Chapter 149 – Not Going Back Tonight


Lu Shifeng stared at the lines, lost in thought.


Just then, Secretary Jin came in to deliver documents: “Sir, we’re likely visiting Asteroid 003 in the B Galaxy tomorrow for military guidance. I’ve already sent you the detailed itinerary.”


Lu Shifeng absentmindedly responded, “Hmm.”


Secretary Jin, obediently: “Is there anything else you need to instruct?”


If there’s nothing else, she’ll take her leave.


After all, today’s update hasn’t been written yet, and she’s eager to get off work.


While Secretary Jin was digressing, Lu Shifeng raised his gaze, “Wait.”


Secretary Jin was slightly surprised, “Sir?”


Lu Shifeng tapped the desk lightly, someone who disliked wasting time with idle talk raised his head and said seriously, “Have you ever been in love?”




Ah, this!


Secretary Jin’s pupils contracted slightly, feeling like a small asteroid colliding with Earth, but she remained composed, “Yes, sir, I have.”


Lu Shifeng frowned, “Who was it?”




If I didn’t know you had someone in your heart, I’d have thought you were interested in me.


When Secretary Jin was young, she became Lu Shifeng’s secretary, and there was a time when she had a crush on him, but his straight male nature advised her to turn to the right path.


She said, “Not human, but Phoenix Clan.”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze, casually asking, “Is that so?”




Lu Shifeng leaned back lazily in his chair, asking, “Have you read ‘Dominant Dragon Clan Falls in Love with Me’ recently?”




Secretary Jin’s hair stood on end, but she managed to say, “Yes, I have.”


Lu Shifeng nodded, then asked, “Do you think the situations described there are close to reality?”




Secretary Jin hesitated, “Like which situations?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, his deep red eyes seeming to pierce into her soul. Secretary Jin shivered all over, beginning to think efficiently. As a thoughtful secretary, she had to understand her boss’s mindset.


Realizing this, Secretary Jin shook all over, as if her veins had been opened. She said, “Novels are based on life, so many situations are usually based on something real!”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”




Secretary Jin felt a bit hollow inside!


But it seemed like this time she finally flattered him in the right way. Lu Shifeng appeared satisfied, waving his hand, “You may leave.”


Secretary Jin: “Yes.”



On the other side,


Jian Luo, waiting anxiously for a reply in the information garden, finally received Lu Shifeng’s response: “Hmm, I’ll come pick you up.”




He actually agreed to his unreasonable request.


The onlookers beside Jian Luo were clearly more excited than Jian Luo himself:


“I told you so.”


“Marshal is so cool.”


“He must like you, Jian bro.”


“Seal the deal tonight!”




Jian Luo’s ears were ringing from their excitement, so he put away his communicator: “Just going out to eat, don’t get too excited.”


The girl with long hair sighed, “I think you’re actually too late to be happy.”


Jian Luo was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.


Fortunately, a few young girls understood the situation well. They now fully understood Jian Luo’s problem as a love novice and said, “Jian Ge, don’t worry. You can boldly go on your date later. You added us as friends, so if you have any questions, just message us. Go for it!”


Jian Luo asked, “Does this count as a date?”


“Of course!”


“And what else counts as a date?”


“Usually after dinner, you’d go watch a movie or gaze at the stars in the Milky Way.”


Actually, Jian Luo often ate with Lu Shifeng, but they usually cooked at home, so he didn’t know the procedure of watching movies. He couldn’t imagine that contemporary young people had such a rich life.


But there were tasks to attend to. He handed them the printed survey forms and reminded, “When you go back, help me conduct a survey on marriage laws. I plan to discuss these treaties again at the Sky City notary office in the coming days, but before that, I want to know public opinion.”


Several young assistants took the forms.


After reminding them of some details, Jian Luo felt relieved. The workload was overwhelming; even after work hours, it continued at home.


“Ding Dong”


There was a message on the information terminal.


Knowing it was from Lu Shifeng, Jian Luo bid farewell to the young assistants and hurried out. They all wore knowing smiles, which made Jian Luo uneasy. He sat in the car, only feeling better after blocking out the sight.


Lu Shifeng sat on the opposite side by the window, engrossed in his documents. Hearing movement, he glanced over with a furrowed brow. “Is someone bothering you?”


Jian Luo quickly shook his head. “No!”


“Why run?” Lu Shifeng grabbed a wet wipe from a small rack beside him. “Come here.”


Jian Luo instinctively moved closer. Lu Shifeng leaned down slightly to wipe his face. His precise and gentle movements revealed distinct knuckles, and up close, Jian Luo caught a faint scent of cedar, fresh like wine brewed on a snowy day, with a hint of sharpness but unusually mild.


Lu Shifeng murmured softly, “Rest for a while, then I’ll take you to dinner.”


Jian Luo looked up abruptly. His movement brushed against Lu Shifeng’s face. He froze momentarily, and Lu Shifeng also paused, their eyes meeting. A smile slowly curved Lu Shifeng’s lips.


Jian Luo blushed belatedly, awkwardly saying, “Okay.”


Lu Shifeng saw him act like a quail, so shy he seemed ready to shrink away. Sometimes young dragons got angry and liked to curl into a ball; other dragons didn’t have this habit. Lu Shifeng thought maybe they learned it from their mother.


But—it was adorable.


“I’ll look through the documents,” Jian Luo tried to change the subject. “You… you must be busy too.”


Lu Shifeng calmly admired his crimson profile for a moment before letting him off the hook. “Mm.”


After pulling out the materials from his bag, Jian Luo began organizing and studying them.


After sorting out matters at the amusement park, he still had to review for the Phoenix Terrace exam tomorrow. After the exam, he would participate in Moonlight Live. He needed to prepare materials for the live broadcast, and after completing the survey, he had to negotiate at the notary office, and there was…


Both of them were busy in the car, the only sound being the rustling of documents. Before, Lu Shifeng was the only one busy like this, but now Jian Luo was also working diligently. They didn’t speak to each other, nor did they disturb one another. Occasionally, their eyes met during breaks, exchanging smiles before burying themselves back into work.


There was no sense of neglect; instead, it felt harmonious and comfortable.


Suddenly, Jian Luo realized he enjoyed this feeling very much. Neither was inferior to the other; they were both striving and growing in their careers at the same time. This feeling was truly wonderful. Even though he might never achieve Lu Shifeng’s level of success, at least when Lu Shifeng moved forward, he wasn’t standing still, and that was enough.



Thirty minutes later,


The driver stopped in front of the hotel.


Jian Luo thought they were arriving at Moonlight, but to his surprise, they came to another upscale restaurant. This place was even harder to book than Moonlight, a high-end dining spot that could rival Moonlight, located at the very top of Sky City, known as a romantic spot. Standing on the top floor of the restaurant, one could overlook the entire Sky City, incredibly romantic.


Curiously, Jian Luo looked back at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng said, “It’s too crowded over there, so I had Moonlight send their new items here.”




You could do that?


Jian Luo got out of the car, saying, “You can have it delivered here.”


“Mm.” Standing beside him, Lu Shifeng was a head taller. He looked down at Jian Luo and said, “You’ve been working hard lately. There are quite a few leisure activities here after dinner.”


Jian Luo understood; Lu Shifeng wanted to dine and relax at the same time!


Realizing this, he smiled. “Okay.”


Lu Shifeng emphasized the word “leisure.” This place was also recommended by Jin Secretary, who said no one could resist the romance of Star Sea. Nowadays, couples loved to come here. Moreover, just a short distance from the top-tier Star Sea was their room, making it convenient to rest after playing.


This scenario was in “Dominating Dragon Falls for Me.”


The female lead doubted the male lead’s feelings for her, especially since he hadn’t touched her since their child was born. So, she specially invited the male lead to play here, indirectly proving her charm and showing up others who coveted the male lead.


Lu Shifeng worried that Jian Luo was sensitive and wouldn’t directly say he wanted to come here. Thoughtfully, he booked the place himself. Unlike the male lead, Lu Shifeng didn’t have many admirers around him, so Jian Luo didn’t need to go to such lengths to invite him. Still, as a good boyfriend, Lu Shifeng believed in fulfilling his partner’s desires.


Of course, he wanted it too.


No dragon could endure seeing their partner nearby every day, yearning with no action.



Jian Luo: “Let’s go in!”


He had no idea what was coming next, immersed in the joy of going out. Planning their schedule, he said, “It’s a little after 7 now; let’s finish early and go home to be with the kids.”


Lu Shifeng: “We’ll see.”


He had no intention of ending the evening early; he definitely wasn’t going back today.


Jian Luo said, “I should have brought the little ones along.”


Lu Shifeng frowned, “They’re still too young.”




Lu Shifeng continued, “They’ve been going to bed early lately. If it’s urgent, call and say we’re working late tonight, ask your mother to put them to bed.”




“We’re going to lie to the little ones?”


Jian Luo hesitated, “Let’s decide that later.”


It was just dinner and a little fun; maybe they could go back early.


After some idle chatter, the two went upstairs. While waiting for their meal, Jian Luo chatted with his friends about their plans and any advice for a date.


The girls chattered away:


“Just enjoy yourselves!”


“Well, there are some things to watch out for, but I don’t think you need to worry.”


“Yeah, the Marshal isn’t a scoundrel.”


Jian Luo was curious, “What things?”


Although he didn’t think Lu Shifeng would be like that, he was still curious about these things.


The friends continued:


“He might want to book a room right after the date.”


“Sweet talk to convince you not to go home.”


“Changing the location of the date to achieve his own goals.”


“And making you lie to your family about not going home tonight.”


Author’s note: Jian Luo: Ah, this… (speechless)

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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