It was already past noon when he returned to K-City. Zhuo Yue had a quick meal and was watching the TV when he received a phone call from his adoptive father asking about Zhuo Hai’s situation. After his adoptive father, Zhuo Qing, was forced to pay off his loans at high interest rates, he took his adoptive mother with him and moved to Jin’an Town outside the city. After Fang Mingyan issued the debt transfer, Zhuo Yue once tried to bring them back to live with him, but was refused. They both agreed that they wanted to live a good life in the small town, so they didn’t want to move again. Zhuo Yue calculated his hourly wage each month based on his living expenses and the daily needs of two people. The two of them now had no debts and enjoyed a leisurely rural life. Recently, they rented a farmhouse and turned it into a guesthouse. The only thing that they couldn’t stop worrying about was Zhuo Hai. The boy had lost contact with his family two months ago and had not been heard from since.

       Zhuo Yue comforted them and promised to do his best to help find him. After putting his phone down, he sat on the sofa with his brow furrowed and sighed in grief. As for Zhuo Hai, he harboured resentment towards him. This younger brother had once personally pushed him into hell, leaving him trapped in pain and despair, making him struggle in pain and despair, wishing for death. If it hadn’t been for Fang Mingyan, he might have been completely ruined by now. However, he never told his adoptive parents about what happened that day; they were old and couldn’t bear such a blow. He didn’t want to see Zhuo Hai again, but he also didn’t want to worry the elderly couple. This conflicting mindset made him very troubled.

       Before he could come to a conclusion, the driver sent by Fang Mingyan had already been waiting downstairs to pick him up.

       When Zhuo Yue entered Hanguan Hall No. 15, Zhou Chi stood at the entrance and smiled and said, “Young Master Zhuo, welcome back.”

       This unusual greeting made Zhuo Yue pause for a moment, and then he smiled. Fang Mingyan hadn’t arrived home yet, so Zhuo Yue washed his hands and planned to help in the kitchen. Chef Old Zhao and his assistant, xiao Mei, were busy at the stove, and when they saw him coming, they quickly stopped him from touching anything.

       “I am, after all, a star chef. This little bit of work is nothing to me,” Zhuo Yue said. Old Zhao, who was slightly overweight with a round belly and a friendly demeanour, smiled and asked, “By the way, Young Master Zhuo, what kind of dishes do you usually like?”

       “I prefer the taste of Sichuan dishes.”

       “I didn’t realise you have quite a strong taste,” Old Zhao said, laughing heartily. “Well, that makes sense. If your taste weren’t strong, you wouldn’t be with Young Master.”

       Seeing Zhuo Yue’s face turn red, Xiao Mei glared at the chubby chef and said, “Hurry up and get to work. If the guests arrive and the dishes aren’t on the table yet, the young master might dock your pay!”

       “I know.” Old Zhao secretly looked towards Zhuo Yue. He glanced over and said, “I’ll make you boiled fish tonight, with lots of chillies, so they can’t eat it.”

       Zhuo Yue couldn’t help but laugh.

       He felt that something in this house had changed. When he used to live here, no one would welcome him back, no one would joke with him, and no one would smooth things over for him. Zhou Chi and the others treated him with courtesy and respect since he was a guest, but there was always a sense of distance that made them hard to approach. Now, however, it seemed as if they had opened their arms to accept him. Everyone seemed more lively, filled with warmth and humanity, giving him a sense of familial warmth he hadn’t felt before.

       Fang Mingyan returned with the guests. Upon entering, he unabashedly embraced Zhuo Yue, who was waiting in the foyer and gave him a kiss before turning to attend to his guests. “Make yourselves at home,” he said. Zhuo Yue, his face burning, lowered his head and greeted the guests one by one.

       Zhuo Yue knew all of these people; Chu Yu and Xu Ye, Sima Jun and Xia Ran, and a lone Qin Mu holding a thick folder in his hand. Upon seeing Zhuo Yue, Xu Ye wanted to go over and talk to him, but Chu Yu grabbed him by the collar and gave him a warning look, causing Xu Ye to immediately back down.

       Sima Jun laughed from the side, “Xu Ye, you used all your wits to scheme against the lion. It’s already fortunate that he didn’t come after you for revenge. How dare you provoke someone he cares about?”

       “I was just being a matchmaker, helping others out. Zhuo Yue is my friend, of course I want to help him,” Xu Ye retorted.

       “Oh?” Fang Mingyan looked at him intently, “If I recall correctly, the friend you manipulated onto the stage almost got disfigured by that red whip.”

       Xu Ye stiffened and asked defensively, “Who asked you not to intervene then?”

       “You dug a pit for me, and it’s my fault if I don’t jump in?” Fang Mingyan teased, “Aren’t you afraid that one day I’ll dig a pit for you out of a whim?”

       “If you dig a pit, there’s no way he’ll avoid it. But if I will be pulling him along, at least he won’t fall too hard,” Chu Yu said with a faint smile. “Last time, he got involved and made a mess, but considering the outcome was not too bad, could you do me a favour and not hold it against him?”

       Fang Mingyan smiled wryly, “Do you all see me as that petty? It looks like I really need to adjust my external strategies.”

       A few people talked and laughed as they took their seats. The man scanned the red-coloured boiled fish on the table, raised his eyes to look at Zhuo Yue, who was pouring wine for the guests, and an incomprehensible smile floated on his lips. He typically preferred mild flavours and rarely did the table feature such richly coloured Sichuan cuisine. It was obvious today’s meal prepared by the Old Zhao was intended for someone specific.

       Zhuo Yue’s eyes met his, his face reddening, and the corners of his lips curling up.

       After the meal, they chatted leisurely for a moment. Qin Mu checked his watch and stood up, saying, “I’m satisfied with food and drink, it’s time to get down to business.”

       “Let’s go to the study room.” Fang Mingyan let Zhuo Yue prepare some tea and take the guests to the study room. Seeing that they were about to discuss serious matters, Zhuo Yue prepared to leave after making the tea, but heard the man call out to him, “Zhuo Yue.”

       “Sir.” He stood quietly by the door, awaiting instructions.

       “Come and sit down,” Fang Mingyan stood behind the desk, one hand resting on the large leather chair.

       It was his designated spot for work. Zhuo Yue walked over somewhat bewildered, their eyes meeting again before he sat down.

       Qin Mu opened the folder, took out a stack of documents, and placed them on the table with a solemn expression. “Mr. Zhuo Yue, today I am here on behalf of Mr. Fang Mingyan to handle the contract agreement between you and him. Chu Yu, Xu Ye, Sima Jun, and Xia Ran present here will act as witness collaborators for your signature on these documents, ensuring their validity. I will now proceed to explain each document in detail. Please listen carefully.” He placed several sheets of paper neatly in front of Zhuo Yue. “The first document covers all of Mr. Fang’s assets, including businesses, financial investments, deposits, debts, real estate, vehicles, and more. To give you a clear overview, I have evaluated the fixed assets, and below is the total sum of his entire estate.”

       “Sir…” Zhuo Yue began hesitantly, rising from his seat and looking at his master uneasily. “You don’t need to tell me all this, I…”

       “Sit down.” The man’s eyes were deep, and there was an unquestionable forcefulness in his tone, “Do not interrupt until he has finished.”

       Zhuo Yue reluctantly sat back down, feeling overwhelmed as he looked at the pile of complex documents in front of him.

       Qin Mu continued, “The second document details Mr. Fang’s various investments and the operational status of his enterprises over the past five years, presented in graphical form for easier understanding. The third document lists individuals with economic relationships with Mr. Fang, including employees, partners, debtors, and more. The fourth document covers all members of Mr. Fang’s family, including distant relatives with whom he has dealings. The fifth document details Mr. Fang’s personal health condition, based on a checkup conducted one month ago. All economic aspects in these documents have been notarized by qualified institutions, ensuring there are no falsehoods or omissions.”

       He paused briefly, “Next, I need to explain the authorization documents. Mr. Fang Mingyan has already signed two documents. The first authorizes you as his agent in emergencies. Should he become incapacitated, and unable to express his wishes clearly, you will have the authority to make decisions on his behalf. This includes managing his assets, making personal health decisions, and exercising his voting rights on boards. The second document is a joint ownership agreement, stating that all his assets will be held jointly with you, and designating you as the primary heir to his estate. These documents will take effect upon your and the witnesses’ signatures.”

       He placed a pen on the documents. Zhuo Yue sat with his head bowed, tears welling up in his eyes. When he raised his eyes again, they were filled with tears. His long lashes trembled as he stared deeply at the man standing beside him, as if imprinting this person in his heart and soul, unable to suppress the overwhelming emotions surging within. The surging feelings in his heart could no longer be suppressed and flowed down from the corners of his eyes.

       Fang Mingyan gently touched Zhuo Yue’s tear-streaked face, his voice low and tender. “Zhuo Yue, a vow is more than just a promise. It signifies my commitment to give you everything I have and to spend the rest of my life with you. To me, you are my Sub, my partner. I won’t hide anything from you. I will share everything with you. As you belong to me, I belong to you.”

       “Sir, thank you for everything you’ve given me ……” Zhuo Yue glanced at the documents on the table, pursed his lips, and said as if he had made up his mind, “But I don’t want to sign these documents.”

       Fang Mingyan was stunned, and the others were also taken aback.

       However, he stood up, knelt before the man, “Master, I love you deeply. This love isn’t based on economic foundations, so those precisely calculated figures and detailed complex documents mean nothing to me. I yearn to understand you, to know your family and friends, to be your lifelong companion hand in hand. But I don’t want it to be through this method, reading from paper, stipulating in clauses, authorizing each other, and having others witness… I don’t want you to keep accommodating me, or to be with me in ways that can’t see the light. It’s not fair to you.” He paused for a moment, straightened his back, and said, “If there comes a day when we need to sign for each other, I hope neither of us will need to produce that authorization form, and we can simply write our names in the space for the family.”

       The man furrowed his brows slightly, “Zhuo Yue, you understand why I chose to make a vow. Our marriage is too risky for you. Your fans won’t accept it, your career will be restricted, and you’ll lose many opportunities you desire.”

       Zhuo Yue lifted his head and looked at him with wet eyes, “Besides myself, I have nothing else to give you. Apart from you, I have nothing else to lose.” His body tensed with nervousness, his fingers behind his back clenched into a fist, palms sweaty. Summoning courage, he spoke with a slightly trembling voice, “To me, you’re more important than anything. I want to follow and accompany you in a way that can be seen in the light, so whenever you turn around, you’ll see me.” Here, Zhuo Yue grew even more nervous and excited, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. He urgently asked, “Master, would you… marry me?”

       Upon hearing this earth-shattering final sentence, Xia Ran burst out laughing with a “pfft,” immediately followed by a series of coughs and sniffs to cover it up. Xu Ye was completely dumbfounded, Sima Jun and Qin Mu stifled their laughter as they looked towards Fang Mingyan, even Chu Yu couldn’t help but smirk.

       Fang Mingyan was left in stitches by Zhuo Yue’s sudden unexpected proposal, raising an eyebrow as he said, “You want me to marry you?”

       Zhuo Yue’s face turned completely red, whispering, “No… I, I was just too nervous earlier, Master, what I meant was…”

       While apologies were still pending, the onlookers had already started to disperse.

       “Let’s go, let’s go, we have nothing to do here anymore. They should discuss how to get a bride now,” Sima Jun teased, pushing Xia Ran towards the exit. Xia Ran couldn’t even speak anymore, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably, clearly on the verge of laughter-induced insanity.

       Xu Ye, on his way out, stifled a laugh and said to Zhuo Yue, “You’ve got guts. If you’re marrying him, I’ll prepare the betrothal gifts for you.”

       Chu Yu, who rarely joked, added, “Count me in.”

       Qin Mu tidied up the documents briefly and remarked, “Though they might not be needed, Chairman Fang, remember to pay the commission fee on time. You know how persistent lawyers can be.”

       Once everyone had left, Fang Mingyan looked coolly at the person kneeling on the ground and said, “Marry me, hmm?”

       Zhuo Yue froze all over, awkwardly calling out, “Master…”

       The man lifted his chin, squinted his eyes, and said slowly and deliberately, “I am the Dom, you are the Sub, so I will be the one marrying you. I am the invader; you are the receiver, so I will marry you. I command and you obey, so I will marry you. Do you understand?”

       Zhuo Yue raised his eyes and smiled, “Master, are you proposing to me?”


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