Chapter 136 – I Want to Go Home

Chapter 136 – I Want to Go Home


Jian Luo was dumbfounded.


He had always thought that the Dragon Clan was quite formidable. They seemed to possess an inherent aura of righteousness. But being Chinese himself, he didn’t particularly feel any strong sentiments towards Western dragons. In his heart, he still regarded dragons as China’s divine beasts—noble, elegant, inviolable.


Jian Sheng looked at his brother’s expression and asked, “Brother, what’s wrong?”


Jian Luo turned to his younger brother again and found that his reaction was more accepting than his own, almost as if it were perfectly natural!


Jian Luo cleared his throat awkwardly, unsure how to express his current emotions. “Nothing, really.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you think there’s a problem with my proposed solution?”


Upon hearing this, Jian Luo looked up and unexpectedly met the calm gaze of those blood-red eyes. Marshal Lu’s eyes were as serene as water, but Jian Luo inexplicably felt a tightening in his chest. It was like an instinctual feeling one might get when a small animal senses danger, as if one wrong word might result in an immediate consequence.


Seemingly understanding his thoughts, Lu Shifeng said, “We do not initiate aggression against others, but…”


Silence filled the room.


“All malevolent coveters,” Lu Shifeng’s voice carried a millennia-old icy chill, “shall perish.”



A chill ran down Jian Luo’s spine, freezing him in place.


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, pursed his lips, and began to ponder. Finally, he said, “What about the people of the Kars tribe? They have been quite hospitable to us. If there’s no more Wushi…”


Lu Shifeng replied, “The Kars tribe values loyalty and righteousness. In times of chaos, heroes arise. The fluctuation of Witch stone presents an opportune moment for them to stabilize the situation. As for whether they can seize this opportunity…”


Jian Luo couldn’t help but sweat nervously.


Secretary Jin added from the side, “That’s up to them. We won’t exterminate them outright, provided that Kars can demonstrate their value and the necessity of this planet’s existence.”



Jian Luo was now fully attuned to the Dragon Clan’s line of thought.


He could even say, “Let me consider this further. I believe there are many valuable herbs on this planet that are worth studying. Moreover, if this planet can nurture Wushi, its geographical environment may have irreplaceable qualities.”


No one dared to interrupt in such matters.


Lu Shifeng was quite satisfied with Jian Luo’s remarks. He said, “If you like, you can keep it.”




No, I’m seriously discussing the logic with you!


Lu Shifeng said, “There’s nothing else. Rest up, we’ll set off tomorrow, and we’ll be home soon.”


Jian Luo replied, “Okay.”


Since Lu Shifeng had just returned and had many matters to attend to, Jian Luo didn’t want to disturb him at work. He returned with his younger brother, Jian Sheng. On the way, Jian Sheng walked beside Jian Luo without asking much, simply mentioning the recent changes on the Dark Star:


“The news has been globally blocked to prevent public panic.”


“But the Emperor is quite angry and has issued a wanted order for Silver Gray.”


“Everything else is fine. Thanks to your efforts, societal acceptance towards humans has increased, and there are even human names on many job postings under various races.”


After a pause,


Jian Sheng lowered his head. “It’s because of you that I had the chance to enter the Phoenix Platform.”


Jian Luo glanced at him and saw him unable to lift his head. He spoke, “No, I think if you could enter, it’s because you have the ability.”


“You were never inferior to anyone.” Jian Luo patted his shoulder. “Without racial discrimination, you simply obtained equal opportunities for competition like everyone else. I believe our teacher wouldn’t favorably open doors for anyone; surely, Jian Sheng, you also have your own strengths.”


Jian Sheng looked slightly surprised and lifted his head. He pursed his lips, suppressing his soaring ambitions. “Brother, do you really think so?”


Jian Luo nodded without hesitation. “Yes, and besides, weren’t you the class monitor back in school? The teacher also praised your excellent grades. Even without my connections, I believe you’ll shine brightly in the future.”


Jian Sheng’s eyes welled up slightly.


In reality, even if he didn’t intentionally listen, he could sense from others’ gazes that they thought he had only gotten opportunities through Jian Luo, believing him to be worthless. But he was still just a teenage boy; emotions came and went quickly. He said, “Brother, don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you!”


Jian Luo ruffled his brother’s head. “I was going to say not to put too much pressure on yourself, but since you’ve chosen to go there, you must bear the responsibility yourself. Don’t just idle away your time; do things seriously. You represent not just yourself but the entire human race, you know?”


Jian Sheng nodded. “I know.”


Jian Luo smiled and said, “Don’t think I’m nagging, okay?”


“How could I!” Jian Sheng looked at Jian Luo, suddenly a bit shy. “I’ve always admired you.”


Jian Luo was taken aback, laughing and crying, “Admiring me isn’t a good idea. Don’t follow in my footsteps.”


In truth, he felt guilty.


Dark Star was treacherous, and he himself didn’t know if he could protect himself, let alone others he might involve.


Because they were human, a ridiculed species, every action of theirs would be magnified. To wear the crown, one must bear its weight. Behind the glamour and splendor, there was always a lot of helplessness. He hadn’t wanted his family to experience these feelings so soon, but the world moved in its own way.



Back in the room from outside.


When they entered, Jian Luo hadn’t expected so many people inside—doctors in white coats standing by the bed, seemingly discussing something with Su Liang.


Jian Luo frowned. “What are you doing?”


The doctors turned around, and one woman, somewhat familiar to Jian Luo, approached him. “Luo Luo, you’re back. Your mother isn’t cooperating with us.”


Jian Luo walked over, finding all three dragons cuddled in Su Liang’s arms, who was alertly watching the others. She told Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, they want to take the children away.”


Jian Luo turned to the doctor.


The doctor cleared her throat. “I just explained. We’re only taking the children for a check-up. Since you’re here now, it’s a good opportunity for you to get checked too, Luo Luo.”


With Jian Luo’s return, the three dragonlings, who had been timid a moment ago, now seemed to find a sudden support. Long Aotian crawled up onto Jian Luo’s shoulder, scales bristling all over. He let out a fierce cry at the doctor.


Very fierce.


Extremely fierce.


The doctor remained expressionless and continued to Jian Luo, “This was also ordered by the Marshal.”


Jian Luo patted Long Aotian’s head. “I’ll call him.”


The doctor hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Okay, go ahead. We’ll wait outside.”




After everyone left, Jian Luo sat by the bedside. He messaged Lu Shifeng, but instead of Lu Shifeng answering, it was Secretary Jin who picked up. She whispered, “Hey, Luo Luo, we’re in a meeting here. You can tell me what you need, and I’ll relay it to the Marshal.”


Jian Luo paused. “About the check-up… was it arranged by him?”


Secretary Jin hesitated, remembering the matter. “Yes, you can rest assured. It’s just a routine check-up.”


“I see.”


He hung up the phone.


Su Liang looked worried beside him. “Luo Luo, shall Mom go with you?”


“No need, Mom. Just rest here. I’ll take them over.” Jian Luo didn’t want Su Liang to see those things. “I often get check-ups; it’ll be over quickly.”


Su Liang noticed Jian Luo’s troubled expression.


Jian Luo hugged all three dragons without saying anything and left. He told the doctors at the door, “Let’s go.”


The doctors breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him cooperate, especially since the dragonlings were so hostile towards them. If they didn’t cooperate, they wouldn’t know what to do.


The three dragonlings were silent on the way. They were very intelligent. Normally, when they did something wrong at home, a slight frown from their father let them know he was upset. This time, Jian Luo’s mood was unusually heavy, and they, too, sensed it keenly.


His younger brother and sister usually slept in Jian Luo’s pockets at home. Now, they were alertly nestled in Jian Luo’s arms. Even Long Aotian, who was usually carefree, sensed that something was wrong and tried to please Jian Luo by nuzzling his cheek.


Jian Luo turned his head and stroked its head gently. “When we get back, Dad will make milk pudding for you.”


Long Aotian understood, purring happily and contentedly.


Finally, they arrived at the examination room.


The doctor came over to take the dragonlings, but they were very wary of strangers. When the doctor reached out, Long Aotian directly opened its mouth and snapped at her. The doctor withdrew her hand, and Long Zhenren was still hanging onto it, flapping in the air.


Jian Luo smiled wryly. “Come down, come down.”


The doctors were startled. They hadn’t expected the little dragon to be so fierce. One of them said, “Should we sedate it, or else it will be difficult to examine?”


Jian Luo hugged Long Aotian back, feeling sorry immediately at the thought of it getting an injection. “No need to sedate it. It didn’t mean to. Whatever you need to check, I’ll hold it down.”


Long Aotian hid in Jian Luo’s arms as soon as he returned, acting timid like a scared dragon.


The doctor hesitated for a moment, then finally said, “Alright then.”


Despite this, the unavoidable suffering began with a full-body scan. Long Aotian absolutely refused to enter what looked like a closed container. It took Jian Luo half a day of coaxing with snacks before he behaved a bit better.


The doctor said, “Please step back, we’re going to start the scan.”


Jian Luo took a few steps back, holding his younger siblings. The scanner in front of them powered on, causing the temperature inside the container to rise and the lights to brighten. Long Aotian had never experienced anything like this before, especially in such a confined space, which heightened his panic. Suddenly, he didn’t want snacks anymore. The little dragon began frantically searching for an exit, occasionally bumping the glass with his horns, accompanied by distressed cries.


Jian Luo stood beside them, his heart wrenching with worry.


His younger sister crawled out from his arms. The Little Silver Dragon had always been quite intelligent. She looked at Jian Luo with damp eyes, as if she had something to say.


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts, lowering his head and speaking gently, “What’s wrong?”


“Dad,” Little Silver Dragon whispered softly, “I don’t want to be here. I want to go home.”

T/N: Hey there! How have yall been? There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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1 Comment

  1. Blood

    Thanks for the update!! 💔💔💔

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