Chapter 10 – I don’t think I’m fat, but the Prime Minister asked me to eat less.


The next day, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen set off for Muyang Mountain, with Xiao Shiqing leading a delegation of civil and military officials to see them off. This was Zhao Qi’s first time leaving the palace since entering the book, and he remarked: “I’m so happy—what a joke.”


He didn’t want to leave the palace at all. All he wanted was to stay in his quarters, eat and sleep to his heart’s content, and enjoy some peace and quiet. The palace was tightly guarded, with bodyguards everywhere, making it very safe. Outside the palace, the dangers were numerous, with too many people wishing for his demise. There might even be a bunch of assassins waiting to strike from some unseen bush.


Zhao Qi repeatedly instructed He Changzhou, “Once we leave the palace, you must not leave my side for even a step. You need to stick close to me at all times. Do you understand?”


He Changzhou asked, “What about when we sleep?”


Zhao Qi replied, “We can sleep in the same room.”


He Changzhou touched his nose, “That…”


“He Xiaojiangjun needn’t hesitate,” Xiao Shiqing approached them and said coldly, “The emperor’s dragon bed isn’t something just anyone can access—have we prepared everything?”


He Changzhou replied, “Yes, we can set off at any time.”


“Then what are we waiting for?” Xiao Shiqing said, “Let’s invite the Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi helped Empress Dowager Wen to the carriage and then went to his own carriage. Jiang Dehai was squatting on the ground, as per custom, Zhao Qi was supposed to step on his back to get into the carriage.


Zhao Qi waved his hand and said, “No need for that. I can get in myself.”


Xiao Shiqing looked at the small emperor, who only reached his shoulder, “Are you sure?”


He Changzhou said, “I’ll carry the emperor into the carriage.”


Xiao Shiqing, somewhat puzzled, remarked, “General, are you addicted to carrying people?”


He Changzhou: “…”


Zhao Qi, who was struggling to climb into the carriage, thought, “???”


Xiao Shiqing said淡淡ly, “Since he wants to climb, let him climb.”


With the authority of the prime minister speaking, He Changzhou had no choice but to comply.


The carriage was slightly lower than the horse but still not easy to get into. Zhao Qi, being a homebody who was even pinned down by a sick Rong Tang, had poor physical strength. He grabbed the railing of the carriage and, using all his strength, managed to get one foot inside and clambered up with difficulty. He sighed in relief, thinking that this wouldn’t do for the long run; he’d have to exercise more like the concubines in the palace.


Zhao Qi looked down at Xiao Shiqing and said, “Prime Minister, I’m heading off first. I’ll trouble you to stay in the palace and hold down the fort for the next few days.”


Xiao Shiqing played along with Zhao Qi’s show, smiling faintly, “Your Majesty, rest assured.”


Zhao Qi turned to enter the carriage but accidentally stepped into thin air. He struggled to keep his balance on the edge but everything happened too fast. He could only close his eyes in resignation.


With the surrounding attendants’ screams, Zhao Qi landed heavily against someone. The person grunted, took a step back, and held Zhao Qi’s waist, managing to steady himself.


Zhao Qi smelled a familiar faint scent of ink, and then Xiao Shiqing’s voice came to his ear, “Has His Majesty gained weight?”


Zhao Qi: “…”


“Eat less on the mountain,” Xiao Shiqing held Zhao Qi a moment longer before letting him go.


He Changzhou had a complex expression and asked, “Is His Majesty alright?”


“I’m fine.” Zhao Qi rubbed his waist. After being a couch potato for so long, he did gain some weight, but his waist was still quite slim.


Jiang Dehai, still shaken, said, “Your Majesty, you scared me half to death! Please step on my back to get in!”


Zhao Qi, not wanting to cause more trouble, agreed, “Alright then.”


“No need,” He Changzhou said, lifting Zhao Qi with one hand and effortlessly placing him in the carriage. He smiled, “Your Majesty, please steady yourself.”


Zhao Qi enthusiastically exclaimed, “General He, you really are as strong as a mountain and impressive—well done, my general.”


Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes slightly and turned away, “It’s getting late. Your Majesty, please proceed.”


Other ministers echoed, “Farewell to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager.”


Muyang Mountain was located on the outskirts of the capital and it would take about a day to get there from the palace. Zhao Qi’s carriage was very spacious, equipped with a bed, a table, and a bookshelf filled with books to keep him entertained.


However, reading was impossible. Although Zhao Qi could recognize every word, reading them together was beyond his comprehension. It took him half a day to turn one page, and he thought it was better to take a nap instead. Moreover, the ride was quite uncomfortable, with the uneven road making him nauseous shortly after he got on.


During a rest stop, He Changzhou brought a bunch of food into the carriage and was startled by Zhao Qi’s pale face, “Your Majesty, what’s wrong?”


Zhao Qi was wrapped in a blanket, revealing only his pale face, and weakly said, “I’m feeling a bit carsick.”


“Why didn’t you say earlier that you get carriage-sick, Your Majesty?” He Changzhou placed the food on the table and took out a piece of hawthorn cake, offering it to Zhao Qi. “Eating something sour should help. Open your mouth.”


Zhao Qi shook his head. “I don’t want to eat.” He couldn’t stomach anything right now; he was sure he would just throw up if he tried.


He Changzhou looked at him and teased, “Is it because you listened to the Chancellor’s advice that you’re refusing to eat?”


… What does that even mean? Zhao Qi didn’t bother to explain. “Yes, he said I’m getting fat.”


He Changzhou paused for a moment and then said, “Don’t listen to the Chancellor. Not only are you not fat, but you should actually eat more. I can wrap my hands around your waist.”


Zhao Qi forced a smile. “I really don’t want to eat.”


He Changzhou suggested, “Or how about riding a horse with me?”


“Oh?!” Zhao Qi became interested. “But I’m not very good at riding horses.”


He Changzhou was surprised. “You don’t know how? Isn’t horsemanship a mandatory skill for the princes of Dajin?”


Zhao Qi huffed and puffed, “I didn’t learn it well.”


He Changzhou said, “Then I’ll just ride the same horse with you.”


Zhao Qi got out of the carriage and followed He Changzhou. He Changzhou’s horse was resting beside the carriage. Jiang Dehai, upon learning that Zhao Qi was going to ride, became worried like a mother. “Is this really alright? What if something happens and the Emperor gets hurt…”


He Changzhou interrupted, “Don’t worry, Father Jiang. With me here, His Majesty will be safe.”


Zhao Qi looked at the horse, which was about the same height as him, and asked, “Can I trust you, General He?”


A flicker of surprise crossed He Changzhou’s eyes. “You can.” He embraced Zhao Qi’s waist and helped him mount the horse.


Zhao Qi sat in front, with He Changzhou’s solid chest behind him. He Changzhou’s arms wrapped around him as he took the reins. “How do you feel, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi took a deep breath. “I feel that the air outside is so refreshing.”


He Changzhou smiled brightly. “Hold on tight, Your Majesty.”


Although riding a horse was a bit bumpy, the air was much better than sitting in the carriage. The horse moved slowly, and Jiang Dehai followed on foot, his eyes fixed on Zhao Qi, worried that he might fall off. The spring breeze brought the scent of fresh grass, similar to the fragrance on He Changzhou.


Speaking of which, He Changzhou, Xiao Shiqing, and Rong Tang all had distinct scents. Zhao Qi wondered if he had a scent as well.


He Changzhou’s voice came from behind. “What are you thinking about, Your Majesty?”


“The scent.”




“Do I have a scent?”


He Changzhou said, “Yes.”


“What kind of scent?”


He Changzhou leaned down and sniffed Zhao Qi’s hair. “Sweet.”


Zhao Qi: ???


Jiang Dehai laughed. “The Yonghua Palace has been burning dragon’s saliva incense for years, so His Majesty probably smells of dragon’s saliva incense.”


“Is that so?” He Changzhou said, “No wonder I don’t smell it elsewhere.”


“Do you like it?” Zhao Qi glanced back slightly in the spring light, his hair tousled by the breeze. “I’ll reward you with some later.”


Jiang Dehai’s expression changed. “That’s not appropriate, Your Majesty. Since ancient times, dragon’s saliva incense has been used exclusively by the imperial family. Not even ordinary officials or the Empress can use it.”


“It’s alright,” He Changzhou looked at Zhao Qi’s profile. “When I want to smell it, I can just come to see you.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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