Chapter 150 – Inappropriate


Jian Luo stared blankly at the list of instructions displayed above, deeply shocked.


If he were to speak, these guidelines were almost certainly not applicable to Lu Shifeng.


So this type of dating guide could totally be disregarded!


Jian Luo typed on his wristband, “I probably won’t need these. Anything else?”


Several young girls seemed to have anticipated Jian Luo’s response.


But it was a silent boy in the group who spoke up: “Be prepared.”



The entire group fell silent instantly. This guy either never spoke or made a grand entrance; he was truly worthy of attention!




“Steady, bro.”


“Wow, the boss should really listen to you.”


Jian Luo blushed immediately at the praise. He averted his gaze, hands trembling slightly as he closed the chat message page to calm himself. Internally, his thoughts were in turmoil. When he looked up, he suddenly met Lu Shifeng’s gaze. The man sat across the table, already done with his tasks, chin resting on his hand, his deep eyes fixed on him, as if he could see right through him.


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat. He stuttered, “W-why are you looking at me?”


Lu Shifeng spoke calmly, “Has Teacher Jian finished work?”




“It seems you get along well with your colleagues?” He asked casually.


Jian Luo avoided eye contact, “It’s alright.”


Strictly speaking, he wasn’t colleagues with these young girls; at most… comrades?


Lu Shifeng toyed with the small utensils on the dining table and said, “It looks like you enjoy each other’s company. You must be quite an interesting person. Next time, I’ll introduce you.”


Jian Luo hurriedly replied, “No need, just ordinary friends!”


He dared not joke about introducing these young girls to Lu Shifeng; if he accidentally revealed something sensitive, it could mean big trouble for him in the future!


Lu Shifeng narrowed his eyes, a hint of displeasure crossing his crimson gaze.


That’s the problem, Lu Shifeng thought. Allowing the birds their freedom always attracted the attention of those with ill intentions.


If Jian Luo never went out, no one would covet him, and no one would vie with him.


Like the dragons who liked to keep their treasures hidden away, Lu Shifeng couldn’t help but wonder. Strange thoughts churned in his mind, but he suppressed them in the end.



“Hello, your meals are here.”


The server’s voice interrupted their conversation.


Jian Luo snapped back to reality and thanked her, “Thank you.”


The server smiled, “Enjoy your meal.”


She bowed and observed the two. Everyone knew these were the prototypes of ‘Arrogant Dragon Falls for Me,’ which had swept across the Dark Star recently. The author kept delaying updates, so she had to make do with eating nearby!


The latest dish was designed by Jian Luo himself.


This dish was intriguing; it was called Sweet Attack. They ordered two portions—one salty and one spicy. However, if the two dishes were mixed together, they turned sweet.


The inspiration came when Jian Luo accidentally mixed two special Dark Star fruits while cooking. The result unexpectedly turned sweet, prompting him to jot down the idea overnight and publish the recipe the next day.




Jian Luo took a bite and tasted the salty flavor in his mouth.


The server eagerly pitched in, “This Sweet Attack also has a hidden eating method!”


Jian Luo smiled knowingly, “I know.”


Because he had developed it.


After saying this, Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng again and asked, “Do you know what the hidden eating method is?”


Lu Shifeng’s mind was full of hidden gameplays. He looked up at the question, “What?”


Jian Luo had a look you wouldn’t expect, scooping a bite of his own food with a spoon. He stood up from his chair and bent down in front of Lu Shifeng, saying, “Let me teach it to you…”


Lu Shifeng leaned forward, spoon in his mouth, and finished the food Jian Luo had brought.




Jian Luo froze, holding the spoon in his hand.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “You want to teach me how to taste this meal properly?”


Jian Luo’s hand holding the spoon trembled slightly. They were quite close, and he couldn’t hide anything under Lu Shifeng’s gaze. He trembled slightly and said, “I just ate with this spoon.”


Originally, he had intended to take a bite of food and then use the public spoon to show Lu Shifeng, but Lu Shifeng’s sudden and unexpected move caught him off guard!


Lu Shifeng raised his eyebrow. “Oh?”


Seeing his reaction, Jian Luo had to remind again, “I, I’ve used it.”


Lu Shifeng picked up his own spoon. “Oh? You want to use it again?”




Jian Luo’s ears burned hot. He felt annoyed and embarrassed, wanting to say something but feeling too shy, finally saying, “Never mind.”


Lu Shifeng calmly enjoyed the sight of him fleeing in embarrassment.


Jian Luo sat back in his chair, too embarrassed to continue. The nearby waiter looked amused, but Jian Luo was too preoccupied with Lu Shifeng’s sudden action just now. Why didn’t he seem to mind at all? And he was so calm about it.


Lost in thought, Jian Luo found the food didn’t taste good anymore. He stood up and said, “I’ll be right back.”


Lu Shifeng didn’t even lift his head. “Mm.”


Jian Luo took the opportunity to slip away, asking Jin Secretary as he passed by, “Is he in?”


Jin Secretary, who was immersed in the female lead’s message—no, Lulu’s message—was very happy. “What’s up, Lulu? Anything wrong?”


Jian Luo asked, “Can I ask you something?”


Jin Secretary replied, “Mm.”


“Does the Marshal care about the food and utensils?”


Because apart from this incident, he had never crossed any lines with Lu Shifeng during meals, so he didn’t dare to judge.


Jin Secretary hesitated for a moment before replying, “It’s not just caring—it’s extremely important to him. He has very high standards for food quality. Before he knew you, he hardly ate. Occasionally, he would send seasonal dishes from Moonlight, but he usually only tasted a few bites.”


Jian Luo was shocked.


“And he definitely pays attention to tableware. The Marshal is very particular about etiquette and rules.”




Jian Luo widened his eyes, recalling what just happened. In any case, it was quite inappropriate!


Jin Secretary seemed to sense something unusual and said mysteriously, “Lulu, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”


Jian Luo felt awkward. “No, it’s nothing.”


“Are you having a meal together?”




“Hehe.” Jin Secretary seemed to guess something. “Enjoy the spring night while it lasts.”






After a quick wash, Jian Luo walked back. As he glanced upstairs, he suddenly noticed a corner where a human and a noble were sitting. The human girl went to the front desk nearby to pick something up, while the man in the corner seemed to have put something in the water.


Jian Luo frowned, his gaze suddenly sharp.


As he walked over, the girl picked up her bag and was about to leave when she saw Jian Luo, looking surprised. “Jian ge?”


Coincidentally, a familiar face, one of the girls he had chatted with in the afternoon group chat. No wonder he hadn’t seen her today; turns out she was also out.


The girl was pleasantly surprised. “Weren’t you going to Moonlight? What a coincidence meeting here!”


Jian Luo smiled. “Just having a meal with someone.”


“Mm.” The girl nodded towards the noble not far away. “My boyfriend.”


Jian Luo glanced over.


The man over there had returned to normalcy, and upon seeing someone glance his way, he even kindly waved as a greeting. He seemed to be a vampire; their kind was easy to spot, often clad in courtly attire with red collars, their skin unnaturally pale, exuding an innate eerie aura.


Jian Luo asked, “How far have you two gotten?”


The girl scratched her head. “We’re not that close yet. We confirmed our relationship not long ago, and today is our first time eating out together.”


“Ah,” Jian Luo nodded. “It’s getting late. Are you ready to head back?”




The girl stood up properly, treating Jian Luo as if meeting her parents. Though in reality, Jian Luo was currently the pillar of Peace Paradise, the protector of humans. She smiled and said, “I’m going home now.”


Jian Luo said, “I’ll walk you.”


“Is it okay?” The girl lowered her voice. “Aren’t you on a date?”


“It’s fine whenever we make plans.”


He was worried about the girl being alone at night, especially facing a potentially malicious man. The thought sent shivers down his spine.


The girl nodded. “Okay, I’ll go tell him.”


Jian Luo said, “Let’s go together.”


They walked over together. The vampire man’s expression changed upon seeing Jian Luo; by now, almost everyone knew him.


“Jian ge, this is Phil. He’s currently on duty at the palace.” The girl pulled Jian Luo to sit down and introduced him to the man, “Phil, this is Jian ge.”


Phil nodded politely. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Jian.”


Jian Luo replied, “Hello.”


The girl said to Phil, “I’m planning to go back with Jian ge now. Thank you for dinner.”


“Huh?” Phil was surprised. He hadn’t expected his plans to be disrupted. He quickly said, “Qingqing, I’ll take you back. Why trouble someone else? Didn’t you want to see the star sea? It’s just the right time.”


The girl frowned. “That was earlier. It’s too late now. I’m not going.”


Phil insisted, “Don’t worry, I’ll take you back later.”


Jian Luo quietly observed, casually picking up the cup that had been tampered with. This action made Phil nervous; his words stumbled out, “Mr. Jian, that’s for Qingqing!”


The girl jumped in surprise.


“It’s alright,” Qingqing said warmly. “If Jian ge wants to drink, let him.”


Phil hurriedly stood up to take the cup. “No, you can’t…”


Jian Luo admired the man’s disgusted expression for a moment, then stood up and said to the girl, “Let’s go.”


Phil froze. “Where are you going?”


“Where we’re going is none of your concern.” Jian Luo grabbed the girl’s wrist and walked aside, glancing back at Phil. “As for you…”


Jian Luo stepped forward, grabbed the water cup from the table, and with a swift motion, splashed nearly half of its contents directly onto Phil’s face. “Go to hell.”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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