Chapter 129 – Your dad is so stupid

Chapter 129 – Your dad is so stupid


Their house was a bit secluded, so they had to walk a while to get down. As Jian Luo slowly approached with the dragon cubs, the group in the square was dividing the game.


Next to Lu Shifeng stood a short-haired girl, shyly talking. She offered him a piece of clothing. “I made this myself.”


Just as Jian Luo was about to approach, he stopped in his tracks.


Lu Shifeng, expressionless, said, “I don’t want it.”


“The fabric is really good.” The girl tried to hand him the clothes. “I’ll make one for your brother too in a couple of days. I know it’s hard for you to take care of them alone, so don’t be polite with me. I do this willingly.”


Jian Luo, standing aside, didn’t know whether to come out or not. While he was still pondering, he found himself already out in the open.


The girl turned her head, surprised to see Jian Luo.


Jian Luo walked over slowly, smiling at the girl. “Oh, giving a gift?”


The girl, a bit shy, nodded slightly, obviously having feelings for Lu Shifeng.


Jian Luo raised an eyebrow. “Looks pretty good. Must have taken a lot of effort?”


The girl, bashful, said, “Not really. I hope Brother Lu doesn’t dislike it. I just saw him working hard every day and wanted to help out a bit.”


Jian Luo casually took the scarf and looked at it, clicking his tongue. “What a pity.”


Curious, the girl asked, “What’s a pity?”


Jian Luo returned the scarf, whispering a few words into her ear. The girl’s expression shifted from admiration to shock and disbelief, finally leaving her looking blank. She glared at Lu Shifeng and ran away.


Jian Luo waved. “Take care!”


The girl ran off without looking back. In the sunset, it might have been her lost first love.


Once she was gone, Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo. “What did you tell her?”


“Hmm?” Jian Luo, feeling justified, said, “Just the truth.”


Lu Shifeng pressed, “What truth?”


“That you can’t be relied on.”




There was a brief silence.


After a while.


The empty space echoed with Jian Luo’s pleas for mercy. “I was wrong.”


“Are you angry?”


“Hey, I really know I was wrong. Cub, come here, do something cute.”


“What do you want to eat? I’ll cook something delicious for you?”


After his bold words, Jian Luo felt the cold glare of Lu Shifeng, the proud and aloof marshal, who ignored him for the entire day. Only after dinner, when his anger subsided, did his attitude improve.


Jian Luo made a cup of hot tea and brought it out, seeing Lu Shifeng sweeping snow outside. The house was warm with a brazier, and the heated bed was quite luxurious for the tribe. Lu Shifeng never allowed a shortage of such things, fearing for the fragile health of humans and young dragons.


Jian Luo went out to stand by the railing. “They want to build a snowman. It might not snow tonight, so don’t sweep it all away.”


Lu Shifeng stopped sweeping and came back.


Jian Luo handed him a cup of hot tea. “This is ginger tea I made. It helps keep the cold away. Try it.”


Lu Shifeng drank it all in one gulp.




The weather here was indeed cold, and it was getting colder, much more extreme than Earth’s weather. The coldest weather on Earth might reach -70 degrees, but here it was already -100 degrees and might get even colder, according to the locals.


Jian Luo wasn’t the type to complain. He said, “I noticed the clothes here are all made of leather. Sometimes, when it’s really cold, people wear multiple layers. Doesn’t that make it hard to move?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t need it, as the dragon scales could resist extreme cold. Even wearing a single layer of clothing was a sign of respect for the weather.


But the tribe’s people were different.


Lu Shifeng said, “The technology here is lagging, and it’s a remote part of the star system.”


Jian Luo nodded. “I’ve noticed fewer people are going out to hunt lately.”


“A lot of injuries and accidents happen,” Lu Shifeng said, looking at the snow-covered village. “Winter will only get colder.”


Jian Luo seemed thoughtful.



On the other side.


The hunters from Wenya’s tribe had returned.


Their forest had more small animals, many of which didn’t need to hibernate, making hunting easier and reducing casualties. This was one reason they were stronger than the other tribe.


The chief said, “This year, the Kars tribe had fewer casualties.”


Wenya was surprised. “Why?”


“The dragon is too fierce,” the chief sighed. “Even the large beasts are no match for the dragon. Though he mainly hunts for himself, others following him can still benefit.”


Wenya felt a bit worried.


Their tribe thrived partly by exploiting the Kars tribe’s resources. If the Kars tribe could get through this winter with fewer casualties, it would be hard to maintain their advantage.


Wenya frowned. “Didn’t they say they were just staying for a while? Why haven’t they left? I suspect they’re spying for the Kars tribe, acting as undercover agents. Also, you know our kids got sick recently and haven’t recovered. We’ve hosted them for so long, and they didn’t even give us a dragon scale…”




The cup shattered into pieces on the ground.


The chief said, “Enough. Don’t say more. We can’t afford to provoke the dragon. They’ll leave eventually. The Kars tribe may rely on them for now, but not forever. In the end, they’ll still be our defeated enemies.”


Wenya fell silent.



The next day.


Jian Luo got up early and took the dragon cubs to build a snowman.


The woman from the neighboring house came out and saw them. “Oh, Luo Luo, playing with the kids?”


Jian Luo smiled. “Yes, are you heading out?”


“Yes,” the woman, tall and kind-looking, said. “The men are out hunting, so we women go to the forest to gather some hibiscus grass. In winter, when there’s no meat, we can eat the grass.”


Jian Luo was intrigued. “What’s that?”


The woman explained patiently, “It’s a type of plant. Not only do people like it, but animals also love to eat it.”


Jian Luo nodded thoughtfully.


The woman sighed. “It’s a pity there aren’t many prey here. Otherwise, we wouldn’t need to eat this. In the neighboring tribe, they use hibiscus grass to feed their pets in winter.”


Jian Luo’s interest was piqued. “Why is there less prey in our forest? I’ve been to both forests and didn’t notice much difference.”


The woman had a lot to say about this.


She stopped by the fence and said, “The reason there are more small prey over there is because of creatures called honey beasts. They live underground and come out to forage in winter. They are a favorite for many small predators, creating a food chain.”


Jian Luo asked, “Why don’t they live here?”


“Because of the sun,” the woman pointed to the sky. “Honey beasts like the sun, and our area is shaded. In summer, the trees block the sunlight, and in winter, there’s little sun.”


Jian Luo pondered. “Is there no other reason, like food?”


The woman shook her head. “In winter, they might eat fish or grass roots.”


Jian Luo countered, “Do they eat hibiscus grass?”


The woman was stumped. She hadn’t considered that. They always harvested the grass at the beginning of winter, not leaving any for the honey beasts.


Jian Luo smiled. “If there’s food, the honey beasts might come over, regardless of the sun.”


The woman couldn’t refute.


“And the sun issue,” Jian Luo continued, “If you can get through winter, it’s not like you’re short of food in summer, right?”


Sometimes, an outsider’s perspective clarifies things. What seemed complex to the locals was simple to Jian Luo. His gaze silently conveyed:


Is this so hard?


After a moment of silence, the woman said, “I’ll discuss this with the chief!”


Jian Luo waved. “Take care.”


After sending her off, Jian Luo continued watching the dragon cubs build a snowman. Unlike others who made simple snowmen, Long Aotian and his siblings were making a dragon.


Their technique was poor, resulting in a creature resembling Godzilla more than a dragon.


Jian Luo laughed. “So ugly.”


The dragon cubs stopped and looked back at Jian Luo with hurt eyes. Long Aotian even let out an aggrieved cry.


Jian Luo quickly corrected himself. “It’s beautiful, really beautiful!”


Satisfied, the cubs wagged their tails and continued their “Godzilla” project with newfound confidence.


Jian Luo helped out. “The dragon horns look better with ice.”


The cubs were smart, rolling a large snowball and hollowing it out to shape Godzilla, refining it slowly. While other kids made snowmen, his cubs were artists.


Jian Luo murmured while helping, “If only your dad were as quick-witted as you. He’s as dumb as a rock.”


Taking advantage of the fact that the kids couldn’t talk, Jian Luo often vented about Lu Shifeng.


After a while, they finally finished their Godzilla. Jian Luo took the three cubs for a bath. By the time they were done, it was getting late, and Lu Shifeng had returned.


Jian Luo said, “Go wash up and clean them too. I’ll cook dinner.”


Worried, Jian Luo added, “Wipe them gently, and let them play by the brazier for a while to keep warm.”


As he spoke, he handed the cubs to Lu Shifeng. “They can’t talk yet, so they don’t know if they’re cold. Be careful…”




A small dragon’s voice came, though not clear.


Jian Luo paused.


It was the youngest sister. He hadn’t expected her to be the first to speak!


Excited, Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng, “Did she just call you? She’s so smart.”


Lu Shifeng nodded calmly. “Some dragons learn to speak before they fully transform. It’s normal.”


Jian Luo proudly said, “It’s because I talk to them every day.”


As Jian Luo was boasting, the little silver dragon on Lu Shifeng’s shoulder moved. She looked up at Lu Shifeng, her voice soft and slightly unclear, but understandable: “Daddy is dumb as a rock.”



There was a moment of silence.

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!



  1. jiniluv

    The silence was too loud HHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL

    Thank you for translating <3

  2. Shantal

    Thanks for the update ❤️

  3. Shantal

    I don’t have paypal. Can you have a gcash account (Philippines ewallet) for donations or vote for novel that we like. Pleaseeeee! 😭 By the way, thanks for the update! ❤️

  4. Whit

    Really tattling on your father little one 😂

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