Chapter 12 – I will pick some peaches to nourish the sick beauty.


Facing Zhao Qi’s skeptical expression, Xiao Shiqing responded calmly, “Don’t believe me?”


Zhao Qi was about to shake his head when he saw Xiao Shiqing’s expression darken, and immediately changed his tune. “Since the Prime Minister says so, then I can only choose to believe you.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly. “Your Majesty seems quite reluctant.”


Zhao Qi couldn’t help but speak frankly. “After all, the Prime Minister isn’t as skilled as General He.”


“He Changzhou is indeed one of the top experts in Great Jing; he is quite formidable,” Xiao Shiqing said slowly, “but what use is that if he isn’t by Your Majesty’s side?”


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened. “He’s not by my side? But I clearly asked him to stick close to me.”


“Your Majesty might want to check for yourself.”


“Alright,” Zhao Qi shifted slightly in Xiao Shiqing’s embrace and asked tentatively, “then… could the Prime Minister let me go now?”


As soon as the words were out, Xiao Shiqing unceremoniously withdrew.


Zhao Qi stood up, brushed off the dust from his clothes, cleared his throat, and called out, “Changzhou?”


Xiao Shiqing’s brows lifted slightly.


“Really not here…” Zhao Qi said, “Old Jiang?”


Not even Jiang Dehai was present? Where had everyone gone, leaving him alone here?


Zhao Qi looked around, feeling that something was off. After thinking for a while, he said, “This room doesn’t seem to be the one I was sleeping in before.”




Zhao Qi was taken aback, his eyes filled with confusion. “Can you explain?”


Xiao Shiqing’s gaze shifted slightly. In the past, he would never have had the leisure to explain his actions to Zhao Qi. Now, even as he stared directly into Zhao Qi’s eyes, he still didn’t want to explain.


How could he explain? That he had used Zhao Qi as bait to lure out the remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang in the capital?


Indeed, his plan was foolproof. He had prepared a decoy similar in age and built to Zhao Qi, and the entire Mu Yang Temple was under his control. The remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang couldn’t escape his watchful eye. But He Changzhou had said something true; he had indeed used the young emperor and the Empress Dowager.


Xiao Shiqing hesitated for a moment before speaking in a deep voice. “There is a reason for my actions.”


“Oh…” Zhao Qi realized that further questioning might yield no answers and changed the topic. “So where did Changzhou go?”


“He is busy.”


“Busy with what—”


Xiao Shiqing replied coolly, “Does Your Majesty find it impossible to live without asking so many questions about He Changzhou?”


Zhao Qi was taken aback and grew angry despite his usually good temper. “Why does the Prime Minister say this? He Changzhou is mine; can’t I ask about him?”


“No,” Xiao Shiqing said decisively. “It’s still far from dawn. Your Majesty should continue sleeping.”


Zhao Qi puffed up. “I won’t sleep. What can the Prime Minister do about it?”


“What can I do?” Xiao Shiqing asked slowly. “Does Your Majesty really want to know?”


Meeting Xiao Shiqing’s gaze, Zhao Qi’s courage vanished in an instant. “I suddenly feel a bit sleepy…”


Xiao Shiqing nodded in satisfaction. “Go to bed, and don’t fall out again.”


In the main hall of Mu Yang Temple, Empress Dowager Wen was discussing Buddhist matters with Master Yuan Tong by candlelight. Speaking of her only son, Empress Dowager Wen expressed mixed feelings. “Since the Emperor’s illness has improved, I’ve finally felt a great weight lift from my heart, but…”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “Empress Dowager, if you have any concerns, please share them with me. I will do my utmost to help you.”


Empress Dowager Wen glanced at the full moon outside and said, “One of my worries is the Emperor. Though he has recovered, he seems like a completely different person.”


Master Yuan Tong asked, “May I inquire if this change in the Emperor is good or bad?”


“It’s certainly for the better. In the past, the Emperor was fond of wine and women; now he enjoys eating and sleeping. Previously, he spent all his time researching odd things and kept a number of mysterious beauties in the harem. Now, he hardly visits the harem and spends most of his time in the Yonghua Palace, eating and sleeping…” Empress Dowager Wen lowered her voice. “Master, could it be that the Emperor has fallen under some kind of spell?”


Master Yuan Tong smiled gently. “Even if he has, it is a good spell. The Emperor’s change benefits mother and child, the nation and its people. This is a blessing for Great Jing. There is no need for the Empress Dowager to worry about the reasons behind it.”


Empress Dowager Wen sighed lightly. “You’re right, Master. I’m just afraid that his change might raise suspicions among certain people.”


“It seems that your second concern is these ‘certain people.’”


Empress Dowager Wen nodded. “When the late Emperor was gravely ill and the throne had to be chosen early, the Xiao family supported me and the Emperor. On the surface, it seemed they were close to me, but in reality, it was because the Xiao family and I were easier to control. If Zhao Tong were sitting on the dragon throne now, would Xiao Shiqing still have such power, covering the sky with one hand?”


Master Yuan Tong replied, “Empress Dowager, the Emperor has long passed the age of ruling on his own. With this change, it seems to be heaven’s will to place the throne in the Emperor’s hands at this moment.”


Empress Dowager Wen gave a bitter smile and said, “I also wish for him to become a true emperor. But first, the emperor has always been clueless about court affairs and lacks interest; second, Xiao Shiqing would absolutely not agree to the emperor taking over the administration himself.”


Master Yuantong, holding his prayer beads, paused slightly and said, “Your Majesty, in this old monk’s view, there might be a turning point, but it must be approached gradually and not rushed.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s eyes lit up, “You mean…”


Before she could finish, hurried footsteps were heard from outside. Empress Dowager Wen stood up and asked, “What’s happening?”


A guard replied, “Your Majesty, it’s just the rotation of the Imperial Guards.”


Empress Dowager Wen skeptically asked, “How could a routine rotation cause such a commotion? Where is General He?”


The guard showed a troubled expression, “The general is…”


Empress Dowager Wen sensed that something was wrong and demanded sharply, “Where is He Changzhou? Didn’t I assign him to protect the emperor?!”


“General He is attending to other urgent matters,” Xiao Shiqing walked over calmly and bowed to Empress Dowager Wen, “Greetings, Empress Dowager.”


Empress Dowager Wen’s pupils constricted suddenly, “Prime Minister? Wasn’t I supposed to have you stay in the court? Why are you here at Muyang Temple?”


Xiao Shiqing replied calmly, “I received a confidential report indicating that remnants of the Broken Pulse Gang are hiding in Muyang Mountain, attempting to harm the emperor and the Empress Dowager, so I came to provide protection.”


“Broken Pulse Gang?” Empress Dowager Wen was alarmed, “What about Qi’er? Is he safe?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “The emperor is asleep and knows nothing; General He is leading elite troops to capture the assassins.”


Empress Dowager Wen felt slightly reassured, seeing Xiao Shiqing’s composed demeanor, and said, “Look at me, I’m all flustered, unlike the calm Prime Minister.”


Xiao Shiqing gave a slight nod, “You flatter me, Empress Dowager.”


“But,” Empress Dowager Wen’s smile diminished slightly, “Since this concerns the emperor’s safety, just thinking that there are thieves so close to the emperor makes me very anxious.”


Xiao Shiqing continued smoothly, “Indeed, I was negligent, and I am willing to accept punishment.”


“Shiqing, don’t joke with me,” Empress Dowager Wen changed to a more intimate term, “I have always regarded you as a foster son; how could I bear to punish you?”


Xiao Shiqing seemed to understand Empress Dowager Wen’s thoughts and said, “I am frightened.”


“However, with so many state affairs recently, both you and I want to handle everything ourselves but are overwhelmed,” Empress Dowager Wen continued naturally, “The Longevity Festival is next month. At that time, princes from various regions will enter the capital, and envoys from other countries will come. There will be a lot to manage. I was thinking, since the emperor will be nineteen after the Longevity Festival, it’s time for him to start learning to manage the state affairs—what do you think, Shiqing?”


Empress Dowager Wen was prepared for Xiao Shiqing to disagree, but unexpectedly he just smiled and said, “That’s fine.”


Empress Dowager Wen was stunned, thinking she had misheard, “What?”


“Let the emperor learn to handle state affairs,” Xiao Shiqing smiled and said, “I will personally teach him.”


Zhao Qi had slept through the night, and the next day everything seemed normal as if nothing had happened. Jiang Dehai’s head was swollen, and the attending guard said he had accidentally fallen and lost consciousness, so they carried him off to rest.


Zhao Qi knew that Xiao Shiqing was definitely hiding something from him, but he couldn’t do anything about it, so he preferred to remain a happy layabout.


For the next two days, Empress Dowager Wen stayed at the temple, observing the fasting and praying. Zhao Qi also attended a Buddhist lecture once. However, after Master Yuantong had only spoken a few sentences, Zhao Qi became so drowsy that he fell asleep by the fifth sentence.


An hour later, he yawned as he walked out of the Dharma hall. Empress Dowager Wen asked, “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”


“No, it’s because Master Yuantong is too formidable,” Zhao Qi said seriously, “Even if I slept for three days and nights, I would still fall asleep immediately listening to him.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled meaningfully, “You can only sleep a little longer now.”


“What do you mean, Mother?”


Empress Dowager Wen said, “You’ll find out when you return to the palace.”


After that, Zhao Qi stayed in the back room, passing the time. Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou were busy with something, and he couldn’t even catch a glimpse of them.


In the yard of the back room was a solitary peach tree. Though the blossoms were not impressive, it bore many small peaches. Zhao Qi happened to pass by and saw a young eunuch picking peaches from the tree and asked curiously, “It’s only a few months into the year; how are there peaches already?”


Jiang Dehai explained, “Your Majesty may not know, but this peach tree at Muyang Temple bears fruit around this time every year. It’s quite rare. There’s also a folk saying that the early peaches from Muyang Temple can cure all ailments and extend one’s life. That’s why many people in the capital spend a lot of money to seek these peaches each year.”


“Really?” Zhao Qi was astonished, “Lack of education is truly frightening.”


“Who says it isn’t? If it were really so effective, the monks at Muyang Temple wouldn’t age and suffer from illnesses.”


Zhao Qi was slightly surprised, “I didn’t expect you to be quite insightful, eunuch.”


Jiang Dehai chuckled and said, “I don’t deserve the title of ‘wise.’ I just think that eating early peaches is much like praying to gods and worshipping. It’s all about making oneself feel better. When one feels at ease, the illness will naturally recover faster.”


Zhao Qi clapped and praised him, “Impressive, impressive, very impressive.”


When it came to illness, Zhao Qi immediately thought of Rong Tang. Since Rong Tang didn’t want the peach blossoms, how about a few small peaches?


Zhao Qi walked over to the tree. The young eunuch on the tree quickly climbed down when he saw him. Zhao Qi said, “Don’t move. Pick a few more before you come down.”


The young eunuch asked, “Which ones does Your Majesty want?”


Zhao Qi pointed to one of the peaches and said, “Look at that one; the tree trunk is long and wide, just like that peach, which is small and round.”


“What’s small and round?”


Hearing a familiar voice, Zhao Qi turned around abruptly, “Changzhou?!”


“Your Majesty,” He Changzhou smiled, “I haven’t seen you for two days. Have you missed me?”


Zhao Qi stopped directing the eunuch and pretended to be angry, “How dare you ask? Where have you been these past two days?”


He Changzhou had a hint of fatigue in his eyes, “The Prime Minister got a lead on the whereabouts of the Broken Pulse Gang’s lair in the capital. I was ordered to go and deal with the bandits.”


Zhao Qi responded with a “Oh,” and said, “So it was that traitor… The Prime Minister borrowed you for that. How did it go?”


He Changzhou replied, “We captured and killed the leader of the Broken Pulse Gang on the spot, and over a hundred people were taken alive. The case has been handed over to the Ministry of Justice, which will surely track down the gang’s scattered strongholds. Your Majesty, you needn’t worry.”


Zhao Qi patted He Changzhou’s shoulder, “Well done. You must be tired; go rest quickly.”


“It’s not urgent.” He Changzhou glanced at the peach tree, “Does Your Majesty want to eat some peaches?”


“No, just pick a few to play with.”


“Shall I pick them for you?”


“Eh?” Zhao Qi hadn’t reacted yet when He Changzhou picked him up by the legs, and Zhao Qi could now reach the small peaches.


“Can Your Majesty reach them?” He Changzhou asked.


“Yes,” Zhao Qi twisted off a peach, “There are more over there. Move a little to the left!”


He Changzhou complied, “Your Majesty, with so many small peaches, what do you plan to do with them?”


Without hesitation, Zhao Qi said, “Take them back to the palace and give them to Rong Tang.”


He Changzhou asked, “…Your Majesty, could you repeat that?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep