Chapter 155 – Hurt


After about ten minutes, Jian Luo returned to the table. The video call was still active, but Lu Shifeng had resumed working. He seemed to be in a training ground, surrounded by many people, watching the troops below and giving guidance.




A delicate voice came from the video.


Jian Luo stiffened and saw a cute young boy shyly run up, holding a bottle of water. “You’ve worked hard all day, have some water.”


Lu Shifeng responded, “No need.”


“Can I wipe your sweat for you?”


“Not necessary.”


“Are you tired? I know a place with great food.”


“I’m very busy.”


“It’s really delicious, and you haven’t eaten all day.”


Jian Luo: “…”


Even though the boy hadn’t done anything particularly wrong, Jian Luo felt inexplicably uncomfortable, finding the sight of the boy next to Lu Shifeng extremely annoying.


The boy persisted, “Sir, can I at least accompany you…”


“Excuse me for interrupting.”


Jian Luo, smiling, sat back on the sofa and said to Lu Shifeng, “Are you two busy?”


Lu Shifeng turned around and met Jian Luo’s gaze.


Jian Luo smiled, but there was a hint of menace in his eyes. “I was worried about how you’re doing outside, but it seems this young man is taking good care of you.”


Then he turned to Lu Shifeng and asked, “Did Secretary Jin find you a personal assistant?”


The term “assistant” was cutting, and the young boy’s face turned pale.


Lu Shifeng said, “No.”


“Oh.” Jian Luo feigned surprise and smiled at the boy. “Sorry for the misunderstanding. Our lord doesn’t like having others around him. I thought you were an assistant.”


The word “others” made the boy’s face go even paler, and his smile wavered. “It’s fine.”


Seeing the boy unhappy made Jian Luo delighted. He acted exaggeratedly, “Oh dear, I didn’t disturb you, did I?”


If anyone were to judge Jian Luo’s acting, they would call it outrageous. His face showed an expression of difficulty, but his eyes had no trace of apology. He kept making sarcastic comments while pretending to be concerned, creating a bizarre yet harmonious scene.


Lu Shifeng, watching Jian Luo’s performance, had a hint of amusement in his eyes. “No.”


The young boy looked at him in surprise.


When Lu Shifeng turned back, his eyes were cold. “Your Highness, mind your own business. I have work to do.”


The boy was stunned.


Lu Shifeng walked away, bypassing several groups of people. Jian Luo called after him, “Hey, aren’t you going to talk a bit more?”


“Jian Luo.”








Jian Luo sat cross-legged on the sofa and asked, “Who was that?”


“The king’s son of this planet,” Lu Shifeng said, placing his coat aside and opening the freezer to find some frozen food.


“Why was he with you?”


“Military training.”


“Why would he come to you for that?” Jian Luo was still dissatisfied. “And as a student, openly bribing the instructor with food and drinks, is that appropriate?”


Lu Shifeng placed the food in a container to heat it and sat down, raising an eyebrow at Jian Luo. His blood-red eyes glinted with a teasing smile.


Jian Luo, caught up in his rant, suddenly found himself at a loss under that gaze and felt a bit embarrassed. “What? Did I say something wrong?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “I’ll be back in a couple of days.”


“So soon? Didn’t you say you’d be gone for half a month?” Jian Luo, momentarily happy, then tried to compose himself. “I-I didn’t ask.”


Lu Shifeng smiled. “Aren’t you calling because you missed me?”


Don’t be so direct, okay?


Jian Luo’s ears slowly turned red. He became flustered and angry. “It was your daughter who was yelling to see you.”


Lu Shifeng leisurely observed him and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”


“What else?” Jian Luo averted his eyes.


Lu Shifeng, showing some consideration, waited for him to calm down before speaking again. “Then let’s just say I miss you.”


Jian Luo was stunned.


He suddenly looked up to see Lu Shifeng lazily smiling at him. The marshal pressed the button to end the video call and said, “Wait for me to come back.”


The video call ended.


Jian Luo sat on the sofa in a daze, his mind still reeling from the conversation. He felt a bit hot all over, as if he had just run 800 meters and jumped a hurdle, feeling both excited and nervous.


Actually, he wasn’t completely clueless about relationships. Even if he hadn’t experienced them himself, he had seen his roommates and friends date. The things Lu Shifeng said were definitely not something friends would say, and Lu Shifeng wasn’t one to joke around.


So, did that mean he liked him too?


But how do you even date someone? Wouldn’t he find me boring?


Jian Luo couldn’t sleep at all with this possibility on his mind. Lying next to the cubs, he tossed and turned for an hour, unable to calm down.




Isn’t “The Domineering Dragon Falls in Love with Me” a textbook on dating?


Feeling like his mind was suddenly cleared, Jian Luo quickly opened his information terminal and searched for the book on the web. To his delight, it was only 300,000 words long. With a hopeful heart, he started reading, planning to just skim through it. However, he got completely engrossed after the first few chapters.


Because the main character was so much like him!


Their actions and thoughts were remarkably similar, especially when the heroine thought:


“He might just be trying to take responsibility for the child.”


“I’m just a human; I can’t grow old with him.”


“Does he like me, or just the novelty I bring?”


Jian Luo even wiped away tears at these parts. Initially, he had only planned to read a bit, but he ended up reading late into the night. When the heroine and hero misunderstood and argued, he felt sad. When they secretly liked each other but wouldn’t admit it, he felt anxious.


Finally, he reached the latest chapter.


The hero had transformed from a cold and aloof dragon into a sweet-talking one. During the heroine’s business trip, he made all sorts of sweet phone calls, saying he missed her and loved her. This gave the heroine a great sense of security, and their relationship progressed further. The hero even prepared a surprise gift, making the heroine cry with joy when she returned, deepening their relationship even more.


Jian Luo: “…”


So touching!


Today, he cried for the love of fictional characters once again.


The consequence of staying up late reading was having strange dreams. Jian Luo only slept for a few hours, dreaming of various odd encounters with Lu Shifeng.


“Ring ring ring.”


The alarm clock rang.


Today, he had to visit the food processing factory to check on the supplies. He had already planned out the production of fast food products, starting with mass-producing chips and fries, which could be packaged and sold. He needed to oversee the supplies and machinery himself. The cubs had cultural lessons today, and the teacher from Phoenix Terrace was coming to pick them up. Jian Luo packed their homework and sent them off to school, repeatedly reminding them not to be naughty.


Long Aotian nuzzled him for a long time before leaving.


Jian Luo watched the three cubs walk away with the teacher, feeling a bit hesitant. He had always been against private tutoring, believing that children needed to be in a group to develop better. He planned to discuss sending them to a public school with Lu Shifeng when they got a bit older.



At the food processing factory.


“Luo Luo!” Director Wang was waiting for him at the door. “Oh, you don’t look too good.”


Jian Luo chuckled. “I didn’t sleep well.”


Director Wang sighed. “Young people need to take care of their health. Don’t work yourself too hard. You know, health is the most important asset. You’re working too hard…”


Jian Luo felt a bit guilty.


He had stayed up reading a novel, but he couldn’t admit that.


Around them, many young men were busy moving goods into the warehouse. The latest batch of potatoes from the vegetable breeding center had arrived, and they needed to stock up for the upcoming production. Many people greeted Jian Luo as they passed by.


Jian Luo nodded in acknowledgment and asked Director Wang, “Have you found people for the three meals?”


Director Wang replied, “Don’t worry. I’ve found some good cooks from the village to provide breakfast and lunch for free.”




Jian Luo added, “The workday ends at five. If anyone works overtime until seven, dinner will be provided for free.”


Director Wang was taken aback but smiled. “Alright.”


They had expected to be given nutrient solutions for meals, but Jian Luo had generously arranged for fresh vegetables from the breeding center and hired cooks to prepare meals. He even had Su Liang come over to teach cooking and manage the canteen during the cubs’ lessons.


In Dark Star, vegetables were expensive, and it was rare for anyone to have them three times a day. The workers were pleasantly surprised by this benefit. Some had been reluctant to work here instead of in the city, but with this kind of welfare, all regrets vanished.



Thunder rumbled across the sky outside.


Jian Luo turned to look at the sky. “Is it going to rain?”


Director Wang looked up and felt the air for a moment. “Yeah, it seems like it’s going to rain. The weather forecast clearly said there wouldn’t be rain today.”


“We need to move the goods quickly,” Jian Luo said. “It won’t be good if they get wet. I’ll help.”


Director Wang quickly stopped him. “You’ve been working too hard lately. Let us handle this. I’ll call some people from the village who are off today to help out.”


This is the good thing about being in a community. Everyone is from the same village, so with a shout, people will come to help each other.


Director Wang was sincere. Initially, he had some issues with Jian Luo, but after spending time with him, he realized that Jian Luo was someone who genuinely got things done. He funded the construction of a Hope Primary School, built factories to help villagers get jobs, and advocated for marriage laws that benefited everyone. He was responsible and kind-hearted.


No matter how you looked at it, there was nothing to criticize about Jian Luo. People have feelings, and they couldn’t be ungrateful.




Another flash of lightning streaked across the sky.


The entire sky darkened, the wind started to pick up, and dust on the ground began to swirl. It felt like a storm was coming.


Many villagers joined in spontaneously to help move the potatoes. When some villagers heard that the work at the factory wasn’t finished, they brought their families to help. Jian Luo went to the cafeteria and told Su Liang to make ginger soup, and also asked the chef to buy some meat and vegetables to prepare hot pot for everyone once the work was done.


After giving instructions, he left the cafeteria and walked back. As he reached the side of the warehouse, he saw from the corner of his eye that a shelf not far away was swaying in the wind. At the top of the shelf was a box of potatoes, which was precariously stacked and looked like it was about to fall. Standing below was a boy, unaware, jotting down notes.


Jian Luo’s eyes widened. “Get over here!”


The wind was too loud for the boy to hear clearly. He looked up, sensing something, and saw Jian Luo but was confused and didn’t move.


Jian Luo looked up and saw the box about to fall. Without thinking, he dashed over.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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