Chapter 146 – Marriage Law


Jian Luo hesitated at the door, glancing outside. Carefully moving to the doorway, he extended his arm and opened the outer interface. The intelligent brain instantly transmitted the live images from outside, showing three… baby dragons.




Jian Luo’s hand trembled, quickly opening the door.


With a “click,” the door opened, revealing three dragon hatchlings standing in a row outside. Before Jian Luo could see clearly, a gust of wind wrapped around his pants leg.


Long Ao Tian skillfully climbed up with his small claws and squatted on Jian Luo’s shoulder. When Jian Luo looked over, Long Ao Tian puffed up and let out a disgruntled “chirp.”


Full of spirit, extremely aggrieved!


The younger sister and brother were a bit slower, but eventually found a comfortable spot in Jian Luo’s embrace.


Jian Luo patted Long Ao Tian’s head and softly asked, “How did you all come here?”


The younger sister, very clever, was the first to understand Jian Luo’s meaning. With dewy eyes, she stared at him intently and said softly, “Missed daddy.”


She seemed a bit aggrieved too, rubbing against Jian Luo’s hand as if complaining, “Daddy didn’t come home.”


The soft dragon scales of the hatchlings felt cool and slightly itchy in his palm, scratching lightly at his heart, both poignant and tender.


Jian Luo softened his tone. “Who brought you all here?”


Long Ba Tian looked back and pointed with his small claws at the father standing in the shadows beside him, promptly revealing the accomplice without hesitation.


Jian Luo glanced in slight surprise. He was so caught up in reuniting with the children that he had only now noticed a living person standing here!


“You…” Jian Luo couldn’t help but smile when he saw him. “How did you come here?”


Lu Shifeng picked up Long Ao Tian who was chattering away. “They refused to sleep.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“They refused to eat.” Lu Shifeng continued matter-of-factly, “They insisted on coming to see you.”


Jian Luo looked surprised as he lowered his head to look at the hatchlings. “Did you all cause trouble?”


Under their father’s gaze, the two hatchlings suddenly felt immense pressure. Actually… they did cause a bit of trouble. Without their father around, which dragon could tolerate sleeping alone with Dad?


In fact, they were quite afraid of Lu Shifeng. Only Jian Luo would feel sorry for them when they caused a ruckus. Lu Shifeng, on the other hand, was different. During training, if they misbehaved, it meant facing double the punishment, and Lu Shifeng never showed them mercy.


So tonight, they dared to protest just a little.


In the past, if they made a fuss, Lu Shifeng’s attitude would likely be:


If you won’t sleep, then don’t sleep.


If you won’t eat, then don’t eat.


If you have nothing to do, go train instead of babbling.


But after their feeble protest this time, the usually iron-willed Lu Shifeng unexpectedly said, “You want to see him?”


The dragon hatchlings nodded.


And then…


They were brought here.


It all felt like a dream, and the hatchlings thought it was quite magical!


However, Jian Luo was certain they must have caused quite a stir. He pursed his lips and said to Lu Shifeng, “It’s quite late, and I’m sorry to trouble you.”


“No trouble at all. They’re my kind too,” Lu Shifeng’s gaze fell on the hatchlings. “They wanted to see you, so I’m entrusting them to you tonight.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The hallway fell into an eerie silence for a moment. He felt Lu Shifeng had something more to say and instinctively looked up, meeting those deep blood-red eyes. Lu Shifeng was dressed casually, having shed the imposing military uniform, standing about a meter away, his tall figure no longer as intimidating under the warm yellow light at the door, his features handsome, like a remarkably good-looking big brother next door.


Lu Shifeng lightly opened his lips. “I need to trouble you too.”


Jian Luo was stunned.


Lu Shifeng took a slow step forward, standing in front of him. He waited for a while before saying, “It’s quite late. Mr. Jian, you’ve been through a lot.”


Been through a lot.


Unexplainably, Jian Luo felt a twinge at those words.


He felt embarrassed about his overthinking, but still left an opening. “Please come in, it’s no trouble.”


Four rooms were somewhat spacious for just him, but Jian Luo intended to have his mother and brother move in. There were three rooms in total, with the last one converted into a studio for his livestreams.


Since the amusement park side wasn’t sorted out yet, all the rooms were currently empty and could be put to use.


The three hatchlings were obviously curious about their new home, excitedly looking around in Jian Luo’s arms. Seeing their curiosity, Jian Luo decided to let them explore on their own.


Lu Shifeng changed his shoes and walked towards the kitchen. “Come.”


Jian Luo came out of the bedroom. “What…?”


The air was filled with the aroma of food. On the table was a neatly packed set meal, emitting the fragrance of braised pork. Next to the box was a bowl of warm soup. Lu Shifeng stood by the table, unpacking the utensils and saying to him, “Have something to eat.”


Jian Luo asked, “How did you know I hadn’t eaten?”


In fact, he had eaten something. He was so hungry when he returned from the research institute that he had a few pieces of tasteless biscuits to fill his stomach. Although they were bland, they did the job. There was nothing in the fridge when he got home, and he wasn’t hungry enough to go out again to buy food, so he made do.


But he never expected Lu Shifeng to bring him a meal!


Lu Shifeng took the hatchlings into the bedroom, sitting them down on the other side to feed them the baby cake, and said softly, “There was nothing to eat at the research institute, the house was just transferred today, and there was nothing in the fridge. You came back late, what could you eat besides some biscuits?”


Jian Luo picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the warm rice. “Maybe I would’ve gone out because of hunger.”


Lu Shifeng handed a piece of baby cake to Long Ao Tian, raised his eyelids to look at Jian Luo, and said in a deep voice, “Did you go?”


Jian Luo suddenly choked up.


To hide his emotions, he lowered his head and took a bite of meat.


The braised pork was richly flavored, sweet and spicy, warming his stomach with its gentle heat. This warmth seemed to envelop his heart as well.


Back in his youth, people around him used to date.


The most romantic thing was a gentle complaint late at night. Their partner would appear downstairs without hesitation, bringing food and drinks. Sweet couples, where eating was secondary to love.


At moments like these, he would jokingly order takeout, saying, “The cost of coming over is more expensive than delivery.”




he was being sour.


Though he complained about the taxi fare, deep down he envied those who were cared for, missed, and had someone who would come rain or shine. Meanwhile, he remained alone, unattached, like a wild grass growing alone in a corner of a wall. Rain or wind, throughout these years, no one remembered him.




A glass of water was quietly placed beside him.


Lu Shifeng, holding onto Long Aotian who wasn’t eating properly, said, “Don’t just eat.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and subconsciously took the glass. Surprisingly, it was warm. As far as he knew, Dark Star people didn’t drink hot water, but Lu Shifeng remembered to pour him hot water. Feeling somewhat surprised, he looked up at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng noticed his gaze and frowned. “Too hot?”


Unexpectedly, Jian Luo smiled. He shook his head gently. “Not too hot.”


Outside the window, lights were shining brightly. The chilly room felt lively because of the two or three children. The warm yellow light from the dining room scattered, with the tall and handsome man handling the two kids who weren’t eating properly. There were occasional small dragon noises at the dinner table, and there was steam rising from the food. Everything seemed ordinary, but for the first time, he felt comfortable.


Jian Luo tilted his head back, his features softening. “Thank you.”


With the young dragons in his arms, Lu Shifeng turned around and saw this radiant smile under the light. His skin appeared fair, and his dark eyes were fixed on him unwaveringly, reflecting shattered starlight. It was a look of trust and gentleness, making Jian Luo feel strangely itchy, like being gently scratched by a cat’s ear, wanting to embrace and cherish.


Lu Shifeng’s eyes deepened, his grip on the dragons tightening unconsciously.




The disgruntled Long Aotian chirped twice, struggling to resist.


Lu Shifeng pushed it back to eat and relaxed his grip, then said, “Jian Luo.”




“Eat properly.”


Stop teasing the dragons casually.




That night’s dinner ended playfully like this. Jian Luo and the kids went to sleep, while Lu Shifeng was sent to the neighboring guest room to rest alone again. The old dragon, now in an empty nest, felt a bit conflicted, but the three little dragons in Jian Luo’s embrace were as happy as could be, with the naughtiest Long Aotian even cheerfully saying goodbye to Lu Shifeng’s darkened face: “Daddy, see you later.”


The other dragons followed suit.


Devoted to rubbing salt in their biological dad’s wounds, to avenge their usual bullying.


Jian Luo thought Lu Shifeng was annoyed by them, so he quickly closed the door and said, “I’ll take them to bed now. Good night.”




The door closed.



The next day.


In the morning, Jian Luo was going to the amusement park for planning and inspection. Lu Shifeng decided to take the three dragons to see him off. When Jian Luo got out of the car, he told the dragons, “Behave well in class today.”


The three little dragons wanted to go with him, causing a ruckus. In the end, Lu Shifeng silenced them with just a glance.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but laugh and waved to them from outside the car. “I’m leaving.”


The three dragons leaned against the car window, watching him eagerly.


When Jian Luo met their gaze, his heart softened. But before he could give in, Lu Shifeng directly scooped up Long Aotian and closed the window, blocking all sightlines.


The three dragons: “…”


They stared angrily at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng remained calm and even smiled faintly. “Daddy, see you later.”


Long Aotian widened its eyes, looking at its own father in disbelief. At such a young age, Lu Shifeng was already teaching them about the harsh realities of society. Their biological father was truly… quite a grudge-holder!


At the Amusement Park.


When Jian Luo arrived, people from various households along the way came out to greet him.


“Hey, Luo Luo.”


“Luo Luo is here.”


“Come sit at our place, Luo Luo.”


Even villagers he wasn’t familiar with showed him a warm welcome, making it hard for him to resist.


Along the way, many children sneak peeks from a distance out of curiosity, eager to see what the new master of Earth, the future leader of the amusement park, looked like. They imagined him to be a mature middle-aged man or a white-haired old man, but they never expected him to be such a young man.


Jian Luo went home first.


Just as he arrived, the former head of the amusement park, Director Wang, also arrived. He greeted Jian Luo as soon as he walked in. “Welcome back, Luo Luo.”


Jian Luo smiled at him. “Please, have a seat, Director Wang.”


Director Wang is not young, already in his fifties, with most of his hair turned white. He spoke in a hoarse voice, “No need to stand, standing is fine for me.”


Jian Luo came over and pulled his hand, urging him to sit on the sofa, “Please, have a seat.”


Su Liang brought out the brewed tea from the kitchen with a smile, saying, “You guys enjoy the tea, I’ll go cut some fruits.”


Director Wang quickly expressed his thanks.


Back when Jian Luo’s family was destitute, Director Wang was arrogant and extremely demanding. Now that Jian Luo’s family had prospered, Director Wang was submissive and polite. It wasn’t his fault for seeking profit; it was just human nature.


Jian Luo took out the printed documents and said, “I plan to gather everyone in the square today for a small meeting.”


“Now that Dark Star supports Eden, there’s no need for everyone to stay inside the sheds and farm. If anyone has other ideas, they’re welcome to speak up.” Jian Luo paused, “Since I’m here now, overall planning will definitely need adjustments. I hope Director Wang can cooperate.”


Director Wang glanced at Jian Luo and smiled, “Of course.”


Though he looked down upon Jian Luo in his heart, he had no choice but to follow Jian Luo’s lead.


Humanity in Eden relied on what they gained from the Safe Haven; he knew this clearly. Without Jian Luo, they were nothing.


Seeing his cooperation, Jian Luo continued, “If you have any thoughts or opinions, feel free to share.”


“Well, we can discuss during the meeting,” Director Wang said, “But there’s something that everyone is concerned about now, especially curious about. We’re legally allowed to intermarry with Dark Star, but the Civil Affairs Bureau hasn’t implemented laws in this regard…”


The Marriage Law only protected Dark Stars, with no explicit provisions for human marriages.


It was neither here nor there.


Now that Jian Luo was in charge, they could only turn to him.


Jian Luo also realized this and asked, puzzled, “Can’t we get married?”


“No, we can’t,” Director Wang said, “In the past, marriages between humans were simple affairs, no need for the Civil Affairs Bureau. Just a simple notarization at the village. But times have changed. I inquired recently, and they said we need the Chairman’s seal and an application to go through the process.”


With Jian Luo holding the official seal, he considered, “Alright, don’t worry. I’ll take a look.”


Director Wang felt relieved.


Next was the meeting for all humans. This was Jian Luo’s first time leading such a gathering, and most people attended. The younger ones seemed more enthusiastic, while the older ones appeared more relaxed, many having seniority over Jian Luo, which caused some discontent.


Luckily, Jian Luo didn’t mind. His responsibility was to plan Eden well; those who cooperated were best, and those who didn’t, he couldn’t be bothered with. Wealth and status were predestined; everyone just needed to do their part.


Jian Luo outlined upcoming plans and emphasized, “Starting today, children aged 5 and above must receive preschool education. Those under 15 can apply to return to school.”


This was a significant reform.


Different opinions emerged:


“What if we don’t have money?”


“Our families can’t afford it.”


“Education costs a fortune; farming is more practical.”


Jian Nan flipped through the scrolls and said, “The Education Department will provide free compulsory education until adulthood for those under 15.”


His words quieted the room.


Those who had opposed it were stunned, while some children’s eyes lit up with excitement.


Finally, someone asked, “But where will the money come from for compulsory education?”


“That’s something I’ll handle, not you,” Jian Luo said sternly from his elevated seat, “Go home, fill out the forms, and submit them.”


The room fell silent.


Previously, some doubted Jian Luo’s ability, but now they looked at him with newfound respect.


Someone started applauding, and soon cheers erupted, especially from the children, who seemed particularly excited.


Jian Luo said, “For those who still have questions, please raise them in an orderly manner.”


With the first issue resolved, his words carried more weight.


Even those who were initially hesitant dared to voice their needs.


After collecting several pages of questions, Jian Luo assigned tasks according to the previous plan to different groups, ensuring everyone found something productive to do.


Jian Luo himself was quite busy; his first priority was resolving the Marriage Law issue.


If handled properly, it would be straightforward. With Dark Star currently in reform, all local authorities were supportive, ready to cooperate fully with Jian Luo.


However, when the draft reached Jian Luo, he frowned.


He was thoroughly dissatisfied with this proposed Marriage Law.


From the first article, it seemed designed to test human patience: “Civil Marriage Law Article 1: In marriages between Dark Star and humans, based on the Marriage Treaty, humans must change their surname after marriage, and their household registration must follow their spouse’s species registration. Property must be clearly divided based on equality.”


In essence, this provision meant:


After marrying a Dark Star, humans had to change their surname and their household registration to match their spouse’s species registration. This primarily dealt with child custody and human rights issues, making the marriage itself a secondary consideration.

As for the division of property, the meaning becomes even more apparent. The wealth of the Dark Star people has nothing to do with their human wives. After marriage, both sides maintain separate properties and do not interfere with each other, ostensibly to protect their respective assets, but in reality to prevent humans from marrying for money.


The entire Marriage Law, whether in its creation or its provisions, seems like a joke.


How could such absurd things exist in this world? They want humans to marry, bear children, take care of the family, and yet demand to be subordinate, enjoying no rights.


Jian Luo sneered coldly and slammed the draft on the table.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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