Chapter 143 – Human Liberation


The little emperor’s mood was quite complex.


But he reasoned with himself—it made sense. Grinding his teeth, he handed the cloud fruit to Nie Yan, with a hint of provocation, “If the little ones can’t make it over, there’s nothing we can do about it!”


Even if they managed to get over, there was no table between them.


The little emperor felt a bit smug.




The next moment, he heard the squeal of the young ones.


When the little emperor turned around, he met the disappointed eyes of the young ones! Their eyes seemed to say, “You can’t even keep a piece of food, you’re really weak!”


The gaze made the little emperor shiver.


Then Long Aotian jumped off the table. Despite being small, he was agile and swiftly landed on Nie Yan.


The clothes of the richest person were always adorned with countless treasures, unlike others’ smooth clothes, they were full of thorns, but convenient for the young ones to climb.


Long Aotian finally panted after climbing up, sitting on Nie Yan’s thigh.




Long was tired.


Nie Yan looked at the little fellow and handed him the cloud fruit.


Long Aotian thought about taking the fruit back to share with his siblings, a simple and crude plan.


But his small claws scratched at the fruit, which remained motionless.


Puzzled, Long Aotian looked up at Nie Yan and said, “I give you something, and you eat it here. That’s called mutual benefit.”




The young dragon was puzzled.


Meanwhile, the other two on the table seemed to feel that their brother was being bullied. The little sister couldn’t sit still any longer and ran over. Long Batian was fine, but the sister lacked a bit of foundation, her weak claws slipping halfway, almost falling.


Jian Luo exclaimed.


In the nick of time, Long Batian, who had been lazily sitting on the table, swiftly ran over and caught his sister.


Although he supported his sister, he stumbled and fell to the ground himself.


The scene suddenly became lively.


Seeing his siblings fall, Long Aotian became anxious too. He no longer wanted the fruit and turned to jump down.


Jian Luo thought his children were being too rowdy and scolded, “What mischief! Come down!”


Long Aotian trembled.


Seeing Jian Luo slightly angry, Lu Shifeng lifted his eyelids and whispered, “Long Aotian.”


No reprimand, no extra words, just a quiet call, but its invisible impact and threat spread out.


Long Aotian suddenly became afraid and quickly ran back, obediently sitting on Lu Shifeng.




He obediently called out to Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng glanced indifferently at him and chuckled, “Pathetic.”


Easily pleased with a few candies, it’s a pity you’re so childish, it should be recorded for playback a thousand or eight hundred times when you grow up, to learn the meaning of shame.


Unfortunately, the young dragon Long Aotian didn’t know what the word meant and thought he was being praised.




Long Aotian proudly puffed out his little chest and rubbed against Lu Shifeng.


Marshal, disdainfully withdrew his gaze.


Meanwhile, Nie Yan lifted the little sister up with one hand.


Today, the richest man wore a black robe, contrasting sharply with the silver dragon. The young girl was fair and small, very cute. She had a pair of wet, crimson eyes, resembling the most precious rubies in the world. Facing each other, time seemed somewhat silent.


The little girl tilted her head, paused, and softly said, “Thank you.”


Nie Yan narrowed his eyes.


The little silver dragon wanted to get down from his hand, stood up unsteadily, accidentally falling onto Nie Yan’s leg. The black robe was adorned with many jewels, and she groaned lightly in pain.


Nie Yan frowned. “Did you hurt yourself?”


Girls must be concerned about their face, so the little silver dragon sat down again, obediently shaking her head. She looked at the nearby black gems, shining with colorful light under the car’s lamp, beautiful and noble, softly praising, “Beautiful.”


Nie Yan glanced over and casually said, “If you like it, take it.”


As expensive as gems, the richest man said it would be given away, as if not satisfied, “This is ordinary, the warehouse has better ones, let Jian Luo take you to pick them next time.”


Jian Luo: ?


Boss, so casual?


What about being a merchant?


What about prioritizing interests?


Your character just collapsed!


Although his inner feelings were entirely a stream of complaints, he had finally reached the palace. Originally, he thought the specifications of the warship were already very large, but who knew the palace was even more decorated with lights, as if the little emperor was going to ascend again today.


At the grand ceremony.


Looking outside the imperial city, there were actually many humans.


In the past, humans rarely left Peace Paradise, and they did not have the money or ability to enter the capital of China either.


This is like indirectly handing over the entire human homeworld, including the entire human race now, to Jian Luo. The people of Dark Star can be overbearing when they want to be, yet astonishingly generous at other times.


Jian Luo was also somewhat taken aback.


He had speculated about Earth, but never expected to also gain control over Paradise.


And he certainly hadn’t expected Dark Star to be so friendly to the entire human race this time, almost like a universal amnesty.


Jian Luo: “Your Majesty…”


The young emperor smiled slightly. He was adept at using his charm to relax people’s vigilance, and only after giving a candy did he say, “Of course, there is also something I request of you, hence why I request the entire human race.”


Jian Luo faintly felt a foreboding in his heart.


Unconsciously, he hugged the young dragons in his arms, feeling Long Aotian’s gentle call.


For a moment, all the people of Dark Star in the square heard the cries of the young dragons. They turned their gaze towards the small and frail humans, who seemed capable of being easily destroyed. Yet, it was precisely this frail race that was unraveling the shadows that had shrouded Dark Star for millennia, hence the complex gazes of the Dark Star people.


Author’s note: Dark Star people never engage in losing propositions. Earth is but a speck of dust in the universe, and so are humans. Many races in the cosmos desire the most prosperous and bustling capital star, but among them, humans are not the strongest. However, humans have found acceptance from Dark Star when they had nothing, and have obtained permanent residency in a way that does not require desperate efforts, enjoying the protection of the herd and endless resources. —— “Chronicles of the Universe”


T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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