Chapter 115 – Dragon Egg


Jian Luo felt like everything was surreal.


Just this time yesterday, he was on the warship, contemplating whom to distribute the specialty goods brought back, whether his younger brother had grown taller, and if his mother would cry upon seeing him after so long.


Would the child be born safely? The second batch of elf dried fruits was about to start presales.


Yesterday at this time, he had thought about a lot, but never did he imagine that, so soon, all of this wouldn’t matter, and his very survival would be in question.


The queen said, “Luo Luo, come, I’ve prepared a room for you.”


Jian Luo was somewhat surprised, “I still have a room?”


“Of course!” The queen spun around, her smile infectious. It was quite different from her obedient demeanor on that planet before, which surprised Jian Luo greatly. “You’re invited as a guest. Why would we mistreat you?”


Jian Luo didn’t know what to say and could only stiffly respond, “Thank you.”


The two walked silently down the corridor. Jian Luo could see people coming and going around them without even needing to pay much attention. He could easily distinguish between the Dragon Clan and other races. Having been with Lu Shifeng for so long, he was very familiar with the aura of the Dragon Clan.


Whenever a member of the Dragon Clan passed by, they would look at him, their gaze full of respect.


The queen said cheerfully, “You exude a strong aura of the Dragon King. The Dragon Clan naturally respects and admires the Dragon King from their bloodline.”


Jian Luo didn’t say anything.


“Of course, it may not just be because you’re associated with Lu Shifeng, but also because of the bloodline in your belly,” the queen said. “You may not know this, but there are only two pure-blooded dragons in the world today.”


This piqued Jian Luo’s curiosity.


The queen deliberately asked him, “Guess who they are?”


Jian Luo replied, “I don’t know.”


“Aren’t you curious?”






The queen pursed her lips, finding it quite dull.


But Jian Luo wasn’t truly uninterested. He could roughly guess because he was so familiar with Lu Shifeng’s aura. Therefore, he could discern people with a similar aura to Lu Shifeng’s. He hadn’t encountered them before coming to this warship, but he felt it when he saw Silver Grey.


That kind of assertive, subtly dangerous aura.


Silver Grey was even more dangerous than Lu Shifeng, perhaps because he didn’t restrain himself like Lu Shifeng always did when facing Jian Luo.


After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the agreed-upon room.


Jian Luo obediently entered, and he heard the queen say, “There are books on the table for you to read. The new bracelet only connects to our intranet. If you need anything, you can call me through the bracelet.”


Jian Luo nodded.




The door closed.


After the queen left, the room was quiet with only Jian Luo inside. There was a corner in the room with a double bed. Jian Luo couldn’t care less at this point and walked over, lying down. He was too tired, his emotions had been tense all this time. Despite appearing calm on the surface, his legs were somewhat weak now. Finally alone, he collapsed, though the bed was a bit hard. After struggling for a while, he gave up.




The adjutant and the queen stood in front of the monitor, watching Jian Luo tossing and turning on the bed, utterly without dignity.


The queen said, “Is this a human pre-sleep ritual?”


The adjutant replied, “Humans would name this behavior pattern.”








The queen propped her chin up and watched Jian Luo, saying, “I’m warning you, show him some respect. Not only is he the future Dragon King’s mother, but he might also be the future queen.”


The adjutant said, “Isn’t Silver Grey not interested in these things?”


“He’s just doing whatever he wants,” the queen said lazily, sitting on the throne-like chair with her red curls flowing. “Did you not see how eagerly he went to shoot commercials on the first day? And when he came back, he specifically sought opportunities to scare people in videos. Now, he’s putting in so much effort to snatch things back from someone.”


The adjutant remained silent.


“So,” the queen glanced at him leisurely, “I’m warning you, it’s best not to have any bad ideas. We can’t afford the consequences.”


The adjutant sneered.


While they were talking, Jian Luo had already fallen asleep in the room. His mental resilience was excellent. He fell asleep quickly and deeply, even covering himself with a small blanket.


When he woke up, Jian Luo sat up, feeling hungry.




His wrist beeped.


Jian Luo answered the call, hearing the queen’s voice on the other end, “Are you awake? I’ll take you somewhere.”


Jian Luo didn’t refuse. After all, going anywhere was better than starving the child in his belly, right?


Coming out of the room, Jian Luo met the queen.


Smiling, the queen said, “Because you’re human, I’ve prepared some human-favorite foods for you. Come, you should like them.”


Jian Luo was very curious.


When they arrived at the dining hall, Jian Luo was once again amazed by Silver Grey’s extravagance. The dining hall was truly made of gold and silver. The tables and chairs were almost entirely made of gold, sparkling everywhere. It was dazzlingly ostentatious.


Jian Luo asked, “Is the decor always like this here?”


The queen explained, “I swear it’s not my taste. It’s all that vulgar man Silver Grey’s fault. But then again, aren’t all Dragon Clans like this?”


Jian Luo choked up, “But the Dragon Clan’s warships aren’t like this, are they?”


The queen smirked, “Because Lu Shifeng is a freak.”



Jian Luo was silent for a while before speaking, “He’s not.”


The queen looked at him.


“Everyone has their preferences,” Jian Luo earnestly refuted her, “He has the right to choose his preferences. He’s not a freak.”


The queen looked at Jian Luo for a moment, a hint of a meaningful smile on her face. “Oh~”


Jian Luo felt awkward under her gaze.


In the dining hall, he finally saw what the so-called “human favorites” looked like. They were just some ordinary home-cooked dishes, most of which he had made during his time on the industrial star.


The queen said later, “You taught me how to cook during our time together. These are all made by me. Eat with peace of mind. They’re not poisoned.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Thank you.”


Watching him eat without any complaints and even without a hint of hesitation, the queen became curious, “Aren’t you picky at all?”


Jian Luo said, “What’s there to be picky about in prison food? It’s good to have something to eat. Besides, even if you wanted to kill me, poisoning would be too much trouble. My life and death are entirely in your hands now. Is there a need to beat around the bush?”


The queen fell silent for a while before smiling.


Jian Luo quietly finished his meal, even making a request, “I’d like to walk around a bit to aid digestion.”


The queen agreed.


Silver Grey’s warship was so vast that at first, Jian Luo hoped to find an escape route while walking and planned his route mentally. However, there were so many twists and turns inside that he soon forgot about it.


The Queen saw through his intentions: “You better not waste your efforts here. This place is filled with traps and mechanisms. You may not know, but Silver Grey is the top mechanic in the galaxy. Otherwise, why do you think your man can tolerate him for so long?”


Jian Luo: “If Silver Grey is so capable, why must he resort to being a robber?”


After all, he is of the Dragon Clan, and he possesses great strength. No matter where he goes, he can be highly valued. Why engage in such a dangerous profession?


The Queen stood with Jian Luo at the doorway of a room and said to him, “So what if he’s powerful? Lu Shifeng is so powerful, yet he can only be a Dragon King, isn’t that right?”




Jian Luo was momentarily speechless.


He felt that the statement was somewhat strange, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was odd about it.


The door to the room opened, revealing a very spacious hall. Sitting on the throne at the top was Silver Grey, legs crossed.


The Queen said, “Here we are.”


Silver Grey glanced at Jian Luo. “What do you usually do when you’re with Lu Shifeng and have some free time?”


Jian Luo honestly replied, “Read, go for a run, surf the internet, do business.”


Silver Grey was somewhat shocked.


Unreasonably, Jian Luo felt a bit offended because from Silver Grey’s eyes, he inexplicably felt like a bumpkin, the kind who had no entertainment activities.


Silver Grey waved to Jian Luo, his mask gleaming coldly in the light. “Come.”


Jian Luo didn’t want to move.


“Hurry up,” Silver Grey said impatiently. “Don’t make me come looking for you myself.”




The Queen comforted Jian Luo, “It’s okay; he’s just trying to intimidate you.”


Jian Luo didn’t feel comforted at all, but he still stepped forward and sat down next to Silver Grey. Silver Grey pressed some buttons, and the entire hall was covered with curtains, dimming the lights considerably, giving the impression of watching a movie.


Jian Luo was curious. “What are we watching?”


Silver Grey lazily leaned back in his chair. “Something interesting.”


Just a few moments later, something appeared on the screen. It seemed like a documentary, with initially blurry figures gradually becoming clear.


There were several elderly individuals standing in front of two dragon eggs.


“This is the last batch of clones.”


“We’ve paid too much to produce these pure-blood dragon eggs. We can’t sacrifice anymore…”


“What’s the big deal? Everything is for the future of the Dragon Clan. Sacrificing a few people is to ensure that more people live well.”


Behind these elders, there was a densely packed wall, divided into many small compartments, each containing many dragon eggs. These eggs were pierced by a straw to provide nutrients to the two eggs in the middle.


To achieve success, countless sacrifices were made. The birth of a Dragon King was filled with sin from the moment of birth.


Silver Grey said, “Hey, guess which one is me?”




Jian Luo was initially engrossed, feeling quite heavy-hearted, but Silver Grey’s interruption left him unsure of what to say.


Silver Grey pointed to one of them. “That one.”


Jian Luo looked at the red egg and instinctively said, “That’s you?”






Silver Grey then pointed to the silver egg beside it. “That’s me.”


Jian Luo’s gaze remained on the screen. It was his first time facing such cruelty. He dared not count how many dragon eggs were on the walls. The direct impact shook his entire being. If those eggs were all living beings…


Silver Grey said, “This is just the beginning.”


The footage continued, seemingly pieced together from surveillance cameras, lacking any narrative coherence, simply moving from one scene to another.


Slowly, the camera angle changed.


Two boys lay on cold hospital beds. They were very young, probably only a few years old, surrounded by a group of people in white coats. The scales of the young dragons were not fully developed, and the medical staff wanted to take samples directly from their bodies.


Only the Dragon Clan knew how painful it was to have scales taken, but the two boys showed no expression. They seemed accustomed to it, or perhaps they knew that crying and struggling wouldn’t bring any help.


Silver Grey said, “Guess which one is me?”


Jian Luo expressionlessly replied, “The one with white hair.”


“Why?” Silver Grey was excited. “Because he’s exceptionally handsome?”


Jian Luo honestly said, “Because the adult’s eyes are red, while the one next to him with black hair has red eyes.”


Silver Grey pursed his lips, finding it somewhat dull.


The scene continued. After everyone left, the boy with white hair tried to climb out of bed but fell. He began to cry, wiping his tears, while the boy with black hair and horns on his head simply watched quietly.


Finally, the black-haired boy seemed to say something, and the white-haired boy stopped crying.


Silver Grey said, “Guess what he said?”


Jian Luo didn’t hesitate. “Crying is the most pathetic behavior of weak people.”




Silver Grey was shocked. “You knew that?”


“I knew.” Jian Luo had no expression. “He said the same thing to me when I cried.”




Silver Gray choked up a bit.


The scene continued to unfold. In the surveillance documentary, the two children grew slowly. The medical staff became increasingly disappointed in them. All data indicated that these two pure-blooded dragons were too weak; they were failures.


The depth of disappointment people felt towards them was proportional to the expectations they had placed on them.


People began openly discussing:


“Should we start the breeding process again?”


“There’s no way. This is the last batch. The gene bank left by the old Dragon King is depleted.”




Someone glanced back at the two of them, the implication crystal clear.


If the new Dragon King couldn’t meet their expectations, they would have to take unconventional measures. To these people, these were not children; they were merely replicas, machines.


Silver Gray said, “Between him and me, I’m the weaker one.”


Jian Luo felt a mix of emotions.


“They want to remake me,” Silver Gray picked up the nearby glass, “The night before, we ran away. We could have left together, but when I went out, he didn’t. You know what he said?”


Jian Luo asked, “What?”


“He said, ‘The dragon race cannot vanish like this,'” Silver Gray recounted slowly, “He said he would stay behind, for the rise and fall of our race.”


Silver Gray had always thought that Lu Shifeng was a madman. He knew full well that facing death awaited him upon return, that the dragons would show him no warmth, and that the extinction of their race was inevitable.


But Lu Shifeng would only say, “Someone has to bear it.”


If not them, then someone else.


Silver Gray pushed the glass aside. “I grabbed you away for your own good. Do you know what awaits you on Dark Star?”


Jian Luo remained silent.


“Right now, they’re not studying you because they fear harming the children,” Silver Gray brought up the current hospital surveillance of Dark Star, “If the dragon race treats their own offspring’s eggs like this, imagine how they’ll treat you, an outsider?”


Silver Gray sighed. “It’s not just you; even those in your belly will be sent for research.”


Jian Luo’s eyes widened slightly.


Silver Gray smirked sarcastically, “If they unfortunately inherit some human frailty, what awaits them will be endless disappointment and relentless pressure. If you agree, that’s best; if you don’t, there are other ways.”


Jian Luo didn’t want to hear any more of this. He didn’t want to know these things at all. “Stop talking.”


The queen sitting below timely interjected, “Luoluo, I’ve told you before, but you didn’t believe. How about this, let’s play a game, make a bet. If you win, we’ll let you go. If you lose, you’ll believe what we say. How about it?”

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!