Chapter 27 – I am willing to be controlled by my brother, but…


He Changzhou’s face turned pale for a moment, then he seemed to come to terms with it and said, “Your Majesty truly loves the people like his own children.”


“I am the emperor, so it is only right,” Zhao Qi replied.


“I am also one of your subjects, so,” He Changzhou paused, “does Your Majesty love me?”


Zhao Qi responded perfunctorily, “Love, love, love, I love you endlessly.”


“Hahaha—” He Changzhou laughed heartily for a long time and couldn’t calm down. Zhao Qi looked at him as if he were a fool, wondering whether to get a physician to check He Changzhou’s brain.


After He Changzhou had laughed enough, his eyes were bright as he said, “Well, I also love the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi said, “Even if you say that, I still can’t increase your salary or promote you—though I could do that for the Prime Minister. You might as well go see him and repeat what you just said.”


He Changzhou was both amused and exasperated, “Your Majesty, you really are—”


There was a knock on the door, and Jiang Dehai’s voice came through, “Your Majesty, are you asleep?”


Zhao Qi sat up with a start, “No, come in.”


Jiang Dehai entered and Zhao Qi asked, “How is Rong Tang?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Your Majesty, the head physician has managed to suppress the effects of the medicine on Young Master Rong.” Before Zhao Qi could even relax, Jiang Dehai continued, “However, due to the cold treatment, Young Master Rong has developed a cold, with high fever that won’t subside. He is now in a coma.”


Zhao Qi’s heart sank, “I’ll go see him.”


On the dragon bed, Rong Tang was in a deep sleep, his chest rising and falling slightly. His face was so pale it almost seemed transparent, causing great concern. According to the physician, though Rong Tang’s life was not in danger, he was severely weakened, his health greatly damaged, and it was estimated he would need to stay in bed for a long time.


Zhao Qi sat by the bed, feeling extremely distressed and guilty. The dog emperor owed Rong Tang far too much and didn’t know how to repay it.


Zhao Qi touched Rong Tang’s forehead with the back of his hand and exclaimed, “So hot, so hot—”


Jiang Dehai held a cloth soaked in cold water, “Your Majesty…”


“I’ll do it.” Zhao Qi took the cloth and gently placed it on Rong Tang’s forehead. Rong Tang seemed to sense it and slightly frowned.


Zhao Qi, troubled, unconsciously said a classic imperial line, “Rong Tang, what should I do with you…” After a moment of imposing authority, he added, “How about I pray for you? Heavenly Deity above, Earth Mother as witness, I am willing to remain single for a lifetime in exchange for Rong Tang’s speedy recovery.”


Jiang Dehai said, “Your Majesty, Young Master Rong seems unlikely to wake up soon. Should I have him sent back to the Drunken Scholar’s Study?”


“He’s already in such a condition. Why cause more trouble?” Zhao Qi said. “Go get the little maid who usually serves Rong Tang and have her take care of him. For the next few days, I will continue to sleep in the side hall.”


“Understood, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, the Fourth Master is still kneeling outside,” Jiang Dehai reminded.


Zhao Qi’s irritation flared up at the thought of this troublemaker. “Have him return to the estate and be put under house arrest. Release him only at the Ten Thousand Longevity Festival. Also, I want him to copy the sentence: ‘I am a biped, not a quadruped who randomly becomes aroused,’ five hundred times a day for ten days.”


Jiang Dehai stifled a laugh, “Yes, I’ll inform the Fourth Master right away.”


Zhao Qi snorted, “He had better not have lied. If I find out he forced Rong Tang to take medicine, it won’t just be house arrest and copying sentences.”


Zhao Qi barely slept that night and had to face court with dark circles under his eyes the next day. Despite the sleepless night, he looked haggard while He Changzhou was as spirited as ever. This must be the difference between people.


When Zhao Qi felt another yawn coming on, Xiao Shiqing’s cold gaze made him suppress it mid-yawn and force a smile at Xiao Shiqing.


After court, Zhao Qi couldn’t rest as there were a multitude of people waiting to be received—envoys from various countries, returning officials, and the newly appointed top scholars.


Zhao Qi thought the official robes of Da Jing looked quite nice, with a hint of uniform allure. But unfortunately, even the best robes couldn’t save the new top scholar’s looks.


Xu Qiu knew his position as the top scholar was hard-earned and granted by the Emperor against all odds. During the audience, he kept staring at Zhao Qi. Zhao Qi knew he was showing gratitude, but it made him uncomfortable, so he kept glancing at Xiao Shiqing to wash his eyes.


According to the rules, the newly promoted top scholars had to first take on a minor position. The top scholar and the second place scholar went to the Hanlin Academy, while Xu Qiu went to the Censorate. Zhao Qi gave a few encouraging words, advising them to work hard and not be complacent just because it’s a minor position.


The top scholar and second place scholar merely responded with a “Yes,” while Xu Qiu passionately declared, “Your Majesty can rest assured. I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly and never falter to repay Your Majesty’s great favor.”


Zhao Qi thought to himself that Xu Qiu, as a censor, shouldn’t overexert himself. The more he works, the more it proves the court is in chaos. However, he still smiled and said, “I have high hopes for you.”


Xiao Shiqing put down his tea cup and said, “You may leave.”


Xu Qiu’s expression darkened upon hearing this. He seemed about to say something, but was tugged away by the second place scholar, who held his sleeve and said, “I take my leave.”


After leaving the Qinzhen Hall, Xu Qiu couldn’t hold it any longer and asked, “Chang, why did you pull me just now?”


“If I hadn’t stopped you, what would you have done?”


“I wanted to fulfill my duty as a censor and directly accuse the current Prime Minister!” Xu Qiu said indignantly. “With the Emperor present, how can Prime Minister Xiao have the right to order us to leave? Furthermore, the Emperor hadn’t even had tea. It’s as if he treats the Qinzhen Hall like his own home—where is the etiquette between ruler and subject?”


The second place scholar shook his head, “You’re just a scholar with youthful zeal. Don’t blame me for not warning you: Even if you offend the Emperor, you mustn’t offend Prime Minister Xiao. Otherwise, not only will you lose your official hat, but you might even lose your life!”


Xu Qiu was fearless, “I am deeply favored by the Emperor and will only be loyal to him in this lifetime! No matter how powerful Prime Minister Xiao is, he is still a subject of the Emperor. I don’t believe I can’t make a case against him!”


At this moment, Zhao Qi, who had just gained a loyal follower, was being interrogated by Xiao Shiqing.


“I heard that Yonghua Palace was quite lively last night?”


Xiao Shiqing had numerous spies in the palace, so nothing escaped him. Zhao Qi couldn’t be bothered to struggle and said, “Well… it was a bit lively.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “It’s rare for Rong Tang to do that. The Emperor must have been overjoyed.”


“Not at all. I was exhausted.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Hmm?”


Zhao Qi realized his words could be misunderstood and hurriedly said, “I didn’t mean what you think, Prime Minister Xiao!”


“What did you mean?”


Zhao Qi retorted, “How can you still ask me! Since you know everything, why didn’t you come to rescue me? Do you know I almost lost my spotless reputation that I’ve maintained for nineteen years!”


Xiao Shiqing paused, “I returned to the Prime Minister’s residence last night and only heard about this matter this morning. It seems I can’t leave the Emperor alone in the palace from now on.”


Zhao Qi had a bad premonition, “What are you planning to do?”


Xiao Shiqing half-jokingly said, “From now on, if I return to the residence, the Emperor should come with me.”


Zhao Qi almost fell off his dragon chair, “Prime Minister Xiao, are you serious?”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “What do you think, Your Majesty?”


“But this isn’t my fault! Why should Prime Minister Xiao punish me!” Zhao Qi was nearly choking, “I’m wronged, I’m so miserable. I want to write the word ‘miserable’ in blood on Prime Minister Xiao’s leg…”


“Stop complaining,” Xiao Shiqing said, “Come here.”


Zhao Qi reluctantly walked up to Xiao Shiqing, “What is it?”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him, “What did Rong Tang do to you last night?”


“Nothing at all,” Zhao Qi said, “I pushed him away.”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze grew intense, “Really nothing? Don’t lie to me.”


Zhao Qi recalled the scene and scratched his head, “Well, he probably just hugged me and kissed my face?”


Xiao Shiqing: “…That’s called ‘nothing at all’?”


“Sigh, I’m not a little girl. It was just a kiss on the face. Besides, Rong Tang was out of his mind because of the medicine. I don’t blame him…”


“How did he kiss you?”


Zhao Qi was a bit confused, “Huh? Just… on the face. How do you want me to describe it…”


Xiao Shiqing casually said, “If you can’t describe it, then just demonstrate it. How about that?”


Zhao Qi was stunned, “How… how do I demonstrate it?”


Xiao Shiqing tapped his fingers on the desk, “Figure it out yourself.”


Zhao Qi looked at Jiang Dehai in bewilderment. Jiang Dehai, scared out of his wits, stammered, “Your, Your Majesty, why are you looking at me…”


Zhao Qi felt a shiver down his spine. He picked up a memorial and said, “If this is my face, and I am Rong Tang.” Zhao Qi kissed the memorial, “That’s how it was.”


Jiang Dehai: “Your Majesty performed brilliantly!”


Xiao Shiqing gave a cold sneer and asked, “How long do you plan to keep your concubine hidden?”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi came to his senses. “Rong Tang is still unconscious. Let’s talk about it once he wakes up.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded. “Since the Emperor’s dragon bed is occupied, you should move to the Haiyan Hall from today.”


Zhao Qi: ???


Xiao Shiqing often stayed in the Haiyan Hall while at the palace. It was close to both the Taihua Hall, where morning assemblies were held, and the Qinjing Hall, where political discussions took place. It was also far from the rear palace, making it an ideal residence for a diligent and benevolent emperor.


So Zhao Qi agreed to Xiao Shiqing’s suggestion—just kidding.


“No, no, no. I’m very comfortable in the Yonghua Palace’s side hall and don’t want to disturb the Chancellor!”


Xiao Shiqing said, “Given what happened last night, do you think I’ll leave you alone?”


Zhao Qi was on the verge of tears. “I’d be happy to be managed by you, Chancellor, but living together…”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze was sharp as a knife. “Does the Emperor not want to?”


“I’ll get used to it.”


“Oh? I thought the Emperor slept quite well at the minister’s residence.”


Zhao Qi bore the humiliation and said softly, “Then… fine.”


Zhao Qi still believed he maintained some imperial dignity in front of others, especially in front of Zhao Qiao, where he was a fierce beast. Yet, no matter how fierce he was, he had to behave like a well-behaved and adorable kitten in front of Xiao Shiqing. They already spent enough time together, and if they lived in the same palace, he’d feel stifled.


That night, Xiao Shiqing detached himself from a pile of memorials and asked, “Where is the Emperor?”


Jiang Dehai said, “The Emperor has already gone to bed and is sleeping soundly.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled lightly. “Isn’t he supposed to be getting used to the bed?”


Jiang Dehai tried to defend his master. “The Emperor didn’t sleep at all last night and was busy all day today. He must be exhausted.”


“It’s his own fault,” Xiao Shiqing said flatly. “Does he think staying awake will wake Rong Tang? Fool.”


Jiang Dehai broke out in a cold sweat. Only Xiao Shiqing would dare openly call the sovereign of a nation a “fool.” “I believe the Emperor only intended to show his concern.”


Xiao Shiqing was noncommittal. “Let’s go see how soundly he is sleeping.”


Just as Xiao Shiqing stood up, he heard, “Chancellor.”


Without seeing the person, but hearing the voice, Xiao Shiqing knew it was the Tianji Camp’s hidden guards. “Come out.”


Zhao Qi woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and, as he was about to go back to sleep, saw a shadow drifting past the window—a real shadow, floating and not touching the ground. Zhao Qi instantly became alert; this time it was definitely an assassin!


As Zhao Qi was about to shout, “There’s an assassin! Protect the Emperor,” he suddenly remembered he wasn’t in his usual Yonghua Palace. The assassin would likely know which palace he was in, so were they here to kill Xiao Shiqing? It was possible; after all, he and Xiao Shiqing were considered a foolish emperor and a scheming minister, and many would want them dead.


Realizing this, Zhao Qi suppressed his urge to cry out to avoid alerting the enemy. He carefully got out of bed, made his way out of the sleeping quarters in the dark, and saw the study was still lit, with a tall, slender figure outlined against the window.


His heart pounded wildly as he pushed open the door and whispered, “Chancellor…”


Xiao Shiqing was listening to the hidden guards report on the movements of the regional princes in the capital and vaguely heard the young Emperor’s voice. He raised his hand to signal the guards to be quiet.


Zhao Qi stepped a few paces inside and, seeing Xiao Shiqing safe and sound, let out a sigh of relief. “It’s good that you’re okay, Brother.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong? Why do you look so pale?”


“There’s an assassin!”


Xiao Shiqing said, “We’re in the palace.”


“It’s real!” Zhao Qi said seriously. “I saw it with my own eyes…” Before he could finish, Zhao Qi suddenly noticed a man dressed in black standing behind Xiao Shiqing—a standard assassin’s outfit!


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened in shock as he stammered, “A-as-assassin! Ahhh—someone come, protect the Emperor!” He turned and ran, stumbling over the door frame.


The hidden guards looked innocent. “Chancellor, it seems the Emperor has misunderstood something.”


Xiao Shiqing: “…Foolish.”


In the middle of his flight, Zhao Qi skidded to a halt, ran back to Xiao Shiqing, and grabbed his hand. “Are you stupid? Run!”


Xiao Shiqing was taken aback. The young man’s hand was warm and soft, like the most precious thing in the world.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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