Chapter 128 – Extramarital Affair


Seeing the frightened look in the little dragons’ eyes, Jian Luo suddenly realized that these little ones were no longer the same as they used to be. They were already very smart cubs and could understand what adults were saying!


Ah, darn it.


He should have avoided this.


But at this moment, explaining to the cubs that their father was actually their father seemed inappropriate.


With this in mind, Jian Luo could only force himself to look away. It was fine not to look away, but as soon as he did, he met Lu Shifeng’s eyes.


The teenage version of Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow at him, meaning obvious.


For some reason, Jian Luo felt that Lu Shifeng seemed to be gradually regaining his former aura, how to say it specifically, anyway, it was kind of intimidating.


He blinked hard, trying to convey to Lu Shifeng the meaning of “let’s talk about it later,” but Lu Shifeng just smirked, making his scalp tingle.


Jian Luo shivered.


But fortunately, he had a big heart and believed in the principle that there is always a way out of difficulties. So, even if Lu Shifeng was strong, Jian Luo believed that as long as his face was thick enough, it would be fine!


The teenager responsible for picking them up said, “It’s almost winter here.”


Jian Luo could feel that the environment here was really different from the Dark Star. The seasons here were somewhat similar to Earth, with rapid and obvious changes. When he first arrived here, the first rain should have been at the end of autumn. And now, it had been almost a month, showing clear signs of winter, and the wind was bone-chilling.


Jian Luo asked, “How do you all survive the winter?”


“We usually store meat,” the teenager replied. “Because the territories of several tribes are different, the forest we are in actually has abundant resources, but this forest is quite dangerous, with many ferocious beasts inside. Unlike another tribe, their forest has many tame prey, so their resources are easier to obtain.”


Jian Luo was still very clever, “During winter, large beasts mostly hibernate, and they become more ferocious.”


The teenager nodded, “You’re right. So our tribe has a hard time every winter.”


Jian Luo looked at him with pity. The poor people on this planet didn’t even have instant noodles, such a heavenly tool. But now that it was winter, hunting became more difficult, the cubs’ bodies were weak, and not long ago, because of the recent rain, the temperature had dropped even lower. His weakest sister went out and came back with a fever. Jian Luo didn’t really want Lu Shifeng to take the children out.


With this in mind, Jian Luo asked, “Does it snow here?”


The teenager probably didn’t expect Jian Luo to ask this question, but he still answered honestly, “Yes, it does. It’s coming soon. In a few days, it will be the big snow day.”


Jian Luo nodded with some worry.

A group of people soon arrived at that tribe. Upon entering, they saw houses of varying heights, similar in orientation to the other tribe’s, also spherical in shape, but looking more rundown. There were fewer people inside the entire tribe.


The young man said to him, “Most of the people have gone out hunting. Hunting will be even more difficult after the big snow, and most of the animals will retreat into the mountains to hibernate. Everyone wants more security before the big snow arrives.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The young man led them to choose a house, “This is a sheltered spot, relatively warm. Since you’re also with children, why not stay here?”


Jian Luo was very grateful, “Thank you.”


The young man also showed full respect to Lu Shifeng. He said, “I’ll bring some food for you later.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Just bring a portion. You’re short on food; there’s no need to be too generous.”


The young man was taken aback. He didn’t expect Lu Shifeng to be so understanding. He bowed deeply before leaving.


Jian Luo looked around the house, “Everything is quite complete.”


The beds were all covered with blankets, and some daily necessities were new. It could be seen that the owner of the house had put some thought into welcoming them. Although they were just some inexpensive items, it was still more attention than they received elsewhere, clearly showing more care.


Lu Shifeng said, “Sit here. I’ll go get a brazier.”


Jian Luo let the little dragons out of his pocket, “Lie on the bed. Don’t run around. It’s getting cold outside.”


Long Ao Tian sneezed.


Jian Luo used to be very nervous, but after being with the children for a long time, he wasn’t so jumpy anymore. He checked his sister’s temperature and felt much better, so he started heating water to give them a bath later.


Jian Luo asked Lu Shifeng, “They won’t transform into their human forms during winter, right? It’s too cold.”


Lu Shifeng brought in the brazier with charcoal and placed it inside. The charcoal emitted a scattered warmth, gradually warming up the somewhat cold room. He lowered his head to adjust the direction, saying, “It’s still early. Dragon transformations usually occur after one year.”


Jian Luo felt relieved. But soon, he felt a bit regretful. He really wanted to see what the little dragons looked like in their human forms. He was so curious.


“Ah.” Jian Luo burned the fire while asking him, “Do you think the children will resemble you or me?”


After arranging the charcoal, Lu Shifeng stood up. He hung his coat on the rack and said lightly, “Aren’t I your brother?”




Jian Luo paused in his actions, pursed his lips. This man really held a grudge, as always. He needed to coax him sooner, or else the grudge might escalate once his memories returned.


With this in mind, Jian Luo put on a pleasing smile and quickly said, “It was because of the circumstances at the time.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Is that so?”


“Of course, of course.”


“Wasn’t it because I was young?”




It was precisely because of that, everyone thought it was an elopement.


But how could Jian Luo honestly admit to that? He tried to divert the topic, “Don’t overthink it. You’re older than me. How could I not know?”


Lu Shifeng looked at him quietly for a while, his gaze making Jian Luo a bit uneasy.


After a while.


Lu Shifeng surprisingly nodded, “Hmm, that’s good.”




It was a bit strange.


After a while, the young man brought the meat. He rubbed his hands and said, “Remember not to go out at night. It’s cold outside. It’s better to stay inside.”


Jian Luo thanked him.


The harsh atmosphere of the impending winter infected him. Even Jian Luo, who wouldn’t normally worry, looked at Lu Shifeng, “Will everything be okay this winter?”


Lu Shifeng was bathing the little dragons in the inner room while saying, “You and the children should stay indoors more. You don’t need to worry about the food.”


Jian Luo said hesitantly, “Winter will be tough. Don’t push it. If necessary, we can manage for a month. Don’t go to dangerous places.”


Lu Shifeng turned his head to look at Jian Luo.


Jian Luo stammered, “What are you looking at?”


“I’ve always thought,” Lu Shifeng said meaningfully, “Do you have any misunderstandings about the Dragon Clan?”




I don’t! Even though… But Jian Luo really wasn’t that worried. He had seen the adult Lu Shifeng kick down walls rumored to be of high thickness and bulletproof. Although he was injured and weakened, it didn’t mean these predators became stronger. Maybe they were really scared of those fierce beasts, only the little ones on the bed would tremble at the sight of a chicken.


Jian Luo thought about taking more photos now, recording more videos. When the little ones grew up and became the menacing Dragon Overlords, he could bring out the chicken-killing pictures…





The next day.


Having stayed in this tribe for two days, gradually understanding the living habits and environment here, Jian Luo discovered some yarn from others. The people of this tribe used yarn to tie things, but Jian Luo found that some yarns were soft in texture and could be used to weave things.


He borrowed a bunch of yarn and spent a day in the house, knitting mini clothes for each little dragon.


At first, Long Ao Tian refused to put on the clothes. The black dragon wailed and complained, his legs flailing in the air, showing how aggrieved he was. He didn’t even show his claws in fear, just whimpering and begging.


Jian Luo said softly, “Don’t make a fuss. Once Daddy helps you get dressed, you can go out and play in the snow.”


In the past few days, snow has slowly begun to fall. The kids were extremely excited, spending all day at the window watching, but due to their weak health, Jian Luo didn’t dare to let them out.


Now, with a little sweater, at least they could go out and have a look.


After buttoning up the sweater, Jian Luo smiled. “It fits quite well.”


The black cub wore a gray-black sweater. Jian Luo even made a hat with two holes for the dragon horns to stick through.


Jian Luo said, “Walk a few steps?”


Long Aotian staggered forward, letting out a dissatisfied cry at his daddy. He didn’t want to wear clothes!


Jian Luo dressed the other two cubs, who didn’t struggle, and then picked up all three of them. “Come on, Daddy will take you out to see the snow.”


Since coming here, due to the weather, they rarely went outside. The three dragon cubs were going crazy being cooped up. Luckily, it was noon with good sunlight. The snowy landscape sparkled under the sun, driving the dragons, who loved shiny things, wild with joy.




The black cub excitedly wagged his tail, affectionately rubbing against Jian Luo’s face, forgetting all previous grievances.


Jian Luo placed him on the railing. “You can only play for a while, okay?”


It was the first time the three little cubs had touched snow, and they were ecstatic, causing a commotion. Previously cooped up indoors, they had been listless, but now they were full of energy.


Jian Luo watched them from the side, when suddenly he heard voices not far away. It seemed a group of people had returned from hunting. Most of the time, Lu Shifeng hunted alone, but gradually, people from the tribe realized it was safer to follow him. So now, everyone followed this seemingly young man.


Leading the group was Lu Shifeng in a black trench coat. Amid the white snow, his black figure was striking. Despite being young and not very tall, his aura was imposing, making him stand out among the crowd.


Jian Luo picked up the cubs. “Your dad is back. Let’s go greet him.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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