Chapter 157 – Dragon Scales


Lu Shifeng saw that Jian Luo was behaving obediently, so he twisted open the lid of the box and said to him, “Come closer.”


Jian Luo, with a blank expression, leaned in closer.


Lu Shifeng gently applied ointment to the wound, saying, “It might itch a bit, try not to scratch.”




Jian Luo’s cheeks flushed slightly. It seemed like every inch of his skin touched by Lu Shifeng’s fingertips was warming up. He started, “You…”


Lu Shifeng grabbed a wet wipe nearby to clean his hands. “What is it?”


Jian Luo looked up at him, wanting to ask why he kissed the wound, and if he liked him too. However, feeling awkward, his watery eyes looked innocent and pitiful to Lu Shifeng, like a slightly startled bunny.


Jian Luo’s hand, placed by his side, curled up unconsciously. He said, “Why did you kiss the wound? Aren’t you disgusted by it?”


Lu Shifeng set the wet wipe aside and said to Jian Luo, “Look at me.”


Jian Luo’s light brown eyes stared unwaveringly at Lu Shifeng. Lu Shifeng continued, “You said red looks beautiful.”


Reflecting in those crimson eyes was a clear image of Jian Luo. Lu Shifeng’s demeanor was imposing, yet his words still carried a certain pressure. “Did you lie to me?”




When did he say that?


Oh, it seemed like there was such a thing!


Jian Luo hurriedly replied, “I didn’t lie to you.”


Lu Shifeng nodded, seemingly satisfied. He reached out and gently caressed Jian Luo’s face. “Don’t think about unnecessary things, okay?”


Jian Luo was convinced by his logic and nodded obediently. “Okay.”


Because he was still running a fever, he still felt dizzy and had a very hoarse throat. Lu Shifeng poured him a glass of water and asked if he wanted to eat, but Jian Luo felt uncomfortable all over and didn’t want anything to eat. Finally, under Lu Shifeng’s gaze, he obediently drank half a glass of water.


He felt sleepy again.


Curling up in bed, he vaguely felt that the person beside him seemed to be moving. Jian Luo subconsciously reached out and pulled him, “Where are you going?”


Sick people always seemed fragile.


He was more clingy than usual, a feeling that intrigued General Lu and also made him feel a bit heartbroken.


Lu Shifeng said, “I’m right here. Go to sleep.”


Jian Luo softly murmured, “Mm,” burying his head in the blanket. His thoughts were muddled and unclear.


Beside him, Lu Shifeng noticed him sweating profusely and asked, “Feeling hot?”


“Hmm?” Jian Luo mumbled drowsily in response. He didn’t quite hear clearly, but he felt uncomfortably hot all over.


As his body tangled with warmth, suddenly he felt a cool sensation, incredibly comforting and icy. Approaching it relieved his discomfort. Jian Luo was delighted, leaning in to embrace the coolness, pressing his whole body against it. He sighed in relief, even relaxing his furrowed brows.


He slept deeply, feeling extremely comfortable.



When Jian Luo woke up, he felt like he had slept well.


Turning around, he wanted to find Lu Shifeng, but as he moved, he found someone beside him. The sight startled him, and he widened his eyes, abruptly lifting his head to find Lu Shifeng’s face right next to his. He was asleep beside him, and up close, Jian Luo noticed dark circles under Lu Shifeng’s eyes, probably from exhaustion.


His entire body felt pleasantly cool, as if the dragon scales of the Dragon Clan could control body temperature, functioning like a portable air conditioner.


Just then, Lu Shifeng slowly opened his eyes.


Jian Luo, caught off guard, met his gaze directly and stuttered, “Did I wake you up?”


“I didn’t sleep.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Feeling any better?”


Jian Luo was still burning up. Instead of answering, he asked, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll infect you by being so close?”


Lu Shifeng seemed to find this amusing. A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes as he teased, “The Dragon Clan’s resistance is quite reliable. It’s only under special circumstances that there might be a possibility of infection.”


Jian Luo asked, “What special circumstances?”


He swore he was only worried about accidentally harming Lu Shifeng’s health, but Lu Shifeng seemed more interested in driving.


Lu Shifeng leaned down slightly, his lips brushing Jian Luo’s cheek lightly as he murmured, “Guess.”




No way.


Jian Luo blushed even more. He gently pushed Lu Shifeng away, as though brushing away a mosquito. “Don’t get so close.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Then I’ll leave.”


Jian Luo hesitated. Honestly, he was feeling too hot right now, and Lu Shifeng’s icy demeanor was oddly comforting, like a little refrigerator. After some thought, Jian Luo admitted honestly, “Actually, you can stay a bit closer.”


Lu Shifeng admired his expression, unexpectedly finding him cute. He chuckled softly, pulling the blanket over Jian Luo and patting his back. “Go to sleep.”


Jian Luo was still sleepy. People with a fever always wanted to sleep. He didn’t object and found a comfortable position in Lu Shifeng’s arms. This was something he was used to; before this, they had shared the same bed night after night.



Once Jian Luo fell asleep, Lu Shifeng got up and left for a while.


His secretary stood at the door and respectfully greeted him, “My lord.”


Lu Shifeng nodded and asked, “How are the test results?”


“Not good,” the secretary sighed. “Luo Luo’s body is different from what we’re familiar with in humans. Using existing medicines might cause adverse reactions due to their potency. If we were to develop new ones, it would take at least five to six days. But he’s still running a high fever, and we’re concerned about further complications.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his gaze, deep in thought. His displeasure was evident, something the secretary remembered from their time on Planet B, when Lu Shifeng had found out about an alert on Jian Luo’s health monitor. The Marshal’s expression had been grim.


The secretary had been with Lu Shifeng for centuries. She knew him as someone who rarely showed his emotions, but everyone had their weaknesses. With weaknesses came vulnerability, and even the omnipotent had their moments of worry and helplessness.


“I understand,” Lu Shifeng said finally.


Seeing his expression, the secretary ventured a guess. “Are you preparing something?”


Lu Shifeng looked up and nodded. “Coordinate with them and I’ll come over later.”


“We have some stock in our warehouse…”


“Use mine,” Lu Shifeng’s possessive streak emerged oddly. No Dragon would allow their partner to use scales from another Dragon. He instructed firmly, “Make the arrangements.”


The secretary nodded obediently. “Yes.”


Jian Luo was indeed blessed to have such good fortune. No one else had ever received such treatment, and this would surely make headlines once it got out.



The Next Day


Jian Luo’s fever hadn’t subsided.


He wasn’t naive; he knew his body might not respond well to the local treatments available on Dim Star. Watching Lu Shifeng feed him soup, he spoke up, “About my illness…”


Lu Shifeng cut him off, “I’ll have medicine brought over at noon.”






Was that true? Jian Luo didn’t dare question too much and simply nodded, “Okay.”


He kept this in mind and didn’t feel like sleeping in the morning. Instead, he started to handle some work matters. He found that the Notary Office had given feedback on his proposed amendments to the Marriage Law because he had made some changes to certain projects.


For instance, he had removed the requirement for wives to adopt their husband’s surname. Moreover, he had suggested that pre-marital property not be considered shared, but earnings during marriage should be. Some of these provisions were based on previous Earth marriage laws and took into account the psychology of some Dim Star residents, which led him to propose a dual marriage law.


One version was original, and the other revised. Couples could choose at the Notary Office during marriage which version to follow. He left this choice to the public, and the Notary Office had approved the proposal. Given time, this dual marriage law would be publicized.


The official said, “If you have any further suggestions, we can discuss them.”


Jian Luo replied, “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome,” the official chuckled. “If you really want to thank me, vegetables have been hard to come by in the market lately. If you could send some over, my wife watches food livestreams every day and gets very envious.”


Jian Luo laughed and agreed repeatedly.


“Knock, knock, knock.”


At that moment, there was a knock on the door.


Jian Luo looked up and set aside his work. “Come in.”


Because of his fever, his voice sounded hoarse, his complexion wasn’t great either, and sitting by the bedside, he appeared fragile and small.


When Lu Shifeng came in holding a bowl of herbal soup, he stood by the bedside and said to Jian Luo, “Come over and drink your medicine.”


Jian Luo obediently sat up and walked to the table not far from the bedside. He took the bowl of medicine and glanced at it—it was black herbal soup, smelling somewhat like traditional Chinese medicine, probably bitter. He stirred it with a spoon, scooped up a spoonful, and tentatively sipped.


Surprisingly, it wasn’t bitter at all. It had a fresh taste, like the gentle fragrance of a cedar forest after rain. His throat was uncomfortable due to the fever, but this herbal soup was soothing and relieved the dryness. The refreshing scent made Jian Luo a bit dizzy; often, he could smell it on Lu Shifeng too, almost like a pheromone, always comforting.


How could this medicine be like this?


Jian Luo paused in his happy drinking, finding it hard to continue. He raised his head hesitantly and looked at Lu Shifeng. “This medicine…”


Lu Shifeng asked, “What’s wrong? Does it not sit well with you?”




Jian Luo hesitated with the soup spoon in his hand. A bold thought weighed on his mind, hesitating to be spoken aloud.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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