Chapter 30 – How can the flowers at home be as attractive as the ones in the wild? (Part 2)


Zhao Qi returned to the side room, and Zhao Qiao came forward, handing him a cup of tea. “Your Majesty, how is the situation?”


Zhao Qi took a big gulp of tea and said, “It’s done.”


Zhao Qiao was overjoyed, “Really?”


“Of course not!” Zhao Qi said, gripping the cup tightly. “What a terrible idea you came up with. It was useless and even made me get harassed by that scoundrel for no reason!”


Zhao Qiao was astonished, “That… that shouldn’t be the case!”


Zhao Qi took the handkerchief handed to him by a maid and began to vigorously rub his face, muttering, “I shouldn’t have wasted my time coming to your place to listen to your nonsense.”


Zhao Qiao trembled with fear, “Your Majesty, this humble servant didn’t expect this either. I genuinely wanted to help alleviate your worries.”


“Well, then I truly thank you.” Zhao Qi said, flinging the handkerchief with force. “I’ve decided that you shouldn’t attend my birthday celebration. Continue your house arrest.”


Zhao Qiao gasped in shock, “But Your Majesty, I traveled from my fief all the way back to the capital just to wish you a happy birthday! Please, for the sake of those two bottles of wine, grant me another chance!”


Zhao Qi didn’t even want to listen, changed his clothes after removing his makeup, and gave Zhao Qiao a final, sharp glance before leaving. No matter how Zhao Qiao wailed behind him, he did not turn back.


When leaving the Ninth Prince’s residence, it was still early. Jiang Dehai asked, “Your Majesty, shall we return to the palace?”


Zhao Qi, seething with anger, said, “Since we’re out, let’s take another stroll.”


As Zhao Qi was walking around, the sound of horse hooves approached from a distance. People on the street instinctively moved aside, and Zhao Qi also stepped to the side with the crowd. Then, a group of young riders whizzed by, kicking up dust.


A young lady dressed in the attire of a high-born lady stood next to Zhao Qi, hiding her face behind a fan. She said to her maid, “From their attire, they should be from the He family’s army.”


“Yes, Miss.” The maid replied cheerfully. “Did you see General He just now?”


Hearing “General He,” Zhao Qi’s ears perked up slightly.


The young lady, her cheeks painted with rouge, said, “I didn’t look closely, so how would I know?”


“But Miss, your eyes were clearly fixed on them just now—”


The young lady pouted, “Stop talking nonsense, or I’ll hit you!”


Unable to hold back, Zhao Qi laughed aloud. The young lady glanced over with some irritation in her apricot eyes and quickly left with her maid.


Zhao Qi said to Jiang Dehai, “I didn’t expect our younger brother Changzhou to be quite popular.”


Jiang Dehai laughed, “General He is young, talented, cheerful, and handsome. As the saying goes, beauties love heroes. There are many girls in the capital who are interested in him.”


“Is that so?” Zhao Qi laughed. “Then isn’t there even more interest in Prime Minister Xiao?” Xiao Shiqing was powerful and handsome, so he should be more popular than He Changzhou.


Jiang Dehai replied, “Actually, not so much.”




“The Prime Minister is second only to the Emperor, so even if high-born ladies admire him, they wouldn’t dare to imagine themselves with him. They would rather be realistic and think about General He.”


Zhao Qi understood. This was probably the difference between the approachable older brother and the aloof power broker. On a whim, Zhao Qi said, “I remember Changzhou has been training troops in the suburbs these days. Since it’s still early before sunset, let’s go visit him.”


In the camp outside the capital, He Changzhou was wiping a dagger while two young soldiers knelt in front of him. These two soldiers had been caught secretly engaging in homosexual activities and were now brought before He Changzhou to await punishment.


After finishing with the dagger, He Changzhou spoke, “Do you know your crime?”


The soldiers, trembling, replied, “We know our crime and await the General’s punishment.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Actually, I’ve seen such things many times. But I’m curious, were you already in this situation before coming to the camp, or did it start only after you arrived here?”


The soldiers glanced at each other, and one of them answered, “Replying to the General, I used to like girls before.”


“Hmm?” He Changzhou showed interest and continued, “How did you come to accept yourself as someone who prefers the same sex?”


The soldier wasn’t sure why the General was asking, but answered honestly, “Actually, I struggled with it for a long time.”


He Changzhou nodded, “I understand.”


“But I couldn’t control my feelings,” the soldier glanced at his lover beside him, saying somewhat shyly, “I couldn’t stop thinking about him, wanting to see him, and my palms would sweat when I saw him. Then one day, when I saw him smile at me, I just accepted it. It’s not something shameful. Even the men’s pleasure houses in the southern part of the city have four or five establishments.”


He Changzhou was enlightened, “You’re right.”


At this moment, a deputy general entered the tent and reported, “General, a young man named Zhao seeks an audience. He said you would recognize him by this jade pendant.”


He Changzhou took the pendant, his expression changed, and he immediately stood up and ran to meet its owner.


Outside the camp, Zhao Qi was looking around with interest. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw He Changzhou running towards him and smiled brightly, “Changzhou!”


He Changzhou stopped in front of him, looking down with great pleasure, “Your Majesty, what brings you here?”


“Just passing by and decided to come see you.” Zhao Qi lightly patted He Changzhou’s shoulder. “You look quite impressive in armor. Do you have any food? I’m hungry.”


He Changzhou remained silent, just smiling at him.


Zhao Qi: ???


Jiang Dehai prompted, “General, the Emperor is asking you a question.”


He Changzhou came back to his senses and said, “I hunted a few rabbits yesterday. Should I roast them for the Emperor?”


Zhao Qi frowned, “Didn’t I tell you not to eat wild game anymore?”


He Changzhou replied, “The game from the hunting ground doesn’t count as wild game.”


“Oh, in that case, use less spice.”


He Changzhou put aside his military tasks and accompanied Zhao Qi in roasting the rabbits.


Under Zhao Qi’s guidance, He Changzhou roasted the rabbits until the skin was crispy and the meat tender. To accommodate Zhao Qi’s taste, He Changzhou used no spices, but it did not affect the flavor of the roast rabbit. Zhao Qi ate two rabbit legs in one go, feeling a bit thirsty. He looked at Jiang Dehai and asked, “Is there any water?”


“Certainly, certainly,” Jiang Dehai said, “I’ll get it right away from the carriage.”


“Here, have mine.” He Changzhou handed Zhao Qi a water pouch. “It’s newly replaced today, I haven’t used it.”


Zhao Qi casually replied, “Even if you had used it, I wouldn’t mind.”


The pouch’s stopper was a bit tight. Zhao Qi tried several times without success and naturally handed it over to He Changzhou. “Here.”


He Changzhou smiled, took the pouch, easily removed the stopper, and handed it back to Zhao Qi.


“Impressive, impressive,” Zhao Qi praised, drinking more than half of the water in a hurry. Some water spilled from the corner of his mouth. Jiang Dehai quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe it, but Zhao Qi casually wiped it with his sleeve.


Jiang Dehai helplessly said, “Your Majesty, your sleeve…”


“It’s fine, there aren’t so many rules in the army.” Zhao Qi stood up, looking at the boundless fields and listening to the sounds of military drills not far away, feeling a surge of heroism. “Refreshing!” A real man should dedicate himself to the country like He Changzhou. Zhao Qiao, that wastrel, is just squandering taxpayers’ money.


He Changzhou asked, “Your Majesty, would you like to take a walk around?”


Just a moment ago, Zhao Qi was full of grandiosity: “But I’m too lazy to walk.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Shall I ride a horse and take Your Majesty?”


He Changzhou brought over a fine steed, its coat glossy and black, with well-developed limbs, clearly a noble horse. He Changzhou said, “This is a fine horse I went through great effort to obtain from Xixia. I intended to give it to Your Majesty during the Wan Shou Festival. Now that Your Majesty is here, you can meet it in advance.”


Zhao Qi enthusiastically said, “Can I touch it?”


“Of course, it’s now Your Majesty’s.”


Zhao Qi touched the horse’s head. The steed, gentle and accommodating, even blinked its dark eyes. “What’s its name?” Zhao Qi asked.


“It doesn’t have a name yet,” He Changzhou said, “Your Majesty can name it.”


Zhao Qi pondered a poetic line related to horses, “’If only the Flying General of Dragon City were here, to prevent the Hu horses from crossing the Yin Mountains.’ Perhaps it will be a good horse for our Dajing to defend against foreign enemies in the future—why not name it ‘Maybe’?”


He Changzhou replied, “…As long as Your Majesty is happy.”


Zhao Qi mounted Maybe, while He Changzhou led the reins and leisurely walked through the forest.


The hillside was covered with many unknown wildflowers, carrying a floral fragrance in the spring breeze. Among them was a type of light blue flower that Zhao Qi found very charming. “What’s this flower called? I’d like to plant some in Yonghua Palace.”


He Changzhou said, “Yonghua Palace already has many peonies.”


Zhao Qi responded, “Yes, but that’s not a conflict. A home flower can’t compare to the fragrance of wildflowers.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Alright, Your Majesty can plant them. In the future, you’ll be able to see these flowers every day and remember today.”


“Not necessarily,” Zhao Qi said, “I probably won’t think about it that much.” Moreover, not everything today was pleasant.


He Changzhou replied, “…Oh.”


Time flew by quickly with He Changzhou, and before long, the sun was setting in the west. Zhao Qi had to return to the palace. He Changzhou said, “Since there’s nothing much going on in the camp, let me escort Your Majesty back to the palace.”


Upon returning to the palace, He Changzhou learned that Zhao Qi had moved to the Haiyan Hall and frowned, “Isn’t Haiyan Hall where the Prime Minister lives?”


“Yes. Rong Tang is recuperating in Yonghua Palace. I didn’t want to disturb him, so I temporarily moved in with the Prime Minister.”


He Changzhou replied, “Your Majesty’s explanation leaves me speechless.”


Jiang Dehai said, “I need to assist Your Majesty with changing clothes. Please, Major General He, step aside for a moment.”


He Changzhou asked, “Your Majesty, should I step aside?”


“Do as you wish.” They are all men, so why so many rules?


He Changzhou replied, “Then I’ll stay.”


Jiang Dehai helped Zhao Qi out of his outer robe and brought him a dragon robe to wear. He Changzhou watched Zhao Qi’s narrow waist, swallowed, and downed the already cold tea on the table.


As soon as Zhao Qi had changed his clothes, someone outside reported, “Your Majesty, the Prime Minister has returned.”


Zhao Qi went to the main hall and said to Xiao Shiqing, “Prime Minister, I’ve returned on time.”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at He Changzhou behind him, with a fleeting look of displeasure, and said, “Major General He is here as well.”


He Changzhou said, “I escorted Your Majesty back.”


Xiao Shiqing raised his eyebrows, “I remember Your Majesty was going to the Ninth Prince’s Mansion.”


“I did go,” Zhao Qi said, “When I left, it was still early, so I took a stroll around the outskirts of the capital.”


Xiao Shiqing replied coldly, “Is that so? Since Your Majesty has safely returned to the palace, Major General He may leave now.”


“Not in a hurry,” He Changzhou smiled, “I’m enjoying a rare leisure day today, so I’d like to spend a bit more time with Your Majesty.”


Xiao Shiqing said, “There are many people in the palace accompanying the Emperor.”


“But those people aren’t me,” He Changzhou said meaningfully, “The Prime Minister also mentioned before that I should get closer to Your Majesty to deepen the relationship between the ruler and his ministers—has the Prime Minister forgotten?”


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes narrowed, then he smiled and said, “I haven’t forgotten. I did indeed say that Major General He should deepen his—ruler and minister relationship with His Majesty.”


Zhao Qi sensed that the atmosphere was off and was about to speak when a head eunuch rushed in, kneeling before Zhao Qi. “Your Majesty, while organizing the Yonghua Palace storeroom today, I discovered that two items were missing.”


Zhao Qi asked, “What items?”


The eunuch replied, “Long Xiangsi and Long Xiangsi No. 2.”


Jiang Dehai said, “Who is so bold as to steal from the Emperor’s storeroom? How do you manage things?”


The eunuch, anxious, kowtowed repeatedly, “Your Majesty, I’ve already sent people to search for them. We’ll definitely find the items soon!”


Zhao Qi said, “It’s not something important, so it’s no big deal if it’s lost. But the fact that there’s a thief in the palace is serious. Investigate thoroughly, it must be found!”


The eunuch replied, “I will obey the decree!”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “Long Xiangsi… is it the medicine Rong Tang used last time?”


“Mm,” He Changzhou nodded, “It’s an aphrodisiac. It’s said that after taking it, one can see the person they love in their heart. As for Long Xiangsi No. 2… Your Majesty, what is it?”


“It’s a little trinket Zhao Qiao used to fool people,” Zhao Qi said. “It’s better if you don’t know. It might shatter your worldview.”


The eunuchs searched for several days but couldn’t find the missing items. They had to broaden the search, combing through every palace and hall except Ci’an Palace. They thoroughly searched every room but never found a trace of the medicine. Zhao Qi suspected the thief had already consumed the medicine. Since it wasn’t something he cared about, he shrugged it off and moved on.


One day, Zhao Qi was strolling in the Imperial Garden when he happened to see Jiang Bao’er leading the remaining beauties from the harem in practicing the “Peerless Divine Skill” he had taught them. After watching for a while, he called Jiang Bao’er over and praised her, “Well done. Keep it up and aim to practice until you’re as strong as an ox.”


Jiang Bao’er, who had already bulked up a bit, said, “Yes, Bao’er will practice more.”


Zhao Qi nodded in satisfaction, “Good. Off you go.”


Jiang Bao’er hooked her arm around Zhao Qi’s, “Bao’er hasn’t seen Your Majesty for a long time. Can’t we spend a bit more time together?”


Zhao Qi felt a shiver and pushed Jiang Bao’er away, “You need to stop this habit of hooking arms. It’s not appropriate.”


Jiang Bao’er pouted, “Bao’er doesn’t do this with anyone else. Your Majesty, I recently learned to make a new kind of pastry. The sisters who have tried it say it’s much better than what’s served in the imperial kitchen. Since this place is not far from Mingcui Palace, may I have the honor of inviting Your Majesty to try it?”


Zhao Qi was too lazy to move, “Or you could bring the pastries here?”


Jiang Bao’er was taken aback, “In broad daylight, isn’t that a bit inappropriate?”


Zhao Qi was puzzled, “Why, does trying your pastries need to be timed?”


“No, that’s not it,” Jiang Bao’er bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, then smiled, “Please wait, Your Majesty. I’ll have someone bring it over.”


Zhao Qi had never tried Jiang Bao’er’s pastries before. They were sweet but not greasy, and had a soft and sticky texture. He finished one and reached for another.


Jiang Bao’er watched Zhao Qi closely, seemingly trying to find something unusual about him. But despite waiting, Zhao Qi remained as usual.


Zhao Qi complimented, “Not bad. You should consider switching careers to become a chef. It’s much more promising than being a male concubine.”


Jiang Bao’er forced a smile and tentatively asked, “Your Majesty really doesn’t want to go to Mingcui Palace? Bao’er is willing to serve you.”


“No need,” Zhao Qi stood up, “Continue practicing, I’ll be going now.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

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