Chapter 121 – I Blossom Again


Jian Luo almost stared blankly at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng sat calmly in his chair, not feeling that anything was wrong. He continued, “But you can rest assured that even if the child isn’t mine, I’ll help take care of him. After all, he’s the descendant of the Dragon Clan.”




A question mark slowly rose above Jian Luo’s head.


Did Lu Shifeng unilaterally assign himself the role of taking over? Jian Luo was full of complaints. He said, “Do you think Silver Gray, a silver dragon, would have… have such a black child?”


Lu Shifeng raised his eyelids to look at Jian Luo. His blood-red eyes suddenly became sharp, and his whole demeanor changed. Jian Luo’s heart trembled, and he involuntarily began to recall where he might have gone wrong.


Just as he began to diverge in his thoughts, Lu Shifeng’s voice, with a hint of heaviness, explained, “Dragon kings are usually black and white. Silver Gray inherited the replicant body of the old dragon king. It’s possible for his offspring to be a black dragon. You don’t need to doubt him.”




I really didn’t.


Jian Luo felt helpless. He even wanted to pry open Lu Shifeng’s skull to see if it was filled with paste.


Just as Jian Luo was about to speak, the little black one suddenly started spinning in place, looking a bit anxious. There were still milk-like sounds coming from his throat.


Jian Luo asked, “What’s wrong?”


Not far away, Lu Shifeng said, “He needs to go.”


Jian Luo realized a beat late. Oh, right, the little one had been eating constantly since he was born and hadn’t gone to the bathroom yet. Thinking of this, he quickly picked up the little one and took him to the bathroom to take care of his needs.


He also took the opportunity to give the little one a bath with warm water. He had never known that he could take care of others so meticulously until he had a child. He realized that a mother’s heart worried about everything and wouldn’t dislike anything about her child. He really felt that everything about his child was good, much better than being pleased with a dog of a man.


Jian Luo put a little bubble bath on him, and the little one rubbed against him, making him chuckle uncontrollably.


In the bathroom, Jian Luo specially prepared a small basin for him to play in. The little one, teased by Jian Luo, didn’t feel it was his mother’s prank but instead enjoyed playing in the water. The cries of dragonlings were delicate and pleasant when they were born. They were so cute.


Jian Luo poked his soft little horns. “Much cuter than your dad.”


With the little one, he came out of the bathroom. There was no one outside, and it was already dark. Jian Luo guessed that Lu Shifeng probably went to sleep somewhere else. After all, that old stubborn man seemed to still be struggling with the idea of men and women not being able to share a room. Oh no, sorry, solitary men and women not being able to coexist in a room, they must abide by the rules of propriety.



Jian Luo twitched his lips. Let him go.


After all, it was temporary amnesia. When the injury healed, everything would return to normal. He really didn’t need to argue with a wounded soldier.


The next day.


When the sky was bright, Jian Luo, who had eaten well and slept well, woke up. There were two red eggs beside his pillow, and they were as unresponsive as ever. Next to the dragon eggs was a black ball. Jian Luo didn’t know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the black ball seemed a bit bigger.


Specifically, before, the little one was the size of a golf ball, but now he seemed to be the size of a bowling ball.


Jian Luo murmured, “Good boy, you’re growing so fast, huh?”


The little black one is still asleep.


Jian Luo didn’t wake him up, and he got up to wash up. There was some leftover meat from yesterday, so he came out of the round house and prepared to cook a pot of meat paste.


He thought he had woken up quite early, but unexpectedly, it was bustling outside the tribe. Their round house was situated high, offering a view of nearby households. People were bustling about in the narrow pathways, each busy with their tasks. What stood out was that these households seemed to have domesticated small animals, flying in the sky and running on the ground, creating a lively scene.




Suddenly, a male voice came from the side.


Before Jian Luo could react, a black bird stood in front of him. The pot was simmering with meat soup, and the bird stood quietly in front of the pot, looking at him. Jian Luo trembled, almost dropping the spoon.


A young boy ran over, panting. “Caw.”


The bird in front of Jian Luo flapped its wings and cawed twice, seemingly responding to the boy’s call.


The boy came over to Jian Luo. He was not tall, wearing a linen outfit, with short hair and slightly tanned skin. He wore a pair of flat grass shoes, giving off a sunny vibe. He approached, grabbing his bird and looked at Jian Luo. “Sorry, did it scare you?”


Jian Luo still held Dragon Ao Tian in his arms, but Dragon Ao Tian, bold and fearless, was not scared at all. Instead, he became more excited. To prevent his son from biting the boy’s bird, Jian Luo awkwardly smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Just be more careful next time.”


The boy scratched his head. “Sorry, did it really scare you?”


Jian Luo waved his hand.


He still had rice cooking in the pot, and the boy glanced at it and said, “Well, let me make it up to you. I have some vegetables and eggs harvested from the mountain yesterday. I’ll bring them to you.”


Jian Luo felt it wasn’t necessary. He said, “It’s okay, I wasn’t scared. You don’t have to be so polite.”


The boy acted as if he hadn’t heard. “We should settle on this. You wait here!”


With that, he quickly slipped away.


Jian Luo fell silent for a moment, trying to recall what exactly he had agreed to.


The boy returned quickly, carrying many things, all of which he placed in front of Jian Luo eagerly. His eyes sparkled. “You cook.”


Jian Luo was initially going to refuse, but hesitated when he saw the eggs. Honestly, he felt his little one was eating too monotonously. Other children needed milk, but his Dragon Ao only had meat paste to eat. Although eggs weren’t very nutritious, at least they contained some protein, right?


He didn’t mind what he ate himself; he just wanted to feed his little one something good.


With this in mind, Jian Luo said, “Then I’ll keep an egg.”


The boy was generous. “No problem, there’s plenty. Help yourself. I heard you’re from another tribe, so you probably haven’t tried these. Go ahead, taste them.”


Overwhelmed by his enthusiasm, Jian Luo felt a bit embarrassed now. “Then, um, would you like to eat together later?”


The boy’s eyes lit up. “Really?”


Jian Luo nodded. “Yeah.”


“That’s great.” The boy was also straightforward. “I’ve always thought your cooking smells amazing!”




So you had it all planned out.


Jian Luo didn’t bother to argue. He cracked an egg into the meat paste. This would be his little one’s meal. He served it and let the black one eat. Excited, the little one peeked out of his little head, making noises indicating he wanted to eat, but he didn’t dare to jump out directly. After all, the last time he jumped down suddenly, Jian Luo caught him and scolded him. Although the child didn’t know why, he was still a bit scared.


Jian Luo said, “It’s too hot. You have to wait.”


The little black one grumbled a bit, feeling aggrieved.


The boy also noticed the creature in Jian Luo’s arms and widened his eyes. “What kind of animal are you raising? I’ve never seen one like it before.”


Jian Luo casually brushed him off. “An exotic creature.”


After washing the pot, Jian Luo began to fry eggs. Although there was no oil here, the pot was amazing, not sticking at all.


After frying an egg, he continued to cook the meat paste soup. Since it was for adults this time, he added some vegetables.


Next to him, the little dragon’s rice had cooled down a bit. Jian Luo put down the black one and let him eat on his own. “Slow down. You have to wash your face after eating.”


The little black one couldn’t wait any longer and buried his little head in the bowl, munching away.


The boy was stunned to see this. “This… this isn’t a dragon, is it?”


“No,” Jian Luo lied with his eyes wide open. “It belongs to the lizard family.”


“I see.”


Jian Luo cooked the rice, suddenly remembering something. He said, “Do you have a market here? I want to buy some supplements, like chicken or fish.”


Lu Shifeng’s injuries were severe. The ground was dyed red with blood, although he was stopped when he tried to clean Lu Shifeng yesterday. He didn’t see it, but he knew. Lu Shifeng’s face was as pale as paper, and even his dragon horns couldn’t retract. Although only one button was unfastened yesterday, he saw dragon scales beneath the skin.


He remembered Lu Shifeng saying that when a dragon was injured, dragon scales would automatically cover it. But with such a small part exposed, wasn’t he badly hurt? Although the dog was indeed a dog, Lu Shifeng was really good to him. So, he also wanted to do something insignificant within his power, like buying something to nourish him.


The boy said, “There’s a market, but I don’t know which kind you want. I’ll take you there later.”


Jian Luo was grateful. “Thank you.”


“No problem, no problem.” The boy was a bit shy. “I just want a meal.”


The two quickly established a friendly relationship. Jian Luo listened to the boy talking about the local culture with great interest, and incidentally learned a lot about the place, like how far it was from Dark Star.


The food was almost ready. Jian Luo was not very familiar with the local vegetables and worried about not cooking them properly, so he picked up a piece of greens with chopsticks and gave it to the boy. “Could you try this for me? Is it cooked?”


The boy took a bite, his eyes lighting up. “It’s delicious, it’s cooked!”


Jian Luo smiled. “That’s good. I’ll turn off the heat.”


They got along well, but this scene looked completely different to others. Lu Shifeng, who had just arrived, silently watched Jian Luo in front of the door, smiling happily, feeding another man, with a contented child by their side.


It was such a picture of maternal love and filial piety, disregarding all human relationships.


Although it had nothing to do with him, if there was any jealousy, it would be a silvery-gray one. It didn’t matter who Jian Luo ate with; it had nothing to do with him. But Marshal Shang felt like there was a fire burning up inside him, making his eyes red, wishing he could throw the person in front of Jian Luo out.


Unfortunately, Jian Luo turned around and saw him.


Jian Luo stood up and waved. “Come on, let’s eat.”


Lu Shifeng looked at the boy also holding food, feeling a strange possessiveness typical of dragons rising within him. He suppressed the surging anger in his heart as much as possible. “Come over.”

Jian Luo was momentarily stunned.


Lu Shifeng patiently repeated, “I told you to come over.”




What was this early morning madness about?


Jian Luo told the teenager he was with and walked over. “What’s up?”


“Do you know him well?”




“You tell me.”


Jian Luo innocently turned around to find the teenager burying his head in his meal. He said, “Not really, just met him this morning. But he seems nice. He even brought eggs and vegetables for me and the little one…”


Before he could finish, Lu Shifeng cut in coldly, “You dare to eat things of unknown origin. Have you forgotten your current situation?”


Jian Luo choked up.


Lu Shifeng’s harsh words dumbfounded him. A sense of inexplicable grievance surged within him. Couldn’t things be discussed calmly? Did this guy lose his mind? Sure, what he said made some sense, but did he have to be so aggressive from the start? He didn’t owe him anything!


Jian Luo’s nose tingled, and his temper flared. “I don’t need you to interfere.”


Lu Shifeng’s eyes flickered as he looked at Jian Luo’s reddened eyes. Suddenly, all the sourness in his heart disappeared, replaced by a hint of panic. But mature as Lu Shifeng was, he didn’t know how to comfort people. He couldn’t expect the teenage version to do any better. Lu Shifeng’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, and he forced out, “You… You’re already carrying my brother’s child. You should keep your distance from other men of unknown origin.”




Jian Luo was dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe Lu Shifeng would say such nonsense. He didn’t cheat or flirt with anyone. He had cooked diligently early in the morning and taken care of the child. And yet, he was accused of what?


Jian Luo laughed bitterly in anger. “It’s none of your business. Even Silver Gray abandoned his wife and child. Why can’t I find someone else? I’m willing to. What’s it to you?”


This time, the ‘Marshal’ was at a loss for words.


Indeed, what did it have to do with him?


But he was still very angry. Why did he choose that person? The ‘Marshal’ couldn’t see any merit in him at all. At least… it would have been better if he had chosen himself.


Author’s Note: Today, fifty red packets will be given away, and the draw will be at 11 p.m.


The Marshal’s Double Standards:


To others: You’re a man of unknown origin, not keeping to the proper conduct of a woman!


To himself: Since he can do it, so can I!

T/N: Lololol, lizard family. Poor dragon bebe xD

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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