Chapter 164 – Wedding Gift


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng in disbelief.


On Lu Shifeng’s handsome face, there was a serious and earnest expression, as if they were discussing not the issue of age but rather some profound and mysterious strategic deployment. He stood upright, looking at Jian Luo with an air of righteousness, which for a moment made Jian Luo wonder if he was perhaps being unreasonable.


After a pause, Jian Luo chuckled, “Come on, don’t tease me!”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “I’m serious.”


“Human lifespan is just over a hundred years, you could practically be my grandfather,” Jian Luo ruthlessly retorted.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo in silence, seemingly pondering these words, unexpectedly hurt as if Jian Luo’s words had struck a nerve.


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat, quickly correcting himself, “I didn’t mean it that way…”


Lu Shifeng said, “Respect for elders and care for the young.”




“Since I’m not a child,” Lu Shifeng attempted to reason with him, “you should still respect your grandpa.”



There was a brief silence in the air.


After a moment,


Jian Luo heartlessly burst into laughter, laughing mercilessly in front of his grandpa, not giving him any face.


Lu Shifeng stared at him intensely.


After Jian Luo had enough laughter, he said, “You have a point.”


“In that case,” Jian Luo thought of a solution, “we can call each other later, and, oh, you remember to hold the cubs; I’ll miss them if I don’t see the children.”




“For the sake of seeing the child?”


Seeing that his tone was not right, Jian Luo corrected himself in time, saying, “And to see you.”


Only then did Lu Shifeng feel somewhat satisfied. He touched Jian Luo’s head and felt the soft touch of his hair with his rough palm. The fragile and petite human before his eyes seemed as if he might disappear in the blink of an eye. He wanted to keep Jian Luo close, as if he could integrate him into his bones and blood.


Muttering, Jian Luo added, “We’ve been together for so long, just a few days apart, don’t be sad, it’ll be over soon.”


Lu Shifeng rubbed his head, his voice low, “Want to see more of you.”


“It’s not like you won’t see me in the future…”


As Jian Luo unconsciously finished his sentence, he remembered Lu Shifeng was going to practice in the illusionary realm, and suddenly felt a pang of sorrow. Just the thought that he might not see Lu Shifeng in the future made his heart ache faintly. His emotions were always written on his face, easily detectable.


Lu Shifeng kissed his forehead gently, “What makes you always ready to be a widow?”


Jian Luo looked at him in surprise.


In Lu Shifeng’s blood-red eyes, there was a hint of teasing smile: “I’m not that weak.”


Jian Luo hugged him, his arms around Lu Shifeng’s waist, burying his face against him. He wanted to comfort Lu Shifeng, knowing that sometimes saying nothing was the best approach.



The next day,


Marshal Lu’s plan was like this.


Although Jian Luo couldn’t come to see him, he could sneak in to see Jian Luo. The rule was that the dead would die and the living would live; one always had to use their brain a bit. Unfortunately, despite all his calculations, Marshal Lu hadn’t expected that Jian Luo would silently pack up and leave.


Secretary Jin stood in front of the desk, conscientiously reporting, “Yesterday afternoon, at 5 o’clock, there was a spaceship ticket to the F Solar System, with a transfer in between. The interstellar railway to the Solar System is still under construction, so judging by the current situation, the transfer should have just taken place.”


Lu Shifeng: “…”


Secretary Jin comforted him, “Today is the third day. Lolo should be back on the fourth day. Your wedding is in five days, so it shouldn’t be delayed.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Didn’t he use our military ship to come over?”


“Just sending it directly would have been better than making his own arrangements,” Lu Shifeng muttered.


Secretary Jin had to speak the truth, “Lolo said he was afraid of running into you on the way here, which wouldn’t look good and would break the rules.”


As expected, as soon as these words fell, Lu Shifeng’s face turned dark. “He said that?”


Secretary Jin nodded timidly.


Lu Shifeng chuckled in frustration, “Alright, alright.”



Watching the furious Marshal, Secretary Jin dared not speak further, only silently praying for Jian Luo.


On the other side,


The first thing Jian Luo did upon arriving on Earth was to inquire about the progress with the research and development team. Over these months, their progress had been rapid, thanks to the technological support from the Dark Star. There were several academicians from research institutes here, all of whom showed great respect to Jian Luo and greeted him politely.


They were all Dark Star natives who had come a long way to Earth for research. Jian Luo asked, “Are you adapting well here?”


An academian, a girl, who had a male colleague, said happily, “I really like this beautiful planet. The scenery is amazing, the magnetic field and gravity here are very comfortable, and the food is delicious.”


Jian Luo laughed.


Currently, it was winter on Earth. An elderly Chinese doctor in a thick cotton jacket took a sip of liquor before approaching Jian Luo, saying, “Come over here.”


Jian Luo followed him.


The elderly doctor opened an information screen displaying floating images of dozens of herbs. He said, “We’ve compared the DNA and medicinal properties of over ten thousand types of vegetation, and consulted the local indigenous people. We found that these herbs are very effective in improving the body’s pheromones. However, the smell of these herbs when cut is too strong for most people to accept.”


Jian Luo looked concerned, “How are the medicinal properties?”


“We are still testing,” the elderly doctor said, “the two Dark Star individuals, a couple, have been taking them for half a month. Their test results show a significant increase in the female’s fertility signals. If everything goes well, according to the treatment plan, it should return to normal levels within three months.”


Jian Luo understood. Currently, there were two main problems: how to make such bitter medicine palatable to most people once it was successful, and how to mass-produce these herbs while ensuring quality and meeting demand.


The elderly doctor said, “Chinese herbal medicine should not have anything added to it, as it would affect its efficacy.”


Jian Luo smiled, “Hmm, what I’m thinking is that there might be a greater demand for gourmet food trends at that time. I should make arrangements in advance to adjust the production lines in the factories and consider whether to deploy physical gourmet food stores offline.”


His words made the elderly doctor look at him differently. Some people were naturally suited for business—they were good at creating opportunities and seizing them. Suddenly, he felt that Jian Luo’s success might have an element of luck, but certainly not entirely. This child had some real ability.


The elderly doctor kindly advised him, “Avoid spicy and pungent foods to cater to market demand.”


Jian Luo nodded, “I understand.”


“As for the mass production of herbs, you don’t need to worry about manpower. When the time comes, let me know how many people you need, and I’ll send some over. The local indigenous people here understand the environment well and should be able to help,” Jian Luo looked around at the surroundings as he thought aloud, “Once the environment here is better purified, I’ll allocate funds to renovate the houses here and build our own skyscr4p3rs.”


The elderly doctor sat down in his rocking chair nearby, “With so much money, can you handle it?”


Jian Luo smiled, “This is on my shoulders now. Whether I can handle it or not, I have to.”


“The profits from the factories are only enough for daily expenses,” Jian Luo sat down as well, sharing his thoughts, “worker wages, maintenance of the village, various household matters—the net daily profit is about 500,000 star coins.”


But building a skyscr4p3r would cost tens of millions.


He thought of ways to make money every day, but there were always endless uses for money. He finally understood that managing his own life and managing paradise were completely different things.


To wear a crown, you must bear its weight. He had no retreat now; he could only grit his teeth and move forward. He knew that besides himself, there was no way out, so he had to keep moving forward.


The elderly doctor looked at him meaningfully, “I heard you’re engaged to him. The Dragon Clan’s wealth is beyond our imagination. Have you never thought about it?”


Jian Luo said, “What is there to think about? I can earn money on my own.”


The elderly doctor looked at him in surprise.


Jian Luo sat by his side, realizing that the boy who used to come to him timidly seeking advice and hesitating was no longer there. He had matured a lot and had become a man who could stand on his own. Initially, the elderly doctor had been worried that he might not be able to handle it, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that given time, Jian Luo could become a remarkable person.


A figure who could be recorded in the histories of both races and praised by future generations.



A few days later,


Jian Luo returned. When he intended to take a car himself, a military ship from the military landed. Lu Shifeng’s deputy said, “The Marshal asked me to pick you up.”


“Thank you,” Jian Luo said.


Just by looking at Lu Shifeng’s demeanor, he knew that the somewhat petty man might be angry again. Due to Earth’s lack of signal, many communications couldn’t get through, and he hadn’t made any calls these past few days. He guessed there might be an explosion waiting for him when he returned.


Due to the schedule, the military ship landed directly at the military base.


When Jian Luo came down from the ship, he immediately saw Lu Shifeng waiting not far away. Leaning against the wall, half of his body obscured in darkness, Lu Shifeng’s stern features and towering figure resembled a lurking beast—dangerous and powerful.


Jian Luo considered walking around him.


But Lu Shifeng unexpectedly appeared in front of him in a flash. “What, Mr. Jian, been gone a few days and don’t recognize me anymore?”



Jian Luo nervously replied, “We’re not supposed to meet before the wedding.”


“It’s midnight now, it’s already our wedding day,” Lu Shifeng said seriously. “So, it doesn’t count as meeting before the wedding.”


Jian Luo found himself unable to argue with that.


Feeling a bit weary now, he made his way towards the house, chatting casually with Lu Shifeng along the way. When he entered the room, he was astonished to find it filled with various types of gifts. One of the largest caught his attention. “Who sent this?”


“Silver Grey,” Lu Shifeng replied.


Silver Grey—the interstellar thief—sent a gift.


Jian Luo was curious. “What did he send?”


As the question fell, Lu Shifeng looked at him with a subtle expression, even a hint of approval, his lips curling into a smirk. “Why don’t you open it and find out?”


Author’s note: Silver Grey: Didn’t expect that, did you?

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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