Chapter 179 – Jian Sheng (Extra 4)


At the beginning, Fei Yuhan disliked Jian Sheng. 


No, to be precise, he had no impression of Jian Sheng. He only knew there was a human in the academy whose family had paid for his admission. But beyond that, there was nothing noteworthy about him. 


Well, who can say having money isn’t a noteworthy trait?


“Brother Han, that’s the human,” his little follower pointed out during the morning assembly. 


Fei Yuhan glanced in the direction indicated and saw a thinly dressed young man walking among the crowd. He was delicate in appearance, wearing a short-sleeved black school uniform and long trousers. The white short-sleeved shirt revealed his slender arms, and under the sunlight, his fair skin seemed to glow. He looked somewhat frail and quiet. It was said that humans were fragile, and this boy seemed like he could be crushed with one hand. 


Rich? Fei Yuhan quickly dismissed the thought after a brief glance. 


His gaze wasn’t overly aggressive, but the boy not far away still looked up, seemingly sensing the attention. His eyes were filled with curiosity and a bit of fear, like a small, friendly rabbit curious about everything. Their eyes met, and the boy politely looked away. 


Not the same kind of person. 


Fei Yuhan quickly concluded that he and this person could never intersect.




But life always seemed to have a way of playing tricks on him.


“Sir, this is your bill. Please verify and confirm the payment.” A somewhat childish voice sounded beside him. He looked up and saw that delicate face. Jian Sheng said, “The total is 2389 star coins.”


Fei Yuhan glanced at the restaurant. “Is this place yours?”


Jian Sheng was taken aback and shook his head, “No.”


“Then why are you collecting money here?”


“I!” Jian Sheng hesitated, pointing at his work uniform, “I’m a part-time waiter.”


Fei Yuhan raised an eyebrow, verified the bill, and paid with his card. However, his little followers couldn’t resist examining this rare species in the school. They started questioning:


“Hey, do you know that students working privately is against school rules?”


“If you’re punished, your parents will be called.”


“Isn’t your family quite wealthy? Why are you working here?”


A series of questions clearly confused Jian Sheng. He hadn’t realized the seriousness of the situation, and perhaps didn’t even understand why it violated school rules. The mention of calling parents clearly frightened him, and his face showed a mix of panic.


Jian Sheng blushed, gripping the bill tightly, and stammered, “I only come occasionally to earn some living expenses. I didn’t know it was against the rules. Please don’t tell the teachers. I won’t come again.”


Poor kid.


These words flashed through Fei Yuhan’s mind. 


The child standing in front of him blushed, his body trembling slightly, probably malnourished. The work uniform’s collarbone was more noticeable due to tension. He was more than a head shorter than Fei Yuhan, and he looked younger. They were here to dine, but he was working, despite attending such a prestigious school.


Someone else might have felt pity, but not Fei Yuhan. He had no interest in sympathizing with others.


“Don’t worry,” Fei Yuhan said slowly, “No one’s that bored.”


Jian Sheng looked at him timidly.


Fei Yuhan, standing a head taller, looked down at him with an overwhelming presence. His handsome face carried an arrogant and indifferent smile. “If I were you, I’d read the school rules more. At least know to avoid schoolmates next time.”


Jian Sheng felt a deep sense of shame.


Fei Yuhan turned to leave but paused after a few steps. “Oh, and…”


Jian Sheng, feeling a chill, didn’t know why he was so afraid of this person. He turned around cautiously like a timid hedgehog. “What?”


“Tie your collar properly.” Fei Yuhan’s smile disappeared, his voice low.






It was just a simple encounter, something no one would remember, until—


At noon, a group went to the cafeteria to eat. While discussing what to eat, Fei Yuhan realized his meal card was missing.


“No way, did you lose it?”


“Could it have fallen at the restaurant yesterday?”


“Hey, could that kid have picked it up?”


“Why didn’t he return it? Maybe he wants to keep it?”


“Not necessarily…”


Fei Yuhan’s cold gaze swept over them. “Finished?”


For some reason, they all felt a chill and didn’t dare to speak further. In this school, many were influential, but Fei Yuhan had the highest prestige. He was a dragon, though not pure-blooded, he had royal blood, the same lineage as Marshal Lu Shifeng. 


In the future, even if not the Dragon King, he would be a significant figure among the dragons.


Fei Yuhan withdrew his gaze. “Let’s go.”


“Boss, where to?”


“To eat.”


“But you lost your meal card.”


“Don’t you have one?”




Later, Fei Yuhan met Jian Sheng again during the school festival. Jian Sheng had bumped into him in line. He decided to ask Jian Sheng for his meal card and see what reaction he would have—perhaps pride, or… boastfulness?


Fei Yuhan stood on the path. “Meal card.”


Jian Sheng hesitated for a moment, then quickly took it out and handed it over. “I’m sorry, I wanted to return it to you, but your area was too strictly guarded, so I thought of giving it to a teacher, but I didn’t get a chance.”


Fei Yuhan gave a low “hmm.”


“Sorry for the trouble,” Jian Sheng said regretfully. “I heard it’s a hassle to replace it, needing family to come to school. It’s good I returned it in time. Don’t worry, I didn’t touch the money inside.”


Fei Yuhan said, “I know.”




His face showed surprise at how Fei Yuhan knew.


Fei Yuhan said, “If you had used it, you would know I have no parents.”


Jian Sheng’s eyes showed shock, and for a moment, his gaze carried sympathy and pity, a complex mix of emotions.


Fei Yuhan looked at him indifferently. Just as Jian Sheng thought he would say something, the man moved closer. When Fei Yuhan spoke someone’s name, it had a magnetic, enchanting quality. “Jian Sheng.”


Jian Sheng stammered, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to mention…”


“If I were you, I’d read more history and learn about replication technology,” Fei Yuhan’s gaze carried a hint of mockery. “At least next time, you won’t make such a fool of yourself, right?”



T/N: Hope you enjoyed the side stories as much as I did!!! Just 3 more before this series is really over~

Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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