Chapter 167 – I Deeply Love This Land


When Jian Luo woke up again, he had lost track of the time spent in the mountains.


Lu Shifeng had just come out of the room when he saw Jian Luo curled up under the blanket. He walked over and said, “I’ve asked for food to be brought.”


Jian Luo couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge him.


Lu Shifeng didn’t get angry either. “I’ve arranged a warship and crew for you. Where do you want to travel for business? You have your private jet.”




The little bundle inside the blanket moved a bit, showing some reaction.


“I’ve opened a supplementary card for you, pocket money. Buy whatever you need when you’re out,” Lu Shifeng said. “If it’s not enough, ask me.”


Jian Luo finally reacted. He poked his head out and mumbled, “I have money of my own.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Come out?”



Jian Luo was annoyed again, burying his head back. “I want to sleep!”


The sun was shining brightly outside. Lu Shifeng glanced over and then said, “Not hungry, my lady?”


The last two words were drawn out with a lingering tone. Lu Shifeng’s voice was deep and magnetic, especially charming with a teasing smile. These two words were simple, but in his mouth, they carried a hint of ambiguity, like murmured words between lovers.


Jian Luo stirred.


Lu Shifeng continued, “You haven’t eaten for a day and night.”


Jian Luo blushed. Muffled under the blanket, he said, “It’s all because of you!”


“Blame me.” Lu Shifeng didn’t argue, poking him. “The little ones haven’t seen you for days. I’ve kept them outside. Go have a meal and check on them.”


Jian Luo heard that the children were moved. He peeked out and remembered the supplementary card again, repeating, “It’s okay, I have money of my own.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Not much money. Buy some snacks.”


Reluctant to refuse further, Jian Luo generously said, “Okay.”


He intended to dress himself, but as he sat up, his back hurt terribly, incredibly sore. He nearly strained his back, gasping and lying back down.


Lu Shifeng hurried over to support him, frowning. “Is it hurting that badly?”


Jian Luo was angry again. “Blame you!”


“Next time, be careful.” Lu Shifeng half-heartedly apologized, then continued, “I’ll have a doctor come and check on you.”


Jian Luo quickly grabbed him, his face nearly flushed. “No, everyone will know then! It’s so embarrassing!”


Lu Shifeng thought to himself, Who wouldn’t know already?


But considering Jian Luo’s current mood, he chose silence and suggested instead, “Then let me get some ointment for you. No one will know.”


Jian Luo reluctantly agreed. “Fine.”


Soon, Lu Shifeng returned with the ointment. After applying it to Jian Luo, its effectiveness was remarkable. Before long, the soreness and stiffness had eased, replaced by a cool sensation. After dressing, the chefs outside brought in a breakfast spread fit for a king, far more than a typical breakfast.


Jian Luo remarked, “Eating so much in the morning.”


Without looking up, Lu Shifeng replied, “It’s already noon.”



You’re tough.


Jian Luo sat up a bit and began to eat. The door outside was pushed open a crack, followed by familiar whines. Jian Luo turned his head and saw three little ones rushing over to him like a gust of wind. However, Jian Luo was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, and their climbing around accidentally pressed on sore spots, causing him to wince.


Lu Shifeng frowned and came over, lifting one in each hand.


Long Aotian protested with a howl or two, but upon seeing Jian Luo really hurt, it relented and earnestly hummed a couple of times, full of self-blame and concern.


Jian Luo hurriedly said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, not serious.”


Lu Shifeng threw Long Aotian and its brother onto the sofa rather ruthlessly. “Behave, or you’re out.”



The two little ones behaved obediently.


Jian Luo still felt sorry for the children and said helplessly, “They didn’t mean to. Don’t be harsh.”


The most obedient little sister squatted by Jian Luo’s leg. Little Silver Dragon rubbed against Jian Luo quietly, looking clingy.


Jian Luo patted its little head. “Have you eaten?”


The little sister replied, “Yes, we did.”


They ate children’s nutritious meals three times a day, with someone dedicated to their care. Occasionally, Jian Luo would cook something for them to improve their diet. The little ones also wanted to eat Jian Luo’s food, but usually, they could only have a taste. When the dragons’ physique wasn’t fully developed, they had to avoid salt and spices, which could affect their health.


Jian Luo picked a fruit from the table and handed it to the youngest little sister. “Have this.”


His youngest daughter sister took it and gnawed on the fruit obediently.


Long Aotian signaled that it also wanted some, but its father was beside it, checking its homework. It could only whine with its eyes full of longing, not daring to move, feeling very aggrieved. It really hated its father sometimes, whimpering sadly.


Two days later


Jian Luo, fully recovered, was bursting with energy!


Back at Peace Paradise, he looked for Su Liang but couldn’t find her. He called her: “Mom, where are you?”


Su Liang replied, “Did Luo Luo come back? Mom’s at the clothing store in Sky City.”


“Oh, just checking since you weren’t home,” Jian Luo said again. “Buying clothes? Get more. You looked really good in that cheongsam last time.”


Su Liang chuckled softly, “Always teasing your mother. That cheongsam was a design you came up with. I thought it was quite nice. I wanted to check out some clothes in the mainstream market. Mom’s been doing live broadcasts, and many people have been asking if she sells clothes. If there’s enough interest, she’s thinking about starting her own line. So, I came to look at fabrics.”


Because Su Liang loved tinkering with these things, Jian Luo would draw some clothes from the 21st century for her to play with when she had spare time. He only drew; Su Liang handled everything else—whether they could be made and how. The short red cheongsam from last time had truly impressed Jian Luo. He hadn’t realized Su Liang was so skilled.


Jian Luo pondered, “Mom, that’s a great idea. Right now, a lot of work at Paradise is physical. It can be tough for young girls and women sometimes. I think you should seriously look into the clothing industry. Start by studying the market, try making some garments with the fabrics you choose. If it works out, we can gather opinions from others and even start a factory.”


Su Liang was slightly surprised, “Can… can we really do that?”


“Why not?” Jian Luo sat down at the table and took a sip of water. “We’ve been focusing on food because it’s all we could manage with our current resources. But if there are other ways to earn money, we should try. Humanity is developing; everywhere needs money. Having more options would be great.”


Su Liang hadn’t realized she could contribute. She was happy, “Alright, I’ll handle it well.”


Before, it was Jian Luo who suggested she start live streaming. With the little orb at home sitting idle, she began doing embroidery and making accessories during her spare time. Initially, it was just to alleviate boredom. But somehow, as more and more people watched, many wanted the same items they saw her wear.


It was time-consuming and tiring, so she usually made one or two extra to give away. Recently, some big names in the fashion industry had tried to contact her through connections, offering high salaries and prices. But she refused. Humanity had much potential, and if she could help everyone with her limited abilities and lessen her son’s burden, that would be enough.


Jian Luo said, “Don’t worry about the cost when you choose things. Try making them first and then consider the expenses. You can use my card.”


While guided by the salesperson, Su Liang browsed through the goods. She said, “No need, Mom’s live streams also bring in income. You don’t have to worry. There’s food at home; we can discuss anything else when you return.”


They hung up.


Only then did Jian Luo remember he hadn’t checked Su Liang’s social accounts. Out of curiosity, he searched. He thought she might have tens of thousands of fans at least. To his surprise, searching by her ID, “Anchor Su Liang,” revealed she had 12.3 million followers, ranking in the top ten of the entire platform.


Jian Luo was truly shocked. Initially, he had only suggested it as a way for his mother to pass the time. But it turned out quite well. He had always hoped Su Liang would find a career she loved. She was naturally beautiful and straightforward; he just hoped she wouldn’t be deceived by some mysterious man.



Half a month later


Jian Luo went to Earth for a field inspection. This time, he didn’t go alone but brought nearly thirty team members. It was a reinforcement mission; they were short-staffed there. Raised in Paradise since childhood, Earth was only known through books and hearsay for them. They knew their ancestors were forced to leave their homeland thousands of years ago, starting their interstellar journey. But after so long, they were almost forgetting what Earth looked like.


This return trip had everyone restless, as if gearing up for battle. Daily discussions were filled with:


“I’ll post on social media once I’m on Earth.”


“What does Earth really look like? The information in books is barely clear.”


“Where did our ancestors live?”


“I never thought I’d return to Earth in my lifetime.”


After the excitement, silence settled over them more often than not. They would stand by the ship’s windows, gazing at the vastness of space. Occasionally, someone would ask how much longer until they arrived, counting down the days anxiously. No matter how many generations passed, the human desire for home, for roots, never faded.




After enduring two dark nights, the ship’s mechanical voice echoed:


“Beep. Attention, passengers. We are entering the solar system. The remaining distance to the target landing planet is 152.1 million kilometers. There might be some turbulence during landing. Please find a stable position…”


Before the voice faded, everyone seated rushed to the windows, craning their necks to look outside.


Finally, someone exclaimed, “I see it!”


It was a serene blue Earth, standing quietly amidst the vast sea of stars. The gentle white mixed with the blue on its surface made it appear as beautiful as a dream sky. Compared to many other planets, it was actually quite small and inconspicuous. But at that moment, it was the only thing on everyone’s mind.


For some reason, despite these lively young people not having experienced the hardships of their elders, they involuntarily fell silent. They quietly gazed at Earth, some trembling uncontrollably with excitement, hands tightly gripping the nearby railings, eyes reddened.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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