Chapter 148 – Haven’t Touched Me in a Long Time


This issue is truly suffocating.


Jian Luo withdrew his gaze and cleared his throat, “He doesn’t have this problem.”


The young girl looked at him curiously, as if saying, “Lu Shifeng doesn’t have a problem, could it be Mr. Jian, it’s your problem?”


Jian Luo felt his scalp tingle under her gaze, he forcibly looked away and said, “We exist for other reasons.”


“What reasons?”


“Jian bro, just say it.”


“We’re here to brainstorm for you.”


Facing the intense gazes, Jian Luo felt for the first time like a boyfriend being interrogated by roommates about his uncertain relationship status.


Su Liang brought out bowls and chopsticks from inside and set them out for the youngsters, then said, “You guys eat, I’ll go out for a walk.”


“Mom, join us for a meal.”


“I’ve eaten.” Su Liang smiled and pursed her lips, “You young people chat, I won’t interfere.”


She hurried away as if afraid someone would follow her.


Jian Luo helplessly withdrew his gaze, but when he refocused, he met several intense gazes again. His gossip-loving spirit ignited. He sighed, “There’s really no special reason.”


The young girls were curious, but the two boys left were quite obedient, concentrating on their meal.


The young girls said with chopsticks in hand, “Jian ge, if you have any troubles, you can talk to us, we can give you some advice.”


Jian Luo chuckled, “What troubles could I have?”


But as the words reached his lips, he pondered and realized their point was somewhat valid.


In reality, he never had anyone to discuss things with. He was used to handling everything independently, stubbornly facing every challenge on his own. Sometimes, if he couldn’t handle it, he would tough it out.




This was something he found might not be solvable through toughness alone.


Jian Luo thought for a moment, finally set down his chopsticks, and said, “If I were to speak of troubles, there might be a little bit.”


The young girls thought they had no hope, but when Jian Luo spoke up, their eyes lit up. They exchanged glances and eagerly said, “We’re happy to help!”


Jian Luo briefly explained the unexpected situation of having a child without an established relationship with Lu Shifeng, and also explained the reason why they weren’t married.




He concluded, “I think maybe now he’s keeping me around because the child is still young, so he hasn’t asked me to leave.”


“Before, he took care of me during pregnancy because it was taking care of a pregnant husband.” Jian Luo sighed, “Mutual devotion is meaningful, I don’t want to assume too much.”


There was a brief silence in the air.


The young girls exchanged glances and saw profound meaning in each other’s eyes.


One of the girls with long hair cleared her throat, “Jian ge, if I may ask boldly, is this your speculation or did General Yuan actually tell you this?”


Jian Luo replied, “Do we even need to discuss something like this?”


“At the very least, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”


“Yeah, you haven’t even asked him about his thoughts.”


“To be honest, I think he cares about you more than just taking care of you.”


This was Jian Luo’s first time discussing these things with friends. He asked, “Why do you think so?”


“You clearly haven’t read the latest ‘Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me’. The male lead there is so devoted, buying houses and cars, indulging the female lead in whatever she wants. He finds her cute when she’s playful, feels sad when she’s hurt, and deeply cares for both the female lead and the child, regardless of her human status.”




Jian Luo chuckled helplessly, “How can reality be compared to novels?”


The girl, disillusioned, argued, “Fine, but has General Yuan bought you houses and cars?”


“Actually… yes.”


Initially, he wanted to buy them himself, but Lu Shifeng insisted on choosing something safer.


The girl continued, “Whenever you wanted to buy something, did he refuse?”


“No,” Jian Luo added, “but usually I can buy things on my own.”




Undeterred, the girl pressed on, “Last question, who starts the arguments between you two? Who usually causes the fights?”


“… me.”


The girls looked at each other in disbelief and said to Jian Luo, “Bro, aren’t you satisfied with this!”


Jian Luo was at a loss for words.


He felt the logic was a bit off, but he couldn’t argue against it.


The girls looked at him with disappointment, “My boyfriend is also from the Dark Star clan, but he hardly spends any money on me.”


“During arguments, he gives me the silent treatment.”


“He never remembers what I like to eat. Can you believe we drink nutrient fluids on dates?”

“Seems like all Dark Star folks are iron-willed straight guys.”


“Is it because of their noble status that they don’t know how to take care of people?”


The boy who had been silent spoke up, “I don’t think there are really such extremely straight guys in this world.”


Everyone turned to look at him.


“They don’t show tenderness, don’t show tolerance, don’t show consideration—these are things iron-willed straight guys don’t shoulder.” The boy smiled, “It all comes down to whether they love or not, whether they are willing to put in the effort.”


With that,


The boy glanced at Jian Luo, “Speaking of respecting status, ask Jian ge if General Yuan has these issues?”


All eyes turned back to Jian Luo.


Jian Luo felt the sharpness of their gaze. Under this pressure, he carefully recalled and realized Lu Shifeng didn’t seem to have these issues. He was generous towards him, there was no emotional coldness, he always replied to messages even when busy, he didn’t put on airs in front of him, and after he found out Jian Luo didn’t like nutrient fluids, they never appeared on the dining table again.



Jian Luo fell silent.


The young girls seemed a bit envious but still said, “Jian ge, we believe General Yuan must hold you in his heart. If you’re unsure, you can always verify!”


Jian Luo was curious, “How do I verify?”


The girl pulled up “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me” on her wristband and flipped to Chapter 10. Then she said, “There are countless methods to verify someone’s love for you, like seeing if they can tolerate your unreasonable demands! Remember, those who are too understanding and obedient aren’t usually the ones who get loved. Crybabies get the candy. We all think you might just be too well-behaved. Look at this female lead, she really goes all out, she’s got it all!”


Jian Luo didn’t want to be foolish. Dragon Ao Tian was always acting out unreasonably and often ended up being beaten. His son had already demonstrated that to him. How could he be so foolish?


Jian Luo bent over his meal. “The female lead in novels can do it, but I can’t. Do you have any reasonable suggestions?”


“Yes, we have everything you want!”




I’m scared of being normal.


So what should have been an afternoon of work turned into a chat session with good girlfriends. He was diligently taught for over an hour. Jian Luo was as if he’d discovered a new world, so much so that when the time came to leave, the children still weren’t going.


One young girl cheered on Jian Luo, “Hurry, just text him!”


Jian Luo: “Are you sure about this?”


Young girls nodded. They were adamant: “We mean it!”


Well, very well.


Jian Luo, hesitating, clicked open his chat, found Lu Shifeng, and hesitantly sent a message: “Are you there?”


Soon he received a reply.


Lu Shifeng said, “What’s up? Working overtime tonight?”




Jian Luo’s mouth twitched. He typed, “No, not tonight.”


Seemingly in a good mood, Lu Shifeng replied faster, “When are you coming back?”


Finally, it was showtime!


Jian Luo glanced at several young girls. With a bit of courage, he said, “I’m heading back now, but it’s the end of the working day here, and the bus is a bit crowded.”


The young girls were excited. “Right, right, ask him to come pick you up after work.”


Jian Luo had never taken the initiative to ask Lu Shifeng to pick him up because he assumed Lu Shifeng was probably too busy and would refuse if he asked, so he hadn’t brought it up.




The message came back.


Jian Luo opened it and saw Lu Shifeng’s response, accommodating: “I’ll send the driver to pick you up.”




Ah, this.


Jian Luo felt a little disappointed. Maybe he’d been foolish; how could he have forgotten this? Lu Shifeng was unlikely to pick him up himself—was the driver dead? Even if the driver had other things, Jin, the secretary, could step in. Anyway, Lu Shifeng would not come if he were busy.


The young girls saw it too. One leaned in and said, “You should ask if he’s free, according to “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls for Me”, there’s a second-floor restaurant in the Moonlight, which you need to reserve in advance, especially with all those people. If you say you want to dine with him today, he’ll probably say it’s too crowded and suggest booking a few days in advance. So, when you say you want to dine today, see how he reacts.”


Jian Luo: “This is too much.”


“So how are you going to understand his mood?” The young girl said. “In addition, you haven’t seen him upset. If you act on impulse for once, if he’s busy, you shouldn’t say anything.”


Usually, according to common sense, everyone knows that they have to queue and make reservations.


Then there would be a refusal, asking him to make an appointment and come back in two days. At this moment, he hesitated, asking to go today to see Lu Shifeng’s reaction.


Not only Jian Luo was a bit nervous, but everyone else was also tense, unconsciously holding their breath, waiting for a reply.


After a while,


Lu Shifeng sent a message: “I’ll come pick you up.”




Jian Luo quickly typed: “You need to make an appointment in advance, I forgot.”


“Is that so?”


“Yeah.” Jian Luo tentatively continued, “But I want to eat today.”


If Jian Luo had read “Dominant Dragon Clan Falls in Love with Me,” he would know that this probing plot was in the middle of the story. The female lead found that the male lead had been distant recently and there were some glamorous rivals like secretaries or princesses pestering him, so she wanted to test her importance in his heart, hence this plot.


On the other side,


Lu Shifeng felt a familiar atmosphere and opened a book he hadn’t touched in a long time, flipping to this page.


In the text, the female lead’s worry was written: “Since giving birth, he hasn’t touched me again. There are so many outstanding people around him. Could it be that he’s tired of me and doesn’t value me anymore?”


Seeing this, Lu Shifeng’s hand trembled.


Author’s notes: Lu Shifeng: Is he inviting me?

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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