Chapter 119 – Don’t Touch Him


Once Jian Luo recovered his strength, he felt very tired.


Two eggs on the bed remained quiet as chickens. If not for one hatching, Jian Luo would have worried about whether there were hatchlings inside. But why had Long Aotian come out while his brothers didn’t?


Jian Luo stared at the eggs for a while, finally sighing. He tapped on one of the shells lightly with his fingertips. “If you don’t want to come out, that’s fine. Even if you come out, I have nothing to feed you.”


The egg remained motionless.


For now, Jian Luo decided to leave it be and focused on Long Aotian instead. Though the tiny hatchling was small, it had a good appetite. It quickly finished eating the entire eggshell. Perhaps feeling satisfied, the hatchling’s belly showed a slight curvature, and it happily rolled over in Jian Luo’s palm.




Jian Luo quickly cupped his hands around it. “Don’t roll off.”


The hatchling clearly didn’t understand Jian Luo’s intention, but it knew its father was speaking to it. Though still clueless, it obediently rubbed its head against Jian Luo’s fingertip. While doing so, it emitted a soft, contented purr, reminiscent of a small kitten seeking comfort. In their early years, dragon scales were soft, and their horns lacked sharp edges. Rather than dragons, they resembled kittens that had yet to grow up.


Jian Luo patted its head. “Go to sleep.”


The hatchling was indeed tired. Under Jian Luo’s gentle voice, it curled up slowly, as if still in its mother’s eggshell. It nestled into a small black ball and fell asleep in Jian Luo’s hand.


Watching it, Jian Luo felt his heart melt. He had always thought dragons were mighty and didn’t need human protection. Even the young dragons in the Sky Garden were much stronger than him.


He had never imagined hatchlings would be so small and fragile.


Perhaps the bond between mother and child was indeed mysterious. Watching the hatchlings, he felt affectionate, wanting to take care of them and ensure their healthy growth.




The thunder outside rumbled, and rain poured down around the thatched hut.


Jian Luo had expended a lot of energy. Now that the hatchling was asleep, he felt exhausted too. He placed the hatchling next to his pillow and curled up to sleep.


Outside, the rain gradually subsided, and the sky regained its orange hue. Birds flew across the sky, and inside the thatched hut, someone woke up hungry.


When Jian Luo woke up, his stomach growled incessantly. He rubbed his eyes, realizing his current predicament. “So hungry.”


He glanced at the little black ball still sleeping on the pillow beside him. It was understandable; most of the time, hatchlings slept during their infancy to aid in their growth.


However, this was also a time when they needed nutrition. Jian Luo had to figure out a way to get some food.


With that in mind, Jian Luo turned to Lu Shifeng lying not far away. Over the course of the night, most of the wounds on Lu Shifeng’s body had stopped bleeding. The healing ability of dragons was truly remarkable; they didn’t need any medical attention and could recover on their own.


Jian Luo looked at the sky outside, with only one thought in mind: to find a basin of water to freshen up. After giving birth to the little ones, he hadn’t cleaned up himself, and beside him, Lu Shifeng hadn’t either. Jian Luo wasn’t sure how serious Lu Shifeng’s injuries were. Although the healing ability of the Dragon clan was quite strong, it was still better to clean the wounds that could be cleaned.


Jian Luo looked around the thatched cottage and finally found a usable wooden basin in a corner.


“Fortunately, there’s an emergency refuge box in the storage space.”


There was a stream not far from the thatched cottage. Jian Luo first washed his face and feet in the stream and wiped other parts with a towel. He didn’t dare to leave the little ones for too long, so he quickly returned with the wooden basin.


Inside the thatched cottage was very quiet. After placing the wooden basin down, Jian Luo saw that Long Autian was still sleeping and didn’t disturb him. He had originally intended to clean him up too, but since this little one was asleep, he let it be.


Jian Luo’s gaze fell on Lu Shifeng. He sighed, “He’s really resting well during his confinement.”


But he was always someone who made the best out of a bad situation and wouldn’t complain for too long. He still preferred to be productive. Actually, being busy like this was good. At least now, both big and small were by his side. If they were born on Dark Star, Long Autian and the others might have been taken away.


Jian Luo wrung out the towel and then began to wipe Lu Shifeng’s body.


It was quite difficult to undo the Marshal’s military uniform. Initially, Jian Luo tried with one hand, but found that it was impossible to unbutton it with just one hand, so he simply threw the towel aside and used both hands.


He half-bent down, concentrating, when Lu Shifeng, who had been unconscious all along, slowly opened his eyes. Their eyes met, and there was a moment of awkwardness.


Jian Luo first froze, then slowly let go of his hand and chuckled awkwardly, “I was just trying to clean your wounds. Do you believe me?”


Lu Shifeng quietly looked at him. Jian Luo felt that there was something off about his gaze, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Just as he was about to speak and ask Lu Shifeng to look at the children, he heard Lu Shifeng speak in a cold voice, “Move aside.”


Jian Luo was stunned and slowly moved away.


Lu Shifeng half-sat up, first assessing the surroundings, and finally, his gaze fell on the two eggs and a little black ball on the kang.


Jian Luo said, “They…”


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo with a scrutinizing gaze, slightly stern, “Did you steal Dragon eggs?”




Damn it.


If he could overpower him, Jian Luo would have wanted to slap him. Was this guy following him just to make trouble for himself?


Just as he was fuming, a flash of insight came to him. He suddenly remembered what his adjutant had said before. When a Dragon suffered a serious injury, there would be atavistic changes in the body, including memories and consciousness. This condition wouldn’t last long, generally reverting to normal after the wounds were completely healed.


That must be it!


Once Jian Luo figured it out, he wasn’t as angry anymore. He said, “I didn’t steal them. They’re my children.”


Lu Shifeng’s eyes turned bloodshot as he looked at Jian Luo, clearly not believing him. He even sneered, “Human?”




What’s wrong with being human!


Jian Luo was so angry he almost fainted. He was furious but also found it amusing. He threw the towel aside and stopped what he was doing, “Yes, I’m human, I’m really sorry.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him indifferently, stood up, and went to take the Dragon eggs.


Jian Luo widened his eyes, “How dare you!”


Lu Shifeng ignored him completely. He was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he reached the kang. Long Autian, who had been sleeping, woke up. The little Dragon was confused and before he could react, he was grabbed by a pair of large hands around his neck and lifted up. Their eyes met, two pairs of identical red eyes locking in a soulful gaze.


Jian Luo also came over. He was shorter than Lu Shifeng but managed to reach Long Autian. “Put the little one down!”


Lu Shifeng moved his gaze away, gave Jian Luo a cold glance, and was about to speak when suddenly he felt pain in his hand. The little black Dragon was fierce, biting him fiercely with its sharp little teeth. Lu Shifeng let go, and the black Dragon fell down, scaring Jian Luo into quickly catching the baby.


Although the little one was fierce just now, once back in his mother’s arms, his true nature was revealed. He whimpered and snuggled into Jian Luo’s arms, completely dependent.


Jian Luo also held the baby in his arms, looking warily at Lu Shifeng. “Don’t touch him.”




Lu Shifeng remained silent for a while before finally speaking, “He has my scent on him.”


Jian Luo was stunned. He hadn’t expected this. Actually, he couldn’t distinguish scents very well, but even a juvenile version of Lu Shifeng could recognize scents, right? But then again, they were his offspring. Could he really not recognize this?


While Jian Luo was contemplating, Lu Shifeng was also observing him. Not for any other reason, but because he had noticed something since earlier. The Dragon scent on Jian Luo was too strong.


Initially, with his vigilance, he would have eliminated any unknown creatures around him the moment he woke up. However, at the moment their eyes met, inexplicably, his body seemed to freeze, and even more strangely, he felt a surge of joy and longing.


Then, he sensed his own scent on Jian Luo, the same scent as on these little ones. Everything was so strange.


The teenage version of Lu Shifeng was puzzled.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.


Jian Luo looked outside, and as the knocking continued, several strangely dressed aliens entered. Luckily, they spoke the interstellar lingua franca, and after studying it for a year, Jian Luo surprisingly understood it fluently.


The leading man said, “Outsiders, why have you intruded into our territory?”


The others looked at them with wary eyes, not very friendly, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.


Jian Luo quickly said in the alien language, “Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude, but we had an accident and were forced to land here. Please rest assured, we mean no harm.”


The leader’s expression improved slightly upon hearing this.


Because this group of strangers suddenly entered, the little Dragon in Jian Luo’s arms felt his mother’s tension. The audacious little black Dragon poked his head out, his eyes as bright as rubies, looking at the group of people not far away, cautiously hooking Jian Luo’s clothes with his little claws.


The leader also noticed the little Dragon. He frowned and asked in a displeased tone, “What’s that in your arms?”


As he spoke, he reached out to pull Jian Luo, but before he could touch him, a more powerful figure stood in front of Jian Luo. Lu Shifeng’s demeanor had completely changed from before, fierce, dangerous, and full of threat. He said, “Don’t touch him.”

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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