Chapter 135 – The Graceful Ending


Jian Luo’s gaze fell not far away.


About ten meters from where he stood, Su Liang was there. She didn’t seem to have changed much since he left—dressed plainly, hair neatly arranged, exuding a gentle demeanor. When their eyes met, unexpectedly, she was the first to wipe her face.


Jian Luo was momentarily stunned, then walked over with a wry smile, “Mom.”


As he approached, he noticed his younger brother was there too. In the past few days, his brother seemed to have grown taller, losing some of his childishness. When he saw Jian Luo, his eyes welled up slightly.


Su Liang embraced Jian Luo and sobbed, “Luo Luo!”


Jian Luo was initially composed, but her tears made his nose tingle. He quickly said, “Alright, alright, Mom. There are so many people here, let’s not embarrass ourselves.”


Su Liang sniffled and wiped her tears, then gently touched Jian Luo’s face. “Look at you, you’ve become so thin.”


Jian Luo touched his nose. “It’s alright, actually the food has been good.”


With daily feasts of fish and meat, plus Lu Shifeng bringing back fresh winter fruits every day, life was surprisingly enjoyable. He even thought he might have gained weight, never expecting to be seen as thin enough to elicit tears.


Su Liang’s tears threatened to fall again. “You always make me worry…”


On board the warship, surrounded by strangers, the dragon cub in his pocket finally couldn’t stay still. But Jian Luo wouldn’t let it out, afraid of his father’s reprimand.




The cub’s tender cry echoed in the cabin.


Long Ao Tian anxiously howled, his voice not loud but clearly heard by nearby dragons, especially by Jin, the secretary behind them. In an instant, Jian Luo felt as if he could be burned through by intense scrutiny.


He cleared his throat and glanced at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng said, “Let it out.”


Only then did Jian Luo lower his head and said, “Come out, but don’t wander around.”


The first to peek out was Long Ao Tian, slowly revealing his horns and head. His bright red eyes surveyed the new surroundings with vigilance and curiosity. Clutching Jian Luo’s pocket, his head swiveled around.


Secretary Jin gasped. She hadn’t expected it to be a pure-blooded dragon, a miniature figurine of the Marshal, so cute when shrunken down.


Nearby soldiers on duty also fixed their gaze on the cub. It was the first real flesh-and-blood dragon cub in centuries, healthy, lively, with the blood of dragons flowing through it—the hope of the world, destined for boundless love.




Another hope for the world emerged.


The black dragon cub, Long Ba Tian, displeased at being stepped on by his brother, swiftly climbed onto Jian Luo’s shoulder and settled down calmly, even more composed than Long Ao Tian.


Jian Luo brought out the quietest sister, “Feeling cramped?”


Su Liang, standing opposite, was already dumbfounded, eyes fixed on the three little dragons. They were barely the size of Jian Luo’s palm, but they were stunning—their scales shimmering under the ship’s lights, lively eyes, agile movements. Despite their small stature, they seemed to possess immense potential.


Seeing Su Liang’s interest, Jian Luo smiled, “Would you like to touch them?”


Su Liang hesitated, somewhat fearful of dragons, but unexpectedly fond of the three little cubs before her. “May I?”


Jian Luo nodded, “Of course.”


He gently lifted the sister. Among the three, she was the most reclusive, rarely interacting with others, cold towards everything, yet incredibly intelligent and quick to learn.




Her temperament was stubborn.


Jian Luo worried she might sour Su Liang’s mood. He contemplated pulling the sociable Long Ao Tian down, but the sister hesitated only briefly, sniffed Su Liang’s hand, then slowly crouched into her palm.


The silver dragon cub looked into Su Liang’s tear-stained face. Just when everyone tensed up, she spoke, “Not anymore.”


Her tender voice sent shivers down everyone’s spine.


Jian Luo suddenly felt a foreboding sense rise within him. After her remark about “your dad is so silly,” he suspected this stubborn girl was about to stir up trouble again.


Sure enough, Su Liang asked, “What?”


The sister added, “We’ll talk about it later.”



Dead silence enveloped the scene.


Jian Luo’s head buzzed. Under pressure, he hurriedly pulled the stubborn girl back and placed Long Ao Tian back into Su Liang’s hands, awkwardly laughing, “Haha, she just learned to speak and isn’t very fluent yet. Don’t take it to heart.”


The black dragon cub remained silent. In its eyes, it had already completed the task of comforting someone, just as Dad comforted Dad.



Long Ao Tian in Su Liang’s hands was a bit confused.


Jian Luo poked its back, “Say hello to Grandma, quickly.”


The black cub remained unmoved like a mountain. It sat in Su Liang’s palm for a while. Su Liang cautiously touched its horn, then smiled gently, “So adorable.”


Long Ao Tian happily nuzzled Su Liang’s hand, swaying to his feet. He looked at Su Liang and called out, “Daddy.”



Silence once again fell over the surroundings.


Su Liang’s expression froze on the spot, dumbstruck, while Long Ao Tian felt quite accomplished and called out again, “Daddy.”


Su Liang was so startled that her hands almost trembled.


The dragons around all turned their heads towards them. Some couldn’t help but smirk, while others anticipated Lu Shifeng’s reaction.


Jian Luo thought the same. He looked up at Lu Shifeng, but quicker than him, Lu Shifeng had already walked over. With one hand, he lifted Long Ao Tian as if he were picking up a little chick. The black cub suddenly panicked. The familiar grip and actions were a prelude to getting scolded again, and it whimpered and squeaked in protest.


Jian Luo quickly intervened to rescue his son. “Hey, it’s alright, it didn’t mean any harm.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at Long Ao Tian.


The black cub wilted and let out a disgruntled sound, obediently settling on Lu Shifeng’s shoulder. This carefree demeanor was fully inherited from Jian Luo. Soon, forgetting the pain of the past, it began to focus its gaze on Jian Sheng.


Jian Sheng shyly smiled at it.


Long Ao Tian chirped like a chatterbox. If not for its dad being present, it would probably have rushed over to Jian Sheng to chat.



Lu Shifeng said to Jian Luo, “Are you hungry?”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh… um, a bit.”


“Let’s go.” Lu Shifeng turned around. “Dinner is ready for you.”


Jian Luo instantly felt delighted. Despite everything else, the food on this planet was a bit bland. When he saw crayfish on the table, hot pot, and various dishes personally prepared by Su Liang, Jian Luo was almost moved to tears.


No more words needed—he was home!



After dinner and cleaning up, Jian Luo was led to his own rest room. He had barely sat down when he heard voices outside.


Secretary Jin said, “Luo Luo, Wenya and her group are here.”


Jian Luo was surprised. “So soon?”


“Yeah,” Secretary Jin said, “Wenya wants to see you.”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment. The child on the bed was already asleep, and Su Liang had been helping to take care of him. Seeing Jian Luo wanting to leave, she said, “Go ahead, Mom will watch over him here.”


Jian Luo nodded.


He stepped out of the room, and Jian Sheng was at the door. “Brother, I’ll accompany you.”


Jian Luo wanted to refuse initially but thought it might be a chance for the child to grow. He said, “Alright.”


As they approached, everyone in the hall had already taken their places. Just before they entered, they heard the voice of the Grand Marshal not far away: “We will not agree to this!”


Lu Shifeng sat at the top. Seeing Jian Luo arrive, he straightened up a bit from his initially relaxed posture and said to Jian Luo, “Come over and sit.”


Jian Luo walked over with his younger brother and sat down.


The Grand Marshal said, “Our Beast God cannot be violated. I will not allow you to relocate the Witchstone Mine beneath the Beast God Mountain.”


Lu Shifeng remained calm. “You want dragon scales.”


The Grand Marshal’s eyes flickered with hesitation before he said, “And so?”


“I can give them to you.” Lu Shifeng spoke calmly. “Although dragon scales are precious, dragons shed scales annually. Giving you one wouldn’t hurt.”


The Grand Marshal and Wenya below both looked up.


A faint smile played on Lu Shifeng’s lips. “The condition is to exchange for the Witchstone Mine beneath your control. Agreed?”


The hall fell silent for a long moment.


The Grand Marshal said, “Will you really give them to us? I need to see the dragon scales before handing over the key to the Beast God Mountain.”


“Of course.” Lu Shifeng tapped his fingertips lightly. “Secretary Jin, fetch them.”


Secretary Jin acknowledged and took out a box, handing it to the person below, and added, “Dragon scales are very precious. After ingestion, they can drive away illnesses and keep you forever young. Only one scale can be used by each person, understand?”


The Grand Marshal took the box, finding two scales inside.


Secretary Jin smiled, “Because Mrs. Wenya has been taking care of Luo Luo in the village, one scale is a gift.”


Wenya quickly added, “Exactly! I said it, too. You can’t be so stingy!”


After speaking, Wenya looked at Jian Luo. Seeing Jian Luo in his new and comfortable-looking clothes, her eyes showed a hint of jealousy. Clearly, Jian Luo used to wear coarse fabric, and even his food and living conditions were inferior to hers. How could she be better than Jian Luo…


Lu Shifeng said, “Escort the guests out.”


The two people left with the dragon scales, very satisfied.


After they left, Jian Luo curiously looked at Lu Shifeng. “Did you just give them away like that?”


“We had the Witchstone sent for assay recently. This ore is indeed very precious and rare. The reason it hasn’t been detected by the Dark Star Detector is because of that Beast God statue.”


Jian Luo asked, “So once we get the key, we can use it?”


This time, Lu Shifeng didn’t answer. Jian Sheng next to him spoke up, “It should be a kind of inheritance. Some races do have gods, and the inheritance of gods is very important. For example, Witchstone is their treasure, and only those who obtain the inheritance can mine it.”


Jian Luo was surprised. “How do you know?”


Jian Sheng was a bit shy, but he still said, “I passed the Phoenix Tower exam and am now an intern academician there.”




Jian Luo was dumbfounded. He didn’t know his little brother was so capable.


Lu Shifeng said, “That’s how it is.”


Jian Luo nodded and asked, “So, is giving them the scales considered an equivalent exchange?”


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo, his crimson eyes suddenly making Jian Luo uneasy. Just as Jian Luo felt a drumming in his heart, Lu Shifeng’s lips curled into a meaningful smile. “Of course.”


Jian Luo felt a chill down his spine for no apparent reason.


Secretary Jin interjected, “Dragon scales only have healing effects on children. If adults who are not ill consume them, their blood and skin will also exhibit the medicinal properties of dragon scales.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“The Witch stone indeed has purifying and dispelling properties for impurities.” Secretary Jin continued, “Now that we have the rights to mine it, we can relocate Mount Beast God back to our affiliated star. For now, the plan is to place Mount Beast God on Earth.”


Jian Luo widened his eyes again. “But what about them?”


“We did not coerce this transaction,” Secretary Jin said professionally. “However, their disappearance might lead to polluted air, outbreaks of plague, and viruses…”


At this point, Secretary Jin paused and smiled. “Well, as Madam Wen said, with ample blood, one shouldn’t be stingy.”



Author’s note: Well, we won’t let the tribe perish; Earth’s development also needs some labor, right… (Not really)

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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