Chapter 151 – Division of Property


His actions were not small, even attracting quite a bit of attention.


A waiter exclaimed, and a crowd gathered around. Originally just bystanders, ready to watch the excitement and then leave, they unexpectedly found two humans when they approached. This made many people unable to move on. Since the liberation of humans, many have become interested in this race.


The waiter came over, quite imposing: “Sir, we do not allow physical conflicts here.”


Seeing that the other party was human, her attitude was not very friendly. However, upon recognizing who the other person was, she first froze, then noticeably softened her stance. She walked over and said, “Perhaps you’ve encountered some problem?”


Jian Luo glanced sideways at her.


On the other hand, the vampire across from him was furious: “Mr. Jian, I respect you as a human, but I never expected such behavior from someone educated in Eden.”


Qingqing was also stunned: “Brother Jian, what’s going on?”


“Mr. Phil,” Jian Luo did not put down the cup in his hand. He said, “Let’s meet directly at the police station.”


Originally, everyone present just wanted to watch the excitement. No one expected Jian Luo to speak out, which was quite shocking.


Even the proud vampire who was about to curse was stunned.


Phil’s arrogance froze on his face. Vampires were already proud, and being publicly exposed made him feel embarrassed and awkward under the gaze of so many people. It was as if he was being humiliated in public, though he had never imagined Jian Luo would notice him.


“What powder?” Phil pursed his lips and suppressed his dissatisfaction. “This is between me and Qingqing. What concern is it of yours?”


Qingqing was taken aback.


The young girl was still confused, but she heard this conversation vaguely. She looked down at her cup, suddenly realizing, “Phil, did you put something in my drink?”


Phil suspiciously averted his gaze.


Under everyone’s gaze, he said, “It’s just an enhancer, no big deal. I could just marry you if it comes to that!”


Phil didn’t think he was wrong.


As a noble, he could have whatever he wanted. Being with a human like Qingqing was already a step up for her. Moreover, he had no interest in such a weak race. It was just that humans seemed obedient lately, which gave him a sense of novelty. Of course, it would be even better if he could have a child with her.




He absolutely had not thought about marrying Qingqing.


Keeping her as a mistress was enough. If they had a child, he could marry her later. Unfortunately, this woman refused to cooperate. Humans were just too complicated. If she really wanted to be reserved, how could she have approached him?


Thinking of this,


Phil said, “Qingqing, for your sake, I won’t pursue this further. It’s late. You should go back with Mr. Jian.”


Jian Luo glanced at Qingqing.


The girl’s eyes slowly turned red, her expression momentarily heartbreaking. But soon, she covered it with a cold smile. Qingqing took a step forward, under Phil’s somewhat arrogant gaze, and slapped him hard—




The crisp sound of the slap echoed through the hall.


A bright red handprint appeared on the arrogant noble’s face. He looked at Qingqing almost incredulously. The girl withdrew her hand and said to Jian Luo, “Brother, let’s go.”


And they left. Phil stood alone in place, enduring the scrutiny of everyone’s gaze. Those eyes, filled with disdain, sympathy, and curiosity, felt like sharp thorns piercing into him, causing a pain akin to being publicly executed.


The vampire clan was ultimately a race that valued prestige. Today, being splashed with water and slapped by humans, how could Phil endure it?


“If you have the guts, go to the police station!”


Watching Jian Luo’s figure walking away, Phil sneered, “The law protects the Dark Stars. Without the human clause, what if the Marriage Law changes? Why shouldn’t I check the quality in advance? Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Even if you go, you’ll come back to apologize to me.”


Jian Luo paused in his steps.


Phil saw the human turn back, his ink-black eyes staring at him relentlessly, as if freezing him in place with their chilling gaze.


Just as Phil thought he was about to do something, Jian Luo’s lips curled into a cold smile, lightly opening, “Trash.”




Under Phil’s incredulous gaze, the two walked away.


Walking down the corridor, Jian Luo’s tense expression made Qing Qing very nervous. She glanced sideways several times, wanting to speak but afraid to.


Jian Luo said, “Let’s go to the police station.”


Qing Qing was anxious, “Forget it, bro. That’s the Dark Star’s police station. They won’t care about us.”


Jian Luo fell silent.


Although they both looked down on Phil, it had to be said that what Phil said was true. When one lives under someone else’s roof, one must submit to their rules. He suddenly deeply understood Lu Shifeng’s words, “The weak have no right to speak.” The Marshal had told him more than once that Dark Star was a place where the strong preyed on the weak. To live well, one had to become strong.


“Jian Luo.”


A voice came from not far away.


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see Lu Shifeng standing nearby. The man walked towards him with long strides, his gaze falling on the gap where Qing Qing and Jian Luo stood too close, calmly pushing Qing Qing aside and standing beside Jian Luo.


Qing Qing: ?


Lu Shifeng looked down at Jian Luo, “Why aren’t you coming back?”


Jian Luo’s mood was complicated. Seeing Lu Shifeng made him realize he had stood the Marshal up. He hurriedly said, “Something came up. Sorry for making you wait.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at Qing Qing again, his voice deep, “It’s fine.”


Qing Qing felt chills run down her spine from the Marshal’s intense gaze. He said it was fine, but why did his eyes seem so terrifying?


Jian Luo’s emotions were in turmoil. He tugged at Lu Shifeng’s sleeve, wanting to quietly suggest they should end today and go back first. Lu Shifeng, sensing the movement, naturally thought Jian Luo wanted to hold hands, so he reached out and held the restless little hand at his side.


Jian Luo: ?


Qing Qing widened her eyes, unable to believe how suddenly romantic it was.


Jian Luo’s hand was enveloped by another warm palm. With Lu Shifeng standing beside him, he felt an overwhelming sense of security. His complex emotions vanished, his entire focus captured by the warmth of that hand.


“Um… um,” Jian Luo felt flustered, “Let’s go back first.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his head to look at him.


Jian Luo quickly explained, “It’s not safe for a young girl to be out alone. Let’s take her home first.”


Lu Shifeng remained indifferent. Whether the human girl was safe or not was none of his concern. His pleasant evening had been ruined just because a woman wanted to go home?


Realizing this, Lu Shifeng lifted his eyelids and glanced at Qing Qing.


Qing Qing: !


She felt murderous intent.


Jian Luo also felt embarrassed and quickly said, “Next time, I’ll leave work early in a couple of days, and we’ll come out more often.”


“Come out more often.”


Lu Shifeng keenly grasped the point. Jian Luo’s proposed plan satisfied him.


Men who had been pacified were always more accommodating. Lu Shifeng relieved the pressure on Qing Qing, saying, “Alright, let’s go.”


Jian Luo sighed with relief. As Lu Shifeng led him away, seeing Qing Qing stiffen, he comforted her, thinking she was afraid, “Don’t worry, Brother Long is very good.”


Qing Qing: …


That’s just for you, isn’t it?


The group soon returned to Peace Paradise. Jian Luo didn’t plan to go home tonight, mainly because there was no one at home. Su Liang was helping with the children of the Dragon Clan, and his younger brother was working at the research institute. He also couldn’t rest assured with the little ones, so he planned to rest with Lu Shifeng back at the Dragon Clan.


After returning to the Dragon Clan, Jian Luo glanced at the sleeping children before preparing to rest and wash up. He had thought this horrible day was finally over, but he didn’t expect things to get even worse.


“Luo Luo!”


Early in the morning, there was shouting outside.


Jian Luo was in the middle of washing up. After brushing his teeth, he walked out and opened the door to see Su Liang standing there with three children in his arms. When they saw Jian Luo, they crawled into their father’s arms on their own, rubbing affectionately and chattering. Especially Long Ao Tian, who almost rubbed Jian Luo all over.


Su Liang said, “What were you doing yesterday? Everyone is talking about you online.”


Jian Luo frowned, “Me?”


He sensed something was wrong and opened the Star Network. Sure enough, at the top of the trending list was the hashtag #MarriageLaw#.


It turned out someone had filmed yesterday’s events and posted them online. Now, the netizens had something to gossip about early in the morning, eagerly joining the discussion:


“The Marriage Law is out?”


“Humans have such explosive tempers, actually resorting to physical violence.”


“I don’t think this situation is such a big deal. Was it really necessary to get so worked up?”


“I agree.”


Most Dark Stars didn’t see any issue with the incident. Unlike humans with their feudal and conservative views, they had little interaction with humans in Paradise over the years and preserved their own values.


The clash of these two races’ perspectives was imminent.


“When it comes to feelings, it’s mutual consent. If she accepted the dinner invitation, isn’t that agreement enough?”


“Yeah, it’s really strange.”


“The part about not dividing property is spot on. Humans don’t even have assets to split.”


People discussed fervently, with the first draft of the Marriage Law released by the authorities, along with the incident at the hotel, sparking heated debate. Most Dark Stars expressed support.


Jian Luo scoffed coldly after browsing through many comments.


Closing the page, he said to Xiu Liang, “Nothing important. Let’s go have breakfast.”


Xiu Liang noticed that Jian Luo seemed to have matured a bit and could keep his composure. This was reassuring for her. She had noticed since their return to Dark Star, Jian Luo’s state was gradually improving.


The two returned to the dining table and found that Lu Shifeng was not there.


Secretary Jin said, “The Master is conducting military guidance in the B star system today. He left early in the morning, around four, and instructed not to disturb you.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Got it.”


Although it was a four o’clock schedule, by the time Lu Shifeng arrived at the military shipyard, it was already dawn. At the same time, there were quite a few reporters waiting around the perimeter. This was more of a familiar scenario, as there were usually many media gatherings wanting to take photos. However, the theme this time was clearly different.


They shouted from the sidelines:


“How do you view yesterday’s events?”


“Are you and Mr. Jian planning to marry soon?”


“What are your thoughts on the property division in the Marriage Law?”


After all, Lu Shifeng owned a lot of property, much more than those noisy nobles. He held the entire wealth of the Dragon Clan in his grasp.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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