Chapter 113 – The Due Date Arrives

Chapter 113 – The Due Date Arrives


Jian Luo was stunned by the online comments he was reading.


Meanwhile, Lu Shifeng was changing his clothes behind the curtain. As he walked out, he had two small bear pajamas dr4p3d over his arm.


The young emperor was waiting on the sofa outside, initially bored. When he saw Lu Shifeng, especially noticing the pajamas in the marshal’s hand, his eyes widened. “Wow, so cute!”


Lu Shifeng remained expressionless.


The young emperor eagerly asked, “Where did Uncle Emperor get these clothes?”


Lu Shifeng finally glanced at him twice. Under the expectant gaze of the young emperor, he slightly parted his thin lips. His usually cold and hard demeanor showed a rare touch of pride and self-satisfaction. “Jian Luo gave them to me.”


The young emperor choked.


For some reason, he felt he had just been shown off to!


Jian Luo, who was still reading messages, suddenly heard his name. He listened for a moment and felt a bit guilty. Actually, he hadn’t made those clothes; Su Liang had. But since the marshal had already said it, he couldn’t contradict him and just let it go.


Lu Shifeng asked the emperor, “How many days does Your Majesty plan to stay here?”


The young emperor was displeased. “Is Uncle Emperor in such a hurry to drive me away? I am still on a private inspection!”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him from above. “Your Majesty has already stayed here for two days. Is it not enough?”




You are so annoying.


The young emperor sulked. “It’s not enough. The elves are beautiful, Luo Luo’s cooking is delicious, and the little magical gadgets here are fun. I am never leaving. Never in this lifetime.”


Lu Shifeng let out a cold laugh.


It carried no particular meaning, but it made the young emperor feel a chill down his spine.


The young emperor muttered, “Fine, I won’t come as a third wheel next time, okay?”


Lu Shifeng sneered again. “It seems His Majesty is clear about his role.”




Jian Luo, still on the bed, couldn’t hear clearly but could tell they were chatting outside. Feeling that sitting on the bed wasn’t appropriate, he got changed and came out.


Jian Luo had also changed into casual clothes, carrying pajamas in his hand.


The young emperor’s eyes lit up when he saw his deer pajamas. “They’re so pretty, Luo Luo.”


These pajamas were quite cute, featuring Q-version characters with big eyes and round bodies, looking adorably clumsy and soft-hearted.


In this interstellar era, such designs were rare as people favored realism. Thus, Jian Luo’s designed clothes were almost one-of-a-kind.


Usually, only he and Lu Shifeng could see each other’s pajamas. However, the marshal never complimented anything as cute, so Jian Luo rarely received any praise. Unexpectedly, today he gained some confidence from the young emperor!


Jian Luo said, “This design is simple but unique. My mother hand-sewed it, and it’s not available on the market.”


The young emperor was clearly very interested.


Hand-sewn items were quite different from those made by Dark Star machines. He asked, “May I have a look?”


Jian Luo smiled. “Of course.”


He had only worn these pajamas once or twice, so it was okay to show them. However, the marshal, being a dragon with strong possessiveness, wouldn’t normally allow others to touch such private items.


Before Jian Luo could hand over the pajamas, Lu Shifeng took a step forward and handed the ones he held. “Your Majesty, you can look at these.”


The young emperor was speechless.


Jian Luo was also a bit surprised. He glanced at Lu Shifeng, realizing that the marshal had a surprisingly strong desire to show off!


The young emperor examined the clothes and nodded in approval. “Luo Luo, if your mother wanted to be a fashion designer, she’d be an excellent seamstress!”


Jian Luo smiled. “Thank you.”


Since boarding the battleship, he had mostly stayed in touch with Su Liang and his little brother through communication devices, talking about everyday things but not meeting in a long time.


Jian Luo said, “When I go back, I will definitely discuss it with my mother.”


The young emperor was happy with that.


After chatting, the young emperor even stayed for breakfast, actively engaging as much as possible.


After breakfast, the young emperor asked, “Luo Luo, do you want to go out and play with me?”


Jian Luo said, “No, I have to take an exam with the priest and then do physical training on the battleship in the afternoon. The doctor advised it.”


The young emperor reluctantly nodded. “Alright then!”


Jian Luo was quite nervous when he went to find Zhan Wentai, knowing well how bad his grades were. It was almost like public punishment.


At the learning site, Jian Luo said, “Teacher.”


Zhan Wentai nodded and said, “Come and sit.”


Jian Luo thought it was exam time, so he took out his pen. “What subject are we testing today?”


Zhan Wentai said, “Oral skills.”




The hardest one.


Oral skills were as hard to learn as a foreign language, the subject Jian Luo hated the most after maths. But since it was being tested, he had to face it seriously.


After a grueling oral exam, his scores were a mess.


Zhan Wentai looked at him in silence, making him nervous. “Um… I’ll study more and retake it later.”


Zhan Wentai didn’t deny it. The priest simply said, “Oral skills are very important. Your pronunciation was not accurate before you left Dark Star. Now, though some words are unfamiliar, your pronunciation is standard.”


In interstellar communication, sometimes different species had to use a common language due to language barriers, making oral skills very advantageous.


Although Jian Luo’s skills were lacking, staying with Lu Shifeng had helped him pick up proper pronunciation through exposure. Jian Luo asked, “Teacher, do you think, with my current level, I can communicate if I get lost?”


Zhan Wentai was blunt. “Can you understand a three-year-old’s babbling?”


Jian Luo choked up. “Sometimes.”


“Mm.” Zhan Wentai nodded. “About that level.”




Thanks a lot.


His heart was shattered, but Jian Luo understood the importance of oral skills. If he wanted to expand his business and succeed, he needed these skills, just as Lu Shifeng had said. There would come a day when he’d have to manage things independently, without constant help.


So—he needed to work hard.


Because so many people were helping him, many were watching him. If he failed or made mistakes, people wouldn’t just laugh at him but also at those backing him.


Zhan Wentai noticed his low spirits and took out a pouch from his pocket.


Jian Luo was curious. “What is this?”


“A strength talisman,” Zhan Wentai said concisely. “Use it when you feel weak or down. Just tear it apart.”


Jian Luo opened his mouth in awe. “Is it magic?”


Zhan Wentai nodded.


Although Jian Luo found it amazing, he couldn’t fathom the value of a talisman made by the Phoenix clan. A phoenix spirit talisman, drawn with blood as ink and breath as a brush, required mind-body unity and was extremely rare. An auction once sold one of Zhan Wentai’s talismans for a planet, indicating its worth.


Holding a planet’s worth in his hand, Jian Luo chuckled. “It’s so pretty, I can’t bear to tear it.”


Zhan Wentai calmly sipped tea. “It’s fine. If you use it, I’ll make another.”


“Really?” Jian Luo was pleasantly surprised. His eyes curved into crescents when he smiled. “Thank you, teacher.”


Zhan Wentai lowered his eyes, not responding.


But Jian Luo understood. He said, “Teacher, I’ve recently developed some new dishes. I’ll make some and bring them over this afternoon.”


Zhan Wentai said, “No need to trouble yourself.”


Jian Luo quickly said, “It’s no trouble at all!”


Kidding, he thought, receiving such a precious talisman for free. Although he didn’t know its exact worth, anything the priest gave must be extraordinary, probably worth thousands!



In the afternoon, Jian Luo was taken for physical training.


Lu Shifeng’s battleship had a large training room with all kinds of facilities, some customized for human use.


Lu Shifeng walked in from outside.


Jian Luo, rubbing his belly, asked, “How long do I need to exercise?”


Lu Shifeng selected a few pieces of equipment. “Set your bracelet to exercise mode. Stop when it shows an energy value of 80.”


Jian Luo adjusted his bracelet.


To test how the energy value increased, he decided to run a lap. The training ground was about the size of a basketball court, just right for one lap. It was tiring but manageable.




After one lap, Jian Luo, hands on his hips, checked his bracelet. The number was discouraging, breaking his heart a bit. “5?”


How many laps would that take?!


Lu Shifeng approached. “After running, you also need to strengthen your limbs.”


Against the wall was a variety of equipment, all custom-made for human height and endurance, showing great care.


Jian Luo felt tired. “Can I sit for a while?”


“After running, it’s bad for your heart to sit immediately,” Lu Shifeng said without looking back. “Come over.”






Lu Shifeng was extremely


 strict when teaching, so Jian Luo didn’t dare argue and obediently followed to practice.


After going through several sets of equipment, his energy value reached 50.


Jian Luo, panting and slightly petulant, said, “I can’t do it anymore. I’m really done.”


Lu Shifeng took out a towel to wipe his sweat. “Rest for a while.”


Jian Luo naturally said, “I want some water.”


Lu Shifeng fetched a bottle, opened it, and handed it to him. “Drink slowly.”


After a break, they resumed running. Jian Luo’s running was more like walking, but Lu Shifeng didn’t stop him, accompanying him at a slow pace. After a few laps, Lu Shifeng had him do some stretching exercises before resting.


Jian Luo sat on the ground. Due to his pregnancy, his limbs were swollen, and even slight movements could cause cramps. Just as he sat down, his leg started to ache.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Legs uncomfortable?”


Jian Luo nodded. “A bit. I’ll get some calcium tablets from the doctor later.”


Lu Shifeng knelt and skillfully massaged his leg. “Probably didn’t stretch enough. Massaging will help.”


The interaction between the two was very natural. The adjutant stood quietly at the doorway, watching, observing a side of the marshal he had never known.


Previously, he always thought Lu Shifeng was extremely cold and serious. He never got distracted by anyone, nor did he soften for anyone. He treated everyone ruthlessly, showing occasional gentleness only to the little dragons.


But even with the little dragons, Lu Shifeng was never lenient during training.


The adjutant once believed that this was just Lu Shifeng’s personality, his true nature that wouldn’t change. He thought the marshal was naturally like this with everyone.


But he was wrong. He was completely wrong. His past perceptions were overturned today when he saw Lu Shifeng standing beside Jian Luo, looking at him with gentle eyes and caring actions. It turned out Lu Shifeng could look at someone with such tenderness, be patient in taking care of someone, and even kneel down to massage someone’s legs.


It turned out…


It turned out…


Unexpectedly, the adjutant felt a strange emotion rising in his heart. He felt… jealous of Jian Luo.


Was it because of the children?


If there were no children, or if the children were someone else’s, his, would he receive such tenderness?


He had been by Lu Shifeng’s side for hundreds of years but had never received such gentleness. He had given his all, his utmost effort, yet never earned even a glance. He used to comfort himself, believing that Lu Shifeng was like this with everyone. But today, seeing this scene, he could no longer deceive himself.


Yes, the thing he longed for and desired could be easily obtained by someone else.



Jian Luo moved his legs: “Much better.”


Seeing him covered in sweat, Lu Shifeng knew he had worked hard. “Go take a bath. Tell the chef what you want for dinner.”


Usually, Jian Luo would teach the chef when he cooked. Many homestyle dishes the chef had learned from him, so when Jian Luo was busy, the chef would cook.


Jian Luo nodded lightly: “Okay.”


Reaching an energy value of 80 was really too difficult.


Kid, your dad is really going all out for you.


Just when he thought he had reached his limit, as the months passed, he hadn’t expected the energy value to keep increasing.


Lu Shifeng said, “Exercising is also good for you.”


“I hate it,” Jian Luo gritted his teeth. “Once they’re born, I’m never coming to this stadium again.”


Standing beside him, Lu Shifeng responded slowly, “Okay, we’ll go somewhere else.”




Jian Luo was full of question marks.


As the due date approached, it was clearly not suitable to give birth in the Elf territory. With time passing, only a month remained.


Jian Luo video-called Su Liang.


Su Liang asked, “Luo Luo, is your due date approaching?”


Jian Luo was chewing on dried fruit: “Yes, it’s less than a month now.”


“Are you coming back then?” Su Liang was very worried, “You must take care of your health.”


Jian Luo nodded: “We are coming back. I’m already on the battleship. It will take about five or six days to get back.”


Su Liang responded, her heart filled with worry. She knew there had been no precedent of humans getting pregnant. Even with advanced Dark Star technology, the process might not be foolproof. Moreover, no one knew if there would be issues during the birth of the dragon cubs, and if complications arose, who would be prioritized.


Thinking about this, Su Liang’s eyes reddened: “Luo Luo, you must be okay. Mom is waiting for you to come back.”




Jian Luo hadn’t been nervous, but her words made him anxious again.


He comforted her: “It’s okay, mom. After I have the babies, I’ll come back and live with you and my brother. No more worries.”


Su Liang, eyes red, nodded.


Compared to Su Liang’s excitement, Jian Luo had passed the phase of anxiety. He had worried enough and considered all possible outcomes, thinking he had envisioned the worst-case scenario, nothing worse could come.


“Knock knock knock.”


A knock sounded at the door.


Jian Luo said, “Come in.”


Secretary Jin stood outside with a meal cart. “Luo Luo, His Majesty and the others are on the front battleship. They have matters to discuss, and will come over later.”


Jian Luo was watching videos, these were childbirth tutorials. He nodded: “Okay.”


Secretary Jin, fearing he might be lonely, suggested, “Actually, you don’t have to stay in your room all the time. You can go out for a walk. We have built entertainment stations in other places too. Don’t worry, it’s very safe inside the battleship!”






Before she finished speaking, an explosion was heard from not far away, causing the room to shake. The attacked battleship wasn’t theirs but the Emperor’s.


Jian Luo and Secretary Jin exchanged glances, both surprised.


Secretary Jin froze: “It seems His Majesty’s battleship was attacked.”


“Really?” Jian Luo became nervous: “Are they assassins? No, are they here to kidnap the Emperor?”


Secretary Jin wasn’t sure. The Emperor had always faced various life threats, as Dark Star was extremely wealthy. Many illegal organizations attempted to kidnap the Emperor to gain maximum profit from Dark Star.




Another explosion shook the room.


Jian Luo, having some revolutionary friendship with the young emperor, said: “Is it okay over there? Should we go and check?”


Secretary Jin nodded: “His Majesty might be in danger, but Luo Luo, my duty is to protect you. You are very important, I cannot leave.”


Jian Luo, also scared, decided: “Then don’t leave.”




Alright then.


Both were worried. Just then, there was a knock at the door. Secretary Jin asked cautiously, “Who is it?”


The adjutant stood outside. “It’s me. The marshal sent me to protect Luo Luo.”


The smart door scanned, confirming it was the adjutant. Secretary Jin opened the door, anxious: “How are things up front?”


“Not good.” The adjutant adjusted his glasses. “It seems the attackers are well-prepared. This time, they are determined to kidnap the Emperor. Level one defense has been activated. During the battle with the interstellar pirates, did you input their data and the battleship’s defense data? The command center needs you to verify it now. The marshal sent me to replace you.”


Secretary Jin said, “Yes, I did. Is there a problem with the data?”


The adjutant nodded: “There are some discrepancies. They want you to check it out. It’s very dangerous over there, don’t waste any time.”


Secretary Jin quickly responded: “Take care of Luo Luo. Remember, no matter what, the troops here cannot be withdrawn.”


The adjutant nodded: “Understood.”

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


1 Comment

  1. Blood

    No, don’t leave Lou Lou, this gives me a bad feeling 🫣

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