Category: Whose child am I carrying? (Transmigration) (Page 2 of 3)

Whose child am I carrying?

Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.

Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.


As evening approached, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen’s carriage arrived at the foot of Muyang Mountain. The abbot and the senior monks of Muyang Temple had long been waiting there.


Muyang Temple had been a royal temple since the Chen Dynasty. From its founding to the present day, it had been standing for hundreds of years, enduring several changes in dynasties. The temple was serene and ancient, surrounded by lush trees. The air inside was filled with the scent of sandalwood, and the walls and pillars were covered in cracks. The deep and resonant sound of the temple bell made Zhao Qi feel as if his soul was being purified.


Since the death of the late emperor, Empress Dowager Wen had begun to practice Buddhism and had been acquainted with the abbot of Muyang Temple for many years. She waved off the formalities and smiled at the abbot, saying, “Master Yuan Tong, it’s been years. I hope you’ve been well.”


…That title sounds a bit familiar?


Master Yuan Tong responded, “Amitabha. Empress Dowager, you look radiant and joyful. It seems that the long-standing worries have been resolved. I offer my congratulations.”


“Indeed, nothing escapes your wise eyes, Master,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a smile, glancing at Zhao Qi beside her. “I have come here to fulfill my long-held wish.”


He Changzhou asked quietly, “What is the Empress Dowager’s wish? Does His Majesty know about it?”


Zhao Qi looked up at the sky. “I don’t know anything.”


He Changzhou stroked his chin. “I’m a bit curious.”


“I advise you not to be,” Zhao Qi said expressionlessly. “Curiosity killed the cat.”


Master Yuan Tong made a gesture of invitation. “Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, please follow me into the temple.”


Zhao Qi deliberately slowed his pace and asked the two elders following Master Yuan Tong, “May I ask what your Dharma names are?”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Zhong Tong.”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Shen Tong.”


Zhao Qi: “…” He realized that the original author of The Boundless Great Jing was quite lazy, even too lazy to come up with decent names for minor characters.


Zhao Qi followed Empress Dowager Wen into the main hall. Master Yuan Tong handed them incense sticks. Zhao Qi took one, lit it, and, following Empress Dowager Wen’s lead, held it high, made a bow, closed his eyes, and paid three respects to the Buddha’s golden statue.


Zhao Qi opened one eye and saw Empress Dowager Wen looking devout, her lips moving in silent recitation.


Though Zhao Qi didn’t believe in Buddhism, since he was here, he silently made a wish: “Buddha, please bless my mother with good health and long life; let me reign smoothly as emperor, with fewer people who dislike me and fewer who wish to harm me; and lastly, bless the people of the world with peace and prosperity, and for the Great Jing Dynasty to be stable and prosperous. Amen—no, Amitabha.”


After the worship, they handed the incense stick to Master Zhong Tong, who placed it in the incense burner.


Master Yuan Tong said, “The vegetarian meal is ready. Please proceed to the dining room in the back to enjoy it.”


“There’s no rush; I’m not hungry yet,” Empress Dowager Wen said. “Qi’er, the temple’s divination is always accurate. Would you like to draw a fortune stick?”


Zhao Qi was quite interested in drawing a fortune stick. “Sure.”


A young monk stepped forward with a divination container. Zhao Qi shook it casually, and a wooden stick fell out, which He Changzhou picked up.


He Changzhou said, “Not bad, it’s a good fortune stick.”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi leaned closer, standing on tiptoe. “Let me see!”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled and said, “You can’t tell much just by looking at the stick. Master, please bring out the divination text.”


Master Shen Tong asked, “May I ask what Your Majesty is inquiring about?”


Empress Dowager Wen answered before Zhao Qi could speak, “Of course, it’s about the offspring of the royal family.”


Zhao Qi muttered silently to himself: I’m not.


Master Shen Tong smiled and said, “Then let me offer my congratulations to Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager first.” He handed the divination text to Zhao Qi.


Before Zhao Qi could examine it closely, Empress Dowager Wen eagerly snatched it away, “‘To be enjoyed by the ancestral temple, to be protected for future generations’….” She couldn’t stop smiling, “Indeed, it’s a good fortune! Wonderful, excellent!”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “What do you mean?”


He Changzhou replied, “It means that in the future, His Majesty will be able to enjoy the ancestral sacrifices, and His Majesty’s descendants will preserve the legacy left by His Majesty.”


Empress Dowager Wen held Zhao Qi’s hand with a smile and said, “Your late father had few children, with only two sons and three daughters among the dozens in the harem. I was worried you might end up like your father, but it seems my fears were unfounded.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The Emperor is still young. In the future, he will surely have as many sons and daughters as Emperor Gaozu!”


Zhao Qi showed a look of disdain. “I don’t want that.”


He Changzhou laughed upon hearing this. Jiang Dehai looked confused, not understanding what he had said wrong. Empress Dowager Wen scolded, “What nonsense are you talking? Having more children is a blessing.”


Zhao Qi knew he probably couldn’t agree with Empress Dowager Wen on this issue, so he decided not to argue. In his view, having two children, one son and one daughter, was quite sufficient. Anything more would be hard to manage. Plus, as a well-educated and virtuous young man, he had no intention of expanding his harem. It was likely he would only marry one empress in the future, as having more would only cause him to worry about his wife.


Later, the group went to a side room for a vegetarian meal. The meal at Muyang Temple was exquisitely prepared, without any meat, which was perfect for Zhao Qi, who had just recovered from motion sickness. Zhao Qi ate two bowls in one go and felt quite full, reclining like a salted fish and yawning.


Seeing this, Empress Dowager Wen said, “Qi’er, if you’re tired, go rest in the side room. I still need to talk to Master Yuan Tong later.”


Zhao Qi stood up, “Then I’ll go back first. Mother, you should rest early too.”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded, “General He.”


“I’m here.”


“This place is different from the palace; you must be meticulous in everything.”


He Changzhou lowered his eyes. “Rest assured, Empress Dowager.”


He Changzhou personally escorted Zhao Qi back to the side room. Zhao Qi, exhausted from a day of bumping around, collapsed onto the bed as soon as he entered the room. Jiang Dehai stood beside him with a warm towel and advised, “Your Majesty, please wipe your face before you sleep.”


Zhao Qi closed his eyes and replied, “I don’t want to.”


Jiang Dehai looked awkwardly at He Changzhou. “This…”


“Give me the towel,” He Changzhou said, “You can leave.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated. “You’re a general. How can you do this?”


He Changzhou smiled faintly, “Even if I were just a minister, I would still be the Emperor’s servant. Besides, it was the Emperor who asked me to attend to him.”


Jiang Dehai was startled by the remark about ministers being servants of the Emperor. Although it was true, the mention of Lord Xiao made it clear that only General He would dare to speak this way.


“General, you are right,” Jiang Dehai forced a smile. “I will wait outside. Call if you need anything.”


He Changzhou nodded, “Go on.”


Zhao Qi had already fallen deeply asleep. He Changzhou casually wiped his face a couple of times, thinking he had managed the strength well, but he actually ended up smearing Zhao Qi’s face red. Despite this, Zhao Qi showed no signs of waking up, only slightly frowning and mumbling something.


He Changzhou covered him with a blanket, watched him for a while, and gently brushed his delicate eyelashes. He thought that this little sleepyhead was too adorable. Unfortunately, no matter how cute Zhao Qi was, in Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, he was merely a tool to be used.


That night, when the little emperor was drunk, He Changzhou carried him back to Yonghua Palace and then went to the Administrative Hall, where Prime Minister Xiao was waiting.


“The influence of the Broken Pulse Gang has long been entrenched in the Central Plains. Although their occasional disturbances are minor, I have lost patience dealing with them,” said Xiao Shiqing.


He Changzhou asked, “What does the Prime Minister intend to do?”


“At the end of the month, the Emperor and the Empress Dowager will leave the palace for Muyang Temple and stay there for a few days,” Xiao Shiqing said indifferently. “Broken Pulse Gang’s people probably already know about this. Since the Emperor and Empress Dowager rarely leave the palace, they will certainly take action.”


He Changzhou immediately understood, “You want to draw them out?”


Xiao Shiqing lowered his head and looked at the memorials, noncommittal.


He Changzhou, incredulous, said, “But these are the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. Are you really willing to risk their safety?”


“I don’t undertake tasks without confidence,” Xiao Shiqing said.


“And what if something goes wrong?”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyes. “There is no ‘what if.’”


“Even if it’s the Emperor, the Empress Dowager has a deep debt of gratitude to the Xiao family. Are you really willing to be so heartless?”


Xiao Shiqing replied casually, “Is it that the Empress Dowager owes the Xiao family a mountain of gratitude, or is it the Xiao family who owes the Empress Dowager?”


He Changzhou was at a loss for words. “What the Prime Minister says is truly cold-hearted. If the Empress Dowager hears this…”


“Do you think she’s unaware?” Xiao Shiqing interrupted. “The Empress Dowager and I understand each other well.”


He Changzhou was left speechless.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “According to reports from our spies, the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair is in a hidden place near the outskirts of the capital, and they intend to capture Zhao Qi to threaten me and the Empress Dowager. We just need to follow them, and we’ll be able to capture them all.”


“And then?” He Changzhou asked. “When will this be? After the Emperor has fallen into their hands?”


Xiao Shiqing was indifferent. “If you’re unwilling, I can assign this task to someone else. However, I vaguely recall that General He’s own uncle was killed by the Broken Pulse Gang. Don’t you want to avenge him?”


He Changzhou took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll follow the Prime Minister’s plan.”


He Changzhou poured himself a cup of tea, and before he had finished it, he heard Jiang Dehai’s deliberately lowered voice: “General He, a Deputy General surnamed Xu said he has important matters to report to you.”


He Changzhou opened the door, and Deputy General Xu was standing there. Upon seeing him, Xu knelt and saluted: “General.”


“What’s the matter?”


Deputy General Xu said: “I’ve captured a sneaky sweeping monk outside the Empress Dowager’s chamber. I suspect he’s from Broken Pulse Gang.”


Jiang Dehai was startled: “Broken Pulse Gang? Are they the remnants of the previous dynasty trying to restore it?”


“Yes,” He Changzhou’s expression grew serious, “Where is the Empress Dowager now?”


Deputy General Xu replied: “The Empress Dowager is still in the front hall, offering her respects to Buddha.”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment, “It seems that Mu Yang Temple isn’t a safe place after all.”


“How could that be!” Jiang Dehai said urgently, “Before the Empress Dowager and His Majesty arrived, hadn’t you already checked everyone and everything in the temple?”


“There may be some that slipped through the net,” He Changzhou said, “Where is that sweeping monk? I need to interrogate him personally.”


Deputy General Xu responded: “I’ve locked him up in an empty guest room. Please follow me.”


He Changzhou said: “Lead the way.”


“Wait, General!” Jiang Dehai stopped him, “If you go, what about His Majesty?”


He Changzhou said: “I will send reliable people to protect His Majesty. Don’t worry.”


“But His Majesty only trusts you!”


He Changzhou’s eyes showed a hint of hesitation, “If we don’t quickly get to the bottom of this suspicious person, we won’t be able to ensure the safety of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. These are my trusted aides; I trust them.”


Unable to stop him, Jiang Dehai watched as He Changzhou hurriedly left. He opened the door and looked inside—the Emperor was still sound asleep.


The temple was even quieter and more desolate at night than during the day. A group of armored palace guards walked in formation, saying to the guards on duty: “We’re changing shifts. We’ll take over here for the rest of the night. You can go get some rest.”


Jiang Dehai, stationed at the guest room door, grabbed one of the guards and asked: “Has there been any news from General He?”


The guard shook his head, “Not yet. You must be tired too, so hurry and get some rest. We’re here now.”


“No, I must stay here—” Jiang Dehai’s words were cut off as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. His vision went black, and he lost consciousness.


“Why not just kill him?” another guard asked.


“Leave him alive to inform that traitor surnamed Xiao. Stop wasting time and get in there to take the person away.”


The group entered the room, lifted the sleeping Emperor from the bed, and left.


Zhao Qi wasn’t very still in his sleep. He tossed and turned, and the bed in the guest room wasn’t as large as the dragon bed, so he rolled to the edge of the bed.


When Xiao Shiqing entered the room, Zhao Qi’s body was half hanging off the bed, about to fall.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened. He quickly walked to the bed just as Zhao Qi turned, and Zhao Qi fell off the bed—


The noise was loud enough to wake even a pig. Zhao Qi opened his eyes and saw a handsome face enlarged before him, thinking he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and asked uncertainly: “…Prime Minister?”




Zhao Qi was bewildered. How did he end up in Xiao Shiqing’s arms? Wait, wasn’t he in Mu Yang Temple?


Zhao Qi blinked and asked: “Why is the Prime Minister here?”


Xiao Shiqing’s face was cold as he replied: “To protect you.”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi was confused, “Aren’t I being guarded by General He?”


Xiao Shiqing’s lips curled into a sarcastic smile, “He’s not capable.”


Zhao Qi: “…He’s not capable, but you are?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 10 – I don't think I'm fat, but the Prime Minister asked me to eat less.

Chapter 10 – I don’t think I’m fat, but the Prime Minister asked me to eat less.


The next day, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen set off for Muyang Mountain, with Xiao Shiqing leading a delegation of civil and military officials to see them off. This was Zhao Qi’s first time leaving the palace since entering the book, and he remarked: “I’m so happy—what a joke.”


He didn’t want to leave the palace at all. All he wanted was to stay in his quarters, eat and sleep to his heart’s content, and enjoy some peace and quiet. The palace was tightly guarded, with bodyguards everywhere, making it very safe. Outside the palace, the dangers were numerous, with too many people wishing for his demise. There might even be a bunch of assassins waiting to strike from some unseen bush.


Zhao Qi repeatedly instructed He Changzhou, “Once we leave the palace, you must not leave my side for even a step. You need to stick close to me at all times. Do you understand?”


He Changzhou asked, “What about when we sleep?”


Zhao Qi replied, “We can sleep in the same room.”


He Changzhou touched his nose, “That…”


“He Xiaojiangjun needn’t hesitate,” Xiao Shiqing approached them and said coldly, “The emperor’s dragon bed isn’t something just anyone can access—have we prepared everything?”


He Changzhou replied, “Yes, we can set off at any time.”


“Then what are we waiting for?” Xiao Shiqing said, “Let’s invite the Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi helped Empress Dowager Wen to the carriage and then went to his own carriage. Jiang Dehai was squatting on the ground, as per custom, Zhao Qi was supposed to step on his back to get into the carriage.


Zhao Qi waved his hand and said, “No need for that. I can get in myself.”


Xiao Shiqing looked at the small emperor, who only reached his shoulder, “Are you sure?”


He Changzhou said, “I’ll carry the emperor into the carriage.”


Xiao Shiqing, somewhat puzzled, remarked, “General, are you addicted to carrying people?”


He Changzhou: “…”


Zhao Qi, who was struggling to climb into the carriage, thought, “???”


Xiao Shiqing said淡淡ly, “Since he wants to climb, let him climb.”


With the authority of the prime minister speaking, He Changzhou had no choice but to comply.


The carriage was slightly lower than the horse but still not easy to get into. Zhao Qi, being a homebody who was even pinned down by a sick Rong Tang, had poor physical strength. He grabbed the railing of the carriage and, using all his strength, managed to get one foot inside and clambered up with difficulty. He sighed in relief, thinking that this wouldn’t do for the long run; he’d have to exercise more like the concubines in the palace.


Zhao Qi looked down at Xiao Shiqing and said, “Prime Minister, I’m heading off first. I’ll trouble you to stay in the palace and hold down the fort for the next few days.”


Xiao Shiqing played along with Zhao Qi’s show, smiling faintly, “Your Majesty, rest assured.”


Zhao Qi turned to enter the carriage but accidentally stepped into thin air. He struggled to keep his balance on the edge but everything happened too fast. He could only close his eyes in resignation.


With the surrounding attendants’ screams, Zhao Qi landed heavily against someone. The person grunted, took a step back, and held Zhao Qi’s waist, managing to steady himself.


Zhao Qi smelled a familiar faint scent of ink, and then Xiao Shiqing’s voice came to his ear, “Has His Majesty gained weight?”


Zhao Qi: “…”


“Eat less on the mountain,” Xiao Shiqing held Zhao Qi a moment longer before letting him go.


He Changzhou had a complex expression and asked, “Is His Majesty alright?”


“I’m fine.” Zhao Qi rubbed his waist. After being a couch potato for so long, he did gain some weight, but his waist was still quite slim.


Jiang Dehai, still shaken, said, “Your Majesty, you scared me half to death! Please step on my back to get in!”


Zhao Qi, not wanting to cause more trouble, agreed, “Alright then.”


“No need,” He Changzhou said, lifting Zhao Qi with one hand and effortlessly placing him in the carriage. He smiled, “Your Majesty, please steady yourself.”


Zhao Qi enthusiastically exclaimed, “General He, you really are as strong as a mountain and impressive—well done, my general.”


Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes slightly and turned away, “It’s getting late. Your Majesty, please proceed.”


Other ministers echoed, “Farewell to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager.”


Muyang Mountain was located on the outskirts of the capital and it would take about a day to get there from the palace. Zhao Qi’s carriage was very spacious, equipped with a bed, a table, and a bookshelf filled with books to keep him entertained.


However, reading was impossible. Although Zhao Qi could recognize every word, reading them together was beyond his comprehension. It took him half a day to turn one page, and he thought it was better to take a nap instead. Moreover, the ride was quite uncomfortable, with the uneven road making him nauseous shortly after he got on.


During a rest stop, He Changzhou brought a bunch of food into the carriage and was startled by Zhao Qi’s pale face, “Your Majesty, what’s wrong?”


Zhao Qi was wrapped in a blanket, revealing only his pale face, and weakly said, “I’m feeling a bit carsick.”


“Why didn’t you say earlier that you get carriage-sick, Your Majesty?” He Changzhou placed the food on the table and took out a piece of hawthorn cake, offering it to Zhao Qi. “Eating something sour should help. Open your mouth.”


Zhao Qi shook his head. “I don’t want to eat.” He couldn’t stomach anything right now; he was sure he would just throw up if he tried.


He Changzhou looked at him and teased, “Is it because you listened to the Chancellor’s advice that you’re refusing to eat?”


… What does that even mean? Zhao Qi didn’t bother to explain. “Yes, he said I’m getting fat.”


He Changzhou paused for a moment and then said, “Don’t listen to the Chancellor. Not only are you not fat, but you should actually eat more. I can wrap my hands around your waist.”


Zhao Qi forced a smile. “I really don’t want to eat.”


He Changzhou suggested, “Or how about riding a horse with me?”


“Oh?!” Zhao Qi became interested. “But I’m not very good at riding horses.”


He Changzhou was surprised. “You don’t know how? Isn’t horsemanship a mandatory skill for the princes of Dajin?”


Zhao Qi huffed and puffed, “I didn’t learn it well.”


He Changzhou said, “Then I’ll just ride the same horse with you.”


Zhao Qi got out of the carriage and followed He Changzhou. He Changzhou’s horse was resting beside the carriage. Jiang Dehai, upon learning that Zhao Qi was going to ride, became worried like a mother. “Is this really alright? What if something happens and the Emperor gets hurt…”


He Changzhou interrupted, “Don’t worry, Father Jiang. With me here, His Majesty will be safe.”


Zhao Qi looked at the horse, which was about the same height as him, and asked, “Can I trust you, General He?”


A flicker of surprise crossed He Changzhou’s eyes. “You can.” He embraced Zhao Qi’s waist and helped him mount the horse.


Zhao Qi sat in front, with He Changzhou’s solid chest behind him. He Changzhou’s arms wrapped around him as he took the reins. “How do you feel, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi took a deep breath. “I feel that the air outside is so refreshing.”


He Changzhou smiled brightly. “Hold on tight, Your Majesty.”


Although riding a horse was a bit bumpy, the air was much better than sitting in the carriage. The horse moved slowly, and Jiang Dehai followed on foot, his eyes fixed on Zhao Qi, worried that he might fall off. The spring breeze brought the scent of fresh grass, similar to the fragrance on He Changzhou.


Speaking of which, He Changzhou, Xiao Shiqing, and Rong Tang all had distinct scents. Zhao Qi wondered if he had a scent as well.


He Changzhou’s voice came from behind. “What are you thinking about, Your Majesty?”


“The scent.”




“Do I have a scent?”


He Changzhou said, “Yes.”


“What kind of scent?”


He Changzhou leaned down and sniffed Zhao Qi’s hair. “Sweet.”


Zhao Qi: ???


Jiang Dehai laughed. “The Yonghua Palace has been burning dragon’s saliva incense for years, so His Majesty probably smells of dragon’s saliva incense.”


“Is that so?” He Changzhou said, “No wonder I don’t smell it elsewhere.”


“Do you like it?” Zhao Qi glanced back slightly in the spring light, his hair tousled by the breeze. “I’ll reward you with some later.”


Jiang Dehai’s expression changed. “That’s not appropriate, Your Majesty. Since ancient times, dragon’s saliva incense has been used exclusively by the imperial family. Not even ordinary officials or the Empress can use it.”


“It’s alright,” He Changzhou looked at Zhao Qi’s profile. “When I want to smell it, I can just come to see you.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 9 – My peach blossom was thrown away.

Chapter 9 – My peach blossom was thrown away.


Rong Tang didn’t pay much attention to the peach blossom, only asking a nearby palace maid to take some water to keep the flower alive. To his surprise, the next day, a new peach blossom appeared outside his window.


The palace maid, Jin Ning, also found it odd. “Young Master, do you have any idea who sent these peach blossoms?”


Holding a book, Rong Tang didn’t even look up. “I don’t know.”


Jin Ning carefully changed the water for the wilted branch and suddenly said, “Could it be the Emperor?”


Since Rong Tang was forced into the palace, the Emperor had frequently sent gifts to the Drunken Scholar’s Studio—mostly gold, silver, and jade artifacts, antiques, and precious items, including some famous calligraphy and paintings, as well as rare books from the previous dynasty. Each gift was quite valuable. However, while the peach blossoms were lovely, they were worthless, unlike something the Emperor would typically send.


Rong Tang replied indifferently, “It’s not.”


“Then it might be one of the palace maids from another palace,” Jin Ning said with a smile, “Young Master, since you’re so handsome, there are often some curious young palace maids who come to the Drunken Scholar’s Studio to take a peek at you!”


Rong Tang didn’t say anything more. After nightfall, he stayed in the study, reading instead of returning to his room. The study faced his bedroom, and by opening the window, he could see any movement outside his bedroom.


At the lights-out time, when all the palace maids and eunuchs had gone to bed, a figure sneaked in through the side door of the Drunken Scholar’s Studio, holding something and heading straight for his bedroom.


Rong Tang: “…”


Zhao Qi, as an Emperor, found it quite challenging to sneak into his lover’s quarters like a thief, his heart racing at 180 beats per minute. Fortunately, everything went smoothly. He placed the peach blossoms in front of the window and had just turned around when a voice came from behind him: “Ahem—”




Startled, Zhao Qi jumped towards the wall like a rabbit, grabbing a “weapon” in his hand and turning swiftly to point the peach blossom branch at the intruder. “Who is it?!”


Rong Tang looked at the tips of the flower petals and frowned slightly. “It’s really you.”


Seeing who it was, Zhao Qi felt even more tense and did not relax. He maintained a stern face and tried to stay calm. “I was just passing by. I didn’t intend to visit you. Don’t think too much about it.”


Rong Tang asked, “Was the peach blossom from a couple of days ago also from you?”


Zhao Qi lowered the peach blossom branch. “…Yes.” Although the previous blossoms had been delivered by a eunuch, Zhao Qi himself had brought these after having supper at the Cian Palace with Empress Dowager Wen. On his way back to his own quarters, he had stopped by the Drunken Scholar’s Studio to personally deliver the flowers as a gesture of sincerity.


Rong Tang’s eyes grew somber. Was the Emperor really sneaking around to deliver a peach blossom so late at night? Or was there another motive?




Zhao Qi asked, “Huh?”


Rong Tang’s expression remained indifferent. “Why did you send me the peach blossoms?”


Zhao Qi scratched his head. “Just… hoping you get better soon, like these blooming peach blossoms, full of vitality.”


“Vitality…” Rong Tang’s eyes were cold and lifeless. His vitality had dissipated the day he entered the harem, leaving behind only a shell. Born into a scholarly family and having achieved high honors, he should have been serving on the court. Yet now, he was trapped behind the high red walls, reduced to serving the Emperor in name. His family was unable to hold their head high in the capital because of him, and his father and uncles were mocked by their peers. All of this was thanks to the person before him.


Zhao Qi looked at Rong Tang anxiously. The moonlight was beautiful but cold tonight, and Rong Tang was even colder.


“I appreciate your kindness, Your Majesty,” Rong Tang said. “You may leave now.”


Zhao Qi could see the despair in Rong Tang’s eyes and felt despair himself. This was all due to the original owner’s actions—what could he do?


“Well, do you still want the peach blossoms?” Zhao Qi asked.


Rong Tang did not answer, turning and walking into his room, closing the door and window in front of Zhao Qi.


Holding the discarded peach blossoms, Zhao Qi comforted himself: It’s fine if you don’t want them; I’ll keep them for making peach blossom wine.


Rong Tang caught a chill from the evening breeze and started developing a fever and cough the next day. Jin Ning prepared some medicine and brought it to him. “Young Master, should we call a physician to check on you?”


“No need.” Rong Tang coughed lightly. “Throw away the peach blossoms.”


Jin Ning thought she might have heard wrong. “Young Master?”


“Just throw away all the peach blossoms we’ve received these days.”


The day before setting off for Muliang Mountain, Zhao Qi decided to indulge in some meat. He asked Jiang Dehai to bring a full set of barbecue tools and had the Imperial Kitchen send over chicken, duck, fish, and meat. He skewered the items and roasted them over charcoal.


Jiang Dehai watched nervously from the side. “Your Majesty, let us do it. Be careful not to burn yourself.”


“Meat that isn’t grilled by yourself lacks soul,” Zhao Qi said, brushing oil on the chicken wings with a calligraphy brush. “This brush isn’t good for writing but works well for barbecue.”


Jiang Dehai forced a smile. “Your Majesty, these are tributes from Luozhou.”


“No wonder. I’ll make sure to give Luozhou’s governor a good review.”


As the delicious aroma of roasting meat filled the air, Zhao Qi hummed a tune while grilling. “Braised chicken wings, I like to eat them. The more I want to ascend, the more I should eat. If I don’t eat now, I won’t have another chance…”


A little eunuch came in to report, “Your Majesty, General He requests an audience.”


“Oh? Please, have him come in!”


He Changzhou, dressed in military uniform and still full of energy, entered the Yonghua Palace. Seeing Zhao Qi sitting by the charcoal fire with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his white and slender wrists, one hand holding skewers of chicken wings and the other holding a calligraphy brush, he smiled and said, “General He has arrived.”


He Changzhou laughed and replied, “Your Majesty, just call me by my name.”


Zhao Qi wasn’t being polite either, “Changzhou, do you like eating chicken wings?”


He Changzhou replied, “Yes, I do. When I was stationed in the northwest, I often caught wild chickens and roasted them.”


“Wild game isn’t as good as farmed ones. Aren’t they more delicious?” Zhao Qi handed the freshly roasted chicken wings to He Changzhou, “Here, try my cooking.”


He Changzhou took them, had a bite, and exclaimed, “Hot—”


Zhao Qi laughed, “Of course, it’s hot right after being roasted.”


He Changzhou held the chicken wing up to Zhao Qi, “Your Majesty, could you blow on it for me?”


Zhao Qi puffed out his cheeks and blew on the fragrant chicken wings a few times, “Try it again.”


He Changzhou ate the chicken wings one by one. After chewing for a while, he spat out the clean bones, with not a trace of meat left on them. Zhao Qi looked at him with an expression as if he had swallowed an egg whole.


He Changzhou laughed at Zhao Qi’s comical expression and stuffed a chicken wing into his mouth, “Your Majesty should have some too.”


Zhao Qi tried to mimic He Changzhou but after a lot of effort, his bones were left incomplete and the meat wasn’t cleaned off properly. He couldn’t help but sigh, “Your skills with your mouth are really impressive.”


After finishing the chicken wings, Zhao Qi and He Changzhou sat together roasting duck legs. Zhao Qi suddenly felt a bit of an itch in his nose, turned his head, and sneezed loudly. He pinched the tip of his nose and muttered, “Who’s cursing me…”


Jiang Dehai came over with a cloak and urged him to put it on, “Your Majesty, take care of your health. This cloak…”


“No need, no need,” Zhao Qi said, “Wearing the dragon robe is already very inconvenient. The sleeves are so wide and big. How can I roast duck with a cloak on?”


He Changzhou glanced at Zhao Qi’s exposed wrist, “Let me have a look.”


Zhao Qi felt a warmth as He Changzhou gently held his wrist, “It is a bit cold. Your Majesty should lower your sleeves.”


Due to his years spent outside, He Changzhou’s skin was not as fair as Zhao Qi’s, and their hands together showed a stark contrast. Zhao Qi envied, “Your skin is really nice.”


He Changzhou snorted, “Your Majesty is the one with the fair and tender skin.”


Zhao Qi shook his finger, “A grown man doesn’t need to be so fair and tender. It’s quite girly.”


He Changzhou’s hand moved up to Zhao Qi’s elbow, pulling his rolled-up sleeve down, “I’ll help Your Majesty roast the duck.”


Zhao Qi didn’t insist further and sat aside watching He Changzhou roast. Jiang Dehai dr4p3d the cloak over him and asked, “Your Majesty, are you still sending the peach blossoms from the Drunken Scholar’s Study today?”


Without thinking, Zhao Qi said, “If he doesn’t want them, why send them?”


Jiang Dehai hesitated, “Yes.”


Zhao Qi glanced at him, “If you have something to say, just say it.”


“Your Majesty, I heard from the palace maid at the Drunken Scholar’s Study that this morning, Young Master Rong threw away all the peach blossoms you sent him these past few days.”


Zhao Qi showed no reaction, “So he threw them away. It’s not like I can retrieve them.”


Jiang Dehai said, “Your Majesty, it’s not appropriate to casually dispose of imperial gifts. Even death could be considered an appropriate punishment.”


Zhao Qi blinked, “What’s the use of saying this? I can’t bring myself to kill him.”


Jiang Dehai sighed, “Yes.”


He Changzhou, overhearing, laughed, “This is probably what people in the palace refer to as ‘arrogant due to favor’?”


That night, at the Xiang residence.


Xiao Shiqing was drinking alone in the courtyard, under the moonlight. Hearing footsteps behind him, he said, “You’re here.”


The newcomer didn’t offer any formal greetings, simply sitting across from him and pouring himself a cup of wine, which he drank in one gulp. “The wine at the Xiang residence is indeed better than that in the palace.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, “General He, are you implying that I am overstepping my bounds?”


“Does the Prime Minister fear such words?” 


Xiao Shiqing did not respond directly, “What about Zhao Qi?”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment and said, “The chicken wings he cooked were very tasty.”


Xiao Shiqing put down his wine cup and said slowly, “I didn’t ask you to indulge in food and drink in the palace.”


“I know, but that doesn’t conflict with it,” He Changzhou replied. “To be honest, I can’t imagine that Zhao Qi now is the same person as the debauched emperor he used to be.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded slightly, “I feel the same.”


“What could cause such a sudden change in a person’s nature?”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Could it really be about the dragon veins?”


He Changzhou asked curiously, “What dragon veins?”


Xiao Shiqing did not answer the question, “The old Zhao Qi was outrageous, but he was easy to handle. The current Zhao Qi, I truly cannot fathom what he is thinking.”


He Changzhou recalled the image of Zhao Qi brushing oil on chicken wings with a calligraphy brush and said, “In my opinion, the current Zhao Qi seems to be even more straightforward than before.”


“Not necessarily,” Xiao Shiqing mused for a moment. “Continue staying by his side. Report any discoveries immediately.”


He Changzhou nodded and yawned, “Got it.”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at him, “You seemed reluctant before, but this time you agreed quite readily.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Doesn’t the Prime Minister find the current Zhao Qi rather charming?”


Xiao Shiqing inexplicably recalled the scene of the young emperor, drunk and clinging to his arm, tearfully saying he didn’t want to die. He took a sip of his drink and said, “Not really.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 8 – I have someone to protect me.

Chapter 8 – I have someone to protect me.


When Zhao Qi saw the young man’s looks, he immediately knew he was an important secondary character in the book. Observing the young man’s attire, Zhao Qi began to form an idea.


Seeing Zhao Qi in a daze, the young man’s smile grew even brighter. “Why does Your Majesty keep looking at me? Is there something on my face?”


Standing in front of them, Xiao Shiqing looked down with a half-serious, half-joking tone. “Young General He, mind your words. Be careful not to become the second Rong Tang.”


The young man sneered, “As a martial artist who spends all his time out in the field, how could I catch the emperor’s eye?”


Xiao Shiqing’s words confirmed Zhao Qi’s guess. The young man in front of him was indeed He Changzhou, one of the major supporting characters in *The Great Jing Unbounded*. He Changzhou was the only son of General Fu Yuan, known for his brilliant military skills and intelligence. Not only was he skilled and brave, but he was also quite handsome. Unlike Xiao Shiqing’s elegant and refined demeanor or Rong Tang’s frosty clarity, He Changzhou was fiery and vibrant, full of youthful energy.


The He family was known for their loyalty and bravery. He Changzhou began following his father into battle at the age of fourteen, achieving numerous military merits. After King Huai Zhao Tong’s rebellion, He Changzhou led the He family army in fierce battles against the rebels for six months, successfully holding back the last line of defense in the south and even regaining several cities from the rebels. However, when the good news reached the capital, Xiao Shiqing intended to reward him, but the treacherous emperor secretly bypassed him and issued a massacre order to He Changzhou because the city’s citizens had welcomed the rebels with cheers during their siege.


He Changzhou refused to comply with the emperor’s order, which enraged the emperor. At the same time, a confidential report accusing He Changzhou of colluding with King Huai arrived. The emperor immediately dispatched assassins to the north to kill He Changzhou. When Xiao Shiqing learned of this, he did not intervene and coldly watched the emperor’s folly. In the end, the assassination failed, and He Changzhou, with his army, submitted to King Huai.


In short, another hero had been ruined by the treacherous emperor. To Zhao Qi, He Changzhou now appeared as the highest-grade equipment, like wearing resurrection armor.


Sitting on the ground, Zhao Qi looked up at He Changzhou and flattered him, “What’s wrong with being a martial artist? Martial artists are great, and they’re strong.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled softly. “Indeed, strength makes many things easier.”


Zhao Qi wondered, “Is it just me, or does it seem like Xiao Shiqing is making a suggestive comment?”


“For example, helping the emperor up,” He Changzhou said, extending his hand to Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi looked at his own dirty hands and discreetly wiped them on his clothes before taking He Changzhou’s hand. He Changzhou’s hand was warm with some calluses.


After helping Zhao Qi to his feet, He Changzhou released his hand and smelled the incense sachet he was holding. “This sachet smells quite nice. May I have it as a gift from Your Majesty?”


It was just an incense sachet. The noble ladies weren’t interested in it anyway, so giving it to He Changzhou as a gesture to improve their relationship was no big deal.


“Sure,” Zhao Qi said. “You can keep it.”


He Changzhou accepted the sachet. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi smiled at him. “What are you and Xiao Shiqing doing in the Peach Blossom Forest?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “To see the Empress Dowager.”


“Mother is admiring the flowers in the pavilion. You…” Zhao Qi hesitated. “Forget it, I’ll go with you.”


It was impossible to select a consort now. The lady he was interested in avoided him like the plague, so there was no need to force the issue. Even though he had never been in love, he knew that forcing something that wasn’t meant to be was pointless.


The three of them returned to the pavilion. Empress Dowager Wen dismissed the formalities of Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou and asked, “Qi’er, did you give away the sachet I gave you?”


Zhao Qi felt a bit embarrassed. “Mother, I’ll tell you about it later. You should discuss matters with the Prime Minister and the others first.”


“Nothing is more important than selecting a consort,” Empress Dowager Wen urged. “Quickly tell me who you gave the sachet to. Who will be the future daughter-in-law of the Empress Dowager?”


Zhao Qi subtly hinted, “Mother, please stop.”


Xiao Shiqing, sipping his tea as if watching a show, commented, “In my opinion, the Empress Dowager’s future daughter-in-law has the surname He.”


“He?” Empress Dowager Wen looked puzzled at Yunxiu. “Is there a noble lady with the surname He who entered the palace today?”


Zhao Qi cast a resentful glance at Xiao Shiqing and was about to explain when He Changzhou stepped forward. “Is this the sachet the Empress Dowager is referring to?”


“Yes,” Empress Dowager Wen was even more surprised. “How did this sachet…”


Zhao Qi said, “Mother, I gave it to Young General He.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s eyes widened in shock. “Qi’er, you…” She looked to Xiao Shiqing for help. “Prime Minister, is this what I think it means?”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyebrows and said nothing. Empress Dowager Wen took his silence as confirmation and looked extremely astonished. “Emperor, are you deliberately toying with me?! One Rong Tang isn’t enough; now you even have those feelings for Young General He!”


“It’s not contradictory,” Xiao Shiqing said casually. “The Emperor can make Young General He the Empress and appoint Young Master Rong as a noble consort. It’s a win-win situation.”


Zhao Qi couldn’t stand Xiao Shiqing’s mischievous attitude and shot back, “Why not also make the Prime Minister a consort while you’re at it? That would be the perfect solution.”


Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the cold aura from him made Zhao Qi instinctively shrink back. However, He Changzhou was unperturbed and followed along with Zhao Qi’s jest. “With the Prime Minister around, how could I become Empress? Just look at the Prime Minister’s demeanor—he’s clearly suited to be the Empress.”


Xiao Shiqing laughed coldly. “I wouldn’t dare.”


Zhao Qi was utterly speechless. He wished they would just behave and be quiet.


Empress Dowager Wen took a sharp breath and held her forehead. “I can’t take it anymore. I’m feeling a bit dizzy.”


Fearing she might faint from the stress, Zhao Qi quickly said, “Mother, you’ve misunderstood. Young General He only said he liked the sachet, so I gave it to him.”


He Changzhou looked at the sachet in his hand and then at Zhao Qi, seemingly thoughtful. “So this was meant for the future Empress. I didn’t realize the Emperor would give it to me…”


“…Please don’t add to the confusion.”


Zhao Qi managed to convince Empress Dowager Wen that his relationship with He Changzhou and Xiao Shiqing was purely that of a ruler and his subjects. Empress Dowager Wen, still in shock, needed two cups of tea to calm down. While Yunxiu helped her recover, she said, “I’m quite scared of you all now.”


Yunxiu reminded her, “Empress Dowager, the noble ladies are still waiting in the woods. What should we do?”


Empress Dowager Wen closed her eyes and said, “Let them go home for today. Just tell them that I’m unwell and will invite them back another day to appreciate the flowers.”


Thus, Zhao Qi’s first matchmaking attempt ended in failure. Afterwards, Empress Dowager Wen and Xiao Shiqing, along with He Changzhou, discussed serious matters.


“In three days, the Emperor and I will set off for Muyang Mountain, where we will fast and pray for the prosperity of Great Jing. Young General He, you will be responsible for ensuring safety on the road and at the mountain.”


He Changzhou’s expression became serious. “This official takes the command.”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded and turned to Xiao Shiqing. “During this period, please, Prime Minister, stay in the capital and oversee the state affairs.”


Xiao Shiqing bowed his head. “Understood.”


“That’s all for now. You both may go,” Empress Dowager Wen said, holding her chest. “I need to return to Ci’an Palace to rest.”


After seeing off the Empress Dowager, Zhao Qi turned to He Changzhou with a serious face. “Young General He, you must protect me well. There are too many people who want me dead, and they might take advantage of my absence from the palace. You need to be fully prepared.”


Xiao Shiqing remarked, “You certainly have self-awareness.”


Zhao Qi responded confidently, “Of course.”


He Changzhou looked down at Zhao Qi. “Is the Emperor very afraid?”


“Of course. Who isn’t afraid of death?”


He Changzhou patted Zhao Qi’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi immediately brightened up. “Prime Minister, look! Young General He is truly a loyal subject. He says he will protect me!” This was so rare. Apart from Empress Dowager Wen, someone in the palace was actually showing him goodwill. After being unloved and resented for so long, Zhao Qi was genuinely excited to have someone who didn’t despise him.


Xiao Shiqing smiled. “With He Changzhou protecting the Emperor, the Emperor won’t need me. So next time you’re drunk, remember to get someone else to hold you.”




Xiao Shiqing stood up, his expression unreadable. “I have other matters to attend to. I’ll take my leave.”


Zhao Qi and He Changzhou exchanged puzzled glances, feeling like they were in a state of confusion.


“What does the Prime Minister mean by that?” Zhao Qi asked.


“I don’t know,” He Changzhou said nonchalantly. “I can never guess the thoughts of those scholars.”


“Then I won’t guess. He Changzhou, I permit you to come and go freely in the palace, to protect my safety—uh, I have that right, don’t I?” Zhao Qi asked with a hint of uncertainty.


He Changzhou laughed heartily, “Your Majesty, you’re a bit cute.”


Zhao Qi felt complicated emotions. He actually found the dog emperor cute, so this young general must be blind. “Don’t you know what I did before?”


“What things?” He Changzhou replied, “My father sent me to practice martial arts in the mountains when I was five. At fourteen, I went straight to the northwest army camp. I don’t know much about the affairs in the capital.”


“I see, no wonder he holds no ill will towards the dog emperor.”


“Oh, if it’s about Young Master Rong, I do know a little.”


“…” Alright, maybe he got too happy too early.


“Your Majesty must like Young Master Rong a lot.”


“Eh? Yes, yes I do.”


He Changzhou sat on a stone bench, his long legs casually sprawled out. He picked up an orange from the table and started peeling it. “I can understand what you’re doing. When you like someone, you’ll go to great lengths to keep them by your side. Since you can’t get his heart, having his presence is not bad either.”


Zhao Qi was a bit surprised, “You think quite openly.”


“Your Majesty is a sovereign; all men and women in the world belong to you, including Rong Tang.”




He Changzhou peeled an orange and put half of it into his mouth. “Hmm, quite sweet.” He handed the rest to Zhao Qi, “Your Majesty, would you like to try?”


Zhao Qi took the orange and tasted a segment, smiling, “It is indeed sweet.”


A warm breeze blew by, carrying a faint peach blossom scent. Zhao Qi enjoyed the orange, feeling quite happy with the company of a not-unpleasant young general. Thinking of Rong Tang no longer felt so depressing.


Since the last time he almost had his dragon egg crushed by Rong Tang, Zhao Qi had not visited the Drunken Book Study again. He only learned from Jiang Dehai that Rong Tang’s health was fluctuating. No amount of medicine seemed to help; as soon as the weather turned a bit cooler, he had to stay in bed for several days.


He didn’t dare to see Rong Tang again, but sending a gift to wish him a speedy recovery was still acceptable.


He Changzhou looked at the peach blossom forest in the distance and said, “The peach blossoms are really beautiful.”


Zhao Qi followed his gaze, “Yes.”


The spring evening still carried a chill. Rong Tang had gone to bed early, coughing intermittently and unable to sleep. He simply got out of bed, put on a fox fur coat, and went to the window, lighting a lamp and opening the window.


A branch of pink and white peach blossoms lay quietly by his window.


Rong Tang coughed lightly, glanced around, and saw no one. He picked up a broken branch. His jade-like face was pale, and the petals were delicate—human-faced peach blossoms.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 7 – Who picked up the sachet I gave to the future queen?

Chapter 7 – Who picked up the sachet I gave to the future queen?


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, his smile now tinged with a hint of intrigue. “Your Majesty, you still want to call me ‘older brother’?”


Seeing that Zhao Qi did not respond, Xiao Shiqing laughed, “I would never dare ask His Majesty to call me that.”


Zhao Qi was furious, “Then why did you make me call you that?”


“I merely asked in passing, I didn’t expect His Majesty to actually use it,” Xiao Shiqing replied, “And it sounds quite nice.”


Zhao Qi was seething with anger but couldn’t vent it on Xiao Shiqing. He channeled his frustration into his appetite, taking a piece of red bean cake from the snacks he brought. He bit into half of it, deciding to endure this wave of irritation and work on increasing Xiao Shiqing’s favorability later.


Xiao Shiqing watched him eat and asked, “Is it good?”


Zhao Qi held up the red bean cake and nodded, “It’s good. Would you like some?”


“Do you want to have a drink?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


Zhao Qi was taken aback, “What?”


“Wine,” Xiao Shiqing said as he closed the memorial. “I’m also a bit tired. Would Your Majesty accompany me for a drink?”


Zhao Qi did not think that calling Xiao Shiqing “older brother” twice meant they could now drink together. He observed Xiao Shiqing’s expression, which was half-smiling and half-serious, and sensed an ulterior motive.


“Does His Majesty not want to?”


Zhao Qi hesitated, “I…”


“Isn’t it customary for brothers to drink together?” Xiao Shiqing said leisurely. “Or is His Majesty worried I might poison the wine like Rong Tang?”


“That’s not the case,” Zhao Qi said. Xiao Shiqing had mentioned that his death would cause considerable trouble, so Zhao Qi was sure he wouldn’t be killed at the moment. Since his life was not in immediate danger, he had nothing to lose. “If the Prime Minister wants to drink, I’ll accompany him.”


The eunuchs brought in the wine and snacks, and Xiao Shiqing dismissed everyone else, pouring two cups of wine himself. “I toast to His Majesty. May the dragon vein flourish and Da Jing prosper.”


Zhao Qi forced a smile, “May the Prime Minister have a long life and many descendants.” He clinked glasses with Xiao Shiqing and took a small sip of the wine. It had to be said, the wine was quite pleasant—smooth and fragrant, without any sharp taste, leaving a lingering aftertaste.


Xiao Shiqing noticed his astonished expression and asked, “Is it good?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes!”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Then drink more. This wine…” He played with the wine cup, “Is not easily intoxicating.”


Zhao Qi kept his guard up, cautious not to drink too much, but the wine’s aftereffect was strong. After just a small cup, he started to feel lightheaded. Initially, he could maintain some clarity, but gradually, his mind became muddled, and his vision started to blur. Xiao Shiqing’s voice seemed to come from another space.


“Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi, barely keeping his eyes open, mumbled, “Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing’s tone carried an irresistible force, “Tell me, are you Zhao Qi?”


Zhao Qi thought the question was absurd, “I’m not…”


Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes, “Hmm?”


“I’m not Zhao Qi… hic, who else could I be?”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression softened slightly, “You’ve been acting so out of character lately. Has someone told you to do this or given you such orders?”


Zhao Qi shook his head.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “Why have you suddenly shown favor towards me? The Empress Dowager has advised you for years, yet you’ve always acted independently. Why have you started listening to her this time?”


Zhao Qi stared blankly at him. Suddenly, his eyes reddened. He grabbed Xiao Shiqing’s hand and said, full of grievance, “Prime Minister, I don’t want to die!”


Xiao Shiqing was rarely surprised, “What?”


“Wuwuwu… I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be hated by everyone, I don’t want to be a dog emperor who is overthrown, I don’t want to be tortured by Rong Tang’s revenge, but I can’t bring myself to harm them. I’m so miserable, brother—”


Xiao Shiqing was silent for a moment, “So?”


“So, please protect me and the Empress Dowager,” Zhao Qi clutched Xiao Shiqing’s sleeve, burying his head in the fragrant official robe, “Don’t leave, don’t help Zhao Tong, okay? If you promise, I’ll call you ‘Prime Minister Brother’ for life…”


Zhao Qi’s voice grew fainter and eventually trailed off as he fell asleep with his head resting on Xiao Shiqing’s arm. Xiao Shiqing used his unoccupied hand to rub his temple. “Come in.”


Jiang Dehai, who had been waiting outside, entered, “Lord Xiao, what’s the matter with the Emperor?”


“He’s drunk,” Xiao Shiqing said,“Take him back to Yonghua Palace.”


Jiang Dehai looked somewhat awkward. “Carry him?”


“Otherwise?” Xiao Shiqing said coldly, “Shall I carry him back myself?”


Jiang Dehai quickly replied, “I wouldn’t dare. However, if the Emperor is carried while drunk, he might feel uncomfortable. Please, Sir, maintain this position for now. I will find a strong eunuch to carry His Majesty back to the palace.”


Xiao Shiqing looked down at Zhao Qi, who was sleeping soundly with his arm dr4p3d over Xiao Shiqing. The young emperor’s face was flushed from the wine, his long lashes gently resting, his lips slightly parted, and even through his sleeve, Xiao Shiqing could feel his warm breath.


Xiao Shiqing tried to move his wrist a little. The young emperor frowned in displeasure, rubbing against his sleeve and hugging him tighter. “Fine. I’ll carry you this once.”


“No need to trouble the Prime Minister,” a clear voice said. “I’ll carry him. I’m quite strong.”


Jiang Dehai turned around and bowed to the approaching young man. “General He.”


Xiao Shiqing hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Alright.”


The young man moved to Xiao Shiqing’s side, lifted the inebriated emperor from him, and carried him in his arms with ease. Despite Zhao Qi being an adult man, the young man carried him effortlessly, showing no sign of strain.


“I’ll be off then.”


“After you settle His Majesty, come back here,” Xiao Shiqing said. “I need to speak with you.”


Zhao Qi slept until late morning, waking up with a throbbing headache. He only remembered drinking with Xiao Shiqing last night, and his consciousness had blurred as the night went on. He had no recollection of what happened afterward.


Jiang Dehai brought some hot water and, seeing Zhao Qi dazed on the dragon bed, asked, “Is Your Majesty feeling unwell?”


Zhao Qi furrowed his brows. “The smell of grass…” He tried to recall the events of last night and vaguely remembered smelling fresh, green grass.


Jiang Dehai asked, “What did Your Majesty say?”


“Nothing,” Zhao Qi replied, twisting his neck. “Did the Prime Minister do anything to me last night?”


“No,” Jiang Dehai said. “The Prime Minister, seeing that Your Majesty was drunk, had people take you back to your quarters.”


“That’s good,” Zhao Qi sighed in relief. “I’m hungry. Let’s have a meal.”


In March, with spring in full bloom, Empress Dowager Wen held a Hundred Flowers Banquet in the palace and invited many noble ladies to admire the flowers. Although it was billed as flower viewing, everyone knew it was actually to select a future consort for the emperor.


Zhao Qi knew he couldn’t avoid it and reluctantly went to see Empress Dowager Wen. She was seated in a pavilion, looking at the nearby peach blossom grove, and said to Zhao Qi, “The noble ladies chosen for you by the Prime Minister and me are waiting in the grove. Come meet them with me.”


Zhao Qi grumbled, “Do I have to meet them?”


Empress Dowager Wen gently advised, “Qi’er, don’t you love looking at beautiful women? These noble ladies are all stunning, and they might even rival Rong Tang.”


Zhao Qi relented, “Then I’ll go alone. Mother, you don’t need to accompany me.”


Empress Dowager Wen was surprised. “Why?”


Zhao Qi thought it was a bit strange to have a parent present during an arranged meeting. He thought for a moment and said, “Because I want to observe secretly, analyze calmly, and come to my own conclusion. Mother, those noble ladies might not be themselves in our presence. I want to see their true selves.”


Empress Dowager Wen understood Zhao Qi’s intention and smiled. “Qi’er, everyone puts on a facade in front of others. Why be too strict?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Mother once said that the empress is not only my empress but also the empress of the Dajing Dynasty. The person who will be the model of virtue for the nation in the future. What’s wrong with being a bit demanding?”


“You have a point,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a gentle smile. “Qi’er, since you’re feeling better, your disposition has improved as well. I’m very pleased. Go ahead, it’s not a big deal.”


Zhao Qi happily said, “Thank you, Mother.”


“Wait.” Empress Dowager Wen glanced at the palace maid Yunxiu, who nodded and presented a delicate wooden box. “Inside is a fine sachet. If you come across a noble lady you like, give this sachet to her.”


Zhao Qi took the sachet and entered the peach blossom grove. The peach blossoms were in full bloom, with petals drifting down like light rain, landing on his shoulders. After walking for a while, he heard voices ahead and turned to the eunuch following him. “You don’t need to follow me.”


The voices grew clearer, and Zhao Qi imagined a grand scene. Following the typical palace drama script, he was supposed to meet a young woman under the peach blossom rain, push her on a swing, flirt with her under a false identity, then reveal himself and marry her, enjoying a sweet life. Later, due to some conflict, she would leave, and after some time, she would return, and he would help raise children for another man before meeting his end—just thinking about it made him feel suffocated.


A burst of crying interrupted Zhao Qi’s imagination. He hid behind a peach tree and saw two elegantly dressed and beautiful young women. One was wiping her tears with a handkerchief, while the other was patting her back in comfort.


“Little sister, stop crying. If the emperor and the empress dowager see you like this, you might be punished for improper behavior…”


“Then let them punish me! I’d rather be punished than become the empress! Sister, I’ve heard that the emperor has a fierce appearance and a cruel nature. Marrying him is like pushing me into a pit of fire!”


“Little sister, be quiet! This is the palace, everywhere is filled with spies. If you speak like this, the entire Du family will be implicated!”


The young girl bit her lip, tears streaming down her face. “I had resigned myself to this fate, but as soon as I saw you, I couldn’t help but express my feelings. I’ve been holding this in for too long.”


“Sigh, I understand how you feel. Don’t worry too much. In terms of family background and appearance, we can’t compare with the other noble ladies. I don’t think the empress position is meant for us.”


“Really? Is there such good news?!”


…Apologies for the interruption. I’ll take my leave.


Zhao Qi turned to leave but stumbled over a small stone—what the heck?


He watched helplessly as the ground approached, closed his eyes, and braced for a close encounter with the earth, his hand still clutching the sachet, which flew out of his grasp.


He lay on the ground for a moment, pretending to be dead. When the pain lessened, he slowly sat up, trying to reach for the fallen sachet.


A dark figure appeared in his line of sight. Zhao Qi recognized it as the Prime Minister’s official robes and immediately wanted to find a hole to hide in—damn it, Xiao Shiqing would never miss an opportunity to see him make a fool of himself.


A teasing voice came from above him. “What is Your Majesty doing?”


Zhao Qi muttered, “Picking up something.”


Just as he was about to retrieve the sachet, a hand appeared in front of him, snatching it up first.


Zhao Qi looked up and accidentally met the gaze of the other person. It was a young man in a fitted outfit, tall and handsome, with a confident demeanor. He looked at Zhao Qi with a smirk, “Is His Majesty trying to pick this up?”


As the young man spoke, Zhao Qi caught the faint, fresh scent of grass again.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 6 – After being embraced by Rong Tang, I was embraced by the Prime Minister.

Chapter 6 – After being embraced by Rong Tang, I was embraced by the Prime Minister.


Hearing the commotion, Rong Tang relaxed his grip slightly, and Zhao Qi seized the opportunity to free his mouth. “No, no, no, Prime Minister, you arrived just in time! Please help me, I’m going to be crushed…”


Xiao Shiqing walked to the side of the table, lifted the hem of his official robe, and took a seat with an air of ease. He poured himself a cup of tea and said slowly, “I don’t understand what Your Majesty means. At the moment, Your Majesty is in bed with a beautiful person, what is it that you need me to rescue?”


Zhao Qi was on the verge of tears, “Are you blind? Can’t you see Rong Tang is pinning me down and not letting me move? This isn’t exactly a romantic entanglement!”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at Zhao Qi and then at Rong Tang, watching the scene unfold with an amused expression. “I didn’t see.”


Rong Tang met Xiao Shiqing’s gaze, furrowed his brow, and continued to restrain Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi gave up seeking help from Xiao Shiqing and shouted, “Someone come!”


The guards stationed outside rushed in, holding onto the hilts of their swords. “Your Majesty?”


“Quickly, get Young Master Rong off me!”


“Yes!” The guards moved to step forward, but Xiao Shiqing cast a barely perceptible glance at them. Suddenly, the guards halted, standing obediently behind Xiao Shiqing, not daring to make a move.


Zhao Qi: “…” As an emperor, he felt utterly humiliated. While everyone in the palace appeared to respect and obey him, it was clear that in their hearts, the Prime Minister’s words were the real decree.


Xiao Shiqing took a sip of tea and said, “As far as I know, Young Master Rong is still recovering from an illness and has been bedridden for a long time. This is precisely a good time for Your Majesty to show your affection for the beauty. I ask that Your Majesty allow me to stay here and observe, so I can learn from Your Majesty’s example.”


Zhao Qi’s face turned red with frustration, “Xiao Shiqing, stop making jokes…”


Xiao Shiqing set down his cup, his tone suddenly turning cold. “If you can’t even push away a sickly person, how useless are you? Get off the bed immediately!”


Stimulated by his words, Zhao Qi jolted and used all his strength to push Rong Tang. Exhausted from the prolonged struggle and his illness, Rong Tang was caught off guard and fell to the side, breaking into a fit of coughs that reddened his face.


Panicking, Zhao Qi jumped off the bed but lost his balance, tumbling straight into Xiao Shiqing’s embrace. From one scent of medicinal herbs to another of ink, the scene became quite awkward. He looked up into Xiao Shiqing’s ice-cold eyes and blurted out, “The Prime Minister was reviewing memorials before arriving, right?”


Xiao Shiqing looked back at him, “No.”




“The lampshades in the Hall of Diligent Administration were removed by Your Majesty. How could I review memorials?”


Zhao Qi: “…”


Xiao Shiqing looked down at Zhao Qi’s hand resting on his shoulder and asked, “Has Your Majesty had enough of hugging?”


Zhao Qi quickly withdrew his hand, “Yes, enough.”


Xiao Shiqing patted his official robe as if something dirty had gotten on it. “Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager will soon finalize the list of candidates for the empress with me. Before that, please…” He glanced at Rong Tang, who was disheveled. “Exercise some restraint.”


“I didn’t, I didn’t! It was Rong Tang who…” Zhao Qi hesitated, swallowing the rest of his words. In front of the guards, he simply couldn’t bring himself to admit to Xiao Shiqing that he had been pretending to tease and ended up being restrained. It was too embarrassing, even though his dignity had long been lost.


Rong Tang managed to stop coughing, his eyes calm and emotionless, as if the events unfolding had nothing to do with him, a stark contrast to his earlier aggressive demeanor. Zhao Qi looked at him, feeling extremely troubled and unsure how to handle the situation.


“Forget it,” Zhao Qi said, “you should rest and take your medicine. I’ll leave now.”


Rong Tang said nothing, and Xiao Shiqing added, “Your Majesty, take care.”


“Are you not leaving, Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “Does Your Majesty think I came to the study to rescue you?”


Zhao Qi was a bit confused, “If not, then why?”


Rong Tang said淡淡地, “The Prime Minister means he came to see me.”


Zhao Qi glanced at Xiao Shiqing and then at Rong Tang, alarm bells ringing in his mind. In the original novel “The Boundless Da Jing,” Xiao Shiqing and Rong Tang had several private conversations, all revolving around one person—Prince Zhao Tong.


Rong Tang was fully devoted to Zhao Tong. He knew that Xiao Shiqing was the greatest obstacle to Zhao Tong’s ascension to the throne and had repeatedly hinted for him to switch sides, abandon the ineffective emperor, and support Zhao Tong. Xiao Shiqing had feigned cooperation due to his gratitude to the Empress Dowager, until her death.


Now, with Xiao Shiqing taking the initiative to approach Rong Tang, could it be that he is contemplating rebellion? Has he really harbored a grudge against Zhao Qi for removing the lampshades and decided to betray them?


… It can’t be.


Xiao Shiqing saw Zhao Qi standing still and asked, “Your Majesty, aren’t you leaving?”


Zhao Qi hesitated for a moment and said, “I’ll leave right away.”


As soon as Zhao Qi walked out of the Drunken Book Studio, he stopped and looked back.


Jiang Dehai said, “Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi said, “No, I need to go back and check. You don’t need to follow; just wait for me here.” He couldn’t let Xiao Shiqing be taken away by Zhao Tong so quickly. Empress Dowager Wen was right; Da Jing couldn’t do without Xiao Shiqing, and if he wanted to sit comfortably on the throne, he needed Xiao Shiqing.


Zhao Qi circled back to the Drunken Book Studio through the back door. There happened to be a window left open. He hid behind it and could see Rong Tang and Xiao Shiqing sitting face to face.


Xiao Shiqing had a faint smile on his lips as he said, “Should I say that Zhao Qi is deeply devoted to you, or should I say he’s as dumb as a pig? Almost dying on your bed last time, and today almost repeating the same mistake—this is quite an eye-opener.”


Rong Tang’s face was pale, but his lips were more vividly red than usual. “If possible, Rong Tang would like to let the Prime Minister taste the Emperor’s ‘deep devotion’.”


Xiao Shiqing casually replied, “As for the fact that you tried to poison Zhao Qi, Zhao Qi didn’t inform me or the Empress Dowager. If he had, do you think you’d still be alive to speak with me now?”


Rong Tang showed little reaction. “Then how did the Prime Minister find out?”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, “When I want to know something, I naturally find out.”


Rong Tang nodded, “Indeed. Everyone in the palace knows that the chair you sit on during court meetings is the real Dragon Throne of Da Jing.”


Xiao Shiqing’s smile faded slightly, and he tapped the table with his fingers, saying nonchalantly, “Are you afraid I’m too comfortable? Unfortunately, this won’t reach the Empress Dowager’s ears. Even if it did, I wouldn’t care.”


Rong Tang’s eyes darkened. “Xiao Shiqing, you are well-read. You know very well that as long as Zhao Qi sits on the throne, Da Jing will never have peace.”


Zhao Qi’s heart sank. It was just as he had thought—Rong Tang wanted to undermine him for Zhao Tong.


Xiao Shiqing said lazily, “Who sits on the throne is none of my concern as long as he doesn’t interfere with my matters. Why should I oppose him?”


“But Zhao Qi does not involve himself in state affairs. What about the Empress Dowager? The Empress Dowager indulges Zhao Qi excessively and turns a blind eye to his wrongdoing. Even if Zhao Qi wanted to set off a fire and play with the feudal lords, the Empress Dowager would light the match for him.”


“Enough.” Xiao Shiqing said coldly, “Your hatred for Zhao Qi is your own issue and has nothing to do with me.”


Rong Tang sighed lightly, “Cough… It seems the Prince of Huai misjudged the Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “By the way, before the Prince of Huai headed north, he specifically asked me to look after you in the palace. It’s no wonder you are so devoted to him. If Zhao Qi had even a tenth of his charisma, I’m afraid you would have fallen for him long ago.”


Rong Tang’s voice was heavy, “Haha, if that day truly comes, I hope the Prime Minister will grant me a cup of poison to make my death more thorough.”


Xiao Shiqing said ambiguously, “For the Prince of Huai’s sake, I won’t pursue your intention to commit regicide this time. Consider it a one-time exception.”


“Do you care about Zhao Qi’s life or death?”


“If he dies, I will have quite a bit of trouble. Moreover…” Xiao Shiqing squinted his eyes, “Since he almost got poisoned last time, he seems to have changed from the past.”


“And so?” Rong Tang was indifferent, “Zhao Qi is always Zhao Qi.”


Zhao Qi, listening from his hiding spot, felt heavy-hearted. On his way back to his sleeping quarters, he encountered the beauties of the inner palace running in circles. These beauties, kept in seclusion, rarely left the palace. Suddenly running like this, they were all disheveled and breathless. Zhao Qi felt sorry for them and had them run five more laps.


In the evening, Zhao Qi went to Ci’an Palace to have dinner with Empress Dowager Wen. Empress Dowager Wen said, “Qi’er, the Prime Minister gave me a list today, filled with talented and beautiful noble girls. They all seem quite good.”


Zhao Qi replied, “Oh.”


“I was thinking of finding an excuse to invite these girls into the palace in a few days, so you can take a look and choose one you like.”


“Thank you, Mother.”


“…” Empress Dowager Wen put down her chopsticks and asked, “Qi’er, what’s wrong? Did the Prime Minister anger you again?”


Zhao Qi asked seriously, “Mother, do you really trust Xiao Shiqing with all your heart?”


Empress Dowager Wen’s expression changed slightly, and she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Why are you asking this suddenly?”


“I… I just don’t like him,” Zhao Qi offered a reason that fit the dog emperor persona. “It’s because you’re too protective of him; he doesn’t see me as the Emperor at all.”


Empress Dowager Wen said, “Shiqing has grown up under my watch, and I know him well.”


“Does the Empress Dowager think he’s a good person?”


“No, he isn’t,” Empress Dowager Wen said meaningfully. “Precisely because he isn’t, I have to use him. Besides, who else can I use besides him?”


Zhao Qi was left speechless.


Empress Dowager Wen continued, “The Xiao family is a venerable clan in the capital, with a history even longer than that of the Da Jing. Duke Xiao commands two hundred thousand troops, and his wife is a close friend of mine. If I don’t make use of their son, what will they think? Qi’er, you must understand, our survival to this day is not thanks to the late emperor’s will, but rather—thanks to the Xiao family.”




“Now that there’s no one else around, let me speak frankly. As long as the Xiao family remains on our side, your throne will be secure. Otherwise…” Empress Dowager Wen smiled bitterly, “Qi’er, from the moment you ascended to the throne, the choice has always been in the hands of the Xiao family.”


The Empress Dowager’s candid words deepened Zhao Qi’s worries. Fortunately, in the original story, Xiao Shiqing only betrayed after the Empress Dowager’s death, so she never saw her son’s tragic end.


“I understand,” Zhao Qi said. “Don’t worry, Mother. I won’t oppose the Prime Minister any longer.”


Empress Dowager Wen looked at Zhao Qi for a long while, her expression softening somewhat. “I only hope that, after I’m gone, someone will be there to protect you.”


Leaving the Ci’an Palace, Zhao Qi made up his mind not to let Prince Huai, Zhao Tong, succeed in poaching. He thought for a moment and instructed, “Lao Jiang, have the Imperial Kitchen prepare some good pastries.”


Jiang Dehai asked, “Your Majesty, you just finished dinner. Are you hungry again?”


“No, I’m going to feed the Prime Minister.”


Jiang Dehai was puzzled. “??? ”


“Also, bring the lampshade I took from the Qinzhen Hall last time.”


Inside the Qinzhen Hall, Xiao Shiqing was discussing official transfers with the Minister of Personnel when a eunuch announced outside, “The Emperor has arrived—”


The Minister of Personnel was taken aback. “Why is the Emperor here at the Qinzhen Hall?”


Xiao Shiqing casually threw the memorial aside and said, “Receive the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi entered the hall and said, “Prime Minister, I’m here to return the lamp…” Seeing another official standing beside Xiao Shiqing, Zhao Qi quickly changed his words, “I’m here to see if you’ve been working well.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled lightly and, along with the Minister of Personnel, saluted Zhao Qi.


“No need for formalities,” Zhao Qi said with a straight face. “Am I interrupting?”


“No, the Minister is about to leave.”


The Minister of Personnel hurriedly said, “I take my leave, Your Majesty.”


After the Minister left, Xiao Shiqing said, “Your Majesty, please feel free to look around.”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Look at what?”


“Didn’t you come to see if I’ve been working well?”


Zhao Qi was embarrassed. “I was just… saying that casually.”


“Oh?” Xiao Shiqing observed Zhao Qi, waiting for him to continue.


Under Xiao Shiqing’s scrutinizing gaze, Zhao Qi awkwardly admitted, “I came to return the lampshade.”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at the lampshade in Jiang Dehai’s hands. “Just put it down.”


“And,” Zhao Qi lowered his eyes, “I have some pastries here. If you’re hungry, you can have some.” Eat my pastries and be a good Prime Minister from now on. Don’t think about rebellion, okay?


Xiao Shiqing looked at him and slowly smiled. “The Emperor is becoming more and more different each day. One would think someone else was inside the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi’s hand hidden in his sleeve tightened slightly. “It’s because Mother scolded me that I…”


Xiao Shiqing understood. “So the Emperor was coerced.”


Zhao Qi scratched his head. “Mother said that she and your mother were good friends, so I should consider you as a brother.”


Xiao Shiqing, intrigued, asked, “And does the Emperor wish to?”


Zhao Qi said awkwardly, “For Mother’s sake, I’m willing to try.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded. “Speaking of which, I am five years older than the Emperor. If we were to address each other as brothers, what should the Emperor call me?”


Zhao Qi thought for a moment and tentatively said, “Elder… Brother?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 5 – How can I bear to blame the beauties for making mistakes?

Chapter 5 – How can I bear to blame the beauties for making mistakes?


Xiao Shiqing and Empress Dowager Wen were busy managing the affairs of the Great Jing dynasty, while Zhao Qi continued to stay in his sleeping quarters doing nothing. Unfortunately, even a slacker had their own troubles.


Zhao Qi spat out a gr4p3 seed with a “puh” sound and said, “What did you say? Say it again?”


Jiang Dehai trembled as he spoke, “The Imperial Hospital just reported that… that Miss Wang has been pregnant for two months.”


Zhao Qi frowned, “Who is Miss Wang?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Miss Wang is the famous courtesan from Huainan that Your Majesty brought back to the palace during your trip to the south.”


Zhao Qi: “So you’re saying I’ve been cuckolded?”


Jiang Dehai nervously handed over a cup of tea, “Your Majesty, please have some tea to calm down.”


Zhao Qi looked at the few green tea leaves at the bottom of the cup and felt offended—he had been cuckolded by two lovers he hadn’t even met. Honestly, his feelings were complicated. The dog emperor knew he was impotent, yet he kept so many beauties, both male and female, in the palace. Wasn’t he just setting himself up for this?


How could he blame the beauties for their mistakes? It was his own fault for giving them too much freedom.


Zhao Qi sighed inwardly, maintaining his dog emperor persona on the surface. He coldly said, “Where is she? Where is that s/ut?”


“She is currently locked up in the Cold Palace, awaiting Your Majesty’s judgment.”


“Bring me my great sword,” Zhao Qi rolled up his sleeves, “Let’s go!”


Given his dog emperor image, Zhao Qi expected that Miss Wang would break down in tears and beg for forgiveness upon seeing him. Instead, her actions shocked everyone.


Knowing she was doomed, Miss Wang wanted to have a final say before her death. Pointing at Zhao Qi’s nose, she cursed, “You dog emperor! You forcibly took me into the palace and never touched me. Do you expect me to live like a widow for you? You deserve to be cuckolded! That man is a thousand, no, ten thousand times better than you. I am willing to bear his child!”


Zhao Qi: “…”


“Hurry,” Jiang Dehai pointed at Miss Wang, “Hurry and gag her!”


“No need,” Zhao Qi watched coldly, “Let her speak.”


This girl had a spirit and unconventional thinking. It was truly a waste for her to be just a minor character in the book.


Miss Wang broke free from the eunuch’s grasp and said, “Dog emperor, if you want to kill me, then do it. Don’t waste your energy asking who the father of my child is. I won’t tell you even if I die! And I have no regrets; this is my joy as a woman!”


Watching the scene, Jiang Bao’er said, “I’ve never seen someone so shameless. Your Majesty, in my opinion, she should have her entire family executed!”


Miss Wang sneered, “I have been an orphan since childhood. My child and I are my entire family!”


Look at that, such courage in the face of death! Zhao Qi couldn’t help but applaud her in his mind.


“What’s her name?” Zhao Qi asked.


Jiang Dehai answered, “Her name is Wang Xueqin.”


Xueqin? Aunt Xue? The name sounded vaguely familiar… Zhao Qi sensed the author’s twisted sense of humor. “Jiang Dehai, what do you think I should do with her?”


Jiang Dehai bowed and said, “The last person who committed such a crime was directly boiled alive by Your Majesty.”


Miss Wang’s body immediately went limp, and she fell to the ground, unable to kneel properly.


Zhao Qi’s expression changed too. Holding back his disgust, he said, “That’s too simple. It’s too lenient for her.”


“What does Your Majesty mean?”


“Let her stay in the Cold Palace and be responsible for cleaning all the toilets in the harem.” Zhao Qi thought it over and added, “Also, I have a new medicine that I want to test on pregnant women—take her away.”


“Dog emperor!” Miss Wang screamed as she struggled, “You will die a horrible death! I’m not the only one who sought pleasure with someone else!”


Jiang Bao’er quickly declared, “Your Majesty, Bao’er swears by the heavens, Bao’er is devoted to only you!”


Zhao Qi rubbed his temples, “Why are you here?”


“Your Majesty,” Jiang Bao’er looked at him with affectionate eyes, “Bao’er missed you.”


Zhao Qi asked, “Have you finished counting the bricks?”


Jiang Bao’er nodded repeatedly, “There are three hundred twenty-six bricks in the Mingcui Palace, thirty-one of which have tiny cracks.”


“How many beauties are there in my harem?”


“That…” Jiang Bao’er looked to Jiang Dehai for help. Jiang Dehai answered, “Ten women, fifteen men, a total of twenty-five people.”


Zhao Qi was slightly surprised, “So few?”


“Your Majesty, there are still many who haven’t been brought into the palace.”


Deciding what to do with these twenty-five people was a problem. Directly dismissing them would arouse suspicion from Empress Dowager Wen and some treacherous ministers, which would be troublesome. But leaving them unchecked would only increase the number of affairs.


“Old Jiang.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated, “Is Your Majesty calling this servant?”


“Yes, gather those twenty-five people for me to see.”


Soon, the harem of the Dog Emperor was assembled. Zhao Qi held a stick and ordered them to line up from tallest to shortest in five rows. The Dog Emperor’s only merit was his good taste; every one of them was a beauty of different types. Pick any one, and her looks would rival the top stars of the modern entertainment industry. Each also had some talents, making them perfect to form a group and debut.


Zhao Qi had a flash of inspiration. Perhaps these people could truly be put to good use.


“Wait a minute, where is one of them?” Zhao Qi said. “Where is Rong Tang? Why is he missing?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Your Majesty, Young Master Rong is unwell and unable to come.”


Had the sick beauty’s condition worsened? Zhao Qi stood up. “I’ll go see him on the way.”


Jiang Dehai asked, “Your Majesty, what about these beauties…”


“Oh, right.” Zhao Qi cleared his throat and began his speech. “I promised the Empress Dowager that I would focus on cultivating my mind and body and would not visit the harem often for a while. You all should behave yourself, read more books, and exercise.”


The beauties lowered their heads, exchanging puzzled glances.


Zhao Qi called out, “Jiang Bao’er.”


Jiang Bao’er approached. “Bao’er is here!”


“Take the others and run ten laps around the Imperial Garden. After you finish, you’re free to go.”


Jiang Bao’er thought she heard wrong. “Your Majesty wants us… to run?”


“Health is important. If you all end up like Rong Tang, becoming a medicine jar, and can’t handle a little exertion, what use are you to me?”


After reprimanding the beauties, Zhao Qi went to the Drunken Book Study. The palace maid there told him that Rong Tang was currently resting.


Zhao Qi said, “Understood. You all may leave. Guards, stay at the door. If I call, you must come immediately.” He was quite fearful of Rong Tang, someone with a problematic history.




As Zhao Qi walked into the room, he smelled a faint medicinal fragrance. There was a screen inside, behind which a beauty was sleeping. Rong Tang lay there with his eyes closed, his long eyelashes dense as feathers, and his face as handsome as a jade crown—like a celestial being fallen to the mortal realm. Unfortunately, the celestial being had been tainted by hatred. On the surface, he seemed as cold as the moon, but internally, he was thinking of a hundred ways to torment the Dog Emperor.


Zhao Qi observed him and thought to himself that he didn’t want to kill Rong Tang, so Rong Tang shouldn’t think about harming him. Let’s reconcile, okay?


Rong Tang, in his sleep, furrowed his brow slightly, then coughed lightly and slowly opened his eyes, seeing Zhao Qi’s enlarged face.


Rong Tang: “…”


Seeing that the beauty didn’t react, Zhao Qi moved his face closer. “You’re awake?”


Rong Tang turned his face away. “Stay away from me.”


Zhao Qi straightened up and sat at the foot of the bed. “How much medicine did you take? You smell entirely of medicine.” And it actually smelled rather nice.


Rong Tang said coldly, “Probably more than the tea Your Majesty drinks.”


“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Zhao Qi said. “You wanted to perish together with me, but I’m fine, and you ended up as a sickly mess.”


Rong Tang nodded slightly. “Indeed, I was too slow.”


Zhao Qi recalled the scene and said, “You didn’t just act slowly; you acted with your mouth.” Luckily, he dodged in time, or he would have lost both his life and his first kiss.


Rong Tang smiled slightly. “I hope Your Majesty will not be influenced by this incident when dealing with others.”


If Rong Tang hadn’t mentioned it, Zhao Qi wouldn’t have thought much of it. But now that he had, Zhao Qi might just imagine the word “poison” whenever he tried to kiss someone in the future.


This trick is deadly.


Zhao Qi was somewhat annoyed and retorted, “Why would I use my mouth on others? I only use it on you. Have you forgotten what you are to me?”


Rong Tang’s already pale face grew even whiter.


Zhao Qi was amused. Knowing Rong Tang’s feelings for him were rapidly declining, he continued to taunt, “You don’t have any poison on you now, right? So let’s finish what we didn’t complete last time.” As he spoke, he moved closer to the head of the bed, getting even nearer to Rong Tang.


Rong Tang calmly looked at him and suddenly smiled. “Actually, if you take a closer look, Your Majesty, you are quite a handsome man yourself.”


Zhao Qi was taken aback and suspiciously asked, “What are you up to?”


Rong Tang slowly said, “Since I am already imprisoned in the harem, there’s no avoiding what’s coming. If Your Majesty wants me to attend to you, then I shall do so.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened. Wait… Why are you not sticking to the script?! Hey, your character is falling apart!


No, the current situation isn’t drastically different from the original plot. Rong Tang shouldn’t suddenly break character. Something’s definitely wrong!


Realizing this, Zhao Qi tried to leave, but Rong Tang grabbed him and pulled him back, causing him to fall onto the soft bed. Then, a cold, medicinal-smelling body pressed down on him.


Rong Tang, with a surprising strength, held Zhao Qi’s wrists above his head with one hand and covered his mouth with the other, preventing him from calling out. Zhao Qi was immobilized, staring at him with wide eyes.


The intense struggle made Rong Tang cough again. “Cough, cough, Your Majesty…”




“Zhao Qi,” Rong Tang whispered in his ear, “Tell me, how many people have you slept with?”


Due to the lack of oxygen, Zhao Qi’s face turned crimson. He shook his head, indicating his innocence. It wasn’t just him; even the Dog Emperor’s original body couldn’t have managed to sleep with many people!


“You’re so dirty; it makes me feel nauseous for you.”


“Mmm, mmm…”


Zhao Qi struggled desperately, but Rong Tang used the last of his strength to pin him down, a thin layer of sweat forming on his forehead. “How about we cut off the dirtiest part of you? Cough, cough, it could be a way to cleanse Your Majesty.”


No way! That’s the ‘dragon’ I’ve worked so hard to recover! Someone, hurry! My dragon eggs 1I think the author means ‘ball sacks’… har har are going to be squeezed to death!


With a loud bang, the door was pushed open from the outside. A man in dark clothes strode in and, upon seeing the two entangled on the bed, raised an eyebrow and said, “Hmm? It seems I’ve come at an inconvenient time.”

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 4 – My royal ‘dragon’, you'd better soften up.

Chapter 4 – My royal ‘dragon’, you’d better soften up.


Zhao Qi took a deep breath—I’m tolerating you.


As an emperor without real power and with no understanding of governance, if not for Empress Dowager Wen and Xiao Shiqing, the empire would have been in chaos long ago. “I’m going to dine with the Empress Dowager.”


“Your Majesty, please wait,” Xiao Shiqing called out, “I heard that you replaced all the maids in Yonghua Palace with eunuchs. Is this true?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi replied cautiously, “Can’t I change the people in my own palace?”


“You can.” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “But as the ruler of a nation, it’s fine to have occasional emotions, but remember to stay clear-headed.”


Zhao Qi was puzzled, “What do you mean?”


“Exactly what it sounds like. I take my leave.” Xiao Shiqing replied.


Pondering Xiao Shiqing’s words, Zhao Qi couldn’t help but mentally give him a contemptuous look: You dare lecture me? In the original story, when Empress Dowager Wen died, who was it that developed ambiguous feelings for Prince Huai, defected to the righteous side, abandoned the foolish emperor, and helped restore order? We were supposed to be a corrupt emperor and treacherous minister duo, but you had to turn virtuous!


In the original story, Prince Huai, Zhao Tong, didn’t have a smooth path to the throne. Empress Dowager Wen and Xiao Shiqing were his greatest obstacles. After Empress Dowager Wen’s death, Xiao Shiqing became the de facto ruler of Great Jing, the only obstacle left for Zhao Tong.


Early on, Xiao Shiqing admired Zhao Tong’s character. During their youth, they were once trapped in the deep palace overnight, watching snow, stars, and the moon together, discussing poetry and philosophy. Despite their rivalry, there was a mutual appreciation. Meanwhile, as Xiao Shiqing fought rebellions with civil and military officials, the foolish emperor continuously made mistakes. He listened to slander, feared Xiao Shiqing’s power, and held his parents hostage in the palace. Enraged, Xiao Shiqing initiated a coup, opening the city gates, allowing the rebels to take the palace effortlessly.


This story teaches us never to offend Prime Minister Xiao.


Zhao Qi dined with Empress Dowager Wen at Cian Palace. Empress Dowager Wen noticed her son’s low spirits and put down her chopsticks, “Qi’er, what’s wrong?”


Zhao Qi shook his head sullenly.


Empress Dowager Wen asked Jiang Dehai, “Did some ignorant servant upset the emperor?”


Jiang Dehai whispered, “Empress Dowager, just now at the palace gate, Prime Minister Xiao spoke a few words to His Majesty, and His Majesty became like this.”


Empress Dowager Wen frowned, “Qi’er, how many times have I told you, Xiao Shiqing is my confidant and a rare talent. Now, with the canal transportation blocked, regional lords dividing the land, and foreign countries eyeing us, we need capable people. There is no second Xiao Shiqing in the world. Can’t you be a bit more courteous to him for my sake, and for Great Jing’s sake?”


Zhao Qi knew that Xiao Shiqing had always looked down on the original emperor, seeing him as a fool in a dragon robe. Xiao Shiqing stayed in court partly due to Empress Dowager Wen’s favor to his family and partly because a foolish emperor was easy to manipulate.


On the other hand, the foolish emperor, sensing Xiao Shiqing’s disdain and knowing he was aware of his hidden illness, naturally showed no goodwill towards Xiao Shiqing. If not for Empress Dowager Wen’s intervention, he would have dealt with Xiao Shiqing long ago.


Zhao Qi poked at his food with his chopsticks, “Mother, why did you tell the Prime Minister about my…my matters?”


Empress Dowager Wen asked, “What matters?”


“That…that thing.”


“What thing?”


Jiang Dehai mouthed two words silently, and Empress Dowager Wen suddenly understood, “Oh, you mean your dragon…”


Zhao Qi quickly stopped her, “Mother!”


“Alright, alright, I won’t say it.” Empress Dowager Wen couldn’t help but mutter softly, “What’s wrong with you lately? It’s like you’ve changed.”


Zhao Qi thought: …He’s too kind and upright, no matter how hard he tries, he can’t play the role of a foolish emperor well.


Fortunately, Empress Dowager Wen also attributed his change in temperament to the dragon vein issue. She patiently explained, “The Prime Minister is my right-hand man. I discuss everything with him, big or small. Your recovery is a big deal. I’m even planning to have him help select a few candidates for your Empress.”


Zhao Qi’s temple throbbed—having Xiao Shiqing choose his wife? Dragon vein, please just hide for now!


“Mother, she’s my Empress. Why should the Prime Minister help me choose? Besides, I’m still young; it’s too early to establish an Empress!”


“Nonsense, when your father was your age, you were already crawling. Qi’er, she is your Empress, and also the Empress of Great Jing. Establishing an Empress is no trivial matter; it involves complex and intertwined forces. Mother wants you to choose for yourself, but will you? If you were to choose, you’d definitely pick the most beautiful one,” Empress Dowager Wen glanced at Zhao Qi, “or the one who looks the most like Rong Tang.”


Zhao Qi was taken aback, “Why did Mother suddenly bring him up?”


Empress Dowager Wen seemed displeased, “I know you like Rong Tang’s face, but there should be a limit. I heard that you replaced all the maids in Yonghua Palace with eunuchs, each looking somewhat like Rong Tang?”


Zhao Qi was bewildered, “Did I? I did ask Jiang Dehai to replace the maids with eunuchs, but…”


Seeing Jiang Dehai’s expression, Zhao Qi understood. “Who told you to be clever? That’s not what I meant!”


Jiang Dehai was also confused, “May I ask what His Majesty meant? Didn’t His Majesty personally tell me that Rong Gongzi is your favorite?”


Zhao Qi clutched his chest, feeling a bit of heartache, “I was wrong.”


Jiang Dehai hurriedly said, “This servant wouldn’t dare!”


“Favorite…” Empress Dowager Wen said indifferently, “You truly treat him as your favorite.”


Zhao Qi remained silent.


“Fortunately, Rong Tang is just the son of a fourth-rank assistant minister. I can tolerate your nonsense, but if you fancy the Prime Minister…”


Zhao Qi quickly clarified his innocence, “Heaven and earth as my witness, I don’t!”


“Mother was just speaking casually, why are you so anxious?” Empress Dowager Wen gave Zhao Qi a piece of kidney flower. “Here, eat more meat these days. At the end of the month, Mother will go to Muyang Mountain to pray for your dragon vein and fast for three days. You will accompany me.”


Zhao Qi was already numb to the words “dragon vein,” “Oh.”


That night, Zhao Qi ate too much for dinner and was walking around the palace with Jiang Dehai. When they passed by the Qinzhen Hall, Zhao Qi stopped, “Why is there light inside?”


In the past, the former emperor summoned ministers in the Qinzhen Hall. Now, it has become a place for the cabinet ministers to review memorials and discuss state affairs. Who could be inside so late—Empress Dowager Wen?


Jiang Dehai said, “It should be Prime Minister Xiao. The Prime Minister is busy with state affairs and often stays in the palace until late at night. The Empress Dowager even temporarily granted the Haiyan Hall to the Prime Minister, allowing him to stay overnight in the palace.”


Zhao Qi recalled the original story, it seemed to be true. Empress Dowager Wen trusted Xiao Shiqing completely. Xiao Shiqing’s mother and Empress Dowager Wen were close friends in their youth, even joking about betrothing their children if they had a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, they both had boys, so the matter ended there.


He stared at the silhouette on the window for a while and said, “The Prime Minister is so busy, I should go and sympathize with him. Let’s go and see.”


Zhao Qi skipped the formal announcement and walked directly into the Qinzhen Hall. Xiao Shiqing was sitting alone behind the desk, wearing a black official robe with gold trim, looking noble. Behind him hung a huge map of Great Jing.


Hearing the noise, Xiao Shiqing looked up, “Your Majesty.”


“Mm,” Zhao Qi kept a straight face, “No need for formalities, you may sit.”


Xiao Shiqing remained motionless, “Thank you, Your Majesty. Why has Your Majesty come to the Qinzhen Hall at this hour…”


“Not to see you,” Zhao Qi emphasized, “Just passing by to take a look. Continue with your memorials, don’t mind me.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly and continued to read the memorials, indeed not paying attention to Zhao Qi anymore.


Zhao Qi walked to his side, picked up a memorial, and flipped through it casually. The beginning was too long to read, and the end had a blue “approved” character. He put it down and picked up another.


Xiao Shiqing’s voice sounded, “What is Your Majesty looking for?”


Zhao Qi sat down opposite Xiao Shiqing, “Prime Minister, I heard the Empress Dowager handed the matter of selecting the Empress to you?”


Xiao Shiqing picked up the teacup on the desk, “I just provided a list. The final decision on who will be the Empress is still up to the Empress Dowager.”


“Who is on your list?”


Xiao Shiqing put down the cup and looked at Zhao Qi calmly, “Does Your Majesty want to know?”


Zhao Qi nodded, then shook his head, conflicted, “Actually, I don’t know any of them.”


Xiao Shiqing’s tone was weary, “Your Majesty is wise.”


Zhao Qi was feeling a bit troubled. In his eighteen years before the car accident, he had never experienced the feeling of love or liked anyone. Now, being suddenly asked to marry a girl he had never met, he instinctively wanted to reject it. Besides, in his original world, he wasn’t even of legal marriage age yet. Marriage was such a distant concept that he had never considered it before.


He decided to resist and asked, “Can I not get married?”


“If you don’t marry, who will bear heirs for the Emperor?” Xiao Shiqing replied nonchalantly, “Will the Emperor give birth himself?”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched. “What I mean is, let’s delay it for a few years. If I remember correctly, the Chancellor is twenty-three this year. The Chancellor hasn’t married yet, so why should I be in a hurry?”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him with a meaningful gaze. “The Emperor wants to delay for a few years?”


Zhao Qi thought for a moment and tentatively held up four fingers. “Four years?”




Zhao Qi was overjoyed; he didn’t expect this treacherous minister to be so agreeable. “Really? Then can you help persuade my mother to agree to delaying my marriage too?”




Zhao Qi: ??


Are you messing with me?


“The Empress Dowager will not agree,” Xiao Shiqing said calmly. “Four years is too long. Who knows if the Emperor’s old illness will recur and the dragon vein will wither by then.”


Zhao Qi: “…” Hold it in, don’t get angry! I am the Emperor; even if I am angry, I must be secretly angry and not let this treacherous minister see.


He understood the reasoning but couldn’t help it.


Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said viciously, “Xiao Shiqing, don’t think that just because the Empress Dowager backs you, I can’t do anything to you! Do you not know how ruthless I can be?”


“I truly don’t know,” Xiao Shiqing said with a smirk. “Would the Emperor like to show me?”


Zhao Qi glared at Xiao Shiqing but couldn’t do anything to him. As an emperor, he was merely a puppet, and ministers like Xiao Shiqing weren’t afraid of him. The only difference between him and other puppet emperors was that the powerful Empress Dowager Wen, who held the real power, was his doting mother. But recalling what Empress Dowager Wen said a few days ago, Zhao Qi doubted that even if he quarreled with Xiao Shiqing, the Empress Dowager would still side with Xiao Shiqing.


Zhao Qi clenched his fists and asked, “How many memorials does the Chancellor still have to review?”


Xiao Shiqing gestured towards the mountain of memorials. “Thanks to the Emperor, all of these.”


Zhao Qi reached out and took the lamp cover from the desk lamp. Then he blew hard on the flickering candle flame, plunging Xiao Shiqing’s face and the room into darkness.


“See this lamp cover? I won’t give it to you even if I throw it away! Let’s see how you review the memorials now!” Zhao Qi said and walked away triumphantly, holding the lamp cover.


Xiao Shiqing: “…”


After sitting in silence for a moment, Xiao Shiqing called, “Someone, come here.”


A shadow guard appeared. “Chancellor.”


Xiao Shiqing, with great interest, said, “Investigate what the Emperor has been doing, saying, eating, and who he has met recently.”




“And bring me a lamp cover.”

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 3 – I want to end my relationship with you.

Chapter 3 – I want to end my relationship with you.


Rong Tang certainly knew Jiang Bao’er was just playing along, but he didn’t expect that even the dog emperor could see through it. These days, he had been teetering between life and death, mostly in a muddled state, but he could feel that the dog emperor seemed different from before. Although still detestable, the way he was detestable had changed.


“Your Majesty knows quite a lot.”


“Of course,” Zhao Qi said with an inscrutable look. “I also know who gave you that poison.”


Surprised? Caught off guard? Quickly show me a dumbfounded expression.


Rong Tang’s expression remained unchanged. He coughed lightly and said, “I told you before, this matter is my doing alone.”


“No, no,” Zhao Qi waved his finger. “You brought nothing when you entered the palace. The eunuchs and palace maids here wouldn’t dare to give you poison. So where did your poison come from?”


Rong Tang said, “Please continue, Your Majesty.”


“I thought long and hard. The only person who could give you poison and has the motive to do so is my brother—Prince Huai, Zhao Tong.”


Rong Tang’s gaze darkened slightly, and he looked at Zhao Qi with a bit more scrutiny.


Prince Huai, Zhao Tong, the absolute protagonist of “The Boundless Great Jing,” was the dog emperor’s half-brother. Zhao Tong had lived in the shadows of the dog emperor and the Empress Dowager Wen since childhood. To survive, he pretended to be foolish, claiming he was impotent and unable to have children, which earned him the Empress Dowager’s reluctant mercy and a poor fief in the north. Zhao Qi in the north bided his time, winning people’s hearts. When the time was right, he raised an army, swept southward like a storm, stormed the capital, and replaced the dog emperor.


Zhao Tong, as the protagonist, was constantly exuding his damned charm. In “The Boundless Great Jing,” any handsome and talented man was subdued by him, and Rong Tang was one of them.


Zhao Tong and Rong Tang had been close since childhood, as close as brothers. When Rong Tang was taken into the palace by the dog emperor, Zhao Tong had not yet gone to his northern fief. He knelt outside Yonghua Palace, begging the dog emperor to rescind the order. The dog emperor, truly a dog, not only ignored him but also gave him thirty lashes, sending him away quickly.


Zhao Tong left the capital wounded. Before leaving, he risked his life to see Rong Tang once more and gave him the poison.


Zhao Tong said, “Brother Rong, I know that serving others with your looks is more painful than death for you. But I hope you can wait for me to return. But if you can’t bear it any longer… keep this poison with you.”


Rong Tang was deeply moved and said, “I will wait for you.”


At that moment, Zhao Qi, who witnessed this scene, was confused: ???


I really can’t understand the affection between you ancient people.


Zhao Qi, full of confidence, said, “Judging by your reaction, I guessed right.”




“Huh?” Zhao Qi was dumbfounded. “Impossible! That’s exactly what the book says!”


Rong Tang said calmly, “Since Your Majesty is so sure, why bother asking me?”


Only then did Zhao Qi realize he had almost been misled by Rong Tang. Teasingly, he said, “You and Prince Huai have such a deep relationship. If I let you out of the palace, you’d probably pack your things and head straight to the north to find him, wouldn’t you?”


Rong Tang looked at him. “But Your Majesty won’t let me go.”


That was true. Zhao Qi couldn’t let Rong Tang go to Zhao Tong’s side unless he wanted to die sooner. Actually, to secure his throne, the best way was to kill Rong Tang and send assassins to kill Zhao Tong before he grew stronger and economically developed.


But Zhao Qi just transmigrated into a tyrant; he didn’t really become one. Whether it was Rong Tang or Zhao Tong, both were righteous characters with great talent and ambition. Zhao Qi simply couldn’t bring himself to do it.


“Indeed, I won’t let you go,” Zhao Qi said.


Rong Tang closed his eyes. “Why?”


Zhao Qi lied through his teeth. “Because I like you.”


After talking for so long, Rong Tang seemed a bit exhausted. His face was pale as paper, and his lips had no trace of blood. “There are countless beauties in the world. Why is Your Majesty so fixated on me?”


“Because you are beautiful.”


Rong Tang laughed lightly. “Beautiful… Everyone says Prime Minister Xiao is the most handsome man in Great Jing. Why doesn’t Your Majesty like him?”


Because it’s necessary for the plot, the author set it this way.


“Of course, I don’t just like your face,” Zhao Qi bluffed. “Your writing is excellent. I especially like it.”


Rong Tang lowered his eyes. “Oh.”


Zhao Qi was exasperated. “You keep saying ‘oh’ all the time. I forbid you from saying ‘oh’ anymore!”


Rong Tang started coughing again, a fit so severe that Zhao Qi feared he might cough up his lungs. He ordered someone to take Rong Tang back to rest. Then Zhao Qi went to Mingcui Palace where Jiang Bao’er was.


Jiang Bao’er was lying in bed drinking medicine. When he saw Zhao Qi, he coughed even more violently than Rong Tang. “Your Majesty… cough, cough…”


Jiang Bao’er was eloquent and loved to act, and he slightly resembled Rong Tang in his features, which endeared him to the original emperor. Now, with tears in his eyes, he looked pitifully at Zhao Qi. “Your Majesty, it was Bao’er’s own carelessness that caused me to fall into the water. It has nothing to do with Lord Rong. Please don’t blame him.”


“Don’t worry,” Zhao Qi cooperated with his performance. “Not only did I not blame him, but I also comforted him. Are you happy?”


Jiang Bao’er’s big eyes showed even bigger confusion. “Uh?”


Zhao Qi held back a laugh, sat by the bed, and asked, “Baby, I’ve been busy recently and haven’t had time to see you. Are you very bored?”


Jiang Bao’er shook his head. “Not bored, just missing you so much that it hurts. Now that I see you, Bao’er…”


Jiang Bao’er leaned his head on Zhao Qi’s shoulder, but Zhao Qi discreetly moved away and said, “You can’t think about me all the time, twelve hours a day. If you’re bored, find something to do. For example, count how many bricks there are in Mingcui Palace and which ones have cracks.”


Jiang Bao’er was so frightened that his face turned pale. “Your Majesty, are you saying you don’t want Bao’er anymore?”


Jiang Bao’er was originally a courtesan at a male brothel in the capital. The dog emperor noticed him during a secret outing and brought him into the palace as a male concubine. Although he had never spent the night with the emperor, he often accompanied him for entertainment. Now that Zhao Qi no longer needed male or female concubines, what should be done with all the men and women in the harem? Take Jiang Bao’er, for instance—without family, frail, and unable to take care of himself. If he were expelled from the palace, he would probably return to his old profession just to survive. But keeping them in the palace would be a significant expense.


Zhao Qi found it very unfair. Why should he spend money on them without even holding their hands?


Zhao Qi glanced at Jiang Bao’er’s “delicate jade hands”—holding them would be more of a loss for him!


Seeing Zhao Qi’s delayed response, Jiang Bao’er was on the verge of tears. “Your Majesty, please tell Bao’er what he did wrong, and Bao’er will change immediately! Please don’t send Bao’er away—”


Zhao Qi, having had enough of his whining, decided to play the scoundrel. “To be honest with you, I am fickle and have grown tired of you. I want to end our master-servant relationship.”


Jiang Bao’er’s eyes widened. “Master-servant relationship?”


“It means you are no longer my male concubine.”


Jiang Bao’er’s tears began to fall. “Your Majesty… Is it because of Lord Rong that you no longer want Bao’er?”


Zhao Qi asked in return, “Do you want to stay in the palace?”


Jiang Bao’er nodded fervently. “Yes, Bao’er wants to stay in the palace and by Your Majesty’s side forever!”


“But the palace does not keep idle people.”


“Bao’er is willing to be a servant, to serve Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi scrutinized Jiang Bao’er from head to toe. “Besides serving people, you can do other things too. For example, you love acting, so why not become an actor?”


Jiang Bao’er looked confused. “Your Majesty means performing in opera?”


“Something like that.”


“Bao’er can perform, I guess…”


Zhao Qi waved his hand repeatedly. “I don’t understand that… forget it, we’ll discuss this later. You rest for now, I’m leaving.”


Jiang Bao’er looked pitiful. “Will Your Majesty come again?”


“I don’t know,” Zhao Qi said. “If you’re bored, find something to do. Besides counting the bricks, you can learn to swim—both breaststroke and freestyle—so you won’t need rescuing next time you fall into the water.”


Jiang Bao’er: ???


As soon as Zhao Qi returned to Yonghua Palace, a maid from Cian Palace came to invite him, saying the Empress Dowager wanted to have dinner with him. Zhao Qi changed his clothes and rushed over, only to find the Empress Dowager still discussing state affairs with the ministers.


The head maid of the Empress Dowager, Yunxiu, asked, “Your Majesty, would you like to enter or wait outside?”


Zhao Qi glanced inside. “Who is Mother discussing matters with?”


Before Yunxiu could answer, a deep male voice came from the front. “Me.”


Yunxiu hurriedly turned and bowed to the person behind her. “Lord Xiao.”


In Zhao Qi’s mind, a barrage of thoughts flashed—Prime Minister Xiao Shiqing, who held power over the court, the most handsome man in Great Jing, and the Empress Dowager’s trusted minister.


The officially recognized most handsome man truly had otherworldly looks. Unlike Rong Tang’s fresh and breezy demeanor, Xiao Shiqing had inky sword-like eyebrows, brilliant eyes, and an innate noble air. Frankly, this prime minister looked more like an emperor than he did.


Xiao Shiqing performed a customary bow. “Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi felt somewhat oppressed by his presence. “Rise.”


Xiao Shiqing looked at Zhao Qi with a hint of a smile. “I just heard some good news from the Empress Dowager.”


“What is it?”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze shifted slightly downwards. “Your Majesty’s dragon…”


Zhao Qi almost lost his mind, blushing. “Stop talking about that, there are so many people here!”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised by Zhao Qi’s reaction. “Is Your Majesty shy? That’s not like you. Could it be that the ‘dragon’ has changed, and Your Majesty’s personality along with it?”


Zhao Qi: …


Jiang Dehai kindly reminded Xiao Shiqing, “Prime Minister, the emperor has decreed that no one is to mention those words again. Otherwise, they will have their tongues cut out!”


“Is that so?” Xiao Shiqing smiled. “So does Your Majesty plan to cut my tongue?”


Zhao Qi glared at him. “No, I’ll keep your tongue for now; it’s still useful.”


“Oh?” Xiao Shiqing said nonchalantly. “What use does it have?”


Zhao Qi: ???


Something seems off?

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama

Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama


Zhao Qi followed Jiang Dehai’s gaze and finally felt relieved.


It seemed that the original owner’s body had no issues; the previous symptoms might have been due to psychological reasons. While Zhao Qi remained calm, Jiang Dehai was already sobbing uncontrollably, making Zhao Qi worry that he might faint any moment.


“Heaven blesses our Great Jing, Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai stammered, “The dragon vein of the emperor has risen. From now on, Great Jing will rise too!”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless and awkwardly said, “There’s no need to say it like that…”


“To see the emperor rise in my lifetime, I have no regrets, Your Majesty! If the Empress Dowager learns of this…” Jiang Dehai suddenly came to his senses and called to the young eunuch behind him, “Quick, go to Cian Palace and report the good news to the Empress Dowager! Your Majesty, please maintain the current state so the Empress Dowager can witness the hope of Great Jing with her own eyes!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Just try to keep it up for me?


Not long after, a noble and elegant lady arrived at Zhao Qi’s palace. Zhao Qi barely had time to see what his mother looked like before Empress Dowager Wen pulled him into her arms.


“Qi’er, my dear Qi’er!” Tears streamed down Empress Dowager Wen’s face, falling onto Zhao Qi, “You’ve finally grown up!”


The faint fragrance on Empress Dowager Wen made Zhao Qi feel uncomfortable. He patted her hand and rolled his eyes, saying, “Mother, mother, you’re strangling me…”


Empress Dowager Wen quickly released her son and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, “I was too emotional. You must know that I have waited for this day for eighteen years!”


Zhao Qi rubbed his neck and muttered softly, “I’m only eighteen this year. Could it be that mother has been thinking about this since I was born?”


Empress Dowager Wen laughed through her tears and gently said, “Come, let mother take a look.”


Zhao Qi stiffened and said in panic, “Look at what?”


Empress Dowager Wen replied, “What do you think?”


Zhao Qi jumped up, “Mother, stop joking!”


“Joking? This is a serious matter. How can I be at ease without seeing it with my own eyes? Come over here.”


Zhao Qi shook his head vehemently, “No—I refuse!” Can this kind of thing be casually looked at? He feared developing a psychological shadow from it.


Empress Dowager Wen looked puzzled and turned to Jiang Dehai, “Did you see clearly? Has the emperor really risen?”


Jiang Dehai nodded repeatedly, “I saw it very clearly. The emperor’s dragon vein was upright and vigorous, like the peak of Mount Tai!”


Zhao Qi was mortified, “Stop talking already!”


Jiang Dehai whispered to Empress Dowager Wen, “Empress Dowager, could the emperor be feeling shy?”


“Shy?” Empress Dowager Wen said, “Impossible. Qi’er is my son. I know him well. He doesn’t even know how to write the word ‘shy’.”


Zhao Qi: “…” Can’t you lower your voices when whispering?


After a moment of contemplation, Empress Dowager Wen said, “This is no small matter. It’s best to have the imperial physicians take a look. Issue my decree: all the imperial physicians from the Imperial Academy of Medicine must come to Yonghua Palace immediately without delay.”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi reached out, trying to stop her, “Wait, mother, I…”


Empress Dowager Wen grabbed his hand and interrupted, “If your illness is really cured, I will grant amnesty to the world and celebrate nationwide!”


As dawn broke, Zhao Qi lay on his bed, filled with despair.


Around ten imperial physicians surrounded him, their expressions serious as they whispered among themselves. Zhao Qi, dressed in his clothes and pants, accepted their examination as his last act of defiance. Fortunately, these physicians only checked his pulse and examined his face. After some analysis, they concluded, “Congratulations, Empress Dowager! The emperor’s condition ensures the continuation of the royal lineage. Great Jing’s reign will last for millennia, generation after generation!”


Empress Dowager Wen was overjoyed, “Qi’er, did you hear that? Our Great Jing will have heirs for generations to come!”


Zhao Qi covered his face with his hand, “I heard, I heard.”


Empress Dowager Wen, with tears in her eyes, said, “It must be the spirit of the late emperor protecting us. Qi’er, mother is looking forward to holding a grandson!”


One imperial physician said, “Empress Dowager, the emperor has just recovered. In my opinion, he needs to be cautious and take good care of himself. The emperor is young and has a long future ahead; there is no need to rush.”


Empress Dowager Wen calmed down and thought for a moment, “I understand.” She turned to Zhao Qi and said, “Qi’er, listen to the physicians and rest well. I know you’ve been holding back for a long time, but those people in the harem…”


In the past, Empress Dowager Wen turned a blind eye to the emperor’s behavior, knowing he kept many people in the harem. But now things were different. Since the emperor was healthy, the priority was to choose an empress and consorts from reputable families to bear legitimate heirs. The emperor’s dragon vein, once raised, should not be wasted on unworthy individuals.


“Qi’er, bear with it for now. Mother will choose a virtuous, beautiful, and understanding empress for you!”


Zhao Qi yawned, “Thank you, mother.”


Empress Dowager Wen chatted with Zhao Qi for a while longer before it was time for the morning court session. Empress Dowager Wen said, “It’s time for court. Rest well, Qi’er. I’ll visit you later.”


From her tone, Zhao Qi felt like a child. He hesitated, then said, “Have a good session, mother.” He had no idea how to govern and thought it best not to involve himself in state affairs for now.


Zhao Qi slept until late morning, then was attended by Jiang Dehai as he dressed and washed. Zhao Qi looked at Jiang Dehai and said, “Why do you keep staring at my pants? Pervert!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The imperial physicians told me to note the time of vigor of the emperor’s dragon.”


“Stop!” Zhao Qi snapped, “Never mention those words in front of me again, or I’ll cut your tongue out.”


Jiang Dehai shivered, “Yes, Your Majesty.”


Being a tyrant has its perks, at least you can easily scare people.


“Also, I don’t need palace maids to attend to me anymore. Replace them with eunuchs.” Before Zhao Qi entered this book, he had never even held a girl’s hand, let alone been in a relationship. He wasn’t used to close contact with women.


Jiang Dehai realized, “Understood. I’ll take care of it. By the way, news from the Drunken Book Pavilion: Lord Rong fell into a coma last night. The imperial physicians can’t identify the poison and are trying different antidotes. If they can’t find a cure within two days, I’m afraid…”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”


Jiang Dehai looked innocent, “You didn’t ask, Your Majesty. Besides, the imperial physicians said Lord Rong refused to name the poison before falling unconscious. He’s seeking death, Your Majesty.”


In the book The Boundless Great Jing, Rong Tang is an important supporting character. The poisoning incident involving him and the dog emperor was detailed, and Zhao Qi had a vague memory of the poison’s name.


“Tell the physicians the poison’s name has ‘San’ in it. Something-something San.”


Jiang Dehai wiped his sweat, “Your Majesty, that’s hardly helpful.”


“Nonsense, it’s a crucial clue! Now hurry and inform the physicians.”


Zhao Qi’s hint did indeed shorten the trial-and-error process. The next day, the imperial physicians found the antidote. Rong Tang narrowly escaped death but was left weakened. The physicians said he would always be frail and needed careful nursing to live longer.


Zhao Qi silently lit a candle for Rong Tang in his heart. In the original story, Rong Tang became a frail beauty, bedridden from the slightest chill due to the poisoning.


Rong Tang was a year younger than the original owner, only seventeen. If Zhao Qi had transmigrated earlier, he might have been able to change Rong Tang’s fate.


Zhao Qi sighed. “Forget it, just have the physicians take good care of him.”


“Yes.” Jiang Dehai replied, then added, “Your Majesty, there’s another matter. Jiang Gongzi personally prepared some snacks and invites you to Mingcui Palace to taste them.”


Zhao Qi asked, “Jiang Gongzi…who?”


Jiang Dehai reminded him, “Jiang Bao’er, Jiang Gongzi.”


Zhao Qi remembered. Jiang Bao’er, one of the emperor’s male consorts and a minor character doomed to fail spectacularly. He was always causing trouble for Rong Tang, the emperor’s favorite. After the emperor was dethroned, Rong Tang took revenge, disfiguring Jiang Bao’er and using all the aphrodisiacs seized from the emperor on him. Ultimately, Jiang Bao’er died a gruesome death, bleeding from all orifices—a truly miserable fate.


“Isn’t the food from the imperial kitchen good enough?” Zhao Qi said. “Why should I go eat his? I’m not going.”


After lazing around in the palace for a few days, Zhao Qi finally adjusted to his role as the emperor. Taking advantage of the good weather, he had Jiang Dehai lead him on a stroll in the imperial garden. The garden featured a large pond filled with ornamental koi fish. As Zhao Qi basked in the sunlight and watched the fish scramble for food, he suddenly heard a commotion.


Startled, Zhao Qi asked, “What’s going on? Is it another assassin?!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled. “Your Majesty, not even a fly can get into this palace. How could there be an assassin?”


Zhao Qi, still nervous, said, “You don’t understand. Send someone to check it out right away.”


Soon, a young eunuch came to report, “Your Majesty, it’s Jiang Gongzi and Rong Gongzi arguing ahead.”


“Really? I don’t believe it,” Zhao Qi said. “Rong Tang doesn’t seem like the type to argue with Jiang Bao’er.”


“Your Majesty is wise,” the eunuch replied. “It’s mainly Jiang Gongzi talking. Rong Gongzi hasn’t said much.”


A prime opportunity to witness the downfall of a minor character—too good to pass up.


“I’ll go have a look,” Zhao Qi said. “Guards, follow closely.”


By the pond, Rong Tang sat on a stone bench, his face pale and gaunt, as if the fire in him had been extinguished. Beside him stood a fair-skinned young boy who looked about fifteen or sixteen. This must be Jiang Bao’er.


Jiang Bao’er was chattering incessantly while Rong Tang, visibly irritated, tried to leave. But Jiang Bao’er grabbed his sleeve, causing Rong Tang to yank it back forcefully. Jiang Bao’er stumbled and fell into the water with a splash, crying out, “Your Majesty, save me!”


Zhao Qi, who witnessed everything, thought, “I smell a drama queen.”


Jiang Dehai was alarmed. “Your Majesty, Jiang Gongzi fell into the water!”


“I’m not blind,” Zhao Qi said, looking at Rong Tang, who quickly averted his gaze.


Zhao Qi approached the pond. Jiang Bao’er was floundering in the water, turning from a well-dressed boy into a wet mess. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, save Bao’er…ah!”


Leaning over, Zhao Qi asked, “Can you swim?”


“Your Majesty, Bao’er…glub…”


“What? I can’t hear you.”


“Glub glub glub…”


Suppressing a laugh, Zhao Qi motioned for the guards to rescue him.


When Jiang Bao’er was pulled ashore, he had already fainted. Zhao Qi suspected he was pretending but didn’t expose him. “Take him back and have the physicians check on him.” Then he turned to Rong Tang, “You…”


Rong Tang covered his mouth with a fist, unable to stop coughing. Zhao Qi waited patiently, but the coughing only worsened, leaving Rong Tang unsteady and on the verge of collapse.


Instinctively, Zhao Qi stepped forward to support him, but Rong Tang recoiled. “Don’t touch me.”


Zhao Qi retorted, “I didn’t want to touch you anyway. I still remember you tried to poison me.”


“Perfect. Old grudges and new grievances,” Rong Tang scoffed. “What are you waiting for, Your Majesty?”


“New grievances? What new grievances?”


Rong Tang gave him a peculiar look. “Your favorite pet fell into the water because of me. That’s a new grievance.”


“Oh, that,” Zhao Qi laughed. “Jiang Bao’er fell in on purpose. Didn’t you notice? You’re not very bright, are you? How did you pass the imperial exam as the top scholar?”


Rong Tang: …

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



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