Chapter 11 – I will only give birth to two, thank you.


As evening approached, Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen’s carriage arrived at the foot of Muyang Mountain. The abbot and the senior monks of Muyang Temple had long been waiting there.


Muyang Temple had been a royal temple since the Chen Dynasty. From its founding to the present day, it had been standing for hundreds of years, enduring several changes in dynasties. The temple was serene and ancient, surrounded by lush trees. The air inside was filled with the scent of sandalwood, and the walls and pillars were covered in cracks. The deep and resonant sound of the temple bell made Zhao Qi feel as if his soul was being purified.


Since the death of the late emperor, Empress Dowager Wen had begun to practice Buddhism and had been acquainted with the abbot of Muyang Temple for many years. She waved off the formalities and smiled at the abbot, saying, “Master Yuan Tong, it’s been years. I hope you’ve been well.”


…That title sounds a bit familiar?


Master Yuan Tong responded, “Amitabha. Empress Dowager, you look radiant and joyful. It seems that the long-standing worries have been resolved. I offer my congratulations.”


“Indeed, nothing escapes your wise eyes, Master,” Empress Dowager Wen said with a smile, glancing at Zhao Qi beside her. “I have come here to fulfill my long-held wish.”


He Changzhou asked quietly, “What is the Empress Dowager’s wish? Does His Majesty know about it?”


Zhao Qi looked up at the sky. “I don’t know anything.”


He Changzhou stroked his chin. “I’m a bit curious.”


“I advise you not to be,” Zhao Qi said expressionlessly. “Curiosity killed the cat.”


Master Yuan Tong made a gesture of invitation. “Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, please follow me into the temple.”


Zhao Qi deliberately slowed his pace and asked the two elders following Master Yuan Tong, “May I ask what your Dharma names are?”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Zhong Tong.”


“In reply to Your Majesty, my Dharma name is Shen Tong.”


Zhao Qi: “…” He realized that the original author of The Boundless Great Jing was quite lazy, even too lazy to come up with decent names for minor characters.


Zhao Qi followed Empress Dowager Wen into the main hall. Master Yuan Tong handed them incense sticks. Zhao Qi took one, lit it, and, following Empress Dowager Wen’s lead, held it high, made a bow, closed his eyes, and paid three respects to the Buddha’s golden statue.


Zhao Qi opened one eye and saw Empress Dowager Wen looking devout, her lips moving in silent recitation.


Though Zhao Qi didn’t believe in Buddhism, since he was here, he silently made a wish: “Buddha, please bless my mother with good health and long life; let me reign smoothly as emperor, with fewer people who dislike me and fewer who wish to harm me; and lastly, bless the people of the world with peace and prosperity, and for the Great Jing Dynasty to be stable and prosperous. Amen—no, Amitabha.”


After the worship, they handed the incense stick to Master Zhong Tong, who placed it in the incense burner.


Master Yuan Tong said, “The vegetarian meal is ready. Please proceed to the dining room in the back to enjoy it.”


“There’s no rush; I’m not hungry yet,” Empress Dowager Wen said. “Qi’er, the temple’s divination is always accurate. Would you like to draw a fortune stick?”


Zhao Qi was quite interested in drawing a fortune stick. “Sure.”


A young monk stepped forward with a divination container. Zhao Qi shook it casually, and a wooden stick fell out, which He Changzhou picked up.


He Changzhou said, “Not bad, it’s a good fortune stick.”


“Oh?” Zhao Qi leaned closer, standing on tiptoe. “Let me see!”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled and said, “You can’t tell much just by looking at the stick. Master, please bring out the divination text.”


Master Shen Tong asked, “May I ask what Your Majesty is inquiring about?”


Empress Dowager Wen answered before Zhao Qi could speak, “Of course, it’s about the offspring of the royal family.”


Zhao Qi muttered silently to himself: I’m not.


Master Shen Tong smiled and said, “Then let me offer my congratulations to Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager first.” He handed the divination text to Zhao Qi.


Before Zhao Qi could examine it closely, Empress Dowager Wen eagerly snatched it away, “‘To be enjoyed by the ancestral temple, to be protected for future generations’….” She couldn’t stop smiling, “Indeed, it’s a good fortune! Wonderful, excellent!”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “What do you mean?”


He Changzhou replied, “It means that in the future, His Majesty will be able to enjoy the ancestral sacrifices, and His Majesty’s descendants will preserve the legacy left by His Majesty.”


Empress Dowager Wen held Zhao Qi’s hand with a smile and said, “Your late father had few children, with only two sons and three daughters among the dozens in the harem. I was worried you might end up like your father, but it seems my fears were unfounded.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The Emperor is still young. In the future, he will surely have as many sons and daughters as Emperor Gaozu!”


Zhao Qi showed a look of disdain. “I don’t want that.”


He Changzhou laughed upon hearing this. Jiang Dehai looked confused, not understanding what he had said wrong. Empress Dowager Wen scolded, “What nonsense are you talking? Having more children is a blessing.”


Zhao Qi knew he probably couldn’t agree with Empress Dowager Wen on this issue, so he decided not to argue. In his view, having two children, one son and one daughter, was quite sufficient. Anything more would be hard to manage. Plus, as a well-educated and virtuous young man, he had no intention of expanding his harem. It was likely he would only marry one empress in the future, as having more would only cause him to worry about his wife.


Later, the group went to a side room for a vegetarian meal. The meal at Muyang Temple was exquisitely prepared, without any meat, which was perfect for Zhao Qi, who had just recovered from motion sickness. Zhao Qi ate two bowls in one go and felt quite full, reclining like a salted fish and yawning.


Seeing this, Empress Dowager Wen said, “Qi’er, if you’re tired, go rest in the side room. I still need to talk to Master Yuan Tong later.”


Zhao Qi stood up, “Then I’ll go back first. Mother, you should rest early too.”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded, “General He.”


“I’m here.”


“This place is different from the palace; you must be meticulous in everything.”


He Changzhou lowered his eyes. “Rest assured, Empress Dowager.”


He Changzhou personally escorted Zhao Qi back to the side room. Zhao Qi, exhausted from a day of bumping around, collapsed onto the bed as soon as he entered the room. Jiang Dehai stood beside him with a warm towel and advised, “Your Majesty, please wipe your face before you sleep.”


Zhao Qi closed his eyes and replied, “I don’t want to.”


Jiang Dehai looked awkwardly at He Changzhou. “This…”


“Give me the towel,” He Changzhou said, “You can leave.”


Jiang Dehai hesitated. “You’re a general. How can you do this?”


He Changzhou smiled faintly, “Even if I were just a minister, I would still be the Emperor’s servant. Besides, it was the Emperor who asked me to attend to him.”


Jiang Dehai was startled by the remark about ministers being servants of the Emperor. Although it was true, the mention of Lord Xiao made it clear that only General He would dare to speak this way.


“General, you are right,” Jiang Dehai forced a smile. “I will wait outside. Call if you need anything.”


He Changzhou nodded, “Go on.”


Zhao Qi had already fallen deeply asleep. He Changzhou casually wiped his face a couple of times, thinking he had managed the strength well, but he actually ended up smearing Zhao Qi’s face red. Despite this, Zhao Qi showed no signs of waking up, only slightly frowning and mumbling something.


He Changzhou covered him with a blanket, watched him for a while, and gently brushed his delicate eyelashes. He thought that this little sleepyhead was too adorable. Unfortunately, no matter how cute Zhao Qi was, in Xiao Shiqing’s eyes, he was merely a tool to be used.


That night, when the little emperor was drunk, He Changzhou carried him back to Yonghua Palace and then went to the Administrative Hall, where Prime Minister Xiao was waiting.


“The influence of the Broken Pulse Gang has long been entrenched in the Central Plains. Although their occasional disturbances are minor, I have lost patience dealing with them,” said Xiao Shiqing.


He Changzhou asked, “What does the Prime Minister intend to do?”


“At the end of the month, the Emperor and the Empress Dowager will leave the palace for Muyang Temple and stay there for a few days,” Xiao Shiqing said indifferently. “Broken Pulse Gang’s people probably already know about this. Since the Emperor and Empress Dowager rarely leave the palace, they will certainly take action.”


He Changzhou immediately understood, “You want to draw them out?”


Xiao Shiqing lowered his head and looked at the memorials, noncommittal.


He Changzhou, incredulous, said, “But these are the Empress Dowager and the Emperor. Are you really willing to risk their safety?”


“I don’t undertake tasks without confidence,” Xiao Shiqing said.


“And what if something goes wrong?”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyes. “There is no ‘what if.’”


“Even if it’s the Emperor, the Empress Dowager has a deep debt of gratitude to the Xiao family. Are you really willing to be so heartless?”


Xiao Shiqing replied casually, “Is it that the Empress Dowager owes the Xiao family a mountain of gratitude, or is it the Xiao family who owes the Empress Dowager?”


He Changzhou was at a loss for words. “What the Prime Minister says is truly cold-hearted. If the Empress Dowager hears this…”


“Do you think she’s unaware?” Xiao Shiqing interrupted. “The Empress Dowager and I understand each other well.”


He Changzhou was left speechless.


Xiao Shiqing continued, “According to reports from our spies, the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair is in a hidden place near the outskirts of the capital, and they intend to capture Zhao Qi to threaten me and the Empress Dowager. We just need to follow them, and we’ll be able to capture them all.”


“And then?” He Changzhou asked. “When will this be? After the Emperor has fallen into their hands?”


Xiao Shiqing was indifferent. “If you’re unwilling, I can assign this task to someone else. However, I vaguely recall that General He’s own uncle was killed by the Broken Pulse Gang. Don’t you want to avenge him?”


He Changzhou took a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll follow the Prime Minister’s plan.”


He Changzhou poured himself a cup of tea, and before he had finished it, he heard Jiang Dehai’s deliberately lowered voice: “General He, a Deputy General surnamed Xu said he has important matters to report to you.”


He Changzhou opened the door, and Deputy General Xu was standing there. Upon seeing him, Xu knelt and saluted: “General.”


“What’s the matter?”


Deputy General Xu said: “I’ve captured a sneaky sweeping monk outside the Empress Dowager’s chamber. I suspect he’s from Broken Pulse Gang.”


Jiang Dehai was startled: “Broken Pulse Gang? Are they the remnants of the previous dynasty trying to restore it?”


“Yes,” He Changzhou’s expression grew serious, “Where is the Empress Dowager now?”


Deputy General Xu replied: “The Empress Dowager is still in the front hall, offering her respects to Buddha.”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment, “It seems that Mu Yang Temple isn’t a safe place after all.”


“How could that be!” Jiang Dehai said urgently, “Before the Empress Dowager and His Majesty arrived, hadn’t you already checked everyone and everything in the temple?”


“There may be some that slipped through the net,” He Changzhou said, “Where is that sweeping monk? I need to interrogate him personally.”


Deputy General Xu responded: “I’ve locked him up in an empty guest room. Please follow me.”


He Changzhou said: “Lead the way.”


“Wait, General!” Jiang Dehai stopped him, “If you go, what about His Majesty?”


He Changzhou said: “I will send reliable people to protect His Majesty. Don’t worry.”


“But His Majesty only trusts you!”


He Changzhou’s eyes showed a hint of hesitation, “If we don’t quickly get to the bottom of this suspicious person, we won’t be able to ensure the safety of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager. These are my trusted aides; I trust them.”


Unable to stop him, Jiang Dehai watched as He Changzhou hurriedly left. He opened the door and looked inside—the Emperor was still sound asleep.


The temple was even quieter and more desolate at night than during the day. A group of armored palace guards walked in formation, saying to the guards on duty: “We’re changing shifts. We’ll take over here for the rest of the night. You can go get some rest.”


Jiang Dehai, stationed at the guest room door, grabbed one of the guards and asked: “Has there been any news from General He?”


The guard shook his head, “Not yet. You must be tired too, so hurry and get some rest. We’re here now.”


“No, I must stay here—” Jiang Dehai’s words were cut off as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. His vision went black, and he lost consciousness.


“Why not just kill him?” another guard asked.


“Leave him alive to inform that traitor surnamed Xiao. Stop wasting time and get in there to take the person away.”


The group entered the room, lifted the sleeping Emperor from the bed, and left.


Zhao Qi wasn’t very still in his sleep. He tossed and turned, and the bed in the guest room wasn’t as large as the dragon bed, so he rolled to the edge of the bed.


When Xiao Shiqing entered the room, Zhao Qi’s body was half hanging off the bed, about to fall.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened. He quickly walked to the bed just as Zhao Qi turned, and Zhao Qi fell off the bed—


The noise was loud enough to wake even a pig. Zhao Qi opened his eyes and saw a handsome face enlarged before him, thinking he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and asked uncertainly: “…Prime Minister?”




Zhao Qi was bewildered. How did he end up in Xiao Shiqing’s arms? Wait, wasn’t he in Mu Yang Temple?


Zhao Qi blinked and asked: “Why is the Prime Minister here?”


Xiao Shiqing’s face was cold as he replied: “To protect you.”


“Huh?” Zhao Qi was confused, “Aren’t I being guarded by General He?”


Xiao Shiqing’s lips curled into a sarcastic smile, “He’s not capable.”


Zhao Qi: “…He’s not capable, but you are?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep