Chapter 170 – Limited Edition Potatoes


Since returning from Dragon Valley, Jian Luo has been somewhat absent-minded.


Lu Shifeng said, “Worrying won’t help.”


Jian Luo sat on a chair outside their room. The lounge overlooked a large garden where he could see some scenery outside. These days, he often lay in this chair, looking towards Dragon Valley. Lu Shifeng was not entirely unprepared for this epiphany; most of his time was spent at the training ground, and his secretary even helped postpone most of his schedule and official duties.


Today, Lu Shifeng returned early.


Jian Luo sat in the chair handling official matters. Sometimes, even after work, he had to deal with these affairs. Things were never-ending. Even when he returned home, he still had to manage data from various places, handle sudden situations, client issues, production problems—all requiring his decision-making.


Lu Shifeng had just finished bathing and sat beside Jian Luo. “You handle all these things yourself?”


Jian Luo looked up. “Hmm?”


“How many capable people do you have under you?” Lu Shifeng asked. “What are they doing?”


Jian Luo hesitated. “There are some factory directors who collect and report issues to me.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “What’s the point of their existence? Just collecting problems?”


Jian Luo looked at his serious face and suddenly realized the problem. He seemed to have few capable subordinates; many minor issues didn’t need to be brought to him personally, yet he still had to handle them.


Lu Shifeng said, “Managing these people doesn’t mean you should handle everything yourself. You need to cultivate people, provide general guidelines, and correct mistakes promptly, not let these things tie you down.”


Jian Luo started to understand. “But I’m afraid they won’t handle it properly…”


“Then they shouldn’t be in those positions. Find capable people who can.” Lu Shifeng’s gaze focused on Jian Luo. “Talented individuals shouldn’t be buried, and positions don’t necessarily follow seniority. The capable should rise to the top, understand?”


Jian Luo felt enlightened by his words.


Before, he felt exhausted with no one to share the burden. But after Lu Shifeng spoke, he felt a sense of clarity.


Jian Luo said, “Then I’ll hire an assistant tomorrow, and as for the factory matters, I’ll review the personnel again.”


Lu Shifeng gently touched Jian Luo’s slightly thin face. His voice was solemn, “Am I being meddlesome?”


“How could you be!”


Jian Luo rubbed against Lu Shifeng’s hand affectionately. “I know you’re doing this for my own good.”


A hint of a smile appeared in Lu Shifeng’s eyes as he gazed at Jian Luo, noticing his recent weight loss. “For many business matters you don’t understand, consult Nie Yan. Despite his profit-driven nature, he is still your boss.”


Jian Luo obediently nodded. “I understand.”


“When faced with issues, discuss with others instead of stubbornly resisting.” Lu Shifeng patted his head. “They will help you.”


Jian Luo didn’t want to hear more, feeling as if he were receiving final instructions.


In the evening, the sunset cast its glow upon them. Jian Luo hugged Lu Shifeng around the waist, burying his face in his chest. He murmured, “I want to consult with you all the time.”


Showing some spoiled and unreasonable traits, Lu Shifeng’s eyes held a helpless smile. He patted Jian Luo’s back. “You’re still acting like a child at your age. Did you learn this from our son?”




Jian Luo justified himself. “He learned it from me.”



Late at night


Jian Luo lay on the bed, his brows tightly furrowed. His forehead was dotted with fine sweat, like delicate droplets of water. He curled up, even trembling slightly.




He woke abruptly from his dream, sitting up.


The soft bed helped him gradually come to his senses, but the scene he saw in his dream was unsettling. It was a dim place where his child was playing around, wings injured, surrounded by a pack of wolves. The dragon cub’s cries of distress woke him from the dream.


Lu Shifeng held Jian Luo’s cold hand. Sitting up, he asked, “What’s wrong?”


Jian Luo’s heart was racing irregularly as he slowly said, “It’s nothing, just a nightmare. You go back to sleep; I’ll wash my face to clear my head.”


Lu Shifeng got up and turned on the light.


When Jian Luo returned, Lu Shifeng handed him warm water. “Still worried?”


“No.” Jian Luo stubbornly maintained, “Just had a bad dream.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him meaningfully but said no more. “Go to sleep.”


Jian Luo didn’t feel like talking anymore. He nodded and went to sleep. Lu Shifeng embraced him, his warmth providing Jian Luo with a sense of security. He didn’t have any more nightmares for the rest of the night, falling asleep nestled in Lu Shifeng’s arms.



Next day


After careful selection, Jian Luo chose an assistant for himself named Qing’er.


Qing’er’s family has only one daughter, whom they spared no expense to nurture. Since childhood, Qing’er has been attending school, and even as she grew up, she studied at a prestigious academy in Sky City. It was these conditions that allowed her to mingle with the aristocrats of Dark Star. However, Qing’er remained level-headed; she didn’t become arrogant because of this, nor did she give up on herself due to past relationships.


On her first day on duty, she didn’t bend the rules just because of her private relationship with Jian Luo.


“Boss, here’s our schedule for today.” Qing’er neatly organized the documents, saying, “If there’s anything that needs to be rescheduled, please let me know in advance so I can rearrange the timing.”


Jian Luo glanced over it and smiled, “No problem.”


Qing’er, dressed neatly in professional attire, brought in freshly brewed herbal tea with respect, “My office is outside, mainly responsible for assisting you with front-line document screening. If you need anything, just call for me directly.”


“Alright,” Jian Luo replied.


Qing’er turned to leave.


Jian Luo added, “Thank you for your great help.”


“You’re welcome. It’s because of the opportunity you’ve given me. I believe we won’t stop here in the future,” Qing’er said with a wink, “This position will be highly sought after, so I’ll perform well and won’t disappoint the leadership.”


Jian Luo chuckled helplessly, “Go ahead.”


With Qing’er on board, the work for the day became much easier. There were no more trivial annoyances to deal with, and now, with fewer hands in Paradise, the vegetables from the planting base were mostly directed to the factory, resulting in very few entering the market. Previously, the people of Dark Star had disregarded vegetables, but with Jian Luo and more food bloggers showcasing Earth vegetables in videos, this attitude began to change.


From initially not caring to being unable to buy them.


“You actually managed to buy potatoes!”


“Who can afford them now?”


“Let’s just get some chips to satisfy ourselves.”


“Too expensive, and always out of stock. Even if you have the money, you can’t buy them.”


Slowly, vegetables became luxury items, with potatoes being the hardest to find. The food processing plant in Paradise needed large quantities of potatoes daily, so fewer made it to the market. Because of this, the market regulators of Dark Star commissioned Nie Yan to discuss with Jian Luo.


By the time Jian Luo arrived at Moonlight, it was already evening.


Nie Yan was still dressed lavishly, sitting on the couch. He raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Jian Luo, “Here?”




Jian Luo obediently poured tea for Nie Yan, “It’s been busy these days, and I was just about to come see you.”


“Enough of that.” Mr. Nie said leisurely, “Do you know why I’m looking for you?”


Jian Luo wasn’t afraid. With his shares in Moonlight’s chips and food factories, Jian Luo took the lion’s share of the profit. It was a shared interest, and Nie Yan was his boss. He could say he was a half disciple, and how a master would treat his disciple.


Lu Shifeng said to Jian Luo, “Touch them.”


Jian Luo reached out and touched. It was a strange sensation, and for a moment, he seemed to see a scene where his children were in a valley. Despite their rough appearance, they were unhurt, grown bigger and stronger. They were sleeping, obediently finding secluded spots to rest.


Lu Shifeng’s voice came from beside him, “Do you see them?”


Jian Luo snapped out of it, looking at Lu Shifeng, emotions swirling inside him. His eyes reddened as he nodded, “Yes.”


“You don’t have to worry now. Can you go back to sleep?” Lu Shifeng looked at him, a hint of helplessness in his expression. “Feeling better?”


Jian Luo was slightly surprised and even a bit embarrassed as he looked at Lu Shifeng. “You knew about me…”


“You wear your heart on your sleeve. How could I not see it?” Lu Shifeng said gently. “It’s just that this vision isn’t something that happens every time. Even if you come tomorrow, you might not see it.”


It was the third day since the children had left. Perhaps Lu Shifeng had been planning to bring him here for a while.


Jian Luo felt touched. “Then, can I come here to see you in the future?”


He expected Lu Shifeng to agree, but Lu Shifeng said instead, “Don’t come.”


Jian Luo was puzzled.


“The Dragon King’s illusion is different from theirs.” Lu Shifeng gently stroked Jian Luo’s face and whispered softly, “Don’t look. I promise you, I’ll come back as soon as possible.”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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