it casually, but come nighttime, he showed no intention of leaving. Since Xiao Shiqing wasn’t leaving, Zhao Qi had no choice but to stay with him. They had dinner together, and Xiao Shiqing continued to go through a mountain of documents, leaving Zhao Qi bored and yawning constantly.


Xiao Shiqing asked, “You seem quite idle.”


Zhao Qi looked innocent, “I have nothing to do anyway.”


Xiao Shiqing tossed him a document, “Read it.”


Zhao Qi opened the document and began to read with great difficulty, “The official Zhen Yongsi of Liu Prefecture reports that Liu Prefecture Governor Dong ‘Zong’…”


Xiao Shiqing corrected him, “It’s pronounced ‘Cong.’”


Zhao Qi insisted, “I know. I just read it wrong.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, “Continue reading.”


“During Dong Cong’s tenure, he repeatedly acted out of self-interest, allowing his subordinates to use their power for personal gain, reversing policies, and ignoring the laws of Great Jing. I am deeply worried and respectfully request that Your Majesty order an investigation into Dong Cong to uphold the national laws and imperial authority.” Zhao Qi finished and added, “After all this, what exactly did Dong Cong do? They didn’t provide any specific examples.”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “What do you want to do?”


Zhao Qi thought for a moment and said, “Send someone from the Supervisory Office to Liu Prefecture for a detailed investigation and report back?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “That works. Write it up.”




“Take the pen and write what you just said.” Xiao Shiqing said, “You don’t need me to teach you how to write, do you?”


“But my handwriting is terrible.”


“Let me see just how bad it is.”


Zhao Qi had no choice but to pick up the pen. Just as he was about to start writing, Xiao Shiqing added, “The blue comments are not for you—come, present the imperial brush for the red comments.”


The eunuch presented the imperial brush, and Zhao Qi held it in his hand, feeling as if it weighed a ton. With one hand holding the brush and the other lifting his sleeve, he carefully wrote down what he had said.


Xiao Shiqing frowned, “Your handwriting… even if you scatter some rice on the paper and put a chicken on it, it would look better than your writing.”


Zhao Qi put on a brave face, “I appreciate Prime Minister brother’s compliment.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled softly and threw him another document, “Continue.”


The two stayed in the Palace of Governance until dawn, and only then did Xiao Shiqing allow Zhao Qi to return to his quarters. Zhao Qi felt deeply frustrated, thinking that while Xiao Shiqing and Zhao Tong spent the night watching snow, stars, and the moon, his night had been spent going through documents. Different people, different fates.


Xiao Shiqing gave Zhao Qi two days off, but soon after, someone delivered a calligraphy book. “Prime Minister Xiao requests that His Majesty practice the calligraphy book ten times a day and submit it to the Prime Minister after a month.”


At that moment, Zhao Qi was once again overwhelmed by the terror of homework and was on the verge of tears. Why… why must he endure this suffering even though he had transmigrated?


For the first two days, Zhao Qi could barely manage the task. By the third day, he was on the brink of a breakdown, banging his head on the desk. Jiang Dehai watched in horror and suggested, “Would you like to find a few skilled scribes to help His Majesty?”


Jiang Dehai’s words were a wake-up call. “Right, let others imitate my handwriting. After all, it’s just copying. Xiao Shiqing might not even notice.”


Jiang Dehai said, “I’ll find someone right away.”


“No need. Aren’t there plenty of idle people in the palace?” Zhao Qi said. “Let them write for me!”


Jiang Dehai asked, “What about Master Rong?”


“Of course, let him write!” Zhao Qi said without hesitation. “They are all my beauties. I must treat them equally and share the benefits!”


When the beauties of the harem received the task, they all complained: “We entered the palace to enjoy a life of ease without working! Now, not only are we expected to exercise, but we also have to practice calligraphy. What exactly did we do wrong?”


After Zhao Qi’s decree was issued, Rong Tang took the initiative to visit Yonghua Palace for the first time. Zhao Qi was shocked and asked, “Are you here to see me or Jiang Dehai?”


Rong Tang: “…”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “Your Majesty, please don’t joke with this old servant. Master Rong must be here to see you.”


Zhao Qi was skeptical, “Really?”






Rong Tang frowned slightly, “Your Majesty’s handwriting is quite unsightly. I’m not keen on imitating it.”


Zhao Qi’s ears turned red. It was one thing for others to say so, but Rong Tang was a renowned talent, a celebrated scholar. Hearing this from him made Zhao Qi feel somewhat embarrassed. “I think my handwriting is fine. Maybe your standards are too high.”


“Didn’t Your Majesty study in the Nanshufang when you were young? How could you produce such handwriting?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was going to cough up blood. “It’s been too long since I last practiced.”


Rong Tang spread out a piece of paper, dipped a brush in ink, and handed it to Zhao Qi. “Please write a character.”


Zhao Qi scratched his head with the brush. After writing a little, Rong Tang said, “Your grip on the brush is incorrect.” His cool hand grasped Zhao Qi’s right hand. “It should be like this.”


Zhao Qi could smell a faint scent of medicine. Rong Tang stood behind him, his chest pressed against Zhao Qi’s back, and Zhao Qi could even feel the beat of his heart.


“What do you want to write, Your Majesty?” Rong Tang asked near his ear.


“‘Rong,’” Zhao Qi said, “the ‘Rong’ in Rong Tang.”


Rong Tang paused for a moment, then tightened his grip on Zhao Qi’s hand and wrote his surname smoothly on the paper. After finishing the last stroke, Rong Tang released Zhao Qi’s hand and asked, “Have you got it, Your Majesty?”


“Uh… I think I’m getting a feel for it. Can we try again?”


A young eunuch came in and whispered something in Jiang Dehai’s ear. Jiang Dehai’s face immediately lit up, and he stepped forward to report, “Your Majesty, the person you have been waiting for has recently arrived in the capital and will likely come to the palace to see you soon.”


“Someone I’ve been waiting for?” Zhao Qi said. “You mean the Prince of Huai?”


Rong Tang subtly straightened his posture.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 17 – This is my first time attending court.

Chapter 17 – This is my first time attending court.


Realizing what Rong Tang wanted to do, Zhao Qi was shocked. He suddenly pushed Rong Tang away, almost jumping out of bed, and pointed at Rong Tang, shouting, “Not again!!! You lecherous scoundrel!”


Rong Tang, caught off guard by the push, took a step back. He lowered his gaze to his hand that had just touched Zhao Qi and frowned slightly, saying, “Who forced me to stay in the harem? Doesn’t His Majesty remember? Who exactly is the ‘lecherous scoundrel’ here?”


Zhao Qi, knowing he was in the wrong, gritted his teeth and said, “I’m not in the mood today.”


“Is it that you’re not in the mood, or just that you’re incapable?”


Zhao Qi couldn’t believe it. “Rong Tang, you are a person of high moral character and self-respect. How can you speak such… such indecent words! Even if you want to test me, there’s no need to sacrifice your dignity!”


Rong Tang smiled faintly. “I’m afraid His Majesty has misunderstood me. Affection between men and women is natural and acceptable.”


But affection between men is a big no-no! Zhao Qi’s mindset was collapsing. He felt that Rong Tang was like a celestial being who had descended to the mortal world, tainted by earthly desires, ready to turn dark at any moment.


Zhao Qi rubbed his forehead. “You must be out of your mind right now. Calm down. I’m leaving.” With that, he fled in a panic, like a maiden chased by a lecherous rogue.


Rong Tang remained where he was, watching his retreating figure with thoughtful eyes.


Late at night, Zhao Qi walked alone on the way back to Yonghua Palace, occasionally encountering patrolling guards. He walked slowly and carefully avoided them. When passing by the rockery in the imperial garden, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the rockery.


Zhao Qi’s mind went blank, and he instinctively wanted to call for help, but a familiar, amused voice came from beside his ear: “Which little eunuch is wandering around outside in the middle of the night?”


The familiar voice and the scent of fragrant grass… Zhao Qi’s heart, which had jumped to his throat, finally settled. In frustration, he bit the hand of the person who had startled him. The person chuckled softly and let go of him.


“You almost gave me a heart attack!” Zhao Qi complained. “You can’t do that!”


The moonlight was beautiful tonight. He Chengzhou leaned against the rock wall, bathed in bright moonlight, his posture tall and full of vigor. “A heart attack?”


Zhao Qi waved his hand. “What are you doing here?”


“To see the Prime Minister.”


“At this late hour?”


“Mm,” He Chengzhou replied, “And what about His Majesty? Why are you wearing a little eunuch’s outfit at this hour? What are you up to?”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless. “I…”


He Chengzhou glanced towards where Zhao Qi had come from. “Did His Majesty come from the Drunk Scholar’s Studio?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Uh…”


He Chengzhou took Zhao Qi’s silence as confirmation, his smile becoming enigmatic. “I didn’t expect His Majesty and Young Master Rong to be so… interested in each other. Little eunuch’s clothes… Haha.”


Zhao Qi’s face turned red. “Ah, it’s not what you think.”


He Chengzhou continued on as if to himself, “I just returned to the capital from Youzhou, fought with the remnants of the Broken Pulse Boat, and injured my hand. I work so hard as a minister, and yet His Majesty is… enjoying himself with a male companion…”


“I told you it’s not like that! Rong Tang’s old illness recurred. I wanted to visit him, but the Prime Minister wouldn’t let me, so I had to resort to this… Wait, you said your hand was injured?”


He Chengzhou raised his hand and clasped his other wrist. “I’m injured. Blades and swords are unpredictable. I’m used to it.” His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were pitiful, weak, and helpless.


He Chengzhou was one of the top experts in the Dajing Dynasty. Zhao Qi didn’t think it was a serious matter. “Just get used to it. Be more careful next time.”


He Chengzhou was taken aback. “Is that it?”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Huh? What else do you want?”


He Chengzhou laughed in frustration. “Young Master Rong’s old illness recurred, and His Majesty personally went to see him. I’m injured, and His Majesty only says ‘be more careful next time’?”


Zhao Qi laughed as well. “The distinguished General He Chengzhou is acting like a little child begging for candy.”


He Chengzhou raised an eyebrow. “Does His Majesty give candy?”


“Of course,” Zhao Qi said after thinking for a moment. “Are you hungry? Come with me to Yonghua Palace for a late-night snack!”


With He Chengzhou around, Zhao Qi didn’t need to sneak back to the palace as he had on his way out. He Chengzhou claimed he needed to see the emperor, so Xiao Shiqing’s men didn’t dare to stop him. Zhao Qi followed him with his head down and successfully entered the palace.


Jiang Dehai, who had been anxiously waiting for Zhao Qi, mistook He Chengzhou for someone sent by Prime Minister Xiao for a check-up. “Why is General He here? His Majesty has already gone to bed.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Who is standing behind me?”


Zhao Qi emerged from behind He Changzhou. He Changzhou was tall, making Zhao Qi look like a delicate young girl in comparison. Jiang Dehai truly hadn’t noticed anyone behind him.


“Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai sighed in relief, “You’ve finally returned! This old servant has been on edge all night!”


Zhao Qi smiled, “You’ve worked hard. By the way, go to the imperial kitchen and tell them that I’m hungry and want to eat something…” He turned to He Changzhou, “What do you want to eat?”


He Changzhou answered without hesitation, “Meat.”


Zhao Qi responded, “Meat?”


“I’m not used to the delicate dishes of the palace,” He Changzhou said lazily, “I just want to drink and eat meat heartily.”


“I’ll satisfy you,” Zhao Qi said, “Let’s have a few big pig’s trotter. Forget the wine, you’re injured, so no drinking. Also, bring two bowls of soup to help with the greasiness.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Alright, I’ll listen to the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi changed into his clothes, and the big pig’s trotters arrived. There were four braised pig’s trotters in total, with a rich and aromatic sauce that made them taste even better in the evening.


He Changzhou ate casually but wasn’t crude. Zhao Qi, on the other hand, was struggling to eat and got his face smeared with sauce, making He Changzhou laugh and call him a little kitten.


Zhao Qi was full after one trotter, wiped his hands, and watched He Changzhou eat.


He Changzhou asked, “Aren’t you going to eat more, Your Majesty?”


“Mmm,” Zhao Qi patted his belly, “One trotter is enough; eating too much would be greasy. By the way, do you usually attend the morning court sessions?”


He Changzhou replied, “As long as I’m in the capital, I do—why?”


Zhao Qi looked embarrassed, “I’m going to attend the morning court session tomorrow.”


He Changzhou seemed a bit surprised, “Prime Minister Xiao asked the Emperor to attend?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes, the Prime Minister wants me to try sitting in.”


He Changzhou slowed down his eating, “Is that so. How does the Emperor feel about it?”


Zhao Qi confessed, “I’m a bit nervous.”


“Nervous?” He Changzhou laughed, “It’s not your first time attending court, why be nervous?”


Zhao Qi mumbled, “It’s different this time.”


He Changzhou reassured him, “If you’re really nervous, just look at me more.”


Zhao Qi looked doubtful, “Will that help?”


He Changzhou remained calm, “Whether it helps or not, the Emperor will find out.”


The next day, at the crack of dawn, Zhao Qi was awakened by Jiang Dehai for washing and changing. Empress Dowager Wen sent some pastries for him to eat before going to court. After all the fuss, it was almost time. Zhao Qi, dressed in elaborate dragon robes, took the dragon carriage to Taihua Hall, where the ministers had long been waiting.


Amid the loud announcement of “The Emperor has arrived, important ministers for the morning court” and “Long live the Emperor,” Zhao Qi ascended the steps to the resplendent dragon throne. Below the dragon throne was a sandalwood chair, where Xiao Shiqing was seated. Standing in the front row were members of the cabinet formed by Xiao Shiqing, with most of the others being Xiao’s close allies.


From his elevated position, Zhao Qi immediately saw Xiao Shiqing in dark clothes, who was the only one not kneeling. Noticing Zhao Qi’s gaze, Xiao Shiqing tilted his chin slightly and smiled faintly, radiating elegance and nobility.


Zhao Qi casually shifted his gaze, searching for He Changzhou among the crowd. He Changzhou, dressed in crimson official robes, was kneeling among the military officials and smiled up at Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said, “Rise.”


Xiao Shiqing lifted the hem of his robe and sat on the sandalwood chair, his demeanor unchanged, “What matters are to be discussed?”


A minister spoke up, “Report to the Emperor, Prince Zhao Nan Li Chisu requests an additional military fund of 300,000 taels.”


“300,000?” Zhao Qi pretended to think for a moment and asked Xiao Shiqing, “What does the Prime Minister think of this matter?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “There are no major issues at the southern border, give him 100,000 taels first, and have the Ministry of Revenue handle it.”


Zhao Qi replied, “That’s settled.”


“Report to the Emperor, Governor of Yuzhou Dong Boxi’s elderly mother has passed away, and Dong Boxi requests a mourning leave.”


Before Zhao Qi could ask, Xiao Shiqing said, “Approved. Have the Ministry of Personnel propose a few replacement candidates for the Emperor’s review.”


“Your Majesty, the case of the leaked examination questions has been resolved. It was done by the son of the Minister of Rites, Hong Ziming, named Hong Bin. It is said that Hong Bin frequented brothels and incurred huge debts. However, Hong Ziming’s family strictly disciplines him, so Hong Bin dared not report this and resorted to stealing exam papers for money. Last night, Hong Ziming, in a display of righteousness, personally imprisoned his son in the Court of Judicature and submitted a letter of apology. I have already detained Hong Bin in the Court of Judicature awaiting punishment.”


Xiao Shiqing spoke softly, “Hong Ziming is honest and fair, but unfortunately, he has a bad son.”


Zhao Qi listened attentively, “What should be done then?”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at Zhao Qi, “What does the Emperor think?”


“Each person should bear their own consequences. Let’s not hold Hong Ziming responsible for his son’s mistakes,” Zhao Qi said, “And the Prime Minister just mentioned that Hong Ziming is a good official.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “The Emperor’s consideration for the old official shows your benevolence and forgiveness.” After a moment of contemplation, he continued, “Hong Ziming will be dismissed from office for investigation due to his lax family discipline, allowing his son’s illegal actions. Hong Bin will be executed, and Hong Ziming should be present at the execution.”


Zhao Qi responded, “……” That’s ruthless.


“Does the Emperor approve of this handling?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


“…… Yes.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 16 – I was bullied by Rong Tang again (Why did I say "again"?)

Chapter 16 – I was bullied by Rong Tang again (Why did I say “again”?)


Rong Tang’s eyes opened slightly. Was this the kitten that had been meowing earlier?


Under the candlelight, Rong Tang’s face was enveloped in a soft, thin veil, and his usual cold demeanor had softened considerably. Zhao Qi stared in a daze. It was true that a beauty who could mesmerize even the Emperor of Dogs, who had seen countless beauties, was indeed captivating. There was probably no one in the world more suited to the term “white moonlight” than him.


Rong Tang was surprised for only a moment before quickly regaining his usual indifference. “Your Majesty?”


“Yes, it’s me, it’s me.” Zhao Qi glanced at the door, “Step aside, I’ll climb in first. There are too many eyes of officials in the palace… the officials’ spies. I don’t want to be discovered.” As he spoke, he made an effort to get one leg up onto the windowsill.


Rong Tang asked, “Why not use the door?”


Zhao Qi paused and asked, “Will you open the door for me?”


Rong Tang didn’t answer, instead turning and walking away. Zhao Qi, still with his leg raised, was unsure whether to lower it or continue climbing. At that moment, he heard a creak, and Rong Tang stood at the door, “Come in.”


Zhao Qi smiled at him, “Mm-hmm.”


Once inside, Rong Tang discreetly observed Zhao Qi. The dark blue eunuch’s robe Zhao Qi wore was a bit large, trailing on the floor and with the sleeves pulled down considerably. In the dim light, Zhao Qi’s bright eyes and charming gaze made him indeed look like a very delicate “little eunuch.”


The same face, which had once filled him with disgust a few months ago, now…


Rong Tang looked away and asked, “Your Majesty mentioned Minister Xiao earlier. Is it that Minister Xiao did not allow you to come here?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi complained, “He even stationed people outside the Yonghua Palace to keep me from coming out. I had to borrow a eunuch’s outfit just to sneak out.”


Rong Tang was quiet for a moment, “You went through all this trouble just to see me?”


Not entirely, he had also enjoyed the thrill of subtly opposing Xiao Shiqing, but that didn’t need to be shared with Rong Tang. “Yes,” Zhao Qi said, “You rarely say you want to see me, so I had to come, even if I had to climb.”


“Aren’t you afraid the minister will find out and punish you?”


“He probably won’t find out,” Zhao Qi glanced around, worried that Xiao Shiqing might suddenly appear, “Unless you decide to report me—You wouldn’t do that, would you?”


Rong Tang poured him a cup of tea, “I won’t.”


Zhao Qi, who had been anxious throughout his journey, was indeed thirsty. He picked up the teacup and was about to bring it to his lips but then set it down again, “I’m not thirsty.”


Rong Tang said calmly, “You think I might have poisoned it?”


“Not really. You don’t have poison on you right now, so how could you poison me?” Zhao Qi said, “I’m just afraid of dirtying your cup.”


Rong Tang remained silent for a moment and then said, “I don’t mind. You can drink.”


Zhao Qi was a bit surprised but took the teacup again, sipping the tea while quietly observing Rong Tang. Could it be that Jiang Dehai was right? That after enduring hardships, Rong Tang was finally moved by him? No, while he did enjoy Rong Tang’s character in books, he preferred the delicate and charming young lady.


After finishing the tea, Zhao Qi cleared his throat and asked, “Do you have anything you want to say to me? You can say it now.”


Rong Tang simply said three words: “Miss Wang.”


Zhao Qi looked confused, “Who?”


Rong Tang briefly described what he had seen and heard in the Cold Palace that day. Before he could finish, Zhao Qi interrupted, “What? She’s still alive and well? It makes me so angry!” Zhao Qi paced back and forth in the room, “Tomorrow, I’ll use the most poisonous and potent medicine on her. If she can still come through unscathed…”


Rong Tang asked, “What do you intend to do?”


Zhao Qi looked up helplessly at the sky, “Then she must be one of those rare individuals who are immune to all poisons. She must be a reincarnated fairy. What can I do with her?”


Rong Tang sighed lightly, “Your Majesty, you don’t want her dead, nor do you wish to torture her. Why don’t you just admit it?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was having a really bad day. After going through so much to do a good deed and atone for the original owner’s sins, how did it end up being discovered by Rong Tang? If word got out, wouldn’t he look like a fool with a grassland on his head, still choosing to forgive? How could he face his future empress, and where would he find the face to be a man?


Feigning ignorance, Zhao Qi said, “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Rong Tang looked at him, “Fine, I won’t ask anymore.”


Zhao Qi sighed with relief, “So you called me just for this matter? Is there anything else you want to say?”




“Then, shall I leave?”




Zhao Qi opened the door, and Rong Tang coughed behind him. He turned back and asked, “Are you alright?”


Rong Tang covered his mouth and nodded, “Cough, cough.”


Rong Tang continued to cough several times, his beautiful face flushed with redness. Zhao Qi’s sympathy for the weak was stirred. After hesitating for a moment, he closed the door and walked to Rong Tang’s side, helping him sit down and tentatively placing his hand on Rong Tang’s back. Seeing that Rong Tang did not reject him, he gently patted his back.


In just a short while, Rong Tang’s expression turned unfavorable. Zhao Qi, looking worried, asked, “Should we call the imperial doctor to have a look at you?”


“It’s nothing,” Rong Tang replied with his eyes closed, “Your Majesty, please leave. Cough, cough.”


At that moment, a female voice came from outside the door: “Young Master, why are you coughing again? Young Master, I’m coming in.”


Rong Tang and Zhao Qi exchanged glances. Before they could speak, Jin Ning pushed the door open. “Oh, Young Master, why did you open the window? The doctor said your illness shouldn’t be exposed to the night breeze. Did you forget?”


As Jin Ning moved to close the window and head into the inner room, Zhao Qi abruptly stood up. “Tell her not to come in!” He didn’t mind Rong Tang seeing him in eunuch attire, since Rong Tang had seen him in such a state before, but Jin Ning was different.


Rong Tang’s eyes flickered for a moment. “It’s too late.”


Zhao Qi quickly looked around and said, “You said you didn’t mind me.” With that, Zhao Qi pulled back Rong Tang’s blanket and crawled in, covering himself tightly. The faint medicinal fragrance that was often present around Rong Tang enveloped him from all sides.


Rong Tang: “…”


Although Rong Tang had a cold personality, he was never harsh with his servants. There were only a few people in the Drunken Book Studio, and the one he spoke to the most was Jin Ning. Thus, Jin Ning was quite casual around him. When Jin Ning entered the inner room and saw Rong Tang sitting at the table, she asked, “It’s already this late. Why haven’t you gone to sleep yet?”


Rong Tang coughed twice. “I’ll sleep soon.”


“Your complexion looks so bad. You must have caught another chill,” Jin Ning said, with a hint of reproach in her voice. “I clearly closed the doors and windows when I left. Why did you open them?”


“Little cat.”


“Little cat?” Jin Ning asked. “When did we have a cat in the Drunken Book Studio?”


“It came from elsewhere. It’ll leave soon,” Rong Tang said. “You should go to sleep. There’s no need to worry about me.”


Jin Ning wasn’t reassured. “Let me stay and attend to you until you fall asleep.”


Rong Tang glanced at the bed and said, “Leave.”


Jin Ning wanted to say something more, but seeing Rong Tang’s expression, she decided against it. After Jin Ning left, Zhao Qi immediately threw off the blanket to get some fresh air, his face red. “I’m suffocating!”


Rong Tang approached the bed and looked down at him. “It seems like Your Majesty really likes this bed.”


Zhao Qi didn’t understand Rong Tang’s meaning. “Your bed is quite soft and comfortable.”


“And others’ beds?”




Rong Tang looked at his flushed face. “Have you ever been in someone else’s bed?”


“Why do you ask that?” Zhao Qi said, a bit evasively. “There are so many beautiful women in my harem…”


“Yet you haven’t touched a single one,” Rong Tang interrupted. “Why is that?”


Zhao Qi refused to answer. “I just asked if you had anything else to say, and you didn’t. Now that you’re asking me, I won’t tell you. Move aside; I’m going back to the palace.”


Rong Tang remained unmoved. He recalled the two times he had tangled with Zhao Qi in bed, and the other person didn’t seem to react much. “Could it be that you, like the Prince of Huai, are incapable of intimacy?”


The Prince of Huai was only pretending, but the dog emperor was truly incapable of intimacy. But that was in the past. Now, his dragon vein was in great shape. As Jiang Dehai put it, it was like a pillar propping up the sky, as solid as Mount Tai!


“Certainly not!” Zhao Qi became angry. “Don’t think that just because I like you, you can be so presumptuous! Is it acceptable to speak of the Son of Heaven’s incapability? That’s a warning to cut off your tongue.”


Rong Tang said calmly, “If that’s the case, we’ll find out by trying.”


Zhao Qi had a bad premonition. “Trying… How will you try?”


Rong Tang said nothing, only watching him. He then reached out, pinching Zhao Qi’s face and brushing his lips with his fingertips.


Rong Tang’s hand was cool, and Zhao Qi widened his eyes, watching as Rong Tang leaned closer.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 15 – I can't live without my brother, and my kingdom can't live without my brother!

Chapter 15 – I can’t live without my brother, and my kingdom can’t live without my brother!


Zhao Qi: ???


Does this question even make sense? Why would he need to answer such a question?


Zhao Qi’s gaze shifted back and forth between Rong Tang and Xiao Shiqing. These two looked no different from usual—one was casually noble, while the other remained coldly aloof.


To be honest, he leaned more towards Rong Tang. It was rare for the cold beauty to take the initiative to speak to him, and he was quite curious about the reason. On the other hand, Xiao Shiqing’s imposing presence made him feel overwhelmed every time they were alone together.


Zhao Qi hesitated, and Xiao Shiqing urged him, “Your Majesty?”


“Lord Xiao must have urgent matters to discuss,” Rong Tang said, “Your Majesty should go with Lord Xiao first.”


“Did I ask you?” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “Questions directed at the emperor naturally need to be answered by the emperor.”


… Please, just spare me!


Conflicted as he was, Zhao Qi knew the standard answer to this question. Xiao Shiqing was the prime minister, and Rong Tang was his nominal lover. Did he even have a choice?


Zhao Qi said quietly, “I choose the prime minister.”


Xiao Shiqing was satisfied, “Your Majesty is wise.”


Zhao Qi looked apologetically at Rong Tang, “Then I’ll be going.”


Rong Tang seemed indifferent to his answer, “Take care, Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi smiled at him, “I’ll come talk to you later at the Drunken Scholar’s Study.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression hardened, and he said mockingly, “The Emperor seems quite busy. Don’t worry, Young Master Rong, I will make sure the Emperor is free soon, so as not to disrupt your evening.”


Rong Tang’s brows furrowed slightly, “Thank you, Lord.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, flicked his sleeves, and walked away. After taking a few steps, he stopped and turned, “Why are you still standing there?”


Zhao Qi responded with an “Oh” and followed.


Xiao Shiqing was tall and had long legs, so Zhao Qi had to take two steps to match his one. Xiao Shiqing walked at a steady pace, and Zhao Qi didn’t make an effort to catch up, maintaining a distance of a few steps.


When they reached the Hall of Governance, Xiao Shiqing stopped at the threshold and turned to extend his hand to Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi was puzzled. What was Xiao Shiqing trying to do? Was he going to hold his hand?


No… why is everyone suddenly breaking character? First Rong Tang, now Xiao Shiqing. It’s suffocating.


Xiao Shiqing looked at him, “Hmm?”


Zhao Qi hesitated and was about to place his hand in Xiao Shiqing’s palm when Jiang Dehai approached, “No need for the prime minister to do this, this servant will help.”


Zhao Qi then realized that Xiao Shiqing was offering to help him over the threshold. “I don’t need your help. The threshold is just this high; I could jump over it myself.”


“Then Your Majesty should jump.”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless, “… Prime Minister, there are so many people watching.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Have everyone else leave. Should the Emperor jump just for me to see?”


The guards at the door had stern faces, but Zhao Qi could see they were struggling not to laugh. He felt offended and whispered, “Prime Minister, can you at least give me some face?”


Xiao Shiqing looked down at him, “What should I call you, Your Majesty?”


“Prime Minister…” Zhao Qi suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He cupped his hand around his mouth, stood on tiptoe, and whispered into Xiao Shiqing’s ear, “Prime Minister Brother?”


Xiao Shiqing showed no reaction, merely responding lazily with an “Hmm,” but Zhao Qi ultimately walked into the Hall of Governance.


“What does Prime Minister Brother want from me?” Zhao Qi asked, naturally taking a seat on the lower seat.


There was no one else in the hall, so Xiao Shiqing didn’t need to observe the emperor’s dignity and pulled him up, “This isn’t your seat. Go sit on the Dragon Throne.”


“I can sit anywhere.”


“Not allowed. There must be a distinction between ruler and minister.”


Oh, now you care about the distinction between ruler and minister? Why didn’t you mention it when you wanted me to jump over the threshold? Zhao Qi silently grumbled and took his seat on the Dragon Throne. “Speak.”


Xiao Shiqing said, “After the Longevity Festival next month, you will be nineteen…”


“Stop!” Zhao Qi interjected with frustration, “So it’s about the matter of appointing a consort again?”


“Consort? No,” Xiao Shiqing pondered, “But you’ve reminded me.”


Zhao Qi wished he could slap himself for being so talkative. “No, don’t let me remind you!”


Xiao Shiqing paused, “Are you very opposed to the matter of appointing a consort?”


Zhao Qi nodded.




“Because I want someone I like to be the Empress.”


Xiao Shiqing slightly straightened his body. “Who do you like?”


“Rong Tang. The whole capital knows that I like him. Surely, you know that too, right?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “I know.”


“I am aware that making him the empress is impossible,” Zhao Qi said, putting on a pained expression. “So, I don’t want to appoint an empress. Please don’t bring it up. It makes me uncomfortable.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was neutral. “Since Your Majesty says so, I won’t mention it.”


Zhao Qi noticed that Xiao Shiqing had resumed using the formal address, thinking that he was about to discuss serious matters. He said, “It’s good that the Prime Minister understands me.”


Xiao Shiqing gave a small smile. “I don’t understand enough. I will try to understand better in the future.”


Zhao Qi found Xiao Shiqing’s smile chilling. “Thank you, Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow.




After some idle talk, Xiao Shiqing finally revealed the purpose of Zhao Qi’s summons. Zhao Qi was shocked and stood up abruptly. “What did you say?”


Xiao Shiqing held a teacup and took a sip. “The late emperor started his reign at sixteen. You’re almost nineteen now. Do you intend to spend your life doing nothing and drifting aimlessly?”


Zhao Qi’s face turned pale. “You… you need to give me some time to think.”


What’s going on? This was not in the original story where Xiao Shiqing advised the lazy emperor to take on governance! Why is Xiao Shiqing suddenly bringing this up?


Zhao Qi’s mind raced. Could this be a test?


It must be! If he agreed to govern, Xiao Shiqing would definitely think he was dissatisfied with the current situation under the Xiao family’s control and was eager to seize power for himself. Once that’s confirmed, ambitious Xiao Shiqing would not let it go easily. He might even kick the emperor off the dragon throne and replace him with a more obedient puppet.


With this thought, Zhao Qi’s face grew even paler.


Xiao Shiqing frowned. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”


Zhao Qi grabbed Xiao Shiqing’s hand. “Brother Prime Minister, why are you saying this!”




“I really don’t want to govern, truly! Whenever I see state affairs, I get a headache. I just want to be a quiet little emperor for my brother…”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze was complicated. “What do you mean?”


Zhao Qi, with overly sweet words, said, “I mean, I can’t live without you. My country can’t be without you!”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him for a long while and then smiled. “Does Your Majesty think I’m easily fooled?”


“Huh? I’m speaking the plain truth.” Zhao Qi held Xiao Shiqing’s hand and placed it on his chest. “Don’t believe me? Feel for yourself.”


Xiao Shiqing felt Zhao Qi’s racing heartbeat and was momentarily taken aback.


Zhao Qi hesitated and said, “I’m really not lying to you. So, please don’t suspect me and push me off the throne!”


Xiao Shiqing remained silent for a long time and then said, “You can let go now.”


“Oh.” Zhao Qi released his hand and asked, “Do you still want me to govern?”


Xiao Shiqing regained his composure and said firmly, “Yes.”


“???” So, was everything I said just now in vain?


“This is what your mother wants,” Xiao Shiqing explained. “Besides, she’s right. The country belongs to the Zhao family, and the person on the throne is you. As the Son of Heaven, it’s your responsibility to govern.”


“Even so, with you and Mother, isn’t Da Jing doing well?”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Do you really not want to govern?”


Zhao Qi answered without hesitation, “I don’t!”


Xiao Shiqing thought for a moment. “In that case, the matter of governing can be postponed. However, you still need to learn. Starting tomorrow, you will attend court with me.”


“Ah? But I don’t know how.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow slightly. “I’ll teach you.”


Zhao Qi stopped resisting. “Alright.” He had just finished high school before coming here and was just a high school student. He didn’t think he had the ability to manage a country. However, gaining exposure to court affairs and getting to know more officials could be beneficial. If Xiao Shiqing were to turn against him in the future, he wouldn’t be left isolated and helpless.


“Does Big Brother have other matters to attend to?” Zhao Qi asked. 


“No, I’ll head back first,” he replied. 


“Where will you be going?” Xiao Shiqing asked. “Yonghua Palace or Drunken Scholar’s Study?”


Xiao Shiqing’s mention of Drunken Scholar’s Study made Zhao Qi momentarily forget about the meeting with Rong Tang. “I’ll go to Drunken Scholar’s—” Noticing the narrowing of Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, Zhao Qi’s instinct for self-preservation kicked in, and he corrected himself. “I’ll go to the most suitable place for rest—my sleeping quarters, Yonghua Palace.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was almost a smile. “That’s what His Majesty said. Someone, escort the Emperor back to the palace.”


After Zhao Qi left, Xiao Shiqing stared at his own palm in a daze for a moment, then picked up the already cold tea and drank it all in one go.


As Zhao Qi was escorted out of the Hall of Governance by two guards and was about to head towards the rear palace, one guard said, “Your Majesty, Yonghua Palace is that way.”


Zhao Qi was bewildered. “Are you monitoring me?”


“This subordinate does not dare. But Your Majesty said you were going to Yonghua Palace, and a gentleman’s word is his bond.”




Jiang Dehai advised, “Your Majesty, it’s better to return to Yonghua Palace first. Visiting Drunken Scholar’s Study can wait until later.”


The guard added, “Your Majesty, Lord Xiao said you have an early court session tomorrow. It’s better to rest in Yonghua Palace today.”




Zhao Qi, fuming, finally reached his sleeping quarters after the two guards had left. He vented his frustration. “That Xiao Shiqing, he controls everything—from the heavens to the earth, and now he even controls whom I can meet!”


Jiang Dehai brought tea, saying, “Your Majesty, calm down. It’s really not a big deal.”


“I don’t want any,” Zhao Qi retorted angrily. “I didn’t particularly want to see Rong Tang, but since Xiao Shiqing is stopping me, now I definitely want to see him.”


Jiang Dehai, looking distressed, said, “Your Majesty, why make things difficult? The Empress Dowager has repeatedly advised you not to oppose the Prime Minister right now. Have you forgotten?”


“I haven’t forgotten,” Zhao Qi said. “I’ve been following Xiao Shiqing’s orders on major matters, but if I also have to obey him on minor issues, then I’d be too submissive!”


Jiang Dehai said, “But now those two guards are stationed right at the Yonghua Palace gate. How will Your Majesty get out?”


That night, Rong Tang, as usual, finished his medicine and was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard the soft sound of a cat meowing outside the window.


Since when did Drunken Scholar’s Study have a cat? And such a soft meow—it must be a kitten.


Holding a palace lantern, Rong Tang approached the window and saw a young man in eunuch robes appear in his view. “Rong Tang, I’m here!”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 14 – I have to choose between the Prime Minister and Rong Tang.

Chapter 14 – I have to choose between the Prime Minister and Rong Tang.


Jiang Dehai returned to Yonghua Palace and recounted his conversation with Rong Tang to Zhao Qi in full detail.


“Perhaps it’s just the servant’s impression, but it seemed like Young Master Rong felt a bit guilty when he heard that the Emperor was upset due to him.”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Why would Rong Tang be guilty because of me? When have I ever been upset for him?”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “I said this to test Young Master Rong. From what I see, he seems less resistant to the Emperor than before. Truly, the Emperor’s sincerity can move even stone and metal.”


Zhao Qi was very confident. “Impossible. If Rong Tang were to soften towards me, even a sow could climb a tree. By the way, any news from the Dali Temple? Who stole my little peach?!”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Perhaps the Emperor should send for the Dali Temple’s Chief to inquire?”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi was eager. Even though he had been emperor for a long time, he had never summoned an official for questioning. He cleared his throat and said, “Then, summon him.”


Jiang Dehai said, “I’ll go right away.”


In the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Jiang Dehai returned. Zhao Qi looked behind him but saw no one and asked, “Where is he?”


Jiang Dehai looked troubled. “Your Majesty, Chief Chen of the Dali Temple is currently in the Administrative Hall discussing matters with the Prime Minister. When I went to summon him, the Prime Minister said…”


“Said what?”


“He said that Chief Chen is currently unavailable and if the Emperor has matters to discuss, he should go to the Administrative Hall.”


Zhao Qi: “…” As expected of Prime Minister Xiao, truly audacious. I am very angry, but the outcome is—quiet.


Of course, it was Xiao Shiqing. Even if the emperor changed, he wouldn’t lose his position as Prime Minister. Just deal with it.


Zhao Qi waved his hand, “Forget it. I’ll ask Chief Chen another day.”


At that moment, a little eunuch stepped forward to report, “Your Majesty, Young Master Jiang requests an audience.”


Without thinking, Zhao Qi said, “Refuse.”


“But Your Majesty, Young Master Jiang is crying so sadly outside.”


“What now?” Zhao Qi was a bit impatient, thinking he needed to find a reason to dismiss the beauties of the harem soon. “Let him in.”


“Your Majesty—” As soon as Jiang Bao’er arrived, he cried and threw himself at Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi nimbly dodged, avoiding him, and asked, “Why are you crying so sadly? Did someone bully you?”


Jiang Bao’er’s eyes were full of tears. “Your Majesty, Bao’er is no longer the same Bao’er as before. Bao’er… sob sob sob…”


Zhao Qi was headachy from his crying. “How about you go outside and cry some more, and come back when you’re done?”


Jiang Bao’er immediately stopped crying and shyly said, “Bao’er remembers Your Majesty’s teachings and doesn’t want to be as weak and sickly as Young Master Rong, so every day I run laps with other siblings in the harem…”


Zhao Qi praised, “That’s a good thing.”


“But!” Jiang Bao’er said with great grievance, “After a month of running, Bao’er’s legs… Bao’er’s legs have become much thicker, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi: “… Haha. Come, come, let me take a look.”


Jiang Bao’er lifted the hem of his clothes. Zhao Qi looked at his calves for a while and honestly said, “They are indeed quite thick.”


Jiang Bao’er cried out, “Bao’er knows that Your Majesty likes soft and slender beauties. Now that Bao’er looks like this, I truly have no face to stay in the palace to serve Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up, “You’ve finally come to your senses and want to leave me? That’s good news!”


“No, Your Majesty, Bao’er’s life depends on you. If Bao’er leaves you, Bao’er will die!”


“…Then what do you want to do?”


“Bao’er wants to ask Your Majesty to summon a court physician to examine Bao’er. I’ve been eating and drinking less than usual, so why are my limbs swelling up like this?”


Zhao Qi pinched his brow, “This symptom won’t be helped by a physician.”


Jiang Bao’er was desperate, “Then who should Bao’er ask?”


“Ask me.” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Call everyone over. I will teach you an unparalleled technique that will strengthen your body without making your legs thicker.”


Jiang Bao’er was overjoyed, “Bao’er will go right away!”


Jiang Dehai watched in astonishment, “Your Majesty, when did you learn martial arts?”


Zhao Qi stood up, stretched his limbs, and said resolutely, “As the Son of Heaven of Dajin, I have many hidden talents. Keep your eyes open and watch—this is going to be a display!”


After a visit to Muyang Temple, Zhao Qi deeply realized how weak he was. Climbing a tree or riding a horse almost cost him his life. This couldn’t go on. Health was the foundation of revolution, and he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life like Rong Tang, clutching a medicine bottle. He needed to exercise and bring his beauties along.


Zhao Qi changed into a light outfit and went to the Imperial Garden, where his beauties were waiting for him. He counted—wait, there was an extra person?


Hold on, the one standing at the end seemed to be…


Zhao Qi rubbed his eyes and looked again—indeed, it was Rong Tang!


Among the beauties present, all of whom were extraordinarily beautiful, Rong Tang was still the most eye-catching, with a cold and aloof demeanor that stood out even among them.


Zhao Qi summoned Jiang Bao’er and asked, “Why did you call Rong Tang here too?”


Jiang Bao’er said, “Your Majesty, Young Master Rong is also one of the beauties in the harem.”


“But he never came before.”


“Yes, but today he hesitated for a moment and then came.”


“… What should I do? Could it be that he also wants to pass on that ‘peerless divine skill’ to Rong Tang?” Zhao Qi imagined the scene and felt complicated.


Zhao Qi looked at Rong Tang, who was also looking back at him. Besides the usual indifference and aloofness in his eyes, there seemed to be something more.


Zhao Qi walked over, steeling himself to speak, “You… have you been well lately?”


Rong Tang nodded slightly, “Not bad.” Then he cleared his throat.


Zhao Qi scratched his head and asked, “My little peach, have you eaten it?”


“Not yet.”


“You didn’t throw it away again, did you?” Zhao Qi said, “I went to great lengths to pick it. If you’re not going to eat it, just return it to me, and don’t throw it away.”


“But Your Majesty, didn’t you say you hadn’t touched the early peaches before?”


“…” Oh no, the secret is out.


Seeing Zhao Qi’s conflicted expression, Rong Tang gave a faint smile, “Your Majesty, is there something you need?”


Jiang Dehai, unable to keep quiet, said, “The Emperor mentioned he has a peerless divine skill to impart to the beauties.”


Rong Tang, “Hmm?”


Zhao Qi, feeling very embarrassed, said, “Shut up. Rong Tang, you can rest over there. This divine skill is not suitable for you.”


Rong Tang had no interest in the so-called divine skill, “I have something to discuss with Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi widened his eyes in shock, “Ah?” He turned to Jiang Dehai, “Did I hear that wrong?”


Rong Tang, “…”


Jiang Dehai, who thought he saw through everything, said, “The Emperor didn’t hear wrong. Young Master Rong said he has something to say to you!”


“Oh,” Zhao Qi looked somewhat bewildered, “Then wait for me. I’ll talk to you after I finish teaching them.”


In the Hall of Diligent Administration, Master Chen of the Supreme Court and Master Pan of the Ministry of Rites stood before Xiao Shiqing like they were walking on thin ice. Xiao Shiqing asked, “Master Chen, do you know why the Emperor summoned you?”


Master Chen replied, “It must be about the theft at Muyang Temple.”


“Has Master Chen discovered anything?”


Master Chen wiped the sweat from his brow, “I… I haven’t discovered anything.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow nonchalantly, “The Supreme Court is actually helpless with a theft case. Master Chen, do you think this is acceptable?”


“Th-This official is guilty.” Master Chen felt like crying. It’s not that he hadn’t discovered anything; he was afraid to speak up!


Master Pan, unable to bear seeing his colleague suffer, kindly reminded, “Master Chen, whatever you find, you need to give the Emperor an answer. If the Emperor believes it, your job is over.”


Master Chen suddenly understood, “Rest assured, Prime Minister. I understand now!”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Master Pan is indeed wise—how is the preparation for the spring examination going?”


Master Pan replied, “Prime Minister, everything is proceeding smoothly.”


“But I have heard that a list of exam questions is circulating in the capital, each set priced at one thousand taels of silver, with the seller claiming them to be ‘genuine and unaltered.'”


Now Master Pan was unsettled, a layer of sweat forming on his forehead, “I will investigate immediately.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “You may go.”


After the two officials left, Xiao Shiqing distractedly read the memorials and said, “Come in.”


The hidden guard immediately appeared, “Prime Minister.”


“Why hasn’t the Emperor arrived?” Xiao Shiqing said, “Wasn’t he supposed to come to the Hall of Diligent Administration to summon people?”


The guard replied, “Prime Minister, after Eunuch Jiang conveyed your message, the Emperor said never mind. He’ll question Master Chen another day.”


“Then what is he doing now?”


“Prime Minister, the Emperor is currently frolicking in the Imperial Garden with the beauties of the harem.”


Xiao Shiqing sneered, “His true nature is hard to change—who is he with?”




Xiao Shiqing’s expression changed slightly, “What?”


The guard said firmly, “Prime Minister, the Emperor is seeking pleasure with all the beauties of the harem, including Young Master Rong from the Drunken Study.”


Xiao Shiqing slammed the memorial shut, “He’s not afraid of exhausting himself to death!”


Xiao Shiqing set aside a pile of urgent matters and rushed to the Imperial Garden. Before he could see anyone, he heard Zhao Qi’s voice: “March in place—one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, stop! First set, stretching exercises…”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Are you sure they’re frolicking?”


The guard hesitated, “Uh, aren’t they?”


Zhao Qi, holding a rattan stick and shouting commands, occasionally stopping to correct the mistakes of the beauties: “Second set, chest expansion exercise—hey, hey, hey, the one in the second row, third column, didn’t you eat? Why are your hands so limp? Straighten them out!”


Zhao Qi was teaching diligently and hadn’t noticed Xiao Shiqing. However, the sharp-eyed Jiang Dehai saw him and ran over, “This servant greets the Prime Minister.”


“What is the Emperor doing?”


“The Emperor is teaching the beauties martial arts.”


Xiao Shiqing sneered, “What kind of martial arts is this? Nonsense.” He watched for a while and said, “Even Rong Tang is here. Why isn’t he practicing?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Young Master Rong’s health isn’t good. The Emperor is compassionate and let him rest on the side.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Our Emperor really knows how to be tender and considerate.” He walked up behind Zhao Qi and said coolly, “Is the Emperor done making a commotion?”


Zhao Qi, startled, dropped the rattan stick, “Prime Minister? Why do you always appear out of nowhere!”


“If you’re done with your antics, come with me to the Administrative Hall of Diligence,” Xiao Shiqing said, “I have something to discuss.”


Before Zhao Qi could respond, Rong Tang walked over and asked, “Have you finished teaching, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi looked at Rong Tang, then at Xiao Shiqing, and said, “Prime Minister, I promised Rong Tang that I’d speak with him first.”


“Is that so,” Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Then choose one—me or him.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 13 – The good things I did were discovered by Rongrong.

Chapter 13 – The good things I did were discovered by Rongrong.


Zhao Qi cradled two small peaches and said, “I heard that the early peaches from Muyang Temple can cure all ailments. Rong Tang’s health has been poor, so I’ll pick a few to send to him as a comfort.”


He Changzhou paused for a moment and then smiled, “Your Majesty is truly kind to Young Master Rong.”


Zhao Qi replied, “He became like this because of me. I should give him some compensation.”


“From the tone of Your Majesty, are you having regrets?”




“Regrets about forcibly taking Rong Tang.”


Zhao Qi casually said, “The deed is done. What use is regret now?”


He Changzhou asked, “Has Your Majesty ever considered letting him go? Young Master Rong has a strong sense of pride; he looks like the type who would respond better to kindness rather than force. If given freedom, he might change his opinion of you.”


Zhao Qi answered without hesitation, “That’s not possible.” Rong Tang and the King of Huai were close friends since childhood. If Rong Tang were freed, he would immediately go find the King of Huai to assist him in usurping the throne and stepping on Zhao Qi, who once humiliated him.


He Changzhou asked, “Why?”


Zhao Qi pretended to be deep in thought and said, “Because I love him. Didn’t you say so yourself? Even if I can’t have his heart, having his person isn’t bad. So, I want his body, not his heart.”


He Changzhou was left speechless.


“Move a bit forward; there’s an oddly shaped small peach.”


He Changzhou smiled and said, “Your Majesty should put down the peaches in your arms first and then pick more.”


Zhao Qi glanced at the peaches in his arms and shook his head, “No, they might get damaged.”


Jiang Dehai said, “Your Majesty, just throw them down; we’ll catch them.”


Zhao Qi threw the peaches he had picked away, freeing his hands. He Changzhou helped him walk a few steps inside and said, “Have you seen that thick and sturdy branch?”


Zhao Qi replied, “I see it. What about it?”


“Hold on tight; I’m going to let go.”


“Ah?!” Zhao Qi instinctively tightened his grip on the tree trunk. “What are you going to do?”


He Changzhou looked up and smiled at him before slowly letting go. Zhao Qi hung from the tree trunk like he was on a horizontal bar. This position was very challenging for his arm strength; even a slight slack would make him fall. Although the trunk wasn’t very high, falling would certainly hurt his backside.


“Ahhhh, He Changzhou!” Zhao Qi yelled, “Are you crazy? Hurry up and get me down!”


Jiang Dehai panicked, “General He, what are you doing! Your Majesty, hold on; I’m coming to save you!”


He Changzhou was standing right next to Zhao Qi, so he could catch him in an instant. He said to Jiang Dehai, “Don’t worry, I’m just playing a joke with the Emperor.”


“What kind of ridiculous joke is this!” Zhao Qi’s face turned red with anger. “You’re dead, He Changzhou! I’m telling you, you’re dead!”


He Changzhou said, “If Your Majesty agrees to share the peaches with me, I’ll get you down.”


“Share, share, share! I’ll give you all of them! Hurry up, I’m at my limit…”


He Changzhou grabbed Zhao Qi’s legs and lowered him down. As Zhao Qi’s feet touched the ground, he felt a great sense of relief. He took a deep breath, pointed at He Changzhou, and made a cutting motion with his hand, saying seriously, “Are you ready to face death?”


He Changzhou knelt on one knee, “I’m ready, but before dying, please remember to let me have some peaches.”


Zhao Qi grabbed a peach from Jiang Dehai’s arms and threw it at He Changzhou, “Eat it, eat it! I’ll kill you for real!”


Coincidentally, Xiao Shiqing, who was passing by and witnessed everything, let out a cold laugh, “Utterly boring.”


Soon, the day to return to the palace arrived. Empress Dowager Wen, who had just finished her final lecture on Buddhism and was bidding farewell to Master Yuan Tong, was suddenly interrupted by Zhao Qi rushing in, “Mother!”


Empress Dowager Wen furrowed her brows, “What’s the matter? Why are you so flustered?”


Zhao Qi said, “My peaches are missing!”




“My peaches!” Zhao Qi cried out in despair, “The peaches I personally picked—such small peaches—they’re all gone!”


Empress Dowager Wen was confused and turned to Jiang Dehai, “What’s going on?”


Jiang Dehai explained, “Your Majesty heard that the early peaches from Muyang Temple can cure illnesses, so he picked quite a few to take back to the palace. But today, while packing up, I found that all the early peaches were missing. I interrogated all the eunuchs who accompanied the Emperor, but couldn’t find any clues.”


Empress Dowager Wen laughed, “I thought it was something serious, but it’s just a few peaches. Look at how anxious you are.”


“This isn’t just about the peaches, Mother!” Zhao Qi said earnestly, “There’s a thief around me, in this holy Buddhist place! Today, the thief only stole my peaches, but who knows what he might steal next time!”


Empress Dowager Wen thought her son had a point, “So what do you propose we do?”


“Investigate thoroughly, we must get to the bottom of this!”


Empress Dowager Wen said, “Alright, let the Supreme Court handle the investigation.”


Master Yuan Tong said, “Your Majesty, the early peaches from Muyang Temple are just ordinary items and have no medicinal effects.”


“I know,” Zhao Qi said, “I’m not eating the peaches myself; I’m giving them as gifts. It’s the thought that counts. Since we haven’t left yet, I’ll pick a few more, though it seems there aren’t many left…”


After Zhao Qi left, Master Yuan Tong and Empress Dowager Wen exchanged glances and Master Yuan Tong said, “Your Majesty, the Emperor has cast off his previous lethargy. His appearance is now vibrant, with a broad forehead and a rosy complexion. This is indeed a good omen.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled and said, “If Master says so, this old widow can be at ease.”


Master Yuan Tong hesitated and said, “However…”


Empress Dowager Wen quickly asked, “Master, please speak freely.”


Master Yuan Tong replied, “There’s no need for concern, Your Majesty. The Emperor is indeed a fortunate person. However, the Emperor’s fate is marked by excessive romance, which may bring some troubles in the future.”


Empress Dowager Wen sighed in relief, “The Emperor will surely have a harem of three thousand beauties in the future. Throughout history, which Emperor’s harem hasn’t faced troubles?”


Master Yuan Tong smiled and said, “What Your Majesty says is very true.”


The Empress Dowager and the Emperor left the palace for several days, and later, Prime Minister Xiao also left. With no proper master in the palace, everyone became quite lax.


In the Drunken Study, Rong Tang sat by the window reading. Jin Ning opened the window, letting in the spring sunlight, which traced a line of light on his white jade-like hand.


“Young Master, look,” Jin Ning said, “The sunlight is so lovely today.”


Rong Tang put down the book in his hand and replied, “Hmm.”


“Would you like to go out for a walk, Young Master?” Jin Ning asked tentatively. “You haven’t stepped out of the Drunken Study for over half a month.”




“Young Master—”


Rong Tang’s tone was indifferent, “Have you forgotten what happened the last time we went out?”


Jin Ning thought for a moment and said, “Are you referring to Young Master Jiang falling into the water? But the Emperor didn’t blame you. Please go out for a walk; the physician also said that your illness requires more sunlight. Moreover, with the Emperor not in the palace, you won’t run into him.”


Rong Tang looked outside. The spring light was indeed perfect, and he hadn’t been out for a long time.


“Alright, let’s go.”


Rong Tang enjoyed tranquility and preferred walking on rarely frequented paths. He was in good spirits that day and didn’t feel tired even after walking for a long time. As they ventured further, they arrived at a slightly dilapidated courtyard. The gate of the courtyard was open, and a woman in plain clothes was scrubbing a toilet.


Jin Ning said, “Young Master, this place is filthy. Let’s leave.”


Rong Tang said, “Strange, why is there no unpleasant smell at all?”


“Who knows… Oh, isn’t that Miss Wang?!”




“The Miss Wang I mentioned to you before. Have you forgotten?” Jin Ning said. “Miss Wang is a beauty whom the Emperor brought back from outside the palace. Later, she secretly had an affair and became pregnant. The Emperor spared her life but made her scrub the palace toilets and said he would test medicine on her.”


Rong Tang asked, “Then why is she still alive?”


“Perhaps it’s because she has great fortune.”


Rong Tang pondered, “Let’s go in and take a look.”


Miss Wang was scrubbing the toilet when she suddenly saw a young man who looked like a celestial being approaching her. She was momentarily stunned and then said, “You are…”


Rong Tang glanced at her slightly bulging belly and said, “Don’t be afraid. I am like you.”


Miss Wang didn’t quite understand his meaning, but the young man in white before her looked so otherworldly that she felt no malice. “You, you should leave quickly. Be careful not to dirty your clothes.”


Rong Tang pointed to the toilet nearby, “Have you finished cleaning these?”


Miss Wang replied, “Not yet.”


Jin Ning was astonished, “They’re still so clean without being cleaned?!”


Miss Wang smiled, “I suppose I’m lucky. The toilets I receive are generally clean.”


Rong Tang asked, “And your unborn child…”


Miss Wang placed her hand on her belly, and her smile twisted slightly. “Hmph, the dog Emperor tests medicine on me every day. Yet my child is strong and healthy. I hope it makes that dog Emperor furious!”


Rong Tang was somewhat surprised. If Zhao Qi truly intended to torture someone, Miss Wang would definitely not be standing here, speaking to him.


“Do you hate him very much?” he asked.


“Although I’ve fallen into disgrace, my heart has long been devoted to someone else. I’ve been waiting for him to gather enough money to redeem me. The dog Emperor forcibly took me into the palace, and when I resisted, he even had my lover killed!” Miss Wang’s eyes reddened as she spoke. “I want to give him a cuckold. I want to curse him to die early!”


Jin Ning’s face turned pale and said, “Stop talking like that. Be careful not to be overheard!”


Miss Wang sneered, “I’m not afraid of death. What’s there to fear about being overheard?”


Rong Tang contemplated for a moment and asked, “How did the Emperor know that your child is not of dragon lineage?”


“The dog Emperor never touched me. How could my child possibly be his?”


Rong Tang’s eyes flickered slightly. “Never touched you?”


Miss Wang sneered, “Not just me, but none of the beauties the dog Emperor has had any real contact with. Some of them even dream of giving birth to a dragon offspring to rise to power, but unfortunately, the dog Emperor never sleeps with them.”


Rong Tang suddenly recalled asking Zhao Qi how many people he had slept with, and at that time, Zhao Qi seemed to have not given him an answer.


Jin Ning anxiously urged, “Young Master, it’s getting late. Let’s go back to the Drunken Study.”


Rong Tang came back to his senses and said, “Alright.”


Back at the Drunken Study, Rong Tang tried to continue reading but found himself distracted.


After dinner, Jiang Dehai personally visited the Drunken Study. “Young Master Rong, this is an early peach from Muyang Temple. His Majesty went to great lengths to obtain the last three and asked this old servant to deliver them to you.”


“Early peaches from Muyang Temple?” Jin Ning exclaimed, “Young Master, I’ve heard from my mother that eating Muyang Temple’s peaches can cure any illness!”


Rong Tang was skeptical of such claims and replied coldly, “Thank you for your trouble.”


Jiang Dehai added, “His Majesty also mentioned that he hasn’t touched these peaches, so you needn’t worry about them being dirty.”


Rong Tang was slightly taken aback. “Dirty?”


Jiang Dehai’s tone carried a hint of displeasure. “Didn’t you say before that His Majesty was dirty and that you felt disgusted on his behalf? His Majesty was quite upset when he heard that.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 12 – I will pick some peaches to nourish the sick beauty.

Chapter 12 – I will pick some peaches to nourish the sick beauty.


Facing Zhao Qi’s skeptical expression, Xiao Shiqing responded calmly, “Don’t believe me?”


Zhao Qi was about to shake his head when he saw Xiao Shiqing’s expression darken, and immediately changed his tune. “Since the Prime Minister says so, then I can only choose to believe you.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly. “Your Majesty seems quite reluctant.”


Zhao Qi couldn’t help but speak frankly. “After all, the Prime Minister isn’t as skilled as General He.”


“He Changzhou is indeed one of the top experts in Great Jing; he is quite formidable,” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “but what use is that if he isn’t by Your Majesty’s side?”


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened. “He’s not by my side? But I clearly asked him to stick close to me.”


“Your Majesty might want to check for yourself.”


“Alright,” Zhao Qi shifted slightly in Xiao Shiqing’s embrace and asked tentatively, “then… could the Prime Minister let me go now?”


As soon as the words were out, Xiao Shiqing unceremoniously withdrew.


Zhao Qi stood up, brushed off the dust from his clothes, cleared his throat, and called out, “Changzhou?”


Xiao Shiqing’s brows lifted slightly.


“Really not here…” Zhao Qi said, “Old Jiang?”


Not even Jiang Dehai was present? Where had everyone gone, leaving him alone here?


Zhao Qi looked around, feeling that something was off. After thinking for a while, he said, “This room doesn’t seem to be the one I was sleeping in before.”




Zhao Qi was taken aback, his eyes filled with confusion. “Can you explain?”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze shifted slightly. In the past, he would never have had the leisure to explain his actions to Zhao Qi. Now, even as he stared directly into Zhao Qi’s eyes, he still didn’t want to explain.


How could he explain? That he had used Zhao Qi as bait to lure out the remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang in the capital?


Indeed, his plan was foolproof. He had prepared a decoy similar in age and built to Zhao Qi, and the entire Mu Yang Temple was under his control. The remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang couldn’t escape his watchful eye. But He Changzhou had said something true; he had indeed used the young emperor and the Empress Dowager.


Xiao Shiqing hesitated for a moment before speaking in a deep voice. “There is a reason for my actions.”


“Oh…” Zhao Qi realized that further questioning might yield no answers and changed the topic. “So where did Changzhou go?”


“He is busy.”


“Busy with what—”


Xiao Shiqing replied coolly, “Does Your Majesty find it impossible to live without asking so many questions about He Changzhou?”


Zhao Qi was taken aback and grew angry despite his usually good temper. “Why does the Prime Minister say this? He Changzhou is mine; can’t I ask about him?”


“No,” Xiao Shiqing said decisively. “It’s still far from dawn. Your Majesty should continue sleeping.”


Zhao Qi puffed up. “I won’t sleep. What can the Prime Minister do about it?”


“What can I do?” Xiao Shiqing asked slowly. “Does Your Majesty really want to know?”


Meeting Xiao Shiqing’s gaze, Zhao Qi’s courage vanished in an instant. “I suddenly feel a bit sleepy…”


Xiao Shiqing nodded in satisfaction. “Go to bed, and don’t fall out again.”


In the main hall of Mu Yang Temple, Empress Dowager Wen was discussing Buddhist matters with Master Yuan Tong by candlelight. Speaking of her only son, Empress Dowager Wen expressed mixed feelings. “Since the Emperor’s illness has improved, I’ve finally felt a great weight lift from my heart, but…”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “Empress Dowager, if you have any concerns, please share them with me. I will do my utmost to help you.”


Empress Dowager Wen glanced at the full moon outside and said, “One of my worries is the Emperor. Though he has recovered, he seems like a completely different person.”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “May I inquire if this change in the Emperor is good or bad?”


“It’s certainly for the better. In the past, the Emperor was fond of wine and women; now he enjoys eating and sleeping. Previously, he spent all his time researching odd things and kept a number of mysterious beauties in the harem. Now, he hardly visits the harem and spends most of his time in the Yonghua Palace, eating and sleeping…” Empress Dowager Wen lowered her voice. “Master, could it be that the Emperor has fallen under some kind of spell?”


Master Yuan Tong smiled gently. “Even if he has, it is a good spell. The Emperor’s change benefits mother and child, the nation and its people. This is a blessing for Great Jing. There is no need for the Empress Dowager to worry about the reasons behind it.”


Empress Dowager Wen sighed lightly. “You’re right, Master. I’m just afraid that his change might raise suspicions among certain people.”


“It seems that your second concern is these ‘certain people.’”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded. “When the late Emperor was gravely ill and the throne had to be chosen early, the Xiao family supported me and the Emperor. On the surface, it seemed they were close to me, but in reality, it was because the Xiao family and I were easier to control. If Zhao Tong were sitting on the dragon throne now, would Xiao Shiqing still have such power, covering the sky with one hand?”


Master Yuan Tong replied, “Empress Dowager, the Emperor has long passed the age of ruling on his own. With this change, it seems to be heaven’s will to place the throne in the Emperor’s hands at this moment.”


Empress Dowager Wen gave a bitter smile and said, “I also wish for him to become a true emperor. But first, the emperor has always been clueless about court affairs and lacks interest; second, Xiao Shiqing would absolutely not agree to the emperor taking over the administration himself.”


Master Yuantong, holding his prayer beads, paused slightly and said, “Your Majesty, in this old monk’s view, there might be a turning point, but it must be approached gradually and not rushed.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s eyes lit up, “You mean…”


Before she could finish, hurried footsteps were heard from outside. Empress Dowager Wen stood up and asked, “What’s happening?”


A guard replied, “Your Majesty, it’s just the rotation of the Imperial Guards.”


Empress Dowager Wen skeptically asked, “How could a routine rotation cause such a commotion? Where is General He?”


The guard showed a troubled expression, “The general is…”


Empress Dowager Wen sensed that something was wrong and demanded sharply, “Where is He Changzhou? Didn’t I assign him to protect the emperor?!”


“General He is attending to other urgent matters,” Xiao Shiqing walked over calmly and bowed to Empress Dowager Wen, “Greetings, Empress Dowager.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s pupils constricted suddenly, “Prime Minister? Wasn’t I supposed to have you stay in the court? Why are you here at Muyang Temple?”


Xiao Shiqing replied calmly, “I received a confidential report indicating that remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang are hiding in Muyang Mountain, attempting to harm the emperor and the Empress Dowager, so I came to provide protection.”


“Broken Pulse Gang?” Empress Dowager Wen was alarmed, “What about Qi’er? Is he safe?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “The emperor is asleep and knows nothing; General He is leading elite troops to capture the assassins.”


Empress Dowager Wen felt slightly reassured, seeing Xiao Shiqing’s composed demeanor, and said, “Look at me, I’m all flustered, unlike the calm Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing gave a slight nod, “You flatter me, Empress Dowager.”


“But,” Empress Dowager Wen’s smile diminished slightly, “Since this concerns the emperor’s safety, just thinking that there are thieves so close to the emperor makes me very anxious.”


Xiao Shiqing continued smoothly, “Indeed, I was negligent, and I am willing to accept punishment.”


“Shiqing, don’t joke with me,” Empress Dowager Wen changed to a more intimate term, “I have always regarded you as a foster son; how could I bear to punish you?”


Xiao Shiqing seemed to understand Empress Dowager Wen’s thoughts and said, “I am frightened.”


“However, with so many state affairs recently, both you and I want to handle everything ourselves but are overwhelmed,” Empress Dowager Wen continued naturally, “The Longevity Festival is next month. At that time, princes from various regions will enter the capital, and envoys from other countries will come. There will be a lot to manage. I was thinking, since the emperor will be nineteen after the Longevity Festival, it’s time for him to start learning to manage the state affairs—what do you think, Shiqing?”


Empress Dowager Wen was prepared for Xiao Shiqing to disagree, but unexpectedly he just smiled and said, “That’s fine.”


Empress Dowager Wen was stunned, thinking she had misheard, “What?”


“Let the emperor learn to handle state affairs,” Xiao Shiqing smiled and said, “I will personally teach him.”


Zhao Qi had slept through the night, and the next day everything seemed normal as if nothing had happened. Jiang Dehai’s head was swollen, and the attending guard said he had accidentally fallen and lost consciousness, so they carried him off to rest.


Zhao Qi knew that Xiao Shiqing was definitely hiding something from him, but he couldn’t do anything about it, so he preferred to remain a happy layabout.


For the next two days, Empress Dowager Wen stayed at the temple, observing the fasting and praying. Zhao Qi also attended a Buddhist lecture once. However, after Master Yuantong had only spoken a few sentences, Zhao Qi became so drowsy that he fell asleep by the fifth sentence.


An hour later, he yawned as he walked out of the Dharma hall. Empress Dowager Wen asked, “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”


“No, it’s because Master Yuantong is too formidable,” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Even if I slept for three days and nights, I would still fall asleep immediately listening to him.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled meaningfully, “You can only sleep a little longer now.”


“What do you mean, Mother?”


Empress Dowager Wen said, “You’ll find out when you return to the palace.”


After that, Zhao Qi stayed in the back room, passing the time. Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou were busy with something, and he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of them.


In the yard of the back room was a solitary peach tree. Though the blossoms were not impressive, it bore many small peaches. Zhao Qi happened to pass by and saw a young eunuch picking peaches from the tree and asked curiously, “It’s only a few months into the year; how are there peaches already?”


Jiang Dehai explained, “Your Majesty may not know, but this peach tree at Muyang Temple bears fruit around this time every year. It’s quite rare. There’s also a folk saying that the early peaches from Muyang Temple can cure all ailments and extend one’s life. That’s why many people in the capital spend a lot of money to seek these peaches each year.”


“Really?” Zhao Qi was astonished, “Lack of education is truly frightening.”


“Who says it isn’t? If it were really so effective, the monks at Muyang Temple wouldn’t age and suffer from illnesses.”


Zhao Qi was slightly surprised, “I didn’t expect you to be quite insightful, eunuch.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled and said, “I don’t deserve the title of ‘wise.’ I just think that eating early peaches is much like praying to gods and worshipping. It’s all about making oneself feel better. When one feels at ease, the illness will naturally recover faster.”


Zhao Qi clapped and praised him, “Impressive, impressive, very impressive.”


When it came to illness, Zhao Qi immediately thought of Rong Tang. Since Rong Tang didn’t want the peach blossoms, how about a few small peaches?


Zhao Qi walked over to the tree. The young eunuch on the tree quickly climbed down when he saw him. Zhao Qi said, “Don’t move. Pick a few more before you come down.”


The young eunuch asked, “Which ones does Your Majesty want?”


Zhao Qi pointed to one of the peaches and said, “Look at that one; the tree trunk is long and wide, just like that peach, which is small and round.”


“What’s small and round?”


Hearing a familiar voice, Zhao Qi turned around abruptly, “Changzhou?!”


“Your Majesty,” He Changzhou smiled, “I haven’t seen you for two days. Have you missed me?”


Zhao Qi stopped directing the eunuch and pretended to be angry, “How dare you ask? Where have you been these past two days?”


He Changzhou had a hint of fatigue in his eyes, “The Prime Minister got a lead on the whereabouts of the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair in the capital. I was ordered to go and deal with the bandits.”


Zhao Qi responded with a “Oh,” and said, “So it was that traitor… The Prime Minister borrowed you for that. How did it go?”


He Changzhou replied, “We captured and killed the leader of the Broken Pulse Gang on the spot, and over a hundred people were taken alive. The case has been handed over to the Ministry of Justice, which will surely track down the gang’s scattered strongholds. Your Majesty, you needn’t worry.”


Zhao Qi patted He Changzhou’s shoulder, “Well done. You must be tired; go rest quickly.”


“It’s not urgent.” He Changzhou glanced at the peach tree, “Does Your Majesty want to eat some peaches?”


“No, just pick a few to play with.”


“Shall I pick them for you?”


“Eh?” Zhao Qi hadn’t reacted yet when He Changzhou picked him up by the legs, and Zhao Qi could now reach the small peaches.


“Can Your Majesty reach them?” He Changzhou asked.


“Yes,” Zhao Qi twisted off a peach, “There are more over there. Move a little to the left!”


He Changzhou complied, “Your Majesty, with so many small peaches, what do you plan to do with them?”


Without hesitation, Zhao Qi said, “Take them back to the palace and give them to Rong Tang.”


He Changzhou asked, “…Your Majesty, could you repeat that?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep




Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.

Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.


As evening approached, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen’s carriage arrived at the foot of Muyang Mountain. The abbot and the senior monks of Muyang Temple had long been waiting there.


Muyang Temple had been a royal temple since the Chen Dynasty. From its founding to the present day, it had been standing for hundreds of years, enduring several changes in dynasties. The temple was serene and ancient, surrounded by lush trees. The air inside was filled with the scent of sandalwood, and the walls and pillars were covered in cracks. The deep and resonant sound of the temple bell made Zhao Qi feel as if his soul was being purified.


Since the death of the late emperor, Empress Dowager Wen had begun to practice Buddhism and had been acquainted with the abbot of Muyang Temple for many years. She waved off the formalities and smiled at the abbot, saying, “Master Yuan Tong, it’s been years. I hope you’ve been well.”


…That title sounds a bit familiar?


Master Yuan Tong responded, “Amitabha. Empress Dowager, you look radiant and joyful. It seems that the long-standing worries have been resolved. I offer my congratulations.”


“Indeed, nothing escapes your wise eyes, Master,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a smile, glancing at Zhao Qi beside her. “I have come here to fulfill my long-held wish.”


He Changzhou asked quietly, “What is the Empress Dowager’s wish? Does His Majesty know about it?”


Zhao Qi looked up at the sky. “I don’t know anything.”


He Changzhou stroked his chin. “I’m a bit curious.”


“I advise you not to be,” Zhao Qi said expressionlessly. “Curiosity killed the cat.”


Master Yuan Tong made a gesture of invitation. “Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, please follow me into the temple.”


Zhao Qi deliberately slowed his pace and asked the two elders following Master Yuan Tong, “May I ask what your Dharma names are?”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Zhong Tong.”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Shen Tong.”


Zhao Qi: “…” He realized that the original author of The Boundless Great Jing was quite lazy, even too lazy to come up with decent names for minor characters.


Zhao Qi followed Empress Dowager Wen into the main hall. Master Yuan Tong handed them incense sticks. Zhao Qi took one, lit it, and, following Empress Dowager Wen’s lead, held it high, made a bow, closed his eyes, and paid three respects to the Buddha’s golden statue.


Zhao Qi opened one eye and saw Empress Dowager Wen looking devout, her lips moving in silent recitation.


Though Zhao Qi didn’t believe in Buddhism, since he was here, he silently made a wish: “Buddha, please bless my mother with good health and long life; let me reign smoothly as emperor, with fewer people who dislike me and fewer who wish to harm me; and lastly, bless the people of the world with peace and prosperity, and for the Great Jing Dynasty to be stable and prosperous. Amen—no, Amitabha.”


After the worship, they handed the incense stick to Master Zhong Tong, who placed it in the incense burner.


Master Yuan Tong said, “The vegetarian meal is ready. Please proceed to the dining room in the back to enjoy it.”


“There’s no rush; I’m not hungry yet,” Empress Dowager Wen said. “Qi’er, the temple’s divination is always accurate. Would you like to draw a fortune stick?”


Zhao Qi was quite interested in drawing a fortune stick. “Sure.”


A young monk stepped forward with a divination container. Zhao Qi shook it casually, and a wooden stick fell out, which He Changzhou picked up.


He Changzhou said, “Not bad, it’s a good fortune stick.”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi leaned closer, standing on tiptoe. “Let me see!”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled and said, “You can’t tell much just by looking at the stick. Master, please bring out the divination text.”


Master Shen Tong asked, “May I ask what Your Majesty is inquiring about?”


Empress Dowager Wen answered before Zhao Qi could speak, “Of course, it’s about the offspring of the royal family.”


Zhao Qi muttered silently to himself: I’m not.


Master Shen Tong smiled and said, “Then let me offer my congratulations to Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager first.” He handed the divination text to Zhao Qi.


Before Zhao Qi could examine it closely, Empress Dowager Wen eagerly snatched it away, “‘To be enjoyed by the ancestral temple, to be protected for future generations’….” She couldn’t stop smiling, “Indeed, it’s a good fortune! Wonderful, excellent!”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “What do you mean?”


He Changzhou replied, “It means that in the future, His Majesty will be able to enjoy the ancestral sacrifices, and His Majesty’s descendants will preserve the legacy left by His Majesty.”


Empress Dowager Wen held Zhao Qi’s hand with a smile and said, “Your late father had few children, with only two sons and three daughters among the dozens in the harem. I was worried you might end up like your father, but it seems my fears were unfounded.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The Emperor is still young. In the future, he will surely have as many sons and daughters as Emperor Gaozu!”


Zhao Qi showed a look of disdain. “I don’t want that.”


He Changzhou laughed upon hearing this. Jiang Dehai looked confused, not understanding what he had said wrong. Empress Dowager Wen scolded, “What nonsense are you talking? Having more children is a blessing.”


Zhao Qi knew he probably couldn’t agree with Empress Dowager Wen on this issue, so he decided not to argue. In his view, having two children, one son and one daughter, was quite sufficient. Anything more would be hard to manage. Plus, as a well-educated and virtuous young man, he had no intention of expanding his harem. It was likely he would only marry one empress in the future, as having more would only cause him to worry about his wife.


Later, the group went to a side room for a vegetarian meal. The meal at Muyang Temple was exquisitely prepared, without any meat, which was perfect for Zhao Qi, who had just recovered from motion sickness. Zhao Qi ate two bowls in one go and felt quite full, reclining like a salted fish and yawning.


Seeing this, Empress Dowager Wen said, “Qi’er, if you’re tired, go rest in the side room. I still need to talk to Master Yuan Tong later.”


Zhao Qi stood up, “Then I’ll go back first. Mother, you should rest early too.”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded, “General He.”


“I’m here.”


“This place is different from the palace; you must be meticulous in everything.”


He Changzhou lowered his eyes. “Rest assured, Empress Dowager.”


He Changzhou personally escorted Zhao Qi back to the side room. Zhao Qi, exhausted from a day of bumping around, collapsed onto the bed as soon as he entered the room. Jiang Dehai stood beside him with a warm towel and advised, “Your Majesty, please wipe your face before you sleep.”


Zhao Qi closed his eyes and replied, “I don’t want to.”


Jiang Dehai looked awkwardly at He Changzhou. “This…”


“Give me the towel,” He Changzhou said, “You can leave.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated. “You’re a general. How can you do this?”


He Changzhou smiled faintly, “Even if I were just a minister, I would still be the Emperor’s servant. Besides, it was the Emperor who asked me to attend to him.”


Jiang Dehai was startled by the remark about ministers being servants of the Emperor. Although it was true, the mention of Lord Xiao made it clear that only General He would dare to speak this way.


“General, you are right,” Jiang Dehai forced a smile. “I will wait outside. Call if you need anything.”


He Changzhou nodded, “Go on.”


Zhao Qi had already fallen deeply asleep. He Changzhou casually wiped his face a couple of times, thinking he had managed the strength well, but he actually ended up smearing Zhao Qi’s face red. Despite this, Zhao Qi showed no signs of waking up, only slightly frowning and mumbling something.


He Changzhou covered him with a blanket, watched him for a while, and gently brushed his delicate eyelashes. He thought that this little sleepyhead was too adorable. Unfortunately, no matter how cute Zhao Qi was, in Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, he was merely a tool to be used.


That night, when the little emperor was drunk, He Changzhou carried him back to Yonghua Palace and then went to the Administrative Hall, where Prime Minister Xiao was waiting.


“The influence of the Broken Pulse Gang has long been entrenched in the Central Plains. Although their occasional disturbances are minor, I have lost patience dealing with them,” said Xiao Shiqing.


He Changzhou asked, “What does the Prime Minister intend to do?”


“At the end of the month, the Emperor and the Empress Dowager will leave the palace for Muyang Temple and stay there for a few days,” Xiao Shiqing said indifferently. “Broken Pulse Gang’s people probably already know about this. Since the Emperor and Empress Dowager rarely leave the palace, they will certainly take action.”


He Changzhou immediately understood, “You want to draw them out?”


Xiao Shiqing lowered his head and looked at the memorials, noncommittal.


He Changzhou, incredulous, said, “But these are the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. Are you really willing to risk their safety?”


“I don’t undertake tasks without confidence,” Xiao Shiqing said.


“And what if something goes wrong?”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyes. “There is no ‘what if.’”


“Even if it’s the Emperor, the Empress Dowager has a deep debt of gratitude to the Xiao family. Are you really willing to be so heartless?”


Xiao Shiqing replied casually, “Is it that the Empress Dowager owes the Xiao family a mountain of gratitude, or is it the Xiao family who owes the Empress Dowager?”


He Changzhou was at a loss for words. “What the Prime Minister says is truly cold-hearted. If the Empress Dowager hears this…”


“Do you think she’s unaware?” Xiao Shiqing interrupted. “The Empress Dowager and I understand each other well.”


He Changzhou was left speechless.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “According to reports from our spies, the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair is in a hidden place near the outskirts of the capital, and they intend to capture Zhao Qi to threaten me and the Empress Dowager. We just need to follow them, and we’ll be able to capture them all.”


“And then?” He Changzhou asked. “When will this be? After the Emperor has fallen into their hands?”


Xiao Shiqing was indifferent. “If you’re unwilling, I can assign this task to someone else. However, I vaguely recall that General He’s own uncle was killed by the Broken Pulse Gang. Don’t you want to avenge him?”


He Changzhou took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll follow the Prime Minister’s plan.”


He Changzhou poured himself a cup of tea, and before he had finished it, he heard Jiang Dehai’s deliberately lowered voice: “General He, a Deputy General surnamed Xu said he has important matters to report to you.”


He Changzhou opened the door, and Deputy General Xu was standing there. Upon seeing him, Xu knelt and saluted: “General.”


“What’s the matter?”


Deputy General Xu said: “I’ve captured a sneaky sweeping monk outside the Empress Dowager’s chamber. I suspect he’s from Broken Pulse Gang.”


Jiang Dehai was startled: “Broken Pulse Gang? Are they the remnants of the previous dynasty trying to restore it?”


“Yes,” He Changzhou’s expression grew serious, “Where is the Empress Dowager now?”


Deputy General Xu replied: “The Empress Dowager is still in the front hall, offering her respects to Buddha.”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment, “It seems that Mu Yang Temple isn’t a safe place after all.”


“How could that be!” Jiang Dehai said urgently, “Before the Empress Dowager and His Majesty arrived, hadn’t you already checked everyone and everything in the temple?”


“There may be some that slipped through the net,” He Changzhou said, “Where is that sweeping monk? I need to interrogate him personally.”


Deputy General Xu responded: “I’ve locked him up in an empty guest room. Please follow me.”


He Changzhou said: “Lead the way.”


“Wait, General!” Jiang Dehai stopped him, “If you go, what about His Majesty?”


He Changzhou said: “I will send reliable people to protect His Majesty. Don’t worry.”


“But His Majesty only trusts you!”


He Changzhou’s eyes showed a hint of hesitation, “If we don’t quickly get to the bottom of this suspicious person, we won’t be able to ensure the safety of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. These are my trusted aides; I trust them.”


Unable to stop him, Jiang Dehai watched as He Changzhou hurriedly left. He opened the door and looked inside—the Emperor was still sound asleep.


The temple was even quieter and more desolate at night than during the day. A group of armored palace guards walked in formation, saying to the guards on duty: “We’re changing shifts. We’ll take over here for the rest of the night. You can go get some rest.”


Jiang Dehai, stationed at the guest room door, grabbed one of the guards and asked: “Has there been any news from General He?”


The guard shook his head, “Not yet. You must be tired too, so hurry and get some rest. We’re here now.”


“No, I must stay here—” Jiang Dehai’s words were cut off as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. His vision went black, and he lost consciousness.


“Why not just kill him?” another guard asked.


“Leave him alive to inform that traitor surnamed Xiao. Stop wasting time and get in there to take the person away.”


The group entered the room, lifted the sleeping Emperor from the bed, and left.


Zhao Qi wasn’t very still in his sleep. He tossed and turned, and the bed in the guest room wasn’t as large as the dragon bed, so he rolled to the edge of the bed.


When Xiao Shiqing entered the room, Zhao Qi’s body was half hanging off the bed, about to fall.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened. He quickly walked to the bed just as Zhao Qi turned, and Zhao Qi fell off the bed—


The noise was loud enough to wake even a pig. Zhao Qi opened his eyes and saw a handsome face enlarged before him, thinking he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and asked uncertainly: “…Prime Minister?”




Zhao Qi was bewildered. How did he end up in Xiao Shiqing’s arms? Wait, wasn’t he in Mu Yang Temple?


Zhao Qi blinked and asked: “Why is the Prime Minister here?”


Xiao Shiqing’s face was cold as he replied: “To protect you.”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi was confused, “Aren’t I being guarded by General He?”


Xiao Shiqing’s lips curled into a sarcastic smile, “He’s not capable.”


Zhao Qi: “…He’s not capable, but you are?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



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