Chapter 144 – The Magnificent Cage


To say he was unprepared would be a lie.


Before returning, Jian Luo had already imagined the worst possible outcome and the most terrible solutions.


There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Even in Dark Star, where it seemed nothing was impossible, everything came with a price, whether high or low.


With this in mind, he surprisingly felt less nervous. “Your Majesty, please go ahead.”


“Since we all live under the Dark Star, we are one family.” The young emperor stood on the lofty palace dais, locking eyes with Jian Luo. He continued, “The rise and fall of Dark Star affects the fate of humanity. In this era of the cosmos where everything changes in the blink of an eye, as Dark Star stands at its peak, it will naturally bless everyone with peace. We all hope for everlasting peace, and I pledge here that as long as Dark Star shines, no resident will suffer.”


The emperor swept his gaze across the crowd before finally speaking again. “Therefore, I hope humans can actively participate in the research institutes of Dark Star, combining human medical technology to overcome difficulties together.”


Jian Luo pondered silently.


The emperor added, “Of course, this is not mandatory. It’s simply a request from me and all Dark Star residents to humanity, hoping it won’t cause fear or discomfort.”


A silence fell over the audience.


One had to admit, the young emperor indeed had a knack for leadership. His words were flawless, combining grace and authority, winning hearts effortlessly. At this moment, anyone opposing him would seem ungrateful.


As expected,


Jian Luo himself didn’t say much, but murmurs of approval began to rise from below:


“We are willing.”


“No trouble at all, it’s just research, right?”


“We are willing to contribute.”


Supportive voices started to emerge.


With the recent liberation of humans and the opening of the nearly impossible household registration system on Dark Star, the two major issues of educating human children and their employment had been resolved. No longer confined to tilling the land at Peace Paradise, they now had a vast sky to soar.


For the first time, they felt truly accepted by the people of Dark Star.


Humans inherently believed in reciprocating kindness. At this passionate moment, not only would they assist in research, but they would likely rush to battle without a second thought to shed blood for their homeland.


A hint of amusement flickered in the young emperor’s eyes as he looked at Jian Luo. “Luo Luo, what do you think?”


Jian Luo was called upon.


Standing below, hearing the cheers behind him, he had no choice but to agree, whether he agreed or not. What else could he say at this moment but to bow respectfully and say, “I humbly obey Your Majesty’s decree. It is an honor.”


The smile in the young emperor’s eyes faded slightly as he said, “Luo Luo, there’s no need for such formality. Please, rise.”


Jian Luo thanked him.


The ceremony then transitioned into a carnival mode, with people singing and dancing. Media channels from around the world clamored to report on the event, spreading the news joyously.


Jian Luo only felt a bit weary in body and mind.


After descending from the ceremony, he sat in the lounge behind, where his secretary Jin came in and waved at him. “Luo Luo.”


Jian Luo’s eyes brightened. “What’s up?”


“The Marshal asked me to take you to dinner.” Jin smiled. “Are you starving?”


Jian Luo had three little ones in his arms who seemed quite excited. They were definitely not hungry, having eaten their fill in the clouds on the way here, and were now eager to play.


Jian Luo stood up. “I am indeed hungry.”


Jin gave him a knowing look. “The Marshal said there’s a banquet tonight, and you won’t be able to handle it. He asked me to prepare a meal for you in advance. Please, have some.”


“Thank you,” Jian Luo said.


Jin took one of the little ones from his arms, petting it affectionately. “You’re welcome. Don’t be shy.”


Jian Luo smiled faintly.


He quickly finished his meal. The young ones had fixed times for rest and sleep every day, but unfortunately, this was an exception. He didn’t trust others to care for the children outside, but fortunately, the vampires still had some conscience. In the afternoon, someone came to take him and the little ones for a nap.


Considering the early bedtime of the children and their tiredness from the day, Jian Luo decided not to bring them to the evening banquet. He asked Su Liang to help look after them and ensure their safety before heading there himself.


His secretary Jin accompanied him. “The Marshal and the others are ahead.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Okay.”


The banquet was held in the palace, with a bustling crowd filling the spacious square. Despite the lively scene, everyone seemed somewhat insignificant in such a grand setting.


Yet today seemed a bit different—


“Oh no!”


Another person accidentally bumped into him.


Jian Luo looked at him expressionlessly.


“I’m really sorry.” The man who bumped into him apologized quietly. “Are you okay? Any injuries? Let me leave you my contact information, you can reach out anytime.”




Jian Luo remained expressionless. “No need.”


He walked past the man and was suddenly confronted by a girl who had stumbled in front of him. The girl was delicate and pretty, looking at him coyly. “Oops, I fell.”


Jian Luo repeated what felt like the hundredth time that night, “If you’ve fallen, find a doctor.”


The girl stared at Jian Luo in disbelief, unable to understand why humans could be so heartless and unmoved.


However, what surprised her was that others were even more creative:


“This is a family heirloom of mine. If you pick it up, you have to marry me.”


“Since childhood, I’ve said I’ll find a human as my partner for sacrifice. Otherwise, I might end up lonely.”


“I really love human culture. Look, I even have tattoos.”


Jian Luo glanced where he pointed and found the so-called tattoo was actually a vegetable. His lips twitched slightly as he walked past without a word.


Jin, following behind, remarked, “Luo Luo, you’re quite popular.”


Jian Luo rubbed his temples. “Don’t make fun of me.”


The banquet was underway.


As Jian Luo passed a group of people, he encountered someone who stood out from the others.


It was Jiang Jiang.


Initially blinded by the lights, Jian Luo recognized him and smiled, “Jiang Jiang?!”


Jiang Jiang opened his arms. “Luo Luo, long time no see.”


Jian Luo naturally went over and gave him a hug, finally feeling genuinely happy. “What are you doing here? I was thinking of inviting you out for dinner.”


Jiang Jiang, both mentor and friend in his livestreaming career, signed him when he was down, comforted him in times of difficulty, and took him in several times. Jiang Jiang had never looked down on humans.


In short, he was Jian Luo’s first friend on Dark Star, which held significant meaning.


Jiang Jiang’s hand rested on Jian Luo’s shoulder as he scrutinized him. “You seem to have grown taller, huh?”


Jian Luo smiled brightly. “Really?”


“Definitely.” Jiang Jiang gestured. “Probably an inch taller!”


As Jian Luo enjoyed the moment, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, like being stalked by a dangerous beast in the forest, an instinctive sense of danger.


Next second,




A notification chimed from his terminal.


Jian Luo and Jiang Jiang exchanged a glance before he checked the message from Lu Shifeng. “Where are you?”


Jian Luo quickly typed back, “At the banquet.”


“With whom?”


Jian Luo replied, “With Secretary Jin.”


He had always felt that Lu Shifeng and Jiang Jiang wouldn’t get along, so he kept his responses short. Before he could think, Lu Shifeng’s message came: “Are you having fun?”




Jian Luo recalled the various encounters and chat-up techniques at the party, feeling a bit troubled. So, he replied, “Not really.”


He expected Lu Shifeng to at least comfort him a little, but the reply came swiftly, “Really? You seem pretty happy.”



Jian Luo was stunned. He instinctively turned around and saw Lu Shifeng standing not far away.


He always seemed to be the center of attention, despite never being ostentatious. His crisp military uniform set him apart from the crowd, his brows knitted slightly, standing there in the dim light of the banquet, giving off an inexplicably dangerous vibe.


Jian Luo hesitated. “When did you arrive?”


Lu Shifeng stepped closer, standing beside Jian Luo.


Jiang Jiang politely greeted, “Hello, Marshal.”


“Hmm.” Lu Shifeng’s gaze fell on the hand Jiang Jiang had on Jian Luo’s shoulder, a hint of sharpness in his eyes. “Having a chat?”


Jiang Jiang felt the heat and quickly withdrew his hand.


Jian Luo smiled. “We haven’t seen each other in a long time, so we were just catching up.”


Lu Shifeng remained noncommittal.


But Jiang Jiang looked at Jian Luo with a shy smile on his face. “I knew Luo Luo would come to the banquet, so I came over to see him. It’s just a matter of luck. I imagine he’ll be busy in the future, so it’s not easy to meet.”


His gaze at Jian Luo was full of indulgence, with his intentions written all over his face.


Jian Luo was touched and said, “Hey, don’t say that. Even if I’m busy, I would never not have time to meet you for a meal. Next time you want to meet, just make an appointment with me, I’ll make time.”


Their reunion after a long separation naturally made them warmer towards each other. But in Lu Shifeng’s eyes, Jian Luo’s popularity was becoming a problem. The dragon clan’s possessiveness was strong, and with so many people at the banquet who harbored ill intentions towards Jian Luo, each one was testing Lu Shifeng’s patience.


From the beginning of the banquet, Lu Shifeng observed Jian Luo closely. As person after person came to chat with him, trying to snatch him away, Lu Shifeng’s patience wore thin with each new encounter. Finally, at that moment, his restraint shattered.


Lu Shifeng finally spoke coldly, “Do you have a lot of free time?”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“I have classes at the temple, night shifts, dragon clan physical training, managing the sanctuary, and rebuilding Earth,” Lu Shifeng looked down at him, his tone acerbic, “and taking care of children.”


Jian Luo was stunned.


“Looks like Mr. Jian is quite adept at managing everything.”


His sarcasm froze the smile on Jian Luo’s face.


Sensing the tension, Jiang Jiang quickly interjected, “Luo Luo, you’re so busy. It’s okay, we can catch up when you have time. I’m glad to see you today. Let’s plan for next time.”


Jian Luo turned away, forcing a smile. “Sure, okay.”


Due to the flow of the banquet, they didn’t speak much longer before parting ways. Lu Shifeng led Jian Luo away, but Jian Luo wore a sullen expression the entire way.


Lu Shifeng stopped and looked at him. “Are you unhappy?”


“Are you?” Jian Luo lifted his head, finally asking, “Why did you say those things just now?”


He wasn’t stupid; he could tell Lu Shifeng didn’t like Jiang Jiang.


Normally, he wouldn’t mind, but why couldn’t Lu Shifeng give him a little face in public?


Lu Shifeng frowned.


“Do you think I shouldn’t make friends?” The pressures of the day had left Jian Luo breathless; he lowered his head, voice tinged with bitterness, “I don’t need a personal life. I’ll do whatever you say—study, manage the sanctuary, take care of children. Just quietly be your tool?”


Lu Shifeng looked at his reddened eyes, took his hand, and led him away from the noisy crowd to a quieter spot.


Jian Luo shook off his hand. “Why are you pulling me?”


He tried to pull away, but after a couple of failed attempts, he resigned himself. Lu Shifeng’s grip was too strong.


“You’ve misunderstood me,” Lu Shifeng leaned against a nearby fake mountain, glancing at him, “It’s easier to talk here.”


Jian Luo said, “?!”


“I have nothing to say to you,” Jian Luo originally wanted to be cold, but he ended up feeling more aggrieved. His attempt at being cold collapsed, making him seem less like he was scolding Lu Shifeng and more like a girlfriend throwing a tantrum.


What exactly was going on?


They had agreed previously that he would have freedom once the child was born, but now everything had changed. They claimed it was for his own good, but it was just a fancy cage.


He wanted freedom.


That was why he had been moody all day. He did care about money, but only to provide a better life for himself and his family. If it meant losing more than that, he would rather not have it.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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