Chapter 138 – Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me




The doorbell rang.


Jian Luo, resting in the room with his child, hesitated upon hearing the sound. It wasn’t much of a surprise to find a tall man standing outside when he went to open the door.


Lu Shifeng said, “Not going to greet or tell me?”


“Huh?” Jian Luo innocently retorted, “What greeting?”


Lu Shifeng squinted, speaking up, “About moving out.”


Jian Luo suddenly realized, saying, “Oh, that. You’ve been busy lately, so I didn’t mention it. Couldn’t Jin Secretary have informed you about it?”



Lu Shifeng patiently replied, “You could have at least discussed it with me.”


Leaning against the door, Jian Luo sighed, “Do I even have the right to decide where I sleep now?”


Though they didn’t argue outright, tension filled the air, thick with unspoken grievances. Jian Luo didn’t refuse to see him, but his demeanor clearly showed resistance. In just a short day, their attitudes had drastically changed.


Lu Shifeng glanced inside where three children were munching on pastries on the sofa, their familiar milky aroma making one’s mouth water. Whenever Jian Luo cooked, there was always a portion for him, but not anymore.



The Marshal sensed the pressure.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Who upset you?”


Jian Luo gave a bitter smile, feeling his heart burn just from seeing him now, “No one. Thanks for your concern. If there’s nothing else, good night.”




As the door was about to close, Lu Shifeng reached out and stopped it. Right in front of Jian Luo, he forcibly held the door, causing the sturdy metal edge to slightly deform due to the force applied. But the one causing this remained indifferent.


Lu Shifeng stared at Jian Luo, unblinking. “Explain.”



Jian Luo snapped out of his shock.


Lu Shifeng made him understand the vast difference in their power. Though Jian Luo had already sorted out these thoughts throughout the day, it was good to clarify things that should have been said.


Since the three children could understand their conversation, Jian Luo suggested, “Let’s talk outside.”


Lu Shifeng hesitated for a moment before nodding.


Jian Luo asked his mother and younger brother in the next room to look after the children and then went outside to talk with Lu Shifeng.


Standing outside, Su Liang grabbed Jian Luo’s hand, “Luo Luo…”


Jian Luo turned around, “What is it?”


“Don’t act impulsively. Don’t get angry.”


“Don’t worry.”




Where could Su Liang be reassured? Jian Luo had been stern-faced all day, not saying much or getting angry with anyone. Ever since he returned from the medical examination, he started packing up. Despite laughing and talking not long ago, now suddenly acting like this, anyone with eyes could see something was wrong.


Of course, Su Liang didn’t think Jian Luo was at fault. It was obvious the people from the Dark Star Race looked down on them. However, tearing their faces apart now would be pointless. She didn’t want the children to suffer and inevitably had to say a few more words.


“Just go out and clarify things.” Jian Luo patted her shoulder, “Rest assured, am I that foolish? As a father, don’t I understand a bit about everything?”


Only then did Su Liang hesitate and nod.


Jian Luo walked out of the room and followed Lu Shifeng around the corner to a nearby lounge. The lounge was spacious with various recreational facilities, including a swing-like hanging chair that Jian Luo quite liked.


He sat down on it, swinging his legs, “So, what do we need to talk about?”


Lu Shifeng sat across from him, leaning against the long table. His tall figure was clad in his formal military uniform again, the dark blue fabric fitting perfectly and giving off a rigid, cold impression when he didn’t smile.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Did something happen at the medical examination today that angered you?”


“No,” Jian Luo replied.


“Really?” Lu Shifeng lightly pursed his lips, repeating, “Then why move out?”


Jian Luo was fiddling with the swing’s ropes for the first time and was a bit unsure how to control them, causing them to sway unsteadily.


Lu Shifeng came over to help him stabilize it, seemingly afraid he might fall. He had been by his side, guarding him throughout these actions, moving effortlessly and naturally as if taking care of him had become a habit.


Jian Luo felt somewhat uneasy, wanting to get off the swing.


Lu Shifeng said, “It’s not safe for you to sit on this thing alone. I’ll stay here, you can play a bit longer.”



Who wants to play now!


Jian Luo gave him a glare, but felt arguing about it was childish, so he chose to remain silent, ignoring Lu Shifeng without any response.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo’s impassive profile and suddenly felt like he had a breakthrough. He recalled Jian Luo’s words from not long ago and finally spoke up, “Were you upset that I wasn’t with you during the day?”


Jian Luo replied, “No.”


Although he said so, deep down he was hoping Lu Shifeng would provide some explanation. But he had underestimated the extent of a man’s indifference.


Lu Shifeng didn’t explain. He continued, “Your current wristband is temporary. I’ve instructed Secretary Jin to retrieve the one with account access for you. It’s being demagnetized these days. You’ll get it tomorrow. This wristband will allow direct communication with me.”



Jian Luo felt conflicted, saying, “Oh.”


Lu Shifeng then asked, “Did the physical examination go smoothly?”


“Quite alright.”


Your son and daughter were scared to death, but even if you knew, you’d just say the child should toughen up a bit.


After chatting for a while, their attitudes finally softened somewhat.


Lu Shifeng escorted Jian Luo back. Naturally, he also wanted to go in and rest, but Jian Luo blocked him at the door, looking at him warily. “What are you doing?”


Marshal Lu had never imagined he’d be shut out, especially twice in one night. He replied, “Resting.”


Jian Luo raised an eyebrow. “We’re not even married yet. Please respect my reputation. If rumors spread, how am I supposed to find someone else in the future?”



There was a brief silence in the air.


Lu Shifeng furrowed his brows and asked, “Who are you looking for?”


Jian Luo was taken aback. He hadn’t expected the man’s focus to be so peculiar. It was just a casual remark, but now that it had been said, he had to tough it out. “What does it matter to you?”


Lu Shifeng towered over him, exerting pressure from above. He said, “You’re still young. Focus your energy on the right path and not on trivial matters.”



Jian Luo wanted to slap him.


But upon reflection, what he said made sense. So he said, “You’re right. Hurry up and leave. I want to focus my attention on more important things now. Don’t hinder me here.”




The door was closed.


Lu Shifeng stood outside, momentarily lost in thought as he stared at the closed door. He frowned and finally decided not to knock again. He turned and headed straight for the training grounds instead of returning to his room.


The Marshal, feeling a burst of frustration, had originally intended to grab a few squads for a training session to blow off steam. However, when he arrived, it happened to be time to rest. A group of dragons sat on the ground discussing a book:


“You have to read this novel.”


“Which one?”


“Earth Dog, the hottest one lately, ‘My Darling Wife Runs Away with the Dominant Dragon Clan’.”


“No way, that sounds so exciting!”


“It is! The female lead is human, petite and cute. One day she accidentally gets pregnant with a dragon cub but runs away due to racial issues. She’s strong and independent, raises the child herself, and years later, she returns with the child to her homeland…”


The dragons listened with relish, some even wiping tears when they heard about the female lead’s heartbreak departure.


“Her life is so tough.”


“I envy her. I want to find a human too, but they look so fragile. It feels like you could crush their bones with a little force.”


“But the male lead in this novel doesn’t cherish her.”


“He doesn’t even come for her pregnancy check-ups. Can this dragon still be considered a dragon?”


“Ugh, what a scumbag. Our dragon clan would never have such dragons.”



After the dragons finished gossiping, they felt a chill down their spines.


One of them looked up and saw Lu Shifeng standing by the door. Perhaps because of the backlighting, they inexplicably felt that Lu Shifeng’s face had turned as dark as charcoal, his aura making the dragons fearful.




The dragons hastily stood up, others awakening as if caught playing with their phones in class.


Lu Shifeng chuckled coldly. “Reading novels during training time?”


Most of the dragons were teenagers, yearning for love and enjoying such stories. Besides, it was the break time during the mid-training session, so they could play. But none dared to retort to Lu Shifeng; instead, they apologized one after another.


Lu Shifeng raised his hand. “Hand them over.”


The dragons were stunned.


Under the dumbfounded gaze of the young dragons, Lu Shifeng narrowed his eyes, his imposing aura fully unleashed. “Should I repeat myself?”




The young dragons’ minds went blank, and instinctively, they handed over their novels.


Once everyone snapped out of the dragon king’s oppression, they realized their novels, their source of joy, had been confiscated by Lu Shifeng!



In the lounge,


Lu Shifeng sat elegantly, flipping through the pages with grace. His demeanor was noble, as if he were reviewing important business documents.


In reality, he was reading Chapter Ten of “My Darling Wife Runs Away with the Dominant Dragon Clan.”


The doctor had said, “He has matters to attend to, so we’ll conduct the examination on his behalf. Please cooperate.”


The heroine was on the verge of tears, the author spent thousands of words meticulously describing her inner turmoil—from disbelief and despondency at feeling undervalued, to sadness and ultimately deciding to break up. It was truly gripping.




A question mark appeared above Lu Shifeng’s head.


Wasn’t this male lead just… attending a checkup?


In just a few short hours, how could this woman have so many thoughts? It’s not like she was going into battle; why did she have so many feelings about it?


One advantage of intergalactic novels is that each book has a magnetic disk. Opening the comments section behind each chapter allows readers to see the reactions. Lu Shifeng wasn’t interested, but given his confusion over the matter, he rarely opened the comments and decided to see what the readers were saying:


“This male lead is truly the ultimate straight guy!”


“Our baby is so pitiful, please let them break up soon!”


“Wouldn’t it be better with a different male lead?”


“This male lead is such scum, he might as well marry his army, haha.”



Lu Shifeng’s hand holding the book trembled slightly.


Author’s comment: Lu Shifeng: quite perplexed.

T/N: Alrighty. 2 more chapter to go for the mass-updates… After, the plan is to have chapters released regularly! Thank you for following this series, even after radio silence for so long!! It’ll be a race till the end to finish this, I’m sure :O

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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