Chapter 175 – Let's Go Home

Chapter 175 – Let’s Go Home


When Jian Luo approached the corner of the garden, he saw them: three well-behaved children standing obediently. Standing in the middle was a tall man, his back straight, clad in a dignified military uniform. His legs were long and powerful, his mature and handsome face carried a hint of seriousness. Even standing there quietly, he captivated every gaze.


For a moment, it felt like a lifetime away.


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng, who stood motionless, unable to move or take a step forward. His mind was strangely blank.




Long Aotian looked up and wanted to run towards Jian Luo, but hesitated as his father was present, so he weakly called out, “Dad.”


Jian Luo snapped back to reality.


Lu Shifeng seemed to notice too. He turned his head slightly, locking eyes with Jian Luo. His face was nearly unchanged from before they entered the illusion, yet somehow different, more mature and exuding a composed confidence.


Seeing Jian Luo still unmoving, Lu Shifeng frowned slightly, stepped forward, and stopped in front of him, step by step.


“Why aren’t you coming over?” he asked.


Jian Luo’s throat felt dry. “Traffic on the road.”


A hint of amusement flickered in Lu Shifeng’s eyes. “Who asked you that?”


Jian Luo looked at his familiar smile and listened to his familiar voice. A sense of reality returned, but he still hesitated, afraid this might all be a dream, easily shattered.


Lu Shifeng noticed the bag of cloud fruits in Jian Luo’s hand, knowing they were for the children. He gestured to the three behind him. “They behave properly, no eating allowed.”


The three children were thunderstruck.


Feeling more grounded, Jian Luo chuckled. “Actually, we’ve got an etiquette teacher for them.”


“Yet they’ve learned so little,” Lu Shifeng seemed somewhat disdainful. “They won’t have any tomorrow.”


Long Aotian looked like he was about to cry.


Jian Luo wasn’t sure if he should defend the children further. He wisely chose to stay silent, pondering in his mind how to handle the snacks. Who should he share them with?


As he contemplated, Lu Shifeng stepped forward, took the bag, took one for himself, and handed another to Jian Luo. “Try it.”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, then mechanically took a bite. The cloud fruit tasted deliciously sweet. He remembered their first date years ago, in a shopping mall, when Lu Shifeng first treated him to these fruits. Back then, he had been cautious and reserved, not fully enjoying the taste.


Lu Shifeng ate a few bites in front of the children and asked Jian Luo, “Is it good?”


“Sweet,” Jian Luo replied.


“Hmm,” Lu Shifeng nodded. “Haven’t had anything from outside in a long time.”


Suddenly, Jian Luo remembered Lu Shifeng had spent nearly a year in the illusion. He felt a pang of sympathy. Taking another bite of the fruit, he said softly, “When we get back, I’ll cook something nice for you.”


“No need,” Lu Shifeng replied.


Jian Luo looked up.


“I’m not in a rush for food right now. If my wife cares about me, she should pay more attention to other matters.” Lu Shifeng’s handsome face began to turn slightly serious and his tone less playful.



After their chat, they entered the children’s classroom.


This school was an exclusive academy for nobility, bustling with children. Many parents had a change of mindset and were now actively participating in parent-child activities. When they entered, most people were already present.


Seeing Lu Shifeng’s figure, the entire classroom gradually fell silent. Someone stood up first, uncertain: “Greetings, Your Excellency.”


With one person leading, the others soon followed:


“Good day, Your Excellency.”


“Marshal, welcome back.”


“It’s an honor to see you.”


Their voices overlapped, but Lu Shifeng remained expressionless. “I’m here for the parent-child event. No need for formalities.”


Only then did the others nervously sit back down. They all knew the young prince of the Dragon Clan attended school here and were prepared to meet him, but they hadn’t anticipated seeing Lu Shifeng, especially without any news of the Dragon King’s return. It was unexpected and somewhat overwhelming.


The teacher was taken aback upon seeing Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo enter. Both were renowned figures.


“Um,” the teacher coughed lightly. “Thank you all for accompanying your children to our parent meeting.”


Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo glanced at the slightly nervous teacher.


Pointing to the tables, the teacher continued, “There are letters on the tables written by the children for you. Please open and read them, then write a reply to each child.”


There were three letters in front of Jian Luo and Lu Shifeng. They began reading, Jian Luo taking Long Aotian’s letter while Lu Shifeng read the first letter, from his younger sister. 


The child’s letter was brief, clearly not serious. Jian Luo quickly finished it and moved on to the second letter. Initially expecting little from the typically quiet second child, he was surprised to find a full page upon opening it.


Jian Luo paused, slightly stunned, before settling in to read. Though the handwriting was immature, the words were unexpectedly mature for the child’s age. It read: “Dad, don’t work too hard. Even without dad here, my brothers and sisters will take care of you in the future. We won’t let anyone bully you.”


“The Dragon Clan is your backing.”


“If not, we will be.”


“You took care of us before, and now it’s our turn to take care of you.”


Every word touched deeply, and it was hard to believe this was written by the usually reserved child. Jian Luo’s hand trembled as he held the paper.


After Lu Shifeng finished reading his sister’s letter, he asked Jian Luo, “What’s wrong?”


Jian Luo shook his head.


Lu Shifeng handed Jian Luo his sister’s letter, his crimson eyes staring at the young man’s slightly thin face for a moment before saying, “You’ve worked hard.”


Jian Luo paused, then took the letter from Lu Shifeng.


The little girl had written a lot, acknowledging Jian Luo’s hardships over the past year and expressing her determination to grow up quickly to help alleviate his burdens. Each word was sincere and heartfelt, melting hearts.


The teacher interjected, “Please write a reply to the children after reading.”


Jian Luo hesitated on what to write, but Lu Shifeng set aside the letter and found a clean sheet of paper. He wrote a single line: “He doesn’t need your care. He’ll live his own life. I’ll take responsibility for his life.”


The words reflected his character, bold and confident, evoking respect.




Jian Luo paused, then burst into laughter.


He watched as the three children nearby received their replies with astonished expressions, feeling deeply fulfilled. Indeed, he felt incredibly fortunate and satisfied now. His children were growing up well, and his husband had returned. Life’s path might not always be smooth, but being able to stay with his family and take it slow was a form of completeness.



The next day,


Today was the day for dismantling and constructing in Paradise. The old-fashioned houses were being torn down to make way for new office buildings. As business expanded, human industries such as clothing, food, medicine, and tourism were spreading further.


Some eyed the pie and sought to cause trouble, but the powers behind humans were too formidable. The Moon was the largest shareholder, and the Dragon Clan was not to be trifled with. As a warlike race, they typically didn’t mince words.


“Bro, everything should be dismantled over here today.”


“Most people have moved. The light rail installation from Dark Star to Earth is complete. It takes about an hour by light cruiser now. Everyone moved in last night.”


“Our home is also empty. The demolition team will be here soon.”


Jian Luo stood in the small courtyard. “Okay, you go greet them. I’ll stay here for a while.”


Jian Sheng hesitated. “Bro, if you can’t bear to, we can keep this place.”


Years had passed. The young man who once feared sleeping alone had grown up. Jian Sheng was almost as tall as Jian Luo now and could lead a team independently, decisive in making decisions.


Jian Luo glanced at the courtyard and smiled. “Mom, call her over for a photo.”


Jian Sheng’s eyes lit up. “Okay.”


Not far away, Su Liang, managing the construction of the office building, heard the call and walked over. “A photo? I’m not dressed up nicely today, Mom.”


“No, you’re always beautiful.”


Jian Sheng spoke the truth. Su Liang was indeed becoming more beautiful, or rather, confident. A confident mature woman’s air changed her entirely. With a successful clothing brand, she ventured into luxury items this year and employed thousands, making a fortune.


Sometimes, when Jian Luo had financial trouble or funding issues, Su Liang no longer worried or shed tears. Instead, she supported him and became a pillar for him. After women started businesses, their entire personalities changed.


Su Liang gave him a sidelong glance and smirked, “Always just trying to please your mom.”


The three of them stood in the courtyard. Although the small yard was still somewhat dilapidated, it had witnessed their hardest days, through thick and thin. Under the trees stood the swing that Jian Luo had assembled back then. At the courtyard entrance was the stone stool where they used to sit during tough times.


The photographer called over to them, “Alright, three, two, one, look at the camera!”


Jian Luo and Jian Sheng stood beside Su Liang, smiling at the camera. “Cheese.”


The photo captured a beautiful moment. Su Liang and Jian Sheng waited for the photo to be sent over, while Jian Luo went to his nearly empty room to check on things.


Inside the room, there was a worn-out sofa filled with memories. Jian Luo sat on it for a while, reminiscing about the awkward moments when he first arrived, recalling how Su Liang had advised him to distance himself from Lu Shifeng back then.


Scene after scene replayed in his mind, as if it were just yesterday.




The sound of the door being pushed open came from outside.


Jian Luo looked up and saw a tall, straight figure standing at the doorway. Lu Shifeng gazed at him and walked over. “I knew you’d be here,” he said.


Jian Luo smiled. “Not busy? Why did you come over?”


“They’re going to demolish this place,” Lu Shifeng said. “They’re moving everyone back to Earth at night.”


Jian Luo nodded. “It’s convenient to go back now, though it’ll take some time. Most industries have moved to Earth, and there’s hardly anyone left here. Even Mom’s clothing factory has moved.”


“What about you?” Lu Shifeng asked.


“As for me?” Jian Luo suddenly understood what he meant and couldn’t help laughing. “Where would I go? My home is here.”


Lu Shifeng looked at him, his gaze deepening, and sat down beside him. “Earth is your mother planet too.”


“What should I do then?” Jian Luo leaned against him. “Should I go back?”


Lu Shifeng held his hand firmly.


Jian Luo giggled. “Are you coming to pick me up?”


Lu Shifeng paused for a moment before saying, “Yes, to take you home.”




Such a beautiful word. Jian Luo had never had a home before; he was an orphan without a place to belong or any relatives. But now, standing here after all these years, with the man beside him coming to take him home, he finally had a place to return to.


Happiness, it seemed, could be so simple.


Jian Luo tilted his face up and smiled. “Lower your head a little.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his head, his handsome face close to his.


Jian Luo kissed him softly on the lips. “Alright, let’s go home.”


Author’s Note: The main story has officially concluded. Starting today, I will begin updating the side stories.

T/N: And…. CUT! This is the last chapter for this series! Whether you’re a new reader, or have been with me since the beginning, thank you for your support and comments! Some of them really got me through my darkest times. Anyway, fear not. It’s not the TRUE end yet. There are a couple of side stories to go, and I’ll take my time this time to translate them as I’ve been going crazy with these updates lately. They’ll be sporadically released once a week (?) But there’s not a lot of them so you won’t have to wait long!

(Also, I’m not ready to let go of this baby just yet…. aaaahhh… I can’t believe it’s really over- not really! Side stories left!)

Anyway, hope you’re having an amazing day! And stay hydrated!


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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


1 Comment

  1. cold teacup

    Wow!! I can’t believe Lu Shifeng came back like that!! I was wondering if someone kidnapped the kiddos lol.

    Thank you for your hard work! I’m looking forward to the side stories!!

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