Chapter 153 – Education Issues of the Dragon Cubs


When Jian Luo returned home, it was already evening.


Recently, the young dragons had started their literature classes. For some reason, perhaps due to Jian Luo’s influence, they all seemed resistant to attending classes, especially Long Ao Tian. Jian Luo received numerous complaints about him every day:


“Your Eldest was mischievous in class again today.”


“Your Second Youngest knew the answer but didn’t speak when called upon.”


“Your Youngest Highness copied her brother’s homework.”


Jian Luo felt a headache coming on when he read these. He took the education of his children quite seriously. While he loved them dearly, he was unwavering on certain fundamental principles.


With this in mind, when he returned home, his first thought was to gather the young ones and educate them. However, upon pushing open the door, he found all of them diligently doing their homework. They had grown significantly; previously the size of his palm, they were now four or five months old, with some as big as a small Peppa Pig hair dryer, especially the little silver dragon, whose silver scales shimmered beautifully under the light.


As for his two elder brothers, they had transformed from small coals into big coals. The black young dragon didn’t seem as stern as his father; when he was well-behaved, he looked like a lazy kitten lounging on a chair.




His younger sister noticed the movement first.


As she called out, the other two cubs also noticed and looked over, visibly excited. Long Ao Tian, in particular, dashed over like a gust of wind, chattering non-stop in front of Jian Luo.


Having not seen each other for a day or two, Long Ao Tian squatted on Jian Luo’s shoulder, nudging him with his little head, rubbing against his face and clothes, expressing his emotions with loud cries.


Jian Luo patted the cub gently and whispered, “Good, Daddy’s back.”


He then picked up the remaining three cubs to check their homework. Remembering unfinished business, he frowned again. “The teacher said you were very disobedient at school. Is it true that no one except your sister has finished their homework?”


The dragon cubs stared at him blankly.


Jian Luo sat them down at the table and looked them in the eyes. “Is it true?”


The three cubs glanced at each other. Maybe they hadn’t expected the teacher to report them. Being young, they couldn’t keep secrets. Long Ao Tian nodded first, looking as proud as if he had just saved the world.


Jian Luo almost laughed out loud. “Are you still proud?”


Long Ao Tian looked at him in confusion.


Jian Luo was about to scold the young dragon but managed to hold onto his last bit of patience. “Why haven’t you finished your homework?”


Seeing their father so serious was a rare sight for them. Long Ao Tian wanted to come over and hug Jian Luo, but Jian Luo resisted and asked him to reflect on his actions first.


Just then, their younger sister spoke softly but clearly, “Brother, help me with the ball.”


Jian Luo paused. “What ball?”


On the nearby sofa were three fluorescent balls. Seeing them reminded Jian Luo—they were small energy-training balls, probably assigned as homework by the training instructor after class.


His younger sister whispered softly, “Can’t smash it, brother.”


“Did you do their training assignments and also finish your literature homework?” Jian Luo finally understood after straightening things out, feeling both amused and exasperated.


His younger sister nodded obediently, while the little silver dragon seemed worried that Jian Luo would scold his brother.


Jian Luo looked at the three of them, huddled at the table like little quail eggs, looking pitiful as if they had suffered a great injustice. He roughly understood—it seemed that the elder brother needed to do an extra training assignment, and his sister, who was good at literature, finished early and helped the two brothers by letting them copy.


Perhaps the children thought this would prevent the teacher from scolding them. They also solved the problem by helping each other, unaware that it was wrong. Just like Long Ao Tian’s proud look earlier, without proper guidance, it was as if the teacher noticed but didn’t criticize them openly, choosing instead to contact him privately.


Jian Luo sighed helplessly, feeling resigned.


His anger had subsided by now. He bent down and gently patted the children’s heads. Speaking softly to his daughter, he said, “If you can’t meet the training requirements, just tell the instructor. Completing tasks for others is dishonest. Lies and deceit are wrong, okay?”


He then looked at Long Ao Tian and the others, saying, “If you’re helping your sister, you still need to manage your own tasks. Taking credit for someone else’s work is also dishonest and wrong. As older brothers, you need to take responsibility and complete your own homework, understand?”


The three cubs reluctantly nodded.


Long Ao Tian’s ruby eyes were watery. Like all children, a few scolding words from their parents would make them unable to hold back tears, and the dragon cubs were no exception.


As Jian Luo was comforting them, his younger sister nudged him and softly said, “Can’t tell the instructor.”


Jian Luo paused. “Why not?”


“Just can’t.”


She repeated softly.


Jian Luo frowned. Was there more to this? He patiently asked, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll have to talk to the instructor. Darling, lies can’t be hidden forever. You might hide for a moment, but not forever.”


“So if you have any difficulties, tell Daddy. Tell me.” Jian Luo’s voice was gentle. “You and your brothers are in this together. It would hurt Daddy if you kept things from me.”


His approach to educating the children wasn’t about punishment or strict enforcement; he wanted to explain why he taught them, to help them understand right from wrong.


Sure enough, under Jian Luo’s gentle gaze and patient waiting, the little silver dragon finally stopped sobbing. It lowered its little head and said softly, “If I can’t do it, they will blame Daddy.”


Jian Luo was momentarily stunned. He hadn’t expected this reason, finding it difficult to connect the dots.




Someone cutting fruit outside returned.


Su Liang came in with food in hand and said, “You just got home and you’re already chatting with the kids, without even washing up.”


Jian Luo snapped out of his thoughts and told his daughter, “It’s okay. Our girl is already amazing. Don’t force yourself if you can’t do something. Come, let’s eat.”


The young dragon cubs needed a lot of nutrition every day; some of the supplements were bitter, so they didn’t like them.


Long Ao Tian saw the jars and bottles and chattered excitedly over to Jian Luo, not wanting him to leave. While rubbing against him, it indicated its disinterest in eating those.


Jian Luo thought for a moment and said, “Then let’s eat them later. Daddy will make milk custard for you.”


At the mention of milk custard, the dragon cubs’ eyes lit up, becoming even more excited. Jian Luo asked them to go back and finish their homework. Just now, he had received a message from the teacher while on the sofa. Not realizing how much homework the three children had to do every day, Jian Luo was surprised. After all, this was just kindergarten. Why were there so many papers?


Initially, he came home feeling a bit accusatory, but now all he felt was pity.


Su Liang asked the children to return to their desks and do their homework. Taking Jian Luo aside, he asked, “What’s wrong? Did the teacher call you?”




Jian Luo was still thinking about what his daughter had said, asking, “What did she mean by saying the instructor would blame them?”


He was certain the instructors wouldn’t be harsh on the kids.


“What else could it be? The three children are not in good health. The boys are okay, but the girl has a weak foundation. She can’t complete some tasks, and sometimes the instructors are blamed behind their backs because their birth mother is human,” Su Liang whispered. “I’ve heard some gossip. The kids probably heard it somewhere.”


Jian Luo fell silent.


He hadn’t expected this to be the reason. Were the children’s trainers so talkative?


“Got it,” Jian Luo said. “Sometimes I’m busy with work and can’t pay attention to everything. I’ll try to rearrange my schedule to spend more time with the kids. If there’s anything here, please contact me promptly.”


Su Liang nodded.


Jian Luo turned to prepare dinner. As he walked away, he messaged his secretary Jin, “Good evening, Secretary Jin. I’d like to discuss something. Please arrange for the trainer to meet with me when he’s on duty tomorrow.”


Secretary Jin responded promptly, “What’s going on?”


“There are some things I need to talk to him about in person.”


Secretary Jin sensed something was amiss but didn’t inquire further, simply replying, “Okay.”


After contacting Secretary Jin, Jian Luo headed into the kitchen to prepare milk custard and fried chicken with fries. While considered junk food, it was beloved by children, and since he had some free time, he wanted to treat the kids to something special.


It had been a while since his last livestream, and with the food processing factory nearing completion and needing publicity for their upcoming products, he decided to resume livestreaming.


The last time he livestreamed was before having children, and back then, he had over ten million followers. Now, logging into his account showed a staggering forty million followers gained during his absence.


Jian Luo chuckled, feeling an unexpected surge of power, and pressed the livestream button.




The livestream sphere spun, and the entire video opened up.


Unintentionally, upon starting the broadcast, the audience flooded in with familiar voices heard first: “Hi everyone, I’m Jian Luo. Today, we’re making some milk custard for the cubs, along with fried chicken and fries.”


Audience reactions:


“Missing person returns.”


“Congratulations to the broadcaster for remembering his account password.”


“New fans heard the broadcaster makes delicious things and couldn’t wait.”


“Old fans have already eaten everything on the shelf and are eagerly awaiting more.”


The enthusiasm was overwhelming. Within ten minutes of Jian Luo’s livestream starting, a large number of viewers joined in, effortlessly propelling it to the top of the intergalactic popularity charts. Meanwhile, other long-running broadcasts during the same evening slot were pushed down, and the number of viewers continued to rise.


As Jian Luo prepared the fried chicken, he explained, “The essence of this fried chicken is in the bread crumbs. You need to coat it thoroughly before frying.”


“We just finished kneading the dough, which we’ll use to make breadcrumbs later for the burgers.”


For marketing, fast food was an excellent option to tap into the market. He had already devised some preliminary plans, and if the audience accepted fried chicken and such items, it would pave the way for further expansion.



As the chicken in the pot turned golden from frying, the aroma of fried chicken filled the entire kitchen. The dragon cubs at the door, having written their homework for a while, couldn’t resist the enticing smell and peeked inside.


Jian Luo glanced sideways, half amused and half exasperated. “Greedy little ones.”


The small sphere moved with its owner’s gaze, allowing him to see the cubs, which meant the audience saw them too in full holographic mode, deepening their connection.


Jian Luo lifted one of the cubs, patting it gently. “It’ll be ready to eat once it cools down.”


The sensation under his fingertips was gentle and smooth, the dragon scales and horns tickling slightly like scratching a small cat. The dragon cub nestled in his arms affectionately, incredibly cute.


The audience experiencing the holographic first-person view felt their senses explode with happiness, as if a tornado of joy had swept over them.


“Ah, ah, ah, dragon spotted!”


“So adorable, omg!”


“Please, broadcaster, livestream every day!”


“What are you selling? I’ll buy, I’ll buy, please let me buy more!”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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