Chapter 21 – I did something shameful.


In the next few days, Zhao Qi was busy completing the “punishment” given to him by Xiao Shiqing. It seemed that Xiao Shiqing had lost trust in him and personally supervised his calligraphy practice. Outside the Hall of Governance, Xiao Shiqing was discussing matters with the officials, while inside, Zhao Qi was suffering through his punishment.


During the meeting, Xiao Shiqing saw Jiang Dehai come out from the inner hall and asked, “What’s the matter?”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Reporting to the Prime Minister, His Majesty said he is hungry and wants something to eat.”


“Didn’t he just eat half an hour ago?” Xiao Shiqing stood up, “I’ll go check on His Majesty. You all may leave.”


The Minister of Revenue asked, “What about the military supplies for the Prince of Zhao Nan…”


Xiao Shiqing sneered, “Whenever he arrives at the palace, we’ll discuss it then.” Yesterday, he received a confidential report from the capital’s network. Li Chisu had arrived in the capital two days ago. After arriving, he neither returned to the Prince of Zhao Nan’s residence in the capital nor entered the palace but had been lingering in the newly opened Jiao Fang Si and had yet to come out.


Zhao Qi had just finished practicing a calligraphy piece and was taking a short break at his desk when Xiao Shiqing entered. He quickly picked up his brush, but in his haste, the brush tip left a mark across his face. “I’ll continue practicing!”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, “Aren’t you hungry? Eat first, then write.” He took a handkerchief from the eunuch. “Come here.”


Zhao Qi took a small step back. “I’ll wipe it myself.”


Jiang Dehai brought a plate of almond pastries and a bowl of snow fungus and lotus seed soup. As Zhao Qi ate, he asked, “What did the Prime Minister and the officials discuss just now?”


“Mainly about the imperial examinations.”


“Oh, have the results come out?”


“Yes,” Xiao Shiqing said, “One hundred and twenty students have been selected to participate in the palace examination.”


“The palace examination…” Zhao Qi thought for a moment. “Isn’t that the one I preside over?”




Zhao Qi was pleased. After years of taking exams himself, it was finally his turn to supervise others!


Xiao Shiqing looked at him, “Are you happy?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes, of course I’m happy to see the future talents of Dajing. I hope they are genuinely talented and not like Master Chen from the Dali Temple.”


Xiao Shiqing paused, “What’s wrong with Master Chen?”


Zhao Qi was angry. “I asked him to investigate the disappearance of the early peaches from Muyang Temple, and he actually said that my little peaches were stolen by rats from Muyang Temple. Can you believe that?”




“He thinks I’m a fool. I picked so many peaches—how could rats steal them all in one night? Are all the rats in the capital at Muyang Temple?”




“Prime Minister, don’t you think it’s infuriating?”


Xiao Shiqing calmly replied, “It is.”


After filling his stomach, Zhao Qi resumed his work. Xiao Shiqing watched him for a while and said, “Once you finish practicing the calligraphy, you can rest for a day.”


Zhao Qi stretched. “Then I’ll definitely sleep for a whole day.”


In the end, Zhao Qi did not get his wish to sleep for a whole day. Zhao Qiao, learning that Xiao Shiqing had granted him a day off, eagerly said, “Your Majesty, why don’t you come out of the palace with me to get some fresh air?”


Aside from the trip to Muyang Mountain, Zhao Qi had never left the palace. As an emperor, he didn’t even know what the capital of his own country looked like. He was very eager to see the outside world, but he valued his life even more. “No, what if I encounter an assassin?”


“Your Majesty, you’ve been out of the palace with me several times before, and there have always been secret guards accompanying us. Nothing has ever happened.”


Zhao Qi hesitated. “Give me some time to think about it.”


Zhao Qiao continued to persuade him, “Your Majesty, a new Spring Breeze Pavilion has opened in the southern part of the city. It has been attracting many powerful and influential people recently. I’ve heard that it’s like a paradise on earth, and once people go there, they can’t move away!”


Spring Breeze Pavilion… It sounds like the name of a grand restaurant. Zhao Qi asked, “Is the food inside really that good?”


Zhao Qiao smiled widely, “Of course, one bite is enough to make you feel like you’re floating in the sky!”


Zhao Qi was skeptical, “Is that true?”


“How could I deceive Your Majesty?” Zhao Qiao said with a serious expression, “That would be a crime of deceiving the emperor!”


Although Zhao Qi could eat delicacies from various places in the palace every day, he was curious to try some local cuisine. He made up his mind, “Alright, let’s go to Spring Breeze  Pavilion!”


Although the current Great Jing Dynasty had a less competent emperor, with Empress Dowager Wen and Minister Xiao Shiqing in charge, the common people still lived fairly stable lives. The capital city was bustling with activity, with all kinds of shops lining the streets. The streets were crowded, and there were also many foreigners dressed in unusual clothes.


Zhao Qi, dressed in a light blue and white brocade robe, looked no different from the pampered young masters of the capital, except his face was a bit more refined and fair. Zhao Qiao, a frequent visitor, led Zhao Qi to Spring Breeze  Pavilion. As soon as they entered, an old madam greeted them, “Young Master Zhao Si, you’ve finally arrived! The young ladies have been waiting for you!”


Zhao Qi’s expression turned complicated; it turned out that Spring Breeze  Pavilion was the famous brothel. No wonder Zhao Qiao was so eager to bring him here.


The old madam looked at the young man behind Zhao Qiao and asked, “Who is this?”


Zhao Qiao said mysteriously, “This is a very, very, very, very, very important person. You must serve him well.”


There were many high-ranking officials and influential families in the capital, and the old madam had seen her share of important people. She smiled and said, “Please follow me, Young Masters.”


Zhao Qi stood at the entrance, unmoved, “Forget it, I won’t go in.”


Zhao Qiao was anxious, “How can we just leave now that we’re here?”


Zhao Qi said, “If my brother finds out I came to such a disreputable place…”


“Oh, Young Master, you’re mistaken,” the old madam said. “All the young ladies here are pure and clean; they perform arts, not trade their bodies. If you have strict family rules, you can come in, get a private room, have some drinks, listen to some music. I’m sure your brother won’t mind.”


Zhao Qi remained hesitant, “I’m not sure…”


Zhao Qiao pushed Zhao Qi into Spring Breeze  Pavilion, “Oh, my good brother, it’s not your first time in such a place. Even Lord Xiao didn’t get angry before. Let’s go, let’s go! If we delay, the best girls will be picked up!”


Zhao Qi reluctantly followed, somewhat confused, into the brothel. Contrary to what he expected, the place was quite elegant. Many scholars dressed in traditional attire were composing poetry.


The old madam proudly said, “These young gentlemen are all newly graduated scholars who will be attending the palace examinations tomorrow!”


Zhao Qi was startled, “Quick, get me a private room!” If those scholars remembered his face, he might be recognized at the palace examination—he didn’t even want to think about that scenario.


The old madam led them to a private room and asked, “Would you like a young lady to accompany you?”


“That goes without saying!” Zhao Qiao waved his hand, “Bring out the most beautiful courtesan in your pavilion!”


The old madam smiled, “Oh, the courtesan is with Young Master Li these days and might not be available for other guests.”


“How much did Young Master Li pay you? We’ll double it!”


Zhao Qi rolled his eyes, “Spendthrift, you don’t even deserve the Zhao surname. Ignore him, just bring two sisters who can play some tunes. Also, bring out all your best food and drinks.”


Soon, the old madam brought in two young ladies, one named Ru Yan and the other Ru Meng. They had a refined demeanor, like fresh lotus flowers, and were indeed different from the usual common courtesans.


Ru Yan and Ru Meng sat down, one next to Zhao Qi and the other next to Zhao Qiao.


“What music would the Young Master like to hear?”


“Would the Young Master like some wine?”


Zhao Qi said, “Play whatever you like—sister, move aside, you’re blocking me from reaching the food.”


Zhao Qiao shook his head, “Brother, you’ve really changed.”


Zhao Qi shrugged, “No choice, my family is very strict.”


Zhao Qiao chuckled and told Ru Yan and Ru Meng, “You, play some music; you, fill up my glass.”


The dishes at Spring Breeze  Pavilion had their own flavors compared to those made by the palace chefs. Zhao Qi was quite happy to try different tastes. Zhao Qiao and Ru Meng kept offering him drinks, and he graciously accepted a few glasses, creating a pleasant atmosphere.


Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the private room, followed by hurried footsteps. Zhao Qi put down his wine glass, “What’s happening? Are there assassins?”


Zhao Qiao looked terrified, “No way, are there really assassins? Where are the secret guards? Protect me, quickly!”


Ru Yan stood up, “Young Masters, don’t panic. I’ll go check.”


A moment later, Ru Yan returned, “Don’t worry, Young Masters. It’s the officials from the government, sent by Minister Xiao to look for someone. They are asking all the men to go to the main hall.”


Zhao Qi and Zhao Qiao stared at each other, “He wouldn’t be looking for me, right? Damn, it must be!”


Zhao Qiao was frantic, “Minister Xiao is overstepping! Does he think he’s the empress?”


Zhao Qi trembled, “I can’t be discovered, especially not seen by those scholars in the main hall.” He was frustrated and felt like he might puke blood; he knew coming to such a place would bring trouble.

Ru Yan worriedly said, “I’m afraid it won’t work. Even if you don’t go downstairs, the officials will search room by room.”


Ru Meng said, “I do have a plan, but I’m not sure if it will work.”


The private room where Zhao Qi was hiding remained unmoved, and indeed, the officials came to the door themselves.


The door was suddenly kicked open, and a man with a thick beard and sideburns entered. Seeing the four people, he addressed Zhao Qiao, “Who are you to defy the orders of the Prime Minister?”


Zhao Qiao arrogantly said, “I am Zhao. Who do you think I am?”


The bearded man scrutinized Zhao Qiao, “Being named Zhao won’t help. The Prime Minister said that no matter how high your status or who your relatives are, you cannot be spared! Someone, bring Zhao Gongzi downstairs!”


Zhao Qiao was carried out by two burly men, one of his shoes falling off. He screamed like a pig being slaughtered, “Dare you touch me?! I’ll have the Emperor have your heads chopped off and kicked like balls—”


Zhao Qi, with his head down: Sorry, brother, I’m not that cruel.


After the officials left, Zhao Qi suddenly lifted his head and said to Ru Meng, “Thank you, miss. It’s not safe to stay here. I must take my leave.”


Ru Meng asked, “How will you get out? The front door is full of officials.”


“I’ll find a way to sneak out. They’re only looking for men, so they probably won’t notice me. Sisters, we’ll meet again.”


After Zhao Qi left, Ru Yan and Ru Meng exchanged glances and sighed, “This young master in women’s attire is even more eye-catching than in men’s clothing…”


At this moment, Zhao Qi was dressed in a bright red skirt, with black hair like ink and red lips like fire. He wore a golden hairpin and sneaked along the corridor. It was embarrassing, but with so many boys cross-dressing these days, it wasn’t a big deal compared to being hauled back from the brothel by Xiao Shiqing or being recognized by examinees at the palace exam.


The skirt was a bit long, and Zhao Qi was worried about stepping on it, so he walked very carefully. Unexpectedly, a familiar-looking man approached. Zhao Qi vaguely thought he was a palace guard and might recognize him.


Cursing softly, Zhao Qi quickly pushed open a nearby door and hid inside.


“This must be one of the high-ranking courtesans who came right to our door.”


A slightly flirtatious voice has said, and Zhao Qi turned to see a pair of charming, almond-shaped eyes.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep