Chapter 23 – I often seem out of tune with you because I am too pure.


Zhao Qi squirmed uneasily in Xiao Shiqing’s arms. “Prime Minister, aren’t we going back to the palace?”


“I meant going home,” Xiao Shiqing said in a deep voice. “Stop moving around.”


Zhao Qi replied, “…Oh.”


The Xiao residence was located in the best part of the capital, just two streets away from the imperial palace. For many of Xiao’s political allies, the Xiao residence was the real symbol of power, more so than the imperial palace.


Xiao Shiqing’s parents were still alive. His father had retired three years ago after achieving great success and had returned to his hometown to enjoy his retirement; he was now living on a farm in the outskirts of the capital. Xiao Shiqing’s mother had originally been with his father, but upon realizing that such a large residence had no mistress, she couldn’t bear to leave it unattended and had moved back to the capital to manage the household affairs for Xiao Shiqing.


Since Xiao Shiqing had risen to the position of Chief Minister, he had been constantly occupied with state affairs and often stayed at the palace, only returning home three or four times a month. Every time he returned, the servants would inform his mother, and today was no exception.


“What did you say?” Xiao’s mother asked in disbelief. “Xiao Shiqing has come back and he’s holding a girl in his arms? Are you sure you didn’t see wrongly? He’s holding a girl, not a scroll of petitions?”


The servant replied, “Old Madam, I saw it clearly. The Prime Minister is indeed holding a girl, dressed in bright red clothes, very festive.”


Xiao’s mother closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and murmured, “Blessed Buddha, blessed Buddha, my son has finally seen the light!”


The servant added, “But Old Madam, I heard that the Prime Minister picked this girl up from Spring Breeze Pavillion. Given what kind of place Spring Breeze Pavillion is, I’m afraid the girl might…”


Xiao’s mother waved her hand dismissively, saying, “What does it matter if it’s Spring Breeze Pavillion or Xiayu Tower? As long as she’s a girl, that’s all that counts!”


The servant chuckled, “Old Madam must be overjoyed.”


Xiao’s mother could barely contain her excitement. “Yes, I’ve waited so long for this day. Xiao Shiqing is so proud and has such high standards. I’ve found so many concubines and maidservants for him, but he didn’t like any of them. Over the years, he’s been so busy with state affairs that he hasn’t had the time or inclination for romance. I never expected him to have a day like this. I thought he would spend his life with official documents!”


The servant said, “Maybe next year Old Madam will have a grandchild. This is truly a great joy!”


Xiao’s mother, delighted, asked, “Do we still have the secret recipe we got from the palace last time?”


The servant replied, “The recipe for the childbirth medicine? Yes, I’ve kept it safe.”


“Quickly prepare a batch. Send it to the girl first thing tomorrow morning!”


Xiao Shiqing carried Zhao Qi into the room and placed him on the bed behind the screen. Zhao Qi didn’t dare move or ask questions, simply staring up at Xiao Shiqing with his big eyes full of confusion.


Xiao Shiqing calmly explained, “You’re not in a condition to return to the palace. You’ll stay here for the night and go back tomorrow.”


Zhao Qi asked, “Oh… or could the Prime Minister provide me with a change of clothes so I can change and then go back to the palace?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “I’m very busy.”




“I don’t have time to escort you.”


“I don’t need you to escort me…”


Xiao Shiqing coolly said, “Does the Emperor think the Xiao residence is unfit to host the Emperor for one night?”


Zhao Qi protested, “I didn’t say that.”


“Then just stay here properly.”


Zhao Qi reluctantly nodded, “Prime Minister, about the clothes…”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him and smiled slightly, “I said, since the Emperor likes wearing them, you might as well wear them a bit longer.”


Zhao Qi: “…”


“I have other matters to attend to. The Emperor should rest now.”


After Xiao Shiqing left, several maidservants came in with hot water and towels to help Zhao Qi wash his face. Zhao Qi had removed his makeup, but he was still wearing his dress, which gave him an ambiguous appearance.


The maidservants didn’t dare speak much and left as soon as they were done. Zhao Qi had long since lost his desire to sleep and began examining the room. The room was spacious, with only the essentials and no extra items, indicating that the owner rarely stayed there.


Zhao Qi climbed into bed, still wearing his skirt. He stared at the ceiling, recalling the events of the day, and felt his face grow hot again. He lifted his arm to cover his eyes and muttered, “What a sin…”


It was rare for Xiao Shiqing to spend a night at home. Any matters that needed decisions from Xiao Mu had to wait for him to handle. His trusted steward presented dozens of invitations and letters. Xiao Shiqing glanced at the beginnings of most but paid no further attention, except for one invitation, which he read from start to finish.


The steward recognized the invitation. “Prime Minister, this is an invitation from the King of Huai.”


“Hmm,” Xiao Shiqing replied, “The person hasn’t arrived yet, but the invitation has come ahead.”


The steward said, “The King of Huai has official business and can discuss it with the Prime Minister at the palace. If he wishes to visit in person now, it must be for personal matters—will the Prime Minister receive him at the residence?”


Xiao Shiqing thought for a moment. “No need to reply to this invitation. If the King of Huai really comes, treat him as you would any other guest.”


The steward nodded in agreement.


Xiao Shiqing then asked, “Have there been any unusual activities from the big households you’ve been monitoring lately?”


The two of them talked until the fifth watch. When Xiao Shiqing returned to his room, the little emperor was sleeping soundly on his bed, his cheeks flushed, lips slightly parted, and a red skirt peeking out from the covers.


Xiao Shiqing sat by the bed, looking at the face he had previously underestimated, feeling an unusual sense of confusion in his eyes.


Since when had he started to think of this face as “innocent and cheerful, candid and lovable”?


A maid tiptoed in. “Prime Minister, it’s time to go to the palace for court.”


Xiao Shiqing came back to his senses and called out, “Your Majesty.”


There was no response.


He shook Zhao Qi a few times. Zhao Qi frowned, opened his eyes a crack, mumbled something, grabbed his hand and pulled it into his embrace, then closed his eyes again.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened slightly, his other hand slowly closing into a fist.


After a short while, the maid urged again, “Prime Minister, if you don’t get up now, you’ll be late for court.”


Xiao Shiqing replied with a “Hmm,” withdrew his hand, and directly lifted the blanket.


On the bed, the little emperor’s long hair was scattered over the pillow, with a few strands in his mouth; the crimson Confucian robe was in disarray, interwoven with the black hair, creating a bewitching scene.


Zhao Qi shivered, trying to grab the blanket but found nothing. He opened his eyes, gradually waking up, looked at the familiar face, and called out, “Prime Minister brother.”


Xiao Shiqing shifted his gaze slightly. “Get up, it’s time for court.”


Xiao Shiqing, finally showing some mercy, allowed Zhao Qi to change into male attire. Zhao Qi asked, “Prime Minister brother, are we already late?”




“What should we do then?”


“They will wait,” Xiao Shiqing said, referring to the officials.


After some commotion, the two were ready to leave the residence but were stopped by Granny Shen, who was beside Xiao Mu. Granny Shen was a maid who accompanied Xiao Mu into marriage. Xiao Shiqing treated her differently from ordinary servants. “Granny, is there something you need?”


Granny Shen, holding a bowl of soup, glanced at Zhao Qi. “Oh? Prime Minister, where is the young lady you brought back last night?”


Zhao Qi looked up innocently—he had no idea.


Xiao Shiqing asked, “What about it?”


“I was sent by the old lady to deliver this soup to the young lady.”


Xiao Shiqing inquired, “Soup?”


“The confinement soup from the palace.”


“Cough, cough—cough, cough, cough—” Zhao Qi started coughing violently, his face turning almost as red as blood—It’s hard to fit in when you’re not twisted enough.


Xiao Shiqing laughed and said, “Granny, leave it in the room. I’ll have him drink it later.”


Zhao Qi covered his mouth: You’re not getting him to drink it!


In Taihua Hall, the civil and military officials had been waiting for half an hour, but neither the Prime Minister nor the Emperor had made an appearance.


He Changzhou leaned against a pillar in the hall, arms crossed, looking at the Emperor’s dragon throne and Xiao Shiqing’s sandalwood chair, lost in thought.


The Minister of the Army approached him. “General He, why are both the Prime Minister and the Emperor so late today?”


He Changzhou replied lazily, “Why are you asking me? Who should I ask?”


The Minister of the Army showed curiosity. “Aren’t you curious, General He?”


“Curious,” He Changzhou nodded, “That’s why I plan to ask in person.”


The Minister of the Army sighed. “General He and Prime Minister Xiao have such a good relationship. If it were me, I wouldn’t dare to ask.”


He Changzhou smiled. “Who says I’m going to ask the Prime Minister?”


The Minister of the Army was surprised. “Then who are you going to ask—”


Suddenly, the ministers who had been whispering fell silent. He Changzhou turned his head and saw Xiao Shiqing standing at the door of the hall.


Xiao Shiqing walked past everyone and had just sat down on the sandalwood chair when a eunuch announced loudly, “The Emperor has arrived—”


He Changzhou and the other officials knelt and saluted, looking up at the Emperor on the dragon throne.


The Emperor seemed to have had a poor night’s sleep, yawning even while saying “You may rise.”


He Changzhou attended the court distractedly, and while Xiao Shiqing was discussing the palace examination matters with the Ministry of Rites, he went to the Palace of Governance.


Since he started managing state affairs, Zhao Qi’s residence had shifted from Yonghua Palace to the Palace of Governance. When He Changzhou arrived, Zhao Qi was bent over, deeply engrossed in calculations.


He Changzhou said, “Your Majesty.”


Zhao Qi looked up. “He Changzhou, you’re here.”


He Changzhou walked to the desk and looked at Zhao Qi writing a series of strange characters. “What is Your Majesty writing?”


“Um, the country’s figures,” Zhao Qi put down his pen with a sigh. “He Changzhou, I’m so poor.”


He Changzhou laughed. “How so?”


“I just calculated the money in the treasury and lost quite a bit of hair,” Zhao Qi counted on his fingers. “We need money for the imperial examinations, for the longevity festival, for maintaining the army… Recently, there have been major floods in the south, which means we need money for disaster relief and flood control. I originally wanted them to cancel the longevity festival, which is just my birthday anyway, and have a nice meal made for me, but my mother wouldn’t agree to it no matter what.”


He Changzhou said, “Your Majesty, the longevity festival is not just your birthday. It’s also the day when the various local princes return to the capital and the envoys from other countries come to pay their respects. If any year the longevity festival is not held, what will the neighboring countries think of our Great Jing?”


Zhao Qi sighed and said, “You’re saying the same thing as the Empress Dowager. What troubles me the most right now is the major flooding in the south. The funds are limited. Should we prioritize disaster relief or flood control?”


He Changzhou pondered for a moment and replied, “Your Majesty, instead of getting tangled up in this, why not think about how to fill the national treasury?”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up. “Do you have a solution?”


“The biggest expenditure in the treasury right now is the military salaries. I do have a way to save a sum for Your Majesty, but I have a condition.”


Zhao Qi asked, “What condition?”


He Changzhou smiled without speaking.


Zhao Qi grew a bit anxious and grabbed He Changzhou’s arm, urging, “Don’t leave me hanging like this; it’s killing me!”


He Changzhou chuckled, “The condition is that Your Majesty answers one question of mine and lets me hold you for a bit.”


Zhao Qi’s gaze at He Changzhou became complicated as he hesitated, “Changzhou…”




“Do you really enjoy holding me?”




“Then do you have… a particular fondness for… broken sleeves?”


He Changzhou was momentarily taken aback but then smiled, “I just find Your Majesty’s scent pleasant and holding you comfortable, like cuddling with a soft, fluffy cat.”


So you’re treating me like a pet. Zhao Qi said, “Fine, I agree. What do you want to ask?”


He Changzhou asked, “Where did Your Majesty go last night?”


Zhao Qi didn’t expect this question from He Changzhou, “Uh…”


“Your Majesty promised me, no reneging.”


Zhao Qi scratched his head, “I left the palace.”


“And then?”


Since avoiding the pain wasn’t any better than facing it, Zhao Qi decided to just blurt it out, “Then I went to Chunfeng Pavilion, and then the Prime Minister caught me there and took me back to his residence.”


He Changzhou’s expression was playful, “And then?”


Zhao Qi said, “Then I just fell asleep.”


“Just sleeping?”


Zhao Qi wondered, “What else could I do at that hour except sleep?”


He Changzhou smiled, “There are plenty of things one could do.”


Zhao Qi: “…” I suspect you’re hinting at something, and I have evidence.


He Changzhou leaned against the desk and casually twirled a document with his fingertips, “So, Your Majesty, have you tried it?”


“Try what?”


He Changzhou answered naturally, “What’s the elegant term for it—cloud and rain matters?”


“…” The pace of the conversation suddenly accelerated.


Before Zhao Qi could answer, He Changzhou continued, “Oh, I forgot, Your Majesty has three thousand beauties in the harem. This must be just everyday stuff for you.”


Zhao Qi corrected him, “Not three thousand, only twelve now.”


He Changzhou stopped his actions and looked down at Zhao Qi, “I haven’t tried it myself.”


“You’re still young.”


“Can Your Majesty tell me what it feels like?”


“Absolutely not!”


He Changzhou moved closer, “Why not?”


Thanks for the invitation, but I don’t know either.


Zhao Qi raised his hand to push He Changzhou’s face away, pretending to stay calm, “You can only ask me one question.”


He Changzhou shrugged, looking nonchalant, “Alright then. How about a hug?”


“Sure.” Zhao Qi planned to give him a brotherly hug but was surprised when He Changzhou supported his waist and lifted him up. Zhao Qi’s legs were off the ground, and he cried out in surprise, instinctively wrapping his arms around He Changzhou’s neck.


He Changzhou chuckled softly and placed him on the desk.


Zhao Qi, still in shock, said, “This isn’t how you hug people.”


He Changzhou replied confidently, “That’s how I always hug.”


“Really?” Zhao Qi was astonished, “Do you hug your comrades in the army like this too?”


He Changzhou imagined the scene and frowned, “I don’t hug them, only you.” He rested his chin on Zhao Qi’s shoulder, taking a deep breath, “You really smell wonderful…”


Zhao Qi looked up in resignation—oh, citizens of Great Jing, I have sacrificed so much for you.


A few days later, it was time for the triennial palace examination. The successful candidates from the preliminary exams were writing furiously in Taihua Hall. Zhao Qi walked around the hall, stopping behind a candidate, pretending to observe and nodding seriously.


Zhao Qi stood behind this candidate for quite some time, but the candidate remained focused and wrote swiftly.


When Zhao Qi returned to his seat, Xiao Shiqing asked, “Can you understand it?”


Zhao Qi replied, “No. But his handwriting is very beautiful, and he’s written twice as much as the other candidates.”


“Is that so,” Xiao Shiqing asked casually, “What’s this person’s name?”


The chief examiner replied, “Replying to the Prime Minister, his surname is Xu and his given name is Qiu.”


Among all the candidates, Zhao Qi only remembered Xu Qiu. Besides writing fast and being the first to submit his paper, it was also because he looked somewhat indescribable—narrow eyes, thick lips, and a large mole on his face.


After the examination, the examiners immediately began grading the papers. According to Great Jing’s customs, the top scholar, second place, and third place should be selected by the Emperor himself. However, Zhao Qi, who had difficulty understanding the essays, wisely left this task to the chief examiner. After grading, the chief examiner presented the lists for the top three scholars to Zhao Qi, who looked through them and asked, “Xu Qiu didn’t make the list? I thought he was very impressive.”


The chief examiner and the deputy examiner exchanged glances, “Well…”


Zhao Qi asked, “What’s with that expression? Just speak your mind.”


The chief examiner said, “Your Majesty, Xu Qiu’s writing flows like a stream and every word is exquisite. Giving him the third place would not be unjust.”


Zhao Qi was puzzled, “Then why was he not selected?”


The chief examiner explained, “Your Majesty, Xu Qiu’s appearance is unattractive. If he were to become an official, it might harm the reputation of our Great Jing Emperor.”


Zhao Qi was both angry and amused, “You’re selecting talent, not choosing for looks. Are you judging him by his face?”




“If you ask me, as long as he has true talent and learning, even if he were a hundred times uglier, I wouldn’t mind,” Zhao Qi said, “I believe the common people won’t mind either.”


The chief examiner said, “The Emperor’s intention is to give him the title of ‘Top Scholar’?”


“No, the person should receive what they are due. Didn’t you just say he is at least a ‘Flowering Talent’?”


The chief examiner hesitated, “But Your Majesty, since ancient times, the ‘Flowering Talent’ is chosen based on beauty…”


The deputy examiner agreed, “Yes, Your Majesty. Three years ago, Young Master Rong should have been the ‘Second Place Scholar,’ but because of his outstanding appearance, he was demoted to ‘Flowering Talent.’”


“There’s such a thing… Forget about the past, starting this year, in future imperial examinations, you will only consider the candidates’ talent and virtue, and nothing else.”


The chief examiner and the deputy examiner fell silent, and both looked towards Prime Minister Xiao—without the Prime Minister’s orders, they dared not respond.


While Zhao Qi was arguing with the examiners, Xiao Shiqing had been listening quietly, saying nothing.


Xiao Shiqing took a sip of tea and said calmly, “Do as the Emperor says.”


The two examiners agreed repeatedly.


The news that the Emperor had appointed an unattractive person as the ‘Flowering Talent’ soon spread throughout the capital. The common people had mixed reactions, some praised it, while others called it absurd. After hearing about it, Rong Tang went to Zhao Qi and requested to review the examination papers of the top three scholars.


It was rare for Rong Tang to make such a request, so Zhao Qi’s response was, “Of course, of course. Whatever you want, I will give you!”


When Rong Tang was reviewing the papers, Zhao Qi sat beside him, eating snacks from the table. After Rong Tang finished, Zhao Qi asked, “How is it?”


Rong Tang replied, “It’s grand and profound, quite good.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “So, do you think he deserves the title of ‘Flowering Talent’?”




“Good then,” Zhao Qi said, “I hope he won’t disappoint me.”


Rong Tang looked at him, “I heard the Emperor has decreed that future imperial examinations will only consider virtue and talent, nothing else.”


“It should have been like this from the beginning.” If it weren’t for the limitations of the era’s views, Zhao Qi would have wanted to allow women to take exams, promote national education, open up to the outside world, implement the rule of law, and establish monogamy. But he knew these ideas might not be suitable for the current Great Jing; he was just indulging in his thoughts.


Rong Tang said lightly, “Who would have thought that the Emperor would also have a day when he doesn’t judge people by their looks?”


Zhao Qi knew Rong Tang was thinking about the palace exam three years ago, when the cruel Emperor had taken an immediate liking to Rong Tang, and after being rejected, forced him into the palace using the lives of Rong Tang’s family.


Zhao Qi felt embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. He racked his brain for a topic, “Did you finish the candied fruits I gave you last time?”


Rong Tang responded with a soft “Mm.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “I’ll have more sent to you. You’re taking such bitter medicine, so you should eat more sweet things.”


Rong Tang gave a gentle smile, “You’re right, only sweetness can cure bitterness.”


Rong Tang rarely smiled, and when he did, his usual coldness seemed to melt into a pool of autumn water, leaving Zhao Qi a bit dazed. “Rong Tang, you should smile more and drink more hot water,” he said. “That way, you’ll recover faster.”


Rong Tang asked, “Does the Emperor often smile?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi said shamelessly, “Look at me—optimistic, open-minded, never fussing over trivial matters; when facing setbacks, I smile. As the saying goes, ‘There will be times when the strong wind breaks the waves; just hang your sails to cross the vast sea!’ Rong Tang, you should learn from me.”


Rong Tang replied with an “Oh.”


Unfortunately, Zhao Qi soon couldn’t smile anymore.


Inside Yonghua Palace, Zhao Qi spat out the jujube pit from his mouth and said, “What did you say?”


Zhao Qiao cried, “Your Majesty, Li Chisu seems to be serious. He has already come to my house to propose marriage!”


“Wait… Who did he propose to?”


Zhao Qiao pitifully said, “Your Majesty, you may not know, but I have a mute half-sister who is not favored at home. My father even forgets her name. This morning, Li Chisu sent someone to propose to my family. My father thought that having a mute concubine as a princess was a huge fortune and agreed to the marriage without a word. Li Chisu even said he would come to the palace tomorrow to ask the Emperor to grant the marriage…”


Zhao Qi pinched his own philtrum, slumped back into his chair, and pounded the table, saying angrily, “The east wind is powerless, and the flowers are withering. He must be out of his mind!”


“There’s no way. It’s only because the Emperor is so beautiful that even a scoundrel like Li Chisu is infatuated. Only someone as stunning as the Emperor can make a rogue like Li Chisu turn back!”


Zhao Qi twitched his mouth. Even at a time like this, Zhao Qiao could still flatter him; Zhao Qi had to admire that.


“What should we do, Your Majesty,” Zhao Qiao cried, “If they really get married and Li Chisu discovers something is wrong, won’t he lead his army of a hundred thousand to flatten my family?”


Zhao Qi’s head hurt from the noise. “Now you’re scared? You were so arrogant in front of him back then. Also, flattening your family would only require a hundred men, not a hundred thousand.”


Zhao Qiao cried, “Your Majesty…”


“Stop crying and get a grip!” Zhao Qi said, “Let me analyze the situation calmly.”


Zhao Qiao closed his mouth, his small eyes filled with great grievance.


After a moment, Zhao Qi said, “As long as I don’t agree to this marriage, it won’t matter how much Li Chisu and your father hit it off. Besides, my mother definitely won’t agree. She has always wanted to marry Jia Yan off to Li Chisu.”


Zhao Qiao asked hesitantly, “Really?”


“Of course. Don’t worry, I will never let him get what he wants.” Zhao Qi said angrily, “Li Chisu, that philandering scoundrel, actually wants to marry me as a princess. Why doesn’t he just go to heaven!”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep