Day: October 13, 2023

Chapter 1 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 1


“Little Di, are you here?” Liu Hao hurriedly ran over, with a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face. Qu Di could tell from his expression that he must have a favor to ask.


Qu Di put down his school bag, fastened the flower shop’s logo pin to his chest, and put on the flower shop’s apron. He asked, “What do you need help with again?”


“Hehe, Little Di, you understand me the best. Here’s the thing, I have a date tonight with that girl Little Yue. You know her, right? She finally agreed to go out with me. You see, tonight…” He knew Qu Di was easy to persuade, and as long as he asked, Qu Di would definitely agree.


Qu Di smiled and readily agreed, “You go ahead. Tonight, I’ll cover for you, but make sure the boss doesn’t find out.” 


Covering for someone meant a deduction in salary.


“I knew you’re the best! If this works out, I’ll treat you to dinner!” Liu Hao quickly removed the flower shop apron, put on his coat, and left eagerly. After a while, he returned, sticking his head outside the door, reminding Qu Di, “Little Di, we have a few orders to fulfill in the shop. Remember to take care of them. They need to be delivered tomorrow!”


“I got it.”


After Liu Hao left, Qu Di started to check the day’s sales, fully aware that Liu Hao probably hadn’t done any organization work. Liu Hao was talkative and often made customers happy, which brought in a lot of orders. However, he was also lazy and frequently passed off his responsibilities to Qu Di. As long as it wasn’t too excessive, Qu Di was willing to help him because, despite his shortcomings, Liu Hao was his best friend, and he was the one who recommended Qu Di and allowed him to get the job in the first place.


Qu Di’s diligent and hardworking nature could be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage. He thought there would only be a few orders, but when he checked, there were more than twenty. Had Liu Hao done nothing else but accept orders all day?


He sighed and decided that he would talk to Liu Hao about this next time. There was too much work for him to handle alone, but every time he thought of discussing it with Liu Hao, he was talked into helping again. The next time, he would willingly help him with the workload.


He organized the day’s income and expenses, entered them into the computer, and then began working on the orders.


“Phoenix tails, lilies…” He looked up and, as he expected, there were no phoenix tails in the shop. How could Liu Hao be so careless? He had to call the customer and apologize.


In the end, they agreed to substitute another flower, but not without a barrage of complaints. Qu Di could only nod and apologize, unable to say much.


He worked until past 1 a.m., barely finishing the tasks. After watering the flowers on the windowsill, he prepared to leave. He changed his clothes, turned off the lights, and locked the door. He was about to take out the trash through the back door when he stumbled upon a person.


He almost lost his balance, dropping the trash he was holding. He used both hands to steady the person who had fallen on him.




“Inside…” The man pushed him inside, and then he slid down to the floor, motionless.


Qu Di’s heart raced. The area had a history of poor safety, with various types of people frequenting it. Had this person run into trouble with the wrong people? If those individuals came back, they would be in big trouble. Logic told him he should immediately throw this person out and not get involved, but Qu Di couldn’t ignore someone in need.


He struggled for a moment, then decisively closed the door and dragged the person behind the cash register, hiding from view.


He crouched there in the darkness, unable to see anything clearly. He strained to hear any signs of activity outside. After a while, he heard footsteps and saw the light of a flashlight.


“Where is he?”


“The guy must be around here; he couldn’t get far with the tranquilizer.”


“Check the nearby shops.”


“Okay…” The man suddenly made a sound, as if he was trying to get up. Qu Di quickly covered his mouth and whispered, “Shh, don’t make a sound.”


The man, who seemed to be an Alpha, had a faint sandalwood scent. However, as a Beta, Qu Di didn’t sense anything unusual. He was one of the rare Betas who could slightly detect pheromones.


Tang Chaobai struggled to open his eyes to get a look at the person who had saved him. Due to the effects of the drugs, he felt drowsy and couldn’t see if this person was male or female.


Was this the scent of his pheromones?


The people outside shone a powerful flashlight into the window, but luckily, the cash register area was in a blind spot. They couldn’t see anyone inside, so they eventually left.


Qu Di breathed a sigh of relief. He cautiously checked the man in his arms. He had lost consciousness, and Qu Di was afraid the attackers might return. Therefore, he stayed with the stranger behind the cash register for over an hour until his legs went numb. He finally stood up, struggling to move the man.


Qu Di tried to carry him, but he was too heavy. He couldn’t lift him. Should he leave him here alone?


He crouched down and shook Tang Chaobai, but there was no response. He checked the man’s body and found no external injuries, so that was a relief. He must be experiencing dizziness due to the drugs.


He glanced at his phone and realized it was getting late. His messages from this afternoon had gone unanswered. He felt dejected. He and his partner hadn’t seen each other for two days. They were both busy with their graduation projects, and Qu Di had just finished his. He had hoped to spend some quality time together, but his partner hadn’t replied to his messages.


He looked down at the man on the floor and sighed. Well, he would have to stay here with you tonight.


He searched through a cabinet and found a blanket he had used for napping. It was surprisingly clean, so he covered Tang Chaobai with it. Qu Di sat in a corner, bending his legs and waiting for daylight.


Qu Di had thought the man would wake up quickly, but he remained unconscious, and Qu Di could only wait. When the morning sun shone through the window, Qu Di was the first to wake up. He blinked his dry, uncomfortable eyes and felt a throbbing headache. His entire body ached from sitting in one position all night.


He looked at the man on the floor and noticed that he was still asleep. Now, he could clearly see the man’s appearance. He might be of mixed heritage, with deep facial features and a strong jawline. He was at least 1.8 meters tall, dressed in a black suit, and exuded an exquisite and enticing aura.


“Sir? Wake up! Sir? Hey…”


Qu Di didn’t manage to wake the man, but he heard the sound of keys, and he immediately stood up. It was the shop manager.


“Little Di? Did you sleep here last night?” Manager Fang Yingying was an Omega, three years older than him. She had a sweet appearance and was good at acting coquettish, but she could be a bit stingy at times, often finding ways to deduct employees’ salaries.


Qu Di could understand, though. Fang Yingying’s family situation wasn’t great, and she had borrowed money to take over the shop. Due to limited funds, she could only rent it in this kind of neighborhood.




“Oh my god! Did you… kill someone?” Fang Yingying was terrified when she saw the legs sticking out from behind the cash register.


Qu Di hurriedly explained, “No, no… Manager, this man seemed to have been chased last night, and he ended up in our shop. I didn’t know what to do…”


Fang Yingying’s face paled. Her voice unintentionally rose, “What have you done!? Didn’t I tell you all to stay out of such matters? We’re just a small shop and can’t afford trouble!” Various incidents occurred in this neighborhood every day, and Fang Yingying had always taken the attitude of “not my business.” She was just an ordinary person and didn’t want to get into trouble.


“Quick, throw him into the alley!”


“Manager…” Qu Di stopped her. “He should be waking up soon. We can let him leave on his own when he does.”


“Go away! You’re really meddling in things. What you do is your business, but don’t involve me, okay? I… Tang Chaobai!?” Fang Yingying’s anger quickly dissipated when she saw the man’s face on the ground. She was overcome with surprise.


Qu Di might not recognize this face, but Fang Yingying, a young girl who surfed the internet daily, couldn’t possibly not recognize the CEO of Tangyi Entertainment Company!


“What?” Qu Di didn’t quite understand why Fang Yingying, who had just been furious, suddenly calmed down.


“Oh… It’s nothing.” Fang Yingying’s eyes flickered, and she had some hidden thoughts she didn’t want Qu Di to know. She couldn’t believe Qu Di’s good luck in saving the CEO of Tangyi Entertainment.


“I’m… I’m not heartless. You’re right; it’s almost morning, so we can let him stay and leave when he wakes up on his own. You’ve been here all night. Go rest now. I’ll watch over him.” She rushed Qu Di away.


“Or…” Qu Di was about to suggest that he could stay until the man woke up, as he was afraid that if he left, Fang Yingying might throw the man out. But before he could finish, he received a call.


He saw the incoming call was from Yang Ji, his current boyfriend. He answered eagerly, “Yang Ji? Why are you calling me now? I messaged you yesterday, but you didn’t reply… I’ve passed my graduation project. Let’s go out to eat tonight.” His tone was filled with undisguised happiness. He genuinely liked Yang Ji, who was a gentle and considerate boyfriend.


However, the person on the other end of the line didn’t seem as excited as him. Yang Ji’s voice was calm as he said, “Where are you? Come home now.”


“Okay, I’ll head home now. Have you had breakfast…?”




Before he could finish speaking, the call was abruptly cut off. Qu Di stood there in confusion for a few seconds before putting his phone away. Perhaps Yang Ji had something important to attend to, after all, he was a somewhat well-known celebrity now.


Qu Di had always had strong self-healing abilities and was good at comforting himself. He quickly regained his composure and packed his things.


“Manager, something’s come up at home, so I’m leaving. Please take care of this person.” He said this, and Fang Yingying was waiting for him to say it, eager to have him out of there.




He wanted to suggest that he could stay until the man woke up, as he feared that if he left, Fang Yingying might throw the man out. However, he didn’t get to finish his sentence as he received a phone call.


He saw the incoming call was from Yang Ji, his current boyfriend. He answered eagerly, “Yang Ji? Why are you calling me now? I messaged you yesterday, but you didn’t reply… I’ve passed my graduation project. Let’s go out to eat tonight.” His tone was filled with undisguised happiness. He genuinely liked Yang Ji, who was a gentle and considerate boyfriend.


However, the person on the other end of the line didn’t seem as excited as him. Yang Ji’s voice was calm as he said, “Where are you? Come home now.”


“Okay, I’ll head home now. Have you had breakfast…?”




Before he could finish speaking, the call was abruptly cut off. Qu Di stood there in confusion for a few seconds before putting his phone away. Perhaps Yang Ji had something important to attend to, after all, he was a somewhat well-known celebrity now.


Qu Di had always had strong self-sustaining abilities and was good at comforting himself. He quickly regained his composure and packed his things.


“Manager, something’s come up at home, so I’m leaving. Please take care of this person.” 


Fang Yingying was just waiting for him to say it, eager to have him out of there.


T/N: Ahaha, I felt really bad one of the show-biz/ flowershop MC Bad Ending novel from September 2023 (I’ll wait for you on a spring day), so here’s a novel where the flowershop MC gets many handsome-looking men chasing him! Let’s pretend he died, and then got reborn into this beautiful world!! He deserves so much more asdfg

Ofc, the MC is also as meek as the MC from that BE short…


Anyway, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 1 – The Demon Lord's Cultivation

Chapter 1


Si Lan found himself inside an egg.


To start the story, it all began with a text message he received on his phone.


【I am the Path of Heavenly Cultivation. Send money to me, and I will help you unify the Six Realms. Bank account number: xxxx.】


He was half asleep and decided to play along by sending a small amount of money to the scammer. But when he opened his eyes, he was inside this egg.


He referred to it as a chicken egg, rather than a duck, goose, or dinosaur egg because he could always hear the clucking sounds of a mother hen around him.


His chicken mother was diligent and gave him “lessons from outside the egg” every day.


From the chicken mother’s incessant chatter, he roughly understood the world he was in. It was divided into six realms: Gods, Immortals, Demons, Monsters, Ghosts, and Humans, further classified into the five elements of Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, and Earth.


He wasn’t particularly interested in the history of these six realms or their cultivation techniques, but he did remember all the strange stories.


Therefore, even as he remained a gooey mess inside the egg, he already knew about the many mysteries and eight trigrams of the Six Realms and Five Elements.


For example, the Heavenly Fairy Yu Hua once had an online romance that led her to meet a powerful cross-dressing Demon King. Upon meeting, Yu Hua discovered that the Demon King was even more imposing than she was, and this encounter traumatized her, making her fear men and leaving her with deep psychological scars.


Another example was the divine bird Zhu Xiao, who, despite her delicate and beautiful appearance, loved to practice with a war hammer instead of a sword. She did this because her mother, on her deathbed, told her that men would affect her sword-drawing speed. So, in front of her mother, she took up the meteor hammer and said, “Mom, rest assured, I won’t practice the sword anymore.”


Yet another example was the wild chicken named Luo Hui on the Flat-Top Mountain. While other chickens were busy hunting for bugs all over the mountain, Luo Hui understood the importance of class transcending. She saved a Nine-Heaven Divine Phoenix and, in gratitude, forced the Divine Phoenix to marry her.


The Divine Phoenix refused, so she used a clever tactic: she cooked raw rice into a ready meal, then presented the egg, successfully marrying him.



It goes without saying that the wild chicken named Luo Hui is his chicken mother, and the egg is Si Lan.


Not long after Luo Hui became a mother and the Divine Phoenix, Si Lan’s father, Si Shaoxun, suddenly fell into darkness.


The Nine Heavens’ lavish lifestyle that Luo Hui dreamed of suddenly vanished as she was forced to follow Si Shaoxun into the war-torn Demon Realm. Fortunately, Si Shaoxun quickly defeated the Demon Lord Chu Shanjun at the time, united the twelve peaks of the Demon Realm, and was crowned the Demon Emperor.


And then, Si Lan was born.


In theory, a child born of a Nine-Heaven Divine Phoenix and a wild chicken should at least be some sort of divine bird. Unfortunately, Si Lan inherited 100% of Luo Hui’s traits and was a plain brown chicken with no resemblance to a Divine Phoenix.


That day, Luo Hui, watching Si Lan hatch from the eggshell, jumped into Si Shaoxun’s arms and tearfully said, “A Divine Phoenix ruling the Demon Realm, exuding dominance, but a wild chicken ruling the Demon Realm? That’s just absurd. So, in order for our son to one day rightfully inherit your position, I want to conceal his true identity and claim he’s a young Divine Phoenix.”


Si Shaoxun remained silent for a while, then pushed away Luo Hui’s clammy hand and said, “Fine.”


She was overjoyed and used an illusion technique to transform Si Lan instantly from a wild chicken into a Divine Phoenix.


However, Si Lan felt that whether he was a Divine Phoenix or a wild chicken, it was good as long as he could crow. There was no need to fuss over it so much.


Unfortunately, he was just a little chick at the time, and his attempts to voice his objections came out as “cluck, cluck, cluck.”


His mother thought he was hungry and tossed a fat earthworm in front of him.




He didn’t succeed in his objections. The only time he managed to object was when it came to naming.


His mother hoped he would grow up to be someone who would correct his mistakes and have consistent words and actions, so she named him Si Guoyi.




He stretched out his chubby chicken claws and gestured a large cross in the air.


His mother vaguely understood what he meant, “Do you want to choose your own name?”


He nodded his little head, and his mother smiled.


“Alright, then you can pick your own name when Si Guoyi grows up.”




In the days that followed, Si Lan, like other little chicks, spent his early days in the Demon Realm on the Zhuyun Peak, almost forgetting his origins from the future.


Sometimes, when he woke up in the middle of the night, he even felt that his past life as a human was just a dream.


Just as Zhuangzi dreamt of being a butterfly[/mfn]A famous historical poem about life being a  dream.[/mfn], now Si Lan was a chicken dreaming of being human.


When he reached the age of one hundred and twenty, it was time for his transformation, and he took on a human form.


On that day, he looked at himself in the mirror. His new human form was identical to his previous human appearance, with some resemblance to his father.


It was then that he suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen his father in a long time.


His mother and his father, with their eight hundred schemes, had an eccentric marriage that had provided much gossip in the Six Realms over the years.


Some said that his father didn’t love his mother, that he was infatuated with the Divine Phoenix from Cang Mountain, but his mother had intervened, causing him a lifetime of unrequited love and misery.


They also said that his father didn’t love him, that his existence was the only stain on his father’s otherwise flawless life, so his father hadn’t paid much attention to him over the years.


Later, when his mother was injured by a divine miracle and on her deathbed, he held her in a rainstorm, trying repeatedly to heal her wounds, but they wouldn’t close.


The heavy rain washed away the blood, creating a river of crimson.


Finally, his father, Si Shaoxun, appeared, treading on the river of blood.


He expected his mother to complain, to be angry, but instead, with her last breath, she begged his father to ensure that his true form would never be exposed.


Si Shaoxun, in front of his mother, revealed his true form, personally severed his own phoenix wings, and attached them to Si Lan’s back.


His mother finally closed her eyes in peace. He didn’t understand why his mother was so insistent on hiding his true identity, but since it was her wish, he made an effort to do so.


For many years, he only consumed Divine Dew and Jade Elixir, wore Cloud Brocade and Flashing Silk, and landed on Qingtong Greenwood, carefully playing the role of a Divine Phoenix.


He also focused on cultivation and quickly became one of the top demon cultivators in the Demon Realm.


Later, when Si Shaoxun passed away, he thought of giving him his phoenix feathers, but he didn’t want to see his father in a vulnerable state. So, he politely declined, saying it was to allow his father to leave with dignity.


After his mother’s death, he harbored resentment toward Si Shaoxun for some time, until he discovered that the usually emotionless Si Shaoxun, on the anniversary of his mother’s death, lay under the large wutong tree on the Zhuyun Peak, complaining while hugging a wine jar, “You never really loved me. All you wanted was a powerful man to lay a powerful egg.”


He didn’t know whom to pity more at that moment.


In the end, he buried his parents together under the wutong tree.


In that year, he had just turned 120 years old, which was equivalent to a human child of seven or eight years old, and both his parents had left him.



At the age of 200, Si Lan reached adulthood. But in the same year, Chu Shanjun, the Demon Lord who had once been driven into hiding by his father, sent him a challenge.


He didn’t care much about the title of Demon Lord, but it was his mother’s lifelong wish for him to ascend to that position, so he couldn’t just give it away.


He accepted Chu Shanjun’s challenge but was tricked by Chu Shanjun during the battle, suffering severe injuries and falling into the mortal realm. This marked the beginning of a heartbreaking love that would span three centuries.


It was called heartbreaking because every ending was tragic.


The tragedy didn’t befall him; it befell his savior in the mortal realm, a woman named Lan Lan.


In the first life, Lan Lan saved him when he was severely injured, and she offered herself to him.


He thought that perhaps this was a pattern for men in his family; his mother had used a similar plot on his father. He agreed to Lan Lan’s proposal but insisted on first defeating Chu Shanjun. However, while seeking revenge against Chu Shanjun, he ended up severely wounded and unconscious.


When he woke up, fifty years had passed in the mortal realm.


Hastily, he went to the mortal realm to find Lan Lan, but she had already married someone else and had been a widow for many years. Lan Lan, however, was a person of honor, and when she saw him, she suggested continuing their past marriage agreement.


So, he picked a lucky day, sent a group of demons with drums and gongs to fetch the bride, and she arrived in the Demon Realm. On that day, the new bride had just arrived in the Demon Realm when a sudden gale arose, the earth shook, and the septuagenarian bride was blown onto a tall tree, where she breathed her last.




Because of this, he was depressed for many years. Later, he found Lan Lan in the second life, and their story continued.


However, this time, during their wedding night, after they had drunk from the ceremonial cups, Lan Lan inexplicably suffered from alcohol poisoning and passed away.


Upon investigation, it was revealed that while Lan Lan was a carp demon, she had a serpent lineage in her ancestry, and the ceremonial wine was mixed with male fern liquor.




Another hundred years passed, and he found Lan Lan in the third life.


This time, he decided to skip the traditional wedding proceedings and went straight to the wedding night. That night, just as he was about to discuss the meaning of life with his new bride, the bride unexpectedly encountered the inevitable Heavenly Thunder Tribulation that all demons faced.


The small bridal chamber was suddenly filled with lightning and thunder, and the bride was struck down in front of his eyes.




From then on, his reputation as the husband who killed three consecutive brides spread throughout the Six Realms.


Whenever the marriage rate in the Demon Realm was low or marital discord was high, news would spread that he was looking for a new bride, and demon realm girls would eagerly line up. Even widows would remarry, bringing peace to the Demon Realm.


At first, he didn’t care about these rumors because he believed he was cursed when it came to wives. His second and third wives were both reincarnations of Lan Lan, so technically, he only caused the death of one person, Lan Lan.


It wasn’t until the rumors reached an absurd level, with the palace maids blaming their headaches, stomachaches, and even irregular menstrual cycles on him, that he realized the problem had become serious.


He seemed to have become something extraordinary!


Unable to sit still, he decided to consult the divination expert, Bu Yigua.


On a sunny day, he gathered his guards, the twelve peak masters of the Demon Realm, and a group of brave and skilled warriors, and they all went to Qiangjue Mountain to see the divination expert and clear his name.


On that day, the divination expert told him, “Your fate is destined to be with a man. If you marry a woman, you will harm her.”


The divination expert also said, “That person’s fate and ill omens are connected to you.”


It sounded like he had said something important, yet said nothing at all.


Because, being demons, they all had some ill omens in their fate.


So, he cautiously asked, “Does that mean ten thousand male demons in the Demon Realm are my destined ones?”


The divination expert’s expression stiffened slightly, “You’re quite imaginative…”




“Never mind, I’ll be kind once more. According to the shell’s guidance, your destined one will be near Tianming Star in the near future.”


Tianming Star was in the center of the five directions, pointing to the Qiongsha Island in the Demon Realm. Qiongsha Island had been overgrown with weeds and desolate for thousands of years.


Why would his destined one be there?


He hesitated for a moment, then thanked the divination expert and flew to Qiongsha Island alone.


The reason he went alone was that his guards, the twelve peak masters, and the warriors had all scattered and fled upon hearing that he was destined to be with a man.


Even Song, the right guard who had been paralyzed for over a hundred years, was scared and ran off, carrying his wheelchair, saying as he fled, “Your Majesty, I can serve you with my life, but not my body!”




Tsk tsk.



Qiongsha Island.


He had searched for half a month, but unfortunately, during this time, he hadn’t found his destined one, or even a living creature that could breathe. After his third round of searching today, he still had nothing to show for it, so he put away his shiny phoenix wings and landed on a grassy field.


He hadn’t been fasting, and he still had his appetite. However, the Jade Elixir and Divine Dew in his storage bag had been consumed the previous day, so he had to find some food.


After searching for a while, he only found a small, limp, wrinkled, and almost sun-dried white worm. Perhaps he was a little lightheaded from hunger, as this unattractive worm suddenly looked appealing to him.


However, even though his true form was a wild chicken, he had never eaten insects in all his life…


Just as he hesitated, his stomach betrayed him with a loud growl.


Never mind, he thought. I’ll just eat something to calm my hunger now, and then I’ll have the strength to fly back later.


He had no intention of staying in this godforsaken place.


After searching for so long without finding his destined one, he suspected that the divination expert had deceived him.


He opened his mouth and placed the small white worm inside. Just as he was about to chew, the worm suddenly started struggling in his mouth, and he quickly spat it out.


After falling to the ground, the worm slowly changed, growing to the size of an adult male’s thumb, about seven inches long, entirely white but with a dull luster.


Si Lan hadn’t expected this little white worm to be a spiritual creature that could change its form!


Unfortunately, this spiritual creature was now running out of breath.


He picked up the small white worm, which was covered in white scales and had a tail like a thorn, and guessed that it might not be a worm but a small white snake.


Chickens don’t usually eat snakes; it goes against their nature.


But chickens do play around with snakes, and that doesn’t seem to be a problem.


So, on the way back to his palace, he bought some wolfberries and angelica, along with the small white snake, and brewed them into wine, which he stored in a white jade bottle before placing it in the wine cellar.


This trip to Qiongsha Island hadn’t been entirely in vain.


Upon returning to Zhuyun Peak, Si Lan announced that he would enter seclusion for an indefinite period. He did it not because he needed to cultivate but because the revelation from the divination expert that he was fated to be with a man had thrown the entire Demon Realm into chaos. People were reluctant to leave their homes, and this was severely impacting productivity.


To appease the demons, he declared an indefinite seclusion period, which, in reality, meant he would be sitting in the Seven-Stringed Cave, reading books and passing the time.


After reading all the books, Si Lan unexpectedly felt a bit sentimental.


Unknowingly, he had lived his demon life for over a thousand years, experiencing some ups and downs, as well as enduring the winds of gossip. While it hadn’t been full of excitement, it had been quite stable.


He had gone from being an ordinary demon cultivator to becoming the Demon King of the Demon Realm. According to the books, his life should be coming to an end.


However, he didn’t know that the real story about him was just beginning.

T/N: Hey there! Here’s a completely new series! AND OMG AM I IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY I HAD TO PICK IT UP AAAAA

I had such a blast translating this, hope you love dragons and phoenixes (or chickens lmao) cuz, oh my gosh I almost died of cuteness while reading about the ML. I almost exploded/ imploded asdfghkl


ANYWAY; it’s about to be one hell of a ride, I’m surprised no one’s translated this yet! It’s an absolutely must-read if you love dragons and funny stuff. The situations are all just so absurd.


If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 63 – Pregnant with a little phoenix instead?

Chapter 63 – Pregnant with a little phoenix instead?


Jian Luo fell into deep thought, pondering whether his work attitude was still suitable for staying here.


“Ding ding.”


A message arrived. Jian Luo quickly opened it and found that it was from Zhan Wentai. Just seeing the name Zhan Wentai made his head ache and his scalp tingle, as if he had suddenly returned to his homeroom teacher.


Zhan Wentai: 【Are you at work?】


Jian Luo replied yes.


Zhan Wentai: 【Perfect timing. The courses I’ve arranged for you are almost done. If you’re free, I’ll come pick you up.No worries if you’re busy.】


Since there weren’t any leads on the watermelon incident for now, Jian Luo decided to tidy up and head over.


As he was about to leave, he said to Wang Heng, “I’m going out.”


Wang Heng didn’t even look up. “Go ahead.”


“…Aren’t you curious where I’m going?” Jian Luo raised an eyebrow. “Or do you not even want to know what I’m doing when I go out?”


Wang Heng straightened up. “Is it important? You won’t be of much use here.”




Jian Luo tidied up and headed to Phoenix Terrace. Now, going there was as familiar as going back to his own home, almost effortless.


A follower standing nearby said, “Please wait on the fifth floor. We’ll be there shortly.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Alright.”


“Don’t misunderstand.” The follower added, “Many matters from the Phoenix Clan’s affiliated planets require approval, so it’s quite busy.”




Jian Luo had question marks forming in his mind.


Something didn’t seem right, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. The explanation sounded fine at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it felt off.


“Well… that must be quite demanding,” Jian Luo replied dryly. “You all are quite impressive.”


The follower smiled. “It’s appreciated that you understand. Our leader is very good.”


Jian Luo silently nodded and walked upstairs, where a table was already set with hot tea and even sliced holy dragon fruit. Everything was prepared meticulously, so he picked up a book and began to review.


While engrossed in his reading, footsteps approached from the side, and Zhan Wentai asked, “How did you do with the assignments I gave you last time?”


Jian Luo looked up and met Zhan Wentai’s golden eyes. They were a unique shade of pure and clean gold, devoid of worldly distractions, like a rare and precious gem.




Why did his face-con tendencies act up again?


Zhan Wentai furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?”


“Nothing!” Jian Luo desperately tried to maintain his composure. “I’ve completed my assignments, and I’ve asked Long ge to help me with corrections. Everything’s fine.”


As he spoke, Jian Luo sent his assignments to Zhan Wentai, but the priest fell into a long silence.


The silence was deadly.


Jian Luo grew anxious. “Is there something wrong with the way I wrote it?”


Zhan Wentai spoke slowly, “You call him Long-ge?”




Wasn’t that a common way to address someone at home?


Jian Luo stammered, “Is there something wrong with it? I’m not really familiar with these titles.”


Zhan Wentai thought for a moment, his gaze slowly sweeping over Jian Luo, finally resting on Jian Luo’s slightly protruding belly, which was now showing signs of pregnancy. The once slender Jian Luo had put on a little weight, looking round and healthy, filled with love.


Zhan Wentai said, “You can call me ‘teacher.'”


“Hmm?” Jian Luo thought about it and agreed. After all, it was appropriate to address his mentor as ‘teacher.’ So he said enthusiastically, “Teacher!”


Zhan Wentai’s expression improved slightly, and he nodded gently. “Hmm.”


The servant who had been waiting nearby, about to deliver an urgent document, had trembling hands. Finally, they confirmed the rumors circulating among the Phoenix Clan members. It turned out that their king was no longer indifferent to the prospect of marriage. And the person he was involved with was just an ordinary student!


Their king was usually so ascetic, spending his time either working, practicing, or meditating. He was incredibly rule-abiding and uninteresting. But ever since Jian Luo entered the scene, Zhan Wentai had become entirely different!


“He’s reading that history book that dates back eight hundred years.”

“He even studied how to attend online classes just to get closer to the younger generation.”

“Yes, he even set aside his lunchtime just to be with that student.”


Various rumors and gossip spread like wildfire. It began with suspicion about Zhan Wentai’s student, then evolved into speculation about his significant other, and ultimately, it reached the highest level of speculation: suspecting that he might marry that student.


Now, as the servant witnessed this scene, their hands couldn’t stop trembling. They never expected Zhan Wentai to be so open about his relationship. Teacher-student role-play? Who would have thought? This might affect the values of the Phoenix Clan…


Zhan Wentai, oblivious to the wild imaginings of his subordinates, put down the exam paper and asked, “Is this your own work?”


Jian Luo replied from across the table, “Yes, it’s my own work. I asked Long-ge to review it, and he pointed out some grammar errors. I’ve learned the correct usage.”


Zhan Wentai nodded. “Very good. Today, we’ll move on to the next unit.”


Jian Luo was full of enthusiasm. “Great!”


The teacher-student relationship continued to harmonize, and Zhan Wentai greatly appreciated diligent and intelligent students. Jian Luo, at the moment, was not only diligent but also eager to learn, so there were no conflicts between them.


After the lesson, as Jian Luo was packing up his books, Zhan Wentai said, “Today, the Research Institute rejected your application?”


Jian Luo was taken aback and mumbled, “Uh… I didn’t expect it to be that troublesome.”


“Do you study ancient Earth’s culture?” Zhan Wentai continued, “The reason they’re hesitant to approve it is because the culture of ancient Earth is complex. Even for students, not everything can be translated, and too many dead ends in research can impact the original data. However, if you can understand it, I can make an exception for you.”


Jian Luo considered and said, “I’ll give it a try.”


To him, ancient Earth was just a destination for a trip a year from now. English and Chinese were nothing for a native Chinese speaker like him.


Zhan Wentai nodded. “Good. I’ll grant you access once.”


Jian Luo hesitated. “What if I can’t find anything…”


“No problem.” Zhan Wentai’s face remained calm as he spoke in a serene tone, “I can bear that loss.”


Jian Luo looked at Zhan Wentai’s calm and composed demeanor and felt both moved and sad. It was lucky, but all of this was because of the child inside him. It was heartwarming but also bittersweet, as none of it was because of him.


Jian Luo finished packing up his books and said, “I’ll be going then.”


Zhan Wentai furrowed his brow, not understanding why Jian Luo suddenly seemed down, but he simply nodded and said, “Hmm.”


By the time Jian Luo left Phoenix Tower, it was already the end of the workday. He had arranged to meet with Su Liang later and take her shopping for some clothes. After all, clothes make the man, and beautiful clothing and makeup could boost a woman’s confidence.


His secretary, Jin, called, “Luo Luo, do you need a ride?”


“No, it’s okay.” Jian Luo considered and said, “If the driver could pick me up and drop me off at the mall, that would be great.”


Jin was enthusiastic, “Going shopping? Do you want me to accompany you? I’m quite familiar with the mall, and I have a gold card for discounts. It could save you a lot.”


Jian Luo was touched, “No, it’s fine. I’m just going with my mom. Thank you.”


“No problem at all.” Jin sent the QR code for the gold card and said, “Remember to use this. It offers discounts throughout the mall!”


Jian Luo accepted it gratefully, “Thank you!”


The driver picked him up, and Jian Luo bumped into Su Liang as they entered the opulent and dazzling Central Shopping Mall. It looked like a magnificent pearl in the night sky, exuding a unique elegance from top to bottom, with brightly lit windows.


Su Liang was experiencing such a place for the first time, and she was a bit reserved. “Luo Luo, are we really buying things in such an expensive place?”


Jian Luo, with his arm around his mother, reassured her, “Mom, this is the regular shopping mall for everyday expenses on Dark Star. It’s not that expensive here, and besides, it’s not a waste. Your son’s salary can afford a couple of clothes!”


The first and second floors were filled with women’s clothing. Jian Luo had previously bought men’s clothing, so this time, he took his mother to the women’s section and said, “Let’s take a look.”


Su Liang tilted her head and gazed at the dazzling array of clothing, her eyes wide with amazement. “They’re so beautiful…”


A welcoming staff member approached them with enthusiasm, but as soon as their eyes fell on Su Liang, their expression dimmed. It was evident that Su Liang’s appearance was humble.


The service was curt, “What would you like to order?”


Jian Luo was taken aback. When he had visited with Lu Shifeng before, the service had been excellent at every store. Why was it so different now?


Su Liang felt the awkwardness and looked at Jian Luo for guidance.


Jian Luo smiled reassuringly at her and led her to browse the clothes. He pointed at an elegant white dress on a shelf, which seemed to suit Su Liang’s style, and asked, “Mom, what do you think of that one?”


Su Liang nodded, “It’s pretty, but I don’t know the price…”


Jian Luo smiled, trying to ease her concerns, “It’s okay, go ahead and try it on. Don’t worry about the money.”


Having decided on the garment, Jian Luo turned to the staff member and said, “Excuse me, could you please take down that dress for us to try?”


The staff member glanced at them indifferently and responded with undisguised disdain, “Sorry, you can’t try it on.”


Jian Luo fell silent, “Why not?”


“Trying it on would make it dirty,” the staff member replied with a mocking tone. “If it gets dirty, you have to buy it.”


Jian Luo felt a growing anger inside him.


Su Liang’s eyelashes quivered, and she tugged at Jian Luo’s hand, saying, “Luo Luo, let’s forget it. Let’s go outside. This dress isn’t that important.”


As they stood there in an awkward silence, they suddenly heard a voice from not far away.


“Is that Mr. Jian?”


Jian Luo turned around and saw a staff member from the store where he had bought men’s clothing last time. He was pleasantly surprised. “Are you shopping today too?”


It turned out that the store where he had previously bought men’s clothing was right across the way. Jian Luo hadn’t realized it before.


The staff member was delighted. “Did you find something suitable? If not, please take a look at our store!”


Jian Luo was lost in thought, considering whether his current job attitude was going to work out for him.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 78 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 78


The war between humans and the Zergs had lasted for tens of thousands of years. Regardless of the era, both sides sought to become stronger by any means possible.


Currently, the Empire and the Federation were the last areas of human survival. They worked hard to maintain their homes while remaining vigilant against the Zerg forces eyeing their star systems.


Although the Zergs hadn’t launched a frontal attack in nearly a century, conflicts and skirmishes continued in the border systems. Everyone knew that this warlike species was merely waiting for an opportunity to break the long-standing peace and consume human civilization entirely.


Overall, while the Empire portrayed an image of a peaceful society, the name “Zerg” was not unfamiliar to anyone. However, for ordinary people, it often only existed in distant historical documentaries.


But now, this white-haired man had suddenly appeared before Lu Jingning without any warning, within their Empire’s territory. Everything about this situation seemed to be an extremely dangerous signal.


Lu Jingning couldn’t believe that Yan Hebin, who never cared about anything, had shown unusual concern regarding the Zergs. After discussing it with Wen Xingchen, they decided to report this highly serious discovery to the elder headmaster, Bing Cang.


That afternoon, Bing Cang received them in his office. The new headmaster’s office was located on the top floor of a building next to the central artificial lake of the campus. The interior was more like a large database than a luxurious room.


Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, they could see the tranquil ripples on the artificial lake, gently swaying under the breeze.


Seeing the three young figures standing before him, Bing Cang’s gaze swept over them one by one and finally settled on Yan Hebin. He furrowed his brows as if wanting to say something, but the words stopped at his lips, and he sighed deeply.


A few high-ranking professors stood not far away.


The director of the Academic Affairs Office, Zhu Zhai, paced back and forth restlessly, occasionally looking at Lu Jingning and the others. His footsteps quickened each time he looked their way.


Lu Jingning found him dizzying with his pacing and couldn’t help but break the uncomfortable silence. “Headmaster, do you mean to say that you knew about the Zergs already?”


Bing Cang glanced at him and smiled, “Quite perceptive.”


The worried expressions on their faces all wrote how to silence them. If they still couldn’t sense that something was wrong, they must be big fools.


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but roll his eyes internally. He asked directly, “So you’re saying that you high-ranking people have been hiding something from us. Tell us, for instance, is the recent attack by the space pirates also related to these bugs?”


At first, these two incidents seemed unrelated, but with the attitude of the school staff now, it reminded him of the recent strange internal changes in the Imperial Navy. He had already been suspicious about the pirate attack, and now, linking it to the Zerg, all the doubts strangely converged, pointing towards the same place, and the answer was almost within his grasp.


Bing Cang stood in place for a moment, then turned around, taking three documents from a drawer. “These are confidentiality agreements. Once you sign them, it means that everything discussed today cannot be revealed to anyone else. Of course, the more you know, the more you need to bear, and it also means that you will officially become a member of the Imperial Special Forces. In the future, you may undertake highly dangerous missions with a potential risk to your lives.”


As he spoke, his gaze was calm, as if he was examining them.


Lu Jingning glanced over the contents and asked, “Is this Imperial Special Forces some kind of military title?”


“That’s right, it’s under the military department,” Bing Cang confirmed.


“Great!” Lu Jingning smiled and boldly signed the document with a flourish, not hesitating in the least.


Wen Xingchen followed suit, picking up the pen.


Yan Hebin, too, had no hesitation.


Zhu Zhai, not far away, saw this and couldn’t help but widen his eyes. “Headmaster, are you sure you want them to…”


Bing Cang waved his hand, interrupting Zhu Zhai’s words. “It’s fine. Wen Xingchen and Lu Jingning are both born S-class individuals. They are bound to know these things sooner or later. As for Yan, with his temperament, he probably wouldn’t rest until he found out.”


At this point, Bing Cang smiled wryly, “Rather than letting him investigate alone afterward, it’s better to answer his doubts directly. It’s much better than getting into unnecessary danger because of this.”


Yan Hebin handed his signed agreement to Bing Cang, his expression as calm as ever, but his eyes revealed an unprecedented determination. He said to Zhu Zhai, “Director, I believe I have the right to know about these things.”


Zhu Zhai, knowing Yan Hebin’s background, didn’t know what else to say and finally impatiently waved his hand, “Whatever!”


Bing Cang put the confidentiality agreements back in the drawer and looked at the three of them, asking, “Does anyone remember when the last major battle with the Zergs took place?”


Wen Xingchen thought for a moment and said, “The Sphera Battle.”


Years ago, the Zerg suddenly gathered their forces and launched a massive attack. The Empire and the Federation fought side by side in the Sphera star system, engaging in a large-scale battle that lasted for a hundred years.


Countless heroes sacrificed on the battlefield during that war, and the soil of every planet in the Sphera star system had once been dyed crimson.


That battle was undeniably extremely brutal. According to incomplete statistics, millions of imperial soldiers lost their lives, and even hundreds of planets were completely destroyed due to the war, leaving no trace of life due to the high radiation of weapons. There were countless refugees forced to leave their homes, wandering aimlessly, searching for other desolate planets to rebuild their homes.


Fortunately, the battle ended in human victory, and since then, the Zerg had disappeared from sight for a century, never daring to invade again.


Listening to Bing Cang mentioning this, Lu Jingning’s eyes faintly flickered.


He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the answer he had been racking his brain for.


“Since the Sphera Battle, everyone believed that the Zerg could no longer pose a threat to us humans. However, in fact, since twenty years ago, the military has discovered traces of them in different regions. They didn’t completely give up, but are searching for a new opportunity.”


As Bing Cang spoke, he subconsciously glanced at Yan Hebin, his tone slightly heavy. “In the beginning, we didn’t know what they wanted to do until ten years ago, when a secret task force successfully acquired critical information on a distant, desolate planet. Before all members of the team disappeared, they managed to transmit this crucial intel back to the Empire.”


Yan Hebin’s face turned solemn, and where no one could see, his hands were already clenched into fists.


His father was a member of that secret task force.


He knew that, although the team was considered lost, everyone had assumed that the team members were mostly dead.


But he refused to believe it


Regardless of the enemy being Zergs or anyone else, one day, he would join the military and lead a fleet to the star system where his father had disappeared. Whether he had been utterly lost or sucked into a wormhole, he would bring his father back safely, no matter the cost.


Bing Cang noticed the changes in Yan Hebin’s expression and couldn’t help but sigh internally.


After Wen Xingchen finished speaking, he frowned. “So, what are these Zergs looking for?”

On the Watcher’s Island, there were obviously no high-energy, new-type weapons that the warlike race coveted. Instead, there were only unscrupulous merchants scattered throughout the major star systems. So, the only possibility was that those unlucky merchant groups carried something the warlike race desired.


Bing Cang looked up at the artificial lake outside and didn’t answer directly. Instead, he said, “Everyone knows that the Sphera Battle inflicted unprecedented damage on the Zergs, but very few people know how the victory was achieved.”


He paused slightly. “In reality, humanity was pushed to the brink of life and death. Under desperate circumstances, Marshal Hill, the highest commander of the military, had to take a risk and lead the top warriors deep into enemy territory. In the end, on the brink of desperation, he detonated all his pheromone energy within his body, sacrificing himself to thoroughly destroy the Zergs’ main energy source, the Toxic Night Crystal.”


Lu Jingning had heard from Lu Kongbin before that the Zerg possessed an absolutely powerful energy body, and it was through this energy body that their entire race continuously evolved, surpassing humanity.


But he had never imagined that the historic Zephyra Battle had such a significant event.


He opened his mouth in astonishment. “By destruction, you mean… it’s still usable?”


“Although Marshal Hill already had quasi-divine powers, he was only able to cause a slight crack in the Toxic Night Crystal. However, for the battle at that time, it was enough to be the crucial turning point. With their energy source cut off, the Zergs retreated one after another and were soon completely driven out of the star systems,” Bing Cang explained. Then he glanced at them. “As for now, one thing is certain—the Zergs are actively searching for the most powerful energy bodies in interstellar space to attempt to repair the Toxic Night Crystal.”


Lu Jingning fell silent.


To be honest, the amount of information was overwhelming, and he needed a moment to process it all.


But now that he knew the background, he finally understood why that white-haired man had chosen to target their merchant group. What started as a made-up “Star God’s Light” had turned out to be one of the legendary treasures containing extremely powerful energy.


After a moment of silence, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but ask the final question in his heart, “So, you’re saying the last time the interstellar pirates attacked us was because…”


Bing Cang apparently didn’t expect him to deduce this layer and smiled approvingly. “Yes, indeed. Underneath the campus of Imperial Navy Academy, there’s something they’ve coveted for a long time.”


This item had existed since the founding of the academy, but very few knew about it. It was still unclear how the Zergs obtained the information. They even took advantage of the interstellar pirates’ resentment. Thankfully, heroes emerged in their time of need, and the crisis was eventually overcome, although with some tense moments.


“Now that all your questions have been answered, let’s talk about the matters regarding the Imperial Navy Special Task Force,” Bing Cang’s eyes narrowed slightly. Before Lu Jingning could continue questioning, he smiled amiably at them. “First of all, congratulations on becoming a member of the Special Task Force. Now, let’s move on to your first mission.”


Lu Jingning: “……”


All he could say was that this old principal and Bing Yunlin were quite the pair. In the blink of an eye, he felt like they were being sold again.


Bing Cang, seemingly deep in thought, touched his chin. Then he seemed to have made a decision. “Recently, there’s a star network bounty competition in the 5292C star system with high visibility and decent rewards. Initially, I was considering who to send to represent our school, but now it seems like you guys will do just fine? That’s settled then. Remember to inform Wen Ye when you have the time.”


Lu Jingning: “????”


After so much discussion, shouldn’t they be sent to the frontlines? What kind of online bounty competition was this nonsense?!


Author’s Note: Heh, why do you always have to rely on your fists, Lu

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Bro, when you can rely on your looks?



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