Chapter 22 – I was proposed to. (Not really)


The young man in front was dressed entirely in white. Without a headpiece, his black hair fell over his chest, his eyebrows were like distant mountains, and his eyes resembled peach blossoms—he was exceptionally handsome and charming. Beside him stood a fairy-like young lady, holding a cushion and slowly swaying it.


Zhao Qi opened his mouth to speak but then remembered he was dressed as a woman. Speaking now would likely reveal his identity, so he closed his mouth again.


The young man looked at him and said, “Hmm? Why aren’t you speaking?”


Because if I open my mouth, you might be scared to death.


“Jiuniang, do you recognize her?”


The woman beside the young man straightened up and looked Zhao Qi up and down. “This girl looks unfamiliar. Could she be a newcomer?”


The young man smiled, “Yes, she is to my liking.”


Zhao Qi: “…” Don’t like me. I’m emotionless, and I’m bigger than you.


The woman seemed a bit discontented. “The young master specifically asked for my company these past few days, so my mother wouldn’t send someone else. This person probably knows the young master is generous and came here to offer herself.”


Zhao Qi: “…” I’m not, I don’t have, stop saying nonsense.


“Very good,” the young man said with a hint of drunkenness, “I am missing someone like her by my side.”


The woman linked her arm with the young man’s. “Then does the young master no longer need Jiuniang?”


The young man looked down at her and wrapped his arm around her slender waist. “I want both you and her.”


This is acceptable. Only children make choices. Adults naturally want everything.


“What’s your name?” the young man asked.


Zhao Qi hesitated for a moment and shook his head.


“Could it be that you can’t speak?”


Playing mute is an option. Zhao Qi nodded.


The woman covered her mouth with the cushion and chuckled, “Where did this mute come from, daring to serve Young Master Li?”


“Interesting,” the young man said with interest. “Come here, darling, pour me a drink.”


Zhao Qi glared at him. Even Xiao Shiqing hasn’t drunk the wine I poured. Who does this person think he is?


And calling me darling? Do I know you? Flirt, lecherous scoundrel, that’s who you are!


Seeing Zhao Qi’s lack of response, the young man raised his eyebrow and was about to speak when a knock on the door interrupted him.


“Master,” a melodious female voice said, “There is a Mr. Fang, who claims to be the Capital’s commander, requests an audience.”


The young man said, “Let him in.”


Zhao Qi’s heart skipped a beat. He took small steps to the young man’s side, poured a drink into a cup, and handed it to him.


The young man smiled but did not take the cup. Instead, he leaned down and took a sip directly from Zhao Qi’s hand. When he looked up, his gaze fell on Zhao Qi’s red lips, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. “The scent on you…”


Before he could finish, the door to the room opened. The man with the bushy beard who had just taken Zhao Qi away entered and bowed to the young man. “Your Highness, I apologize for the disturbance.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes widened—Your Highness, this person is a prince? Which prince? He just heard the young lady call him “Young Master Li.” There is only one prince in Dajing who doesn’t have the surname Zhao.


What kind of luck is this? To run into an important character while visiting a brothel. But how did Li Chisu come to the capital without him knowing? Other princes and nobles who come to the capital from their fiefs usually go to the palace to pay their respects to him and Empress Wen. Yet, Li Chisu came directly to the pleasure quarters.


Li Chisu smiled. “A guest is a guest. This prince invites Mr. Fang to a drink?”


Mr. Fang said, “I have official duties and cannot drink.”


Li Chisu did not say more. He picked up a small jug of unopened wine, weighed it in his hand, and threw it forward.


Mr. Fang instinctively caught the jug, hesitating. “This…”


“It’s just a jug of fine wine. Mr. Fang, please take it.”


Mr. Fang could only say, “Thank you, Your Highness.”


Li Chisu changed his posture and lazily lay down on Zhao Qi’s lap. “Mr. Fang, what’s the official business that caused such a commotion? Tell this prince about it.”


Zhao Qi froze. Li Chisu’s long hair was dr4p3d over his hand, and if he looked down, he would see those affectionate peach blossom eyes.


He took a deep breath and comforted himself: We’re both men, it’s just a lap, it’s not going to make a difference, stay calm.


Li Chisu looked up at Zhao Qi’s slightly trembling long lashes and laughed softly. “What kind of incense are you using? This scent is something I’ve never encountered before.” He then playfully toyed with Zhao Qi’s hair.


Zhao Qi remembered that He Changzhou had also mentioned a special scent on him—dragon’s saliva. In all of Dajing, only he used dragon’s saliva. If Li Chisu had smelled it before, that would be strange.


Li Chisu flirted with the courtesan without any sense of propriety. Mr. Fang looked somewhat uncomfortable, especially since the woman in a bright red dress, with her bright eyes and red lips, though heavily made-up, did not seem vulgar at all. Instead, she looked like an innocent, blooming peony, drawing people’s gaze.


Li Chisu had a perceptive heart; no one’s actions escaped his notice. He smiled and asked Mr. Fang, “Is she beautiful?”


Mr. Fang averted his gaze. “I dare not say.”


“What’s there to be afraid of? Everyone likes to look at beauties.” Li Chisu pinched Zhao Qi’s chin. “This prince also likes to look.”


Mr. Fang said, “This girl looks familiar. Is she the one who was in Zhao Gongzi’s room earlier?”


Zhao Qi was horrified. How could this happen? Even dressed as a woman, he could be recognized?!


“Zhao Gongzi just left, and the girl came here to Your Highness. Truly, she is busier than we officials.”


Li Chisu seemed unbothered. “Those who are capable work harder.”


… Damn, who’s capable here? 


Zhao Qi was fuming internally but couldn’t speak, ready to explode on the spot.


Fortunately, Mr. Fang remembered his official duty. “Your Highness, I am here on the Prime Minister’s orders to capture the remnants of Broken Pulse Gang hidden in Spring Breeze Pavilion.”


Zhao Qi’s chest tightened. So these people aren’t here to capture him? Then why is he dressed like this? This is cruel!


Li Chisu said, “Do you think the remnants of Broken Pulse Gang would be hiding here with this prince?”


“I dare not assume so, but the Prime Minister said not to overlook any clues.” Mr. Fang took out a portrait. “May I ask if Your Highness has seen the person in this portrait?”


Li Chisu glanced at it and said, “This person is unremarkable. Even if this prince had seen him, he would have forgotten.”


Jiuniang said coquettishly, “Your Highness probably only remembers the faces of beauties.”


Li Chisu raised his wine cup, signaling her to pour more. “Clever.”


“Since Your Highness hasn’t seen this person, I won’t disturb Your Highness from drinking.” Mr. Fang cupped his hands. “Goodbye.”


After Mr. Fang left, Jiuniang complained, “What a dampener—should Jiuniang accompany Your Highness for another drink?”


Li Chisu swirled his wine cup. “If we drink more, I’ll get drunk.”


Jiuniang giggled. “It’s better if Your Highness gets drunk.”


Zhao Qi couldn’t take it anymore. He patted Li Chisu’s shoulder, signaling him to move his head.


Li Chisu either genuinely didn’t understand or was pretending to be clueless. He asked, “What’s wrong, darling?”


Zhao Qi frowned and shook his head.


Li Chisu reached out to him, opening his palm. “Can you write?”


He could write, but his handwriting was so poor that Li Chisu might not recognize it.


“If you want to tell this prince something, write it down.”


Zhao Qi thought for a moment and used his finger to write on Li Chisu’s hand—


【Make way.】


Li Chisu raised an eyebrow.


【I’m leaving, goodbye.】


Li Chisu chuckled softly, sat up, and freed Zhao Qi’s legs.


Zhao Qi rubbed his aching thighs, stood up to leave, but was stopped when Li Chisu grabbed the hem of his skirt. Zhao Qi tugged at the skirt and looked at Li Chisu with a puzzled expression.


Li Chisu reached out again. “What’s your name, young lady?”


Zhao Qi shook his head expressionlessly.


“Not going to tell me?”


He nodded.




As Zhao Qi was pondering how to make his exit, there was another commotion outside the door, and it was a voice he was very familiar with.


“Isn’t your master Prince Zhao Nan? He is a prince, and my father is also a prince, and the emperor’s own uncle! Get out of the way quickly, or if you delay me finding someone, you’ll lose a hundred heads for it!”


Zhao Qi was overjoyed to hear Zhao Qiao’s voice sounding so happy for the first time, as if he had been granted a pardon.


Li Chisu seemed displeased, “Who is it again?”


A young girl’s voice came through, “Master, it’s a young man who claims to be named Zhao.”


“Zhao…” Li Chisu frowned but quickly relaxed, “Let him in.”


As the door opened, Zhao Qiao rolled in and, upon seeing Zhao Qi, almost burst into tears, “Your Majesty—”


Zhao Qi quickly gave him a ‘shut up’ look. Zhao Qiao choked up and changed his tone, “Heaven bless, I finally found you!”


Li Chisu and Jiu Niang exchanged glances and asked, “And you are…?”


Zhao Qiao wiped his sweat and puffed out his chest, “I am the most beloved cousin of the current Emperor, Zhao Qiao.”


Zhao Qi’s eyelids twitched. Brother, could you please have some dignity?


Li Chisu smiled, “My late father and my great-grandfather were sworn brothers, so if we go by that, Mr. Zhao and the Emperor should both call me… Uncle?”


Zhao Qiao stared blankly for a long moment before realizing, “Stop trying to associate yourself with the Emperor. The Emperor has no uncle named Li, and neither do I! Wait, what is that you’re holding, a skirt?” Zhao Qiao screamed, “You actually—” He almost fainted from the shock.


Li Chisu glanced at the skirt in his hand and then at Zhao Qi, “Do you know this young lady?”


Jiu Niang said, “Could it be that Mr. Zhao is a benefactor to this little mute?”


Zhao Qi was numb to these harsh words, feeling no inner turmoil, even finding it a bit amusing. Zhao Qiao, frantic, stomped his feet and growled, “What nonsense are you talking about? Watch out or I’ll tear your mouth apart!”


Jiu Niang, frightened, hid in Li Chisu’s embrace, who comforted her by patting her shoulder. Zhao Qi took the chance to pull out the skirt and, with a few quick steps, moved to Zhao Qiao’s side, the golden tassels on his head swaying and making crisp sounds. He gestured towards the door, signaling Zhao Qiao: Time to retreat.


Unfortunately, Zhao Qiao’s brain wasn’t working too well, and he didn’t catch Zhao Qi’s hint. He grabbed Zhao Qi’s hand, both crying and laughing, “When I returned to the private room, Ru Yan and Ru Meng said you were gone. I searched everywhere and couldn’t find a trace of you, it scared me to death. Then, it was that Mr. Fang who told me you were here with Prince Zhao Nan…”


Li Chisu chuckled, “Mr. Zhao is so devoted to a courtesan. You really are a man of deep feelings.”


Zhao Qiao was caught off guard, “What courtesan? Have you ever seen a courtesan who looks like this?”


Li Chisu feigned surprise, “So this young lady is Mr. Zhao’s… wife?”


Zhao Qi felt chills all over, and with a snap, he shook off Zhao Qiao’s hand—no orthopedic drama, starting with me.


Zhao Qiao shook his head vigorously, “No, no, no, she is my, uh, sister.”


Li Chisu realized, “So she is a princess. I apologize for my earlier behavior. I must apologize to the princess here.”


Zhao Qi waved his hand. He had no time to argue with Li Chisu. He just wanted to leave this wretched place as soon as possible and then nail the words “Spring Breeze Pavilion” to his own disgrace pole.


“The princess has such grace. However, I still want to know the princess’s name, or at least tell me your family’s order.”


Zhao Qiao asked suspiciously, “Why?”


Li Chisu smiled with narrowed eyes, “So that I can seek the princess as a wife someday.”


Upon hearing this, Zhao Qi and Zhao Qiao exchanged shocked glances, seeing the same astonishment reflected in each other’s eyes. Not only they, but even Jiu Niang was stunned.


Zhao Qiao thought he must have misheard, rubbing his ears, “What did you just say? Say it again?”


Li Chisu, half-seriously, said, “I mistook the princess for a courtesan. Earlier, I was hugging her, feeding her wine, and pulling at her skirt. It’s likely that the princess’s purity has been…”


“Hugging? Feeding wine? Pulling at her skirt?” Zhao Qiao’s voice grew louder with each word. He looked at Zhao Qi, trembling slightly, “Your Majesty… Sister, is what he said true?”


Zhao Qi’s face turned red with embarrassment. He wished he could grab his own hair and throw himself off the building.


Li Chisu continued, “But please rest assured, the princess. I will definitely take responsibility.”


Zhao Qi was on the verge of tears, shaking his head wildly, and even knocked off the golden tassels on his head.


Li Chisu gently said, “I am still unmarried. Even though the princess cannot speak, once she comes to me, she will be the one and only princess consort. I will not let the princess suffer any grievances.”


“No—” Zhao Qiao said hysterically, “My sister is not someone you can just marry off as you please! Not to mention that marriage is something determined by the parents. I don’t agree with this marriage!”


Li Chisu pondered for a moment, “Perhaps, we should go to Japan and have King Jin request the Emperor to grant the marriage?”


Zhao Qiao’s mouth dropped open in shock, “… Huh?”


Zhao Qi, unable to tolerate it any longer, covered his face and ran out. Zhao Qiao hurried after him, “Sister, wait for me! I’m only wearing one shoe!”


Li Chisu bent down to pick up the golden hairpin from the floor, seeming to be deep in thought. Jiu Niang approached from behind, “Now that everyone’s gone, how about I sing a song for the prince?”


“Go down first.”


“Prince…” Jiu Niang called out unwillingly. Li Chisu chuckled softly, “Be good, go on. I’ll listen to you sing later.”


Jiu Niang reluctantly left, looking back several times. A young girl in white with a long sword, elegant in appearance, walked in. She handed Li Chisu a jade fan and said helplessly, “Master, you’ve stirred up trouble again. Be careful not to provoke some tigress that might make it impossible for you to even return to Nanzhou.”


Li Chisu looked innocent, “I really didn’t do it on purpose this time. I didn’t expect the Music Bureau would have such virtuous young women.”


The girl had been standing at the door and heard their conversation clearly. She looked puzzled, “When did the Ninth Prince have a mute daughter?”


Li Chisu shook his head, “I don’t know. She is probably an unfavored illegitimate daughter. Xiaoyu, look into this matter. If the Ninth Prince really has such a daughter…”


Xiao Yu glanced at him sideways and said, “So what if it’s true, Master? You don’t actually want to marry her as your princess, do you?”


Li Chisu nodded, “Yes.”


Xiao Yu grew anxious. “Prince, there are so many young ladies to choose from. Why would you insist on marrying a mute? And the girls in the capital are all pampered and delicate, unable to take care of themselves. How can they compare to the girls from our Southern Province?”


Li Chisu lightly tapped her forehead with his jade fan. “Your prince is approaching his thirties, and the position of princess has been vacant for a long time. I’m not in a hurry, but someone else is.”


Xiao Yu, who had been raised by Li Chisu and was very clever, asked, “Are you talking about… the Empress Dowager?”


Li Chisu’s eyes showed approval as he said, “The Empress Dowager and Xiao Shiqing have always been wary of me. Last time, in the memorial I sent to the palace, the Empress Dowager hinted that she wanted to marry the Emperor’s younger sister, Princess Jiayan, to me, to restrain me and the three southwestern provinces.”


Xiao Yu understood. “So, Master wants to use today’s incident to refuse this marriage proposal?”


“Mm, the Ninth Prince has no power or influence, just a idle prince. Having him as my father-in-law and marrying a mute princess will save a lot of trouble in the future.” Li Chisu smiled and said, “When the time comes to meet the Emperor, I’ll just say I inadvertently offended the Ninth Prince’s daughter, and to preserve the princess’s honor, I have no choice but to marry her. This reason is so lofty that even the Empress Dowager won’t refuse.”


“But, Master, won’t you feel wronged?” Xiao Yu asked. “That is your princess, your legitimate wife. Haven’t you always told me you wanted to find someone you truly like as your spouse?”


“Fool, I am different from you. In a noble family, marriage is not entirely within one’s control. Even the Emperor cannot choose only what he likes for the empress. A mere princess is nothing significant.”


Xiao Yu teased, “Oh, come on. I think Master is really interested in her and came up with this plan as a way to go with the flow.”


Li Chisu neither confirmed nor denied it. He looked at the gold hairpin in his hand, chuckled softly, and said, “What a splendid flower of wealth and honor.”


As soon as Zhao Qi left Spring Breeze Pavilion, he let out a long howl, “Ahhhh, I can finally speak! I want to talk for three days and nights!”


Zhao Qiao fell to his knees with a thud, “Your Majesty, I am guilty! Please, Your Majesty, punish me lightly!”


Zhao Qi vented his frustration, but still felt uneasy. Seeing Zhao Qiao’s blackened white socks, he was both angry and amused. “You are indeed guilty. Let me think, what should be your punishment? How about castration?”


Zhao Qiao was terrified and knocked his head repeatedly, “Your Majesty, have mercy! By heaven and earth, I only wanted to bring some joy to Your Majesty, I really didn’t expect so many issues tonight. Your Majesty, am I still your most beloved brother?”


Zhao Qi was cold and unfeeling. “No, go away.”


“Wuwuwu, Your Majesty, my feelings for you are as unchanging as the rivers and streams…”


Zhao Qi frowned. “Why does that line sound so familiar?”


Zhao Qiao sniffled. “Your Majesty?”


“What’s the next line after ‘Strange changes, yet the ordinary does not change’?”


Zhao Qiao was confused. “Huh?”


“It’s nothing,” Zhao Qi said, “Just keep wailing, I must have thought too much.”




After Zhao Qiao cried for a while, Zhao Qi finally said, “That’s enough. It’s so late, do you want to disturb the people?”


Zhao Qiao hiccupped. “Then, Your Majesty, are we still going to do the castration?”


“No castration,” Zhao Qi pulled Zhao Qiao up. “Let’s return to the palace first. I need to attend court early tomorrow morning.”


Zhao Qiao complained, “Your Majesty, you scared me to death— but, do you want to change your clothes before we go back?”


“That’s obvious—”


“Change what? If you like wearing them, wear them enough.”


A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind. Zhao Qi and Zhao Qiao exchanged glances again, this time seeing Zhao Shi’s fear.


Zhao Qiao asked, “Your Majesty, should we turn around?”


Zhao Qi gritted his teeth. “As long as we run fast enough, he won’t catch us!”


No sooner had he spoken, two men in black appeared out of nowhere, landing right in front of them, kneeling and saluting, “Greetings, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qiao said, “Your Majesty, it seems we can’t run.”


“Mm…” Zhao Qi’s expression grew serious. “It seems we have only one option left.”




Zhao Qi suddenly turned around, his tone sincere, “Brother Prime Minister, I was wrong!”


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes were somber as he fixed his gaze on Zhao Qi. After a while, he said, “Your Majesty, please get in the carriage. I will take you home.”


Zhao Qi was “invited” away by Xiao Shiqing, leaving Zhao Qiao, who was left behind with only one shoe, wondering, “What should I do?”


Zhao Qi sat in the carriage while Xiao Shiqing sat opposite him, never taking his eyes off him. Zhao Qi felt uncomfortable under his gaze and opened the carriage window to get some fresh air.


Xiao Shiqing spoke the first words after getting in the carriage, “What’s the matter?”


Zhao Qi said, “I’m feeling a bit stuffy.”


Xiao Shiqing, with a hint of a smile, asked, “Why weren’t you stuffy in Spring Breeze Pavilion?”


Zhao Qi thought seriously before answering, “Maybe because the carriage is a bit cramped?”


Xiao Shiqing gave him a cold look. Zhao Qi promptly pretended nothing had happened and turned to look out the window.


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Where did your clothes come from?”


“Miss Ru Meng gave them to me.”


Hearing “Ru Meng,” Xiao Shiqing’s expression darkened. “It seems the beauties left in the harem cannot satisfy the Emperor, so the Emperor had to look for flowers and willows outside the palace.”


Zhao Qi swore, “I only had a bite to eat and listened to a few songs in Spring Breeze Pavilion. I didn’t do anything else, not even touched Ru Meng’s hand!”


Xiao Shiqing smiled. “Oh, and there’s another one named Ru Yan.”


Zhao Qi stood up, moved to sit beside Xiao Shiqing, and said softly, “Others may not know me, but don’t you, Brother Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing looked up at him. “Know what?”


Zhao Qi blushed and said, “I was previously ill and did not touch any of the harem beauties. After recovering, I promised my mother to cultivate myself before selecting a consort. So, my body is still pure and untainted.”


“…Got it.”


“Then, are you not angry anymore, Prime Minister Brother?”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression did look a bit better. “Tell me everything that happened tonight,” his gaze fell on Zhao Qi’s red lips, “including why you’re dressed like this.”


Zhao Qi recounted what needed to be said, of course omitting the reason he dressed as a woman thinking Xiao Shiqing was here to arrest him, as well as Li Chisu’s proposal. “But, how did you know I was at Spring Breeze Pavilion?”


Xiao Shiqing replied calmly, “Do you think you’re the only one with spies around?”


“…Fine then.”


“However, I didn’t expect you to meet King Zhaonan at Spring Breeze Pavilion—what did you two talk about?”


Zhao Qi felt a bit guilty. “Nothing much. Prime Minister Brother, since Li Chisu has been in the capital for a while, why hasn’t he come to the palace to see me?”


Xiao Shiqing, wanting to teach him about strategy, asked, “What do you think?”


“To make us believe he’s a frivolous person unfit for important duties?”




Zhao Qi thought for a moment. “But from his perspective, we don’t know he’s in the capital. So, who is he putting on an act for?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “He might think that even if I know, he knows I know.”


Zhao Qi: ??? No more riddles, please.


Soon, the carriage stopped, and the coachman said, “Prime Minister, we’ve arrived.”


Xiao Shiqing looked at the drowsy Zhao Qi and asked, “Are you tired?”


Zhao Qi rubbed his eyes. “A bit.”


Xiao Shiqing got out of the carriage first, took a cloak from a servant, dr4p3d it over Zhao Qi, and then carried him out in a princess carry.


As a man being carried by another man, Zhao Qi couldn’t help but feel a bit resistant. “I can walk myself.”


Xiao Shiqing coldly said, “Are you sure you want others to see you like this?”




“Then keep your head down.”


As Zhao Qi buried his head against Xiao Shiqing’s chest, he suddenly thought he could have just covered his face!


At that moment, he heard a completely unfamiliar voice: “The Prime Minister has returned to the residence—”


Zhao Qi’s body tensed—returned to the residence? What residence?! Weren’t they going back to the palace?!

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep