Chapter 162 – The Transformation of the Offspring


Just as many people were discussing fervently, suddenly, a well-known gossip journalist from the Dark Star posted a Weibo:


“According to reliable sources, Marshal Lu is getting married to Jian Luo. Once the Dragon God blesses the Dragon Valley, their wedding date can be set. The source is reliable, and they are opting for the Second Marriage Law.”


This single statement shook the entire internet. While it was speculated that Jian Luo might marry, nobody expected it to be Marshal Lu in the end. Some had even speculated that it wouldn’t be Marshal Lu at all, arguing that these two had children without formalizing their union. The appearance of this information felt like a direct slap in the face to those assumptions.


“Is it true?”


“Is there solid evidence?”


“Unscrupulous media should not spread rumors.”


“My goodness, who can believe this? Setting aside the Dragon Clan, just Marshal Lu’s personal wealth could buy several paradises. Splitting assets? That’s insane!”


The journalist seemed slightly affected by the public’s questioning and praise. He began posting more and more, presenting a photo as evidence: “I took this photo in a mall. Jian Luo’s mother was buying red paper, saying it’s for a joyful occasion. It must be true.”


The release of this photo did strengthen the credibility for many, yet some still refused to accept the reality:


“Come on, can’t there be any other joyous occasion besides marriage at home?”


“Yeah, this doesn’t seem reliable.”


“Don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors.”


Some even suspected the reporter fabricated the story, while others speculated Jian Luo orchestrated this for attention, deliberately creating a topic to boost sales. Many found this speculation plausible, believing that Marshal Lu Shifeng would never agree to the Second Marriage Law—it seemed like a fantasy.


People continued to speculate and tag Lu Shifeng, curious and eager for answers. Some felt tagging him was futile, given Lu Shifeng’s likely non-response due to his personality.


One netizen asked, “Now everyone is gossiping that you’re getting married. Could you clarify this, Your Excellency?”


However, just as most people were about to give up, suddenly—


Upon refreshing, there was suddenly a new reply under his comments, clearly from the golden-named Lu Shifeng v: “To clarify, it’s true.”


This sentence caused a mixed reaction of relief and astonishment.




The netizens collectively fell silent for a moment, then exploded in shock and excitement.


“Is it really his second marriage?”


“Overnight wealth, wow.”


“Master, heartbreak for me. I’m a fan of Luo Luo.”


“Why is Luo Luo getting married? Can’t she wait ten more years for me?”


“Wait for you? Do you have half of the Dragon Clan’s treasure?”


“Sorry to disturb.”


For most internet users, aside from spectating and being shocked, they were also genuinely supportive of this couple’s marriage. Jian Luo held a different significance in many people’s hearts. In the eyes of the hierarchical Dark Star residents, Jian Luo was akin to a leader among the human race, marrying into the Dragon Clan’s royalty. Although seen as reaching a bit high, they couldn’t deny the global hope she represented!


Therefore, many people felt that they were a perfect match and gave their full blessings and approval. They were already looking forward to the wedding, and some memes started circulating among the crowd.


“#Still using the First Marriage Law, are you richer than Marshal Lu Shifeng?”


“#First couple under the new Marriage Law”


The internet was abuzz with discussions about this event, and many were quite excited. Since both were well-known figures, the news spread quickly across the entire planet.



“Luo Luo!”


Early in the morning, Jian Luo was dragged out of bed by Su Liang.


Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Jian Luo asked, “Mom, what’s up?”


“You need to prepare a lot for your wedding. Have you chosen the auspicious patterns for the decorations?” Su Liang continued, “And also, won’t you come and help with the invitations? Do you know how many people?”


Still half-asleep, Jian Luo was forcibly pulled along to do chores.


He had thought that such formalities were unnecessary at this point. At least, it shouldn’t be as complicated as the many customs in their village. Yet now in Paradise, not only were there more customs, but he also had to learn the human marriage customs while simultaneously adapting to those of the Dragon Clan.


Jian Luo frowned. “Seriously?”


Su Liang said, “Ordinary folks like us wouldn’t need so many rules, but your current status is different. You’re now a leader among us humans. How can your marriage be too casual? Wouldn’t it make us humans look humble?”


“We’ve discussed it. The dowry for you shouldn’t be anything too ordinary. We humans don’t have anything special, so each household will prepare an embroidered picture for you and the Marshal as a token.”


Jian Luo, writing the invitations, replied, “It doesn’t have to be so troublesome. Sincerity is enough.”


Su Liang glanced at him. “Children don’t understand.”


Jian Luo knew that no matter what he said now, Su Liang wouldn’t listen. He wisely chose to remain silent to avoid further scolding.



In the afternoon, Lu Shifeng came to find Jian Luo.


Jian Luo asked, “What’s up? Here to help with the invitations?”


Lu Shifeng held his hand and said to Su Liang, “I need him for the afternoon.”


Su Liang’s attitude towards Lu Shifeng was markedly different, and she quickly said, “Go ahead, go ahead. Have fun!”




Jian Luo couldn’t believe it.


Just moments ago, he had mentioned wanting to take the afternoon off, and Su Liang had scolded him for being mischievous.


As Lu Shifeng pulled him away, Jian Luo muttered, “My mom is more lenient with you.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his voice. “You’re mistaken.”




“She’s tolerant and polite to me because she hopes I’ll treat you well,” Lu Shifeng’s voice was deep and magnetic. “Otherwise, she would only advise you to stay away from me.”


Jian Luo was shocked, then burst out laughing.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something wrong?”


“No no no,” Jian Luo chuckled helplessly. “Let’s go, what are we doing out here?”


Despite already having children, their time together remained sweet and affectionate. Every time they met, Jian Luo was delighted, much like a couple in the throes of a new romance.


Lu Shifeng said, “Fetching the children.”




In a nearby pavilion, three youngsters sat together, chatting animatedly as they watched television. While most children their age were watching educational cartoons, Jian Luo’s three were engrossed in action-packed mech battles, discussing tactics and deployments.


Long Autian was particularly excited, pointing at the latest combat mech with enthusiasm. He puffed up his chest, indicating to his younger siblings that one day, he too would pilot such machines.


His younger brother was more interested in command and strategic formations, focusing on the commander’s segments. Occasionally, he would appease his elder brother during breaks. Meanwhile, his younger sister showed more interest in the cost and assembly of mechs, jotting down notes intermittently.


Jian Luo approached them and asked, “Have you finished your morning lessons?”


The three youngsters spotted Jian Luo and rushed over excitedly, abandoning the TV. They crowded around him, affectionately rubbing against him, displaying their well-behaved nature.


Jian Luo patted their heads lovingly.


Lu Shifeng said, “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo was puzzled. “Where to?”


“The Dragon Valley,” Lu Shifeng replied. “First, I’ll take them to the Sacred Tree to learn the way. Later, when they transform, they’ll have to fly there on their own.”


In other words, this time, Dad was taking them flying.


The youngsters had never been to the Dragon Valley before and were very curious. Previously, they were too weak physically, so Lu Shifeng hadn’t taken them. Now that they were stronger, he was preparing to take them there. Standing atop the small pavilion, a gust of wind blew in, and a massive black dragon appeared out of nowhere in the sky. Its scales shimmered brilliantly in the sunlight, exuding a majestic aura.


Jian Luo helped the three youngsters onto Lu Shifeng’s back. Once they were settled, Lu Shifeng took off. The black dragon soared into the sky, making the whole world seem small underfoot. They overlooked everything, feeling the refreshing coolness brought by the wind.




The young dragonlings had never flown before. It was their first experience, exhilarating and awe-inspiring. It seemed as though dragons were meant to soar in the sky, craving the thrill of flight and the dominance of overlooking the earth.


The white gates of Dragon Valley swung open, and Lu Shifeng led the little ones inside.


Jian Luo’s eyes widened. “This place…”


The Dragon Valley looked completely different from Jian Luo’s previous visits. Those times, it was a vast, desolate wilderness with endless plains and flowing rivers, truly spectacular.


But now, Dragon Valley was in full bloom. Cartoonish little clouds adorned the sky, and the ground was covered with beautiful, delicate flowers, petals fluttering down in vibrant splendor.


Lu Shifeng remarked, “This is their transformation realm.”


Jian Luo was shocked. “So Dragon Valley isn’t always the same?”


“Who told you that?” Lu Shifeng set the youngsters down to play. “Every dragon entering Dragon Valley steps into their own transformation realm. Each one is unique. From what I know, Silver Ash’s realm is particularly special, nearly impossible to navigate.”


Jian Luo asked, “What determines the formation of these different realms?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “It’s based on personal psychology.”


In other words, your inner self manifests into tangible form within your realm.


Jian Luo sat on Lu Shifeng’s back. “Is this the illusion of when the little ones were young? What about yours?”


Lu Shifeng said, “It was different.”


Jian Luo fell silent, suddenly remembering. Lu Shifeng’s first transformation realm had failed—he had no wings and couldn’t fly for centuries.


Looking over the lively grassland, Lu Shifeng said, “My first realm was nothing but rubble, with torrential rain and dangerous beasts lurking in the forest.”


Jian Luo was stunned, recalling a dream of his own.


Lu Shifeng gently placed Jian Luo on the ground. “Aren’t you curious about my first illusion?”


Jian Luo looked at him.


“I fought through that forest, vanquishing all beasts that came near me, until I reached the sacred tree. I thought I had done well, but the tree didn’t approve.”


The boy, covered in blood, kneeled before the sacred tree amidst countless beast corpses. The tree, neither blessing nor condemning, looked upon him with pity and sorrow, unable to respond.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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