Category: Whose child am I carrying? (Transmigration) (Page 3 of 3)

Whose child am I carrying?

Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama

Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama


Zhao Qi followed Jiang Dehai’s gaze and finally felt relieved.


It seemed that the original owner’s body had no issues; the previous symptoms might have been due to psychological reasons. While Zhao Qi remained calm, Jiang Dehai was already sobbing uncontrollably, making Zhao Qi worry that he might faint any moment.


“Heaven blesses our Great Jing, Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai stammered, “The dragon vein of the emperor has risen. From now on, Great Jing will rise too!”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless and awkwardly said, “There’s no need to say it like that…”


“To see the emperor rise in my lifetime, I have no regrets, Your Majesty! If the Empress Dowager learns of this…” Jiang Dehai suddenly came to his senses and called to the young eunuch behind him, “Quick, go to Cian Palace and report the good news to the Empress Dowager! Your Majesty, please maintain the current state so the Empress Dowager can witness the hope of Great Jing with her own eyes!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Just try to keep it up for me?


Not long after, a noble and elegant lady arrived at Zhao Qi’s palace. Zhao Qi barely had time to see what his mother looked like before Empress Dowager Wen pulled him into her arms.


“Qi’er, my dear Qi’er!” Tears streamed down Empress Dowager Wen’s face, falling onto Zhao Qi, “You’ve finally grown up!”


The faint fragrance on Empress Dowager Wen made Zhao Qi feel uncomfortable. He patted her hand and rolled his eyes, saying, “Mother, mother, you’re strangling me…”


Empress Dowager Wen quickly released her son and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, “I was too emotional. You must know that I have waited for this day for eighteen years!”


Zhao Qi rubbed his neck and muttered softly, “I’m only eighteen this year. Could it be that mother has been thinking about this since I was born?”


Empress Dowager Wen laughed through her tears and gently said, “Come, let mother take a look.”


Zhao Qi stiffened and said in panic, “Look at what?”


Empress Dowager Wen replied, “What do you think?”


Zhao Qi jumped up, “Mother, stop joking!”


“Joking? This is a serious matter. How can I be at ease without seeing it with my own eyes? Come over here.”


Zhao Qi shook his head vehemently, “No—I refuse!” Can this kind of thing be casually looked at? He feared developing a psychological shadow from it.


Empress Dowager Wen looked puzzled and turned to Jiang Dehai, “Did you see clearly? Has the emperor really risen?”


Jiang Dehai nodded repeatedly, “I saw it very clearly. The emperor’s dragon vein was upright and vigorous, like the peak of Mount Tai!”


Zhao Qi was mortified, “Stop talking already!”


Jiang Dehai whispered to Empress Dowager Wen, “Empress Dowager, could the emperor be feeling shy?”


“Shy?” Empress Dowager Wen said, “Impossible. Qi’er is my son. I know him well. He doesn’t even know how to write the word ‘shy’.”


Zhao Qi: “…” Can’t you lower your voices when whispering?


After a moment of contemplation, Empress Dowager Wen said, “This is no small matter. It’s best to have the imperial physicians take a look. Issue my decree: all the imperial physicians from the Imperial Academy of Medicine must come to Yonghua Palace immediately without delay.”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi reached out, trying to stop her, “Wait, mother, I…”


Empress Dowager Wen grabbed his hand and interrupted, “If your illness is really cured, I will grant amnesty to the world and celebrate nationwide!”


As dawn broke, Zhao Qi lay on his bed, filled with despair.


Around ten imperial physicians surrounded him, their expressions serious as they whispered among themselves. Zhao Qi, dressed in his clothes and pants, accepted their examination as his last act of defiance. Fortunately, these physicians only checked his pulse and examined his face. After some analysis, they concluded, “Congratulations, Empress Dowager! The emperor’s condition ensures the continuation of the royal lineage. Great Jing’s reign will last for millennia, generation after generation!”


Empress Dowager Wen was overjoyed, “Qi’er, did you hear that? Our Great Jing will have heirs for generations to come!”


Zhao Qi covered his face with his hand, “I heard, I heard.”


Empress Dowager Wen, with tears in her eyes, said, “It must be the spirit of the late emperor protecting us. Qi’er, mother is looking forward to holding a grandson!”


One imperial physician said, “Empress Dowager, the emperor has just recovered. In my opinion, he needs to be cautious and take good care of himself. The emperor is young and has a long future ahead; there is no need to rush.”


Empress Dowager Wen calmed down and thought for a moment, “I understand.” She turned to Zhao Qi and said, “Qi’er, listen to the physicians and rest well. I know you’ve been holding back for a long time, but those people in the harem…”


In the past, Empress Dowager Wen turned a blind eye to the emperor’s behavior, knowing he kept many people in the harem. But now things were different. Since the emperor was healthy, the priority was to choose an empress and consorts from reputable families to bear legitimate heirs. The emperor’s dragon vein, once raised, should not be wasted on unworthy individuals.


“Qi’er, bear with it for now. Mother will choose a virtuous, beautiful, and understanding empress for you!”


Zhao Qi yawned, “Thank you, mother.”


Empress Dowager Wen chatted with Zhao Qi for a while longer before it was time for the morning court session. Empress Dowager Wen said, “It’s time for court. Rest well, Qi’er. I’ll visit you later.”


From her tone, Zhao Qi felt like a child. He hesitated, then said, “Have a good session, mother.” He had no idea how to govern and thought it best not to involve himself in state affairs for now.


Zhao Qi slept until late morning, then was attended by Jiang Dehai as he dressed and washed. Zhao Qi looked at Jiang Dehai and said, “Why do you keep staring at my pants? Pervert!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The imperial physicians told me to note the time of vigor of the emperor’s dragon.”


“Stop!” Zhao Qi snapped, “Never mention those words in front of me again, or I’ll cut your tongue out.”


Jiang Dehai shivered, “Yes, Your Majesty.”


Being a tyrant has its perks, at least you can easily scare people.


“Also, I don’t need palace maids to attend to me anymore. Replace them with eunuchs.” Before Zhao Qi entered this book, he had never even held a girl’s hand, let alone been in a relationship. He wasn’t used to close contact with women.


Jiang Dehai realized, “Understood. I’ll take care of it. By the way, news from the Drunken Book Pavilion: Lord Rong fell into a coma last night. The imperial physicians can’t identify the poison and are trying different antidotes. If they can’t find a cure within two days, I’m afraid…”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”


Jiang Dehai looked innocent, “You didn’t ask, Your Majesty. Besides, the imperial physicians said Lord Rong refused to name the poison before falling unconscious. He’s seeking death, Your Majesty.”


In the book The Boundless Great Jing, Rong Tang is an important supporting character. The poisoning incident involving him and the dog emperor was detailed, and Zhao Qi had a vague memory of the poison’s name.


“Tell the physicians the poison’s name has ‘San’ in it. Something-something San.”


Jiang Dehai wiped his sweat, “Your Majesty, that’s hardly helpful.”


“Nonsense, it’s a crucial clue! Now hurry and inform the physicians.”


Zhao Qi’s hint did indeed shorten the trial-and-error process. The next day, the imperial physicians found the antidote. Rong Tang narrowly escaped death but was left weakened. The physicians said he would always be frail and needed careful nursing to live longer.


Zhao Qi silently lit a candle for Rong Tang in his heart. In the original story, Rong Tang became a frail beauty, bedridden from the slightest chill due to the poisoning.


Rong Tang was a year younger than the original owner, only seventeen. If Zhao Qi had transmigrated earlier, he might have been able to change Rong Tang’s fate.


Zhao Qi sighed. “Forget it, just have the physicians take good care of him.”


“Yes.” Jiang Dehai replied, then added, “Your Majesty, there’s another matter. Jiang Gongzi personally prepared some snacks and invites you to Mingcui Palace to taste them.”


Zhao Qi asked, “Jiang Gongzi…who?”


Jiang Dehai reminded him, “Jiang Bao’er, Jiang Gongzi.”


Zhao Qi remembered. Jiang Bao’er, one of the emperor’s male consorts and a minor character doomed to fail spectacularly. He was always causing trouble for Rong Tang, the emperor’s favorite. After the emperor was dethroned, Rong Tang took revenge, disfiguring Jiang Bao’er and using all the aphrodisiacs seized from the emperor on him. Ultimately, Jiang Bao’er died a gruesome death, bleeding from all orifices—a truly miserable fate.


“Isn’t the food from the imperial kitchen good enough?” Zhao Qi said. “Why should I go eat his? I’m not going.”


After lazing around in the palace for a few days, Zhao Qi finally adjusted to his role as the emperor. Taking advantage of the good weather, he had Jiang Dehai lead him on a stroll in the imperial garden. The garden featured a large pond filled with ornamental koi fish. As Zhao Qi basked in the sunlight and watched the fish scramble for food, he suddenly heard a commotion.


Startled, Zhao Qi asked, “What’s going on? Is it another assassin?!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled. “Your Majesty, not even a fly can get into this palace. How could there be an assassin?”


Zhao Qi, still nervous, said, “You don’t understand. Send someone to check it out right away.”


Soon, a young eunuch came to report, “Your Majesty, it’s Jiang Gongzi and Rong Gongzi arguing ahead.”


“Really? I don’t believe it,” Zhao Qi said. “Rong Tang doesn’t seem like the type to argue with Jiang Bao’er.”


“Your Majesty is wise,” the eunuch replied. “It’s mainly Jiang Gongzi talking. Rong Gongzi hasn’t said much.”


A prime opportunity to witness the downfall of a minor character—too good to pass up.


“I’ll go have a look,” Zhao Qi said. “Guards, follow closely.”


By the pond, Rong Tang sat on a stone bench, his face pale and gaunt, as if the fire in him had been extinguished. Beside him stood a fair-skinned young boy who looked about fifteen or sixteen. This must be Jiang Bao’er.


Jiang Bao’er was chattering incessantly while Rong Tang, visibly irritated, tried to leave. But Jiang Bao’er grabbed his sleeve, causing Rong Tang to yank it back forcefully. Jiang Bao’er stumbled and fell into the water with a splash, crying out, “Your Majesty, save me!”


Zhao Qi, who witnessed everything, thought, “I smell a drama queen.”


Jiang Dehai was alarmed. “Your Majesty, Jiang Gongzi fell into the water!”


“I’m not blind,” Zhao Qi said, looking at Rong Tang, who quickly averted his gaze.


Zhao Qi approached the pond. Jiang Bao’er was floundering in the water, turning from a well-dressed boy into a wet mess. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, save Bao’er…ah!”


Leaning over, Zhao Qi asked, “Can you swim?”


“Your Majesty, Bao’er…glub…”


“What? I can’t hear you.”


“Glub glub glub…”


Suppressing a laugh, Zhao Qi motioned for the guards to rescue him.


When Jiang Bao’er was pulled ashore, he had already fainted. Zhao Qi suspected he was pretending but didn’t expose him. “Take him back and have the physicians check on him.” Then he turned to Rong Tang, “You…”


Rong Tang covered his mouth with a fist, unable to stop coughing. Zhao Qi waited patiently, but the coughing only worsened, leaving Rong Tang unsteady and on the verge of collapse.


Instinctively, Zhao Qi stepped forward to support him, but Rong Tang recoiled. “Don’t touch me.”


Zhao Qi retorted, “I didn’t want to touch you anyway. I still remember you tried to poison me.”


“Perfect. Old grudges and new grievances,” Rong Tang scoffed. “What are you waiting for, Your Majesty?”


“New grievances? What new grievances?”


Rong Tang gave him a peculiar look. “Your favorite pet fell into the water because of me. That’s a new grievance.”


“Oh, that,” Zhao Qi laughed. “Jiang Bao’er fell in on purpose. Didn’t you notice? You’re not very bright, are you? How did you pass the imperial exam as the top scholar?”


Rong Tang: …

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 1 – The Royal Dragon is Standing Proud

Chapter 1 – The Royal Dragon is Standing Proud

Reading the last page of The Boundless Great Jing in the taxi, Zhao Qi felt a mix of emotions.


It was a good book; he’d give it nine out of ten. He withheld one point, not out of fear of making the author arrogant, but because the cannon fodder emperor who died tragically shared his name.


Every time he saw “Zhao Qi” in the book courting death in various ways, he felt a pang in his knee, especially when the author described “Zhao Qi” as impotent. It always gave him a phantom ache.


The taxi driver, a cheerful and chatty lady, couldn’t resist sneaking a glance at the handsome young man through the rearview mirror while waiting at a red light. She noticed the book in Zhao Qi’s hand and got excited at finding a fellow fan. “Little brother, you’re reading The Boundless Great Jing too?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Yeah, it’s pretty good, but I feel the brotherly affection in it is a bit weird.”


The lady gave a subtle smile. “Are you reading the original version or the censored one?”


“I don’t know,” Zhao Qi flipped to the cover, “seems like it’s the censored version—there’s a difference?”


“Of course!” she exclaimed. “The original has more romance and my favorite scenes of having and raising children! You’re missing out big time if you haven’t read it!”


“Really?” Zhao Qi was surprised. “But I didn’t notice any romantic tension between the main characters and any girls.”


The lady gave a mysterious smile. “Who said it had to be girls?”


“How do you have children if there are no girls?”


The lady hinted crazily, “Think about it, think deeply.”


Zhao Qi was lost in thought, wanting to ask more, when a sudden blaring horn brought him back to reality. He looked up sharply to see a speeding truck coming straight at them.


The lady slammed on the brakes, but it was too late.




In the ensuing chaos, Zhao Qi heard muffled voices. Slowly, the voices became clearer—it was a young boy’s voice: “The emperor forced me to do this.”


Zhao Qi opened his eyes to find himself lying on a bed, pinned down by a disheveled young boy. They were very close, the boy’s magnified face right in front of his.


The boy had a stunningly beautiful face, with long eyelashes and features as if drawn from a classical painting. Despite their noses almost touching, Zhao Qi couldn’t see a single flaw on his face.


Zhao Qi was baffled, “Where am I? Who are you?”


The boy, pale as paper with beads of sweat on his forehead, looked down at Zhao Qi. Suddenly, he smiled faintly at him.


Zhao Qi, unaccustomed to such beauty in real life, was captivated by the smile, losing his wits momentarily. The boy, pressing down on him, reached under the pillow to retrieve a green porcelain bottle, swallowing its contents.


Zhao Qi blinked and asked, “What did you just eat?”


The boy grabbed Zhao Qi’s chin, closed his eyes, and leaned in with his lips.


Seeing the red lips approaching, Zhao Qi was petrified. Only at the last moment did he remember he could resist.


He struggled to push the boy away, “Wait, let’s talk! I’ll scream!”


The boy, seemingly frail, didn’t budge under Zhao Qi’s “struggle.” Panting lightly, he whispered, “Didn’t the emperor always want Rong Tang?”




Zhao Qi grasped the crucial point.


Rong Tang, the one in The Boundless Great Jing, the top scholar imprisoned by the lustful emperor due to his striking beauty?


If this boy was Rong Tang, then who was he?!


Zhao Qi looked down in horror at the bright yellow dragon robe he was wearing. His vision blackened, and he almost suffocated.


He had transmigrated into the book, becoming the lustful yet impotent emperor Zhao Qi!


Zhao Qi felt like coughing up blood. No, this couldn’t be happening—he was still a virgin!


Unfortunately, now was not the time to despair. Zhao Qi quickly recalled the plot, roughly understanding his current predicament.


In the book, the dog emperor fell in love at first sight with the newly appointed top scholar during the imperial examination, forcibly bringing him into the palace against the ministers’ objections. Rong Tang, once the pride of his family, became a male concubine serving the emperor, unable to bear the humiliation.


Rong Tang wanted to die to preserve his integrity, but the emperor threatened the lives of Rong’s entire family. To save his family, Rong Tang had to endure.


One day, the emperor, overcome with lust, refused to let go of the tho-ny beauty and insisted on kissing him. Rong Tang, unable to escape, used the poison he had prepared, determined to take the emperor down with him. Both were poisoned, but the skilled palace physicians saved them both.


Normally, anyone who did such a thing to the emperor would have been executed a hundred times over. But Rong Tang, due to his exceptional beauty, was kept alive by the emperor who doted on him, creating a future calamity for himself.


“You, get off me first,” said Zhao Qi, sweating profusely after recalling the plot. “I promise not to touch you again.”


Rong Tang sneered, “The emperor is mistaken. Now, it’s I who will touch the emperor.”


You’re not trying to touch me; you’re trying to kill me!


Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, “Are you defying the emperor’s orders?”


Rong Tang gave a mocking smile, “Haven’t I defied enough orders already?”


Zhao Qi had an idea. “It seems you don’t care about the lives of your family anymore?”


Rong Tang’s face changed slightly, his grip loosening significantly. Zhao Qi took the opportunity to push him off and got out of bed, maintaining a safe distance. He shouted, “Guards, protect the emperor!”


Several imperial guards burst in, swords drawn, surrounding Rong Tang, awaiting the emperor’s orders. Along with them came a plump, comical eunuch, “Your Majesty! Are you alright?”


Zhao Qi, still weak, said, “I’m fine.” If he guessed correctly, this eunuch should be the chief eunuch, Jiang Dehai.


Jiang Dehai was stunned by the scene before him. “Your Majesty, what is Young Master Rong doing…”


Rong Tang closed his eyes, resigned, “This is all my fault. I willingly accept death. Please do not punish my family.”


Zhao Qi, still shaken, declared, “I will punish them.”


Rong Tang looked at him, his expression complicated.


Zhao Qi tried to maintain his emperor’s demeanor, “You stay put and behave, or I’ll drag your entire family into this, including your father.”


Rong Tang remained silent, his fingers trembling inside his sleeves.


Zhao Qi snorted, “Return to the palace.”


Jiang Dehai followed him, “Your Majesty, is that all?”


“No, Rong Tang is probably poisoned. Find a doctor to check on him.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated, “Young Master Rong was so disrespectful to Your Majesty. Are you just letting him go?”


Zhao Qi stopped, “Doesn’t that sound like something I would do? Rong Tang is my favorite.”


From the original Zhao Qi’s perspective, Rong Tang deserved to die. But as a reader of The Boundless Great Jing, Zhao Qi had always liked Rong Tang, the beautiful and proud scholar. Killing him now felt wrong, and he didn’t know how his death would affect the story. For now, it seemed better to keep him alive and figure things out later.


Jiang Dehai, knowing Zhao Qi’s temperament well, knew arguing was pointless and sighed inwardly.


Back in the emperor’s palace, Yonghua Palace, Zhao Qi was greeted by palace maids ready to help him undress. Zhao Qi was startled, “What are you doing?”


The maid turned pale, fearing she had angered the emperor, and knelt, kowtowing repeatedly, “This servant deserves to die, deserves to die…”


The other maids lowered their heads, trembling with fear.


Zhao Qi roughly understood why they were so scared. According to the book, the original Zhao Qi was brutal and perverse, partially due to his unspeakable affliction. Unable to experience male pleasure, he resorted to other means, inventing various tools and collecting aphrodisiacs. Anyone who made a mistake became his target, suffering unbearable torment.


Zhao Qi felt a headache coming on. He waved them off, “Leave me. I need to be alone.”


The maids, feeling as if they had escaped death, quickly obeyed, “Yes.”


Jiang Dehai approached, “Is Your Majesty unwell? Should I call for a doctor?”


“No need,” Zhao Qi said, “You can go too.”


After Jiang Dehai left, Zhao Qi was alone in the bedchamber. He found a mirror and examined himself.


Delicate features, fair skin, large eyes—a pretty boy, but a bit short and looking rather sickly.


Ha, if this body had enough yang energy, it would be a miracle.


Zhao Qi changed his clothes and lay down on the dragon bed, contemplating his situation.


The original Zhao Qi ascended to the throne at eight years old, but by fourteen, his little brother still couldn’t stand up. His mother, Empress Dowager Wen, was extremely worried. The imperial physicians in the palace were helpless, so she secretly summoned famous doctors from all over the country to diagnose him.


The original Zhao Qi was surrounded by doctors daily and took a lot of medicine, but his condition did not improve. Because this matter concerned the dignity of the emperor, Empress Dowager Wen issued a strict gag order, and anyone who leaked the information would be executed. Despite this, the original Zhao Qi’s spirit was still damaged, and as he grew older, his psyche became increasingly twisted. He lost interest in state affairs, indulged in wine and pleasure, and attended court only once a year. State affairs were handled by Empress Dowager Wen and the regent ministers.


Empress Dowager Wen was a master of political maneuvering, but she was extremely indulgent toward the original Zhao Qi, turning a blind eye to his misdeeds. After Empress Dowager Wen passed away, the original Zhao Qi lost his protector. The righteous officials, who had long hated him to the core, united and rebelled, marching from the northern frontier all the way to the capital and capturing him alive.


Rong Tang was a key figure among the righteous officials. The new emperor rewarded the original Zhao Qi to Rong Tang as a prize, and he became Rong Tang’s prisoner. Rong Tang repaid the humiliation he suffered tenfold, imprisoning and torturing the original Zhao Qi, but kept him alive, making his life a living hell.


The more Zhao Qi thought about it, the more hopeless he felt. He beat his chest in despair on the dragon bed.


Traveling into a book, fine, but did anyone ask for his opinion? Traveling into the body of such a scumbag, he would rather be dead!


When it was time for dinner, Jiang Dehai came to invite Zhao Qi to eat. Zhao Qi got up slowly, thinking that food was his only solace now. Even a scumbag emperor still ate the best food in the entire Southern Jing.


Sitting at the table, Jiang Dehai handed him a pair of silver chopsticks. “Every dish has been tested by the servants. The emperor can eat with confidence.”


Eight dishes and a soup, plus a dessert, all for just one person. Zhao Qi’s depression eased a bit. He tasted some braised meat, finding the flavor and texture quite good. “What meat is this?” he asked.


“Emperor, this is braised bull pen-s,” Jiang Dehai replied.


“Pfft!” Zhao Qi spat out the braised meat he hadn’t swallowed yet. “Water, water— I need to rinse my mouth!”


A maid hurriedly handed him tea. Jiang Dehai, puzzled, asked, “Emperor, does this dish not suit your taste?” The emperor used to love this dish.


After rinsing his mouth, Zhao Qi looked at the table full of delicacies and felt an ominous premonition. “What are these dishes? List them for me.”


“Bliss soup, red dates stewed with ram pen-s, clear stewed kidney…”


“Enough, enough,” Zhao Qi said, holding his forehead. “I get it.” They were all aphrodisiacs. If he kept eating like this, he would die of overindulgence sooner or later.


“Do you have porridge?” Zhao Qi asked.


“Yes, yes,” Jiang Dehai replied. “Would the emperor prefer deer antler gelatin porridge or sea cucumber porridge?”


Zhao Qi’s eyebrow twitched. “Plain porridge, with nothing in it.”


Zhao Qi ate two bowls of porridge with a few dishes he could stomach, then wandered around until it was time to sleep. Jiang Dehai asked which beauty should attend to him tonight. Zhao Qi asked, “Where are the tokens1In ancient China, emperors would be presented a tray of ‘tokens’ with the names of some of his concubines of his harem. He would then turn over the ‘token’ with the name of the lady he wished to spend the night with on the tray. That ‘lucky’ lady would then have the chance to serve him for the night. Most concubines never get the chance to see their captors tho.?”


“Tokens, Emperor?” Jiang Dehai was puzzled.


Zhao Qi gestured. “The tokens with the beauties’ names on them. Shouldn’t there be some formality for such an important matter?”


Jiang Dehai was surprised. “The emperor is not yet married, and there are no consorts in the harem, so there’s no use for green-head tokens.”


Zhao Qi remembered. The original text mentioned that although the scumbag emperor had many men and women in the harem, he didn’t establish a queen and therefore couldn’t give titles to the beauties. The original Zhao Qi didn’t care either. Except for Rong Tang, the others were just disposable objects to him.


“Then never mind, I’ll sleep alone.”


Whether it was the new environment or the stimulating food, Zhao Qi tossed and turned on the dragon bed, unable to sleep. He felt hot all over, his mouth dry and parched.


Finally, he fell asleep, only to be awakened by a scream in a half-awake state. “Emperor, Emperor! Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi sat up abruptly. “What’s happening? Are there assassins? Protect me, someone come protect me!”


Jiang Dehai, with tears streaming down his face, pointed to Zhao Qi’s trousers and trembled, “Your royal dragon2Yes… he is referring to his peepee … it’s standing up!”

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

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