Chapter 114 – Lu Shifeng’s Son


After Secretary Jin left, the bombardment didn’t stop.


Jian Luo wasn’t very familiar with the adjutant. He said softly, “Adjutant, isn’t it tiring to stand there? Come and sit.”


The adjutant turned, looking at Jian Luo. “It’s fine, I’m not tired.”


Jian Luo hesitated. In the room, there was a small fridge with his homemade ice cream and desserts. Though it wasn’t the best time to eat, to ease the awkward atmosphere, he got up, took some desserts out, and placed them on the table.


Jian Luo offered: “I made these casually. If you don’t mind, please try them.”


The adjutant didn’t respond immediately. His face remained serious as he said, “Mr. Jian, I came here also to tell you something.”


Jian Luo’s hand shook, feeling a bit scared by the tense atmosphere outside. “What is it?”


The adjutant paused before saying, “Our battleship has indeed been attacked. To protect the Emperor, we must give our all. The marshal is leading the troops. The enemy’s firepower is intense, so…”


Jian Luo was on edge: “So?”


“There are no certainties in battle,” the adjutant said. “So, there is a possibility of a grim outcome. The marshal asked me to protect you and also to tell you something.”


Jian Luo, nestled on the sofa, felt completely anxious. “What is it?”


The adjutant’s expression was stern: “He hopes that if anything happens to him, you and the children can find a reliable support. He mentioned that Mr. Nie and the priest are responsible people…”




Jian Luo was speechless.


He had been nervous, but now, hearing this, his worry turned into anger.


Jian Luo laughed in exasperation: “At such a critical time, instead of thinking about reinforcements, you’re here delivering last words?”


The adjutant was taken aback.


Jian Luo, with nothing else to do, vented: “I’m not his property. How dare he think about dividing assets at a time like this? Listen, if anything happens to him, I’ll entrust the children to the dragon clan. As for me, you have no say.”


He didn’t even know what exactly he was angry about, but he was definitely upset.


He hoped Lu Shifeng would live well, hoped he would be safe.


His frustration might stem from Lu Shifeng’s first thought being to hand him over to others, treating him like a transferable item. But he was a living person!


The adjutant, observing Jian Luo’s genuine anger, picked up a piece


 of dessert from the table and said, “Actually… there might be another way.”


Jian Luo was suspicious: “What?”


Holding the dessert, the adjutant said, “I heard their target isn’t just the Emperor but also you.”


Jian Luo was stunned, pointing to himself: “Me?”


“Yes.” The adjutant raised his eyes to look at him. This usually silent young man said, “The Silver Grey side demands that if you are willing to be their guest on their battleship, they will cease their attack.”


Jian Luo’s heart sank. This was a trap, wasn’t it?


This was obviously a malicious setup.


A guest? Only a fool would believe such a blatant lie, right?


Seeing Jian Luo hesitate, the adjutant’s face showed a faintly indifferent smile: “Didn’t you say you wanted to find a solution? If you agree, the marshal wouldn’t have to take such a huge risk.”



There was a moment of silence in the room.


Jian Luo sat on the sofa, sinking into silence. Just when the aide thought he would say something, Jian Luo suddenly spoke up, “I’m feeling a bit unwell. I need to use the restroom.”


The aide squinted.


Jian Luo patted his stomach. “Pregnant people often have poor health. Can you be understanding?”


The aide set down the pastries and gestured, “Go ahead.”


Jian Luo stood up to head to the bathroom. As he walked away, he heard the aide casually say from the sofa, “If you’re planning to contact someone in the bathroom, I advise you not to bother.”


Jian Luo paused.


“When I came in, our space was already divided,” the aide said with a smirk. “You can try to make a call, but I’m afraid the results won’t satisfy you.”


Jian Luo checked his wristband and found zero signal. In an instant, his heart sank halfway. It wasn’t that he suspected the aide for any other reason, but because he knew Lu Shifeng well. The Marshal wasn’t the type to sacrifice pawns for the sake of the bigger picture. Even if Silver Gray had made such a demand, Lu Shifeng wouldn’t agree, nor would he let such information reach Jian Luo’s ears. He was the type to handle everything and then come back to say, “Everything’s fine.”


“What’s your purpose?” Jian Luo asked.


The aide was somewhat surprised. “Are you so sure I’m lying?”


“Why are you doing this?” Jian Luo frowned, deeply puzzled. “I heard from Secretary Jin that you’ve been with the Marshal for centuries, and he trusts you so much. Why…”


“Shut up!”


The aide’s calm expression suddenly cracked, and he glared at Jian Luo with some resentment. “Do you think you can teach me what to do?”




Jian Luo obediently fell silent.


After a moment, the aide grew impatient again and sneered, “Why aren’t you talking? Feeling smug?”


Jian Luo remarked, “Talking or not, you’re impossible to please.”


The aide’s face twisted momentarily, somewhat gritting his teeth. “When you meet Silver Gray, you’ll behave.”




Jian Luo suddenly remembered the masked figure he had seen on the screen last time, sending shivers down his spine.


A true man can bend and stretch. He decisively walked around the sofa to confront the aide. “Big brother, what have I done to offend you? Can’t I change and make amends? Please spare me. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you, really.”


The aide remained seated on the sofa, unmoved. Upon hearing Jian Luo’s words, he looked up and said, “Anything I want?”


“Yeah, yeah,” Jian Luo nodded quickly.


The aide was serious. He stared into Jian Luo’s eyes. “I want Lu Shifeng. Will you give him to me?”




This wasn’t a joke.


Jian Luo felt utterly helpless. If it were anything else, it would be negotiable, but this… this situation was the most difficult to handle.


Seeing Jian Luo’s silence, the aide’s gaze turned colder. “Can you give him to me?”


“He’s not mine, how can I give him to you?” Jian Luo simply sat on the sofa, giving up the struggle. “For matters of the heart, forcing it is meaningless. You’ve been with him for so long. If there’s no hope, it’s probably because he doesn’t feel the same way about you. You have good qualities yourself. Why hang onto someone who doesn’t reciprocate? It’s futile.”


“You know nothing!” The aide’s calm expression suddenly cracked, and he looked at Jian Luo with some hatred. “What do you know about it?”




Jian Luo’s heart was in turmoil.


As he emerged from the portal, he immediately saw a familiar face—the Queen, now with red hair and dressed in a red dress. She cooed, “Luo Luo, if only you had come with me earlier, you wouldn’t have to endure this suffering.”


Jian Luo’s lips twitched, too overwhelmed to express surprise. “Is this what you call an undisturbed, untraceable paradise?”


The Queen shrugged, feigning tears. “I’m just a poor woman who was captured.”


The aide interjected with a deadpan expression, “Second Master, aren’t you tired?”


“…Not really,” the Queen reverted to her normal self. She smiled at Jian Luo, “You’ll like it here. You’ll be happy here from now on.”


“I don’t know about the future. I’m not very happy now,” Jian Luo said.


The Queen pursed her lips. “You’re still as humorous as ever.”


“Thanks,” Jian Luo replied dryly. “You’re not bad either.”


This seemed to be a large battleship, lavishly decorated with a taste reminiscent of nouveau riche opulence, exuding an atmosphere of extravagance everywhere. Golden trinkets were strewn around like trash, disregarded in the corners.


Compared to Lu Shifeng’s militaristic management style, this place hardly resembled a battleship. It was more like a leisure bar, indulgent and luxurious.


The Queen stood up and approached Jian Luo. “Is your due date approaching? What did the doctor say? Is there any danger?”


Jian Luo was a smart man. He and the Queen were somewhat acquainted, and in this unfamiliar environment with an unpredictable aide, it was better to cozy up to old friends. Who knew, perhaps his prison life would be more comfortable this way.


With these thoughts in mind, Jian Luo said, “It’s almost time. There’s danger in childbirth, but the doctor refuses to tell me more. Maybe he’s afraid I’ll overthink it. To be honest, I’m not sure myself.”


The Queen nodded, “Don’t worry, we’ve made a lot of preparations. Nothing will happen to you.”


“… But because of you all, I’m even more worried.”


However, Jian Luo didn’t dare to say it. He didn’t dare to ask either. Right now, he just wanted to play dead to avoid being dragged away for interrogation and torture.


Just as he was thinking, the Queen forcefully took his hand and removed his wristband, saying, “There’s a locator inside.”


The adjutant standing nearby added, “I’ve demagnetized it.”


“Restore the magnetism. Later, let Xiao Wang pilot the warship in the opposite direction,” the Queen said leisurely, “We can deceive them for a while.”


Jian Luo gave her a disdainful glance.


Ignoring Jian Luo’s expression, the Queen handed him a new wristband, “Don’t try to remove it. It’s not good for the baby.”


Initially, Jian Luo had some thoughts, but now he dared not move. He wasn’t afraid for himself, but he feared harming the child in his belly. Even if there was a slight possibility, he didn’t want to risk the child.


The adjutant said, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to Lu Shifeng’s seed. It’s not that easy for something to go wrong.”


Jian Luo glared at the adjutant, genuinely wanting to kick him if not for the vast power difference.


The Queen poked Jian Luo’s belly, now dyed crimson, murmuring, “This is the future Dragon King…”


An awkward silence hung in the air. Just as they locked eyes, footsteps approached from the end of the corridor, led by a masked man followed by several lackeys.


As they walked, the man named Silver Grey grumbled, “Damn it, how many troops did I lose? Why is Lu Shifeng so ruthless? It’s like he killed my wife. I’ll get him sooner or later…”


As he spoke, he approached.


Silver Grey was surprised to see Jian Luo, “Oh, you’re here. Hey, little brother, I suddenly invited you over. Hope you don’t mind?”


Jian Luo was speechless, “It’s indeed quite sudden.”


The Queen teased, “Get used to it, Luoluo. He’s a rough man, not gentle at all.”


Silver Grey objected, “What’s it to you if women chatter all day? What’s your business with men talking? Shut up, will you?”


The Queen rolled her eyes.


Initially, Jian Luo thought he was here to suffer, even expecting to be locked up and tortured. However, unexpectedly, he was here to listen to a monologue, and surprisingly, it had a certain charm to it.


Silver Grey refocused his gaze on Jian Luo, saying, “Don’t worry, little brother. We’re not good people. Consider this place as your own home. Take whatever you want to eat. If you’re unhappy, we can blow up a couple of planets to relieve boredom. It’s okay, anyway, it’s not my business.”


“…,” Jian Luo was momentarily speechless.


Silver Grey chuckled, “Why so serious? Hey, we’re not threatening Lu Shifeng with you, are we?”


Jian Luo asked, “Then why did you…”


“To make Lu Shifeng’s son call me daddy, isn’t that satisfying?” Silver Grey began his absurd plan, “I’ll send him a video later to drive him crazy.”


Jian Luo was at a loss for words.


Author’s note: Jian Luo: Feeling quite helpless.


Chapter 115: Dragon Egg


Jian Luo felt everything was surreal.


Just yesterday at this time, he was on a warship, contemplating whom to share the specialties he brought back with, whether his younger brother had grown taller, whether his mother would cry when she saw him after so long.


Would the child be born safely? The second batch of dried fruits from the elves was about to go on presale.


He had thought about a lot yesterday, but never imagined that so quickly, he wouldn’t need to think about any of it anymore. Now, even his survival was in question.


The Queen said, “Lolo, come, I’ve prepared a room for you.”


Jian Luo was surprised, “I have a room?”


“Of course!” The Queen twirled around, smiling. It was a stark contrast to her meek demeanor on that planet, “You were invited as a guest. How could we mistreat you?”


Jian Luo didn’t know what to say. They walked silently down the corridor. While walking, Jian Luo could see people coming and going around him. Even without careful observation, he could distinguish between the dragon clan and other races. Having spent so much time with Lu Shifeng, he was very familiar with the aura of the dragon clan.


Whenever a dragon passed by, they would look at him with great respect.


The Queen cheerfully remarked, “You emit the aura of the Dragon King so strongly. The dragons naturally respect and admire the Dragon King.”


Jian Luo remained silent.


“Of course, this may not only be because you belong to Lu Shifeng, but also because of the bloodline in your belly,” the Queen said, “You may not know, but there are only two pure-blooded dragons in the world today.”


This piqued Jian Luo’s curiosity.


The Queen intentionally asked him, “Can you guess who the two are?”


Jian Luo replied, “I don’t know.”


“Aren’t you curious?”




The Queen pursed her lips, finding it uninteresting.


However, Jian Luo wasn’t really uninterested. He could probably guess, as he was so familiar with Lu Shifeng’s aura that he could discern people with similar auras. He hadn’t encountered anyone like that before coming to this warship, but when he met Silver Grey, he sensed it.


That kind of domineering, slightly dangerous aura.


Silver Grey was even more dangerous than Lu Shifeng, perhaps because he didn’t restrain himself, whereas Lu Shifeng always exercised restraint in Jian Luo’s presence.


After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the promised room.


Jian Luo obediently entered, and then heard the Queen say, “There are books on the table for you to read. The new wristband I gave you can only connect to our intranet. If you need anything, you can call me via the wristband.”


Jian Luo nodded.




The door closed.


After the Queen left, there was only Jian Luo in the room. At the corner of the room, there was a double bed. Jian Luo didn’t care much and went over to lie down. He was too tired, his emotions had been tense all along. Despite appearing calm on the surface, his legs were a bit weak now. Now that he was alone, he just collapsed, but the bed was a bit hard. After tossing and turning for a while, unable to find the comfort of an elf’s bed, Jian Luo struggled for a moment before giving up.





The adjutant and the Queen stood in front of the monitor, watching Jian Luo tossing and turning on the bed, looking rather undignified.


The Queen said, “Is this a human’s pre-sleep ritual?”


The adjutant replied, “Humans would give a name to this kind of behavior pattern.”






The Queen propped her chin up and watched Jian Luo, “I warn you, show some respect for him. Not only is he the future Dragon King’s birth mother, but he might also be the future lady of the house.”


The adjutant said, “Isn’t Silver Grey not interested in these things?”


“He just wants to stir up trouble,” the Queen said, lounging lazily in the chair, her red curls cascading, “Didn’t you see how eager he was to shoot ads with others on the first day? When he came back, he specifically looked for opportunities to video chat and intimidate others. Now he’s putting in so much effort to snatch things back.”


The adjutant remained silent.


“So,” the Queen glanced at him lazily, “I warn you, it’s best not to have any bad ideas. We can’t afford the consequences.”


The adjutant smirked.


While they were talking, Jian Luo had already fallen asleep in the room. His mental resilience was excellent; he fell asleep quickly, even consciously covering himself with a small blanket.


After waking up from his nap, Jian Luo sat up, feeling hungry.




His wrist beeped.


Jian Luo answered the call, and the Queen’s voice came from the other end, “Are you awake? I’ll take you somewhere.”


Jian Luo didn’t refuse. After all, wherever he went, it was the same. He might as well enjoy good food and drink. After all, he couldn’t let the child in his belly go hungry, could he?


He came out of the room, meeting the Queen in person.


The Queen smiled and said, “Because you’re human, I’ve prepared some food that humans like. Come on, you should like it.”


Jian Luo was curious.


When they arrived at the dining hall, he was once again amazed by Silver Grey’s extravagance. It was indeed a dining hall made of gold, almost everything, from the tables to the chairs, was made of pure gold, sparkling everywhere. It was truly blinding.


Jian Luo said, “Is the decor here always like this?”


The Queen explained, “I swear this isn’t.”


With this in mind, Jian Luo said, “It’s close, childbirth is risky, but the doctor wouldn’t tell me much. Maybe afraid I’d overthink it. Honestly, I’m not sure myself.”


The queen nodded, “Don’t worry, we’ve made a lot of preparations. Nothing will happen to you.”


“…It’s because of you all that I’m even more worried.”


But Jian Luo didn’t dare to say it, he didn’t dare to ask. Right now, all he wanted was to play dead, so he wouldn’t be dragged off for severe interrogation.


Just as he was thinking, the queen forcefully grabbed his hand and removed his bracelet, saying, “There’s a locator inside.”


The adjutant stood nearby, “I’ve demagnetized it.”


“Restore the magnetism. Later, have Xiao Wang pilot the warship in the opposite direction of ours,” the queen said leisurely, “We can deceive them for a while.”


Jian Luo cast a disdainful glance at her.


As if she hadn’t noticed, the queen handed Jian Luo a new bracelet, saying, “Don’t try to take it off. It’s not good for the baby.”


Jian Luo, who had some thoughts initially, suddenly dared not move. He wasn’t afraid for himself, but he feared for the child in his belly. Even if there was a slight possibility, he didn’t want to risk the child.


The adjutant said, “Don’t worry, Lu Shifeng’s offspring, how could anything happen so easily?”


Jian Luo glared at the adjutant. If it weren’t for the vast difference in strength, he really wanted to kick him.


The queen poked Jian Luo’s belly with her crimson-stained finger, murmuring, “This is the future Dragon King…”


An awkward silence filled the air. Just as they were locking eyes, footsteps could be heard from the end of the road. Leading them was a masked man, followed by a few lackeys.


Silver Grey complained as he walked, “Damn it, how many troops did we lose? Why is Lu Shifeng so damn ruthless? It’s like I killed his wife or something. I’ll deal with him sooner or later…”


As he spoke, he approached.


Silver Grey was surprised to see Jian Luo, “Hey, what are you doing here, little brother? I suddenly invited you over, hope you don’t mind?”


Jian Luo was speechless, “It was indeed very sudden.”


The queen scratched her head, leisurely saying, “Luo Luo, you’ll have to get used to it. He’s just a rough man, doesn’t understand tenderness.”


Silver Grey became unhappy, “Why do you care about manners so much? What does it matter? Shut up, okay?”


The queen rolled her eyes.


Initially, Jian Luo thought he was here to suffer, maybe even be locked up and tortured, but unexpectedly, he was here to listen to stand-up comedy. And surprisingly, it wasn’t bad.


Silver Grey focused his gaze back on Jian Luo, saying, “Little brother, don’t be afraid. We’re not good people here. Treat this place like your own home. Take whatever you want to eat, and if you’re unhappy, you can blow up a couple of planets to vent. It’s fine, none of it matters to me anyway.”




Jian Luo wanted to retort but didn’t know where to start. He said, “Why did you bring me here? To threaten Lu Shifeng?”


Silver Grey said, “Of course not.”


Jian Luo asked, “Then why…”


“Isn’t it satisfying for Lu Shifeng’s son to call me dad?” Silver Grey began his absurd plan, “I’ll send him a video then, to drive him crazy.”




Jian Luo was momentarily speechless.


Author’s Note: Jian Luo: Feeling quite exposed here.

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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