Chapter 7 – Who picked up the sachet I gave to the future queen?


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, his smile now tinged with a hint of intrigue. “Your Majesty, you still want to call me ‘older brother’?”


Seeing that Zhao Qi did not respond, Xiao Shiqing laughed, “I would never dare ask His Majesty to call me that.”


Zhao Qi was furious, “Then why did you make me call you that?”


“I merely asked in passing, I didn’t expect His Majesty to actually use it,” Xiao Shiqing replied, “And it sounds quite nice.”


Zhao Qi was seething with anger but couldn’t vent it on Xiao Shiqing. He channeled his frustration into his appetite, taking a piece of red bean cake from the snacks he brought. He bit into half of it, deciding to endure this wave of irritation and work on increasing Xiao Shiqing’s favorability later.


Xiao Shiqing watched him eat and asked, “Is it good?”


Zhao Qi held up the red bean cake and nodded, “It’s good. Would you like some?”


“Do you want to have a drink?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


Zhao Qi was taken aback, “What?”


“Wine,” Xiao Shiqing said as he closed the memorial. “I’m also a bit tired. Would Your Majesty accompany me for a drink?”


Zhao Qi did not think that calling Xiao Shiqing “older brother” twice meant they could now drink together. He observed Xiao Shiqing’s expression, which was half-smiling and half-serious, and sensed an ulterior motive.


“Does His Majesty not want to?”


Zhao Qi hesitated, “I…”


“Isn’t it customary for brothers to drink together?” Xiao Shiqing said leisurely. “Or is His Majesty worried I might poison the wine like Rong Tang?”


“That’s not the case,” Zhao Qi said. Xiao Shiqing had mentioned that his death would cause considerable trouble, so Zhao Qi was sure he wouldn’t be killed at the moment. Since his life was not in immediate danger, he had nothing to lose. “If the Prime Minister wants to drink, I’ll accompany him.”


The eunuchs brought in the wine and snacks, and Xiao Shiqing dismissed everyone else, pouring two cups of wine himself. “I toast to His Majesty. May the dragon vein flourish and Da Jing prosper.”


Zhao Qi forced a smile, “May the Prime Minister have a long life and many descendants.” He clinked glasses with Xiao Shiqing and took a small sip of the wine. It had to be said, the wine was quite pleasant—smooth and fragrant, without any sharp taste, leaving a lingering aftertaste.


Xiao Shiqing noticed his astonished expression and asked, “Is it good?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes!”


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “Then drink more. This wine…” He played with the wine cup, “Is not easily intoxicating.”


Zhao Qi kept his guard up, cautious not to drink too much, but the wine’s aftereffect was strong. After just a small cup, he started to feel lightheaded. Initially, he could maintain some clarity, but gradually, his mind became muddled, and his vision started to blur. Xiao Shiqing’s voice seemed to come from another space.


“Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi, barely keeping his eyes open, mumbled, “Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing’s tone carried an irresistible force, “Tell me, are you Zhao Qi?”


Zhao Qi thought the question was absurd, “I’m not…”


Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes, “Hmm?”


“I’m not Zhao Qi… hic, who else could I be?”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression softened slightly, “You’ve been acting so out of character lately. Has someone told you to do this or given you such orders?”


Zhao Qi shook his head.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “Why have you suddenly shown favor towards me? The Empress Dowager has advised you for years, yet you’ve always acted independently. Why have you started listening to her this time?”


Zhao Qi stared blankly at him. Suddenly, his eyes reddened. He grabbed Xiao Shiqing’s hand and said, full of grievance, “Prime Minister, I don’t want to die!”


Xiao Shiqing was rarely surprised, “What?”


“Wuwuwu… I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be hated by everyone, I don’t want to be a dog emperor who is overthrown, I don’t want to be tortured by Rong Tang’s revenge, but I can’t bring myself to harm them. I’m so miserable, brother—”


Xiao Shiqing was silent for a moment, “So?”


“So, please protect me and the Empress Dowager,” Zhao Qi clutched Xiao Shiqing’s sleeve, burying his head in the fragrant official robe, “Don’t leave, don’t help Zhao Tong, okay? If you promise, I’ll call you ‘Prime Minister Brother’ for life…”


Zhao Qi’s voice grew fainter and eventually trailed off as he fell asleep with his head resting on Xiao Shiqing’s arm. Xiao Shiqing used his unoccupied hand to rub his temple. “Come in.”


Jiang Dehai, who had been waiting outside, entered, “Lord Xiao, what’s the matter with the Emperor?”


“He’s drunk,” Xiao Shiqing said,“Take him back to Yonghua Palace.”


Jiang Dehai looked somewhat awkward. “Carry him?”


“Otherwise?” Xiao Shiqing said coldly, “Shall I carry him back myself?”


Jiang Dehai quickly replied, “I wouldn’t dare. However, if the Emperor is carried while drunk, he might feel uncomfortable. Please, Sir, maintain this position for now. I will find a strong eunuch to carry His Majesty back to the palace.”


Xiao Shiqing looked down at Zhao Qi, who was sleeping soundly with his arm dr4p3d over Xiao Shiqing. The young emperor’s face was flushed from the wine, his long lashes gently resting, his lips slightly parted, and even through his sleeve, Xiao Shiqing could feel his warm breath.


Xiao Shiqing tried to move his wrist a little. The young emperor frowned in displeasure, rubbing against his sleeve and hugging him tighter. “Fine. I’ll carry you this once.”


“No need to trouble the Prime Minister,” a clear voice said. “I’ll carry him. I’m quite strong.”


Jiang Dehai turned around and bowed to the approaching young man. “General He.”


Xiao Shiqing hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Alright.”


The young man moved to Xiao Shiqing’s side, lifted the inebriated emperor from him, and carried him in his arms with ease. Despite Zhao Qi being an adult man, the young man carried him effortlessly, showing no sign of strain.


“I’ll be off then.”


“After you settle His Majesty, come back here,” Xiao Shiqing said. “I need to speak with you.”


Zhao Qi slept until late morning, waking up with a throbbing headache. He only remembered drinking with Xiao Shiqing last night, and his consciousness had blurred as the night went on. He had no recollection of what happened afterward.


Jiang Dehai brought some hot water and, seeing Zhao Qi dazed on the dragon bed, asked, “Is Your Majesty feeling unwell?”


Zhao Qi furrowed his brows. “The smell of grass…” He tried to recall the events of last night and vaguely remembered smelling fresh, green grass.


Jiang Dehai asked, “What did Your Majesty say?”


“Nothing,” Zhao Qi replied, twisting his neck. “Did the Prime Minister do anything to me last night?”


“No,” Jiang Dehai said. “The Prime Minister, seeing that Your Majesty was drunk, had people take you back to your quarters.”


“That’s good,” Zhao Qi sighed in relief. “I’m hungry. Let’s have a meal.”


In March, with spring in full bloom, Empress Dowager Wen held a Hundred Flowers Banquet in the palace and invited many noble ladies to admire the flowers. Although it was billed as flower viewing, everyone knew it was actually to select a future consort for the emperor.


Zhao Qi knew he couldn’t avoid it and reluctantly went to see Empress Dowager Wen. She was seated in a pavilion, looking at the nearby peach blossom grove, and said to Zhao Qi, “The noble ladies chosen for you by the Prime Minister and me are waiting in the grove. Come meet them with me.”


Zhao Qi grumbled, “Do I have to meet them?”


Empress Dowager Wen gently advised, “Qi’er, don’t you love looking at beautiful women? These noble ladies are all stunning, and they might even rival Rong Tang.”


Zhao Qi relented, “Then I’ll go alone. Mother, you don’t need to accompany me.”


Empress Dowager Wen was surprised. “Why?”


Zhao Qi thought it was a bit strange to have a parent present during an arranged meeting. He thought for a moment and said, “Because I want to observe secretly, analyze calmly, and come to my own conclusion. Mother, those noble ladies might not be themselves in our presence. I want to see their true selves.”


Empress Dowager Wen understood Zhao Qi’s intention and smiled. “Qi’er, everyone puts on a facade in front of others. Why be too strict?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Mother once said that the empress is not only my empress but also the empress of the Dajing Dynasty. The person who will be the model of virtue for the nation in the future. What’s wrong with being a bit demanding?”


“You have a point,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a gentle smile. “Qi’er, since you’re feeling better, your disposition has improved as well. I’m very pleased. Go ahead, it’s not a big deal.”


Zhao Qi happily said, “Thank you, Mother.”


“Wait.” Empress Dowager Wen glanced at the palace maid Yunxiu, who nodded and presented a delicate wooden box. “Inside is a fine sachet. If you come across a noble lady you like, give this sachet to her.”


Zhao Qi took the sachet and entered the peach blossom grove. The peach blossoms were in full bloom, with petals drifting down like light rain, landing on his shoulders. After walking for a while, he heard voices ahead and turned to the eunuch following him. “You don’t need to follow me.”


The voices grew clearer, and Zhao Qi imagined a grand scene. Following the typical palace drama script, he was supposed to meet a young woman under the peach blossom rain, push her on a swing, flirt with her under a false identity, then reveal himself and marry her, enjoying a sweet life. Later, due to some conflict, she would leave, and after some time, she would return, and he would help raise children for another man before meeting his end—just thinking about it made him feel suffocated.


A burst of crying interrupted Zhao Qi’s imagination. He hid behind a peach tree and saw two elegantly dressed and beautiful young women. One was wiping her tears with a handkerchief, while the other was patting her back in comfort.


“Little sister, stop crying. If the emperor and the empress dowager see you like this, you might be punished for improper behavior…”


“Then let them punish me! I’d rather be punished than become the empress! Sister, I’ve heard that the emperor has a fierce appearance and a cruel nature. Marrying him is like pushing me into a pit of fire!”


“Little sister, be quiet! This is the palace, everywhere is filled with spies. If you speak like this, the entire Du family will be implicated!”


The young girl bit her lip, tears streaming down her face. “I had resigned myself to this fate, but as soon as I saw you, I couldn’t help but express my feelings. I’ve been holding this in for too long.”


“Sigh, I understand how you feel. Don’t worry too much. In terms of family background and appearance, we can’t compare with the other noble ladies. I don’t think the empress position is meant for us.”


“Really? Is there such good news?!”


…Apologies for the interruption. I’ll take my leave.


Zhao Qi turned to leave but stumbled over a small stone—what the heck?


He watched helplessly as the ground approached, closed his eyes, and braced for a close encounter with the earth, his hand still clutching the sachet, which flew out of his grasp.


He lay on the ground for a moment, pretending to be dead. When the pain lessened, he slowly sat up, trying to reach for the fallen sachet.


A dark figure appeared in his line of sight. Zhao Qi recognized it as the Prime Minister’s official robes and immediately wanted to find a hole to hide in—damn it, Xiao Shiqing would never miss an opportunity to see him make a fool of himself.


A teasing voice came from above him. “What is Your Majesty doing?”


Zhao Qi muttered, “Picking up something.”


Just as he was about to retrieve the sachet, a hand appeared in front of him, snatching it up first.


Zhao Qi looked up and accidentally met the gaze of the other person. It was a young man in a fitted outfit, tall and handsome, with a confident demeanor. He looked at Zhao Qi with a smirk, “Is His Majesty trying to pick this up?”


As the young man spoke, Zhao Qi caught the faint, fresh scent of grass again.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep