Chapter 147 – Why Don’t You Get Married


Jian Luo glanced at the documents nearby and felt a headache coming on.


He didn’t know about the others in Paradise, but he was sure this Marriage Law was extremely biased towards the Dark Star people, even suggesting it was designed solely to protect their interests.


It was quite laughable and somewhat pitiful too.


Even if the Dark Star granted an amnesty, some things deep down wouldn’t change, and even if humans were freed, they would still be treated as unimportant appendages.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


A knocking came from outside.


Jian Luo came to his senses and said, “Come in.”


Director Wang entered. His daughter was currently dating a Dark Star person, and they were discussing marriage, so he was deeply concerned about the Marriage Law.


Director Wang brought a cup of water: “Luo Luo, are you thirsty? Afraid you’re working too hard. Here, have some water.”


Jian Luo looked at him, then at the cup he was shaking, inexplicably reminded of Pan Jinlian’s words, “Hubby, it’s time for your medicine.”


Jian Luo chuckled lightly and took it: “Thank you, Director Wang.”


Director Wang wiped his hands and sat down: “Don’t call me Director Wang so formally. Just call me Uncle Wang.”


Jian Luo took a sip of water and nodded.


Director Wang glanced at him: “Um, is there any problem with this Marriage Law draft?”


His urgency made it seem like he was the one getting married.


With his slender, fair hands, Jian Luo picked up the draft from the table and handed it to Director Wang: “Why don’t you take a look?”


Director Wang took it.


He quickly flipped through several pages, his brows furrowing deeper.


Jian Luo felt somewhat relieved. At least it seemed Director Wang was discerning enough and not blindly seeking to align with the powerful.


“Ah…” Director Wang shook his head. “It’s a mixed bag, really.”


Jian Luo asked, “What do you mean?”


“After marriage, they can move to the Sky City,” Director Wang said with excitement. “The resources there are excellent. You can enjoy endless wealth and prosperity.”




Jian Luo felt a lump in his throat.


He didn’t mean to offend, but this statement felt oddly familiar. He had heard it before; back then, many young people from the village went to the big cities to work, and during idle chats, everyone liked to talk about the glamour of the city.


They would say things like:


“XX married into the city, surely enjoying endless wealth and prosperity.”


“Truly making a mark, the pride of our village.”


“In the future, our children should also go to the city.”


That was when the entire village hadn’t yet integrated with the cities. Almost everyone had the same thought: I want to go to the city.


Even though everyone knew deep down that not everyone who went to the city could become successful, and not everyone could become rich, life in the city was definitely better than in the countryside. It was a hopeful aspiration for life.


Jian Luo snapped out of it, somewhat helplessly picking up the Marriage Law: “How many recently engaged, discussing marriage?”


Director Wang was excited: “At least seven or eight.”


Jian Luo nodded: “Have them all come over. I want to hear their opinions.”


He couldn’t decide alone; perhaps it was just his own perspective.


He wanted to hear what others had to say. Many things lose their meaning if decided by a single person.


Director Wang thought there was a chance: “Alright, I’ll have them come over right away.”


Jian Luo waited for a while.


By now, it was lunchtime. He only now thought about eating. To better handle these pressing matters, he had moved his workspace to the main office of Paradise, which was a bit far from home.




The door opened.


He was hungry, and Su Liang came in, wearing a light yellow dress. She seemed noticeably fuller than before, her already attractive face now even fairer. She held a lunchbox and stood at the door, looking at Jian Luo warmly: “It’s time to eat.”


Jian Luo was surprised: “Why are you here?”


He remembered asking Su Liang to take care of the little ones at the Dragon Clan. Why would his mother come over?


“If I don’t come, how will you eat?” Su Liang placed the lunchbox on the table. “You definitely won’t like the food they make.”


While the village had communal canteens, the cooking methods here mainly consisted of boiling. In most areas of the Dark Star, under the moon’s guidance, cooking methods other than boiling were gradually becoming popular. However, Peace Paradise remained stuck in the past.


Jian Luo smiled faintly, “It’s just something to eat, no trouble for you to make the trip.”


Su Liang brought out the cooked dishes and placed them on the nearby table. He adjusted his hair and said, “General Lu sent a car specifically to bring me here, so it’s not inconvenient at all.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


“He’s worried you won’t eat properly or won’t like the food,” Su Liang helped Jian Luo unpack his utensils, “He reminded me this morning to come see you at least for lunch.”


Jian Luo softened, “General Lu Shifeng said that?”


Su Liang turned around and sat in a chair, “Yes, he didn’t agree, and Mother isn’t well enough to come out.”


Jian Luo sat down at the dining table and started eating with his head down, “I’ll thank him later.”


“Thank him? What for?” Su Liang finally couldn’t help but glare at him, “The General cares so much, even I, an old mother-in-law, have spoken. You keep wanting to move out day by day. I don’t know what’s going on in your head all the time. Wait until someone takes advantage of you, then you’ll cry.”


A few words were enough to show Su Liang’s frustration.


Jian Luo murmured softly in response, “I haven’t moved out. Sometimes it’s just inconvenient to go back too late.”


Su Liang wanted to say more, but someone arrived outside.


Quite a few people came, about seven or eight, probably all called by Director Wang. Unfortunately, their timing was bad as they arrived right when he was eating.


After some thought, Jian Luo said, “Today is fine.”


He couldn’t let them come all the way for nothing.


The group outside crowded in noisily; most were girls, with two boys among them, all quite young and not bad looking.


Jian Luo said, “Have you all eaten? Sit down and have some.”


Everyone politely declined.


But their eyes remained fixed on the food on the table; after all, it smelled really good. Most families couldn’t afford so much good food in one meal, whether meat or vegetables. In this society dominated by nutrient fluids, such items were luxuries for the wealthy.


Jian Luo understood their thoughts.


Luckily, Su Liang had brought plenty — five dishes and a soup, more than enough for one person.


So Jian Luo said, “It’s fine, come and have some together.”


Several young ones were already tempted; upon hearing this, they all sat down. Before they had been wary and hostile towards Jian Luo, but now their animosity faded quite a bit.


Su Liang stood up and said, “Let me get bowls and chopsticks for you.”


The young ones looked somewhat embarrassed.


Jian Luo smiled and said, “We’re all humans, one family. There’s no need to be so formal. Just relax; I invited you here today to understand the situation, so don’t worry.”


His attitude was very friendly, making everyone feel comfortable. The young ones quickly responded,


“Thanks, Brother Jian.”


“Feel free to ask anything you want to know.”


“We’ll definitely cooperate with the work!”


Jian Luo smiled and finally took out the marriage draft he had prepared long ago. He explained clearly the pros and cons of the Marriage Law, including its current relationship with the development of Sky City. Finally, he emphasized, “If it’s just for entering the city, for work and resources, you must believe that Paradise will one day move towards regularity. I will also do my best to ensure everyone has the opportunity to integrate with the city.”


“Jobs and opportunities can come again, but marriage is only once.” Jian Luo made it clear to them, “If you disregard these factors, how do you feel about this Marriage Law?”


The young ones exchanged glances.


For their older generation, they needed to be more cautious.


Finally, a girl said, “I’m not in a hurry.”


Someone took the lead, and others expressed their opinions:


“I’m not in a rush either.”


“I’m actually not that eager to go into the city.”


“Yeah, during the morning meeting, everyone said Paradise is reforming to do business. Working here, surrounded by familiar faces, feels better.”


“This Marriage Law feels scary. Once married, the husband controls even our professional freedom.”


Just as Jian Luo disliked the Marriage Law, it was too domineering. Although he provided resources and housing for his wife, the husband’s rights were too extensive.


Life as usual, personal freedom, even the allocation of property and resources were in the hands of the husband. It was outrageous.


Jian Luo could easily have nodded in agreement with the Marriage Law to save trouble and avoid disputes, especially since many humans were filled with joy at the general amnesty and looked forward to marriage. Even if there were some unequal clauses in the Marriage Law, they could reluctantly accept them.




He couldn’t be so hasty.


Behind this lay endless trouble.


The disadvantaged status of human marriage would lead to how many unhappy families? Without the husband’s affection, understanding from loved ones, or even legal protection, how desperate would people become?


Setting aside the purposes of the dark stars pursuing human children, the research results from the scientific institute hadn’t come out yet. If the data dissatisfied them, what would married humans without benefits face? He might avoid taking responsibility for himself, but this burden had to be shouldered for what he could manage.


Seeing these young ones still thinking reasonably, Jian Luo smiled with relief, “That’s right. When looking for a spouse, you must keep your eyes open. Only marry and have children when you meet the right person. Assess their character, values, and true intentions towards you, understand?”

As the conversation fell silent, the young girl sitting across the table whispered, “Jian ge.”

Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her.

The girl seemed a bit shy but still asked softly, “Can I ask you a question?”

Jian Luo replied, “Hmm?”

“Are you married?”

“No, not yet.”

“Why not?” There was a gossipy glint in the girl’s eyes. “You already have a child with the Marshal but aren’t married. Is it because it’s not suitable, or because after getting to know the Marshal, you find his character or values not up to par?”

Jian Luo hesitated.

Author’s Note: Your friend Lu Shifeng has requested to join the group chat.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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