Chapter 17 – This is my first time attending court.


Realizing what Rong Tang wanted to do, Zhao Qi was shocked. He suddenly pushed Rong Tang away, almost jumping out of bed, and pointed at Rong Tang, shouting, “Not again!!! You lecherous scoundrel!”


Rong Tang, caught off guard by the push, took a step back. He lowered his gaze to his hand that had just touched Zhao Qi and frowned slightly, saying, “Who forced me to stay in the harem? Doesn’t His Majesty remember? Who exactly is the ‘lecherous scoundrel’ here?”


Zhao Qi, knowing he was in the wrong, gritted his teeth and said, “I’m not in the mood today.”


“Is it that you’re not in the mood, or just that you’re incapable?”


Zhao Qi couldn’t believe it. “Rong Tang, you are a person of high moral character and self-respect. How can you speak such… such indecent words! Even if you want to test me, there’s no need to sacrifice your dignity!”


Rong Tang smiled faintly. “I’m afraid His Majesty has misunderstood me. Affection between men and women is natural and acceptable.”


But affection between men is a big no-no! Zhao Qi’s mindset was collapsing. He felt that Rong Tang was like a celestial being who had descended to the mortal world, tainted by earthly desires, ready to turn dark at any moment.


Zhao Qi rubbed his forehead. “You must be out of your mind right now. Calm down. I’m leaving.” With that, he fled in a panic, like a maiden chased by a lecherous rogue.


Rong Tang remained where he was, watching his retreating figure with thoughtful eyes.


Late at night, Zhao Qi walked alone on the way back to Yonghua Palace, occasionally encountering patrolling guards. He walked slowly and carefully avoided them. When passing by the rockery in the imperial garden, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the rockery.


Zhao Qi’s mind went blank, and he instinctively wanted to call for help, but a familiar, amused voice came from beside his ear: “Which little eunuch is wandering around outside in the middle of the night?”


The familiar voice and the scent of fragrant grass… Zhao Qi’s heart, which had jumped to his throat, finally settled. In frustration, he bit the hand of the person who had startled him. The person chuckled softly and let go of him.


“You almost gave me a heart attack!” Zhao Qi complained. “You can’t do that!”


The moonlight was beautiful tonight. He Chengzhou leaned against the rock wall, bathed in bright moonlight, his posture tall and full of vigor. “A heart attack?”


Zhao Qi waved his hand. “What are you doing here?”


“To see the Prime Minister.”


“At this late hour?”


“Mm,” He Chengzhou replied, “And what about His Majesty? Why are you wearing a little eunuch’s outfit at this hour? What are you up to?”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless. “I…”


He Chengzhou glanced towards where Zhao Qi had come from. “Did His Majesty come from the Drunk Scholar’s Studio?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Uh…”


He Chengzhou took Zhao Qi’s silence as confirmation, his smile becoming enigmatic. “I didn’t expect His Majesty and Young Master Rong to be so… interested in each other. Little eunuch’s clothes… Haha.”


Zhao Qi’s face turned red. “Ah, it’s not what you think.”


He Chengzhou continued on as if to himself, “I just returned to the capital from Youzhou, fought with the remnants of the Broken Pulse Boat, and injured my hand. I work so hard as a minister, and yet His Majesty is… enjoying himself with a male companion…”


“I told you it’s not like that! Rong Tang’s old illness recurred. I wanted to visit him, but the Prime Minister wouldn’t let me, so I had to resort to this… Wait, you said your hand was injured?”


He Chengzhou raised his hand and clasped his other wrist. “I’m injured. Blades and swords are unpredictable. I’m used to it.” His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were pitiful, weak, and helpless.


He Chengzhou was one of the top experts in the Dajing Dynasty. Zhao Qi didn’t think it was a serious matter. “Just get used to it. Be more careful next time.”


He Chengzhou was taken aback. “Is that it?”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Huh? What else do you want?”


He Chengzhou laughed in frustration. “Young Master Rong’s old illness recurred, and His Majesty personally went to see him. I’m injured, and His Majesty only says ‘be more careful next time’?”


Zhao Qi laughed as well. “The distinguished General He Chengzhou is acting like a little child begging for candy.”


He Chengzhou raised an eyebrow. “Does His Majesty give candy?”


“Of course,” Zhao Qi said after thinking for a moment. “Are you hungry? Come with me to Yonghua Palace for a late-night snack!”


With He Chengzhou around, Zhao Qi didn’t need to sneak back to the palace as he had on his way out. He Chengzhou claimed he needed to see the emperor, so Xiao Shiqing’s men didn’t dare to stop him. Zhao Qi followed him with his head down and successfully entered the palace.


Jiang Dehai, who had been anxiously waiting for Zhao Qi, mistook He Chengzhou for someone sent by Prime Minister Xiao for a check-up. “Why is General He here? His Majesty has already gone to bed.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Who is standing behind me?”


Zhao Qi emerged from behind He Changzhou. He Changzhou was tall, making Zhao Qi look like a delicate young girl in comparison. Jiang Dehai truly hadn’t noticed anyone behind him.


“Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai sighed in relief, “You’ve finally returned! This old servant has been on edge all night!”


Zhao Qi smiled, “You’ve worked hard. By the way, go to the imperial kitchen and tell them that I’m hungry and want to eat something…” He turned to He Changzhou, “What do you want to eat?”


He Changzhou answered without hesitation, “Meat.”


Zhao Qi responded, “Meat?”


“I’m not used to the delicate dishes of the palace,” He Changzhou said lazily, “I just want to drink and eat meat heartily.”


“I’ll satisfy you,” Zhao Qi said, “Let’s have a few big pig’s trotter. Forget the wine, you’re injured, so no drinking. Also, bring two bowls of soup to help with the greasiness.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Alright, I’ll listen to the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi changed into his clothes, and the big pig’s trotters arrived. There were four braised pig’s trotters in total, with a rich and aromatic sauce that made them taste even better in the evening.


He Changzhou ate casually but wasn’t crude. Zhao Qi, on the other hand, was struggling to eat and got his face smeared with sauce, making He Changzhou laugh and call him a little kitten.


Zhao Qi was full after one trotter, wiped his hands, and watched He Changzhou eat.


He Changzhou asked, “Aren’t you going to eat more, Your Majesty?”


“Mmm,” Zhao Qi patted his belly, “One trotter is enough; eating too much would be greasy. By the way, do you usually attend the morning court sessions?”


He Changzhou replied, “As long as I’m in the capital, I do—why?”


Zhao Qi looked embarrassed, “I’m going to attend the morning court session tomorrow.”


He Changzhou seemed a bit surprised, “Prime Minister Xiao asked the Emperor to attend?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes, the Prime Minister wants me to try sitting in.”


He Changzhou slowed down his eating, “Is that so. How does the Emperor feel about it?”


Zhao Qi confessed, “I’m a bit nervous.”


“Nervous?” He Changzhou laughed, “It’s not your first time attending court, why be nervous?”


Zhao Qi mumbled, “It’s different this time.”


He Changzhou reassured him, “If you’re really nervous, just look at me more.”


Zhao Qi looked doubtful, “Will that help?”


He Changzhou remained calm, “Whether it helps or not, the Emperor will find out.”


The next day, at the crack of dawn, Zhao Qi was awakened by Jiang Dehai for washing and changing. Empress Dowager Wen sent some pastries for him to eat before going to court. After all the fuss, it was almost time. Zhao Qi, dressed in elaborate dragon robes, took the dragon carriage to Taihua Hall, where the ministers had long been waiting.


Amid the loud announcement of “The Emperor has arrived, important ministers for the morning court” and “Long live the Emperor,” Zhao Qi ascended the steps to the resplendent dragon throne. Below the dragon throne was a sandalwood chair, where Xiao Shiqing was seated. Standing in the front row were members of the cabinet formed by Xiao Shiqing, with most of the others being Xiao’s close allies.


From his elevated position, Zhao Qi immediately saw Xiao Shiqing in dark clothes, who was the only one not kneeling. Noticing Zhao Qi’s gaze, Xiao Shiqing tilted his chin slightly and smiled faintly, radiating elegance and nobility.


Zhao Qi casually shifted his gaze, searching for He Changzhou among the crowd. He Changzhou, dressed in crimson official robes, was kneeling among the military officials and smiled up at Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said, “Rise.”


Xiao Shiqing lifted the hem of his robe and sat on the sandalwood chair, his demeanor unchanged, “What matters are to be discussed?”


A minister spoke up, “Report to the Emperor, Prince Zhao Nan Li Chisu requests an additional military fund of 300,000 taels.”


“300,000?” Zhao Qi pretended to think for a moment and asked Xiao Shiqing, “What does the Prime Minister think of this matter?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “There are no major issues at the southern border, give him 100,000 taels first, and have the Ministry of Revenue handle it.”


Zhao Qi replied, “That’s settled.”


“Report to the Emperor, Governor of Yuzhou Dong Boxi’s elderly mother has passed away, and Dong Boxi requests a mourning leave.”


Before Zhao Qi could ask, Xiao Shiqing said, “Approved. Have the Ministry of Personnel propose a few replacement candidates for the Emperor’s review.”


“Your Majesty, the case of the leaked examination questions has been resolved. It was done by the son of the Minister of Rites, Hong Ziming, named Hong Bin. It is said that Hong Bin frequented brothels and incurred huge debts. However, Hong Ziming’s family strictly disciplines him, so Hong Bin dared not report this and resorted to stealing exam papers for money. Last night, Hong Ziming, in a display of righteousness, personally imprisoned his son in the Court of Judicature and submitted a letter of apology. I have already detained Hong Bin in the Court of Judicature awaiting punishment.”


Xiao Shiqing spoke softly, “Hong Ziming is honest and fair, but unfortunately, he has a bad son.”


Zhao Qi listened attentively, “What should be done then?”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at Zhao Qi, “What does the Emperor think?”


“Each person should bear their own consequences. Let’s not hold Hong Ziming responsible for his son’s mistakes,” Zhao Qi said, “And the Prime Minister just mentioned that Hong Ziming is a good official.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “The Emperor’s consideration for the old official shows your benevolence and forgiveness.” After a moment of contemplation, he continued, “Hong Ziming will be dismissed from office for investigation due to his lax family discipline, allowing his son’s illegal actions. Hong Bin will be executed, and Hong Ziming should be present at the execution.”


Zhao Qi responded, “……” That’s ruthless.


“Does the Emperor approve of this handling?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


“…… Yes.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep