Chapter 152 – Let’s Go Home


Lu Shifeng halted his steps and looked at him.


The reporters’ incessant chatter suddenly ceased involuntarily. It wasn’t for anything else; Lu Shifeng’s imposing aura made people instinctively refrain from moving carelessly. When stared at by those blood-red eyes, one would feel a sense of oppression, a formidable pressure.


The journalists’ words were stuck in their throats, and one hesitantly said, “Um, that…”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze, sneered coldly, and walked away.


Passing through this area, they entered the military’s territory. It was solemn and quiet, devoid of reporters. The new deputy officer, a short blonde Dragonkin, asked in a low voice, “Do you need someone to manage the area outside in case Lu Shifeng gets surrounded again next time?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “No need.”


After a pause, Lu Shifeng added, “Coordinate with Secretary Jin. Have her send people to follow Jian Luo and ensure his safety.”


The deputy officer affirmed, “Understood.”


Jian Luo, who was considered fragile and in danger, had already finished breakfast. He returned to Paradise. Today, he needed to arrange his medical examination. He arrived relatively early but was surprised to find many people waiting for him at the village entrance.


Looking from afar, it was bustling with people.


Jian Luo paused for a moment, then walked over. His gaze swept over the crowd as he asked, “What’s going on?”


The villagers exchanged glances and finally spoke up:


“Luoluo, are you okay?”


“We’ve heard about what happened.”




Previously, most villagers in Paradise hadn’t truly regarded Jian Luo as a leader. They believed he couldn’t handle responsibilities and lacked the ability to lead them out of the village. After all, Jian Luo was just a young man in his twenties.


But it was this young man who liberated humanity. He dared to defy the Dark Star people, he saved that young girl, he dared to stand up and question the marriage laws for everyone. He had courage and initiative, far surpassing the countless others who had lived idly in Paradise for so long.


Under the gaze of the crowd, Jian Luo said calmly, “I’m fine.”


“No need to worry about me. I’m okay.” Jian Luo stood there, composed and natural. He didn’t seek recognition nor did he play the victim. He simply said, “It’s just something I had to do. Thank you all for your concern.”


He hadn’t expected to gain such popularity through this incident.


But now he had other things to attend to. He found Director Wang and said, “Is everything sorted out regarding the statistics I asked for?”


Director Wang seemed to just realize and immediately responded, “Oh yes, I was just about to discuss that with you!”


Not long ago, Jian Luo had asked Director Wang to pay attention to the list of humans who wanted to move to the Sky City and those who wished to stay. Moving to the Sky City was a rare opportunity, with the Dark Star supporting employment. Many businesses and enterprises were offering quotas for accommodation, which meant the Agricultural Center would inevitably lose some people. Hence, accurate statistics were crucial.


Director Wang handed him the list. Jian Luo was mentally prepared, but he found that apart from those applying for education, there were hardly any other applicants.


Jian Luo: “What’s going on?”


“We’ve all discussed this.” Director Wang glanced at everyone, “Luo Luo, didn’t you mention wanting to start a food processing factory? Now’s the time we need manpower, why shouldn’t we go.”


Not long ago during a meeting, Jian Luo had mentioned his plans for a food processing factory. The plan had been in place for a long time, with a site already chosen. He hoped interested individuals would volunteer, and there would also be a branch factory on Earth. Skilled workers would have the opportunity to transfer there.




Just two words, heavy as a boulder.


All wanderers abroad yearn to return home, without exception.


And now someone had handed them an opportunity, telling them they could go back to build their own homesteads, return to their mother planet, create wealth with their own hands, and — not have to depend on others.


Director Wang smiled, “Many were hesitant before, but this morning, all the lists were finalized.”


They couldn’t confine life to a young man in his twenties, but Jian Luo’s display of responsibility and commitment gave them hope.


How many chances does life offer?


They remembered, they once were a united and vigorous people. Success was ideal, but even failure acknowledged was better than a lifetime of being unable to stand tall.


The people of the Dark Star looked down on humans, but humans couldn’t afford to look down on themselves.



After finalizing the lists, Jian Luo began assigning tasks. After a chaotic start, he finally learned efficiency:


“Director Wang, please take you and a few key personnel to visit the factory. Arrange for experienced individuals to go first.”


“I’ve allocated funds to build a primary school. Submit the available land plots in the village to me by tonight.”


“Print out the labor contracts for the factory. Arrange for people to come in the afternoon to sign, with the list sorted out.”


“Prioritize the physical examinations at the research institute for the younger adults. Jian Sheng will come over to pick them up. I’ll be available in two hours…”


Throughout the day, he kept the pace frantic. By late afternoon, returning from the research institute, he could finally attend to his last engagement.


“Knock knock.”


Jian Luo tapped on the door of the old locust tree.


A somewhat aged voice from inside said, “Come in.”


Jian Luo entered with a pot of small fruit wine and two small dishes, seeing the old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner sleeping under the tree. He approached, “Checking up on you?”


The old medicine practitioner opened his eyes, “Oh, bringing wine.”


Jian Luo handed it over, “Fruit wine from the elves, prolongs life.”




The old medicine practitioner had no other hobby than drinking. He tasted it and sighed softly, “Stuff from outer space, still can’t get used to it.”


Jian Luo sat down beside him against the tree, “Next spring, I’ll find some peach blossom trees on Earth and make peach blossom wine.”




The old medicine practitioner’s eyes flickered. He set down the elf fruit wine, “Can people still live there?”


Jian Luo said, “I’ve found a purifying mineral. Recently, there’s news that the mutated animals born there are becoming normal.”


The old medicine practitioner didn’t speak, but his excitement was evident from his expression and breath. His hands even trembled a bit as he said, “When are we going?”




The old medicine practitioner sat in his chair, bathed in the evening sun. His voice was hoarse and aged, “Old bones like mine, even in my last years, I want to rest on the soil of Earth.”


Jian Luo said, “You’re doing well.”


The old medicine practitioner chuckled, “Naturally, I still want to drink peach blossom wine.”


After chatting for a while, they finally got to the point. Jian Luo didn’t beat around the bush and said directly, “I do have a request.”


“Go ahead.”


“I’d like to invite you to return to Earth for research and development.”


The old medicine practitioner wasn’t surprised at all, “Earth’s herbs.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Last time I collected some and compared them with yours, finding medicinal properties. Jian Sheng informed me today that Earth’s qualifications have been verified as a planet conducive to reproduction and propagation, endowing all creatures born there with similar abilities. But I believe, not only humans benefit, Earth’s herbs surely have medicinal effects too.”


There was one more thing Jian Luo didn’t mention.


One of the medical reports indicated a substance crucial for conception within human bodies called Neomycin. Its origin was unclear, but Neomycin could perfectly integrate with effective genes from the Dark Star, simplifying conception.


According to the test results, Jian Luo’s Neomycin level was 100%.


Apart from him, the highest among other humans was only 10%, which was already considered high; normal values hovered around 5%. This explained past intermarriage issues where no pregnancies occurred, with Neomycin being the critical factor.


Jian Luo said, “There’s something I need to be honest about regarding my body, it’s grown on vegetables since childhood.”


The old medicine practitioner looked up.


“So I hope you can go to Earth, bringing Jian Sheng and other research teams, to tackle the challenge of producing Neomycin from Earth’s plants.” Jian Luo paused, adding, “It’s just a request.”


The old Chinese doctor slowly reclined in his chair, “Aren’t you afraid that the Dark Star people will cure the illness and then turn against us?”


He didn’t refuse Jian Luo’s proposal, nor did he say he couldn’t do it. Instead, he questioned the core of the issue, after all, if Earth really had value, why would the Dark Stars help humanity?


If the mother planet were to be invaded again, humans would have no more utility. Destruction would be their only fate.


Jian Luo chuckled, “But you forget, centuries ago, without the Dark Stars, humanity would have long been extinct. As the history books say, when you receive a drop of kindness, you should repay it with a gushing spring. Our ancestors taught us to repay kindness. Moreover, I believe a planet that extends a helping hand to a weaker race in times of crisis is worth taking a chance on.”


The courtyard fell silent.


The old Chinese doctor sat on his rattan chair, half dozing, seemingly lost in thought. A smile slowly crept onto his aged face, “I never expected, at my age, to be taught by a young man.”


Jian Luo was humble, “I dare not, sir. Your considerations are thorough. I still have much to learn.”


The elderly man picked up a nearby spirit fruit wine and took a sip. He gazed at the sunset and sighed, “The Earth’s sunset must be even more beautiful.”


Jian Luo followed his gaze toward the light.


Every star system has a luminous sun, some large, some small, but their internal structure and texture are the same. Logically speaking, they are all the same, but those wanderers who cannot return home will always feel that only their homeland’s sun is the largest, roundest, and brightest.


Humans have been away from home for too long, so long that many have forgotten what their own rising sun looks like.


After a while,


The old Chinese doctor withdrew his gaze and said, “These old bones should go home.”


Jian Luo felt a faint anticipation in his heart and softly asked, “Do you mean…”


“Going home,” the old Chinese doctor’s aged face broke into a gentle smile, “Arrange a place to stay and assemble a team for me. I’m going back to see the sun.”


Author’s note: I made up Neomycin. If it’s offensive, I apologize.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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