Chapter 122 – Let Me Explain

Chapter 122 – Let Me Explain


Just as the two were at an impasse, they heard the baby’s cry from behind. Even though Jian Luo was some distance away, he could still hear it clearly. He promptly gave up arguing with the dog of a man and went back to check on the child.


The young black dragon was still too young to fly. Its wings were merely decorative at this stage, perhaps only useful for looking cute.


The little one stood on the stone slab, excitedly spinning around, wanting a hug from Jian Luo.


Jian Luo brought a towel from inside to wipe the baby’s face. “You got food on your face.”


The baby behaved well while being wiped, not struggling at all, allowing Jian Luo to clean its face. If Jian Luo’s movements were gentle, it would even purr softly, incredibly obedient.


But it was also a bit mischievous.


As Jian Luo held the towel, the baby’s claws hooked onto it. When Jian Luo tried to shake the towel, the baby refused to let go. Even the dragon and the towel were left hanging in the air. Jian Luo chuckled helplessly. “Come down.”


The baby seemed to treat it as a game, starting to climb up along the towel. Its stubbornness as a dragon added to the challenge. Despite its small size, it climbed quickly. Though it extended its claws while gripping the towel, it retracted them when touching Jian Luo’s skin, using its little pads to step on Jian Luo’s shoulder.


The young man beside him remarked, “Your pet is so smart.”


Perhaps all parents were half-proud and half-complaining. Jian Luo also said, “It’s mischievous.”


The baby couldn’t understand human speech, but it automatically assumed any praise was directed at itself. After Jian Luo finished speaking, it even made a couple of agreeing sounds, lifting its noble dragon head proudly.


The young man found it amusing.


Jian Luo put the baby dragon back on the ground and began to serve the meal. Despite their argument, he was a mature adult who wouldn’t let his emotions interfere with feeding Lu Shifeng. After all, Lu Shifeng hadn’t let him go hungry during his pregnancy.


After serving the meal, Jian Luo turned around to find Lu Shifeng standing behind him, the young dragon using him as a climbing frame.


He handed the bowl to him. “Here’s your meal.”


Lu Shifeng took it without a word. He wanted to say that dragons didn’t need to eat every day, but when he glanced at the young man beside him, who thought he was asking about the taste, he simply ate in silence.


After finishing the meal, Lu Shifeng said, “It’s good!”


Lu Shifeng felt a bit choked up inside.


The young man sighed. “I’ve never had such delicious mushy meat before. I feel like I could eat another pot.”


Hearing him say this, Lu Shifeng, who had been planning to decline, silently picked up the spoon and focused on eating.


Jian Luo sat on a small stool nearby, eating his meal. There was an extra half egg in his bowl, specially added for Lu Shifeng. Lu Shifeng quietly passed it back to him before continuing his meal.


After a moment of hesitation, Jian Luo said, “You’re injured. Let me nourish you.”


Lu Shifeng paused for a moment, his red eyes looking at Jian Luo. His gaze flickered slightly, and he finally said in a deep voice, “Human bodies are more fragile. Take care of yourself.”




Clearly, it was a caring remark, but it sounded different coming from him.


Jian Luo forced himself to ignore it and didn’t insist on giving the egg back. Instead, he took a bite himself.


After finishing their meal, they agreed to go to the market.


Jian Luo prepared to hand over the egg to Lu Shifeng. “I want to buy some things. Can you look after the egg?”


The baby black dragon was nestled in Jian Luo’s clothes and refused to come out. Sometimes, it peeked out curiously from his neckline.


Lu Shifeng took the egg and placed it in his storage space.


Jian Luo had never realized Lu Shifeng’s storage space was so advanced. His own could not store living creatures, but he hadn’t expected Lu Shifeng’s to be able to do so!


After Lu Shifeng finished, he said, “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The young man outside was waiting, thinking Jian Luo was alone. When he saw Lu Shifeng, he was surprised. “Are you going together?”


Lu Shifeng narrowed his eyes, his attitude towards the young man completely different from towards Jian Luo, icy and frosty. “Any problem?”






Before going, they had high spirits, but after arriving, they realized the currency here wasn’t star coins but a special currency called Peru coins, which were only used in this country.


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng said indifferently, “There’s only one crystal.”




In other words, they couldn’t afford anything now.


The young man weakly said, “I can lend you some, but I don’t have much.”


Jian Luo didn’t like owing favours to others. He sighed and, as he contemplated, Lu Shifeng, who was beside him, said, “Let’s go back.”


Jian Luo looked at him in surprise.


The black kiddo rubbed his hand against Jian Luo’s.


Jian Luo quickly wiped him clean, then placed Xiao Long on the bed, alongside two eggs, before going out to cook. He moved swiftly, returning to find the black kiddo  curled up into a small black ball, snuggled next to the two eggs, fast asleep.


Jian Luo sat by the bed and called out to him softly, “Kiddo, it’s time to eat.”


The little black ball didn’t respond. Normally, he wouldn’t stay still even during mealtime or cooking.


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat. He set the bowl aside, cradled the black ball in his hands, and asked anxiously, “Kiddoi, are you feeling unwell?”


The black kiddo made a soft hum, his cries sounding weak. Jian Luo felt his body temperature while holding him and noticed that Xiao Long’s body felt warmer than usual. This confirmed his suspicion that he might indeed be sick. The problem was, Jian Luo had never encountered a sick dragon before.


With no time to spare, Jian Luo picked up the two eggs, tucked the black kiddo  into his pocket, and hurriedly went to find Lu Shifeng.


“Lu Shifeng…”


Jian Luo pushed the door open and bumped into Lu Shifeng, who had just come out from a shower.


Perhaps because he was alone in the room, the marshal wore very little clothing, confirming Jian Luo’s suspicion that the teenage version of Lu Shifeng had a well-built physique.


Lu Shifeng put on a coat and asked, “What’s wrong?”


He didn’t question why Jian Luo hadn’t knocked before entering but patiently inquired about the matter. This greatly eased Jian Luo’s tension.


Jian Luo handed him the dozing Zai Zai from his pocket and asked, “Why does he seem listless? Is he sick?”


Lu Shifeng pinched Zai Zai and examined him for a while, feeling his temperature with his fingertips. After a thorough assessment, he finally said, “He has a fever.”


Jian Luo’s heart sank. “What… what should we do?”


Lu Shifeng remained calmer than him. “Get some fever-reducing herbs and brew them for him. It’s not serious.”


Seeing Lu Shifeng so composed made Jian Luo feel a surge of anger, as if his own child wasn’t the one sick. He took Zai Zai back and decided to settle the score later. With patience, he said, “What kind of herbs should I get? I’ll go find them.”


Lu Shifeng spoke solemnly, “I’ll go.”


Jian Luo was surprised.


Lu Shifeng fetched another coat from the storage space and dr4p3d it over Jian Luo. “Stay here.”




Although… Jian Luo had to admit, he was grateful that Lu Shifeng had come with him from the ring. Without him, he might have been even more flustered, even more unable to cope.


He could take care of Zai Zai properly, think about food, all because he knew Lu Shifeng was there, providing him with a sense of security.


Now that Zai Zai was sick, having Lu Shifeng around made him less panicked. If Lu Shifeng weren’t here, he didn’t dare to think about what he would do. Regardless, he still relied on him.



When Lu Shifeng returned, Jian Luo had already fallen asleep on the bed with Zai Zai in his arms.


He entered quietly, his movements cautious. Outside, he brewed the medicine with unfamiliar motions. Despite being quiet, Jian Luo, who was lightly asleep yet alert, woke up.


Jian Luo placed Zai Zai on the bed and walked out. “Did you find the medicine?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


The herbs were simmering in the pot, reassuring Jian Luo. He said, “Can dragons get sick?”


“It’s rare. They have self-healing abilities.” Lu Shifeng remained objective and rational. “There’s a possibility of inheriting human genes. Also, premature birth or malnutrition could weaken their immunity.”


Jian Luo frowned, feeling guilty. “It’s all my fault.”


Lu Shifeng’s expression remained unchanged. “It’s not your fault. Silver Grey is irresponsible. I’ll bring him back.”




Not finished yet.


Jian Luo sighed heavily, deciding to give him another chance. “This isn’t Silver Grey’s child, it’s yours.”


Lu Shifeng’s actions in making soup paused.


“You lost your memory due to injury, but they are your children.” Jian Luo tried to explain. “Look at Zai Zai, his eyes are red. Silver Grey doesn’t have red eyes. Besides, Zai Zai is black. Can’t you see these differences?”


Lu Shifeng’s hand holding the ladle trembled slightly. His once silent heart stirred again. He looked at Jian Luo, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. Under Jian Luo’s hopeful gaze, he said, “You wear a bracelet made by Silver Grey.”




Jian Luo looked at his wrist, surprised that this was the reason!


“I was tied up with it when I was kidnapped.” Jian Luo explained simply. “Then you came to rescue me and lost your memory due to injury. I know your name is Lu Shifeng. There’s a red dragon stand in your office. You like spicy food and dislike barbecue. You couldn’t fly when you were a child, but you used to jump off cliffs, no, jump off rocks. Your bedroom didn’t have a bed, but I brought one…”


He listed many details, which increasingly intrigued Lu Shifeng.


Finally, Lu Shifeng began to believe. He even felt a hint of excitement and indescribable joy in his heart, although his face remained cold. “Are they really my children?”


Jian Luo affirmed, “Of course!”


While they were talking, there was suddenly movement inside. Jian Luo thought Zai Zai had woken up, but when he entered the room, he saw two red eggshells cracking!


Jian Luo exclaimed, covering his mouth. “One of them is hatching.”


Lu Shifeng stood up abruptly and walked in. Both of them stood by the bed, watching as the red shells slowly cracked open. Almost simultaneously, two shells cracked open. One hatched faster, revealing a small black head with beautiful amber eyes. The little one was very smart, immediately nibbling on the shell after poking his head out.


Then, the adjacent red eggshell cracked open. A small head emerged, the dragon horns were tender white, and as the shell fell away, most of the body was revealed. It was a very beautiful little silver dragon, with a hint of gold. She let out a gentle cry, sounding very tender and coquettish.


No matter how you looked at it, this was definitely not a black dragon.


And just now, Jian Luo had given examples to convince Lu Shifeng, intending to persuade him that because Silver Grey was a silver dragon, these hatchlings weren’t his children. But he never expected…


Feeling Lu Shifeng’s gaze on him, Jian Luo turned his head and swallowed dryly. Awkwardly, he said, “Um, I think I can explain…”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


1 Comment

  1. Blood

    Thanks for the update!! 🤣🤣🤣

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