Chapter 126 – Apologies, Luo Luo


Looking at the woman in front of him, Jian Luo briefly wondered if he was hallucinating due to exhaustion.


Wenya said, “Is it okay, Luo Luo?”


Jian Luo’s hand on the door frame involuntarily tightened. He forced a smile, not a very pleasant one. “Wenya, our situation is evident to you. The three children are not even a month old. The eldest had a fever not long ago. He’s the healthiest among the three, but I was weak when giving birth, and they have poor constitutions. They’re still too young. It’s not that I don’t want to help; it’s just that the children are too young.”


Wenya pursed her lips, hesitating. “But it’s just a scale; it won’t do any harm.”




Jian Luo didn’t feel like explaining to her anymore. He changed the subject. “Wenya, if you’re worried about your child, how about I ask my partner to get you some herbs?”


Wenya’s expression turned somewhat unpleasant.


Jian Luo was about to close the door. “Is there anything else?”


“Luo Luo, aren’t you being too stingy?” Wenya was straightforward. “It’s just a small favor. Children grow quickly, don’t dragon scales grow back quickly too? Besides, you’re living in our house. You know how we’ve treated you. You don’t think we haven’t shared anything good with you, do you?”



Jian Luo stood his ground. “Scales don’t grow back at will. Do you know the pain of a nine-tailed fox losing its tail? Forcing off dragon scales is akin to cutting off fingers. Wenya, I respect you, but do you think it’s appropriate for you to come here and pressure me into harming my children?”


Wenya was left somewhat speechless by Jian Luo’s words. She actually knew that her request was a bit excessive. Dragon scales were invaluable, rarely seen on the interstellar trade market. There had been rumors of a dragon scale auction over a decade ago, where a single scale fetched billions. There were even legends that grinding scales into powder had the power to revive the dead.


Such a treasure, who wouldn’t want it? Even she hoped her child could live a long life. Moreover, scales would grow back, so why be so stingy?


Wenya said, “Luo Luo, I know you’re in difficulties. How about this, whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. You and your partner have fallen to this point; there must be some hidden troubles. We’ve treated you well, haven’t we? You’re living in our house, you…”


Jian Luo narrowed his eyes.


Just as he was about to speak, someone approached from the other end. Lu Shifeng returned from hanging the laundry and saw Jian Luo arguing with someone at the door.


Although the young version of Lu Shifeng didn’t have the imposing aura of the adult Field Marshal, he still carried some arrogance and pride from his youth. While he learned to restrain it as he grew older, the arrogance of his youth was like wild grass, evident just by standing there, exuding hostility.


Lu Shifeng asked Wenya, “What’s the matter?”


Initially aggressive, Wenya became somewhat intimidated upon seeing Lu Shifeng. She awkwardly averted her gaze. “You’re back.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”


Wenya hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should speak. In fact, she didn’t want to mention her request for dragon scales. Before coming, her husband had warned her not to provoke Lu Shifeng.


Even a fallen dragon couldn’t be easily offended.


She just thought that Jian Luo was a good person and easy to talk to, so she came to try her luck. Just as Wenya was about to speak again, Lu Shifeng’s voice sounded sternly, “Your husband took the golden seal. He could buy your entire tribe with it.”


Wenya suddenly looked up.


Lu Shifeng’s face remained indifferent. “If you need dragon scales, let him come and talk to me in person.”


With that said, he turned to Jian Luo. “Let’s go eat.”


Jian Luo was originally standing on the side watching the excitement, but suddenly he was called out. He nodded, “Oh… alright.”


Wenya stood in place and was directly ignored. Her expression was a bit ugly, but she still tried to remain calm. She spoke gently to Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, I was also a bit anxious because of the child’s illness. If I offended you, please don’t take it to heart. I’ll leave first.”


Jian Luo didn’t pay attention to her and went straight into the house.


The three little ones in the house were originally playing on the bed, but now they were huddled together sleeping. The eldest, Long Ao Tian, was sprawled out, sleeping on his back, while the second, Hei Zai, was more gentle, leaning against his older brother with his legs resting on him as he slept.


The youngest sister curled up into a small silver ball and slept beside her two brothers.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but laugh and cry, “They haven’t eaten yet.”


Lu Shifeng said, “They’re tired from the day.”


“What should we do then?” Jian Luo looked at the food, feeling a bit troubled. “Wait for them to wake up to eat?”


Lu Shifeng walked over and lifted the sleeping Long Ao Tian. “They’ll eat after waking up.”




Little Long Ao Tian blinked his red eyes in confusion, feeling extremely wronged to be forcibly pulled out of his dreams, and grumbled as he twisted in the air.


Lu Shifeng tossed him back onto the bed. “Wake the others up.”


Black Zhuai rolled over on the bed, fully awake now. Children sleep and wake quickly when they’re young. In no time, Black Zhuai was energetic again. He didn’t need anyone to call him; he went to wake up his younger siblings with his dragon horn.


Jian Luo sighed, “It’s time to eat.”


The dragonlings couldn’t understand much, but they understood this sentence. Initially a little annoyed at being awakened, upon hearing these three words, they all seemed to be filled with energy as if injected with chicken blood. Their little wings flapped behind them, but due to the high kang, they couldn’t get down by themselves, and their wings couldn’t fly, so they could only anxiously turn in place.


Jian Luo never asked Lu Shifeng how long it would take for dragonlings to fly.


He remembered that Lu Shifeng seemed to have learned to fly very late, although he didn’t know why. But Jian Luo didn’t want to ask. He could see through the faces of the dragon clan that day, and he didn’t know if those people had caused any pain to Lu Shifeng, but he would never become salt on his wounds.




A delicate sneeze brought Jian Luo back to reality.


It turned out Lu Shifeng had brought the little dragonling over. When they were just born, their dragon scales were soft, but now they were a little harder. Black Zhuai rubbed against Jian Luo’s head, feeling a bit cool to the touch.


Jian Luo rubbed his horns and gently massaged the little head. “Let’s eat.”


This meal wasn’t eaten very peacefully.


At night, when the little dragonlings were all asleep, Jian Luo sat by the kang, watching over them. The moonlight outside brought a slight chill.


Lu Shifeng came out from the inner room and looked at Jian Luo, speaking in a deep voice, “Why aren’t you sleeping?”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts. He casually took a small blanket and covered himself, leaning against the kang, and lowered his voice, saying, “I’m worried…”


Lu Shifeng knew what he was worried about.


Jian Luo said, “I’m thinking, will they have any bad intentions towards the dragonlings.”


He used to think Lu Shifeng was overly cautious about the people of this tribe, but now he felt that Lu Shifeng was right, and it was his own lack of vigilance. If it weren’t for Wenya’s wake-up call today, he might still be immersed in his own world.


Lu Shifeng approached a bit, then suddenly opened his hand, letting Jian Luo see what he held.


Jian Luo looked closely and smiled, “What’s this?”


Lu Shifeng: “Hand warmer.”


Jian Luo knew this thing; Wenya also had one. It was very warm because postpartum women generally couldn’t touch anything too cold. The hand warmer was thin and could be worn on the hand, seamlessly blending with the skin, almost without obstruction, yet protecting the hand well.


But it was very precious.


It was said that its raw materials were found deep in the mountains, and it was not easy to find. Its function was somewhat redundant, only needed by postpartum women for a period of time, so very few people were willing to go to the trouble to get one.


“Where did you get it?” Jian Luo asked.


Lu Shifeng placed the item in his hand and said casually, “Made it myself.”




Jian Luo wanted to say why he went through so much trouble, and also wanted to thank him, but a myriad of emotions gathered in his heart, and in the end, he couldn’t say a word. He felt his nose tingling. In a foreign land, with dangers everywhere, encountering someone willing to go to trouble for him was truly heaven-sent.


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly, “Don’t you like it?”


Because Jian Luo’s expression seemed sad.


“I like it.” Jian Luo put it away, smiled at him, and a graceful smile bloomed on his clean and clear face, his eyes shining with tears, like fragmented starlight, obviously without makeup, yet captivating: “I really like it. Thank you.”


For a moment, Lu Shifeng felt like his heart skipped a beat, and after savoring it, there was a tingling sensation, a desire to give him everything in the world, just to keep him smiling.


Then, the expression on the little straight-faced guy’s face remained serious, indifferent, as he merely grunted.


Jian Luo said, “You should rest soon. When you’re healed, we can think of something else. I see Wenya is quite wary of you, so she probably won’t dare to do anything for the time being. During the day, when you go hunting, I and the little ones will go with you. It’ll be safer that way.”

Lu Shifeng nodded, “Okay.”


He suddenly felt… jealous of his grown-up self, but also a bit angry because that person wasn’t a qualified husband, at least Jian Luo didn’t have a partner’s mark.



The next day.


The matter of the dragon scales seemed to have been temporarily glossed over, yet it also seemed unresolved.


Wenya didn’t come to find him again, and Jian Luo also began to deliberately distance himself from the people of this tribe. No one could underestimate a father’s determination to protect his children. He watched over the children attentively, his vigilance heightened to the maximum.


The attitude of the people in the tribe also inexplicably changed all of a sudden.


The place where Jian Luo’s family dried clothes was occupied by others, and the place where miscellaneous items were piled up was also filled with things by others. The people of this tribe liked to keep pets, and these pets were completely unrestrained, often causing damage to Jian Luo’s repaired fences. The originally friendly villagers suddenly seemed to have changed their faces, making it somewhat unbearable.


Even when walking on the road, Jian Luo could see a group of people casting strange looks at him, whispering and pointing:


“They must have eloped…”




“Definitely, otherwise why not return to Dark Star, instead of coming to our small planet.”


“Tsk tsk…”


At times like these, Jian Luo would cover the dragonlings’ ears, even though they couldn’t understand, he didn’t want them to absorb such malicious energy.


On the path, Jian Luo saw the teenager who had raised the crow that day.


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, waved to greet him, but the teenager’s eyes seemed to dodge, and he even took a step back.


Jian Luo frowned slightly and didn’t approach further.


They passed each other on the path, and just as they were about to part ways, the teenager spoke up, “Luo Luo… I’m sorry.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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