Chapter 168 – The Magical Herbal Soup


The spaceship landed.


Compared to the last time Jian Luo visited, Earth’s environment seemed much improved. It appeared they had arrived in winter; after this short month, spring had come. Life was beginning to thrive again; tree leaves sprouted tender shoots. Looking down from above, the world was a vibrant green, the azure sea shimmering, a scene that brought joy to the heart.


The spaceship landed not far from the village. Many indigenous residents were working, and nearby were Jian Luo’s newly planned buildings and courtyard areas. The original dwellings in the village were mostly thatched huts, and naturally, the locals were curious about the new houses.


“Beep, cabin doors are now open.”


The mechanical voice sounded, and the ship’s doors slowly opened, allowing a group of eager young people longing for Earth to orderly disembark.




“Why does this air feel so sweet?”


“I feel so comfortable, my goodness.”


“It feels like I’m dreaming.”


If you’ve lived on Earth all your life, you wouldn’t notice the air having a taste. But for aliens who came from elsewhere, the difference was clear. Jian Luo’s body belonged to the 21st century, so he wasn’t as sensitive to the air, but these children were different. Having adapted to the atmosphere of the Dark Star, returning here naturally shocked them in various ways.


Jian Luo had already contacted his younger brother to come pick them up.


The teenage boy had grown tall quickly. Jian Sheng now mainly worked in research and assisted in breeding. After attending Jian Luo’s grand wedding, he hurried back overnight. He looked as though he had just come from the fields, still wearing a sun hat, his skin tanned.


People in Peace Paradise recognized Jian Sheng and warmly greeted him:


“Ah Sheng.”


“Hey, looking sharp, young man.”


“Ah Sheng, we’re here.”


There was a lively atmosphere as everyone greeted each other. Jian Sheng was also delighted to see familiar faces from the village, embracing them and catching up.


Jian Luo said to them, “Let’s head back first. Everyone’s been on the ship for two days and must be tired. Let’s rest early today and visit tomorrow.”


He made the decision, and naturally, no one objected.


While others rested, Jian Luo went down to the grassroots level to chat with the old traditional Chinese medicine doctor about recent developments. To his surprise, he found the old doctor chatting with a simple old lady, both laughing and chatting amiably.


After listening for a while, just as they seemed about to finish, Jian Luo couldn’t help but cough lightly to get their attention.


Smiling, Jian Luo said, “It looks like you’re doing well.”


The old Chinese medicine doctor replied seriously, “So-so.”


Seeing his ruddy complexion and the glow in his face, completely unlike the stagnant water at Paradise, Jian Luo genuinely felt happy for him. Without revealing his thoughts, he changed the subject and asked about the progress of their research here.


The old Chinese medicine doctor handed over some observation records and said, “We’ve expanded the subjects for our experiments. Several groups of people are showing improvements in their constitutions. If everything goes well, we should be able to complete the treatment by the end of this month, and conception won’t be an issue.”


Jian Luo nodded, “You’ve worked hard.”


The old Chinese medicine doctor waved it off, “Not hard at all.” Holding his wolfberry tea, he sat down in a rocking chair, “The ones working hard are those young people toiling in the fields all day. This old bone of mine can’t keep up.”


Jian Luo smiled wryly.


He had thought that was it, but then the old doctor added, “There’s another matter you need to consider in advance.”


Jian Luo asked, “What is it?”


“We’re short on manpower.” The old Chinese medicine doctor sighed, “There weren’t many indigenous people on Earth to begin with. Even with all the households together, we probably won’t have enough medicinal herbs for more than a few hundred people for a few courses. Once successful after this month, there’ll likely be even more Dark Star people in need of herbs.”


Jian Luo had already considered this possibility.


He said, “Factories on Earth also need people. The group we brought today is the largest batch we could spare. In fact, my mother is also planning to recruit. I’ve contacted some investment planets, planning to open a chain of food and beverage stores. But manpower is equally lacking.”


Once a loner, Jian Luo had managed himself well and never thought of anything else, let alone imagined his business would grow so large as to need more people.


The old Chinese medicine doctor suggested, “Recruit.”


Jian Luo chuckled, “Recruit people from the Dark Star?”


Proud Dark Star people would never be enslaved.


The old Chinese medicine doctor reclined in his rocking chair, “Look into it. The recruitment notice isn’t mandatory. Those who are willing to come will naturally be good.”


Jian Luo nodded. He already had suitable candidates in mind. Previously, when he had his baby, people from a tribe on a planet had taken very good care of him and Lu Shifeng. Later, due to some mishandled issues, he wanted to bring those people here to Earth, if they were willing.



After their chat, Jian Luo rested for a while and found his terminal had numerous messages.


The first were from the dragon cubs, who had recently learned to type. They sent all sorts of strange messages every day, with disconnected sentences and joy uncontained.


“Dad’s here.”


“Dad’s doing homework.”


“The teacher tells stories, Dad listens.”


Many times Jian Luo can only guess what his little dragons want to express through trial and error, but fortunately, he can usually grasp the gist. Jian Luo tells his offspring that he will stay on Earth for a few days, asking them to sleep with Dad at night and not cause trouble.


The little dragons are not happy at all.


They feel unhappy, very unhappy. Why is Dad always busy? Dad is always busy, even Grandma, who usually accompanies them, is busy. No one pays attention to the little dragons; they feel unwanted.


Jian Luo adds, “When Dad returns, I’ll make milk cakes for you to eat.”


Long Aotian sneers. He’s already a mature dragon and won’t be swayed by milk cakes!


Jian Luo imagines that he hasn’t spent much time with his children lately. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but after taking over Earth, there are too many things to handle, a mountain of tasks he must personally attend to. Whether voluntary or forced, he must learn new things and gradually accept such a heavy responsibility.


These past few months have been like spinning at high speed for him. Sometimes he almost forgets that he is just an ordinary person. He has a family and children, who are still very young and will enter the Dragon Valley for training in less than two months.




A communication interrupts Jian Luo’s thoughts.


Jian Luo snaps back to reality and sees a call from Lu Shifeng. He picks up: “Hello.”


Lu Shifeng asks, “Have you arrived?”


“Yeah,” Jian Luo replies, “The little ones just messaged me.”


Lu Shifeng: “Hmm.”


“Tonight, make sure you don’t work overtime. Take the little ones to bed when you get back,” Jian Luo reminds him. “I’ve actually made some milk cakes and stored them in the cabinet. Don’t let them eat too much, just a little each day.”


Lu Shifeng: “Hmm.”


Jian Luo continues, “I noticed the little ones didn’t seem very happy today. Whatever they like to eat, you…”


Lu Shifeng interrupts, “They lack nothing.”


Jian Luo freezes.


He suddenly stops in his tracks. Right, they lack nothing. They have a dedicated nurturing team for daily care, nutritionists for meals, and even someone to coordinate snacks and pastries. They are well-provided for in every way.


Lu Shifeng says, “Material things aren’t everything.”


Jian Luo’s heart sinks as if pierced. “I’ll try to come back sooner.”


“Don’t overwork yourself,” Lu Shifeng advises. “Don’t think too much. Some dragons are born without the company of parents.”


“Some dragons…”


This statement actually understates it; most dragons don’t have that. They can’t even see their parents, or rather, they aren’t considered children but mere continuations, replicas of previous life entities.


The hatchlings seem pitiable yet not pitiable. They are much luckier than most dragons.


Jian Luo nods. “I’ll be fine. Things here should be settled soon.”


Only then does Lu Shifeng respond.


With something to focus on, Jian Luo becomes more diligent. Amidst his busy schedule, he plans to finish this trip in three days instead of five. However, on the third day, he receives another call.


Lu Shifeng’s voice comes through, “Come outside.”


Jian Luo is surprised in the house, “Outside? Which outside?”


“Outside the village.”


Jian Luo runs out and indeed sees a military ship descending not far from the village. Beneath it stands a person. Before he can call out, a gust of wind rushes towards him, and three little dragons eagerly leap into his arms.


Long Aotian chirps excitedly. When he first came, he was still in Dad’s belly. Now seeing Earth for the first time, it’s like entering a grand palace, his scales shimmering with excitement.


His sister nuzzles Jian Luo.


The quieter second eldest looks at his elder brother as if he’s a fool, reminding him to mind his manners.


Jian Luo tells Lu Shifeng, “Let’s go into the village. It’s too hot outside at noon.”


Lu Shifeng acknowledges and picks up one of the dragons, heading indoors.


Jian Luo lets the three dragons play on the grass at the doorstep, chasing butterflies. He goes inside to pour water for Lu Shifeng. It’s a bit troublesome to heat water here. He suddenly thinks of Aya next door, who often cooks soups like mung bean soup to beat the heat. He might as well get some.


Unfortunately, Aya is busy this time. She tells Jian Luo, “Luo Luo, there’s water inside. Help yourself.”


“Alright,” Jian Luo says.


He goes inside and sees a pot of green water boiling. It should be mung bean soup. Jian Luo scoops a bowl and brings it over to Lu Shifeng, saying, “Try this. It’s a specialty plant on Earth. You’ve probably never had it.”


Lu Shifeng drinks a bowl.


Jian Luo smiles, “Is it good?”


Lu Shifeng furrows his brows, remaining silent.


As they prepare to continue their conversation, Aya rushes over from outside and calls from the doorway, “Luo Luo, did you take my soup to drink?”


Jian Luo stands up, “Sister Aya, I just took a bit of your mung bean soup.”


“Huh?” Aya comes in, “What mung bean soup? That’s my nourishing soup. Would you like some? I still have plenty left.”



The air suddenly quietens

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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